K.HOYT For Your TJresa f ' NOVELTY DRESS GOOTKTg 2 New shades ia new weaves. Prices * range 49c. yard and up. Exclusive de signs. ' . J. R. HOYT " ?P?T=1 J. K. HOYT I? H U SPECIAL VALUES . ? ?' ? ? ANT>? PRICES. Mens Shoes " Dress Hats " S orT. ? ~ f Umbrettas Boys Suspenders .05 China Mattirig .12 1-2 Bras Extension Curtain Rods .10 Nickel Alarm Clc'ks .75 looking Glasses . 15 8c 25 Ansona Watches $1.00 RUSS BROS. THE PICTURE. FRA.VfERS 1 GEM^ Theater TO-NIGHT ; FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA "A PRAIRIE, TOWN 10MAWPBW Oram a. 1 mm l_ "A TELEGRAPHIC WARNING" Drama. "THE MAGIC MIRROR" ? A good picture. "KBDKKHKU FROM. SIX* ' ? Mfll odranJU. ? ? ??THE DEVIL TO PAY" A very fine comedy. GEM THEATER WE hAve .vspectal deal on ZENO CHEWING GUM If Interested Writers. E. R. MIXON A CO. For a Proof Of the superior virtues ol the GAS RANGE, call otrthat friend Of yours -who has on6 and do a littl^Ooking on it ? and also secure her opinion as to"' its handiness and [its [economical fea tures. : ' ' " We will guarantee that then you will call and investigate the cost, etc., f of our best advertisers are oiir satisfied clients. Washington Light & Water Co. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. * DEALER IN DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, MILLINERY JUST RECEIVED? Shipment of Horses and Mules We have ten second-hand buggies to be sold cheap.? Special attention given to feed and livery. We raise the feed on our own , A Few Nice HAMMOCKS left that will be sold at a bargain. J. H. Harris Plumbing IN THE NAVY Torpedo boat tJestroyw Fluaaer Mito 33.7 Knots an Hour. Rockland, Me., Sept ? A record three kn<Ms (aster than that of any ,vhlt> In the rulted^Htates oavy wan scored today by the Balh-t>uJtt tor pedo boat destroyer Flusserj a standardization atrial, the first of her official acceptance trials on the "Ron land- mile course. ? Her fkstest mile was made at the rate ot 3S.7 knots an hour, while another was at the rate of 33.4 knots. The average' of her five top- speed runs was 32.7 .i . , .The British destroyer Swift has al record of neaxHy 36 knots? but-8tae~W I designed for that speed and Is an l.S0(Hlon ahlp, while the Flouter haqi ? Ulipiacmnem uf uulj 700 tqgs and was butlt only for a' 2S*:knot speed. A fog set In so thick that thfe offi cers could not- see the marks ? the' twentieth run was omitted ? .but fhls did not Interfere with the jlrjal; as the last run was to have beenifcjpw spe^.'~ A ^baft~!lUisepo?er of was developed. Capf. Chsrles W. DIngley, of Bath, was the nsvigatlng officer, and Charles P. Weatherbee was superintendlrffc engineer. The Flusser Is equipped with- Par sons turbines.. She will be ready for delivery September 28. Turns Deaf ^ tar to Plea Atlanta, Gar, Sept 3,-jOov. Brown. | announced this afternoon that he would not, approve the recommenda tion or" the Prison Commission that the sentence of William Mitchell, a prominent citizen of I'homasville, Ga., convicted of attempted assault Miss Lucille Linton, a high \y- re spected woman and a relative of his wife, be changed from a year on the TTiatn-paTT^to a almilai period on the '.UaU1 (aim aL MillodgsvlUn Sheriff Singleton,-- or Thomas county, was notified by telegraph to take Mltchel\ into custody. ? Xhrt rtnvpmor'a fleclslon ends one ?of ? Hi* ? moat remarkable cases _ln_ Georgia's legal history. - Mitchell's friends have made every effort to save him from the disgrace of con vict stripes, and the ezbcgtive.?ullng came as a great surprise to them. In denying clemency, Governor Brown said: % "Should the ^clemency asked for in the present case betotended, there grave danger that it would bear fruits of sorrow in every section of our State. It would set an example pernicious beyond ' compare, an ex a'mple embodying a daily menace to 'Georgia's womanhood- It would say -that we have, one law for the rich, another fpr the poor; one law for the highly educated, another for those, too poor to enjoy the privileges and immunities consequent upon, educa tion; one law for the classes, another for tlio liiaiWtfs."" ' TO FLY AT TVHESCTA. -Bier lot is Anxious to Compete With "fun Ik*., Hit1 Aiiieiliau. Br?f ia. Italy, Sfcpt. 3. ? F?ignor Anzanla, Inventor of the motor used by Bleriot, has arrlve'd here. He said today that both Curtiss and Blerio.t would fullow?soon^ Tti^ latter is | anxious to lurjgjinother contest with the American aviator. Signor Anza nla paid visit to Montlchlari, flnd jinrc the field -ideal for the competi tions. Lieut. Calderara. has installed in his Wright aeroplane a new motor especially bulU and " velgAng 104 kilos? Latham, who Is ar present ywilpjTlrty-mothHr. is expcotgd to ar rlve at Brescia within a day or two. The government has ordered the institution at Montiehalrl of a meter orologlcal observatory especially pro vldtri witli infltrum?r?fi iwiafoh 'w?V record the absolute velocity of the wind at anv minute. . JAPS ARE TUM8K!?. Negro C?mmmlal ('ummluitinpra of Orient Cimt W?m? WaliwniiL ri Seattle, Wash-. Sept. .~Tho?com? merctal commissioner* sent by the Chambers of Commerce of Bii leading [cities of Japan to Lratel through the United States to promote commerce ^and friendship between t?e- two, countries were delighted wlth~th? welcome they received today. The principal J a paneie _ newspapers will print dally cabled account* , of the Journey of the visitors through the United States. STATE NEW531 *Ot Ulktd wUh ftu!. w *** ?"out her ."o,U.m S *' ?? 8he BM. k??. a1, w?ltlng until 0ne of the Offleer .V' f1" to?i?M -,tb ^rz.rwr:? i*,"" hm? ?' 7 ?, ??????*& hinTu iTUS^Ei 'MlLn? ?s?ln?T oo?t ration 1^' :,0l*nt "?? Tto?" ?*d? ? R*lel?h '?"1.7 CttT Tt '~?.'b^r thro" """ u"tt ">? I" ???. dishonest nni?i.k ? ~ ^ ool traps for all tind/'of ","'n* *et varmihu." r.k,r.for ^Sain lni.0djIco?^XV'ua """"?l UnUe^?comietrclal> TraToi*1110"^ n n ""-?M!B Pniiiiin ..j.r sTT^r-y m e "???* Thta lTnl?ed Com^mT-?7^ XTln^u^ti,0 T" -?mS? It is ? th" mOTement aw "'" ~ The Biltmore School .of Fore.tr* i , Dr- Scheack will have full andT.1 *'* mon"1? In 'he year M n?* ,h? 0,h? period will be i^-V^wasr^.v^ Plsaah J"" '? '1I,pro?ct' Ih.t of P"?.h, aw 'he niaok fore., l, no\? ". I , lu lf fhn ' heTi'iii II rZ -?X-?-'n" 'nd "?? ?' etlM % num.'fou, It u ' ^.r Zfrzr**^ ?**i? inj noih:ng i???LT ?wr;:r.rv^r\1:^ =sr .^,rlr^ :r ?.e r^^rjz;:^ el?b correapondenra. . f- ? The United siaUMC-and ?StktiTn pert* who are engaged' in the work oT axtermlnaling' caul#' ticks In North Carolina have uone1"^ excellent work this season. I<?o new terrJtdVy'Wili be ywii. ifiB1 >ovii 'fiat1 fn6 been along the line of thoroughly and efficiently clearing mf couh'ties in the central and Piedmont sectfons In' wfticB work had atrtafcy been done. In various counties, which are nain-r, ed, certain farmers'- have been carfc-1 legs, slow about disinfection of^tttetT cattle* in other v.ortlS liave bwm holding off for weveraf-years. but now the herds of all -these people are "1m> ing cleared op. The?# has been some infected herds in Mecklenburg (6), iM?n?nce, Cabarrus, Rockinghafn, Stoke?, Rowan .^Yadlrln, Vance, Gull* ford <527. Granville^WlIkW arid In Cleveland. + ?"- * ^ ^ Last year the Metfc>df?U bought 40 acrts of land for -tfte~By the or phanage and for a female college. Friends are being invited to firr ah acre, each >260, and ever hrflf are thos paid 'fdr. When all are thu* taken *p the4oHege ideation will be consfderetf. T me> haf6 or-| fared to Underwrite libnds upon thl*. prowrt*. If H win ? - cnttod farrpwtn hU ra.lpi.ttOD. But In Mcsrinc Mr. Rqttfr.UM au thorities have . .plena Idly, equipped man, who will prore inialuahU to BliAME* RUSSIA. HI. Abdication Wu Dm to In trlgujud Treacher/. St. Peter^m-*- Sept. S.-yThe Rus koe SlOTO tod *7 publlthgsan inter rlew?~wfcich jtt correspondent at Te heran had: with the depoeed 8hah o^ Persia, who Is now * refugee at the Russian legation at Zerxende. The former ruler of Perala complained, according to. the corespondent, that i his abdication was due to lntrlg^e And treachery, hinting broadly at Rufcsian and' British diplomacy. - came lore," the former Shah continued, "as I was given to under Hand. save. tt* throne, appepse the people and pre vent bloodshed. I sent a telegram' to the Emperor of Rusala bespeak ing his IntefCMiklon with my peopW.' I was willing to comply with the de mands presented by the representa tives of my* people. To my surprise, I found myseU almost a prisoner here andsoon'I was toUF that xdy abdication had been accepted'. Had I remained another day at my resi dence at Bageshah events would have-taken a different turn." In conclusion the former sovereign of Persia said hp would' prefer .to wander -through Persia as a simple dervish than be expatriated. Considering the fact that It broke the record for ^nrtnr^pce. the Mplf,*? certainly ought to sell. There's work for a wast ad. ? when there's a bouse to sell or aa a a to mobile. - -rr 1 . ? .T 1 Cures catarrh Jurf i^Oomplete outfit. Including Inhaler $1. Extra bottle* 50c. Drng^ FOR SALE ON EAST TERMS ~ Building lot on East Second Street 52x211 feet;' has house on back and waterworks and lights: high, dry. ; Terms? Siwll cash payment, bal ance on long time ? four years If de aired. If's a bargain for the man that gets It. HAVE VOl'j ANY^HINC -TO SELL? > . ? s Do you want to buy snything?^ No matter what it is? if you w^nt It sold, we can do it; If you want to buy anything, no matter what,* we c ?ftl h tef you. ? WE >VILL BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE <?*;*> , stUjb j i Real estate, houses, lots, farms,' horses, cattle, furniture, st< " bonds, jewelry, household g? ?anything, everything, anywl at any time. Write, wire... 'phoni Or visit us and tell us what yoi ??? 1 WASHINr.TON INVESTMENT CO. Ail the Leading Sfiades in Dress Go< blacks, UKtMa?\ mnrorawP rAK ANEW STRIPE AND CHEGKED EF FECTS. ALSO A NEW LINE OF ZEPH YR G1NNGHAM. 1 v LET ME MAKE YOUR I Picture Frames for you. : Agents for . Green's Chocolate Candy, SPECIAL LINE of POSTCARDS ?Phone 58. II. G. Sparrow. There's Always a "Best Plac ? ?? ""WMdi tpjBir to - Tt*y oTercome Mb, PENNYROYAL PILLS c ? ^nij banish " of menstruation." They tr?.MLlFE 8AVE1W *' to womanhood., aiding denlopm-nt of or^tai and knowa. remedy for women equals them. Uonot * becomes a pleasure. ftl.OO PER BOX BY I hr r?s VQrrrq/mrMK^T.on CS Mo ^wUwj. oMe 7Z ^re i?sued as (ollows ior Subscriptions Paid in Advanee .. ? One Month ... 1 Vote Two Months . . . 3 Votes Six Months . . . 12 Votes f Twelve Months -* . 25 Votes | POMaELIANi Massage Gream CfcSAKSBS Wl[XKE S6a? ."7" \ iyp Wate-r Fail , Washing with soap and water makes the face tOCfc ZT i p-" clean, but It cleanrthe M^eurf ace only. It does not ; ..dean ont the impurities r,tin the skin that make runHriy pfflH Wiling vPom pel an Maaaage Cream- * 'goes through the surface. , It sinks into every pore? /?J-eachea and loosens all ^foreign. dirtand .imparl? y ilea- 'that ' loage in tac * pores. __ It lathe" only facial cream free tromr^reaBe^ancMhat ? - - keeisatbeiace free fr um ? ? '"it TJSgs :iri6t? ^cannot ? ' promote thQ_ growth of hair on tiie face. " . ' ? : Price bOc Bf .00 per jar; - im. HArtDVg Dkio tjTVKK. ? i = ? rs EAST CAROLINA "???-- - Teachers' Training School -- Established and maintained by the State for the young men and women who w4*h to Q*??M*y themselves "for the profession of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sanl- ... tation perfect' ? SESSION OPENS OCTOBER IfTJJ, 1*9. ? For ?f oapectus end information^ address ROBT. H- WRIGHT, JUST RECEIVED Fresh lot of PORTSMOUTH ? DRESSED MULLETS E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Clgmr. and Tob?ceo LearyBro#:T Old

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