TnaUon Engineering ar. nf mmmnTii >m1 i skora named will notice that a summons in tKe entitled action w$a issued qd -Ji day of July, 1909. , by (he Superior court of Beaufort^ county. North Carolina, for the purpose of recovering against the defendants for (he breach of contract Hon with th? construction' electrical car line In the clU Yaahlngton. N. C.. In the sum of housand dollars, which said la returnable to .the Bu r court of Beaufort, county at the court h<fabe In* Washington. N. , on the 26th day of October, If 09. the Judge of the Superior court, at a court then to be held.-* -rtafenrtants will alsn take no ? ttfcf d tlce tha at -a warrant erf attachment was Issued from the ?Ud eourt. re turnable as aforesaid, on the 8th day of July. 1909. against t?e property nf thn defendants at which time and aboigt Joined defendants are [ to appear and answer or de it"'*'-'* 'V | therein demanded will be granted. This 14th day of July. 1909. ~ GEO. A. PAUL, Cterk Superior llqart. NOTICE OP ADM1 N'ISTRATION . - | Having this day duly qualified be XOn \U* .Clerk-0f4he Superior CoffrT of Beaufort county as administrator estate of Olivia R. Fleming. d^seXTafr said estate an wrfOBBL indebted ic~ estate are requested to make.] settlement with me; and all persons holding, claims against (he said es tate are notified to file the ume, duly Itemised and Terlfled.~ar prescribed by- l>w, within one year frqm this date, else this notice will be pleaded " in bar of their cecoxary. this August 28, 1909. 0. FLEMING. Admr. of Ollvla^R. Fleming, dee'd. NOTI^OF BALK. By virtue of the power of sattflfQIl tallied in a deed of, trust to me ex ecuted by R. F. Gather and wife, on December 16, 1905, which Is duly re corded in the register's office-" of Beaufort county, in book 136, page '82, and^ Is hercfey referred to, I will highest btiNUgr, at the -court house 6unty, on Satur i day of September, 1909, fthat lot or parcel of land that part pf the city of a, known an "Pungo " lying on the north side of street, between 3onner and 1 Harvey streets, and now designated at lot No. 16, the same' having a "frontage on ThtrcTHreet of 108 feet' and extending back northwardly from Third street a distance of 210 ? feet, bounded on the south by Third atyeet. on the north by lot No. ~ IT. qn thf ft by lot- No. 26. .'ton the west by lot No. 6. it being tlrtp same lot _or -parcel of the town of Washington hy deed daU gd AnHl is. l no 1. recorded in s^|d : register's^ office In book 110, pages 886-690. Vhlch is -also referred to, TTSgethf r "wtt?r*ir the "trowtngs and improvements thereon. FRANK H. ROLLINS, Trustee. ? TM? hii.H 9 comWh IK8IONWK ! North Carolina, Beaufort eoun "" TOTBtfpfPfWr-^oart. J. WrStewwt ? vs. C. Sparrow. Pursuant to a Judgment rendered at the May term, 1909, of the 8u jaciei court nf Beaufort. county ^la. the above entitled action, the under signed commissioner, duly appointed therein, wjil offer for sale and will aellf at the courthouse door In Beau fort N. C.. on MONDAY. OCTOBER 4TH, at 12 cash, Ae following described prop erty, towlt: AH that tract of land ' - ? wpr ??.*?? 8t*'? ? ^Jh Carolina, county Beaufort.- bound " ed and described as follows: ulna at a stake -In Blount's >d?oh. at r JL <V- Prescott's corner and running south 199 poles Cayt*m*? line, thence east 4U poles and 4 1-2 links to 9. M. iSpajrrow's corner, lliuucu nuith 199 pules to Hie vj * ditch, tUgnce 40 poles and 4 1-2 Ifflfcr to the beginning, contain^pg 50 acres more or less.' Terms: Cash, deed XS be made when sale Is approved by Judge of Superior oppft; ~ This the d day ot September, 1909. _T"; WILLIAM DUNN. Jr.. ; - -Gommlaalones. notick op suction. Notice Is hereby given that at ** mooting of the Board .of Aldermen held on July 14, 1909, an election for the city of Washington was ord ered' toJ>e held Id the" various wards t of faffretty of Washington, on 'Tues day, the 14th day of September, 1909 i oi. Aulliig. .OIL Qi as Pfe sided for Ift mmm S^rmJUH ARE NOW DUEf Votes for the Gold and Silver Set Are Issued Only to Those Who Lift INSURANCE Satisfied poHey holders are mi references. Let me show y&u a Life Insurance contract. It will pay you. G. D. PARKER, GENERAL INSURJtNC . YOU BE 11 tK HURRY ?y ? "" * Suit? yon'ir be tickled at the Wright's Tailoring Parlors, "Who Tailor Best In wasirington." 0 - HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED - by oar new French Dry Cleaning Process. Makes them look like new. Oar new Dry Steam Sterilizing Press ing Machine is doing excellent; work. Ladies' Coat Suit* a specialty. Have youi laundry done here. Our orocess destroys germs. 'Phone 242. Alderman-Capehart Laundry. Inc. 132-4 WATER STREET- - FOR NEXT -TEN DAYS ? ?? ' " tire line of light weight Dres? -Goods as follows [ TXl-Ic Figured SUk TUaue, l?c IKJlorenune Uf^anqif: 'i i-ic 18c Drape D? LlnJ? T?f- U 1.1 ml ltc Doijrelle and fat*. 13 1-Jc : .Ariato < )r *?ntfle, Ic ISc Dotted S>vl?- MaaUm tl l-fe 7c AlmeJlo Ratiate. _ if.', 12. l-2c Pari# Tissue, '* lie -5 nod 6c Printed Lawns, 4c I J. F. BUCKMAN & SON ground anil view our magnificent uia Play of orep 1,000 resplendent Full and Winter- Woolen Innovations. We take yoUr measure by the moat complete and ingenious measure-ta klag system 1 *"i"Tni| sncl harr Ilalhi i to take a front and side rlew photo Kraph *>f each customer, which en ables the cutter to draft a salt to FIT youT ? t And when It cbtnes It Is a master Silt ? you'll- be tlctled at the At? , WE BUY lirCar-toad- Lots;- -The _ Pnce 13 Right. Tele phone Walter Credle & ten- 0r?jBrtq|?4..thfiD6Oji... ::9to- abore notice is by order of the Board. At a recent meeting of tha Board of the City jpftl pgj, 'ttgtjjftt WBiMt j registrars were appointed for the city to act during the oiling election when the question of issuing bonds to the amount of $25,400 for street improvements will be Toted on. rirst ward ? N. B. Mitchell. Second ward? li Leaching of your akin _ btttttiful compioilo n and a volwity skin can only be' ob urtiwa By miBf gitsr? amj and uainc - ' BaJudvs fact.: Ltyriox. These ooel winds play ha roc with one's complexion and the , tpewlt Is that tnarl table burn In* and Chapping asdredden Ihf of the skin, "fardys Pan sy Lotion will (rive you the needed protection. Dae It'IU a duty you ows yourself. Dr. Hardy'sDrug Store 'Mrs. JL Ropsr and ehUdren lefjt yesterday {or QfMsboro. ?'* * Mrs. Smith Saul and children left tor Greenville yesterday for a. T|iit. ?. ? Mfc. W. 8. QfclJow.y and MI?a Earl Proctor, ot GrtnMland. returned to tjmlr bomea jwterday ?tter a TlalCln ? ?, .? .U.I Jf * i ? Miss Mamie Cooper and -Mrs. Ella Hodges left yesterday on the A. C. L. tor Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. .Woolly left fthis- morning -for Norfolk and -from there "wilf go to-Seatlle to visit their son! Mr. J, L. Woolly. , ? - * Miss Ruth Creole and plaster Ed- 1 fiiroiid? Credit*, of'-Pantego, teft for | "WnstrlitMn? this- mo mint i | to Miss Maude Windley.1 i- - " ? * * ? ' . tfr. H. C. Harrison left today f<?r [ Norfolk ana Akcnmona. ~ Mrs. John W. Oden and children went to Norfolk this morning on tli? excursion. /" - 1 - . i-t" ? * " Miss Justine Carmalt went to Nor* ?folk this morning. Misses Etta and Norah Lancaster J | returned, to their home in Vanceboroj after a visit to friends in the city. - " ? ? Mrs. M. TV Jordan came over from | Plnetown to apend Sunday. ? ; ? Solicitor H. g. Ward left this morn- 1 In gto attend Currituck court. .* * * Mrr C. R.. Mitchell werft to Norfolk j and Washington City -t ?! ~ ? ? . Rev. T. N. lUy, p. D.. editor of the Raleigh ChrUtlau ? Advooatei la | expected to arrive here thlo evening, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mlxon on West Second street. Major Nasi, o( Scotland Neck, paaaed through the city. yesterday, en route to, hla htorne from a visit io Aurora. ? ? - -Mr. Spencer Hart, wh^ came over from Tarboro for the Durhay dance, ?tumed_xfiM?ttUy-tt/ UlaJiPPie. a _ Mr- C-. Hill, general manager trf-th? Rtriyr Macl^fne qom pany, Is lxl towp Trom Baltimore. Mr. W. S. McGregor, ofGoldsboro, is in the city. < ? ? Rev. Tholly Huske, of fareenville, passed through the town last even lag. on his way home from a trip to New York. ' Mrs. Mabel Cippeley and children^ EHlllhfith tnrf nf Pa.* are the guests of Mrs. L. Mayo, on East Main street. Mr. H.-M. fltilley left yesterday af-j ternoon for New Bern for a week's | visit. . Miss Myrtle RQllioa left on the AV C. I*. for Aahfvllle yesterday after a short visit .to Mi?s Reba Dumay. Miss Bnlllni' Tlllt ^?b utinrlfinfd on count of havlag to return *<y attend college at 8wee*brier, ITtu mm Miss JJpnma Forbes, off Now Bern, went to Kiaaton yesterday.' after spending the dsy with Mrs. E. L ArchbelL ' J - Miss after a returned at Bun Mw. limJ J. B, H. Boon left thla morning for Nor folk. ' *Mr. W. D. Hlghtower, of Reide n'liu, uiiii im iuiiuj mm >?? n?>n?n xu riaii?hjf?>r Mrs .1, W pntTfry, otr gast Second streets- - Rbbert Respess returned from Jee siwna ThursJ^ynrfcere he hid been several days Visiting frieuds and rel Mr. Ray Winder, of Elizabeth City, is la the city for a few days. Mrs. J. P, C: Davis returned tot New B<>rn Uiis morning after a few | days' visit to Mrs. C. P. fclaad. . Minn Mabel Roper, of Roirer, ar rived this mora log to visit Mlas Ethel Mrs. George Styron and children left thin morning for Norfolk aad tWtiriK>r t News. r t . . Mrs. VV. H. Ruse went to Norfolk >? trior .r. h?- Kw??K.?, I T"? _pro?r.m n tj. " Jttir luiht. Th. Kttlc mrT owlw trr m ml.f b- In Th> |irn< l~ >- ?????> ?? ? waiiw ana they wIJl be well wort^i golpg to see. Tii ere will be an orchestra tonight, too. This will, be one of thebest ali around programs ever put on at lbo|| Gem. It la especially fine. Music 1 1 a Lao will be good. You can tell Vhe moment you step into the Gem that It is well ventilated. - You need Hot be afraid of foul air at' the Gem. It Ib cool and hygienic. ? >* ' ^ AT THfc II1XM&. The Devoes certainly are drawing cirUs in Washington, for the Dixie was simply packed last night. They are both artists, and will always be welcomed with open hands heck The J management did the right thing, in securing them as an attraction. The box escape stunt, . Last nigh k.-JSM. something well worth seeing. Thia trick is a mystery and can only be 11 jsoYved by the 'magician Devoe him-|| self. It was great, and the audience showed their appreciation by long continued applause. Tonight they render an entire change of program [from start id finish. Those who faU ed to witnesB the box escape can <ni J so tonight, aB Mr. aparrow, the man ager. frasmade 'aitahgfentefllg 10 UllH end. Xnpth^r appreciated act for the patrons. Remember the escape comes. Off- at 9 o'clock sharp. The escape last night was a crowning success, so much bo. for thp-' benefifc^of tfie many patrons of .the Dixie, it will be repeated. Good pictures are again exhibited. All in all, the Dixie should be a Mecca for those wishing to witness a flrat-claaq performance. Ujqrna cflfiy-u you wi ah ? CITY MARKET. E?? ? ??> . 21c Chickens, grown. . ... . . . .25 to 30c Spring chickens. 10 to 25c Hides, green . . .. 6 to 7C Hides, G. 8. ............ gc Mixed wool 18 to 20c ^Surry.wool 10 to 18c Tftll0w 3 1-2 r Wool, free from- burra, . . 20c 8heepskln ; . . . . . .Vi . . 40 to 75c Lambskin^ 25 to 40c fr to Hi' Beeswax .... J 26 c DUC&8. ....... ... . It to 20c ? : His Deficiency. j A certain Chicago merchant dl<& j tearing to his onl> s^a the uuuduct of | an extensive business, and great doubt was expressed in some quarters whether the yeung roan possessed the ability to curjy out the father's poli cies. y "Well," .said onfc kindly disposed i . friend, "for my I think Henry JJ is .very bright and capable. I'm sure "p he will succeed." "Perhaps you're right," said another friend. "Henry is undoubtedly a dev. er fellqw; but take it from i>me, old man. he hasn't got the .head to fill his father's shoes." m wa? 1 *ano ? Eggs' Boiled to Music, well-knqwn evangelist tells ?of i small tmrn In of the Southern States, where he awakened one morning by a soprano voice which came from the kitchen singing a famous hymn. As the bishop was dressing, ne medlliled AB Iflfi TIB-'" ty of the servant. Speaking to her' aftec breakfast ?f the pleasure l? had Xtven him, he was met with an unex Mactdd answer. "Oh. than. 'you. air," | she replied, "but that's the hymn I boil the eggs by ? three versea for R SOLD One of the Eleven They aregetting 10 cents cheaper each day. Somebodyjl will get ahead <rf | you in a bargain. See window. Mfl Yoies Given 1 1 Away Monday 5# from 9 to H A. M^l t U from 4 to <. P.^M. n ja_L= Walk or Ride. Talk Ov*r The Telephone j|| You can have" a Telephone put In your house In the city or at your farm at a very aur-. passingly low coat, and many a long drive and haps a life by being In <k and Instantaneous touch v.,,., your Doctor, Grocer, Mer chant and Brolu r, Weather reports and mar k*t?luotat ions can bcsecui dally. Interested parties are re quested to communicate with iff. D. W.Jiell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CQ., Washington, N. C. Thll proportion wjll iiiit-T e?' you. ?nd ft wouldbe wall lo Investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter months. \ IF YOU WAN3L -TO Get results for your dol lar you ought to let us talk ELECTRICITY tOYOM. Now is the timp | j to have your house-wired before lilt long winter e> ingscome. We will be glad to submit a free estimate OB ? ? . - Wiring Y?ur House. [WASHINGTON F.I.F(TTR If; PLANT. Countless Coughs I J*V,&^.*?n,,*nen,1Jrcured I wf?h Pi?o ? Cure. Itficom ot the most cflrctire remedies knotm in midicioe for (be treatment of coucbi. colds. bronchitis and allcbest inittui * , world famous Jhrouj half a century of b - r ? OUR FIRST i^fiXFERlENCE Ladies' Coat Suits ^ ? t 5< ? Does not mean that we are Inexperienced, and a visit will convince you that our buyers have used only .the best of judgment in their selections. To be founf! at our store are styles, shades "~J J~,~-Jikewisfe some here only, and you are very welcome even if -you are not a purchaser. SPENCER BROS. HIGHEST CASH PRICKS paid for CHICKENS, EGGS ' ? ~ and all COUNTkV PRODUCE | We, carry Hay, Grain and all ?di reedrtuff ? We handle the very beet Klonr at whole ??ie- - _ " PAUL & CUTLER east watkb btrkkt. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College ? Maintained by the State for .the wq*n cn of North Carolina. Four Regular Courses Leading- to Degrees. Special ? Courses for Teachers* Fall session be gins September 15; I9f9. Those destr- ? ing to enter' should spply as early as possible. For catalog and other infor mitlnn mmh Z ? ? J. I. FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, N. C. "WELCOME" Alw ays feel that you are welcome when in our store. We appreciate yourTracteT and do all we can to please you. Remember, we have the agency foi Vinol, the great tojaic-reconstructor. A complete line of Station ery and toilet articles al ways on hand. WASHINGTON DRUG I0JWPMT SPECIAL SALE! have free n paying 40c. for vyilH [be reduced to 10 and 20c. per pound. Sale begios| Tuesday, Aug. 31, at 2 p. m. J; F. TAYLOE, The Grocers Man. ~?Save Us the Expense * ? ~ r, " ' ? of a Collector?: BY PAYING.

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