WASHINGTON ftAliY NEWS August 5, IWI, it th?L poetettce at WuhlDitoo, N. C . under the act of Myk l> -j PUBLISHED EVERY AtTEWMK).V EXCEPT SUNDAY. N No- 114 E to ? ' r t mm jmmi w TeiepW* >?<>. anoj SCB8CVU PTfCW KATES: . Otw Month . /. r. . Cu- .25 F.our Months 1 .00 Six Months 1.50 One Year. . .? 3.00 Subecribecs desiring the paper dis continued will please notify this office on date of expiration, otherwise, it will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop is re ceived. If you do ^not get The Dally News prorafXly telephone or write the man ager. and the cottlrtuflU Will receive " immediate attention. It Is our desire to please yoa. ??? ?? a ? ? r. WASHINGTON. N. C.. SEPT. 11 LET THE >'KWS FOLLOW. Parties leaving* town should not. fall to let The News follow them dally frith -the news ot Washington fre?h and crisp. It will prove a valuable ? companion, reeding- to yott-lihe a l?t? ter from home. Tbose .at "the sea shore or mountains will find The News a rtost welcome and Interesting visitor./* MUST HE SUi.VEU. All artkleH sent .to The News for publiration must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. ? . CITY ON THK P^ILim In this week's Raleigh Christian _Ad vuvau:, appears. aa. etii.turla.1^ from - the versatile pen of the editor. Rev. r-*_T. ,N? Ivey. D. ,D? giving au account, of his recent visit to' Washington. , The News gives spare to extracts ? from It which. no rinn'.u, wtn .prove-, Interesting and profitable reading to our people. "The Idea of. taking a train at Raleigh in the late afternoon and reaching Washington on the Pj\yn Hco by dark f"?-!nmlng to one who has been in the habit of con ? a ? ti b y . ? and 'souitftlmgg ? nr night, la. reaching this place. Thanks to the Norfolk and Southern for the agreeable change. "At 4.2"i on, last Saturday after noon I boarded the Norfolk & South ern train at Raleigh. Washington was ttre' objective point. My mission was to preach on the following day to tlie Washington saints of the Methodist "persuasion In the absence -ot- the _ua?tor. JReVv M. Tr-Wr. I was glad to thu^b*. a~bIF to^ redeem-* promise of long landing. An editor, who is also business ma'uatreix has very feifr' opportunities of spending a Sunday away from liomt. How I al- 1 most envy those editors who have j nothing .to do but write a few aditor- j iats~and~ look-over a few papers, who! can leave the office at any time, and ! actually spend a whole week in a re- ' vlval meeting! What a^time they i do havei. i=_=_ ? _s ? _ 1 "A long wait on the bridge s^an- j ? northern j bank for over a mile.- and then I found myself In the hands of my r.?i?ii.i ami ii 1. 1 j ii u ! ' in >? , .in p. K. ' -J&i&QIL- Our acquaintance began in the old Williams hotel in Roxboro. | in which as a young drummer he lay ( sick back in the "S;0k. The pastor ? was not long In hearing of the sick j Which grows stronger in the years. His home |r generally my hom one" oft the largest wholeeak* grt> cery houses la Eastern Carolina. God \ has blessed him with a flourishing i bu.?ITies*, a wife, who le one of Caro- 1 lina'H noblewomen. and bright chil- j dren who ar? the Joy of the parent*, brother Mlxoos love for his church has kept pace with th* growth of his business. He Is juatly re*sait)ed as one of the "pillari" of the church at' Washington ? sot a *t? carp 'ip ta ftallsgh -a great radort for ?tfonr He *?T? valtsn trustful s^l-? dler In Cfcrlat's armjr until an en feebled frames forced hkn -lpto- th*1 supperannuate relation. It was a great pleasure tp . meet many old -ft lends. ? tire "mention of whose names Is forbidden by the- limita tions of our space.- That sterling Methodist. Bro. b^ -V. Moore, la cnn flned to Mb ho?> W Illness, and I Tne peon pie of the tdwn feel a deep interesr In Capt. W. I. Everett, who for some weeks haw' been In the Tayloe hospit al. His coudltiou has been quite '.ae ?lous and many prayers are going up for his reyovety. KeT. W. H. Call, one of our best local preachers,-" re sides at Washington and makes him self useful by~he!ping our pastors. "Washington is looking to the sunrise tu more ways than one. Xo Sne can drive over the town without recognizing the fart_tbat ibe blood of progress Is In her veins. The atTWS. fOBtdeniefi, stores and other buildings indicate progress. In a few d'avK there wilt bp "an election In wHTrh the people will have a chance to say whether or not they are wlll lng to spen^. %-5,000 on the streets It In safe to. say th??y will vnin if?r the bond*. The pride of Washington I Is the splendid schools, of. which Prof. N. C. Newbold is the quccess i fill amwrlnWidtat,. The , building la a' splendid brick structure erected at a^post of about $40,000. A fine pub lic building will soon be erected at a cost of over $125,000. They are preparing to build a flne court house, wl\JC'h is sadly needed. The manu farming in tereatsare being attend ed to." . ^ r..t . FAr>8 AXn FASHIONS. r~ New York, September 11 ? Never were styles more unsettled and never *e yejcomed by tbe "textile manufac ture, a* weH a?>hc ronsuiners. Thi' use of ovfrsUt/Ts means the use ol more material In dresses, but It also gfves women an opportunity to dress becomingly, as oversklrts^are invari ably becoming to nearly evfc*y wom an. A clever hand can arrange folds cunningly so as to disguise figure defects and reveal beautiful lines. and for some reason or other the ofersklrf almost always gives a jaunty, youthful effect ip. a skirt of jyajklng qnath. __ ? WherS overTkfrls" aTB nut expre?s Jr provided, they are suggested by the cut of the skirt or the manner of trimming, sometimes the deep.hip yoke extending doA\;i over the plead ed flounce in deep points to give a tunic effect. - Many of the separate skirts in the ready-to-wear costumes are made in this way. the tunic clos ing at one side of the front under a row of fancy buttons. This makes a very, graceful walking skirt and the model li sure to be a great fgVOTlte. A blifnfflr'HTir uf a naw era In dress is the shorter skirt, which is now seen on quite dressy iwiy.nu fm .iimiinmu uai, my limp, scant, trailing d irec tor ise skirt is praoticali > a thing of the past, for which due thanks should be given to the makers of fashion. There clearly a tendency to go to th* other. made to introduce^ the very wid?. . skirt, shirred Into a belt, and Pa qalir has boldly thrown out a ubal-' long* to t be followers of tbe gkia rtttlag style by producing a skirt ?aay yards around and shirred at w?,l?t line to a deeply poiated bodice. Thin swiping akirt is TrLma>?d all tbe way around above the hnm with hug* cartwheels, made of the material drawn mw " Tb??y remi?4 one of the vohimlaooi skirt# With thom* detarbed trimming* which were worn in civil war days. Aaioag U?t hmum ftptvopriM* Kowas for ttw? college girl la^ that of the LI guhape. sinoe the shirt waist has Inwn dropped to some m teat, as nnaal at jthls time of tbe year, or baa been ranked as a neafal lUiiMt ? ouljr and has (teased to claim attention as a dressy affair, tbe KBlape ba?? womeji cons ld?r tbe guimp# ?ore eooaoaslcal than the shlrtwai* b#c*?ee of tbe saving la tbe l*a?4ry bills, Imh It Is doubtful whether the Ki?*?ipe habit is a*y leaa expemaive | whm " >* coasiiUred that numerous cuiapea are necessary for om frock tha* ?mch greater care t? r* 7 college srin. during fha particularly with *?1,M for more dreaay occasJona. untwrMor enter t?{o some of tb* 1 im, roach, nixed staffs One )l?e J*. dulf- green wfcleK la ?feaving a dash more"" o^gray tone than reeea*. with thla midlum dart green was miked very l|ghtlyand equally soft bluish amethyst, ? the faded amethyst that was a Parisian fad during ,Uie. spring- The two . col* -oxlnaa tope prefe^tly with each.othcr and. produce a delightful neutral lone tfwrir^a tmlfw at u iluf uu?, TM?1 hy _nfl_ means striking or jiabe vomjng. - ' . -? ?5 Another-- very successful color scheme was iu. a smoky gray brown with a mere hint of dull rose red. The mixture of red was so alight that j the material was not In the leas?' bright or aggressive, yet It add-passemen!erie ornaments are also'shown on the dressier mod els, sometimes loops, of cord simu lating. buttonholes for huge buttons of jet, or in Jewel" effects. These Jewel buttons, with colored -stones get Ut rims of full silver of bronza. metal, are very smart. _ ? .it U, reported t*om Pails that (lie la'rge hats now worn have very high ?frowns with immense rhoyx of wlde? moire ribbon. - To give the-contrast for which every onte strives, there is the faring of black ye1ve'tt But per haps the .newest note U*? millinery is sounded iu two s^ialh models which Paris milliners are' showing. 'Oncj "is a three-cornered ? y*v!e, worn, not as the Napoleon of a few years ago, but with the rnrhftr Qvef'ffio" right oyoi This ^Ives an attractive curved line at the front and side.* ? The era mi Is a large sort one of silk, covered with net. Moire is also seen. On the turned-up parts a facing of. velvet appears. Aigrettes give a fluffy height to the side, and one model had a long, drooping plume. Many of the smartest gowns have the shawl effect on the front and wjtn them scarf* are worn, drawn closely over the. shoulders. While .vanity bags are to be had In every known leather, the light and dark colored suedes are the most popular. The bags are a little smaller than thoce of a year ago. AT THK DIXIE. . .^jrontght closes the engagement of Mr. Ed. Gerken, thfe whistler. Joker and all-round comedian, at the Dixie. His going is regretted bV all who have attended this popular place of nmusemenf during the week. From Lhe admin*'1"" fll ill ? rhosw loving flrst-cla^K attractions, and he has held this admiration to the end. Any 1 i M "? 111 listing ill! UIL* boards. He pleases ng f<>\y tan please, fierken Is grea*r"t>rlginal anoWunny. His makeup is nobby and unique.' His closing date tonight, promises to be his best of the week. The ole nites. last night were, as usual,- io Lerestlng. and t onight the Dixie promises pictures that are spectacu lar. uramatie and ludrlcfous. A yis lior sen: ofiU be piessftd, and" one inclined to be funny can be ac commodated. All will get their money's worth tonight Tit the Dixie. To FILL APPOINTMENTS, Hev. .le^ue McCarty passed through F5e cfTy~tbli afternoon on his walT to Aurora and 8oatb Creek, to fill his appointments at the Baptist churches Sunday. _ BRIDE AND GROOM ARRIVE IN CITY Mr. and Mrs, Ed Pilley, of San for, Florida, Here to Spend Their Honeymoon. - Mr. Edward Pfllejr and bride ar rived la the city Thursday evening rtl the Atlaa tic Coast Lime, from flaaierd, Florida. to spend their hoa ^booi witti Qm groom'* pareats, Cmvt. Md Mm. Jobs H. Plllejr, East Mai* ?treat. 2'b? bride was befors Baarrieg?, Miss Alice Beau?. The wedAiag took place last VEedaeedsy afteraooa at. '1:20 o'clodr ?hd the coopfte left tinrihtriy for this city. "-Mr. Pi 1 ley is employed by the Baa ford MacMae Worke. where frrfiif been. for ttoe past aeeecal year*. Se ed with the Mntaal Machine Com paay here. The News - extends con flMUXno&r ial Wwli^K 1777? aian utd Mripw bit MV rtx lata b?tq. ? b.tn? <* um '? *. * ?|,j i mi rd r ; BANKERS and BROKERS i yroeiLS. BONUS. COTTON. CHAIN imw Collage la Ike Ciro cle^l ^L,?l?rp0r?"^ Ako"km "?wl Auditor. A aatfi p DE ssass^ TC3S2Ui?, one of the organizers ot u?e Repub lican part# In ConnucUctM and who waa electwd iMereor^fai 2*$S, bora >? Npw lfaven. Died tbere, October 29, 1901, ^_y * ? ? atroag, soon civilian* them tJon to gull oa ?fcortt B UftVt ' ? w (SppliipNff Newalgfe^ toothache, .sciatica. Or any pain in the nerves is quickly re lieved by an application c* ffloto'* Lmiaent. It penetrates right io the seat u( the trouble, gnictstheescitednenia ? and gives permanent as ?* well as urmixliate relief j FRESH KAIJ, BBKI) ? rXOVKR. Rjfc. Rate, Vetch, Cabbie and Turnip. Dr. Hardy's drug Store 28 CANARY HffiOS FOR KALE ? bare on hand 26 flno canary blrila, good songsters, beautltiirptumage. guaranteed to aloe. Price per pair, *f; single birds, ?S.SO. Ouaran State. Addreea W. H. Aurora. N. C. ; SCHEDULE OAS BOAT VICTOR. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Hunter's Brldgfj Cam; ar rive at Bath. S.30. Washington. 9. Leave Washington 2.10 p. m.. arrive Bath 8. Huater's Bridge Palflfe round trip, IBe. one way. 1 WILLTAM nOYII, Master. OVHTKKK. ii 1 There are two boat loads of oys ter* In "the market. For the time of year they are pronounced to be flrat class. . There's work for a want ad. ? when Hie cook goes; or when most any part of the home machinery stops. UO YOB -WANT TO HBCOME A stenographer? Take the Bualneas Course In the Public School. Tul ? linn, >R a mnnlh, In advance rThls course Is open to any one, whether you attend the Public School or not. See the Superintendent and arrange to tak?_the oourse. STRXOtilUPHKR A N D TV P E writer. Let mo write your Iejiera. ; Miss Beulah Thomason, lie Mar ket street ? LAST CHANCE FOR ^NOPOLK ? There will be an excursion to"$tofr folk, September 22. and return Boptember a^-rtwnd trip Ure |a. Patenters Will be taken at all portftr bite ween w aistonpu ra and Wala Walta. See circulars -for schedule. "If. A. Moore ft Bro., Managers. OYSTERS! mumiujw Delivered to any part of city JScenit quan. sgrvpu m any ityig, urtiHM 1 specialty at 1 13 Market Street. Ocracoke Fr?h Dressed Mallet#* DOUGHTY & WYATT. The Words You Speak Are the outward marka of ydur" Intellectual capacities - When : you apeak do you show every one that yo\? are educated, cul tured and refined, or do you simply ppblish to the world the fact that you are a person of dnljr^JJdlnary intelligence and average culture? . In other _ wjgftL. ? ? ? - ? kl>o You Speak English Correctly? fin ifcls progressive age, the ability to read, write and speak English correctly 16* the great- - eat aaaet Anyone can- poaaaat 44-adds to uue's illoney-maklng possibilities and furnlabea a no ticeable final -touch to one's judge of how you atand,- and It you are not satisfied do not | put .It off unUi lt ia too late, Hbere is a popular, lntereailng and even f ascin&ting " wgy . to polteh "up your Bngliafc, ' You will notJ>a*e tor wftde tlarough " dry/1 unteter^edpc twt hooka. The magazine. "Cor rect Bngitsh,'1 and the book, " The Art of Coai^Mtlas." wHl give you invatuaMe Aid. Dm following apecfaToffdr: Mmpto 60PT of Comrt Hog a*. ror tbf.ioiirVi win' M.O woo you a COWitf iU'at*- - mlnm edition of "The Art of wtlon" y h i i tnnfnkla who would *55EaEZ3Be?$S96i ? rrrK?? ? ? -.rri > Dr. I. M. Hardy TZ ' PRACTICING , PHYSICIAN , ... ?SURGEON WMkioKoo, n. c. dr. H. SNELL : , ?.<- Deotiat. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 M.S. WARD TUNTOSTJ7 GRIMES WARD & GRIMES AnXJRNEffitAT-L AW ^ .? WhU^o We practice iu the Counts oftoeFlr?4 Judicial Diatrici, aod the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. P. Macl-eap, Harry J4cMullao. SMALL, MACLEAMI McMULLAN * * ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ? Wwiiumwii. Wunu emw. 1 . W. D. GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW /ffi Weehloctoo, North CeroUra. _ fnaiMth a c?Mig - W. M. BOND, Edeatoo. N. C. NORWOOD L. S1MMQM3L BOND & SIMMONS ATTQRNEYS-AT-LAW Washington. North Carolina. Practice In all Com ti. ? W. L. VAUGHAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW W.lhinyron. North CaroUiiL Office la Weinberg Building. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LA^r Washington, N. C Office Marfcet Street.