serious accidents on anjr of their route*. Driers are Ion Reeves, Clifton Cox, Everett Mabe. Mack routes; Drivers are Lon Reeves, Richardson, Rhudy Vaughn, Car Sheets, and Olin Carpenter. Relocation of my repair shop, formerly located in the Joines Barber ShMji. '$■' Have bought complete, .stock and equipment of The Alleghany Watch Com^amy and am now in business at that location; better equipped to serve you than ever. w. itt. . . Ladies New Waltham Watches _ : raft* Ladies’ New Bennett Watches Watch Baqds-^Wajofc^ Chains—Leather Straps SMALL liNE o/Jg GS AND OTHER ITEMS. I ask the in the Navy, Army, -smW and Coast Guard, Am Is ritnM. ll*NRhl d|UKl6 It CihUi (ted on actual QomsJL COSTLIER - TOBACCOS T?7-----’-— Wartime Activities Stressed At Sparta School This Year 80 TO GRADUATE IN ALLEGHANY CO. (Continued from Page One) Characters in 'the class play are: Billy Carroll Choate, James Dee McKnight, Earl Lee Joines, Gloria Rizoti, Oscar Evans, Ann Reeves, Dorothy Truitt, Betty Ann Miller, Jessie Gwyn Wood ruff, Dorothy Pugh and Fred Hampton. Glade Valley High School will tonight present a musical recital, continuing the commencement exercises which began last Sat urday night with the presenta tion of the schqol play. Mrs. John Guerrant will direct the recital which begins at 8:30. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered last Sunday morning by Rev. Dan D. Rhodes, former instructor in the school, now a student of Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, of Louisville, Ky. He also addressed the Young Peo ple’s League, Sunday night. Friday morning at 11:00, grad uation exercises will be held, at which time 16 seniors will re ceive their diplomas. The liter ary address will be made at this time by Rev. J. W. Witherspoon, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of Lexington, N. C. Piney Creek high school will hold its graduation exercises Friday night at eight o’clock, with Prof. S. J. Wood, of the English department of A. S. T. C., deliv ing the literary address. The senior play was given last Sat urday night, and the baccalaur eate sermon delivered on Sunday morning by Rev. W. M. Smith, of Elkin. NEW HOPE CLUB HELD MEETING The New Hope demonstration club met at the home of Mrs. Dan Jones, last Wednesday, April 14. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Mrs. Jones. After a brief business session, a Very interesting demonstration on house cleaning was given by Miss Rose E. Bryan. There were five members pres ent, with three visitors. They were Mrs. R. D. Richardson, Mrs. Arol Choate and Mrs. Champ Duncan. Classified Ads LOST—from truck between farm of J. M. Cheek and Sparta, one white pig, six weeks old. Re ward to finder. W. T. Rector, Sparta, N. C. 4-22-ltp Greetings Alleghany Graduates Of 1943! SHILL GASOLINE Is •7 . A Graduate... — A finished product for motorists who want to get somewhere ... We believd In preparedness— and are prepared to offer motorist the best in motor; foeirV YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE SO NOW, WHEN GAS ISM^dS^IS THE TIME TO ... Graduate to, Super Shell or Shell Premium Gas You, G^n Tjell the Difference Immediately! The Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the Sparta Baptist church was entertained Friday night by Miss Jennie Hudson. Mrs. Roy Burgiss presided over the meeting, which was opened with the watchword “That all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou art the Lord, even Thee only.” Mrs. Jimmy Mitchell gave an interesting program, the topic be ing “Hie Individual Witness.” Those taking part were Mrs. Hugh Choate, Mrs. Amos Wag oner, Mrs. Marie Hkkerson, Mrs. Roy Burgiss and Miss Ola Col lins- , Following the program, the hostess served refreshments to the ten members and eight visit ors present MRS. HAGERMAN DIES "AT MOUTH OF WILSON Mrs. Mary Anderson Hager man, 75, died at her home at Mouth of Wilson, April 20, and will be buried at Potato Creek, Friday morning. Mrs. Hagerman had been ill for some time. Her daughters, Mrs. Ira. Hagerman and Mrs. Virgie Myers, were with their mother at the time of her death. WAR BOND DRIVE HAS FINE RESPONSE IN CO. (Continued from Page One) the viar effort is cited by Mr. Thompson, who points out that a $500 bond will serve to buy 12, 000 yards of barbed wire, 25,000 cartridges of .45 calibre, 100 aer onautic first aid kits, three para chutes, 50 tents, one motor trail er, 24,000 bandages, 500 entrench ing shovels, or 100 life rings. An $18.75 war bond will supply a Navy fier with a fur-lined fly ing jacket; a $75 Series E bond will purchase a .30 calibre seirii automotic rifle for a Marine, and supply him with a gas mask. Four series E bonds, costing a total of $300, will supply the Na vy with a balsa wood life boat, capabe of sustaining 60 persons. POINTS LOWERED ON SOUP, FROZEN FOODS (Continue*! from Page One) sented a cut or merely reaffirm ed prior values. 4. Frozen fruit juices in con tainers’of less than two pounds are four points and frozen fruits and vegetables in such containers are six points. Again, OPA did not make clear whether this con stituted a reduction. 5. All canned and bottled soups were cut from eight to six points, except tomato soup, which was cut to four points a pound. The values are the same for both household and commercial con tainer sizes. 6. The value of dried and de hydrated soups was cut in half. In addition, OPA reduced the number of weight classifications r i Congratulations The Best of Wishes — to the — 1943 Graduates of Alleghany Schools. No more important enter prise can bb undertaken than the education of our boys and girls, fitting them to take their rightful place In the march of progress. We commend them, their teachers, and the educa tional system which makes theii;. graduation possible. Reins - Sturdivant ■ praised the other*, country in combatting the Axis and prepar ing for the pface to follow. ■It is time,” said Mr. Roosevelt, “that every citizen in every one of the .American Republics rec ognizes that the good neighbor policy means that harm to one republic mean, harm to every re public. We have, all of us, rec ognized the privilege of independ ence—one upon another.” ALLIES OPEN BIG DRIVE IN TUNIS (Continued from Page One) ing 70 air ffrctiJSpqrtK. JSS'M&HtoUtt Field Marshal Erwin Rommel is in Rome and is preparing to make an inspection of French Mediter ranean coastal defenses. The dispatch, quoting reliable Zurich quarters, said Col. Gen. Jurgen Von Armin, formerly the commander of axis forces in Northern Tunisia, now has charge of all the Tunisian operation. German infantry, tanks and air planes attacked in the Kuban of dried and dehydrated soups from eight to four. I I..I M- 1 sverywhere, the Ruwian Bommanlque said. ..- .• Having sold my property at all mgr personal S April 30th, at 10 A. M. feOSC»E COLLINS, One team e*tm good hones, few Black Angus Cows, (one with calf by hfa* ride, 2 to bring calves last of April, one coming 3-yea* old Jersey, fresh about 20th of April). Ten young ewes, 16 lambs, one Hampshire ram, 2 butchering pigs, 30 Barred Bock laying hens. One grain drill, mowing machine, hay rake, Oliver bottom plow, Oliver hillside bottom plow, one harrow. Other farming implements too numerous to mention. Household and kitchen furniture: One old-fashioned, walnut comer cupboard, one Ward Rifle, more than' 100 years old. 50 bushels of bread corn, some hay. Best Shepherd dog in Alleghany county. One Chevrolet car, 36,000 miles, five new tires. Terms: 6 months, with bankable notes. W. F. JONES, Furches, N. C. One mile northeast of Furches on Cranberry and New Hope roads. Get Ready For Easter! We Have Your Outfit Ready Fpr You & 1 ' \ Ladies’ DRESSES Printed Rayon ■ Jersey Attractive color combin ations, flattering styles Only $7.25 J PULL FASHIONED RAYON 1 | HOSE — SHEER, AND IN POPULAR SHADES. 73c Pr. Novelty Pumps—attrac tively styled, all leather or leather and gabardine combinations. , Navy, Black, or White. $3.95 Pr. ... ■ ' |-v -tf ** NEW SPRING SUITS for the well-dressed man. Made of 1M% wool materials Popular blues, tans, greys— $21.00 Men’s Hats They are style-rightfor the new suit — Get a “Rose Bowl” soft whel felt — in a like. 12.95 Coats - Natural Tan Fleece — your choice of a boxy Sport* or a fitted style— $10.95 SHIRTS of finest quality fab* rics—smartly styled— correctly tailored — Sanforized. $1.45 Each