THE DAILY NE HE-KOOCHE > JOY FUUER& York, Sept. 17- ? Immoral ; j,lcturu performances, hooch 'tnk lliflprfinr rtsnnas. Ling in at*?dmoBll??, and the ent of jpouthiul offenders, an dp are ail und^r the ban, of tv Jaws which, went into effect J- York 8 late today. ;sr of the new statute* makcn IL 0 mean or to admit (?., ? hiiie 1 or moving picture show ln ffifoaaKll t>r morals, anychlld |gl3?6~ysar?-?f age, unlcaa ai>_ ik-d jy a paront or guardian, rfyman C. F. ^lurpby was re Hili bljl, alhu ? today. pied to put an end to Jdy rld ftlch . has claimed dozejau. jit fciff this city recently. This adding a new section to [glil Code, which reads- as- fot rljtJh'auffpur or* Other person tfottJt consent of the /owner ??Jyhpise to bf? taken ttom ftjtwfe or other building or ^ aittomobHe or motor ve ndNQpmau- or drive, or cAuae ue to b* operated "6r driven, vfttfcr u?e or purpose, Jie same nud Ujjkplllx of lar icr new law Is eapected to " ' tmmonf dances . Owners **s of theaters where objee performaucee are given will gbired *?uaUy guilty, in the the law, with th6 managers ilty for kidnapping Is in a new law, to a maximum ra years, as formerly. An pMiire In effect today pro-1 &-HO ohtld under 16 years of a city or State may be-traat criminal No jhatter what, commit." the child *w!U id dealt with only .^s a Juve-^ iquent. If commitment to e Taw Ts to sav?" t T> v . hlld to K DIVIDEND AMF. AS IAST can Tobac Today i? rk, Sept. 1. ? An extra diY i-J pm waj, to addition to ir dividend of 1 1-2 per be common stock of the Tot^ceo Company. was . Thje is the seme as the lend paid at the same time An extra of 15 pfr c*pT hr? months ago. i Tinn.. Aug. himnrrlng of IKip it their nut In the <fe(ll.jtl? tilt fcitk Cnoxrlll* and Ch?t im? ot the South pyi. ??? iiujun *- . |J jL,^^nun'. irapah. - Mr. Geo. A. Philips Has Just Re turned From a /^qufsgf Western Li States. Account of His Travels. iteresting VISITS BROTHPH *T puree a _Mr. flfeorge.A. Phillips * returned home last Sunday niglit from a tour of the Western States, also -taking. In the Alaaka-YnKnr-p"x<fln FifTil tlon. . Mr. .Phillip* tett Waehtngttrtr August -?6, returning August 29, be ing al)8eqf ^?y The 8tprj? of his trip and experiences on this long Jaunt, are very lnterest ing. so much so^Jhe Daily N'bwk an ticipating . tlflrple*sure his many friends would receive from his story gives some of the visits he paid to" tfififfar famed country of Uniple Sam. Mr. Phillips traveled through^ many States, among the number .he-.: iiftg North Carolina r Vtrg+Yit?'- WWtt | Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana,! Ullnois, Michigan,' Minnesota, North i and South Dakota. Ltah, f.laho, Calt-| forni?4 Oxcgan,W'aahifi?to?v eRd--oth- ? erf" States, The Brit stop Mr- Phillips { made of any length was at- teiir?ka-> WOTTtMar ?S>rT?it hi. brother, Mr." Huron Phillips, '"who left this city for | the far West three years ago next January. Mr. Huron Phillips Is aT present, engaged *lir Agricnltnre and-, also- employed at a largo saw mill: plant. # A peCTUIar coincidence can related here. The name of this saQ^ Company, and has the same name as the one in this city, of which Mr-. Qeu. A. Phlltlps fs-TEe secretary and treasurer. The mill plant at Bureks j also possesses the samtf capacity. -= I Alter spending a few" days at "En reka. Mr. -Phillips and his brother and' family took private conveyance and dtove over U Canada, their -first stop being Phillips FaJU? another eolnstdence">f the; After visit ing - ? yeial other pmSCTTbT'Igterest ?te Uih Dominion, mey returned to Eureka! ' Mr. Phillips accompanied by Ma brotlrar, started for Seattle to I" !!>? infill Twk SB PaiTni Exposition, In full blaatafcere. These gen tlemen s pen t mu'liMt st"ftra jujl. ahflW. '"What do you think of this exposition T" was asked Mc/ Phillips ?fcy V WW milWhUUv* "I think .It Is magnificent, and about on a par with the Jasssstown BipuelUuu at Norfolk. The fife&r la equally as good. I think " -V.? -rj^r | took bo?t for Belllngham, Washing ton, to see the salmon canneries and nrhariii Mr. Phillips guiftf'g mbTr Interesting account of . thft fishing industry.^ The day they flaked the fishing grounds he saw a.~ftat 60 feet long by if feet wide brim wim salmon caught Jrfoin one trn*. -The catch weighed from lB. 000 to 20,000 pounds, Aad-the Ash measured anywhere from 18 to 34 Inches. The salmon are caught In a not similar to our dutch nets here, only In their capture the flaharmen JA.V_ I (fif urtwl FALLS UNCONSCIOUS, A stranger calling htmself by the nnrae o.r WcBonald, if- pkHiter bjr trade, fa in tefl on- Main street early .lajt night tVhen picked up and car ried into the offlce of Drs. 8. T. and J. L. Nlclifrlson, hy yn? fnnrtA tr> unconscloue. Several phyflclans ex amined hte. He reoino^edniciouflT and the' they are ho. niimei-ouH, completely covqr it, and then J ho task far hauling them 1* !? presented. This pai^iaT li aidUBjpllMll'U b.V m&ciiln" eiy: BIr. Pbiinps whe^s he left the grounds said therq, were two othor ilats wailing liu fa IMjed with "this" I popular delicacy. While the people I here call their fishing apparatus a ' rtf ? f"' 'v"-hl i1 "????? '""V jure spoken of as traps. A- return -trip wag th<en. made to 8eattle, a/id from there toack to Eu reka* where a week Was spent. Mr.. jPhillips Is loud in hlajJ^iftfe^of the good raM^SS* hjf frnit^mdvegetabl ee. The dry farms were also .very goo^.^ On these lands wheat and potatoes are cultivated" jirtneTpal I y.~ . I n ffilT .country- the1 horses graro the year round on the bunch grass as they htrrff^no" other *YBY nMMnir ? The cattle altk^ are given this, grass but In -the winter months the .farmers hare to ? fecyl them. ? ^ ? t; Mr. Phillips next visited the Yel IpFftOM Park, one ot-the most won derful creations of fho wide worTd-7 He says it Is simply Indls ^rlbedye^the -writer's pva^ brush Or an artist could describe its grandeur, ^ being beyond . the concep in this national reserve for six days. He says there are large camping par ties there, and the camping com panies say they have more applica tions than they can accommodate. - ftlr. Phillips on : his leturn trip came through the State of' Nebraska and viewed wllfc-pteaaure the JMMfr-corn fleIdH, &c. He also **aw the famous hlstnrlr In Yellowstone Park Mr. Phillips saw bears, the silver tip anil black vailelj, ttlfc, deer, and antelopes of all sizes. The United States govern ? iaopt places a flue uf fi.uuu and two' years' Imprisonment on the- persoa.' Ttlf) flif" n ii mill II iilll Ihfi' Yellowstone Park any formation of nature. Sometime wfnry ? wi*.. lung the park took a p^rt oX a wing* ; frotathe Butterfly -gayser. ? " He had i torpay-thar fia^and lsr tn ^rtson the -nuitemi of iwoyeara. .?Uncle 3am is very strict. Jtlon grounds In 9tr Lofrls.* Oaly two fcjilldlngLaow. re maln.of whaf was a magnificent show Tim was the trip of lfr. Phillips' life, and it is most interesting to hear him relate what he saw, hear* an<|, Phillips, has a claim In Eureka, fWtt **T *t jiill(f|t!nif >ninH. ilsn is holding down a government clsim. They are cattwr ou?~Wlll, "Horn* A CLOSE FRIEND i OFKOCKEFELLER President o< Fiftlr AvsBffBe Baptist Church Becomes a Benedict. New York, Sept 1.? QuotneY. la W. yrwiawr ?T the TTKkefeller Bl bla.tlais of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church. ?u married today to M1k Laurik Smith Taylor - I Mr. Ta?l l? a floaa friend of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and for sev eral yean has lived near Mr." John D Rockefeller's country home. In Poeantlco HlUa. Tvrtlva.yaari ago. wlfB the Ihhiiii. uf umilMl n. since become known as th* Rorkfr felleywbie clue. and for ?? time' he lad It In May last. when the Rev. W. S. Richardson, then loader of the POEULAR-GOUPfcE ^MARRIED T^DAY Miss Stewart and Mr. A. = G. Smtther Happily Mar ried at Baptist Church. The First Baptist Chun Ectty, was Ike i [-of? ^thw ; pressivfe ~ wedding ?5eren: witnessed !n that I Miss jfcie-Wttlne 3te brltfer of Mr. Archie Gam o'tJohk nnrt Innfr tiili hh polntefr.tlme th? pKtirrh wljh mends and carter to jrltness tb'e "Truing fives. The . church ' tifully and artistically 4'lHlniM ifnrnii t presented a ver; promptly, at ,nm1 tp the ntyai. wedding ipaKhi-X of Miss HannahJ^.^ at the orphan. thai] tered, r First the uBhers in t_ order: Messrs. Guy B. Haq A. Smith, doWn the cinCttr } Messrs. Edward li. St Leo Stewart, brotbon of 1 jw?PI piWiK^ffS bridesmaids. Misges'tSmma 6 Haubs. of Norfolk,, and Mary Ruos.yf Kins ion, ^assed"Vlu\Mi the center!? d r es.sed br- datnxy or' wfiRoJ Wjth white picture hots (Mid carii&ig .pink jnmtlona^Ji^Mng tbw Muqjit. limi art at the. foot of Jhe chancel. ? - I _ Little Miss Mffiy. Thomas Stewart, the ring bearer, dressed In white, :cme down the center aiale. . Fhe was followed by the maid of honor, Miss biggie-Stewart, esiulsitely gowned In light blue silk, with black pjcture hat md oajtjInU milt The UiUlu ttllUWM leaxrittgr on the] srm of her father. Mr. Edward. T. Stewart., who gave her awafc. ,TfaeJ: bride was handsomely gowwd In champagne coat-suit, -witlf -fiat andj) gloves' to, and ca bouQuet of bride roses and (llliea of | the valley. At the foot of the chan-,. eel she was met Rr tho grcjom apd 1 his best man, Dr. W. 8. Granger, of Goldsboro. Together they "approched | sofemn spolft the words making During . the ceremony the soft strains of ::The Flower 8ong" were gitty fc Miiruii \ iii'Ttf'i ately after the ceremony and tto the InifHr'ng notes of LeheagHn wedding giar'ch and the inerry peal ot wedding thA hrlHil m.t.. r | ? "| from the ehurch and entering ca'r- 1 riages drove t6 the Norfolk ? South ern depot, leaving on the morning train, for an extended tour .of the Northern cites, amid Showers of rice b#r of friends assembled at the I'uf a largB HUB the depot. ? , J&BUt. ~#ven the young couple at West Point, Va.,' on-Friday night. The bride Is the eldeft daughter of our esteemed townsman. M*. ? T. Stewart, who far L long number of years served this <kty in the capacity of mayor. She is ,one of Washing ton^- most attractive and ? pOpUiar'1 young ladies* and has hosts of f Mends] In this city. The groom is a rising young bu al located In this city i?hOttt aryoar;ago. The array of presents was both handsome 'jmd costly, attesting the high , esteem in which, they are. held Aftar tKWllriaij tour lfr. and I Mrs. Smlther will be at lioihe In this] The out of town guests at the wed ding were Miss Emma Haubs, of J&yfolk: Miss Mary. Ruse, of Kins toa; Dr W. 8. Grainger, of Qolds |UiW, "Wf'. g. L." ?JH TTTatbgr o i [ the grocm, of West Point, Va./ and" Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Qrltfft, of Oreen ville. N. C. V. ' ?s&wH Freight Rate War Prof. Burgess, an Expert on Farm iag, at Request' of Mr. J. Havens, ^fakesExaiuLiiiiatioirofiO^Xands to Ascertain if Suita ble for Wheat THE EXPERJMJCFHMPRESSEB Prof. J. b. Burgage. aKruuomisfo? North- Carolina Department of AKri= I'UiltiiU. visited our section Tuesday and viewed as much of our farming lands as hla limited Htr-n n-nt.iri m "low. - He vras hero at the request of Mr. J. Havens- to see_ if the lands In thltf section were spitable to grovf. ..WhPat His rajiort In very faiuiaUl^. and recommends that eagh farmer who has suitable Fands should -plant a small acreage' until he learns , the wheat ptttiU find how to handle It. He says wheat wants reasonably stifT land, well drained; it will qol grow AO perfection on samty? er-wet land.' He recommends to plant In this sec tion Red May or Golden ChafT wheat, but wuuld Jlf6ler Wheat raised locally if"It could be had. As a fertilizer on j average land, per acre, 5,0.0 pounds -*1 i pop ? at 111. 160! i-aoundB 7 .1-2 per cent cotton Ge'cd meal, -30o pounds kanit to be sown BABY CARNIVAL ~ A GALA DAY Takes Place Tomorrow ^Afternoon on theJU. E. Church Lawn. v The baby carnival,' for the benefit of the Methodist Church carpet fund, comes off tomorrow afternoon. Watch for the street parade of the different candidates for'th* prises. Don't fail, to. see the float* ? for nearly every MUOlBI ir IUU?> UUI> BUurninf^T^ getting ready for the.cuutesl. All me babies In the -city are going to be on exhibition and a gala time is lobkqd Iflgward to. ? The pi lues fur 166 Hef tiest -float,- the two-prettiest babies, the most attractive^ .And_ the n?ost popiilar . little tot, will be presented on the Methodist Church 1^" member all those entering the. street parade are requested to meet promptly in front of the Episcopal Churoh at 4 . o'clock. Refreshments will be served and a good time in generil is anticipated. ^ ? d. ? TO GIVE DANCE ? Miss Bftha Duaiy glveo a dauee at the Country Club tomorrow evening, in honor of .her guests. Misses Katrl na Lane, *of Georgia ; _Myrtle Rollins, of Asherille. and Mary Keehlin. of Tarboro. TJ?e boat will leave Fowle's wharf at 8:30 promptly. broadcast^ at plan tine Ome. *tn the spring \i k tho iiwprtwi if titi pounds ir It rate aotfa " 'CotnftT Se^T meal can be Ifeh out if there was a good uup ?t pea u?m tutned under. The time to. plant In this section is from October 1 to "November- 1. Prof. Burgess has been with the N'n uuuai ivepartraent of Agriculture at Washington, D. C., ' foF 'seven years and has made a specialty .of same. This was his first visit here, and lie expresses himself a? ^ery mucfc pleased with our lands and growing can fill other engagement to visit our section again, and give more tinw t? Jhg-g*anilrinTinn n f. <i?uy A visit of thk?-klnd antf-the-adytc? frocfi. a practical man, will be wel comed bv our We have heard several very com plimentarr-refcrences made of Prof. Burgess and his practical talks. Million Dollar Pittsburg,. Pa.. Sept. 1- ? With the coming of September and fcrsrarty in creased activity In all industrial lines the Smoky City's "million dollar per day" pay roll promises to be fully re stored. Owing to Uie revival in the iron and steel industry, and the coal trade, the railroads are rushing cars to the Pittsburg district. PRAYKft MCIITIMJ. There will be re&Qlar grayer meet line services In nil Ihp dlffnmiit churches of the city this evening at the usual hour. All cordially in vited. At the Methodist Church, .on account of the absence of the pastor. JHl. C. T. Blftlill Will eMfluct. the aerr ^Jces. ? All cordially- invited to be prese ? Washington. D. G., A ugust 3 1, 1 9Q9. Obsei lei . W ajjB l h ? tonTX-^ Storm warning down, Savannah, | Charleston , Wi !m!n fton, ~ forehead I City. Waahlngtdn, Oolumbte; ? B<w-T ton, Elizabeth City, Norfolk, Newport j News and Fort Monroe. . MOORE. Courtship of a Tennis Court Culminates Kiniu ulry, Hot, sept. l. ? Court wtitp On a lennis 'court will hinre Ha culmination today In the marriage of Miss Virginia Robertson, the 1909 Missouri Vdlley champion, abd Hu bert jjee Alle^-the tennfc champion _ "" r'? A"*? ? tu? ?Uu???' em; a; ml lit (ilul?" Th&.pait- met two "years a*o. during * game, and cone tan t association on tenuis WWi >M fcdtfllraUon foreacE other's pro wees finally led them to &"**** t0 pUy mAtch WHEAT ACREAGE tN WASHlNRffig; Tlxe Expected Crop ii Western States Will Be largest in History]! Spokane. Waf,h flve million bushels of wheat, 1$, OOU.OOO bushels of oats and 15,000, ouo bushels of barjey le^Lhe extent at ? "pie ft* in crop^predlctcd- for \Vaitv sen t?y nil Hers and banhem wlia hattf" made a close muiiv lit rhn p'faUef in the three States. Thejiay cfpp, including alfalfa, will be the large* in the history of the Northwest, aiuT in addition to. the growenrfff th^ X*.,, ktnta. rdtley 1 ti Washington will :|_L$?O0li_llttlt;s of bops. The'crdp^ is. u 4 hi till grade and free from defeota. ' ' *m Thu wheat rureHRo iri-WasTHngtcm J* 2,122.000 acres .this year, as ! against 1,728,748 iu 1908, when /. ">00,000 bushels were UgfTteletl. ftlfr /;lfi It Id tlllH |Uli- is (Mtipiat^d nt-toom - ---ij 39 .tJtm.OOO to~T 2 , 0^0.t?t? 0" bushels, a a ? agalnbt ^fc.OOO.OUO bushels in 1907. . ??'.j Oregon has 802,000 acres In wfiep?~~ \ this year, as against^ 18, 5 8 5" in 1908, / A *' and l{ is expected thfe crop will. be _ /, TOoLJL?bs than 16,500,000 bushels, if ? " condttlojis^ba^ been favorable the" yield would -be 21,000,000 bushel*. _ Idaho will cut '>,r. ri?>,i.aVh 10,000, OJitr busiels this year, as ccttft- ? pared witfc less than 9,000,000 bust els In- inns. Jt-f la -iT-iamu, -S as~agafnst 414,412 a yefcr ago. ? a Farmers ^ire holding tftelr oaka "for ? ' V $25 a ton, which means frorn^ 12& to1 - * $29.50 at tidewater. The barley crop is large, with plenty of coarse g&4n for feeding ln^_*'n fho "'"""Ni, M"wr | of the. wEeat ranchers believe^ they |_made a mistake in 'holding 'thalf ?giaiu whin il was at tne dollar mark, as prices have tuiaklcd tq from - S3 to 86 cents. Millers in thq Inland 1 BnrpTRf do not ,?*pec t a raise until. next spring, the bails for this being that the. farmers in the Canadian Northwest are cutting a bumper crop, and the fact t&at Russian and Danublan countries are ready to ship to -Europe. housesmiths ON A STRIKE Several Thousand Are Idle^ ? Want to Enforce De "land tort?Tosed Shop. New York, Sept. 1. ? Several thou? sand housesmiths are Idle today in an attempt to enforno-a^timnnnrt for ? tne cicmed shop. All effort* by em ployes to obtain an agreement to thil LKTBBue, mt Oth m AMO<?Ution And ing refused to " S*V" _?JXftIlge ? conforw^i^i \q cuacusa tfife proposition. A. prolonged strike of the-feous*> amithe-.wbuid cause a tie-up, of work on alt large buildings In -the city m ' " in the construction of modem build* ~~"~ inga it is necess*rjr th*t the ?t?el skeleton be put up before other building operations can proceed ? Tbm ? -k. ? 11 i ? lioujeamllUS heeelvo ?(.50 a dey 'tor ?tokt-bouT*' ?ork and double pay for overtime. In man; cum they unable to work on building In the Harriman and the Oil Trust ^ Tork, teulaf .today, to the Annoclated 0(1 Com It I. averted by Onanclal pro Pheta tint the Harriman railway. h?e broken wju, me Standard OH ' Company. The contract worth a half mil Hob m yesi. ? Tin Ml UJ#d br *** Harrlaian lines sf the Northwest.

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