WASHINGTON, NORTH. CAROLINA, TUESDAY AFrERNOON. SEPTEMBE R 7, 1909 PUBLIC SITS ON HIS THRONE OF CRITICISM UNI KICKS IS USUAL! * ? ? * i* --- 1^- , ,fi ? -rr ' . -vr^ ., i is Against the. City's Advance ment and Growth and Tries to Get His Friends to Aid in the KtiOqking Stnnt. ? - CAN T VOTET FOR STREETS e birth of, Christ and Mr. Public has sat .Jestlc throi>e and has and applauded - every u? man, every good cause and public enterprise tor the ad eznent of good cltlzcnshipi Yet ^'iuully telfs us that this'dis fculshed gentleman's jjpiuion has ?Public has his local thrones i as his national,, and he will sceylor as piuudly an obseure community as he will the Congress of the United Btyt It *U Mr. Public's Jocal jjrat The -News wishes la attention to. If you have ever ii> , cjualntancd with Mr. Pub * know -that Ms motto-Is r?Je "At present he Is felling that of Beaufort and city of Washington is about ruined, and that hfiing rnhhftl, tiv hirli Monln ar,n 1 In hit argument, howevfer, he will not admit that the larger num of his devotees scarcely pay any \ at alL He-wttHell you that this bond 1s o f 425.000 for street improve ( to be voted on September 14? Isa scheme to- put the people's mon ey into the pockets of the few to the detriment of the many. vYou can Just ^IMng. Hn ttoea awt tell tqu. ubile doesn't, yiat these same tow are economical industrious, sm . bltlous, honest cttlsens of the city of Waahlngtop,- ^ zill at the far alght- 1 by 3 strategetn | . be divides his I ? Into the community | them forth to tongue ir, the school teaser, none t out Tea, no one knows who i not catch their sarcastic tongue. ^jSQMFERS WANTS WORLD'S UNION fha it Btralvrl With IT n | thusiasm by Trades Un ion Convention. 1 I ondon. Sept. T.? At the British FraSeJ Union convention la' Ipswich' oday, President Samuel Oompera, of .he- American Federation^ of Labor. wteonal federation of labor. The >lan was received with enthuaiasm )j many of the labor leader* of Eng a?d~ This project baa been cohtemplat MI_bj-Qoapers for some time. It la Oppoeed to maintain the Federation, rf Labor in the United Btatee and^lta WPWd couEtarpfctt In Kn.l.-d . WKfnwhttt couatrtaa I -ate Institutions so far u local ?o-| K> rule* binding ob both by which aKasif.'g.a Rforld so that the workers hers and n Continental guroi* and In Araer c? would be able to cooperate at mCeJn the interests of the strikers. It w|s said that If thd plan' of the American leader is carried put a ap? ?ial cable code will be devised. An | international iv*lorafJon roprwnt" In* 10,000,000 workers In contem f* Market Pier to be Repaired It is easy to discover a disciple or thU Mr. Public, tor he never Btnillen anything, but is always talking about everythiflgr - 2 : ~ Now, Mr. Citizen, have you ever road history or observed thlnjfs? You know that ad verso critiolsm has retarded the advancement of many a Rood 'aauae, and he will, so far f% Itrflt jmpm-rnnwiati far Whtnflfmii if he can. He never falls to stab a public necessity, or public Improve mem wlWH he kn^ft down in his h.qart* Jt Is for the welfare and uplift of the community. When you atudy the bond !s||ie stoon to be voted on In this city, remember those Yavoring this question are going <0 be on the popular side of the fence Go to the .poles and aid in -carrying through 9 measure that you will slvrkys look upon In years to come as -one of the best acts of youFllfe? an act your child rnn *i >i win thi reunion one hf the moet notable af fairs in the history of the city. Cinuting flay* far ? . Public Schools Pupils will ple**? attend at the School building fojr admission cards and hack fee notices as followers:' 9: SO o'clock. Grades IB, 1A. SB. 2A. SB, 3 A, 4B. 4A. Saturday morning. September* 11, at 9: SO o'clock, 'Oradee 5B. 5 A. 8 B,? ?A. High school first, second, third, and fourth years. All papils are urgently requested to be present as lndlcatef a harvest as we in the higher counties are. ' Behind the calm* front, *? * pro^Mfiiu [*nn?r. * largo landholder, Ura t some bank account. Today he In I worfclot on ? imUrr u .uMrlnUm ' o\it a< living for hiitaself and family, driven from house and home by the Inadequacy qf in* ftttlnage: Not otfly have the men on the farms tbnt also the 1 people In the towns suffered through the "lack of drainage. These towns ? such as Washington, ' Bafti. IWKir ' Quarter. Fairfield ? are dependent largely for their progress upon the prosperity uf the backjcountry. If the fanners lose their crops through drov mm towns feel the piqtiu^Thc. suffering ^because (fffhe last ; "three bad crop years. They are already beginning . to take on new life be cause of the project* of a "good crop this year. The railroads of that' sec tion, too, are dependent largely upon t^e farmers for^heir prosperity. The ANOTHER AME1 CESSFUL IN FROZEN NORTH ? WORD AUTHENTIC BUT NEWS B MEAGER; cording to a report reced day Captain Peary haa the north pole ? and la home. The Information coma Race and la appareatS | ? """O ??"? . luteTy helpless. Without lielp from others,- they must durlns the balance of their Uvea see the wajberdeaUuj shop after crop, Just as their fathers did daring their lifetime. The watoh -word ef the fat me uT USal section must ?be cooperation. The* moat sac a mutually helpful Interdependence, who believe they can drain their lands of Hyde and Beaufort, the farmers must work together. There .may be-a-tew-ef the larger farmers who believe they ca ndarln their lands more eM&ply and satisfactorily by themselves than In cooperation with* others. There are small farm ers who believe that.Jf they enter a dralnagd district, the la r??r farmers will t*jre advantage of them by in conitructlon >and maintenance to place the burden of tax on the' small .farmer* and secure the- benefits to' the larger onea. How taueh trutlT mwi ii in iny w \u>on iPuiton celebration. A suite has been reserved for the ro?I party at the Plaza. ^Tbe Japan Sbclety Of New Y.prk will give a dinner iu' honor -of. the Prince. . *"^v lT , ? . Tomorrow night the PrWce and BrinOeas will attend a dinner given Tor them- by the NlPPCn Club, "and they will then , go ? to Boston fur"a? short visit, during whic^thvy wljl visit President "TaTt aT bls~?uinnrer -1 homo in Beverly. On September 14 Col. Robert M. Tlmmn?nn g-llt yUn n Sinner- in their honor at^ Newport, and on the llith they will be the guests qT Dr:.Takafoine. the- Japanese . zhefelst at Merrlwold Park. ;Sullivan county, N-- ?. A visit to West Point is next plan ned.,,, to be followed by n dinner by the Japanese Society, and on the day of the 23d they will go to Washing ton. From September 25 until Oc tober 3 they will be, the official and ' honor guests of the Celebration Com mission, and at the close. r>( thj mil muni ID llilrj go. and will reach ?an Francisco on October 9. They leave fot. Japan fin the steamship* Tenyo Maru on Octo ber 12. . * ' ' ? SALEOF SHIRTS ANDBLOUSESOON To Be Given for the Bene fit of the M. E. Church Carpet Fund. The Home Missionary Society of Vie Methodist Church will have a shirt and -blouse aalo tw bey -from 5 tp lmm old the Iast wtek In September. The shirts and blouse will be made otit of the very best ma terial and well made. The proceeds of this aale will go towards liquidat es: the deht nn tho gam the sale will take place will be an nounced later. -.IhZffour Pickerfs I "Hello Bill," played last night by the Four PIckertsand their company, wap a good roaring farce. Their act ing is far above the usual traveling stock company, and the pn'y "?ri?in. ly took_jrltlv the audience which, be- j Tore the evening was over, wag a good sized one. Washington people evidently like to be l*te,( and it Is to Nwr-hopwl "Or|rjohlght they will re ' fornd ta bit and come earlier and so not break Into the thread rif the ten der drama which' will be put on, for the plajr tonight will test the acting power of the members of this popu lar company, and the play is too fine a one'_vto be Interrupted by late comers. ? The audience certainly got their the play there were illustrated songs and dances by the Plckerts, which seemed to please the people. The feminine relee in "Hello Bill" were cullne, but were as a rule well taken. Elisabeth Plckeft as Matilda Puller, was unnsually well nisdefrp,"snd ear rled her short part off to perfection. Cllnt_I)odson as Wm. Puller, wai. a good comedian, and had Xhe most work to do In the play. While Val r.lPftTT >H ftfin Wm -Fuller, was a good Imitation of a dignified army officer.. Harry Moseley Is a young set or. and his character part as tfie English doctor was hard to carry but! and well' done. Mr. Moseley gives j promise of better thlngtf-Vlth more: stage experience. HU expression is I extremely good, j Ndter did that poor apology for a J piano sound more harrowing to the tunaC?l ear than It did under the skillful touch of Mr. Wheeler, the plan Ufi, whoee hi (Maul mmrte phi tb shame the old rattle-box. This in strument of torture la a dlagrae* to the management and would dlscour-j | age tnyone slioi t n( a uiualull UWd. Tin m?m l mnt wlnn.liT Iiki, u n?? phmtrffc tlio_op?f* hotnw. U4 ?*? ?Ijlnll ij In ln'n? ? . ? -4 ? iui OF IN SESSION All the Meipbers Were Pnym ? Elections' Called in Two School Districts ? Mr. Hard ing Reads Letter. OFFICE TO' BR iMPROvrn The" County Board ''of- Education met lu regular monthly session at he courthouse yesterdqy, with E. \V. iyfTB., Wr1#| > JJutt 'and Thad JL Hodges, tnea>ltLTt< of the board, present. . .... .??' ?? I|j retiring formally, ?and turning Jver the -office of County Superln '.en-dent of Public. Instruction to his successor., Nathaniel Harding ?' read the following letter, and at his jequest tho board voted to felace'it : ipon Oftq^nlcntes and 'publish It In the two papers of (ho town: ? "In severing today^my official con uoctlon with the schools of Beaufort county, I take this: method to express lo the teasers, school committees. and .-friends my most grateful appre- ? ? elation of the niany kind letters that lliai* IIU'UIIUII nova aifterent sec tions of the county expressive of the gopd will, confidence and -esteem pf my "fellow citizens. 1 take- great pleasure lif commending to you my young? friend, who is to succeed me. He is a young -man well qualified for the position to which he has been elected. He i? a college graduate, has had experience In teaching, and will do the work of the" office .as It should be done. He will be the friend* of the teachers and of the children ? of our schools. Give him the confl- \ * dence and esteem that you have all these years, so generously given to the old friend who today bids you an affectionate farewell. , Yours very truly, NATHANIEL HARDING. Mr. Vaughan/the new superintend dent, read the following letter, which the board .ordered, at his request, spread upon the minutes, and pub lished' In the twb papers of the town: To jtlyp^County Board of Education: - as qur' retiring - BupeFfntendent, Rev. Nathaniel HaTding, has feeefc ?> kind in ffls expressions of good will for me. and confidence in my ability tf> perform successfuHr^the duttW I am succeeding him In, and since he has seen" fit to make these expres sions a matter of record, I desire to repeat to this body what I have al- ~ *? ready said privately to him. I can but appreciate his belief in me, and ? Staple him publicly for the same. I ?n>y-hope thgffr-ean lire up to fai* ixpectations and win as big a plaee In the feearts-of our people. as he now bold*. Respectfully, W. L. VATJQHAN. Washington, N. C., Sept. 6, 1904, At the close of the meeting the >oard- unanimously passed the foi owlng resolutions and ordered, them ipread upon the minutes, and pub iahed: Washington N. C., ? _ Sept. 6, 1909. V Tin map lT.lMalil who has served the people of Bpau lort county as Superintendent of Ed acatlon for years, is now' about to ; eure, now be it resolved, ' ?' Education in regular session on the Irst Monday' in September, 1909, Lion for the services be has so ua^ ielfishly rendered the cauie of edu/. ration tajpur county; Second. That in order to fittingly lommemnrata that serylee aae >f the records of this body be set islde for these resolutions. E. W AYJ2RS, , ? - Chairman..