LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S Sweater Coats ~ Some of the exclusive long ones. Better buy now. x s x J. K. Hoyt. BRING US. YOUR, PICTURES TO BE FRAMED lust arrived the very best and lat est patterns In MOIILDKGS^ =j Work done neat ly and promptly. FullStock Edison Pho nographs and Records RUSS BROS. THE PICT IKK FRAMERS. GEM Theater TO-NIGHT FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA _ 'okkyVt* ^A^K?uUiorkai . Freiuc drama. p ' farce annedy. MA lCV J AMI'S l,r?VHKS? Comic. Tlliinl t.lhW ORANGE GROVE ? Panoramic. MMK. ri.UIT AMI HER ADOPT WA I VI ' I'-. \ com* GEM THEATER Ju it was maioxim^of ilia. me. tu bers preferred not to ret&rn to the infantry. The Goldsbord company is anxious ro enter-the "toast Artillery service and as there was no vacancy in ther.umber of companies constitut ing, the servica ? a ? proponition war made to change with the W. L. I. The Ooldsboro company will -be'iioti flpft of the artif.x. ot the V.'. LI. ? Wilmington gtar. . ' . I Jim SIcDodlc, a young nocr? of this city, w-ho^way be classified- as a professional In ft? cV.c*moa-ths ? r~' -fir"77iT^^8W^ - wtitcn is :.ow in "session in larooro. The r.egro, it seems, has a mania for stealing of fouls, and he has been up before the Recorder in this city on '1M* iimi'M1 audrk?~TI5s been sent to the road force of the Rocky Mount Road Dis trict, where he has served a sentence of thirty days, hut this did not cause him to change his \fray. The negro has fconflr.ed his thieving mainly from the coops of the different stores of the city, that it* far as officer* arc aware, and he has been twice ar rested for the robbery of the coop of G. F. Jones, though it was a taking of chickens from the coop of Gaston G. Levy Sc. Bro that caused him to receive a twelve months' sentence this time. ? Rocky Mount Record. The directors of The Home ftulld Ing & Loan Association held their monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon. The quarterly report of the secretary and treasurer made at this meeting, showed that- the association now ha* some over $50,000 out in loans, with applications _ gendl ng for ^jroral thousand more. For an ajuoclatlon enree nair years old, this is a good record.? Greenville Reflector. ' CafMMtlne Cure* Mek-HMdsrKf . AI?o,JJerroui Headache. Travelers' 'Headache - and jche? . from Orlp, Stomach Trouble, or. Female trou ble*. Try Capudlne ? It'a liquid Imsudlatelr Sold br dro? 9 NOT IN TH? -.^CAT^LOGUE >1 ?? mi M.i 1 .. The reading room was a* quiet as tomb. Now and then some students | turned a page-impaUjaatly and the f per gavq forth a sharp rustle aa thbugtr aggrieved at such irreverent treatment, but rial tor* and attendants alike moved about -with silent tread, rubber cap% rendered chair legs noise less when they, were moved, and the rery card- catalogue drawers moved on silent ways. Linda loved this orffelT After* the clatter and c hitter of a bosy office, which she had been oooHxyfted to es cape because of servos threatened grow unrtily. the bookish sfleoce of | the reading room was -more th grateful. She was sorry when the closing hour came. and. after a brief Interval spent in checking up the slips and seeing that the books were re placed in their proper stacks, she had_ to go out Into the turmoil of the busy street. . . The quiet place wae never lonesome. I Linda had many friends among those spent their days pouring over the ref erence books. There was the little old woman from the - costume rs who spent days over old books. In search of correct pictures of the -dresses of by-gone days; there araaTtbe little old German who was reading everything he could find upon chemistry, and there was t^c tall, quiet man who dis played a singular catholicity of taste. Qne day tt would be books on astrono my that he' wanted, and again he would be Interested ic geography or chemistry. Of them all this man Daltfngton was ] -the moot regular In his stta adat and se?med the most like tn' 'Old friend. It was he Who had quietly aided Linda with suggestions which she had first come to Ifle fWUl. ? had been a "regular1* and had known more of the routine than she did. But it was pften that Linda was able to help him with a suggestion as to new book, for her heart nas |a her work and she was something more than an automaton. Oeallcg out tM books called for with ? mechanical in difference. Balllngton, Richard BaUiagton ? she I knew the name from his stipe ? seemed | almost a part 'of the reading room it self. so* regular was he hi attendance and hts good morning Pintle was a pleasant opening of the day's routine. Last Christmas he had brought a little gift the day before the Holiday and sometimes, when luck was par- | tlcularly good, a bo* of candy would come back with a book. The summer oefore thetr vaca tions had overlapped and for an entire month she had not seen him. She was glad wben the vaca tion was over and sbe oouM come back to her place at the desk with the beloved books around her and ^wlth Balllngton sitting in the chair tn a far corner where he was least likely to be disturbed. rnr OMe IJnda was |tad as tbe hands of the dock crept around to closing time and sbe knew that in aa hour more. she would be free -to hur ry home and creep Into bed. Just b<* foi'e the hands reached the closing hour -Balllngton roee from' hie place and brought a book to tbe desk. Then, instead of leaving, he went over -to the catalogue aad beg? to scan the cards in one of the drawers. Tor a few months Linda watobyd him. then be looked up with the familiar glance of appeal and sbe came over to the catalogue drawee. "Struck for a. title V sbe asked in s voice so low that It seemed scarce ly to be a whisper. "What's the let ter?" exact" "Logging?" she asked. "That's yn der lumber." "Not logging." he denied. "It's a } shorter word. TrO-v-e.* " j ? "f^dpn't think ? tK*i'r ni**lArtnf." she said in dismay. "It's a funny sub ject. Suppose we look for ?Ro mance'?" ? | "Let's look for romance, hut not*ia books." he pleaded. "1 know that thfs Is a silly BOrt of proposal, but I love you, little girl. I've- been sure of it eTer since last summer, vgien 1 missed you for a whole month. Thh Miss Kxuaada Row?, Daniel Sawyer with Mm Fearl Lane, Thoa. Howe wtth'Mlaa The remainder (a rew stags) were E. T? Xut^nr"Henrjr>4. Lan?^?u|?De Caton. Burton Caton', A. F. Edwards, and Claudius Morehead Tuten. - _L SOUS A. CITY MARKET. > "... , A.. . . i-r; V .tlf Chickens, grown. ; 25 to 30c' Spring chickens 10 to 25cj Hides, green . 6 to 7e i Hide#, Q. S 7". 8 c Mixed wool -..18 td" 20c Burry wool . .^ . . . . . . 10 to 18c Tallow 3 i-2c Wool, free from burrs . . . .?20C COTTON. . " ; I Seed cotton * $4.35 Llnt.cotton 12e 8AVED. tor one thing. WTlkins ? What was that? someone take. you out to dinner? lfllklna? No, 1 I.eP? an iiy out A RUSH. a lucky dog all do yer manage to get all -??*, ? ? v? ? I goee up an* asks them /er soap. Dat daaes 'em so dat X Jeet walks up an' helpe mygelf to ?Tarythlng before dey recover. - BIOGRAPHICAL. ? That book ta ? marked - PlntanA*l He had cine I suppose." A OR EAT EXPEQTER. Orumpley? Bee hero, waiter! JJo you call that roast beef? It's nothing but cow-hhle. Walter ? Well, what do you expect Tor a twent'y-fU'6 CBBf flfnntrf gOfoe-' co? A DISTINCTION. "Don't yon think Eagow !? afflicted with a swelled bead?" "No, he's not afflicted with it; he enjoys it BANANAS and APPLES TOfrAY Extra Fine Stock. E. L ARCHBELL Sp?cl.HI?. Cigar. ?ad Tob?ccc. Leary.Bros.' Old 3t?nd. ' .*j?r - .j- ; - . . - -- J ladies Coat Suits. For the last two weeks nearly every ' train has brought us some Coat Suits, but now qur lines are hll in and com-, plete.. We can please you tod %y. Tomorrow' some one may. take the suit you like most ? so come today. , i THE-H/GH-ART CLOTH/EKS MI-O-NA Cures indigestion It relieves stomach misery, sour stom ch, belcl^n^.aud cures all stomach dis ks* or jnonijL Wk. Lar^ebox cf tab ?t? 60 cuuft. Piu^km m Hll rou-na WANTED One or two lots or houses j anil lots in a desii able-part of - the city ? have clients for pur chase. . > . Also can handle one oT " two small farms, if not too far from the city? 25 to 50 acres cleared land with neces sary buildings and right price. If you are looking for a good investment it 14'ill pay you te see our List of OFFERINGS And if you have any proper ty that you want to turn in to cash we are in a position to get quicker results tMir' you could yourself. Times are going to be good again in a very short time, And you had hotter hegin look ing around. . . J WASHINGTON < j INVESTMENT CO. For the nwt Thirty Days "Topper SPECIAL : BARGAINS in CROCKERY and HAND I'AI>Ttl) CHIN' A consisting of Berry Selt, Soup Plates, ?iri oub Bowl*. _and many more ar ticles too numerous to mention. FURNI1 URtl FURNITURE! Housekeepers should visit our store and view the latest fads in Furnishings, etc:, for the home Our fall line is replete with home necessities. See us before purchasing. ' JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. -T* g EAST CAROLINA | | Teachers' Tc^ining School i? young mep fy of torching! B uildin gV an^e qufpme nt^nyw a rtd modern, 5ani- Wt tation perfect' a . ~ rg, ^ * SESSION OPENS QCTOBFR 5TH, iW). f ? I* For pronpectuaand information^ address ROBT, H. WRIGHT. r^~~ "M'"",y^W0llgiW:'l3fW;iJVIW>-!yrer* Av ~rA ^TlV <<\ PUZZLE Hind The Wri Every than and woman is anxious to buy some article? necessity or lux ury?every day of his or her life: Single handed it would take you months to seek out those interested in your line of business.. An adver tisement in THIS PAPER 1 ? Does the work almost instantan eously. Jt corrals the purchaser?brings him to your store? makes him buy | things you a^vertiacd. ' ?' - ? -