VOLUME 58, NO. 35 _$2.00 » Year in Alleghany County SPARTA, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 “ $2.50 a Year Out of Gouty TO VOTE ON ABC STORE * * ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★★*★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ fr + + if Nationally Known Horses Entered In Sparta Show Aft other Class Added For Big Event, June 2(1-21 Several, Who Took Part In Show Last Year Are Ex pected To Return Sixty-nine entries have already been received for the Sparta Lion’s Club annual horse show, ’June 20 and 21, Tom Greene stated this week. Those entered include nationally famous horses in-the 32 classes to be entered in the show. One additional class, called the Alleghany county class, has also been added, it was stat ed. Some of the best known horses which are to be in the show are given below in their classes: Walking horse' division—Wilson Merry Boy, owned by Dr. Moir S. Martin, of Mt. Airy, has been recognized in the National Horse man for three months during last year. Scottsboro King, owned* by H. A. Johnson, of Mt. Airy, and Carolina Pride, owned by John Francis, of Hickory, will also be the starting walking horses. In the roadster division will be Little Greyhound, owned by R. A. Covington, of Vinton, Va. He is known as one of the fast est horses of the nation. Bonnie Dare, owned by W- G. Grantham, of Conover, will also be shown in the roadster class as will the horse owned by H. G. Childress. In the five-gaited division will be such famous ones as Genius Times, and What A Surprise, owned by John Fjfancis^u^CMt ness class are Roan King, owned by H. A. Johnson, and another by Mrs. Chas. P. Wells, of Galax. Radiant Firefly, owned by H. J. Isenhower, of Conover, the win ner of the Salisbury Stakes, will be featured in the three-gaited division. Here for the second time in the jumping division will be Mint Chap, owned by Anne Hanes, of Salisbury, and will be ridden a (. Continued dn Page 4) Rural Carriers Name Officers R. G. Taylor And Mrs- L W. Wagoner Re-elected Pre sidents Of Ass’n, » R. Glenn Taylor was re-elect ed president of the Alleghany County Rural Carriers Associa tion at the annual convention Saturday night. Mrs. I. W. Wag oner was re-elected president of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the association. Other officers re-elected were A. Vance Choate, vice-president; Edd J. Pugh, secretary-treasurer; and secretary-treasurer of the Woman’s Auxiliary, Mrs. Edd J. Pugh. All but three of the members of the association were present at the meeting. Those unable to attend were Ralph C. Gentry, E, Leff Wagoner and Mack Woodle. Several especially invited guests were also present for the meet ing. 7 • . H.. R. Garriss To Be Here Tuesday Howard R. Garriss, Extension ^ plant pathologist, will be in Alleghany county next Tuesday to give demonstration on spray ing and dusting itomatoes for the control of tomato late blight in this area, it was learned here this week. The schedule for the demon strations is as follows: / , Mrs. H. B. Rector’s at Ennice, 9:30 a. m.; Miss Bertrice Absher’s at Sparta, UilB a. mr; Mrs. Ray Caudill’s at Whitehead, 1:30 p. m.; and Mrs, Clarence Kennedy’s at Turkey Knob, 3:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend. *' ' Plans For Sparta Methodist Church Have Been Approved TO SPEAK SUNDAY I Dr. H. Guy Moore, of Fort Worth, Texas, who will speak qn the Baptist hour, Sunday at 8:30 e. s. t., over stations WWNC, WSOC, WPTF and will spank in con tha series of home, school ighany WU To H0I4 Meeting Thurs., June 12 Reports Of Committees Will Be Given; Officers To Be Named I The annual meeting of the Al leghany Associational Woman’s Missionary Union will be held at the Liberty Baptist church, at Whitehead, on Thursday, June 12, at which time the theme will be “Jesus Calls Us,” it was an nounced this week. A special program has been planned for the entire day and the morning session will open j at 10:30 o’clock when the regular business session will be held. Re ports will also be heard from the following committees: report of superintendent, Mrs. R. E. Rich ardson; mission study Teport, Mrs. F. G. Walker;'stewardship report, Mrs. A. O. Joines; community missions report, Mi's. T. S. Mox ley; literature report, Mrs. E. E. Caudill; and orphanage report, Mrs. Gene Irwin. Mrs. D. H. Craver, of Boon ville, state community missions chairman, will speak on “Take The Task He Gives You Gladly," during the morning session. During the afternoon session reports of committees will be heard and officers named for the J (Continued on Page 4) More Funds Are Needed; C. C. Castevens Is Build ing Chairman Plans for the new building for the Sparta Methodist church have been approved by the committee and are now in the hands of the chairman, C. C. Castevens. And Mr. Castevens pointed out that he would be happy for any in terested members to see' the architect’# drawings now in his possession. The building will be erected on the same site, where the for-, mer building stood before it was burned. It has been especially designed to fit the needs of the church as wfell as for the lot it will occupy. Mr. Castevens said that a num ber of people had already made and paid their pledges; but that there were many, who had done neither as yet. “We will need more money than has already been pledged,’’ he declared and explained that the assistance and cooperation of everyone would be needed before the new build ing is completed. “We hope* to start work in the near future,” he concluded. Raids On Stills Continue; Two Destroyed Tues. Five Men Arrested On Public Drunkenness Charges By Officers Two more Allegheny county liquor stills were destroyed as the law enforcement officers once more destroyed the stills and the ingredients of “White lightning.” One 50-gallon still, located in the Saddle Mountain section, was destroyed as was 200 gallons of mash. The other, also the 50-gal lon type, located near Roaring Gap, had 1400 gallons ready for distilling. A member of the A. T. TJ. made the raid with Sheriff Glenn Richardson and Chief C. (Continued on Page 4) \ ■■ - Laurel Springs '! To Have Revival . A revival service will be hell at the Laurel Springs Baptist church next week, beginning Sunday, June 8, at 8:80 o’clock p. m. Rev. W. R. Grigg of Win ston-Salem, will assist the pas tor in the work. The pastor, Rev. Kenneth Sny der, has extended a cordial in vitation to the public. A. daily vacation Bible school will be held each morning from 9:00 till 12:00 o'clock. All children, age ranging from three to sixteen, are urged to attend these classes. Gryder Speaks To Veterans On Farm Improvements, Wed. W. H. Gryder assistant dis trict supervisor for the veteran farmers’ training program spoke tp the combined classes of ninety veterans at a special meeting at the Sparta high school Wednes day morning. t Mr. Gryder pointed out tfc the veterans the importance of im proving farms and stressed es pecially the importance of pef manent farm improvements aufch as soil conservation, repairing and improving farm buildings, homes and equipment and the landscaping of farm grounds. j /The increased use of purebred livestock as well as the use of certified seeds by Alleghany farmers was also strewed by the district supervisor. Veterans were also urged to make their farm self-sustaining. Ralph Cheek, vocational agri culture for Sparta high school who has assisted the veterans in the farm trainirife program,; was commended by' My. Gryder for his interest and work done for the program. The veterans went on a field trip to Burnt- fell farm, .owned by W. B. Austin, of Ashe county, where they were shown new methods of cutting grass \ for silage as well as methods of building silos with the new Sisalkraft paper, Methods of us ing D. D. T. for control of flies were demonstrated by J. T. ✓ Higgins To Speak At C. Of C. Meeting Here On June 13 Other Features Planned For ' Dinner Meeting; Special Guests May Be Invited Carlisle W. Higgins, former ^lleghany attorney, who has re cently returned from Japan, where he acted as chief prosecu tor under General Douglas Mac Arthur (luring the absence .of Justice Joseph B„ Keenan, of Japanese war criminals, will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the chamber of com merce on Friday, June 13 at the community building at 7:30. An authority on conditions in Japan, the speaker is expected to bring a timely message from that war-torn country, from whijh he has recently returned. Mr. Higgins, who is now mak ing his home in Winston Salem is well known not only here in his native county, but throughout the state and nation as well as in ternationally for his administra tion of justice. For many years he was the law partner of the late Gover nor R. A. Doughton. He repre sented Alleghany in the State House and Senate. He served as solicitor of the eleventh judicial district and later was appointed U. S. District Attorney for the Middle District, a position, which he held until he was called to administer world justice in Ja (Continued on Page 4} Special Term Of Court is To Open Here On June 23 Jurors Drawn Ou Monday; Presiding Judge Is Yet To Be Named The jurors-for the special term of superior court to be held June 23 were drawn by the county commissioners at the regular meeting of the board, Monday morning. The presiding judge has not as yet been named. The jurors by townships are: Gap Civil—C. G. Richardson, C. R. Roe, Cable Wilson, Oscar Shumate, Reid Hampton, Mun cey Crouse, F. A. Porter, D. C. Bledsoe and Luther Edwards. Cranberry—Callie Wyatt, Fred Miller and Jones Tilley. ~ Piney Creek—E. C. Wyatt, Herbert Osborne, L. Carl Caudill, Clarence Kennedy and Carlie Hash. , Glade Creek—Robert 'Norman, Edgar Wright, Reid ' Hudson, Gwyn Truitt, Andy Wagoner and Mart Caudill. Whitehead—Harmon J o i n e s, Coonley, Caudill, Bill Wagoner and Everett Hoppers. Cherry Lane—Frank Brooks, Jesse Crouse, Wayne Holcombe, Sam McKnight and Sherman Caudill. Parther’s Creek—Troy Pugh, George Perry, Clark Sheets and Carl Jones. Attend Meet Of Juvenile Judges -- •• / Gene R. Irwin, juvenile coujct judge for Alleghany, and Swan son Edwards, welfare superinten dent, were among those to attend the conference for juvenile court judges held at Salisbury on Tues day. Dr. Ellen Winston presided at the morning session of the meet ing and Joseph P. Shores, pre sident of the N. C. Association of Juvenile Court Judges,, pre sided at the afternoon session. REV. C. D. HUTTON TO PREACH, SUNDAY Rev. C. D. Hutton, of Glade Valley, will conduct the services at the Sparta Presbyterian church Sunday morning at eleven o’clock, it was announced yes terday. f 'The public is cordlalljr invited to attend. Young “Ike” Is To Be Married Soon Barbara Jean Thompson, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Percy W. Thompson, who will get General “Ike” for a father-in-law, when she weds Capt. John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower, right, son of the army chief of staff. They will be married at Fortress Monroe, Va., June. 10th. Motorists Are Reminded Of New Regulations Requiring Issuance Of Driver License To Make Survey Of School Needs For Alleghany W. F. Cradle, Member Of The Planning Division Of N. C. Board Coming At a meeting of the county board of education and the county commissioners on Monday, the vital needs of schools of the county were discussed and tenta tive plans for the necessity of im proving physical properties, out lined. W. F. Cradle of the planning division of.the N. C. Department of Public Instruction has been invited by the Alleghany board to visit the county and to make recommendations, following a complete survey of the needs. Representative Cradle can give us a long-range view of the situa tion and can give some helpful 1 advise so that the needs of the county can best be served and the money spent most wisely for (Continued on Pagef 4) 4-H Club Girls To Meet Friday Miss Pauline Oordon, specia list in home management, will give demonstrations on room im provements at a meeting of 4-H club girls and their leaders at the community building tomor row morning. An all-day meeting has been planned beginning at nine o’clock. Girls from the 4-H clubs from Ashe county will also be present for the demonstration and will be accompairjed by Miss Ella Mae Crosby, hofne agent for Ashe- county. Re-Ex animations Will Begin oJuly 1; To Be Issued Alphabetically Alleghany motorists along with all Others throughout the State are reminded that in accor dance with the law passed by the 1947 General Assembly of North Carolina' requiring the re- , issuance of Motor Vehicle driver license the following schedule has I been made: the period beginning' July 1, 1947, and ending on De cember 31, 1947, is the time for all driver license holders whose surnames begin with the letters1 A or B to apply'for new license.; Persons whose names do not be gin with one of the above let-1 ters cannot apply for re-issuance of license in this period. i The period beginning Jan uary 1, 1948, and ending on June 30, 1948, will be the time for all operators whose sur-names begin with either of the letters C or D to apply for re-issuance of li cense. All Motor Vehicle drivers whose sur-names begin with a letter other than A, B, C, or D, will be notified by press releases at the proper time as to when they should appear for the re-: examination. The operator’s license issued under the 1947 Safety Act shall automatically expire on the birth day of the license in the fourth year following the year of is suance, and no license shall be issued to any operator after the expiration of his license until such operator has again passed the required examination. Everyone will get a complete examination. The examination is made up of four parts. These parts are: (1) An Eye test (2)' Highway Sign test (3) Driving Rules t^st (4) Road test. The poorest visual reading that will permit passing with (Continued on Page 4) VFW Post To Purchase Land For Bldg.; Committee Named A drive to raise funds and to erect a club house for the loc?tl Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has been launch ed and an effort is. being made to secure land on which to erecj the building, Cecil J. Murray, post commander, reported this week. At a meeting of the post last Thursday night, a special com mittee was named to investigate any property which might be suitable for a building site. Nam ed on the committee were Dough ton Perry, J. B. Tucker, Cecil Murray and Ted Porter. Other members volunteered to assist the committee. More funds than the organisa tion now has will be needed if a. permanent club house is to be erected it was pointed out and most of the members have pledg ed their support. The post now has approximately $250 in the treasury. As soon as the )land can be purchased other committees will be appointed gnd other plans will be made. SERVICES WELL BE . HELD AT PII'JEY CREEK Elder Edd Douglas, of Galax, Va.* wai assist Elder E. D'. Dancy at the services to be held at the Piney Creek Prin church on June 7 announced this wet is cordially* invited to attend. July 26 Is Date Set For County To Make Decision Representatives Of Organize tions Appeal To County Commissioners For Voto At a meeting 0f the Alleghany board of county commissioners on Monday it was decided, follow ing the requests from heads, of organizations to well as in dividuals, to asks that the board of elections call an election regarding the establishment of an A. B. C. store for the sale of liquor under the control of die A. B. C. Boards of the county State. The date for the election is set for July 26. Hundreds of citizens had sign ed petitions asking that the mat ter be put to a vote, county of ficials reported and representa tives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Cham ber of Commerce and Lions Club and other groups also asked that an election be called because they felt that legal handling of alcohol would make for moral improve ment of the county. It was point ed out that several individuals had expressed the belief that it would cut down 'public drunk enness, drunken driving and other crimes associated with the present handling, one official said. While officials pointed out that the improvement of condition^ was the primary purpose of ask ing that an election be called, it wag also announced that the re venue would probably total $100,000.06 and that this could be used to. a good advantage foe schools and other purposes. It was also explained that sines so many had requested a vote, that in calling an election every one would have an opportunity tq express themselves on the matter. “If the majority of the people do not want it, the elec tion will tell this story and those , that want it should also be satis fied,” one man said. This same question was put to a vote around ten years ago and the measure was defeated by less than 200 votes, it was pointed (Continued on Page 4) Twxo From Sparta Receive Degrees Chas. D. Choate And Dsrit Richardson Get B. S. De grees From Wake Forest Charles Dean Choate, son of Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Choate, and Doris Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cknnel Richard son, were among the 151. grad uates to receive degrees at wake Forest College at the commence ment exercises, Monday night. Both students, completed their studies in January but no di plomas were awarded at that time. Miss Richardson received a B. S. degree in business admin istration, and has been employ ed with the civil service com mission in. Winston-Salem, since January. Mr. Choate, who was majoring in general science, also received a B. S. degree and is now employ ed with Choate Motor Company, here. Among those from here to at tend the exercises were Dr. and Mrs. P. L Choate apd Mr. and Mrs. Clennel Richardson. Truck Wrecks; Has No Brakes A truck-trailer, driven by Fred Hamptoh, ol Sparta, Route \ left the highway near Twin Oaks about two o’clock last Thursday, When he was unable to lessen the speed of die truck, due to faulty brakes, officers re ported. The driver was not