vv‘:v* i&fm jsfr&itijliforfite x»PBng " ■ wmrmt * ssww. „', VOLUME 58, NO. 49 AND STAB-TIMES—(CONSOLIDATED ON SEPTEMBER 2, 1941)—ALLEGHANY COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER. SPARTA, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1947 with $2.00 a Year In Alleghany County « ^ear Out of Guernsey Sale jf Plans For July 18 Being Completed 32 Carefully Selects Ani mals To Be Sold At Auc i , t tion At Test Farm Plans are now being completed for the annual promotion sale of purebred-registered guernsey cat tle to be held at the State Tesft Farm at Transou, on Friday July 18. At this time 32 carefully se lected animals, from some of the state’s best known herds will be offered for sale at auction begin ning at 12:30. The sale is sponsored by "the N. C. Extension service and the N. C. Guernsey Breeders As sociation. Officials Of the sale pointed out that this would be a wonder ful opportunity to secure ani mals for calf dub work or foun dation animals for herds as well as additions. - All dairy farmers are particu larly invited to attend. James Wagoner Dies In Hospital Well Known Alleghany Man Succumbs After Four s Week’s Illness Funeral service for James M. Wagoner, 80, who died last Thurs day night at the Mount Airy hospital alter an illness ol four weeks, was held'Sunday at two o - clock at the Little River Primi tive Baptist church. Officiating was Elder S. G. Caudill and bur ial was in the Sparta cemetery. The Son ttf «■* *’• and Nancy Caudill Wagoner, he| ' "as bom on September 7, 1866 ^Whitehead. He was married to ,4’late Charity Alice Edwards. Survivors include six sons, Dr. #p. A. Wagoner, of Wytheville, Va.; Dr. B. G. Wagoner, of Blue field, W. Va.; Oscar Wagoner, of Monterey, Va.; J. B. Wagoner, of Logan, Ohio; R. Earl Wagoner, of China Grove, Edwin R. Wagon er, of Athens, Ga.; five daughters, Mrs. J. A. Higgins, of Sparta; Mrs. A. L. Coomes, of Greens boro; Mrs. Dewitt Sparger, of Dobson; Mrs. Raymond Cook, of Westfield; Mrs. Roscoe Childress, of White Plains. » .Also surviving are three Sis ters, Mrs. R. G. Warden, Mrs. Mattie Fender, of Stratford; Mrs. Amanda Edwards, of Galax Va.; three brothers, J. H. Wagoner, of Nathan’s Creek; By-F. and G. R. Wagoner, both of Sparta. Pallbearers were grandsons ofj the decased. They included Paul Higgins, Page Higgins, Arlington Wagoner, Bill Wagoner, Eugene Higgins and James Cook. ♦ Flower girls were Miss Juanita Higgins, Mrs. Eugene Higgins, Miss Margaret Sparger, -Mrs. John Higgins, Jr., Misses Nad ene Cox, Lucille Perry, Evelyn Mitchell, Bernice Jarvis, Irene Hendrix, Lorene Hendrix, Doris Wagoner, Ruth Truitt, Emma Lee Mitchell, Myrtle Truitt, Mes dames Isom Wagoner, Cleve Ni chols, A. O. Joines, Sam Perry, Ruth J. Choate, Hazel Joines, G. L. Duncan, Myrtle, Hege, Joe Blum, Parley Truitt and Hazel Hampton. (Continued on page 8) Si* Camp Meeting To Begin Sun. An interdenominational camp meeting, stressing “eld fashioned ■k gospel preaching and singing,’’ wiU begin at the Transou Taber nade on Highway 88, near Tran *°u, next Sunday, July 18, it was announced this week. Rev. Grace Jones, the pastor, assisted by Miss Barbara Arnold, will conduct the services, which . ar* to wmtttue through July 27. The schedule calls tor Sunday school to begin at 10:80 a. m., with the Sunday Morning Wor ship how M »:30 a jn. Ser vices will be held everv after t 8:30 !l Dr. I. G. Greer, who will speak at the courthouse on Saturday afternoon. L G. Greer Will Speak Saturday Afternoon Here Sponsored By The Allied Church League; Pub* lie Is Invited Dr. Greer, superintendent of the Thomasville Orphanage, has long been active in Rotary work and other civic and religious act ivities. He is well known here and throughout the state. He is being sponsored by the Alleghany Allied Church Lea gue and will discuss temperance in view of the local option vote for an ABC store scheduled for - (Continued on page 8) Bowling Alley To Open On July 19 Plans are now to open a bowl ing alley Saturday, July 19, near Twin Oak*, it was learned this week. Th* bowling alley, which is to be owned and operated by Oscar Evans and Clay Sheets, will be located in the building formerly occupied by Goodman Lumber company on the Indepen dence highway, one fourth mile north of Twin Oaks. Four up-to-date alleys have been installed and are now in the process of being sanded and varnished, it was learned, in or der that they will be ready for the opening on July 19. „ Four GJri Scouts Fri ingf Gap Have ttired Two Cl; . >^athdrs$ermitting, indications ncWit point to a very successful horse show, scheduled fop: July 18 and^lfl at the Sparta A total Of 78 entries have been received and amonj are a number of nationally show horses. The track is in good condition and work is continuing on the barns, Tom Greene, manner of theshow, aghounced. He also announced that tie staunchiohl were being contsructed for local horses. ^ There’are a number of local horses enttafed as well as several from a distance. Manager Green* announced that four girl scouts rom Roaring Gap have entered the pleasure and three-gaited classes. They will ride Tinyi Tim, Starlight, Ginger and Dusty, hor ses owned by Mrs. Florence Gli des and Nancy Thornton. There wiljt be three shows, Fri day evening, Saturday afternoon and evening. The public is cor dially invited to attend. VFW Members Lay Foundation For Building Wayne Osborne Fost 7034, v :_ day began work on the founda tion of the new VFW clubhouse. Cinder blocks were being haul ed yesterday and the building is expected to show signs of pro gress by next week, Cecil J. Mur ray, post commander, stated yes terday. *' Although free labor has be4n offered, more money than the initial canvass produced will be (Continued on page 8) Rites Held Sat. , For Mrs. Todd, 68 Last rites for Mrs. Loney Todd of Glade Valley, 68, were held last Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p. m., at the Crab Creek Primi tive Baptist church. Officiating, .was Eld. C. B. Kilby, and burial was ip the cemetery there. Mrs. Todd, well known throughout the country, had been in ill health for a year, .... Survivors are her seven .chil dren: Mrs. J. T. Boysette, P. E. Todd, Mrs. J. W. Whitaker, G. A., Earnest, L. B., and Jesse Me Todd. Two sisters and one brother also survive, Ollie Woo ten and Leva Todd, and Avery Pardue. ' ’V," ' Sparta At Top Of League; Baseball Contest Begins ■Baseball fans will have an op portunity to cast their ballots for the nine favorite players on the Sparta team in a contest which is to end July 21, it was announced this week. The voters are entitled to only one ballot it was pointed out. Ballots may be secured from the advertisement which will appear in the July 17 issue of The News. In the meantime, fans are asked to make their selections. Players in the contest include Jack Thompson, Boyden Atwood, Earl lee Joines. Bill Reeves, Tom Reeves, Prank Atwood, Mack Caudill. Ben Adams. Clay Nichpls, Bert Wagoner Wayne Carpenter, Hugh Choate, Wood row Richardson, Claude Moxley, Holloway, Jess Watson, Andrews. ' v ;i ,. be announced the tic tans from Alleghany journeyed to Elk Creek Sunday and witnes •ed the double header which de throned Elk Creek from top place in the Virginia league. Sparta’a pitchers each made tour bagger during the noon’s games. Geyer made a run in the first game with man on tyse and Nichols in with the bases; empty. Ca in the first game Was Holi and Moxley and Holloway in second. Adams also pitched in the second game. Sparta was also the winner at Grant on Saturday. Scores of the games were not reported. The schedule for the vteek end Present And Some Past Tennants Of The White House ■ - . ' ' v • * A president, former president and three “first ladies” were among the guests of t Jtpnor at Princeton university bi-centennial convocation. The group shown on the cam pus lawn were, left' to right: Mrs. Harry S. Truman, Mrs, Thomas Preston* (the former Mrs. GroVer Cleveland); President Truman; Ex-Presidenf Hoover; and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. . i Ministers Of Alleghany Meet; | Organize Ass’n Ministers representing five denominations in the county met Monday at the Sparta Baptist church and organized the Minis-j ■^Association of Alleghany Hpy. Named as chairman of ^association was Elder Bd and vice chairman, Rev. I W? <3.*'Thompson. Rev. W. H. Yo-: kely was hatted secretary and treasurer, 1 It was pointed out by officers of the association that it was formed because of the feeling of the heed, of a closer fellowship and a better understanding among the ministers of the county. The Second meeting will be held Monday morning at ten o’clock at the First Baptist church. All countd ministers are cordially in vited Ao be' present. Chtirches represented at the or ganization meeting included the Union Baptist, Missionary Baptist, Church of the Brethem* Method ist and Presbyterian entireties. I Conference To Be Held Sunday - Dr. J. H. Armbrust To Preach At Chestnut Hill Me* thodist Church The quarterly conference for the Laurel Springs Methodist church will be held at the Chest nut Hill church Sunday night at 7:30 p. m. with Dr. 3. H. Arm brust, district superintendent, in charge. Rev. William C. Crummett, pastor, announced this week that the Sunday school at Mount Zion had been reorganized with the following teachers in charge: Children’s department, Mrs. 'S E. Smith; jilhior and intermediate, Graham Pugh; adult department; Dent Pugh; secretary and trea surer, Miss Doris Blevins, and superintendent of the school, Lee Black. Sunday school will be held at ten o’clock. A youth league, only recently organized, will be held each.Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Church services will be held at Laurel Springs, Sunday at 11:00 o'clock at Transou at 2:30 o'clock, Mr. Crummett announced. <1 Of G Picnic Planned For Fri. Members at the Chamber of Commerce are reminded of the meeting to be held tomorrow nieht at Bluff Part: at seven o' clock. '■ " •? 'P Members are asked to bring their wives. A picnifc is beta* oared bv member* of the 1 Woman's club. v*'-* Plans Are Ready To Stall Work On New Building For Sparta Methodist Church Plans Discussed For Improvement Of Water System Mayor Nichols States That Survey Is Being Made % For New Well Site Plans for improving the water system of Sparta and preventing a water shortage like the one witnessed earlier this year were discussed by Mayor G. Glenn Nichols and members of the town council at the regular meeting, Monday night. Mr. Nichols stated that town is in need of a new well or some' other source of water in the near future and that definite steps must be taken before schools reopen August 25. M. T. Murdock, geologist from Raleigh, made a (Continued on page 8) Car Wrecks Here On July Fourth Alleghany had one highway ac cident reported on July 4 when a 1936 Ford coupe driven by Ross Edwards of Sparta, collided’With a car driven by Shaw, of Cherry Lane, near the Shell Service Sta tion, here. Edwards was reported by in vestigating officers to be driving wtyle under the *influence of some intoxicant when the accident ec-1 cured. The cars were damaged only slightly and the drivers were uninjured. A hearing will be held Satur day at ten o’clock before Mayor G. Glenn Nichols.;, Joe Finney Will Be In Charge Of Construction Work; Castevens, Chairman Plans are how to begin actual work on the proposed new Sparta Methodist church, C. C. Castevens, chaisman of the huhding committee, announced yesterday. Joe Finney, well known Allegh any builder, will be in charge of the construction work, Mr. Cast evens stated. The new building is to be con structed with brick and is to be trimmed in granite and will fie Located at the site where the building stood, which was des troyed by fire. Members of the building com1-' mittee in addition to Chairman Castevens, are C. R. Rote, J. T.' Inskeep, Robert Allison and (Continued on page 8) Bldg. Proposed At Glade Tentative plans for a proposed gymnasium gt Glade Valle; school were discussed by bers of the investigating mittee at a meeting at Glade Val ley high school last Thursday. Members of the committee, Composed of' C. M. Norfleet,- A. A. Cashion and Rev. John Luke, met ' with J. C. Kellenbergef, chairman , of tRe 'hoard of trus tees, and difcussed possible build ing sites a*>wetl as the.approxi mate building cost. ; . • The findings of the committee will be submitted to the board of trustees for approval ^nd for future planning for the proposed building. . --'V-y The 14th annual session of the Royal, Miles and Brooks reunion will be held Sunday, July 30, at the newly constructed Liberty Knob church located near the Royal cemetery naile south of Roaring Ga£. The session will oped with the decoration service at 9:80 a. m., following which Rev. F. M. Royal, of Greenville, S. C.f will deliver the sermon. Rev. Mr. Royal, graduate of Wake Forest College and Louis ville Theological Seminary, well known throughout the state, na tion and world, has been a min ister fofthe past fifty years.'He has preached on four continents, and has spent the in mission work living in' tine, it. was launed.' JBPB Also expected to speak will be Thurmond Chatham, of El kin, who so generously contri buted to the construction of the ..is. MM 115 Lambs To %rift One-hundred and fi**n lambs were shipped directly to Swift and Company on Tuesday by Al leghany county sheep ((rowers, R. E. Black, county agetf£ repotted this week. u Choice lambs numbatd 88«nd Name Teachers For Coining Year ! At Board Meet ParfaaJ List Submitted By Lo. cal Committees At Meeting, Monday county tehoplj W;H open tor toe 184?*« termon Aug. Miss Clyde Fields, county su, penntendent, announced thi week following a meeting « Monday of the county board of education. ^ to ?^rtial 'sJ ^ teachers, tor the neW School term has, been approved by the local school committees and Was predated to the board at &e meeting, Man* day. ' • The teachers and schools are given as follows: Sparta—B. It, Walker, principal, Roy Ellison. Mrs. Epfii K, Housier, Miss Minwi^. Lou Edwards, Mr* Ida J.Wfc£ «rS' Kathifcea Maxwell, Mrs. C. R. Roe, Ralph B. Cheek, Mrs. Flora B. Dutton, Mrs. Hazel Tompkins, Miss Iva Grace Doughton, Mrs. Madge Beeves, Mrs. Ruth J. Choate; Mrs. Rebecca Choate, Mrs. F. G. Wal. ker, Miss Ivazelle Taylor. Mr*. Sam Miller, Mrs. Zelma tnw Mrs. Bessie McMillan, Miss MU, Taylor, Mrs. H. E. Single. Piney Creek—C. R. Roe, prind. pal, George M. Van Hoy, Mrs. Ella Doughton, Miss Nannie Van Hoy, Ernest C. Minnich, Gladys' Robbins, Elmer Waddell, Jean McMillan, Rachel Halsey, Mrs. WaH^L?Sb0rne “d Ruttl Cherry Ians- ‘Betty Joneat Glade Valley — Mrs. Bertrice Gentry; Liberty Knob—Mrs. Nan. McCann; pine Swamp— Mrv Rachel Thompson and (Continued on page 8> tt’C. Teacher Pay To Be Set Today Increase Will Be Determined When State Board Of ttr; ' Education Meets Raleigh — Schoolteachers of the State will leant today in dollars and cents the amount of salary increase they will receive next school year. The answer to the question the teachers have been asking since the 1947 General Assembly in. * creased appropriations for their salaries will be forthcoming when the State Board of Education meets here today to adopt % budget for the coming anion. The board’s finance committee which has been studying the bud* ah for several, weeks—and par. tkularly the question of a teacher Salary schedule—will mah^ its report at the meeting. ■> Available for Operating the schools next year is a(gn«Kk roately $59,000,000 compared with approximately $45,000,000 tojtog 'Wept this year. Approximately *50,000,000 of the total available or operating the schools has beep earmarked for salaries tor the ' 25,000 teachers and principals. ■ The remaining $9,000,000 will go Is salaries for superintendents, clerical help, bus mechanics. Janh tors, and bus drives, for opera* tion of plants—lights, water S>4 fuel and for supplies. . During the Legislature, there was considerable debate whether the appropriation teachers’ salaries would pro salary increases of SO per Rev. F. G. Walker m gBgr-.. ■ • R»v. F. G. Walker, pastor at the Sparta Baptist (tern*, w9| preach at the Osborne Mentor, ial Baptist church. Sunday after.' noon at 2;00 o’clock. A i “ invitation is extended to one. MT. 7W»N PTANS wgSKSi A memorial conducted at Mt. church on at 10:00 o’clock, thia week William ; AilfcAMa&Mt a£®

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