. Beaufort coiintjr. la] the Superior court. J, B. Allen vs. - ? QkalUe Ji Alton. ? * 5 ? -*? The defendant above named will take ootioe that an. action entitled as N above hae been commenced In the , Superior oourt of Beaufort county for the purpose of obtaining a di vorce absolute; and the said defend , ant. will further take notloe that she la requljred to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county, to be held on the third Monday In Oc tober, 1909, at the courthouse In said ? county. In Washington, N^ C., and unawaf ' nr damur t n t,h? in ?eaW action, or the plaintiff Will ap i>ly fo the oourt for the relief de itB iiiil TWnintihit ; / Tbls 7th day of Sept., 190#. Vs* . ' osjo. a. paul. Clerk of the Superior Court. [ COMMISSION KR*8 SALE. "Worth Carolina, Beaufort county? In vs. C.;. C. Sparrow. - - ? ? Parsnsnt fft a Jnrigrnfnt rprnlprnrl at the May term, 1909, of the Su perior court of Beaufort county in the above entitled action, the-under ? therein, will otter" for. sale and will uell/at the courthouse door In Beau fbrt corrnty, Washington, "MONDAY, OCTODPfl 4TII, ? li o'clock n*., to" the highest bidder f<Tr ? . cash, the following described prop erty, towlt: ?lAilnthatk tract of lan 4. lying and being in thevState of North Carolina, county of Beaufort, botind ?d *nt\ doanribed aw follows: Begin ning at a stake in Blount's ditch, at A R. 0. PreecoU*a-eorner and running south .199 poiea^ to H. R. Cayton's line, thence east 40 poles and 4 1-2 links to S. *M. sparrows corner., thence north 19$ poles to Blount's ? ditch, thence 40 poles and 4.1-2 links ti? 4? the beginning, containing 60 aeres more or less. Terms: CaBh, deed to be made whetf sale Is approved by Judge of Superior court. This the dday of September, 1909. 'WILLIAM DUNN, Jr., . ? . Commissioner. | notice; op administration. Having this day duly qualified be fore the Clerk oT the Superior Court of Beaufort -county as administrator _ of the estate of Olivia R. Fleming, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make settlement with me; and all persons holding claims against the said e.s , tale aro notified to file the same,, duly itemised and verified, as- prescribed, by law, within one year from this dste, else this notice will be pleaded In bar of tnelr r^overy- L~*? This Vfeust 26, 1909. ? / B FLEMING, Afllui.of Olivia R- Fleming, deu'd. / NOTICE. . 8ealed bids for the erection of two '? bouses, flfce at or near the foot of Pungo Creek Bridge, and the other on piling' near the draW?afr-Pantego Creek Bridge, will be received by ttt Board of County Commissioners on (he first Monday In October. 1900, to be opened at u o'clock m. Bids can be for either one or both houses. Plans and specifications can be ??en at the office of .the undersigned. ' to whom all bids must be directed. This September 7. isot.' Q. RUMLEY. o * . ^ Clerk to Board. : ! 1 CITY TAXES. , The tal books for the cKy ol Washington have been, turned over to the undersigned, and this ls'to' no tify ^all' owners of property subject to tax that I am ready tor *ecetve?taxee forihs ensuing year. Tbey must be osHootod at ohm. W. B. WINDLEY, Cltr Cler*. . October t. 1*41. . ~~ uoncte of ha/,k. By virtue 'of ' a power of sale con-" talned In a certain chattel mortgage. ? ecu ted by Sltooo Levin -to Suakln 4 Be fry (Inc.), duly registered In ?' **" for Beaufoat county. lq chattel mort gage book Na 6?. at page 3*51, which if hereby refeared te.'Susktn A Ber nr (Inc.) will offer for sale, for raah. ? II I Ifhmm ton, on Main street, at noon, on Bep qf^ualness, In the city of Washlng t ember SI, 1909. all of the' tsock of goods^ wares and merchandise, fur niture and fixtures, described in the ? jj<jrfrsjje above referred to. An In ventory of said goods, furniture and - fat u res can be seen- at the store of 4k Thla September 1. 1MB. SUflklN A BERRY (Inc.) WOTJCK OP MLE. thbhome you HAVE WORKED SOMARD >9* * rosy be la ruins tomorrow morning. Bin from many causes, which van cannot control, rosy destroy, in ? few-hours, ^h? result ol a life time's labor. PROTECT YOURSELF BY INSURANCE la one ot the beat companies In the world. We wUl lssu< yon a policy, the prem.um of which is so small that tt s ridiculous to neglect tne protection op ?ccount of insuranco. ? WM. BRACAW & CO., * ; . ' First Insurance Agehts In Washington, N. C. ' LET US MAKE YOUR FALL SUIT Tailored to Your Ideas After Your Own Fancies. Faultlessness lit Fit, ? Individuality in Style, Correctness in Color, Everything Exclusive but the Price. - . ? '-5% ? - ' Just step Jn Bnd aoy you are Willing to view our Pall and Winter Suitings. $18 to $50. WRIGHT'S TAILORING PARLORS, "-Who Tailor Beat la Wsahlntftoo." We Assure You WAV DOWN PRICES ; ' ? TOR NEXT TEN PAYS ? To dear-out printed Dress Goods we will offer our en . tire line of light weight Dress Goods as follows: I ? " - 22Jl-2c Figured Silk TiMuc, 15c L5c Florentine Oigandie, '2 l-2c lSc-Orape De Llode Taf- 12 1-2 and lie Donzelle and feta, V 13 1-Je AristtrOnrandie, 8c 15c Dotted Swlae Muslin, 12 l-2c 7c AlmeJio BatUtc, 5c 12 1 -2c Paris Tissue, ltc 5 and tc Priced Lswns, .-4c J.t. BLCKMAN & SON i. ia= i Yout opportunity is NOW! > - ? I While weaotplacihgourline of Heat I ? ing Stoves on show, to select from the targe variety of Wood sod Coal ? Heaters. It will be our pteasnre to I take-yOUr order and place one i a your I house, store or office before the cold J weather begins. You are invited to | call and see our stock. McKeel-Richardson Hardware Co. ' % j* imri.it n -us" - -ray, i ? 8 .. m North Carolina, Bean Sort county." Superior Court. October term. * 1M?. E. J. B dwwli vs kkm M Bdwaa-4*. lot of John Dowty and on the eovth by Second street, iwxl being the same lot of land conveyed by C. M. Brown aod Jflfe to Samoe4 8. Hardlaon- by deed date4 June 1, 1903, which 14 duly recorded In the Register'* once of-Beaufort county, aad-4s hereln-re WCIT 2 ' ~ This September 1. 190?. C. M. BROWN. Mortgagee. North (^ollna^'Be^fort County. In . the Superior %purt. October term, 1909. Lis* La Abel *i. Henry Ab?l. - The defendant above named, wllf take notice: That an action entitled as above, hae been .commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant in the | Superior court of Beaufort county to secure an -absolute* divorce from the defendant; and the sa'ld defendant will -further take notice, that he Is requlrqdto appear at. the nsxt term of tha Superior court o<_Beaufort oouaty to beheld o 6 tWe Ttfkonday after the 1st Monday In/ September, to-wltr tha ?6th day of October, 1909, at the courthouse In said county, la Washington. North Carolina, and answer o t demur to CM complaint In sal) action or the plaintiff will ap pITloTH ooort for TBI t* manded la hw complaint. > This the l?th day of fcmutur, 1?4?. OHO A. PAUL, Clark Sn^Vhor Court at llMlwt Oo. demanded in the eomplaint will bei allowed? This ,15th daj of September, 1909. GEO. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. HIGHEHT CASH WlCKS 1 paid foe CHICKENS, EGGS "country produce] We carry Hay, Grain and all . Feedstuff ? We handle the Tfry beet Flour at whole -PAUL & CUTLER BAST WATKR STREET. WC DT TV iVUS <? TALK Mm. A. X. Dmvla, at Mi. Oltrt, K < C.. spent yeaterifsT hi town en route to her home after a visit to Mr." W. W. Duke, of Datli. ? . - ? m Mrs. Hannls Latham and Infant I left yesterday for Greenville, accom panied by Mrs. Henry Harding', of j that place. Mi*. Latham will visit ] Fr parents for -some tlmeT ~ ? ? Miss Ethel Kessinger left yester day Cor Greensboro, where she will study* at the State Normal College.* Mr. toft. Oden went to Oriental yes terday or business ? '"V Mrs. 8uffotlc Bern yesterday to visit friends? * _? yr. nui runuriT nem' to urwn Vtlle yesterday on business. ? m Mr. John G. Bragaw, Sr., arrived In town yesterday afternoon after aj .visit to ElUabeth City. Mrs.^ Fred Springs arrived in the city yesterday from New 4 Bern and spent the night at Washington Ho 8 pltal. In which Institution, as Mist. Gentfy, she, was formerly head nurse. Mrs. Springs left today?for Plnetown., ? t ? ? Mr- Sylvester Brown, of Norfolk, arrived yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bonner, on West Sec ond street. ?Airs. A Inion Hart-end .Miss -Mary Austin, of Tarboro, lefr yesterday for New Bern after visiting Miss Ella Taytoe;? ? ? Xfaaera Bennln^ TOatHn. nnrt will Knight returned on the afternoon train yesterday from Plymouth, N. C., to which pface they motored in Mr. Roy Hampton's car. ? -m Mr. Ben "Hull, of Bethel, left yes terday for his home. Mr. Hull ac companied his wife here on Satur day. when Bhe entered the Washlng ton Hospital for treatment. *? ? ? Mr. J. C- Cherry left yesterday for Cincinnati, after a visit to the Misses Whitley. ? ? Mr. L. L. 8tanc|U left yesterday on A. C. L*. train oh a business trip. vsvuui .j vxiuui iwiuucf n. n. w h r * l ren left this morning on the Atlantic Coast Line on a short business trip. ? ? Capt. A.^W. St i you wuut lu Klus- | tun this muniln Miss Annie Crawley has returned] from a, visit to friends in Bath. ? ? Dr. Jack Nicholson, of Bath, 1b in | the city today. Mr. Hirers Beaaley is in town.f rom I | Bath. visiting his brother, Mr. Will; Beasley. ? ? _^Mr. J. T. Campbell, of Beckwith, it- Id the city. Mrs. Frank Rollins and eon ,_Erar:k Jr., went to Pactolus yesterday after noon to visit Mrs. R:R. Fleming^-" V ? Mrs. W. T. Hudaell and children, of Royal, left yesterday afternoen af ter- tFvIimoTI^*. Xona HuanelT. Mrs. Q. Mayb,.of Royal, spent several days In town this.. week, the guest of Mrs. Milton AljUgood, and re turned to her home .yesterday ? ? Mr. Howard Wiswall.'Jr., who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mru. Howard Wlswall, left yesterday for his home In Martofo, S. C. * * Mr. George V. Credle, 8r., of Swan Quarter, arrived in the city yester day to' visit his daughter, Mrs. Cbae. Wabab, West Second street. ? ? Mr. W. C. Rodman left this morn ing for Plymouth where he will at tend a Farmer's meeting. \ ' - r - Miss* Emma Heubs, of Norfolk, who lias been visiting Miss Llrzle Stewart for some weeks, and whp was attendant at the Stewart-Smlttp ers wedding, left this morning for her home. to yet the project# end with Mr. A-"* holding (be te4. ? Ttrw* people at Hyde county are too well conversant with the dlsad Yantag?? accruing 'from their rail road stopping in Belhavcn or to con nect with offiy the Norfolk and 43outhecn to adhere to lta stopping : there. \ They want their road to come j through to Washington, where they can choose the road they wish to ship or travel by. knowing th&t com petition frill save them thousands of dollars each and every year. Those Hyde county people, these. Celuaven people, ere too familiar with the shrewd manner and meth _odft_used by the railroads to gain road' rromJfces. They change hands too. of len. 'beaming of the Inside onanipua tlon ? Of railroads, they Invariably teach, while they are making fabu lous profit* on -their gale red atock they have no compassion toward the Jeelings of the people, nor the law "OnTess^ they - are . forced to It after fighting to the lqst^dltch, though they know thoy are la the wrong. Their object tielng to teach the pub lic they had better take their fifteen or fifty dollars loss Ather than pay that amount to lawyers after losing the time attending "postponements at court:" Hence we cannot look to- the rallroailB, nui tlje~unjunst toaeiior of operating In carrying their point with -anytffgree of confidence. They only consider personal gain. Their main point Is. whenever they can, control all territory, knowing whenever "they can do this, they are monarchs. ? They know each individual cannot afford toTlght them, nor will Individ uals come together for one man to fight them. _ The man shipping twenty-Are bdr jjlll of. potatoes gun not afford fn goi to law through cotrrt for ten cents a barrel overcharge, but when ydu count this ten oents a barrel addi tional profit to the railroad from ?QQ.| people. It ia quite an Item. J don't wiwh to asacr^ that- In try Ing to stop this railroad in Belh'aven, the Norfolk and Southern 'managers are acting underhand. -crooked, or taking any undue advantage of any one. These, people are shrewd far peeing manipulators, Idokly solely to their own Interest, caring nothing for the general public. For tfcfls reason If the people's present interest is not protected, there will be another case of being "dominated by a railroad." One trouble Is few Individuals are farslghted enough to consider the Importance of giving this railroad a proper outlet, and msny who do, are negligent, or don't think their efforts would avail anything, which accounts for the eeemlng lark of interest upon the part of the people, a*nd there Is where Mr. lamb, the general man ager of the Norfolk _ and Southern. in giving such personal attention to this matter Is making - good. He knows how to make an impression; as well as Impress others "that the people do not care." Mr. Lamb was chosen for his po sition because he knows how to do things; because he knows which things are the best for the interest of his railroad and how to do thgpe things best. Mr. I^ambls so eager to keep -this railroad from getting to Washington \ where there will be competition for its traffic from that vastly wealthy territory, be does not leave It to'lrtbe^s: he knows the best vrsy to have things done is "do It," and has left nothing undone that could help stop this railroad. This should show to the 8tate Council' the importance Mrv Lamb places upon checking this move before it gets too far, or in the reaph'of litigation com petition oT~ other roads bidding. . . It !? hoped the masses, who, for hundreds' of years have bo faithfully toiled will 'be shown, "we serve the people." PNEUMONIA ' Ouk* reilcl I Of cold., cimp, coughs, grip*. 1"n lhro?L THE NORTH C AR0L1N A State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the wom en of North Carolina. Foyr Regular Couraea Leading to Degree*. Special Couraea for Teachers. Fall aeaslon be gins September 15, WW. Thoae deair Irtjg to eater should apply aa early as " * ,J Par catalog atid other infor DF.LICKH!S LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES ? AND? Boti Rons Atways ffneriuat ? - wiSBnroTON? DRUG COMPANY r^OON'T Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. You can have a Telephone L?t in your house in Lhc city passingly low cott, and save many a long drive anil per haps a life by being in direct and instantaneous touch with 7 your Doctor. Grocer, !yier I chant and Brok?.r, I Weather reports and niar- I I ketfluotaticms gan-be-secured-f JJ daily. ~ I Interested parties arc f? queyted to rnmmunirate wj^li Mr. D. W. BeJl, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. co.; .Washington, N- C. This -proposition will inter ?mi you. and it would be well -to investigate before the ap LJ. proach of the cold Winter t'" The Business Course School w{IT begin next Ss^day. It otters you an opportunity to become ail. expert stenographer 7or"!he email fee- of $5.00 a month. E* t mv ugance in" u<l veTtUiug " co n H*ts In doing half enough of It. r. Iu a pleasure to find jiint the' pattern you have hrrn look InK for, woven into junt the aort of fabric you want and made up .Into your exact idea of how a v?lt should be Ktyled. JjWll find Ku? h a K"riucnt Intact rlRlit here. It in I Mitel led <;HIF FO\ and the price Is ju?t where y??u Wiinr ir. SPENCER BROS. in HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT of the (acts in the case ? that electric lights do not smoke up your walls and ceilings and ruin your pic tures and bric-a-brac; that electric lights require "nb matches, thereby avoiding all dangeroffire;thatthere is no smell or smoke with electricity; that electric lights dQ not consume any of the oxygen in the air, ajjil therefore do not make you feel stupid and "good Tor nothing" after staying for a while in a closed room where it is turned on? We have lots of other good points which We will be glad to explain if you will'give us a chance, and the defects of our system are so small as to be practicably negligible. Let's"figure. ? WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT \ Just Received, Fresh From the Mid, Car Load of Town Talk Flour " Packed as follows: Whole barrels, half. barrels,! 24-pound sacks and 12-pound sacks. This is. the best Flour made. CaU^phone 123 and, try it. . / : \ J. F. TAYLOE, The Grocery Man. ^ r =JL=JL ?BE BUY YOUR HORSES and MULES FROM JHTT T Your horse will be well cared for at t Hill's Stables. -HELP IS OFFERED? WORTHY Y<5CN*G MEN AND WOMEN. means of education, the GREAT AMERIC NESS COLLEGE. Durham, N. C-. is a high'STade Business Education. Thi linak presided over by an Incorporate cient guarantee of its superiority. Ei DEPARTfcfRNTS; Bookkeet?*?*. Penmanship, Civil Service, English Branchek, ffc. road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. Satisfied policy holders are my references show you a Life Insurance coatractTlt wil C. D.PAkKER, GENERAL mSURANC . H?V?D?-Sm>ll BM's

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