. . . «.< l*M»Ygfcl7^y*«••♦••»»».tf .* i ► ►• »■ w» *-** <-' • •■ V~'V • riff , 43M|HgHVSft£i • «as.Tj-s*t,«Mtes» w w i - >»^ ‘ fjSi'faaS-a'JSrr Sjf-.!’..;y *’.*• AND STAR-TIMES—(CONSOLIDATED ON SETTBHUR 2, INI)—ALLEGHANY COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER. r* B(g& - w.'. -v CctMr. WKh A Pop4)»ttM «f MU >••<}.;.. *( *ls| RN aJwr fat Aikghujr County ' !-.V$Pp SPARTA, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOV. %, 1947 ttS$ A.Ymt <m Conaty Yellow ere Friday, Game With Elkin, November 14, May Be The Official i Mtfc. End Of Season • TBTfc ^ The powMoJttl Yellow Jackets will rest , from actual game work this week although practice work <4hi abagMdimai wcon tinue until they journey to Elkin • tor the hottest contest of the year on Friday, November 14. The game with Elkin may wind up the season for the Yellow Jackets unless tentative plans for a game with Cove Creek are made good. The local boys, playing their last home game of the season, last Friday, continued their victory march by rolling .oyer Flat Rock with a six-touchdown parade, led by B. Reeves and Gentry, 38-0. Bill Reeves ran 12 yards for the first score, set up the second for Bryant to tally from the two with a 60-yard gallop, and got loose around end for 85 yards and the third touchdown. Bryant kicked the point for a 19-0 half time lead. In the second half, Estep in tercepted a pass and ran 30 yards to the Flat Rock 40 to set up the fourth score. Bill Reeves passed to Tom Reeves on the 20 and the latter went the rest of the way. Gentry culminated the sixth drive by going 12 yards for a score after Bill Reeves passed 50 yards to Gentry, and connected with Gentry again for the fifth score. Bryant kicked the point. Post. Sparta Flat Bock LE_B. Atwood-B. Hiatt LX_W. Brooks --- W. Anderson LG... B. J. Edwards J- Timmons C _Holloway - Riggs RG..--H. Woodruff — Stevens RT—-J. Miller ... F. Anderson RE — Tom Reeves — Gravely QB— Bryant ——- Barham LH_Bill Reeves --pike ,D. Andrews -- B- J- Hiatt - Hiatt 2, Tom Reeves Extra point Bryant, B. Reeves. Substitutes: Sparta — Gascho, Gentry, G. Miller, Estep, Cox, D. Atwood, T. Edwards, T. Murray, Moxley, Roe, Henry, Black, Mc Millan, T. Andrews. Flat Rock— J. Anderson, W. Hiatt, Hennings, Vaughn, Smith, Timmons, Midiff. Edwards Rites Held Yesterday Ennice Man Succumbs At Home Monday After A Year’s Illness Funeral service for Paul Ed - wards, 36-year old resident of ff .nice, was held yesterday at iieven o’clock at tne Glade Creek p „;/iist church at Hooker. Of ficiating were Revs. Glenn Killen and Mr. Sidden and interment was in the church cemetery. Mr. Edwards succumbed at his home, Monday afer a year’s illness. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Emma Edwards; one brother, Dewey; and three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Spurlin, Mrs. Grace Murphy and Miss Atwile Edwards. THOMPSONS MOVE TO VIRGINIA, MON. Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Thompson left Monday for Fredricksburg, Va., where Mr. Thompson has ac cepted a position with the Pe quot Bottling company. , Mr. Thompson was formerly license examiner at Mount Airy. Mrs. Thompson was employed in ''the sheriff and tax collector’s office here. >' Alleghany Man In Wreck In Md. s. Claude Rash, 20, former Alle g.iany man, of Joppa, Md., was injured in an auto accident last Friday near Baltimore, Md., it was learned here this week. His companion, Michael Fozniko, died at a Baltimore hospital as a result af injuries sustained in the accident. Mr. Rash is still confined to the Harford Memorial hospital in "th'it'p Charles Luckman, chief of food conservation, has been having his troubles trying to get industry, agriculture and all factors together on his food program. Bookmobile To Be Purchased By County Library Expected Next Soring; To Cir culate More Than 4,400 Books In Alleghany The 4,400 books in the Allegh SPUnty library yi the com ave at, ... H. Jones, librarian, announc yesterday. Plans for securing a bookmo bile for the county have been discussed for sometime although the order for one had not been placed until last week. Funds for the purchase of the travelling library were secured through the State Aid for Libraries and through the county fund for the library. It is hoped that the travelling library will be ready for use early in the spring and the plan is now to travel in the county two days a week. The library here in the community building in Sparta will remain open the remainder of the week. Mrs. Jones reDOrted that in ad dition to the 4,400 books now in the library, that approximately 100 new ones have been received but as yet have not been catalog* ed and put on the shelves for the readers. Also, the library now has an order in for $300 more books which should be received in the near future. The county has never had a bookmobile of its own, it was pointed out. About s’x years ago, a bookmobile. from Wilkes county visited1 here' one week in each month but the visits lasted only a short time. Heed, coach and teacher at Sparta high school, was named president of the Yad kin 'Valley Conference at a meet ing of officials held at the Gilvin Roth Y. M. C- A. at Elkin Monday night. Mr.. Reed was vice-presi dent of the organization last year. Other officers named were vice-president, W. A. Beal, of Yadkin county; and secretary treasurer, Jimmy Hiatt, of Frank lin. In addition to naming officers -for the new years, plans for the annual tournament event to be held February 23, through March 2, 1948, were also discussed. Officials representing Yadkin, Wilkes, Surry as well as Allegh any counties were present for the meeting. . R. H. Walkejr, principal of Sparta higa school, accompani ed Mr. Reed to the meeting. Basketball season will- not open in Sparta until December, it was pointed out. SERVICE PLANNED AT ELK CREEK CHURCH Eld. A. L- Presnell will hold services at the Elk Creek Primi tive Baptist church on Saturday at 2:00 o'clock and Sunday morn ing at eleven o’clock. A cordial invitation is extend ed to everyone. Sparta High School Carnival Nets $714.52; Winners Given •_$ The Hallowe’en carnival held at the Sparta high school gyfn nasium was the most successful ever held, school authorities, stated yesterday and a total of $714.52 was raised for the general school fund. '4 , Imogene Carpenter was crown, ed-queen, having a total of 4,235 votes. Running a close second wa* Mary Loq Miles, with 3,951 votes.; Carl Gentry was crowned king, having won with a total of 1,448 votes. The king and queen con tests netted $130.19. Little Shirley Mitchell, with 9,812 votes, was the winner of the baby contest and runner-up was little Dianna 7,811 votes. The otrauss with baby contest the sehool; children and Bertrace Absher for the other contestants. Rebecca Moxley was voted the prettiesj girl and Gene Irwin, the ugliest man. R. H. Walker, principal of the .school, vsaid that he was well pleased with the results and stated that it was the most suc cessful event if its kind held in Sparta school. SPARTA C. OF C. MEETING POSTPONED •: ' - The regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce schedul ed for Friday, November 14, has been postponed, it wae announc _ was called off due „ that the . Wi)l play at ... V Uncle Sam Believes This Nation’s Wealth Is Health i'W.isr m .» * —. On the premise that a nation’s health is a nation’s wealth, Uncle Sam has recently begun to take more interest than heretofore in the well-being of his nieces and nephews. This project is the ship “Hygiene,” a veritable floating clinic—that voyages along the far-flung coast of Alaska, giving prenatal care to mothers and taking care of the ills of the children. NAMED F. F. A. PRES. ssm ®m mm George Bryan Collins, who was recently named president of Parkway Federation of Future Farmers of America. He was chosen from ,F. F. A. candidates representing six counties in the federation. Young People’s Leader To Speak Plan Program At Sparta Bap tist Church Sunday After ’ noon At 2:00 Misg Madge Lewis. Young Peo ple’s' Leader of the Wilkesboro division of the Woman’s Mis— ionary 'tjriion, will be the guest speaker at the Sparta Baptist church, Sunday, November 9, at 2:30 o’clock, it was announced this Week by Mrs. R. E. Richr denit, The meeting is being held in the interest of organizing and pro moting the W. M. U. work, ex-( pecially among the young people of the Alleghany Baptist associa tion, it was pointed out. There will also be a meeting of the executive committed which is composed of the officers and chairmen of the associk tional W. M. U., immediately fol lowing the speaker’s address. j All those who are interested in. the work of the W. Ml U. am urged to be present although' they may not have a W. M. ,U. organization in their dhurch at this time. - Work Continues On Church Bldg! Construction work continues on, the Sparta Methodist church P? progress is noted daily. A recent contributor to new building was Dr. Georg*.; Taylor, of Mooresville, who doi nated $60 to. the fund. Anyone! who wishes to contribute to thej church should contact Robert' Allison, who is to charge of tb? Ex-Governor J. M. Broughton Enters Race For U. S. Senate With William B. Umstead Picnic Areas Oil Parkway Closed Fo? ’47 Season Motorists Asked To Be Care ful Of Fires Wheu Driv ing On Parkway The Blue Ridge Parkway picnic areas at 'Cumberland Knob near the Virginia line and Bluff, near Laurel Springs officially closed November 1 for the 1947 sea son, Anthony E. Stark, district ranger, announced this week. I Rocky Knob and Smart View, in 1 Virginia, gre also officially clos ed. I The motor road will remain open through the parkway in both Virginia and North Carolina and visitors may travel the park way all during the years. Since the forest fire season is approaching, visitors are urged to be careful of cigarettes which are either dropped while parked at an overlook or while driving through the parkway area. Irwin Part Owner In A.uto Sales Co. Paul M., frwin is now associat ed w<{h fhe Auto Sales Company j ■here dnd is now part owner with Ben G, Reeves. Mr. Irwin will be in charge of parts and parts ser vice. ' A native Alleghany man, he' returned - to Sparta after an ah*! sanoe of nine years. He formerly. was, employed by the North yillkesboro wholesale automotive place and then served, in the U. | Sf. Army,; Tfpon his return from the army he Was associated with the DOdge-Plymouth dealer in Nprjh Wilkesboro. , | Makes Formal Announcement And Files With State Board Of Elections Raleigh — Former Governor Joseph Melville Broughton of Raleigh this week made his for mal entry into a campaign for the seat in the U. S. Senate now held by William B. Umstead of Durham. Broughton •issued a statement saying that he would be a candi date for the Democratic nomina tion for Senator in next Spring’s primary shortly after he had ap peared at the State Board of Elec tions to pay a filing fee of $250. “During my term of office as Governor of North Carolina I en deavored to serve the people of the State to the best of my abil ity,’’ Broughton said in his state ment. “The record is before the people. Education, public health, agriculture and industrial de velopment of the resources of the State were the subjects to which I gave particular emphasis. “The progress made is a matter of record. On this record and upon a pledge of continued, active in terest in these and other causes of vital concern, I shall confident ly submit my candidacy to the people.” Broughton, had long been con sidered as a certain candidate for the Senate, and his announce ment today came as!iio surprise. For several months he has been touring the State.’; m a. k i n g speeches before farm* organiza tion® and civic groujw. 'Umstead, who was appointed to. the Senate by Governor Cherry, following the death of the late Senator. Josiah W. Bailey, has stated several timer that He planned to seek re-election. Umstead, too, has been busy in the hustings, and has appeared in nearly every section Of the State for speeches since .Congress (Continued on page 4) , «*3»y »1L ■Vork sugar brokers fore .tj&ce increase this year, JT-Rffered as to the future i'lpome expect a world Mfru Is In store which l^o the price tags low. ..Washington — The price lid on sugar: was lifted at midnight last Friday night and controls “'er installment buying have expired. In both cases experts declared the actions need not add to the money troubles of housewives— solid 'of:':{he men who fill their L- ividing moderation is all. ♦ prices In the U. S. • - ’’ * Washington officials report r present sugar suppfyiaf good an i foresee no price advance. >, However, on the uatye^oif'.i-' stallment buying, WM^teigton'oi' ficials express concept I«it far ing of credit regulation' will at1; fuel to the fires of inflation. There is wide speculation -Ur President Truman ^U'lfdc '&>r gress to revive credit.icojilinoi when it meets Nov.; $$$ jiig ,eaV to combat high piitfPt ind in sider aid to Europ^^^^^^ TTTT Parking Meier 4 Action Delayed, Some Opposition Town Qtfficiab Mot last Night To Dbevn This And Other Problems ‘'r?> * ' ■ 111 "-*■ •••''' - No official action was taken regarding the Installation of parking meters in the town of ^ meeting of the town hoard last night, when the matter was discussed. » There was some opposition to the matter and it was suggest ed that parking limits be used instead. The matter will be de finitely decided later, officials pointed out. There was also a discussion of the water supply for the town and it was decided that a house will be built over the large pump which is to be transfered to the new well and the smaller one is to be placed at the other well. An ordinance was also pass ed outlawing the use of per mannent rock ' crushers within the city limits of Sparta. Caution Light Will Be Erected Town Long Been In Need Of Light Between Intersection Of Highways 18 And 21 Attention of all motorists is called to the fact that they should slow down when approaching the intersection. The caution light, which has been ordered for sometime, has arrived and will be erected to day, town officials stated yes terday. It will be placed over tae inersection of U. S. highways .18 and JJ1 dirootly in front of the Northwestern Bank and Farmer’s Hardware. xerwn orficials secured the cau tion light because tnty ieit it wouiu relieve me danger caused on in® puna corner at me inter ae#wti-.of tae two mgnwajs, H. D. Schedule Is Announced The schedule for home de monstration club meetings for November 10 through November 15 has been announced this week by Mrs. Isom Wagoner, home agent. Pine Fork club will meet Nov ember 10 at 11:00 with Mrs. Tom Moxley. On November 11,. the Laurel Springs club will meet at 2:00 o’clock with Mrs. R. L. Pugh. New Hope club will meet Nov ember 13 at 1:00 o’clock with Mrs. E. C. Mitchell. The Bledsoe Creek club will meet at 2:00 o’clock with Mrs. Isom Wagoner on November 13. Turkey Knob club will meet with Mrs. Oscar Ward, Novem ber 14, at 1:00 o’clock and the Blevins Cross Roads club will meet November 15 at 2:00 o’clock with Mrs Roy Smith. County To Have ; Two Patrolmen Alleghany county two state highway ; this J Lion’s Organize Basketball Team The Sparta Lion’s club has or ganized a basketball team, R. J, Randolph, president of the club, announced this week and prac tice will begin Monday nig.it at 7:30 o’clock at the Sparta high school gymnasium. Members of the club who now have in their possession Lion’s club basketball suits are asked* to turn them in to Earl Calhoun, manager of the team. The Bruce Wayne Osborne Post 7034 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars have organised a team and other all-star playera are expected to organize, it wae learned. Tae schedule for the games has not as yet been an nounced.

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