IT' ■ ' "" ' "" Pet-Acnab Mrs. Jack Thompson left Satur day for Chanute Field, 111., to join her husband, who is in the ground crew of the Army Air Force there. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Thompson, who will spend a few days there. Maxie Roberts arrived Saturday from Washingtong, D. C., to spend sometime with her parents, at Laurel Springs. Mrs. Bruce McMillan, of Mouth of Wilson, visitec^ in town last Friday. Miss Nora Helen Doughton and Miss Jean McMillan have return ed home after spending sometime at Langley-Field, Virginia. Miss Lois Reeves spent the week end with Miss Elizabeth Bryant, of Independence. Miss Hazel Livsey, of Woods town, N. J., is spending sometime with her grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Crouse, who remains ill at her home. George Reeves returned to his home in Bel Air, Md., Monday, after spending a week visiting relatives here. Dean Richardson left Monday for Baltimore, where he has ac cepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Reah Harris, of Baltimore, Md., have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris at Glade Valley. Miss Minnie Massey, of Wax haw, has returned to the home ^ of Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne after attending the funeral of her bro ther. ’ Miss Jean uarson, oi cnarioue, spent the week end at her home here. Mrs J. M. Cheek visited her son, J. M. Cheek, Jr. and Mrs. Cheek in Galax, Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne has been spending a lew da£s in town with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hawthorne. Gov. R. A. Doughton, Congress man R. L. Doughton, Edwin Dun ’ can and M. A. Higgins are attend ing a bank meeting at Black Mountain this week. Mrs. Philena Dennis, of High Point, and Mrs. Hazel Glass and son, Marvin, of Winston Salem, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Johnson. Mrs. Sophia Roe and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Roe, of Cedar Springs, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Roe. They were ac companied by Rhudy Roe, who is spending the summer with rela tives at Cedar Springs. Mrs. Bain Doughton and daugh ter, Rosemond, returned to Wash ington, D. C. Tuesday after spend b ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardin here. They were accompanied to Wytheville by Miss Ellen Hardin and Billy Har din. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gribble, of Arkon, Ohio, spent last week end with Mrs. Gribble’s sister, Mrs. W. O. Hooper and Mr. Hoop er. Mrs. P. H. Tompkins, who has been spending sometime with Her mother, Mrs. Virgie Burchett, re turned to Portsmouth, Va., Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Blevins re SPARTAN FRL-SAT. JULY 21-22 Matinee Every Sat. 1:15 P. M. Bussell Hayden SILVER CITY RAIDERS Chapter No. 10 "The Masked Marvel” Also Comedy MON.-TUES. JULY 24-25 Spencer Tracy Irene Donne A GUY NAMED JOE LATEST WAR NEWS WED.-THURS. JULY 26-27 Bargain Days / Admission 15c It 20c Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy DANCING MASTERS Chapter No. 5 turned to Maryland, Tuesday, after spending sometime with re latives here. They were “accom panied to Roanoke, Va., by Miss Sally Bledsoe. Mrs. Talmadge Edwards and children apd Mrs. Foster Truitt and children have returned to Newport News, Va., after visiting relatives here. Mrs. R. B. Harrell, of Elkin, was in town, Wednesday. Mrs. E. L. McMillan and daugh ter, Bonnie Sue, and sons Pfc. E. L. and Joe McMillan, left Fri day for a week’s visit with rela tives in Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrix and son, Douglas have moved to Winston Salem, where he has his headquarters. Mr. Hendrix is connected with the Altantic Grey hound Bus Lines. He and Mrs. Hendrix have been living in Sparta for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Van Landingham, who have been living .in the Halsey apartment, left Monday for Boone where she will attend ASTC. Mrs. T. R. Burgiss and Mrs. C. A. Reeves spent Wednesday in Salisbury. Mrs. Eugene Transou is report ed ill at her home here, suffering from injuries sustained in a fall. Master James Halsey is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Harlow Halsey, at Piney Creek. Porter Collins made a business trip to Wilkesboro, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Goodman and daughter, Lessie, of Morgan ton, spent the week end here. Thompson-W omble Vows Announced Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Lena Adelaide Thompson, of Gastonia, to Lieutenant Edwin Cornelius Womble at the home of the bride on July 5, with Rev. A. Leslie Thompson officiating. Mrs. Womble, the daughter of Mrs. A. L. Thompson, of Gastonia, taught at Glade Valley school for four years. For the past eleven months she has been teaching vo cational home economics in the public schools of Belmont. Immediately after the ceremony, the couple left for San Antonio, Texas, where they will make their home at 1635 N. Alamo Street. ' CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to our many friends our heartfelt thanks for their help, kindness and sympathy during the sickness and death of our dear husband and father. May God bless you all. . Mrs. Chas. G. Andrews and children. WILL SPEAK HERE Mrs. R. A. McLaughlin, sec ond vice-president and direc tor of districts of the N. C. Federated Clubs, will be the guest speaker at the Sparta Woman’s Club, on Friday af ternoon.. Mrs. McLaughlin To Speak To Club Friday Afternoon The Club’s Relation To The Federation Will Be The Subject Discussed Mrs. R. A. McLaughlin, of Yad kinville, second vice-president of the N. C. Federation of Women’s Clubs will speak to the Sparta Woman’s club on Friday after noon at 3:30s. o’clock at the com munity building. Mrs. McLaughlin, who is also director of districts for the Women’s clubs of North Carolina, will speak on the subject, “The Club’s Relationship to the Federa tion.” All members are especially urged to be present at this meet ing. Miss Emogene Choate, popular young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. O. Choate, will render a special piano solo. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Ellen Parks, Mrs. T. J. Carson and Misses Pearl and Clyde Fields. \ BIRTHS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John Rhudy Crouse announce the birth of a son, Clarence Rhudy, on July 2 at Sparta; weight 9 lbs. 6 ozs. Cpl. and Mrs. Amon Edwards announced the Birth of a son, Ronny Charles, July 11 at the Davis hospital, Statesville; weight 6 lbs. 2 ozs. Cpl. Edwards is now stationed in France and took part in the recent invasion. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Halsey, of Independence, announce the birth of a daughter on July 12 at the Hugh Chatham Memorial hos pital in Elkin; weight 5 lbs. 13 ozs. ■ ... 1,1 People, Spots In The News J r • . .-■ I' i I ' » . ALLIES ENTER ROME—The end of. j the long road to Rome i« pictured here i as Allied lighten ride the top of a tank, * completing the occupation of the Eter nal City, along Italy a route t. i OSWALD INGOT may be a comic cari || cature to you, but to Adolf Hiller he's a !j fearsome figure. He could be created from ingot, rig and shavings by em ployees of Aluminum Co. of America ; for plant war show, only because indus | trial production miracle provided plenty of aluminum for planes to soften Nails • for « 4.? '».g~ ....i. BOABD BEAUTY— Latest addition to the Mermaids’ Society is luscious Yvonne De Car lo ol Hollywood. • Circle 1 W.EU. Met On Thursday Mesdames C. A. Reeves and Richard L, West were joint host esses to Circle I of the Sparta Baptist W. M. U. on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Reeves. The program topic “The Isles [ of the Sea Shall Await His Law,” i was discussed by Mrs. Amos Wag loner, Mrs. Richard L. West, Mrs, J. B. Doughton, Mrs. A. O. Joines . and Mrs. C. A. Reeves. Mrs Reeves ! presided and read the scripture ' lesson and Mrs George Crutch - I field closed the meeting with prayer. | Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses assisted by Mrs. T. R. Burgiss. Eldridge-Chalk Wedding Today The wedding of Miss Evon Vir ginia Eldridge to Lieutenant Johr D. Chalk, Jr., will be solemonized today in a 5:00 o’clock ceremony at the Glade Valley Presbyteriar church with Rev. Richard Gam mon officiating. A number of people from Sparta and out of town guests are ex pected to be present for the wed ding and reception which wil ! follow at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Eld ridge. SERVICES ANNOUNCED Eld E. A. Long will preach ai Antioch church the fourth Satur day and Sunday in July. The ; public is cordially invited to at tend these services at the regulai meeting time. SERVICES ANNOUNCED Service at the Osborne Memorial Baptist church will be held or Friday night, July 21 at 8:00 o’ clock, instead of Saturday nighi as was previously announced. N. C. DEMOCRATS MEET FOR CAUCUS (Continued from page one) honorary secretary and Miss Stel la Low, of Newland, honorary as sistant secretary. Mrs. W. T. Bost, of Raleigh, was named a member of the resolu tions committee. Miss Doughton, Mr. Thomas Wed Of much interest here and else where is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Bernice Dough ton, daughter of Mr. W. Frank Doughton and the late Mrs. ; Doughton, of Laurel Springs, to Mr. August W. Thomas on June j 20 at Alexandria, Louisiana. The couple will make their home at Bentley, Louisiana. 175 ALLEGHANY MEN EXAMINED FOR SERVICE i (Continued from Page One) Shepherd, George R. Crouse, Kenneth W. Hudson, Arthur W. Crouse, Rufus J. Wagoner, Rob ert A. Joines, Arthur J. Edwards, George F. Collins, Halley J. Doug las, Joseph M. Choate, William C. Thompson, James M. C. Joines, Richard A. Bumgardner, William H. Dixon and Reid E. Fender. 1- A(L): Everett L. Richardson and Ross D. Richardson. 2- A: Paul E. Crouse, Paul L. Carpenter, Jonnie R. Parker and Fred M. Thompkins. 2-A(F): Major A. Joines. 2-B: Donley O. Andrews. 2-C: Odell C. Smith and Tam iS. Gambill. 2-C(F): Wiley P. Maxwell, Jr., Vance Caudill, Earl G. Jarvis, Ralph J. Hines, Claude E. Dowell, Herbert E. Crouse, Howard Ellis, Charles W. Proffitt, Dillon C. Lowe, Sam E. Maines, Robert R. Collins and Sherman Blevins. 4-A: Emory E. Maines, Claude C. Kennedy, Roy Alley, Jones C. Bare, Caswell R. McCann, Charlie Murphy, Claude A. Miles, Clyde W. Edwards, Marvin I. Dickens, Alex L. Coomes, Fred G. Richard son, Dewey M. Andrews, Dewey F. Sturdivant, Rufus C. Halsey, John M. Osborne, Duke F. Mc Millan, Norman C. Jones, James ,R. McCann and Lonnie E. Carico. 4-F: Glade F. Caudill, Burton A. Brown, Larry W. Brooks, Glenn B. Shaw, Eugene A. Ed wards, Elgin R. Choate, Click C. Murphy, Paul Billings, Oscar L. Royal and George E. Wood. Dec: Isom B. Wagoner. Canadian threshing outfits will help harvest grain crops on the Western Great Plains while Am erican machines and men will la ter help out in the Prairie Pro vinces, reports the USDA. PRICE PANEL MEETS FOR PROGRAM PLANING (Continued from Page One) chase of rationed foods. Since a ceiling price has been placed on beer, the four beer deal ers of the county have received cards placing them in class 3-B, Mrs. Robert Fleetwood, clerk of the\jation board announced. The four dealers include George Woodruff, Parkway Cafe, Mack Atwood and the Irwin Cafe. C. OF C. TEAM WINS OVER PINEY CREEK (Continued from Page One) Thompson, lb; H. Choate, 2b; E. Calhoun, 3b; T. Wyatt, s.f.; E. Black, l.f.; R. Thompson, c.f.; and W. Blackburn, r.f. Piney Creek: Cecil Rector, p; J. Halsey, s.s.; O. Smith, c; R. Billings, lb; G. Perry, 2b; R Joines, 3b; J. Reeves, s.f.; R. Caudill, 1. f.; and J. C. Mabe, r.f. The Piney Creek team will meet Classified Ads WANTED—Grass to rent. I have a herd of horses and mules for which I would like to rent grass until October or November 1. If you have it let me know the lo cation and price per head. R. M. Fletcher, Booneville, N. C. 7-20-2t the team from the D. and P. Pipe Plant on Sunday, July 23, an the? Sparta field, it was announced. NOTICE f OF RESALE OF LAND As commissioner appointed by the Court in special proceedings entitled “F. Q. Blevins, Admr. of B. L. Collins, Dec’d., Petitioner, vs. Beatrice Collins and others. Respondents”, I will offer for re^ sale at public auction at the Court House door in Sparta, North Caro lina, on the 5th day of August, 1944, at 11:00 0’cloW‘ S m* tKe following described land: FIRST TRACT: Containing 150 acres, more or less and adjoining the lands of Levy Todd, Dave Jarrell, Brady Carpenter, Mack Brooks, W. R. Smith and Dewey Todd. SECOND TRACT: Beginningon a black gum, running North It poles; East 83% to a gum; South 6 poles West 83% poles to the beginning. Containing 3 acres and 21 poles, more or less. Adjoining the lands of B. L. Collins; Dewey Todd, W. B. Carpenter and W- R. Smith. TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash on day of sale, remainder in two equal payments due three and six months after date of sale. This the 19th day of July, 1944. F. Q. BLEVINS,. Commissioner.. 7-20-2t The Cow with a Complacent Ego 5* "THERESA WAR ON, MRS. FERDINAND!?* AMERICA IS CRYING FOR MORE FOOD BESIDES. FARMER BROWN IS BUY ING AN EXTRA WAR BOND THIS MONTH' ■)-rP-N r See Us For Tires And Tubes " ' ■ i;;ii Goodyear Tires -oOo Reasonable Prices ■ JtiatT -- .it f i A '>rf! rt 1C| “i. Passenger Car Tires 6.00-16 4 ply, 6 ply; 6.25 6.50-16 4 ply, 6 ply; 5.25 5.50-17 4 ply, 5.25 5.50 18 4 ply, 4.75 5.00-19 4 ply. VU*>ftO£T; rri i rwi* >,: I ruck I ires mm 7.00-20 10 ply ;i ' > * * >$7i tgfc . i -oOo- . iT^nomv■' , WE HAVE NO 6.00-16 6 PLY TIRES ON HAND AT PRESENT BUT EXPECT TO HAVE THEM IN THE NEAR FUTURE. For Taxi Service Phone 86J