THE VALDESE NEWS VALDESE. N. C. fl1-—- Bid*. Phone 176 B live Newspaper in a Progressive Town *f— Beatrice Cobb_Publisher Wjga Frieda Culberson, News Editor Bntered at the Post Office at Val •ese, N. C., as second class mail matter under act of Congress Inarch 4th. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Burke County One Year.. $1-50 Six Months_ 1-00 Outside Burke County One Year-— $2.00 Six Months- 1-25 CHURCH FEATURE The first of a series of Church Pages appears in this issue of The Valdese News, which this newspaper be lieves will prove not only of great interest to the members of all churches, but which should be of immeasurable benefit to the community as well. Part of the series will deal with delinquency which is one of the greatest prob lems in this country today. Other pages will deal with matters of religious interest that should serve as a stimu lation to all church members. One of the things that should make the series of advertise ments helpful and instruct ive is the fact that they are supported by some leading business firms in Valdese. The News hopes the series of advertisements, which are beautifully illustrated, will receive the attention of all its readers. A BLOW THAT CANNOT BE HEALED The court hearing in Morganton last week involving a Baptist min ister was a regrettable occurrence. Contrary to what some folks may say and think, newspapers do not look upon such cases with a view toward exhausting every sordid angle of it. Instead, those of us in the business of reporting the news consider such a story care fully before proceeding. ♦ Some folks think stories of this nature should be repressed and withheld from the press. This is the worst method of handling the matter. Gossip and rumor will continue to run wild until no one knows the true facts of the case. The press does the parties involv ed a favor by printing the facts as they are brought out in court. This newspaper knew the princi pals involved in the case long be fore the hearing, but oftentimes such talk is dangerous and not founded on fact, hence, we with held names until the hearing. What is brought out in court tes timony is public information and can be printed. When such a charge is brought against one in a place of leader ship i,n the community, the story takes on added' importance and , calls for even more careful hand ling. it is nQ.t only a serious charge against an individual, but is a,n indirect reflection against the church as a whole. We trust the prosecutors in the case considered every angle cautiously before en tering such a charge; otherwise, they will be guilty of bringing un fair accusations against a person who could conceivably enter a counter-suit for slander or defa mation of character if the case should be dismissed in higher ! court. If it is proved in court that the accused one is guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt”, as the judge often charges a jury, then the penalty must be paid by the one found guilty. Religious differences entering into the case makes it more un usual. It would be regrettable to see this means used in an effort to bring shame and disgrace on the church—whatever the denomina tion or belief. The case will continued to be followed closely by people in this county and elsewhere. Whatever disposition is made of it, the church has suffered a blow that cannot soon be healed. SCHOOL PLANS (.Continued from page one) arranged, Mr. Johnson stated. Some pupils who need to have courses adjusted to eliminate con flicts will be notified by mail w’hen to report to make such adjust ments. All such adjustments will be made prior to the opening of school, and pupils will be noti fied personally as to the days when they should report to the high school office. Mrs. Cotten Resigns Mrs. Elsie W. Cotten, who has resigned to accept a position in the Dixon high school, where Mr. Cot ten is employed. Mrs. Eleanor T. Brinkley has been elected to teach seventh grade, coming to Valdese from. Lincolnton. Mrs. Brinkley, a graduate of Lenoir-Rhyne Col lege, taught in the public schools of Rutherfordton last year. Bus Drivers Any high school boy who holds a North Carolina driver’s license and who is interested in qualify ing to drive a school bus is asked to contact Mr. Johnson, the high school principal, and make plans to attend the Bus Drivers’ School in Morganton, Wednesday, Au gust 31. New Furniture Some new furniture is being re ceived, both at the elementary school and the high school. It will be installed and ready for use at the beginning of the term. PAYS FOR ITSELF You SAVE TIME ANP MONEY More time out of the kitchen! Relax and know that your Home Freezer holds your family's meal . . , ready to serve at a minute's notice. Cut dollars off your food bill! Spye your garden surplus, or buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season while prices are at their lowest Convenient Terms COME m T9&AV DUP POWER C MORALS CASE (Continued from page oije) noon and made the same advan ces. She admitted that he never did have any sprt of relations with her. Religious Angle That religious differences fi gured in the strained feeling be tween the Baptist §md People’s Methodist churches at Rutherford College was brought out in the course of the trial. The Baptist church was established there last spring while the Camp Free Meth odist church had been organized several years ago. The present Methodist pastor, the Rev. Lester Allman, has been pastor for six years. He admitted on the Stand that he had preached against cer tain doctrines of the Baptist church which he thought to be wrong. In addition to preaching at his own church, he has held tent meetings at various places in the county and has preached often over the radio. Charlie Robinson, brother of the alleged victim, testified that he went to Rev. Phillip’s house after the alleged incident to get the minister to come to pray with his sister. He admitted that he did this in an effort to let his sister more positively identify the man whom she said approached her at the spring. Denies Charge The minister testified that he was in the neighborhood of the Robinson home on the morning of July 26 looking for a pool to bapt ize some new members. He denied ever knowing or seeing the Robin son woman. The court room was filled for the hearing and among the group were sixteen Baptist ministers, virtually every one in the county. They were all sworn in as char acter witnesses for the accused pastor, but in the interest of time only three of them testified when it was apparent that their testi mony would be similar. The grand jury must nrst con sider the case before the Decem ber term of court opens to deter mine if there is sufficient evidence for a true bill to be returned. If a true bill is found, the case will be heard in that term of court. DRIVING LICENSE OFFICE TO BE CLOSED FRIDAY The Valdese drivers’ license examining office will be closed Friday, August 26, and will open again, Friday, September 2, ac cording to an announcement from Examiner E. P. Ollis. E. W. Neal, the regular exa miner at Valdese, is at a National Guard Camp for two weeks and there is no one to replace him here, Mr. Ollis said. The nearest examining bureau is in Morganton, where the office is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. MERCHANTS TO ATTEND CAROLINA CREDIT CLINIC Several Valdese merchants are making plans to attend the Car olinas Consumer Credit Clinic at the Hotel Charlgtte Wednesday, September 14, from 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. The clinic i* being sponsored by the Retail Credit Association of Charlotte and has the endorse ment of the Credit Women’s Breakfast Club of Charlotte and the Charlotte Merchants Associa tion.. There will be no speakers as it is a panel meeting. Approximately 25 members of the credit frater nity will sit on the panels and will discuss a list of practical ques tions covering all phases of con sumer credit. After each panel session, there will be open dis cussion and question from the floor. Try a Want Ad for results v aoNvansNi h azxas •auoqd JO ui &1U05 ®N '1®*4* »uo uo ojnpid •{•|duj03 •44 noA 3a 16 ||im mAjDUDid ‘Osuo •jntu; Ajjadojd jnoA ||o 8id6i|S8au; *.»*l '*! 40 aj,8M 3|!4m puy ‘jpeip noA d|34 04 poj6 aq n.a^ £$anoA 4noqo M044 *A||oaj6 os patoajsu; •A04 *®n|DA * * * pajntui tauioq JI844 40 an|OA 4uatajd 844 4104 UO44 3J0UI S|44j| 3AD4 Aop04 $3||04 Auow "P®opui on iuo|4*anb A||i$ iinism si zsnoH vnoA jo im B3I81 mmm£\ Lake View News The regular Saturday night prayer service will be held at John Smith’s home. Everyone’s attention is again invited to the fact that a revival will begin at the church on Sun day night, September 4. Rev. Ed Bennett will be the visiting minis ter. He is the moderator for the Catawba River Baptist Association. There will be good singing all tfie way through the revival. NOTICE OF SALE FOR 1948 TAXES UNDER and by virtue of the power vested in me by the laws of the State of North Carolina, par ticularly by Chapter 310 of the Public Laws of 1939 as amended, and pursuant to an order of the Town Board, I will offer for sale a^nd sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Morganton, N. C., Burke County, at 12 o’clock noon on Monday, September 12, 1949, liens upon the real estate describ ed below for the non-payment of taxes owing for the year 1948, the name of the owner of or the per son who listed the real estate for taxes. And notice is hereby given that the amounts of the liens set out below are subject to the addi tion of penalties as provided by law, and the costs of sale. This 15th day of August, 1949. Powell’s Gro., store building and one lot_$27.55 Silas Austin, house & lot_21.97 Mrs. Isaac Baker. Est.. house and lot_ 8.41 Howard Berry, house & lot _ 15.53 J. E. Berry, house & lot __ 24.14 Henry Bertalot, 1 vac. lot _ 13.05 F. J. Bridges, house & lot _ 16.75 Mrs. V. O. Bright, house & lot _22.62 Albert Buff, house & lot __ 8.48 Jeff M. Burns, house & lot __ 31.03 Prank S. Clark, house & lot 26.53 Henry Danner, 1 lot_ 4.35 Lawrence Deal & wife, house &,lot-15.72 Melvin J- Deal, house & lot _ 14.48 Parks Deal, house & lot ____ .8.44 Nash Fite, house & lot_24.39 Francis Garrou, Jr., house &lot _37.99 William Glasbrooke. house & lot.- 20.44 ^pcil B. Griffin, house & lot 17.18 Oliver Griffin, house & lot _ 7.32 Ranaolpn M. Heavner, house & lot_55.61 R. Howard Hoggan, house & lot_ 5.07 Clifton J. Huffman, house & lot..15.54 O. D. Keever, house & lot __ 27.77 Francis A. Lail, house & lot 12.69 Thurman Lail, house & lot _ 11.77 Mrs. J. R. Lambert, house & lot _ 18.60 Mae Leger, house & lot_10.83 Edison Lindsey, house & lpt 18.18 C. C. Long, house & lot __ 38.32 Jack Marlow, Est., house & lot _ 9.05 J. E. Metcalf, 2 lots_ 3.02 Hoy Metcalf, house & lot __ 23.85 Roye D. Murphy, house & lot 32.62 M. W. Ogle, house & lot __ 18.04 Claude L. Oxentine, house &’lot_15.50 Hugh Peeler, house & lot __ 36.39 Phillip Perrou, house & lot 3.36 William Perrou, house & lot 20.59 John Pons, house & lot __ 2.26 Grady Poteat, house & lot 32.84 Marvin Powell, house & lot _ 22.24 Roy E. Powell, house &lot _ 15.08 Wilson Powell, house & lot _ 18.04 Ernest Rector, house & lot _ 11.67 Mrs. Thomas J. Robinette, house & lot_ 8.12 Blanche Robinson, house & ‘ lot _46.17 W. A. Robinson, house & lot 42.34 Charles L. Sain, house & lot 22.37 Harriett Salvageot, house & lot _14.94 Robert Salvageot, house & lot - 1.45 Charles M. Smith, house & lot -12.18 C. R. Smith, house & lot __ 23.90 Frank R. Smith, house & lot 4.06 Mrs. Trmey Smith, house & lot _.‘1J.___ 8.73 Vance Speagle, house & lot 13.77 Ervin Stamey, lot_ 1.45 Rufus Stamey brnc'*''''''' R. E. Stillwell, hj* lot Kenneth TreadwayUW lot _ ’S| Mr. & Mrs. Geo v"' house & lot ‘ aiS Clifford Warlick P. Howard WailickU?^ lot _ ’ ‘‘OliSfj James B. Weaver Cl'''*-. Thomas n ^^h°USe^ Thomas B. Weiwuse« & lot _____ man- h Paul B. Whisenanf lot _ __ 1 ... Maude WiliiamVj;';; Sidney Defan2st°ht?1 A. W. Hall (Grace r?,* house & lot _ 6 Duck Leslie Hughey, house";.' glenx 4 , CHICKE^siJ Laige marketings of o' in prospect the next ' says the U.S. Departs culture. 11 Did you think a sml was invisible? Did you even suspect that it was a theological concept that only ministers could understand?, Well, look into this boy's eyes! Do you see happiness . . . the certainty that life is full of beauty and truth? Do you see hope ... the assurance that every tomorrow will be better than every today? Do you see courage ... the fortitude that will look through defeat to victory? Do you see faith . . . the confidence that God hears* and knows* and cares, and helps? You're looking into a soul! You're seeing the spark of Himself which God has put into: every one of us. And you're seeing it still unblemished by the cares and disappointments of life. You can see a soul through your own child's eyes. But unless you give that soul a chance to grow up with the body and mind that possess it . . . soon you'll no longer see it in your child's eyes . . . and perhaps, someday, you'll no longer see it in his life. The Church, through careful religious education, develops that spiritual inner-being which we call the soul. Your child deserves the advantage of the Church's instruction. And, in church worship, you will rediscover the beauty and strength of your own soul. ^ CHURCH F^' *upS 11 Js a storeL? chc*acter anw r 0n earth for strong Cfaurcfa ®e ^ spiritual tjT** CitizenshiP «*> survive.^^erde^a^63- Without a Person 2 are f°ur so,L clvil^ation ^urch of his chh°U d at(end reas°ns why Scr*e- (2; For h °,Ce- are m tUpport the saie o/ his his chiJdren's For hi-~ own **- ^iS^°®®Unifv JlS Sake- (3) For th" **<>'* fc. ^ ***£"* “upport »£?£«• >*. J:, copyright 1945 by E. B. KeUter. 8u*»burg. Virglnl* . This is one of a series of weekly features published in the interests of Your Church and Your Community, Sponsored by llie following Civic - Min ded Business Firms: BARUS FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING COMPANY BRIDGEPORT, on 64 Phone Valdese 157-J CITY COAL COMPANY VALDESE, N. C. - PHONE 7-J CITY MOTOR COMPANY VliLDESE, N. C. - PHONE 177 CITY RADIO & TIRE COMPANY Your B. F. Goodrich Store 29 West Connelly St. Phone 290 GOODE MOTOR COMPANY 520 East Connelly Street Phone 58 GOOD WILL SERVICE STATION J. R. HOUK & SONS Highway 70 at College Cross-Roads THE MEN S SHOP Connelly Street Phone 226 PERROU SERVICE STATION 385 East Connelly Street Phone 77 VALDESE, N. C. VALDESE FURNITURE COMPANY Valdese, N. C., Phone 51 VALDESE MANUFACTURING COMPANY VALDESE, N. C. VALDESE PLUMBING & „-5 249 E. Connelly St., Phone 1 VALDESE ROLLER MILL Home of Snow-Kist P'1' Phone w Valdese, N. C. WALKER MOTORS. Authorized Ford and Mercury Sa d Valdese, N. C., Phone - WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE DICK PONS, Owner. YOUR FLORIST 73 Connelly St. - Phone

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