Dickie Wagoner has returned home, after visiting his grand mother, Mrs. E. L. Wagoner, Sr. . Miss Una Lee Richardson re turned to ASTC, Boone, Tuesday, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Richardson. f ■ Congressman R. L. Doughton returned, to Washington, D. C., Monday. Mrs. Doughton and Miss Reba Doughton will remain here for a short time before join ing him there. Mrs. Wayne Taylor has return ed to Tennessee, after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Doughton Tompkins and other relatives. F. F. Cheek, of Winston-Salem, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cheek and his sister, Mrs. Arthur Matthews. Emerson Wilson has returned to Newport News, Va., after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cabell M. Wilson. Walter P. Johnson, who is em ployed by the Procter and Gamp bill, Dist. Co., has returned to Winston-Salem, after spending the Christmas vacation with ’ bis family here. Misses Eva Edwards, Betty Ann Miller and Rebecca Irehe Richardson returned to Mask SK College, Tuesday, after speeding V/Uuc({C| x ucsuay, <utcx aywiimig the Christmas holidays with .their, parents, here. ..! Cadet Dean Richardson return ed to Oak Ridge Military insti tute, Tuesday, after spending the Christmas holidays at his home4 here. He had ,a* .hi? guf*t «a<* week end. Cadet Sergeant the Hardis. of Indian Trail, ?%****< Misses Mildred Wagoner /MM Nada Landreth returned to High: Point college, Tuesday. „ TfflSjp* were accompanied by Mr* Wagoner, Who also spent some* withhe^nflihi^, Mfs. bom. Miss JaneDuncan'l* Saturday for RlMm Miss Billie Katlfdge, of t •ton, Va.. visited.fridnd* toil I - Mr. «nd'>hirs. E. fc. 4 GlMe^VaDey, visited tis«frj.i&]L *i- PVfcBryem KMridge.^atfCamP Wheeler, Ge., during the Chtost :« holidays. Tbeyals© visited s* tiieir daughter, * Mrs.” f-; •**., and 'Chalk;'.** s* Camp Gordon, „ ' <si w Chahcey ? Jordan, - of 'Whilftpn Salem, has returned to Mil wo^k. ^ r ftiere, after Spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. EVa Joe?, dan. -a Eldon Estep, of Hickory, vigte^j relatives here last weefc frjd^K, J Oscar Wagoner, of !3fent<ii», is spendiijg a few days "Jfc-Pw home her*:. . ' / , l/n>WJ Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Nichdifcflstf Mr. and Mn. Clive Oroufe- jj^ visiting Here, after spending sey eral month* in Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Carl CroUse family have returned to Peni vania, after spending, some with their patents, Mr. and W. L; Crouse add Mr, and Steve Detp. P. C. Collins, Jr., who has, been! employed in Marylandf is' spend ing sometime here with. ifelatiVes. Those visitipg Mr. and Mrs. Mart Bennett during the Christ mas holidays were: Mr, and Mrs. Robert. L. Grey, of Greensboro; Mrs. J. B. Stewart, Miss Sosa Bennett and Mrs. - Mildred Nich ols, of High Point; Miss Hatty Bennett, of Maryland and Jack Deal, of Winston-Salem. ".■-A For Relieving Miseries of ^■1 treatment nmt [mothers tae to relieve diacom torts of children's odds . .. muscular soreness or 2SGH2SE2 fKSfir&'BS of the cola Is gone. Kcmeouef tills ONLY VAPORUB GlmYou ftfej special penetrating^timulating action. ladO— ^ nail ^ '■» ■■> ■■ h lO . -^4- .. *- - m Hi time-tes tea, rtome-provea, tne M»t SWsl of colds. Captain and Mrs. Alfred A.] Strauss, Jr., and small daughter, | Diane, have returned to Washing-' ton, D. C., after spending the holi days here with Mrs. Strauss’ pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Choate. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hoppers, Miss Imogeiie Hoppers and Dew ey Hoppers visited Pvt. Hassel Hoppers at the post hospital at Port Bragg last week end. Put. Hoppers is recovering from a broken Jaw. Eugene Delp, of West Grove, Pa., spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. W. A. Coomes. He also visited his grandfather, T. J. Taylor and other relatives near Sparta. Mrs. Lawrence Sova, of Ben nettsville, S. C., is visiting Mrs. Howard Hoppers. Mrs. W. E. Hoppers is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoppers, of Boanoke, Va., for a few weeks. Prof. Jay L. Curtis, of the Uni versity of North Carolina Eng lish Department, Chapel Hill, Mrs. Curtis and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Maxwell last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. John son and Mrs. Lula M. Choate vis ited ReV. and Mrs. Howard J. Ford in North Wilkesboro, Sun day, . They also visited relatives there. C. A. Reeves and Mrs. T. R. Biirgiss spent last Friday in Salisbury. Harlo Halsey and Miss r Halsey visited Mr. and Mrs. ^ Walker in Boonville recent Anita Duncan returned to last Week, where she is [/after a brief visit with Jtert*trts, Mr. and Mrs. Letch 8r Duncan, y ' . * ""''•ini Mr*. W; D. Fox and Spent Christmas holi-* tfcy^ywith JBw. »px’s mother, Mri?** Bales, I*** Grove. Jones, holt* as dinner guests during the Soli-' Mr*. Walter M; Ir }. #* Myrtle WH» M* and M 9*4 ir ■■fA'i':' r'..d!j’ V' W«twer, who bas beeft sometime in Dobson M tfct/MlNt v^f-his -daughter, spfnU-.lost week end- at Wa Wane here, -v-s? 86 to their many friends- is the announcement of the.«H)rria*e of Mb* Evon Hen oWx, daughter of It. L. Hendrix add the late 'pit*, flendrix, of En ■4C0, f® Andrwf’iWvin Jennings, anljrnon of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. J«»nfcj*s.<jf Sparta. Rt. 2, on Sat urday, December 23. fife vows were.spoken at the iKWW"«< •«« *bricte with Rev. C. E. Bartley performing the ring rtrwnony in the presence of a few friends of the tJfuple. i, She Wide chose a dress of light Mue gabardine with which she wore black accessories. Both the bride and* groom at tended Sparta high school. They will make their home for the present with the parents of groom. • • CARD OF THANKS We Wish to thank the many friends and relatives for their un excelled assistance and sympathy Open House Is Held By Duncans • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Duncan entertained at an open house at their home here on Friday even ing *from 8 to 10 o’clock.’Christ mas decorations were used throughout the house. Guests were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reece, of Greenville, S. C. The table wa* covered with a lace cloth., and centered with a tiny lighted Christmas tree flehked bjrl burning;^Christ mas candles. Light refreshments Were served. About forty guests called during the evening. i Mr, R. H. Joines Is Honored Sunday R. H. Joines, of Stratford, was honored Sunday, December 31, when friends and relatives met at his home in celebration of his 79th birthday. Dinner was serv ed to about twenty-five guests. Those present in addition to the honoree included: Mrs. Joines, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Choate and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Joines and family, Mrs. Ennice Spurlin, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Joines, Mr. and Mrs. Letcher Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. James Stur gill and family, Mrs. Mable Wat son, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Estep and daughter, Beulah, Mrs. Hom er Cox and daughter, Lois; W. G. Richardson, Mrs. Della Caudill ’and J. M. Estep. Miss Phipps, Mr. Mitchell Many Mr. and Mrs. Preston Phipps, of Independence, Va., announce the marriage of their daughter, Ella Sue, to R. C. Mitchell, son of Rex Mitchell and the 4ate Mrs. Mitchell, of Sparta, o«* Sunday, evening, December 31 at 7 o' clock. The vows were spoken at the of Independence, with Rev. May Berry performing the ring cere mony in the presence of members of the immediate families arid a few close friends. ;; For her nuptial?, the bride chose a suit of navy blue With Brown accessories, ate wore' a corsage of pink rosebuds rind Baby breath. , The bride is a graduate of In dependence high school and be fore her marriage was employed at Galax, Va. The groom, a graduate of Sparta high school, is now manag er of Judy’s Service Station here. After a short wedding trip, the couple will make their home in Sparta. Guests attending the wedding from here included Misses Lucille, Clairee, Evelyn and Betty Jane Mitchell, Mrs. Jim McKnight and Miss Mollie Hampton. during the sickness and death of our beloved husband, father and grandfather. Also for the extra large floral offering. Mrs. C. M. Sanders, children and grandchildren. f-’i'f —---r YOUR WAR amTR THESE WOMEN , . . HER ONLY CHOICE*" Gregory D'Aleuio 1 "9mt;Tt* M Uk* to, Here Are Waves' First 'Chiefs' Chief Yeoman Longhurst ■ ia—hti^-rrw> ■ ..•-••••• ■■■■■■ Chief Storekeeper Hanusik Chief Yeoman Peanon Chief Yeoman Angel It * not easy to become a chief petty officer in the Navy and theie are the first four WAVES who qualified for the rating. Women must take examinations and be considered for advancement along with all other enlisted Navy personnel. Chiefs wear the same uniform as other enlisted WAVES, except for an officer’s type hat with the touted anchor — the regular chief petty' officer’s caj> device. Rhodell Angel comes from Thief River Falls, Minn. Vera Maxine Rearson’s home is in Loda, 111. Frances D. Hanusik is from Yonkers, N. Y. Marion T. Longhurst is a native of Stamford, Conn. Three of the chiefs are stationed in Wash ington and Chief Longhurst is on duty in New Orleans, La. The Navy can’t promise many girls will qualify for chief, but it offers good-paying, patriotic jobs to qualified women between 20 and 36, without children under 18. torrieiAi «. s. win motosmmmi District W. M. U. To Meet In Elkin The Wilkesboro Divisional meeting of the Woman’s Mission ary Union will meet next Thurs day, January 11 at 10 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. building in El kin. All associational officers and committee chairmen, as well as other interested persons, are in vited to attend. Mrs. N. C. Myers, of Elkin, has announced that the state office dt Raleigh'will send a represen tative to speak to the group. The Wilkesboro Division Is number seven in the Union and is comprised of the following as sociations: Alleghany, Alexander, Ashe, Avery, Brier Creek, Brushy Mountain, Caldwell, Elkin, Ston ey Fork, Stone Mountain, Surry, Three Forks and Yadkin, all of which are expected to be repre sented. The Alleghany Associational superintendent, Mrs. A. O. Joines, stated this week that a full dele gation from this, association is urged to attend and that pastors were also invited to be present at the important meeting. Wolf Branch News ; ■1 ...'V \ . ", Among visitors at the home of Mrs. Jettie Watson during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Watson and small daugh ters, Barbara Jean and Mary Ce cil; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Watson and son, David Ray, of Detroit, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ab sher and children, of Roaring River, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teague and children, Lissie Mae and James and Kyle Watson, of Sparta. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hincher and children, of State Road, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ad ams. Mrs. Pheoba Crouse and small birth Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Roanoke, Va., birth of a daughter, Thfesa Lynq, on December 24 at the hospital. granddaughters, Frances ; toria Crouse, spent _ night with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Evans. -* - •— Mr. and Mrs. Clitre Crouse j children, Carl De^n and Bobby Dale, of : £jemfeurL„„ •-Mrs/e. proving, after a recent iOm Mr. and Mrs. Carl Croisae Raws returned to their home ib sylvania, after visiting and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Kyle Nichofc son, Roger!''^-^# Maryland^ spending sometime here atives. • d ®w M John- Mac-Combs is v parente. Afe. - aod, Mtsl Ruffm Caudfir, qf State spent the . Christmas with his daughter'aind son-; Mr. dnd' Mi's.‘ Raymond Si Mr.' ancT '' Mrs*~‘ Bertie Crodse, of Sparta, visited and Mrs, Kenneth Crouse. day. .. Mr. <apd^ ffip- Raymond S and daughter spent Sunday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C Siddqn at'Laurel Springs. Mr. and MfSrTteely Cron ited Mrs. £roupe’s father, Atwood, gt Ore,jKnob, Mrs.' Sadie' 'Billii ings and ter, Dorsie^-Mr: and Mrs. Reid cCrcaw jand Miss Crouse, spent, Sunday and Mrs! Traflfc Harris Vall^. ***“ - ''fn) to; na.TW. A small bell tied around neck of V bottle of poison mm cine is a simple- household ; measure, to, prevent mistakteK t bottle fiom another. f m JANUARY 2 a 4 3 6 7 6 9 (o ii 12 15 14 f> id 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 2S 2b 27 28 29 5o 51 ' . .J*»ni£ tavfott ' •; .1 ■ v£ slduttus a The New Year And The i -irsfc\* oibfl’i ■ 'Jjlsrrj c.} bne ■ 2JNM j»nfruf? n A bofcta;? i?r

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