WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered ? as second-class- matter I August 5, 1909, at the postoQlce hi Washington, "N/ C.. under the act of - March 3. PUHLISTIKD every afternoon except SUNDAY. No. 1H East Main Street. J. JL, MAYO. ?litor iind VrotiiUj<iL. Telephone XW ?' , Sl"I$SCRIl*TIOX RATES: One Month. $ .25 Four Montlia . - 1.00 Six Months.... 1.50 One Ye*r ...J. . . 3.00 Subscribers desiring the pajjcr dls contlnued will please notify this office on date of expiration, otherwise. il will be Continued at regular subscrip tion rates unttl polKfTo stop Is re ceived. If you do not Ret The Daily News promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive Immediate attention. It Is our desire - tO pleaje you; ? WASHINGTON. N. C.. SEPT. 18 LET THE XRWM FOLLOW. Parties leaving town should not fall to let The News follow them dally, **lth the news of W-ishlngtou fresh' and crisp, it will prove a valuable companion, reading to ytHi like a let ter frotn home Those^t the sea shore or rftountalns will find The News a moct welcome and Interesting visitor. Ml <T nr vw:v.., All. articles sent to The News for publication must be signed by the writer. athe?wisc they will not be published. Tin; iii MiM K\Tir < Several days ag-? r !i. ? iferms' ratici forces of the of New ?urk i ? sembled Jr. Saratoga for the* purpo.se of devising methods of e fleeting per If'i-r UJifl.V i:i ll-r alnl lot1 lit-' mapping nut of a campaign conduct ed with harmony and unit;-. . a . lion. k Thomas M. Osborne presided at "thy meeting. A of ;^uhuion< ? was ? tttumlnt'oasly. adopted ,an?k-the " chairman <r?-f?H*p?d to them ns "The . best written platform sipsje isTt, the platforfti of l^7| being- written by Samuel .1. Tilden." ' ' * ; ' 1 We have not 'seen the rardtnal principles of Democracy ' set frjrtli more succinctly or in more forcible style. With such a criV'd vL-tory is* i bound to follow. The resolution* adopted are as follows: ? " A stri- ' co:isfr,i?,tioti of constUu itioaf. both Sf til ? ? a::d Federal, thUt res pec 1 1 v e 1 y 2', ; ay tie lovsorveu: ~ l-f "Lqyal cc.ippftvr&f t'e- Federal gov- [ eminent In i toe, exercise of nil of its j const national eternal vigl-i ,lante in watching. and detecting and] Vigorous and persistent opposition to I any and all extensions vo( Federal] power rfriat tren. h upon those reserv-*! pt! to the Slates ? ?r to the people. ,"?! "Enfori-etn-'nt -if tU?* Wiv. ? bv Sfate'T and Federal authorities ugamst eriin- 1 Inal combination* and irjsts"^n r-'- j strair.t of tra<i?v , ? ""A tariff, fof WTey.ue only; no gov- ? errfhont subsidy :?. ;s?! ??i i j 1 inv.T- j gsts. either '[ .. 1 1. : ? ' : ~ .1 ? ,-E?v;al a:id ?: triform tn\atl^n; tsk- 1 Ifcg r.o more money from the people! than the j '-u - r.? it government! f-oc noiul? ally ji'dminlstvi* >1 r^jnlves. /?The abai.i!.-?r.me:it at the ??nrllest j iir'i'iM- of mT Imperial lAtiP venture in ?!:?? Philippine I.+- i lands, ttrsf saf^g'i.ird!::^ '".teir Inde- 1 pendente T?y sufll' Sent guarantees. ' | * -"Steady ajheren'-?i tu the princspl-t ' of" home rule an<l. loi-if ^?"Tr-g.Tvertr j nier.t by r li?- 8tnt>* ? 3 ?ar U ? of rr; j poH'tlcal subdUlsioas. ??Rigid economy in government -.x- I r pend it tires. - ? i "Ela tion of 1' tilted States S.>na- j tora'tA" i hn dlr^r;t .?vo:j&" of the people. I ??R^nrm :tt our r'-^istraHort" rth-'l I in enr/?Kment laws tha^ persnnal^ re^.^fr.i'iw*. and t'luill be-| :-^i iL. ?-?.yrv . s'ib_diyis_ Jen "of the .*? . A'-* I'eforni in J our I methods of e)**i tioii that each elective officer shell l1f the sei>arate. deliber^ie atid intelligent r??lc ' -o:. . cl.ihtL votcrv of Stye 1 "Reform in our me^hoos of r.nmi* r.aHng caiididarpfl^for public office so ?that nominating '-.invention* 'TdnrH be* composed of re;?res.-n tat Ives dire<*tl\ chosen by the members of rhe party. -Reform In our ' primary ITfn so a^ to give_jo ev/ry citizen grr^tc: direct l:i?i ueiiv* ? in natnhig cau'lldate ? fcrt* and surroundinst th^ prl . marie*' with tfurb safeguanls as wllli Insure their hopesty and providing the necessary time and legal mach!n-' cry to Insure if.?-t hoice of a majority of the voters Vdng respected and en-j ^ -forcefl in "invention and eommiMef-. "No rnterfereri.-- *.v!th the personal flberty of ?ny eitlr.eri except such as Ih essentia! to see-tre rhe equal rights of a'll the citizens. "Taxation of corpora tlons by the States ahpne l. . f ? ? * "A constitutional amendment au thorizing the levy of a Federal Sn ^ WITH ( NT Japan In contemplating h now treaty with the ('nlted State* Iw b yearn hence, lo aeeuro the- right* the Japanese Already living in Amer ica, and the Japanese presa are tw Sinning to disc u?i 4ts probable pro visions Thej believe that their wish? are car com eratlon, an they, have shown their] wllf and lood faith by rmUWU "? tb? number c4 paasports ,la?ed ?t Tokojo for nslcrnMon to ?u'r l at Om,mtaiUm lurnt Sht { Tolfyo _.K?kunUai_ the recognirQd attnitfrpRjte of fhr Katsura ministry: In 19 J l the term of the treaties of imlty and commerce between Tffpan and other Powers? wHl expire, and :!?? K'lvtxinneut le. busy in instigating the defects In the exitjf i?g treaties which raust.be remedied tn those to be newly concluded iwo years hence.. - On the whole, the ne^ 4othitions for treaty-revision will be harried out smoothly, as there are .10 dJIRcult problems to be dealt with, 'a the case of the American-Japanese treaty, however, somewhat prolong ed negotiation* may be inevitable, should either Washington or Tokyo misc the question of immigration. | Jatmn wishes to eliminate from the treaty with" America the following ?lause: "It. Is. however, understood that the stipulations contained In rhls and prec??dltig\irtlclcs do not In any \vay_afT'*ct -the laws, ordinances. ?And regulations with regard to trade. thV tTrnntgration of - Ih4*h?f*, poUceJ and i?ubllc security. wljich are in jrt'fwrg or wfeleh winy hereafter-ta^ fnaflWHn-fWiw of' the two coun-. .trie*/' .Not that the H^>kyo admluis jTiati^ii Is anxious to away with ' the res^rji-iion laid upon the enilgra-. tion of it* subjects to America.'. On the contrary, the Mikado** goverrt eiit Is making the ^Ujerraost efforts suppress the ??migration of labor-] ?ts to- the Un.ltCMl State*,, and- the j same policy w ill be continued as long j is VY&shington dues not" wish* to bar! ?ompletely all Japanese immigration.* At the satire time, the .Tapane.se are | '1moi.1i .1 i li 1 f ?Tilt' ? ;tl)iive-mt'n tloned clause may be utilized by America or her- -various States to en croach arbitrarily upon the rights of ?l.ipanes*- r>'shl<*nt*/ That such a:i ipprehension Is r.ot without 'foundn flon is. amply proved -by the legisla tive activities of a certain State on j ' Pacific Coast during the past few] years It is apprehension" as~weU j as the fact that so far as Japanese immigration \* concerned (V?f? above men tloned clause is practically sup- 1 ??rflous., that Japan prefers to have j no similar provision in the newJ f'reajv. * TiM-r><;j>\i>iTiox* ok kakm i.iki;. / / ? President HooSevelt's couiilry-llfs1 -?tfmnvi.'sloit'-has ^lately made public its careful ;and interesting report. It c-ss'Ttf. nf courses thJlt agriculture is generally profitable, and the condi tions oi, rural IIP?" at* steadily im proving. Srili ih? fcirn\ is less profit-, uble a* -a buainess. and leys attrac tive as a ; ? 1. it of reshfcuj*?, than it should . " .Many farms do rot i>f**-beca;!se of had roadf and unintelligent 'cultivci ??'Vr ? nw iiir-iv* ' i-i -'"1 i . ?.'<hauc'tio n . p-operly niads, crop rotanoeis.' persistent maintenance of soil fer tility. are .fundamentally necessary. The commission also -finds, in some ?districts, speculative holding of land, control of ?streams and water-power by interests which prevent thjj Carm ? r Irrtiw utilizing these natural as sets, and sol! destruction following wasteful deforestation. A parcel-post, postal savings-' hanks, a thorough study of taxation arid th-'" tariff as it t-.-.irs on the agri? j ? uliurist. 5ind~in ?'X'onsion of ihu ? >! ?.-?'? I';. are *pe ? : t : ^ - 1 U" -ir n- makes. It insists, too. on the I importance of m understanding of j t Tie elefn mts 11 f hygiene and san:t:?- ' ;lon, and on the necessity of improv- I ":ig ?lye rural 'schools by introducing j practical methods of instruction sim-; ilar to those so su?c?vsful in the ag-j ri< u'turai colleges:* ? The problem o? farm labor, it is j le-llevpd, can he met only by smaller I holdings and ni-jre sy.-tejnaf U: tillage . r-iirt-nsive farming. ^ lit short ? for which many hired hands are not| needed. Incidentally, 'it Is noted that ' :.n 'he old'-r parts of the country, . immigrants, accustomed at home toj ihis sort of prn tlnnl. ly dl^po^es?rrvg ?he .-native- stock.- . Not the least important subject discussed Is woman's place on the ?having btcn taken over >.y the fac ?wrles. the woman finds h"r life more ?ha:i ever one of routine. An In j-r<;ased shar" in the !ight"r Held and p-inlr-n-Avorkv . so>>lal 'M-snnizntlnTr^ j rel: J IrYg stutfy-i "hi'bs" ~ai7d 1 I ft'ich convenient es as telephones and I j running w*nt?*r ??re mentioned ns j I things^ w^flr-h hKlp.-to make em^try life more.atracfive in artivo and cap ! alJ" girls and \von>-n. 1)1X11-: TlMiJCillT. Th*? afro'-rjon ^?o n:ght at ti w l);xl?> rt^wns night. ;.romisQs to be InlVr'-n^rr-K ,m?I ttelt worm the pri.e of admission, =o niueh so that standing mom 'vf|| b? at a premium. The .pictures last night- were highly complimented and nil those amend ing this pruning w]|J have Rood cause i for *omm?nda(Jnn. The .manage! merit Js Hearing no pains to give the patron* oxeellnnt programs- ami the people pre apt'i^ciatlng this movo by liberally patronising this p?^iujar eliowhousa. The Working Glrlfc'-frt; :imph last nlaht was a gem, thty, srhenrn md plot- to ^trarr-her Var I exciting and the climax heartily ap TI,.. I.f.-Yn rn^ >. ,r ?vor. I are -frr he flrtt^rlass ?pact. It, yon yant to wltnwww a per formance rreuitable and up to date attend tlie-EHato ??i? ?W? you save money In Pellagra 4*uzzle$ Expert Lavinder ing a .confirmed belief that . "pella : gra"*ls likely to become in this coun t try a 'public hearing problem- of greater proportldns than cau_at the j present time be realized, C. H. La ' vtnder, passed assistant surgeon oT publie health and inarino hospital A'rvicp. has Just reported the results of his investigations of the preval ence of 4hat disease in the Illinois Stat* Hospital- for the Insane to Sui> geon General Wyinan, , As a^ prelude to his report Dr. Lavinder states that [the boualng.''feeding'anU tare of pa tlents in th^ Institution are above criticism. "Inquiry was made,*' says Dr. Lav inder, "as to how much corn orbits product* - MMal diet, and -it wis learned that corn is erage of not more than two of three times a H'eek. The""Q"ualtty of- the meal and hominy which I saw was to nil appearances excellent.. I am unr able to. assign any satisfactory local cause for the extent of the disease in the Hospital." Sill KT AMI 1U.OISE SALK. There will be d blouse and whirl sale fhe last \vppk/ in th<?? m?hth, given by the ladiea of the M. K. Chnr.-h of sale to be named later on. Rveryone should avail themselves of I5e opportunity to buy a good shirt, better made and. of bet ter material than the same priced .-l-.'.rts sold iji srores R'hiriS 01 air <olors. and in sizes from S to IS years will be pn sale at 50 ceol* each, and in the evening ices andTaRe will be served a*, the u^udl price*. ? ? cmiskii. By order o(_the County Commis sioners the Washington bridge will be closed next Tuesday for repairs. No passing will be allowed. . Tlte -im-wiM* in a-hcrli>ipj; space whii-li you ime tl>i?. loH- over that umhI last fall *-|iould const itnte, of It self, a pretty pood advertising chin A WEIGHTY MATTER. **?ruwod's w!fe gave It to htjn ho< anJ heavy last j ig.it." "Why 'I thought they never fccnap . ?.??.. *?? ? n 1ri. 1hlB IMMI . nf her uics she c him." * LAW RESOURCE. (W%?* ~Mtra Tlorksey? Wfty-do yo? wish me to marry young Mr Scads? Old Rpcksey- That seems to be the onjfr way to get Ulg money out of him. * ?"? I*~IK Wall street and at poker, but didn't succeed.' NOT ADAPTABLE. . ? ^ I IN ALL, CITIES AND TOWNS FROM MAINE TO FLORIDA, : 1ROMNORTH CAROLINA CALIFORNIA, *tl? ju>ly jg hot weather. ?_ _ *? This In itself is why so lUUlilUI t ?? 1 1 Move to Washington Park, 'its a most Ideal spot in whicft to live.. ? Secure the lot .t ? ? A-G, HATHAWAY. IN ?lME 6F PEA<bE PREPARE FOR WAR Today there are times of Pfracg In WH ARF ? _ PROPERTY. The free inland water route - wtllbrieg WAR. -? Prepare? see me today. A. C. HATHAWAY. Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. Cole J. LEOILWOm& CQ^_ STOCKS*. BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING. NQEFOLK, VA. Private Wires to N. Y. S?ock Exchange*. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago -xj. z'- Board of Trade and othecjjinancial Centers. t Correspondence respectfully solicited, fnvestment and Marginal - accounts given careful attention. H* Would ? Return. MacSow wcw three years- old. On? day bis mother said to him. "Now, Mark)w. you may go outdoors to play for a vffclle, but i? I see you cross in* the street to :>'.ay wiui UUU tum^iy little boy. Willie Burr, again, Ill give you a bard, har-i stmoklng." Half an bour later the tno<her look ad out after her boy and r?vt him playing Utt U'-.Iio BQR ? ? I? the window and called, w*h toroed I g^nttfiiesa: "M ?luWj _c?5m<! here to me." Marlow-.came. but aa b? dfd ao, he turned to hia ' '^'inrr.n and said r ? "Y" wim? |-m doln' in to d.ot K[?nked. IT] b? wight back." ?*"* sciatica, or any pain in the nerves is quickly- re lieved by an application of Sloan's * Liniment. It penetrates right, to the seat of the trouble, quiets tfifexcited nerves and gives permanent as -well as immediate relief j Liniment is an excellent antiseptic rem- ? edy for cuts, burns, brtiises. *prtisonoi35 mscpt strn^s^nd sprains. - e> At all Druggnti Prick 25c.. 60c. and $1. 00. 1 Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. How's Business? I ' I 'lii^ art', is Hirp<-tfji Trtfj I 1 the man who has all II the business in his line in this community^. Mr. Merchant-- You say ydii've got it all. "YotPfe selling them all th6y will buy, anyhow. But at the same time you would like more business. Make thi? community buy more! Advertise sjrongly, ju diciously, consistently. Suppose you can buy a lot of washtubs cheap; advertise a _J?ig wasKtub sale in this paper. Put in an inviting picture of a washtub where the read ers can see it the minute they look at your adver tisement. Talk strong on washtnbs.^And you will find every woman in this ety wash tubfor years and .year* will buy anew one Hromyhu. That is creative busi s ess pow?r. OwW.nfctm I figh};<atl v* as. Official Retum&of the Ca ri valing Board City Election Whereas,-aa election was hfrld tne city of Washington, N. c., on Tuesday, the 14th day of September. 1909, being a speelkt election -author ized by th^e act of^the General Assem ? bl)T ol North flttB?IUn?,..pai]ottd at It* regular session in% 1907, a_t which time there was submitted to the qualified voters of said city the Ques tion of the Jssue ofJSFI.OOO In bonds' for -street improvements, and hereaa, tnose who vo^etf in favor of said proposition voted a ballot en titled "For Street Improvements," and those voting against the proposl Street Improvements," and i Whereas, the registrars and poll holders In the four several wards In Hhe. city of XN^fihihgto^ Trere-Tcrth flfed io the Board or Aldermen an<l Do^fd of Canvassers the resuit_there^ of, AVkI the same has been ?anvafc?ed by the said board. Now, therefore, the.s^ld boapd of canvassers have canvassed tm re turns from the' several wards .and hereby declare the results thereof as follows: FIRST WARD. Number of qualified voters In . 6&Id "Wfifd . .7'. 7 . "2D1 1 -Number of ballots voted "For Street improvements" TT7 Number of ballots voted "Against * Street improvements" .8 Number of qualified voters not voting . . w 76 SECOND. .W'ARD^ Number of qualified voters In i said ward _ * _1 4 9 J Number of ballots voted "For Street Improvements" 94"! Number of qualified voters cast ing ballots "Against Street Improvements" * . 4 Number of qualified voters not-*. YffMnit . THIRD WARD. Number of qmtllfled ' voters In said ward 05 Number of ballots voted "For Street Improvement*" 4 2' NuroberTJf ballets voted "Against ' Street Improvements'* 4 Number of qualified voters ndf" . voting /... is .FOURTH WARD. \ Number of quatJUetT voters fiT"" . said ward 94 I Number of ballots voted "For Street Improvements" . . . 7T. . 40 | Street Improvements" 18 I voting J 1 37| SUMMARY OF VOTES CAST IN ALL THE FOUR WARDS. WfiirtfeF OF votes cas "For Bfreet TmprnvAmiani- ggg Number of votes cast "Against Street Improvement" ^34 Number of qualified, voters not ' ; ? rwmsr. ?. .? : . . '. : .'TIW We further declare that the total member of qualified y.oters In salif city was 510, and the total number of votes cast "For Street Improve ment" w&s.29 3. - " We further declare that the prop^ osltlon "For Street Improvements" , received a rnajorlty of"3 8* rotes more 1 than half of all the qualified voters In the city of Washington* N. C. ? W. L. Laughlnghouse, (Seal.) -v.*\ ? Chairman. J. 8.' Hodges,* (Seal.) B.'H. Whttford, (Seal.) N. E. Mitchell. (Seal.> I. \^B.%WindIfey, clerk of tha city of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the election, returns, for an election held In safd city on the 14th day of SeptemBer/ as Aled~"by .the. Board of Canvassers. This 16th d^y of September, 1909. W. B, WINDLEI. Clerk. (omcitl Beat). acHgrrviji a as uoat victor. Tieeday. Tfiuwilaj and Saniidaj. Lmvi ((uoter's Bride* ( a. n: ar lflT? at BatH. ?.J0, Waahlnston. 4. rTSav# Wuhlniion m,.'arrfr? Back S. p. b., HuiiUr'i Bridge S.aO. Far* sec. rwind trip. 8M. one war. WIUMN MVH Mum. Ocracofc* Frmmh Dn?d MrtiH. ? BtftTCESS p OPPORTUNITIES. RATE, t oent per word. s ? ^ .w .? ,ure, | ipctose payment with copy^ Anawer* to ids. may be received at this office. To Insure prompt attention ali adver tisements should be In business office by 12.45 m. Ada. by messenger, tele- ' phone or mail giveb careful attention. FOR SALE. HULUS IN GREAT VARIETY AT | ?Dr. Hardy's Drug Stnra FOR. SALE ? CASH REGISTER.] Call or address The Daily News. FK?Sli F.\U> SEED ? CLOVER, Rye, Rapg". V.etch. Cabbage and Turpliv. ., L>r. Hardy's I>rtig Storer IP YOU WISH TO PURCHASE A fine, bull, correspond or see W. J. Hardlsotr. 'Z' FOjft ~ SALE CHEAP ? ONE GOOD "draft or farm mare: For particu lars see-R. F. Butler, at the Post offlce. FIXE WESTERN REEF. PHONE ? <E?t>. -Kttgler's- Market. - FOR SALMITOMOBILK IN Ex cellent conditio^. The most "sue . mnehlno that hnc pvor lioan in pse here. Will Rive any kind of L demonstration. . . Apply 'to? J?CL Blount. ~ ' I T 25 CANARY BIRDS* FOR SALE ? 1 have on hand 25 flno canary birds, good songsters, beautiful plumage, guaranteed to sing. Price per pair, $5; single birds. $2.50. Guaran ieed Bare delivery anywhere In the State. Address W. H. Gaskins. Aurora, N. C. ITT MISCELI.AX EOl' S. 8TKXOGBAPHER A X 1) T V I? K writer. Let mo write your letters. M1B8 Beulah Thomason. 115 Mar ket street. WAXTEI> ? Tf> IH'V OXK ROLL top desk and one flat top de*k? Call 011 or write \V. T. Bailey. Jr. UHAFKS WAXTKI) ? WIIITK pernon*. at the Vnion Grocery Co. A\'in buy "all we can gel for the next 10 days. 24 i.os? ? \\f\ti;i{>iA.N yoiWm pen. with c! p cap; pen# js .black rubber with a pigce chipped off of cap. , Lost Krldav mornlnn Finder, please return to J. H. Bryan. - ? -1 8 WAXTKll ? A NimiN'fl MERCH andlse broker to lake cart* of a good account on commisMrtrnK, Ad dress The- . Wadswortly^Compainy, Cincinnati, Ohio. f ? ? : ? ? flfO ? "WAVTKI> ? sr< < KSS MAtiAXlNE wants an ener.fcet.'e ^>d responsi ble man *or wonym 4?t -WsrhThgton to collect for renewals' and solicit n*?w sutof rlntUms during full or tnan. flm- . inmnffla. nary. Any one can start among friends and acquaintances and btrild lip a paying and permanent business without capital. Com Htjpfe outflt and instructions < free. Address, "VON"," Success Maga zine. Room 1 03, . Success Magazine Bldg., New York Cltty. N. Y. 21 THK tXHXTY lilt 1 1 Hi K ACltOSH Pamlico 'River at Washington, will be closcd- Tuesday, Septentfjef 21,. and no pA?6ing allowed on that day. By order Board of County Commissioners. 20 lioYS! *<?RLS! COLl'.MItl A IllCY , cle free! Greatest offer out. Get your friends to subscribe to our magazine and we will make yod, a present of a $4 0 Columbia Bicycle " ? the Tiest made. Ask for partlcu -4ng-=-'How to Start " Adrirraa "Thfl Bicyo|e Man," 2W-31 JKasi 2 2d St., New York City, N. Y. 21 Chocolates FRESH TODAY . . Somebody at home be waiting too%bt lor a bog. Tit -Nun. on Every Pt**~ k the guarantee* roH ?ALK BY ]>R. HARDrS I>RIG STORK. rial Column SPECIALISTS ?- W. CAR.TRH. M tT Practice Limited to Dl4eaa?s of.tl " Eye. Etr, Nose and Thrott. How. ->-12 A. M. 'PHONE 86. '1 Wa?MnsrtonV N.'c* ATTORNEYS H. S. WARD -JUNIUSD. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW - ' Washington. N. C. We practice In the Courts of the First Judi<!ai District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean. Harry McMullan. SMALL, MACLEAN & ~ McMULLAPT ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Waahtngton, N'orth Carolina. '? W.D.GRIMES ATTORNEY -AT-LAW W? hington. North Carolina. Practices in all the Courts. W. M. BOND, Eden ton, N. C. ? NORWOOD L- SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina.' Practice in oil Couits. ~~ ? w.jl.vAughan ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' Washington, Nocth Carolina. Office in Weinberg Building. H. CHARTER, JR., ^ ___j ATTORNEY -AT -LAW,' ? t Washington, N. C." ? ? ? - Office Market Street . RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law ' Washingion, N. C. Office Respass StroetS. Phone 190 Washington, N. C. SOPI?E who are troubled -with stiffness and poor circulation should use Business Cards -ftrt.. STEW&fe PRACTICAL MATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Comer Main and Market Street*. Just received a large assort men c of the latest desi . ns iiTJo^y^lry. Re pairing a specialty. . H. B. Goldstein, We are stilf doing business at our old stand. In th^s period f?et ween the seasons we are stiH satMyldg^coa- . : tomers. Our fall samples are already in and we can take your order now for immediate or future delivery. Youra for business. Hi B. Goldsteld. For _ I FIRE INSURANCE see i ,nH p n myfps The j; H. Mmmoit Marble - and Granite Co. , MONITMlfMTS Prices and Wdrk Right. WASHINGTON, N. C. WHITE - BARKER - SHOP Th* *raty flrst-elauTVhi te shop in city. A trial will convince anyone of reas onible Judgment. We have 3 chalra. 3 first-class white barbers. Satifactlon assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. PRATJGHON. Prop, r . C. MORGAN WILLIAMS Insurance of all kinds.

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