VOLUME I. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 24 1909. It HtitiT CRIMIkALS I Three Are Located Man and Two Sons Are Tracked by the Dogs and Posse^HoWs cers Arrive. ?, _ . v.. Bluefleld. W. V?-. Sept 24 To day a party of armed oitlsens have Simon Blankenshlp and his two ^ons surrounded ? In their home awaiting th? arrlVf! of the sheriff of Buchanan county, Virginia. They were led to thU house by blood hounds put on' the trail of the murderers of the old lady known as "Aunt Betty" Jui|tla. her son-in-law and daughter and three chlldieu, w^ose fredlee wenr burned In thelr'fyrie at Hurley, W. Ymt Thursday tffclrf. ~ Tl"- *h" from the burned house Into and acrostf a corn field and. over a moun tain to the home of Blankenshlp. An effort was_ made to Ittfr^lte dogs pass, but they continued tt* M|f>p at this house. The armed citizens held & tonimumah *Ba aawa&a to 'keep the 'Inmates prisoners. In their own home until the arrival of the sheriff. Last night the bloodhounds -were taken off the trail and put up for tAe ' night at Blackey, Va. Jhis morning they readily picked It up, following^ Ifc-sovoral miles. up a moun tain hol low to the home of the parties who. were- already under-i trail paBaed over a very rttggcr!> road j at' one place In which there was KTgh precipice. One of the fleeing I murderers, in letting himself down | over this precipice, cut hlw hand, leaving some, blood oh the trail. 9 When the susplcioned parties saw the hounds corhfng they were out lna therilWd gathering corn. ? They Im mediately *ent to their home 'and $eavlly atmed . themselves. The commonwealth's attorney, who was leading the party, told them they * WW* #ufplc!oned of. the crime snd , . would have to prove an alibi. ? Tl\ey f irtoxttlT- claimed their innocence, claiming ibey had just recently heard of It One of them, Simon Blanken shlp. was placed under arrest and with the other two Is under guard. All .w4!l be given a preliminary hearing tomorrow morning if the na tives can be controlled by officers during 'the nlgbt EXCURSION HELD OVER AN HOUR! = Pfm-htd "Y" it 10 P. M.r St*. tion 11. 20 ? Passengers ' ? Disgruntled. ^ , 7J?ere_mu8t have been bad man agement on the part of tfie~-So r f oik and Southern officials last night when the excursion train from Norfolk ar rived and those wh<? wanted to get off at this station got a full dose-e< the mismanagement at', this railroad yard* Tbe excursion train rescVBtT the Y at 10 o'clock p. m.. and was held there unfit y?: 2Q."fer a through freight to pass a'ntf then the^ Con struction train.' All was dot calm and serene. on the faces' of the pas depot, This la but another 'evidence ' of -how railroads *un things in North r Carolina. ? No consideration Is given the traveling public. A Curio of ?the Civil War Dr. James Gallagher resurrected from the street' yeetprday a Settlers check of the Twenty-third Massachu setts regiment, the ?alue of which is 10 cents. The che<& is marked as follows: "tiood for lO cents Ik tntfe. Ob the feverse side, "Hanre* Lewis Bet tier, Twenty-third Massa waa fti "Washington during the civil war. and the check has been hurled here ever since. It 1# quite a curio* New Advertisements W METROPOLIS MAKES READY Big FIe?t is Gathered Celebration of Achievements of Hprirv HuHqaii tod DnKt luiltrm ncui j nuusuu mtti rvuui. ruiu?i Bf.giiM Tomorrow? Hotet Ac *tfw York, StptT 24. ? New York Is on the eve of the greatest celebra tion* lim its -Wstory. ' During the sev en days beginning tomorrow the 3, 500,000 resldents*of the metropolis, together with tenB of thousands "of visitors, will engage in a program of festivities and brilliant pageants to celebrate the achievements of Hen ry iftniBon. seaman and exploi'er. and Robert Pulton, Inventor, artist and patriot. One hundred war representing tfie na,vleB of the world will pi ULlpWl^B^FiiFfMFgf^Wia# and pageants on the great waterway with which the names of Hudson and Fulton are inseparably linked. In Addition to the naval pageants the week's program provides for land pa rades of an historical character, of ficial receptions In honor of distin guished guosts from abroad, aquatic and athletic Sports, military parades, commemorative exercises in the pub lic schdols, carnival processions, and" 111 u!n I nations and fireworks * each evening. *" City ^Profusely I>ecorated7 ? Within the pa8t '24 hours the city has blossomed out in a mass of col or. From the Battery to the Bronx and in *11 the .outlying boroughs pro-' fuHe decorations of flags and bunting 'greet the eye hi every turn. The col ors of fill nations are to be seen, with' tho& -of the United States and the Neh^flands predominating. The dec orations are not confined to the bus iness-section. Of flags1 ib*qa~ sa'asag be no end in the tenement dls ttkH Thay ???*? nht aa l.rgn ? .rf ones In Broadway and "Fifth avenue, but they make at brave show, flutter ing from windows forty or -fifty feet above -the ground. Next in popular esteem after pictures of Hudson and Fulton-and the National colorscome pictures of the "Half >loon" and the ''Clermont,!! Many Qf the pictures are of a character to make famous explorer' and equally famous Invent or wish they had never become fa mous. should either revisit the scene of his great achievement. * . *. ' . Brilliant Illuminations at Night. Each night of the celebration the Iff id be * blaze of ngnt and coi or. The borough halls of all Ave bor oughs. the bridges across the East river, Gijant's tomb in Riverside drive, the Sgjdlers and Sailors' mon aatne-owve.^iihe Wash? ington 8Tch anJi many other promi nent buildings and structures are to be outlined with electric lights. The lline of the three great parades, the historical, ilie mtHtgr? anil llm ntgtlt carnival, will be outlined In festoons of electric lights on .both sldea^of the ?treet.vblle a battery or 16 powers ful searchlights" will play' upon the tomb of ~6rant. Other plans on sim ilar lines 9U1 help make New York eHy ? a ? npenUrtlo -of un precedent^ brilliance during, the celebration. are to be made light as day by the counties# searchlights on th^-many foreign and ^meric?n warships an chored in the fiver. Hotelrf Filled to Overflowing. It_ la evident thatthe, celebration MB mill a taiga* atn^d to tain than ever gathered here before?_but it remains true that in hotels there is usually room for one more. On and after tomorrow the managers of the big hoatglri+awlll make no promises, but they aay they . will probably be able to "take In. a limited number frnm night in nlrfit all Ihrffligh ttifl week. 80 far as can- be learned no reputable hotel In town has advanced its rates In anticipation of the big crowd. The big hotela will be able to fepd many more than they can sup ply with sleeping accomodations, and this will be fortunate. the managers ?*7, because thousands will come in Ion dally excursions who will take luncheons and dinner here and re Many of the lio ar ranged with boarding houses and furnished-room owners to send the expected overflow to ^Jieae placer To Open Wltf? Naval Pagewat. The prlncIpiH- scheduled events for tlye opening of tho celebration tomof 'ill II am nil ??< American war nxli; the official re "'Wtlon ot the^pllci# 6r t?? 'Halt Uimn"?nil tlii 'flirtinni " lli^nfi Octal recaption of naral *ue?a; a pa rade of warahipa and merchant -*** sela, and a nl(ht parade up the Hud ? THE MOON , ' MWM Mayor. New York, Sept. 24. ? Charging tha# Tammany Hall politicians and hired floaters had stolen William R? Hearst's Independent League pri mary election in at least 32 out of the 35 Assembly district In. 'Manhat tan and the Brodx, Charles Frehleer, a lawyer, a*d several league leaders visited the *oard of Elections today and demanded that President Dool ing show ilin returns and ceitlflcatee filed on the JftaraLparty-prlmary. Charles E. Qehring. city leader of. the leaguers and ohlof reprtaentatire ln the Fusion' conference committee, was given a knockout In the Twelfth Assembly district, where he was beat en by 300 vote* This is the home district of Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany. ? If all that the Independent blague. loaders charge is true, the-nexycity convention of^the Hearst follfl&ers will be ruled by the leaders of Tam many Hall. John J. Hopper is the only recognized league district chief ?who won without interference. In Christy Aulllvan-'s district, ? tho Sixth, it is nleged that this Tam many leader'tf lieutenants electo^-a stage carped^er .at Miner's Bowery Theater to be the Hearst (leader. - 'The Democratic ?and Republican' organizations control the pvjmary election boards, and therefore the In dependence League did not have a representative on the official stafT at polling places. Their -watchers were completely -swamped by heavy after dark, and at many polling places the league did not have a rep resentative. ! .. *" ? -The Hearst followers wore taken completely off their guard and prob ably 'thereby lost the controlling voice at the Manhattan borough, New Yprk county and possibly w the city convention. ? There promises to be a bltter legal fight over the-prlmary and the Hearst people " have engaged detectives to run down the alleged ballot-box stutters and repeaters. 8upreme-eourt Justice William J. Gayigor, mentioned as a candidate for the mavoralfv and already nominat ed by aft Independent Pemoccalic ganization, came out in a statement last night attacking the action of the anti-Tammany leaders or fuslonlsts In refusing to nominate him* unless he would promise not to accept a Tammany Indorsement. Hhe characterized the aifflon of the anti>Tamxnany men as ^Jwy exhi bition of the most disgraceful "".parti sanship" and added that such an at titude "was, in his belief^ a -violation of the State Constitution and ' the penal code. "These so-called non-partisans," | said Judge Gaynbr, "are trying to dl: vide up the offices of the city among I themselves._ They would cast lots for_ the garments of. the*1 city. Engaged Ifn this sham and fraud ^8e^e who j partisan In working with the scoun-' drels of all parties in the buylhg snd selling of) law, the grabbing of fran-j chlaes, the levying of tribute and blackmail and the spoliating of the| LMRMf U6 picture or Health, Rev. I Dr. Chattes H. Parkhurst returned from his annual European Jaunt yes- 1 I terday on the White _8tar Jlner Oce anic. He Is much Interested In the political oaOoofc and said that he was greatly surprised to learn that Jus tice Gaynor had "knnounced his can didauy. ? ? ? ? Asked If he approved Justice Gay-j nOr's course* in accepting a Tammany [indorsement, Dr.T?arkhurst said: ' "To' bo sure. Why shouldn't he? |Qo long as he does not enter o0(bel bound hand Mid foot by Tammany I pledges, I see no reason why he 'should not accept Tatqmany's In dorsement and win, too. I think he| nrilt iffiilt i ivrt Bwvrffr " l It was all ittcbf for the Majiretafilai to smash dthfers' records, but why smash her owfi? - 7 . are not In actual necessary station dutyi the Inflexible, the Drake and the Duke of'Edfflfcnrgfo, of the Brlt fl. immi >li? ?aillia, ? the TM tuila Louise, the Bremen andJ&eJTriaate* of the German navy; the French bat rl?hiiM Llhsito iiSTinllssi uunboat Bravo of the, Mexican navy| Utwcht of the fo*l Dutch navy. Argentina's warship Aarmiento, the and severs 1 ships of other . . ??? State Mourns for Dead A Great Cof^oane of People Witness rtre~0(H?quio8 ? The Body Taken UUhe Church Under Military Escort. 'f"~ '' , St. Peter, 8ept. 24. ? The body of Opr. John A. J ohnson was hurled la the family lot In Oreen Hill's Cemetery hern. this afternoon In a grave adjoining that of his mothe^k At Pregbytiffii'" Church the body lW0fte was vie^Ku^by hundreds ef cltlzenu of St. P?t| Kk . "Rev. R. E. Clarke aead the sermon, "using the text "Knov ye not: thM a "prlncr and a sreat biah has fallen this day?" Prim ggrneea twb , npm at the cemetery and the local company of national guard fired -a salute as' t^ casket was lowered Into the grave. In amnniiictngliltf Rev. Clarke said th^ no more expressive couplet than a prince and a great man could Johnson. He spoke the great loss W the State and to Uw Nation In the death of Governor;^ Johnson fcnd' closed with a glowing personal tri bute to his character and achieve ments. church and cemetery )y^the ^wagc^x municipal, civic and ft iternal organ izations as well arf in ivlduals, con tributed set pieces and t>oautlfui bou quets. A / From 'the small tojrns and sur rounding counties, as 'well as from the large cities of Um State, thou sands gathered to pay A last tribute In the final obsequieal over the re mains of Mlnnesato's.&vorfte son. The buildings In town were draped ,lh_ hlack UUll '/v tilt.tr ? crepe, flags were hal f-mast, jK^nictu res of the late governor, wrSthe^ lii na tional colors, were seen Everywhere. But these outward manifestations' were but lightly Indicative of the ! deep, sincere pervading gloom. At stations all along tfre road from. Si. Paul crowds were present to pay 1 homage: At Shakespeare, Belleplain and other stations, the whole popula tion of each town was at the fixation. School children with flags pointed downward lined the street on, each side of the train, while amaH- hoys and ? gca? ? haipod ? men etoed ? wHh bared heads as thp governor's body was hurried toward its resting place. ' A special train from 'Minneapolis, carrying the mayor and city officials from that city. -preceded the funeral tra?t , > . As the governor's train- pulled into the station at IMS P. 'in., a heavy rain began -to fall, but the thousand's a! ? ?ftrnnn? sLftnd with niu nverpil | heads. - J.. : I The irregularly phones of the batteries are being charged pre paratorp to their Installation. This Is. the reason of the trouble recently. The sun appeared again before the procession, reached the Eresbyterlan , Churcb. I - .The body was escorted from the train to the Prebsytt'rian Church by Cflmnftny ? K. Jtecond infantry, Min nesota national guard. The-JtUeeU anH ?!<io?gHrn all the way from the station to the church were lined ^rlth mournsrfc who stood with bowed hekds as the governor's body was carried past. Aa the funeral car nass^d along the streets, little glila^-dressed In Its path. All the hldssoniB of the local flower gardens had. been appro priated and wagon loads were scat tered In this way. V" Device Makes tlie Deaf Hear Mr. A. A. Springs. who haa just returned from an extended trip to Norfolk and New York, brings back with blm a novel Invention Called the "Acoustlcon." It 1^ an apparatus to make deaf people hear, and It works like a charm. The device Is worn on the person. To one end. is attached a" receiver, which Is placed lo thaesr; 1 the remaining portion of this unique "jget-^ip" is hid, ii^ the pocket. A whisper can be heard distinctly. Mr. Springs is carried away with his new And and it Is certainly the thing for thoee afflicted with deafhia*. It must be mb to he appreciated. CITY SHOULD 7 MAKE THE HACK nHlMFOFF No Right on Property Ctty Ordinance Against Hackmen J" Approaching Passengersjonjthe Railroad Yards is Not Enforced as it Shoutd Be. The Neps thinks -It would be good policy ,tor some member of the police force to visit the Norfolk and Souths erq .passenger station, at leait' occas ionally. If this were done perhaps they would find, business brisk aud the city could tfe ,?priched several dollars pulled from tha pockets of -the breaker^ the* l&w. - * ^ For sometime, at bqfh the Norfqgj^ and Southern and Atlantfc Loast Line' depots; the manner in which the'city hackmen approach a pagHpnrpr and alraoat lake tola grip or Yalta? rn?m him whether it is his desire or not, has become to be' a nuisance almost unbearable. There Is an ordinance hsgatnst the? hackmen trespassing upon the .railroad property for any /purpose and this law should be rig idly enforced. There is no excine for ' its not being. Last night, at the Nor folk and Southern depot, after the arrival of the S:20 passenger train from Raleigh, one passenger had to actually kick his way through the crowd qf transfer men, ? and ? t&is morning' one of his ltmbs is urnch th** worse for his experience. As soon as "he alighted from the train ihree or four colored hackmen made a dive for him. All, of course, wanted to take him to the hotel; all wanted the dough" and all were determined to secure him. The passenger's grip was first in the hands of one driver, then it was suddenly snatched and hugged to the arms of another." At one, time If looked "as If the affair., would end in a free fight, but the pas* senger determined to work his way \ liitnnrrh in"h> wpnt tn frf. king right aUd left- "" He says this thing happens every time he comes to Washington and that such procedure is very hurtful to the clt'r^ an opJni^jl^The Daily ]New8 heartily and unreservedly en i dorses. In other towns in the state these drivers are not allowed on the rail road property at all; they -are comT pelled IS-Temain in the/sJN'eer and 'wait for the train passengers not to rush pellmell at a fellow before hie i has time to breathe and get his bear ing so to whorw ho 4? to? to go ? The city should compel the railroad people to_butld suitable fences around thifTr property with sufficient gate* ways and allow no one to pass -through th?m exc*??f -h* 1>h a famn ger or one having the right. This is a matter the city would do well to- consider, and if such a law was passed, make both .the railroads and hack-men en/orf-e. It n? IpHpi It has been a nuisance and menace long enough. FLORIDA SPECIAL NARRQW ESCAPE Came Near Being a Serious Ac cident at Smithfield Wed- | nesday Night. rnirnrtartttB aa-r?- Hut ? Thn New York and Florida Special No. 6<h of the Atlantic Coast Line, had a narrow escape from a serious wreck near Smithfleld late last night. Just after leaving, SmithAslA.^% A. Q._X yardmaster at Florence, who happen ed to be riding In the day coach, de fected ?aa ^ units ual thumping noise under the car:- In an instant he reaohed up and pulled the emergency cord and the long train of Pullpians, aboard which thfre were many sleep ing passengers, was brought to a stop just as a long trestle was reached. It was ascertained that an axle of one of the trucks h^d broken and dropped down, tearing up the track as i^went. Had the trestle been reached, It is certain that the train Would have been derailed and the train plunged into abyss below. The train was due. here at 1:80 a. m., but did not ar rive until 8: SO this ^qu>rning, .a wrecking train having been 'despatch ed to the scene to repair the trouble. win, kntRktain. H?n. and Mra. John H. Bmall will entertain a -few friend. At dinner this i??<? him, itrnn n n mag. Lieut. John L. Maher, and Chief Bii gtneer Bowen, of the United Statee revenue cutter PaifiUco. ?STATE MM. STARTS JdlELL F" im-m Pupils Better Prepared Freshman Class Numbers 200, Says President Foist? Outlook for Coming Year is Very Prop itious. In response to an inquiry frpm the editor of The Dally News. PrjtfBidetn FPUSt, Of the State N'ommj anil Industrial College, Greensboro. N. C-i gives, this paper the following inter esting Item with reference to the operilag of the college and also jiie B^afcects for the coming year, which /Ifouat" prove profitable reading to the man J old students of the Normal in Ihlaftounty and its friends. The opening of the college was ?sat isfactory ? in- gre'iy ? teapec;. ? Mtttp lad pnla hBVP nlrPHflv rpglefi-rMH Diai\ Is the visual case at this time of the year; The registration is between 550 and -600. This number would have-beeiCt" increased but for the fact that the capacity of the dormitories is limited and more couftf not be TlKen: It Is to be regretted, as a large number of young women . were anxious to attend-the State Normal, but had to be denied admission be cause there was no room for them. The Nowa is glad-fe-kttow thin the students unending "ihfiT college tnis year ^ome frqm every section In "North Carollnav President Foust says that one v?y encouraging fea ture of the opening is the fact that we find the stuaents are much better prepared than usual. This is, of course, says he. tfue to the general educational awakening in North Car olina, and especially t<^ the estab lishment of high schools by the State I In' "coo per at ion ^ith tluOoeaJ commit tees.; The freshman class at the Nor^' mal will numbor .nearly 'iQfl. botng ^he largest in the history of the school. ~~7 Beaufort county Is Interested in ' the following students in attendance this year.iMieses Pattle Spruill, Ger trude "Radcllffe. EUa Topping. Bessie Swindell. Kathleen ftogart, Emily M. Reddltt, Virginia ? H4pskerT~BelIe Lup ton, A^ma White, Ethel Kessinger and Pearl Whitley" GOOD MATCH LAST NIGHT Imperial Alley. Headquarters for Bowling Fiends Last Evening. Quite a party of citizens witnessed the bowling contest at the Imperial burning niig). last main. iwhhwhI two teams organized for competition. ? i ne game was spirited and exciting 7 from the start, and no little interest ' was manifested to the end -of hie bowling. The su^fressful team only won by 8 pljis, a small margin. Mr. score. l The following are the names i contestants and the scores: Nteyo. H. B:. 71 93 90 . 254 Jordan. .m/f . . 72 86 93 251 Hepthistail . . . 97* 101 87 285 Morris, I. K.. 87 103 72 262 Kugler 81 88 133 302 1 -Z ? 61 fil C 187 Totals.... 469 * 532 540 1511 Jacobson . . . . . 76 78 77 .231 Callowa*. , 99i 70. 93 362 Sandy. . : 81 80 10^" 270 Jones 86 8^ 250 Bea?ley 97 89 87 ..?7^ Pegram 91 9 2 80 263* Totals 522 *95 532 1549 Drunken Man's Awful Crimes) - fcowntowli, l*v. 2 4. ATTTUir Allen, the proprietor of the'$?eyatone Hotel, at Mlffln Station, near here, shot and Instantly killed his 6-year old daughter early today and then shot his wife and himself, Inflicting only slight wounds." Allen had been -irlahlMf ? r ? -r- - A railroad watchman heard him throwing furniture and other thlnas ?T?ut tin lower, part oi the hotel; ??>< .K? >?? ?< 'I? -|" II H >1 II bedroom Above. After Allen i wound had been dnml ha wu taken to J?U. - ^ . THE HUMANE HOCIKTV. The Human* Soelotr will me* ?bt at Dr. J. c Roan.tr. S1Q t/clsc^ All laitreitad aft r^j tolattead. ?\U. 4 i LOSS Of LIFE ~ HUNDRED ? ? ? 1 ?*mVw Area Is Still Crippled Railroads Still in Bad Shape, Many_Miles of Track, Trestles and Bridges Will Have to Be Replaced. * . New Orleans, La., Sept. 24 Those engaged t'jr the work of rescue ' I reiteir', made necessary by tng~ \V$pt lndjan hurricane, which swept Louisiana and . Mississippi lasi- Mon day have found their task* far more colossal than they expecVeJ: ? Practically alLti/ the Isolated coun ty sections of the storm swept area have n*w been explored, but- until definite' reports have been received from relief parties It will not k? r0B_ Tilblw- to^orm anything like an accu ' ltut "f ?'?? dtad and InJiiieU. A conservative estimate today of the number of people, who lost their lives- ae- a result of -the hurrlcantr places the total- it one hundred. In spite of the work of thousands nf ttnin hroii|H|i tq by thu telegraph and telephone companies, | New Orleans and many other smaller cities in Louisiana and Mississippi are still seriously handicapped In the way of communication with the out side world. Many miles of tracks, TrcsneS and brldg.-s nr.- vol n? Hp r?. placed by the Louisville and Nash ille Railroad, and at the present time their depot at the foot of Canal street has the appearance of a desert ed village. The trains of thia road, are being sent out over the Queen and Crescent route. The mpin line of the Illinois Cen tral Railroad is still blocked, as eight miles of the .track and roadbed were cashed. out Sectiona-of. the rails and "ties were carried clear out oT the rlghj of way by the r trail ing waters, and it will be several daya before through traffic Is resumed over ib* main line. TTl<* Ifftlh* being detoured over the Ya?oo an4 Mississippi Valley road. The other railroads have succeed* ed In clearing their tracks. To Unveil Shaft At New Bern ? -.New- Bern, Sept. 2 4. ? Mr. W. W. Manait. r^, Prnvirii-rrr. H L. ia bttta superintending the placing of the Rhode Island monument In the Na tjor.al Cemetery. Mr. Manatt Is rtie designer and sculptor of tho. monu Rhode Island plot, near the center of the cemetery. The monument con sists of a base aiffd on that a block of Balfour pink granite five fieet square m the baseband four ioet at" the ton. An heroic bronze figure seven feet high, presenting Peace Is plated oa' the granite block and makes one of the prettiest monuments in the cem etery.- - ? The monument .will be unveiled October 7. A farge delegation of Kbode islander's will reach here on the afternoon oft October 5 to attend Press-Maker Dead at 70 London, Sept. 34. ? Robert Hoe, * I aged 70 yearB, head of R. Hoe and Company, printing press manufactur ers, of New York and London, died here today, after a short Illness. Mr. Hoe had been In London sev eral weeks on his annual business visit. He suffered an acute attack of kidney trouble ten days ago and hla death resulted.- No arrangements have been made for the funeral. ? ? Robert Hoe. while still a young man; succeeded his father, Robert ' H. Hoe, in the management of the printing presa factory established by his grandfather, Robert, and achiev ed fame as the greatest of a family I that had brought the' mechanical art I of printing to its present state of per [fecttftn. 4 When-Robert Hoe entered the bus iness the "Hoe cyirnder," patented in | 1846, was considered a manrsl -flta. Inventive genius, coupled with his ad- I mtnlstrative ability and the faculty of sarreundlng himself wlty efficient 1 aides, developed the, old "Hoe cyltn- V| der,"" the present wonderful double ??ulile.eUuiile pmiiuus. Robert H?s was the inventor of oolor y printing prsisss. , 1 Besides being the principal tfwner of R Hoe * Co., with large factories la New York aad London, he was an extensive manufacturer of circular mwt and mrw- Mn m r,l ? the foUDUer* of tb? MMcQtoUlu Mil- . jr" ??? ? f..- ?

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