r vhsmimMims. _ * MMfi tt J - lh* ^ct ot PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON ~T"^ EXCEPT SUNDAY. ' fNo. 114 East Main 8tre?t. J, L MAYO, Editor and Proprietor. 7' * ? Wephwfe *>?. - SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Mctottu* 9 -jRT _JLqut _Montii?. .v . 1.1)0 Six Month* . .... r.r.-.v. . 1.50 Ona Year 8.00 Subscribers desiring the paper dis continued will please notify this office on date ^of expiration, otherwise. it' _ JrllVbe continued at regular subscrip tion rates uutU notlow to ?top la_xfiv calMi. __ - ? If you do not gft Tbe Daily Naws promptly telephone or write the man ager. and the complaint will receive immediate attentttmr ? H Irr our i1r;ilrr to please you. WASHINGTON. N. C.. SEPT. 3 - I.ET THE NEWS FOLIAJW. "Parties leartng low if should ? not fall to let The Nflwa follow them dally with the news of Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from honve. Those at thd sea- I shore $r mountains will find The News a most welcome and Interesting ?L^lallOr, ? ? Ml'ST BE Slf<;\El>. - ~\ articles sent to The News for | publication1 millll be signed ? Uk t writer. otEerwise thoy will not- to?T[ published. PKKSEKVK AND PliANT There are a good many .folks who! think' lr mw4rylike lo have IwRW ou 1 "the street?'. -MThey'-tt&_nQUloqk busi , ness-llke." or "Ttiey have -a. country fled appearance." Kvery lown passes { through this phase of fooliah impa with the survival of bvn-ojic | conditions. So the boy who . has n yet crossed the threshold of mauhood | is t'nduly sensitive of tlie -bloom on his cheeks because it. betrays his vnntH-f'.iln*4s: vet in afi"r yea raj what would he not give ex- hun;^? ^ ? i itrr for the"! smooVh skin of which ho was^v.nee soT ? mm If n^lir ii - I ' ] Thus. tly.'_iown Imagines that stran- , ? gers will mlstalTo it for a village if j the thoroughfares abound in. shade nnd eras* plou-: hut when* (lie 'period f of city.hood really. arrives then r.ea-l son reassert* itst'lt* and wo j--ee New] York. CUUaijo. Park; and f.ofWon <i?- i %1n* tn any leun^i of ?*xponpe and of trouble to TefdreaUi'ae .highw ay:-, ro 1 ruthlessly denuded of beauty and of [< oorot'orj by an earlier and. .foolish f ' g'T.-y i '"".r. >. i i, ? -?v : - !? ? thcu.?a ? f ?'? i..; - y'l r ':?> Liu? their >tr?-ei!? with tre^r left, -the uub'Licn of progrosi populous Ch'-aso is ra.bo ki "urbs in hortu" ? a city set. ii den cf woods and flowers. Here ,\r<'.ior.i- of ti:? reaso ar" Jfeanttfnl -t and ,1-oipr. inspiring a constant ap- | prestation of Nature. 1,- >- T"' ? ? ii'.'.r,:: ? l.n? U f r of 'Jll !;k""'-rrt^v - 1 3 ) Trees create benflniem, love of j ? cauc.lv- J-,; is.'v.-v , 1 1 Trees have an e;r.:<^itipn*i !!!- ? fluen^e unon idtlzens o,f alVr.ges. es- 1 peclally chndiroa. ? * 5 > Trees eiu-ourage.outciooi- 11^.-- - (6) Trees purify the a5r. (7) Trees tool the air Irt summer and radiate wa-rmth in winter. conserve soil and moisture. <?5 ) <Trees furnish restjng places < and shelter for btrtfa. " ~ j ? ? ?(10) Tr^pa- increase -the value of. real estate. __ - 1 i'll> Trees protect the pavement ? fgom the lrpiiJiflthe nun. J Tree? counteract adverse con-* ditions of Mty life. " .*! Vv " f'"* renly. \V? clip the above rrrrrti tTie^^TT- t - folk Virglnlan-Pilot. The News en- J dorses every line and hoffesThat the i .the beautiful shade' trees In Norfolk . mill mtrty tn Wawhlngton nnd will novap b?t. allowed"*tTi'""Ke niutfT'in'iT. I Their ebauty and attractiveness A4n~ . never be replaced. Let them ever stand undisturbed in their myatic splendor; - ? The trouble about imposing taxes la that the trusts ran beat the gov-, ernment at Uo own game. Fashions jy_e t6r the moat part In j the Interest of trade with fellow- 1 ?t? Tor TfrtiBM*, ? _r The boy or (turn- who fa always ecrnpuIouHly punctual dt quitting time never rises very high In the world* ? "It la prophesied that the world la any ?b?rc. Looks like we'll have to | la MorU GmmUmm ? ? pire the disputes going brrfbetweeu the various citl?as to which U now or ultimately wllj betfce chief city of the 8tate. %' - . Some or the cltlss to be visited by President Tall are dtocujslafj what la mom suitable to be worn by the reception committees that are to greot the distinguished gentleman. [ Why shouldn't they-pwt on "ttie-Taft smile tbajt wou't come off?" **Qlvethe boy a chance," ur??a tbe| [Charlotte News^. Well, we are will In* to give htm lots of ?Ean?e?r1 not with the unloaded gun, nor by giving him free' and unlimited access ?to the reservation for tbe preserves, lh6 cake* and the pies. ? Wilmington Colorado* proposes to have a- }?? making It a misdemeanor to call n llnr, in North Carolina we have an unwritten law malting it an imprudence punishable with a swat on tha Jaw! ? T ? Carlessness is criminal when hu ? man IwLiHjavjLflt'iyd ?n anrrnini wf H Fool-hardiness la more crlminai.than carelessness. The man who makes a play-thing of a pistol belongs to the fool-hardy class. . " *? A young woman who is Infatuated .wlthjOrville Wright, claims that she is- his* wife, but he 3enfe8 itr- Prob ably OrvHle never even went so far as" to ;'ffy around her," as courting is jo ijf North Carolina. e-L- 1 These divorce case$ are developing the fact that It requires five differ ent -gowns to decorate the anatoray of the fashionable woman during the day and before she comes to her night gown. The most important think that the debet* ou- the tafrff in . the United States Senate disclosed was tnat there are a number of those old mossbavk to be w'e^ed. tb 'stay" aV h qui e! !! ^ ODIHTIKS IN mK DAY'S XKWS. | Mlrjh Ilia 11 -Hti.11 1> nvr i first- grade teacher who lias support vL " I M ' !? c fu -inn1 Iter nr. mo in a spirit of fun with U)0 , "lhl"'? 11 ?* innii in rhrj tiovernment? drawings rk ?oeur il'Aloirei Idaho, worth $'25,0uQ. <1 K Xeidlingcr, of Uettsvttle. Ohio. has the prise rat killer of thei world, a cAt eaTlerl Roosevelt. Itoasp-.j volt's tot-*! kill durum his lorijs Itfe j ' o C useful is cstiirjn'etl at 4 5, ?{"?:."? i 1 nat?. "The cit Is a years old-fprol* P r.bly the oldest cat in (he worlds? J ' -tnd has o'jUtv'pd two master*." "J leveled a re*1 ki,i;;ioi s citiCuMXSj ?_ ,\Tra. 3'.vv??/.ey, of th^s liiare :-.ai a . flccl; of what are known asj* '? low answer., tp i, but one-cfll or -sound. ? When .Mrs, Sneezy' Wants to. feed L k^-TTT-ci.s Klit! gathers them loge'therjj Lv_ _ \v II ;>??'!'. i'j a iiiu-t1 ? "Come. Ya Sinners, Pocr and Needy"*"^ ? when the fowls will hasten to her aW, sMmlug ? ? lenipnril" fnnrt awaits them. rfom* -fhtyka- the Sweeney , s rrm-i^ urivp Vi>"-iii -thus friti, and thtivi-L ref\is*e to answer to the ordihaVy call of~r'oh?i'k, chick" which* brings other f.o'-ka to. the feeding .place.: ? New Vfirk- World THE SK( KKT Oh A HAPPY HOME. 1 "A true mother is one of tie holi est secrets of httm** happiness. ' God sends many beautiful things to this world, many noble Rifts; but? io blessing Is^rTrTier IIkIH t&nr uliU-h b?^ bestows In. a mother who has love's lessdns well, and has realized^ something^ of ij^meanlng of her. ?God thought to give' the sweetest thing -In his almighty power earth; and deeply pondering 3nTartj kFwitt w. mfyfium- ? Jn fnntp-nT VQ' tiihI In i ?? of hear! ^Outweighing every other. moves the gates of heaven apart And gave to earth a mother.' R K FLEC TIO NS OF \ HACffELOfT A . . _? _? _ A jnan gets to be conceited by thinking he lan't." Home men will flnd fault wkh their wlvee If tb?y don't save more Qut of .their allowance^ than It araounta to. The reaaoh a girl Ifin to ?eiin?tQ over a marriage propaa is she la sure she in going to accept. , An unlucky thing about beln* lucky at hiaklng money |b all the peo ple you tfav^-to do something for with it. * ' BETTER 8CHOQLBW8 Will B?i With! j B|| Singleton , For School. Now 1% 6ur opportunity for a bet ter schpolhQuse at Singleton, . for which we 'school children and Sunday school children have .been wanting so long. ~ _ ?" ' . > How many times hate I heard this said: "I do wish our schoothouse was celled, and. painted, of white washed." Now we have the oppor tunity of having It so. ll"we will only be up and doing. Our schoolroom la beautifully sit uated amung, a flne grovo qf 9a Irs ami pines, and with just a little more work done to the yard. I feej sore we would -have one among the' prettiest 1 school grounds . 'anywhere In the | country. How many places there Is l-nould name where there is not ?over"' six shade trees, or some not pven that: many abound the, schoolroom, while we are blessed, with a fli\e grove, and Bo not appreciate tt enough ttHreer the bushes cu( down and the yar<L brushed. There la going to be a. meet-, ing -at Singleton Saturday iright, Sep- , tember 4, for -the benefit 'of raising' funds to ceil the schoolroom, and algo to whitewash it. . Let uk all thrn out and see how much we can raise helping this worthy cause. I feel sure everyone' that contributes will be greatly rewarded In time to come. Let us all get together and let- us work together and hare dui\ ?chool room nnU cchooi grounds 00 wo will feel proud of it at any and all tlmep. ^One of the pomhiittee stated to me that Mr. . Ayerst said they would fur iiinh ij-.OUt Of.ilm lYi'asui* fui erery ane v^e' coula rfeise. ,\Ve wish ? to thank Mri'Ayers very much for this, but let "us work and ?et endtfgh t<fdd Lhe work without having tto\take any uut' of the treasury, so our school ivlll go that .much longer. I feel ?ure the Sunday school will con* tribute sotne. I Hon't forgef the date, Saturday I night, September 4. Le^ us allHRrt .here. H'CIE GRAY WOOLARD. Singleton.. N: C., 2. 1900. IV : \ a/vey T!_T! 1 1 1 w'u < Iunn in Chofco- - vinU>> N. C.ril ? "JwarB ago. and n?fr?u nv.-si .i,iUnsi a?. lnno. _ When Va'VoiinK man he enlisted Yn arir.y iintT proven in" * ;e a brave and true soldier. -He first intered Swindell's- company. After his company was disLc.'nde'I he en isled in Whitford's company, r/here jo remained uutllthe var closed. His ?c ord aa n ?oldler"was com mend a- ? y.o. no always was at his* post of] !aty. ? '? . , lit* \vr,.T ifappfly mrrrieVl R) Miss i5l!nbo1!i Jlenby. and to then* were ?ov:i ton chiklre.n. of 'which five arc "TTiHT" A *~T .-~T in " ii <-V' :f Uii fliyl Try ? ? !?.. .. !??? ?i ? W*-* ? FlUahtiih lloorc. who still survives .hsm. -1511 ?i*-?nu?lv4?r; Uy-taar-brothers.and j T!,^f:tl q. 1 1* *1 C-U't. r>. H. H:1L cf Washington, l!5U-n i d :u'.J .I*wo N. Hill, "or C'.ioco* VJnity. His n.n Mr* Ifthn latterth'.valtev of Washington, and klrs. Eli Bar.r, of Chccowlnity. About ? " y^r Vi the ?h?*?.(i?n Chnrdi and remained in he faith until fcbs? death. ? He -xjas '.on?.--!, uprighjt ^nd. faithful in all rsrfrtirr-aT H*1 M t!iv.ut<.d^ huf^! laud, kind _and loving father and" popular among hin friends. He ful ttted the Mii'jpturc* ?T pliUilg fcl? ; ?read by the sweat of his brow. Stricken with paralysis- sometime iKr iu'ver ? regained his accus omed health. The funeral was con lucted by -Rev^JosoDh Roberts at the Itome. His body i\ow rnsta inf the family cpmetwqt.- May the grace of 3od "sustain the bereaved onesL~and bring them to the eternal* kingdom .1 .Iir.il ??nh r.nti ^r^fi their loved r>nes forever., A FRIEND. Blanch? Harding of Waahlnfton. and of WaablQK ?^luual, lit, Pleasant Dance - at Chocovuinity |Ou the nigth oFSepfemterT; Choc=" owln+ty again dressed Tor a good klme. ' r ? ? "I In a large room which was the itiiUL. room of Mr. X. C. Hughes. Jr.. gave a dance, which was without doubt .tuorougniy enjoyed by all, and a dance long to 'oe romembered. ? Thd dnnce began with -German flg , urcs, led by Mr. N. C. Hughes, Jr.. 'with Mlaif Mabel Von Eberstein,' and followed by Wm. Elount^with Miss (Emily Brown, Wm.- Von Eberatelijji I with Miss Sadie Blount, Sam Griste with Miss Carrie Bright of Washing ton, Mack? Bright of Richmond. Va., with M(m Julia Vua- E'oersteln, Will White of Hertford, with Miss Helen Grist?,, Clay ton Brown with Mln An nle'Orlate/ Qulncy- Nemmick of Wash ington with Miss Augusta Charles of Washington. Guy Harding of Wash ington with Miss Lillian Primrose Whitehead of Bnfleld. N. C.. Geo. F [ill with Miss Barak Barker. Wiley ra ^Bgttwbuild in Washington Park, where His -J LOOKOUT! LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT! The entire wharf property between j treme Eut rod Til Iii iiVTi nii|? ? II imiM II' n???In excepting that I hare for ?ale jou can't buy an inch ofrlt. Xhlfi I Hare to Mil It la the eeatar ot taitowt; Its moat de sirably located. Ifa vary raiuabland yott .^T^nr busla'aaa. who - In any why can utilise this property ehould grasp and grasp Quick. ' If you don't you will hare to every few% years pay more rent, or look on* for* another property. Look to the futur?^_ *+ mn ?ndy *QU will rlaeMe that tft^-free' Inland titter route will be granted ua, and 'twill make every piece of Vater-froni yrbpery tn Washington worth double >n<1 _ trlpple the' price of today. Fortune goes to the man who looks and invests tn real* estate fer lta future Z~z ? . . ? ? ... -- . See mo at once and'secure a piece of this valuable waUt fiuuL Will sell from 20 to 8.0 feet fronting .pn Water street. Come, get a piece now while .you can?tjd? |at6t you'll regret. Only a little cash and long time ndteh required. REAL BSTATB B?CHAl?CnS.~ - ' C HATHAWAY, 116 Markot OL ? rr ? jr ? - ? - ; In order to secure, an interview with us. A card or message will take us to your home or office to talk INSURANCE? 1 Fire; Life, Accident, Health-, or Income Insurance. WM. BRAGAW & CO., EXPERIENCED INSURANCE AGENTS. WASHINGTON, N. C. ? Leon Wood MEMBERS N Y. COTTON EXCHANGE J,?a w. Colo I 7. TEON WOOD^t ?0., BANKERS and BROKERS - "STOCKS.'BONfjS. COTTONr GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PI .rME STREET. CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. Private 'vimiik v c.Vw-i c-^i n ? .r i T n i Ihiiiiii rnii -Board of Trade and other Financial Center*. - * Correspondence respectfully solicited, rn"vosfmenfan3^5SrKrnar S accounts given careful attention. PAY YOUR} sub$?riptTon n 0 w and receive votes good in the at Smither & Co's, nT|am.u^. tX>K ttAJUt? TWO POOL MUB, IQwJ "COP<HH<m-lirm? In antfr pur chaser; on# Cary safe. 900 pounds. A. B. Draughau. 14 - FOR ULE ? ~CAHH KBGISTER. C&n~gmdJie? Tii? Dtotr N?w?. . ItKHH i.tU. HEED ? CLOVER, Rje, Rapfe, Y?tch. Cabbage and Turnip. Dr. Hardy's Drug Store, FOR MLB ? A FIXft Labak i i i ?et brdssela carpet; coat $1.40 per *ard, will sell for 60c; beautiful design. B. H. Hyman, Chamber of Commerce. t \J JW)8T AND For XI). LOST ? l.ADY'S GOLD WATCH, IX Theater -or between ufAVllT Drugstore, Main street or Gladden street. Finder return to. this office W ANTED. ANTED ?Yni^XiLXtAliV' FOR IL lualon ,acu_ weight rioTTow IIS povndi. Apply MurvelomK-peVeer Latham House. ? '? . MiSC E LLAX KOI*. 26 CANAKV? 4J1IU>8 FOR SAUfi ? I hare on hand 25 'fine canary birds, good songsters, beautiful plumage, - guaranteed to Blng. Price per pair, ? 15; alnale birds. |2.50. Ouaran teed safe delivery anywhere Ifl Cfier 8ute. Address W. H. Qaatins, Aurora, N. C. *AJaiiD^PpaiTloaL^lS CJLKRK; have had forfr years* experlenceT^ general merchandise store; can ttelp^n-efflee; best -reference, Ad dresa1 "Clerk." care this offlce. IX) YOU v,|\t to ltKmnw A fitnuugrepheg? -Taftethe Business 1 ??""i" Mr Hi | nil r |ji Ti mil Till. _ tlon, 95 a month. In aiavxnce: This course Is open to any ono. whether you attend thb Public School or not. Soc tho Superintendent and arrange to ta^e the- course/ " f4C aTCNOGRAPHKR, AE 115 larfcet streaL, -Cbargoa moderate. , not I am \y?.V r- IlL*IX)Lt'H HOWMiyi. ' - ? Fo line i1 vt" i 1 1 /e n fussm A way p Airy, c: ~ rHTTTTtrjL.tfth?P from j r'lff-r "ymt auT Howard lived tt pro#.ent, tells or..l)!g^ad death. Mr. Howard was well known In Wasftlngton, J*irv Ing Hved Utfre a number of years and engaged wttb tfte Willis Bakery, on Fiurd and,k**P&&s streets, ? ite waa ?*. yming ?jnan'wof excellent character, and wm tyclj thought of. Tidings from his loved oned. - eiptofally his "Mr.. Rudolph FraakILn Howard .llart lll^lll.1! . M.< Qforne Flowers, near rWrjteet, rt o^lort Friday mom|n?| sfert 2"2rear?. Mr. Howard" had bfim a* sufferer ror three yarn - with con sumption and sought relief In our mountain cMtnalw. but the prognose of the disease could not be checked Hin brother, Mr. I-awrenee Howard* of NewtOn. arrived FrlJjT ^lanlnr and returned to hie home Tuesday. The deceased was burled at Oakdale aemet^ry Sonday afternoon. Rer. Glaytor conducting the services." ' OKNKH.tr, MAN AG'P.it JIKRK. ? "w yrmic cbtot "? T *1 ? |-MHlfT I generirffianapsr of tfce=W4ffoJk and Southern railroad, waa attached to] day afternoon. J train : !???? to Ma Spring chickens . 10 to 2Sc" H'dee, imp . . ' i . ? -to U Hldee, O. 8.. . 8c Mixed wool 18 to !0c Burry wool. ........... . . io ?o i*? TaUow fj-lc Wool, free from bort*?._. L._ itc Sheepskin V( to 1 HKRE ON V A<;ATK>S, Conductor of X. ? H. IJaMtagw Train . a unr Visitor. Capt. Aubrey Hawkins, the clever conductor on the Norfolk A Southern presenter train between Mackey's Ferry and New Bern, Is In the city with Ms family .spendlnc ? '?* days with Mr. an< Mrs. John W. Oden. on H. S. WARD JUNIUS 1 ' WARD & Git ATTORNEYS- AT Harry McMuIlan. SMALL, MAC LE/ MeMULLAW "ATTORNEYS-AT-C Washington, North Cai W. Mt^BOND, Eden ton. N. G Norwoqp BOND & SIMM? ATTORNEYS-AT-lJd Washington. North Carat I'raclice In *11 W. L. VAUGHA ATTORNEY- AT- LA' Washington, North Cuti OH Ice m VWiflb<l|| BlljUJ ,H. C. CARTER, \TTORNEY-AT-] Washington,- N. Office Market Sti Vm. II. llcxlman.' AVJlexS* RODMAN & ROE ?Attotneys-ht-Li t^ashingion, N. R. L. stew: PRACTICAL -.-VATCHJ1 JEWELER. Corner Main and Mark. Juat received a large aaaon latest dealt. n? In Jewel tl. B. floldblelH, % We lra ?t|)j tjping bustr old stand. I n t hisperTJHflw - HiWPI-Wft im jtlli satin toitaerr Our fair sample# * in and we can take your < -for iomediatc or future^ Your* for busineaa, H. B. harness-makb| Kor repair, of any kind 113 MARKET STREBfS FIRE ift; The J. IjrfSimmops M and Oiauitu Qa, PrlcM and Work Rig WASHINGTON, N. WHITE -BARBER Th?oSIjniAt*claM whites

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