Brief Review Of State, National And World News During The Past Week B1 1TTEB BATTLE IS EXPECTED OVER AID Washington — A bitter and perhaps lengthy congressional argument over President Tru man’s short and long range plans for aiding Europe appears to be in prospect Talks with a score, of Senators and representatives point in that direction. All were interviewed since the White House called in leaders of both parties to urge quick approval of a Stop gap wintfer plan for shipping fuel and food. Most lawmakers say, they be lieve the issue is plain and sim ple—“some' way to stop Russia and communism” from covering Italy, France, Ajistria and other parts of Western Europe. Most of them are uneasy about sending large amounts of food overseas at a time when house wives and breadwinners here are angry about high prices. Unless expressed trends and thoughts reverse sharply, several said, hopes appear dim for speedy congressional approval of the $580,000,000 stop gap aid for Western Europe they expect to be asked for at a special session on or about December 1. TRYTHJST-WAR "FASTERJUCTUKT 666 88K IteSeve Mi* aches aad"sleep robMna" Miseries of Colds fast with M6 (tablets or SmiM) • CtmUm. Use H •» £««r.*td “* “ WAR DEAD LEAVE - FOR HOME SHORES Antwerp — Thousands of Bel gians joined with high American officials Sunday in reverent tri bute to 5,600 American soldier dead who sailed for home aboard the U. S. Army transport Joseph V. IDonnolly. * *■ The crowds massed in the 400, year-old Grand Plaza of this an cient city to honor the first hom ing contingent o'f soldier dead from the last‘war, whose Tetum was requested by(tf»ir families. The transport is scheduled to1 ar rive in New York, Get. 25. General Lucius D. Clay, Ameri can military governor in Ger many, stood before a coffin of one of the soldiers, anonymously chosen and declared, “We have not yet found the lasting peace for which these men died in their youth.” SEN. MAYBANK’S WIFE SUCCUMBS Flat Rock — Mw. Elizabeth Meyers Maybank, 49, wife of Senator Burnet R. Maybarik (D SC) died at 10:35 a. m. Sunday at the family’s Summer home here after a long illness. She had been at a Philadelphia hospital but came to Flat Rock in a special railway car recently to attend the wedding of her daughter. Mrs. George D Paul, of Charleston, S.C. Senator May bank was at her bedside. Brief services were held in Flat Rock yesterday, and the body was sent to Charleston, S. C., For Sale 110 acres of land, good meadow,, some timber and ivy burls. Located 2 miles from Cherry Lane post office, % mile from Scenic highway and 1-4 mile to Tock road. KNOWN AS J. W. SPICER PLACE. V Land joins Troy Brooks, Ardie Rash, J. C. Spicer _ and Walter Crouse, If Interested See Walter Spicer Cherry Lane, t North Carolina SPARTA PIPES, INC. WE ARE BUYING WELL TRIMMED IVY AND LAUREL BURLS FOR IM MEDIATE DELIVERY AND CON TRACTING ONLY 1,000 TONS FOR 1947. Sparta Pipes, Inc, TEL. 15 — SPARTA, N. C. hsnn wrmorun oomo homb .., Atu* ChattM Ir, an hw<i for «—MhrtH, They u* m *» rfrjUi U. S. Chamber Of Commerce States Plans For Economy Washington — Warning that there is no single panacea for a “boom-bust” economic cycle, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States has offered a labor business-government program to maintain employment and keep the country prosperous. Among the steps suggested was a recommendation that the num ber of available workers in an area determine for themselves whether wage increases shall be granted through collective bar gaining. The chamber also called for a flexible Federal policy and a careful study by business of its credit and investment practices. A report prepared by the cham ber’s committee on economic poli cy, entitled, “A Program for Sus taining Employment," said it was "questionable” whether wage in creases should be granted as a re sult of collective bargaining, ex cept under the following condi tions: . 1. Wiien the number of unem ployed workers in an area is less than five of six per cent of the employed. 2. When workers in other in dustries are u/'.ble to do the job in question or are unwilling to transfer to the plant at existing wages. 3. When the absence of such workers is not due to any artifi BOARD TO MEET IN ASHEVILLE OCT. 13 Asheville, N. C.—The annual fall meeting of the North Caro lina Board of Conservation and Development will meet here Oct ober 13, 14 and 15, Director R. Bruce Etheridge announced to day, with the most controversial subject on the program the ques tion of awarding of the state’s advertising contract. Governor Cherry, as chairman of the board, will attend, and will make an address Monday morn ing, October 13th. The group also will hear ' Charles E. Ray of Waynesville discuss the work of the North Carolina National Park, Parkway and Forest Development Commission, Public hearings will be held to receive petitions,suggestions or complaints on matters within the jurisdiction of the board. The board also has announced it would decide at this meeting, the question as to whether to re tain the services of Eastman Scott & Co., of Atlanta, which has been the state’s advertising agency for ten years, or whether to award the contract to Ayers Si Gillett, of Charlotte. where funeral services were held at 4 p. m., Monday. Survivors include her hus band; two daughters, Mrs. Paul ard Miss Elizabeth Maybank; and ont son, Burnet, Jr. Me for CRUSH NORTH WILKESBORO COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO - rial barriers. 4. When the wage increase i) necessary to prevent a laboi shortage. The report also said that some times a “downward adjustment’ I of both wages and prices is de | sirable, since the danger of alter , nating booms and depression I could be eased by preventini I wage spirals. | Listing steps which .could bi , followed by labor, managemen | and the Government, the repor j said that taxes should be reducec during depressions and increase< during prosperous times. It calle< for a balanced budget and reduc tion of the national debt during boom periods. Scottville News Rev. Paul Phipps filled his reg ular appointment at Scottvilli Baptist church Sunday. Mrs. Emma Roupe and daugh ter, Romona, were dinner guest of Mrs. Cox Absher, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gwaltne: ! visited relatives in this commun I ity, Saturday. „ t Rev. .and Mrs. Paul Phipps am | daughter, Pauline, were dinnc: I guests of Mrs. J. T. Allen, Sun day. | Mr. and Mrs. Junior Shephert j visited relatives in West Jeffer son over the week end. | Rev. W. fc. Crummett filled hi; . regular appointment at Scottvilli Methodist church, Sunday night. 1 Misses Wilma and Karei Reeves, of Nathan’s Creek, spen the week end with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Me | Millan. 1 Farmers in this community ari ! very busy making molasses dm j to the early frost. Mr. Oscoe Woodie cut his hanc Saturday in a silage cutter. Stratford News Those visiting Mr. and Mrs Edd Taylor Sunday were Mr. anc Mrs. Albert Irwin and daughter Carol Sue; Mr. and Mrs Franl Roupe and son Fred; Peggy Wil liams, also Mr. and Mrs. Donalt Musgrove and children. Mr. Eugene' Hendricks, Ports mouth, Va„ has been spending a few days with his father, Lon nie Hendricks and his brother Franklin Hendricks 'and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Petrec and son, of King, spent the weel end with her parents, Mr. anc Mrs. Lawrence Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Kilby Atwood anc family, of Twin Oaks, visited Mr and Mrs. J. F. Atwood. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Estel Caudill anc children visited Mr. and Mrs Edear Mabe. Sunday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fines anc daughter, Glona, and Miss Beu lah Estep visited Mi. and Mrs Willie Hines and family, also Mr and Mrs. Wiley Irwin. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J. R. McLeod re cently visited Mr. and Mrs. J M. Estep. • , Mary Lee Richardson. Dorothy Edwards, and Nancv Petty were recent guests of Christine Mabe. Mae and Kelly Williams visi ted Mi*> and Mrs. Lundy Estep, Sunday. North Carolina beekeepers had a total of 177,000 colonies of bees on hand July 1, 4,000 colonies less than was on hand a year earlier, SPECIAL SUBSCRIBE The Union Republican, Box 68 Salem Station, Winston Salem, N. C. CLUB OFFER THE UNION REPUBLICAN 1 YEAR—THE SIVE FARMER 1 BOTH FOR $1.65 IF YOU USE THIS COUPON. 0 Mt. Zion News Rev. Win. Cruasmett filled his regular appointment at Mt. Zion Sunday and was dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Smith. The Piedmamt singing quartette, of Jonesville, will be at Mt. Zion October 19 at 7:30 p. m. Every one is invited to attend. Earl D. 'Williams, U. S. Mar shall, of Boise, Idaho, spent a shoTt Srtne Sunday with his un O. B. RICHARDSON ABOARD CSS STORMES Oscar B. Richardson, quarter- j master, third class, USN, son of Oscar M. Richardson of Sparta, j N. C., is serving aboard the des troyer USS Stormes. which is touring the Mediterranean area. Crew members of the Stormes' I cle, W. F. Pugh, and other rela tives. Mrs. T. E. Pugh and son, Fred, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Vestel. -.—<;— have had an opportunity to visit tne ports of La Maddalena, Sar dinia; Gibraltar; Targanto, Italy, Trieste; Athens, Greece, and Smy rna. BUY ANGUS CATTLE Elmer C. Mitchell and sons of Sparta, recently purchased ele ven purebred Aberdeen Angus cows and three bulls from the es tate of Eugene Transou, of Jef ferson. - Coining Next Week! Oct. 15-16-17-18 iffijMSagMflg! ONLY ONCE A YEAR 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 PLUS 1 CENT 4 BIG DATS - WED . THURS I 75c CLEANSING CREAM 3 oz. 2 hr 7Sc 75c COLD CREAM 3 oz. 2 for 76e 75c FINISHING CREAM 3} oz. 2 for 76c 75c FOUNDATION CREAM4oz.2for76c 75c SKIN CREAM 3§ oz. 2 for 76c Check the list below of Other AdrieiMt , A Cosmetics of ■ 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 + 1c MOUTH WASH StMk up an RexaH Mi-Si, At ontisspHc that kills contacted gem. Price* never lower than now. Yew •avoAtri 49c SIZE FULL PINT 2 for 70' ASPIRIN For qatctc relief front ordinary pain there’* no superior to Rexall Paretos! Aspirin. Oof 100 more 5-gr. tablets for Id 49c size or ioo 2 for ■<e 50 ALKALIZER Rex-Seltser, the elfervoscont analgesic tablet, relieves the discomforts of colds and headaches. Save 53d • . 54c SIZE OF 25 2 for 55' s flrsf tlmt .Ml tompUH ' K«r51( 50c Talcum Powder. ~ 76c 75c liquid Brilliantine . . • • • • * . 75c Face Powder (any 2 of 5 shades) 2 for 76. 75c Astringent ... for 76« 75c Perfume ^.. 2 for 16c 15c Powder Puff . .. CUAUTY TOIIITMU at 2 fOR THE P«« OM + 1* c c [ [ [ lavender Bath Powder, 16a*. Gardenia Foce Powd. . »•>)•»*« Gardenia Creams .o*» -r * «•*> : Mascai's Hand Cream, 6% a*. > Theatrical Cold Cr.. 1 lb. . . . c Rexall Deodorant Cr., V\ o*. . Eu-Ool liq. Surg. Soap, 16 o*. Martel's Hair Oil, 4 .. Rexall Antisep. Boby Oil. 6 •*. ; Hall's Baby talcum, 1 lb. . • • : Nursery Castile Soap. 2 far I.Ot 2 far 51c 2 far 51c 2 far 51c 2 far 1.01 2 far 26c 2 far 86c 2 for 26c 2 for 51c 2 for 36c 2 for 26c SHAVING NEEDS at 2 fOR THi PtW OF 1+U 40c Witch Hotel, 16 a*.* 26c 25c Gentlemen's Talc, 3 a*.-JJ'Sc 55c Rexall Shave Lotion, ® **' ' ’ 2 for40c 39c Klenxo Shave Cream, 3/> ox. . 1 jyc ■ Q 19c Permedge Blodes, 5’s 2 for 20c DlNTAl PROOUCTS a. 2 fORTHI PRKl OM+U 29c Nylon Tooth Brush J . • • • 59c Klenxo Antiseptic, 16 ox. . . 55c Denture Adhes. Powder, 3 ox. 39c Milk of Mag. Tooth Paste, lg. 40c MI-31 Tooth Powder, 3 'h ox. 2 far 30c 2 far 60c , 2 for 56c , 2 far 40c . 2 far 41c RiXAU RIMIDIIS al 2 FOR THt PRICf 0H+1* 50c Analgesic Balm, tube . ' * * ' |of 3|c 30c Antacid Gas Tabs., 40 * ' ' * ' x for 26c 25c Corn Solvent, V> 01. . • ^ fof 26c 25c lye Drpps, 1 ox. .. far 51« 50c Hygienic Powder, 6 ox.. ' , 25c Milk of Mag. Tabs.. 36 s . . . 2 far 2*c 50t Pile Ointment, tube, 1 25c Toothache Drop*, Ig. . • • , 2 for 51* , 2 for 26c. XAll PURETEST PRODUCTS at 2 fOR THE PIUCE Ofl+U 1 69e Rubbing Alcohol, 16 o*. . . • ^ Tor 70* ] 25c Soda Mints, 140’s .., . 21« ] 20c Boric Acid Sol. NF, 4 ox. ... 2 for 2U I 29c Aromatic Sp. Ammonia, 1 ox. . 3 25c Tinct. Iodine. 1 • • V * * , £ 31* 3 30c Epsom Salt. 16 ox. ^ for ^ 3 25c Zinc Stearate, 1 ox. VITAMINS at 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1+1* □ 1.65 ABDG Capsules, 100’s . . • "1 3.50 B Complex Syrup, 16 ox. . . □ 1.50 Cod Liver Oil, H.P., 14 ox. . rn 75* Yeast and Iron Tab*., 100 s . - Q 1.15 Thiamin Chlor.Tabs., 5 *9.t00* COUCH AND COO AM « I »• » "» “ ,+,‘ [”1 25c Cold Tabs. Special, 30» . □ 60c Rexall Gargle, Ig. • • • * rn 50* Rexillano Cough Syr., 4 ox. Q 39* Nos* Drops Aqueous. 1 ox. 2 for 1.66 , 2 for 3.51 , 2 for 1.51 2 for 76* 2 far 26* , 2 far 61* , 2 far . 2 far Vc 40* LAXATIVES at 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1+T* 35* CastorOilArom.,3o*. . . . • * 25* little liver Pills, 100 s • * , . _ ... 50c Rexall Orderlies, 60 s .. • • * J * 85c Mineral OH, Rexall. 16 ox. . . * ' 50c Milk of Mag. USP, 16 ox. ...2 far 51* STATIONERY BUYS a, 2 FdR THE PRICE OF 1-Hc ) 90c Lord Baltimore, ViVtViC ] 70* Cascade Pound Paper. 60 sM, Rfor^ ] 60c Cascade l'™" EnV*'\Pnv' f0’% 2 for 16* ] xsssas '•**&* >-»« giant rexall u sale contest 3/GRAND ( 1 JWUHO-TMI.WORID-TWPI PDI7TC ) 2* VACATI0N ,N "KI4W ( 3. HOLIDAY (M HAWAII! ' 635 OTHCR YHRIUING PRIZIS «•*•« Or*f Stor* during Hm t*ataN Original |« |«li 1

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