. * v ' LEGAL NOTICES ? t North Carolina, Beaufort ^ ' '' I fll AlUn ^ Chalhe J. Allen. * The defendant above nkmed will take notice that an^acUo? an titled at ?bore has been commenced In the [ tiupertor court or beaurort county tor the purpose of oRaiiflninpSr , -TQjce absolute; ??4 th? ?nid -defend--} ant "will further lake notice thai-she la required to appear, at the term .oj the Superior coutt of aald cqunty, to be held on the thlrd-MOhday Tif Oc^ tober, 1909, at the courthouse in aald cuunty/^q- Waihtngtou. n. O.. and anaweror demur to the complaint 1c ?aid autluu" ur ihe plalntlir vrtll ap y io tne court for the Mliefde-. manded In aald complaint. THa 7th day of Sept., 1909. QBO. A. PATTT. Clerk oTH8~8uinu Ujr Court. COMMISSIONER'S SALK. North Carolina, Beaufort county. In the Superior Court. J. W. Stewart ?a. C. C. Sparrow. ' Pursuant to a Judgmgjat_rendered ? at the May term, 1909, of the Su perior, court of Beaufort xoiintSL In tne above entitled action, tne undfif aigned commissioner, duly appointed therein, will, offer for aalfc and *111 art!, at the oourthonae door In Beau fort county, Washington, N. C., on MONDAY, OCTOBER 4TH, at 12 o'clock m., to the blgheat bidder for cash, the following described prop erty, towlt: All that tract of land lying and being lh ttie State of North Carollnsu county of Beaufort, bound ed and described aa follows; ? Begins) ning at a stake in Blount's ditch, at R. O. Preacott'a corner and running ? aouth 199* polea tn H. R. Cayton'fi i_ line, thence east 40 poles and 4 1-2 ? links to 8 ? M Sparm thenpe north 199 polea to Blount's ditch, thence 40 poles and 4 1-2 links to the beginning, containing 50 acres more-or less. Ternia: Cash, deed to be mane when uie m appro* ~-'.ffrdge of OupeHer This the d day of September, 1909. ? "I- AM--ni'N"y, Jr., Commissioner. '* NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having this day duly, qualified be-^j of Beaufort county as administrator of the* estate of Olivia R. Fleming, deceased, ^ all "persons Indebted to said estate aj*e requested to make aettlement with me; and all persons holding claims' against the Bald es tate are notified to file the same, duly Itemized and verified, as prescribed _by law, wlthta one v<*av ?from tfriy| date,, el?e this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. August 28, i96a. ~ * 8. FLEMING, Admr. of Olivia R. Fleming, .decM. NOTICE. _ Sealed bids for the erection of two bouses, one at or near the foot of Pungo Creek Bridge.^ and the other ? ?nulling ne4x the draw of Pantego Creek Bridge, will be received by the Board of County Commla8loners _ on the first Monday in October, 1909. to be opened at 12 o'clock m. Bids can ae for either one or both houses. Plana and specifications can be seen at-tbe-olBee of the -undersigned. } la mkalm nil bids inner ha illrarf-ad. Thia September 7, 1909. " O. RUMLBYi ? I Clerk to Board. CITY TAXES. * ^ Th?^ of to the undersigned, and this la to no tify /d\ owners of property subject to tax that I am ready to receive taxes for. the eHIUIllg ;w. Tliey must l? ? collected at- once, W. B. WINDLEY, City Clerk. "October 7, 190#. NOTICE OK SALE. ~ nt tha pnw?r pf ^l#> gnn ? ??toed in i mnrtgsgw riftfKl jflH br -Samuel 8. HajrdlsOn and wife to C. If. BroWrT/^aated i't-^ay of' June, 1908. and duly recorded jp book No.~ 138, pace 428, Register's ofllMJIf Beaufort, county, which is referred ? to, I will offer for sale to the high eat bidder at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door, in the town III WMaiHUJIU JI^V, UU M61IDA?| OCTOBER 4, 1909, at 12 o'clock, the "followtog deeerl bed property, to-wit: A certain lot of Implying and being in the city of Washington, county of Beaufort, State of North Carolina, and being the eastern half of lot No. 107 fn' that' part of said city called "MmiBf - Town/' -sKuatedr on the north aids of Second street and hav ing a frontage on Second street of 50 feet, and running" north 210 feet. Bounded on the north by tfre lot oif| Mary T. McDonald, on the ess t by the lot of 8. R. Fowle. on the by the lot of John Dowty and on V": ~ ; ; CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. Four Ye are Experience. Havens-Small Bid'g ' ? 'Phone 85 $6,540 Was paid by tho Roy* I Tailors for one insertion otjhe two-page ad. in the last issue of the Satur day Evening: Post. . Reod it." ? ~ . ? lepieseut them exclusively here. Wright's Tailoring Parlors, "Who Tailor Best in Washington." ANNOUN CEMElv# ^1/E are headquarter* for- floor Coverings- We are showing an ex it tensive line 1-4, 1-2, and all wool Ingrain. A!so Brnsselsin Stair I Carpet and Stair Patterns. Art Squares 6x9,8x10, 9x12 feet. in Crex. Gran ite. Ingrain, Brussels, Arminister. We have a large and varied line of =R U G S In all allea and | | special Velvet nary Moquette J. F. BUCKMAN & SON >ri?M>apittcrn? fn-waim.il.. V. l..?_n ? - -,r I 1 1 Velvet Rug 27x54, .1 $1.9* and $2.25. 2hey?"e e<"ual 2 eeet 370 poles to Thos. Campon a line; th^pce north 20 west to the spring or Bond upper corner In th$ poco?in.!_and with their line to the beginning. ^ *1 This July 1, 1909. ..A* P*. MACLEAN, Commissioner. THE NORTH p AROLINA State Normal and Industrial College M the Course# Leading to Degreed SpSJlal Courtjs I -cad ins: to Degree. Special Courses for 1 eacdifctf. Fftlt session be ElnsSejwecnber 15. 1W. Those desir \ * early as SSflon^dS?^1^8 and *'her inf?t J. I. FOUST , Pres., Greensboro, N. C. Miss Annie Bell Clark, of Pactolus ; spent. yesterday In town, the guest of; Mrs. Lynn Lancaster. Mra Ti.tjlmi nHm,, b11t1 PhHdrrn have returned frdtn an extended visit to Mrs. Grime*' .parents, at Clem mons, N. C. ~~ ? "'m S w a? Miss Lottie Blow, of Greenville, | will ai ilte tills wieuing-fm a tlsit Mrs. John H* Small. ? ? ? ? '# ? ' " Miss Mary Hliwhaw, of Winston 9alem, N. C.,- Hir' guest of Mrn. Junius Grimes, oft Bridge street. - .?? - m ? ? The man friends of Mrs. Frank A. Moss, who has been abroad for sev? era! months, vrftl be glad to les.ro that she ^111 sail for New York on the 28th Inst., and Is expected home about the middle* of October. .?Jl * Mr. C. A. "Flowers, of Vandemere. Is In the city. Wrlgloy's Spearmint is the gum of Quality. - ** Fulford returned today om a business trip tivNew Bern; Mrs. W. A. lift, of Tarboro, spent the day here yesterday with friends. en 'route to New Bern yesterday. ? ? Dr. A. B. Crispin, of Beaufort, who has been to hj? old home at Aurora, for some time, passed through the city yesterday, ew route to his home near Beaufort. ? ? Miss Smith, superintendent of the I Fowle Memorial Hospital, returned The pictures r?emed to please the aulfi^re huge ly. Tonight there will be shown how Allen Poe wrote his Immortal poem, "The Raven." .T^iis Is a. fine dramatic plcttiTe. A good western Ira ma will also be put on., and a, good, assorted list. Don't fail to go to th^ Hem tonight. Kemsmber. a full size package of Wrigley'a Spearmint gum will be given to each holder of ticket. The orchestra will play. |? | Mrs. J. R. Savage, who has been -visiting Mrs. J. T. Lewis, left, this morning for her home In Roper. her home. where they wenjt to attend the Alll g&od-Braddy wedding. PAXTBGO. Mr. C. P. Aronk relumed trnrj Baltimore a few days ago where he merchandise. Mr. O. C." Swindell made a flying trip to Belhavoa^? __ Misses Effie and Lizzie Latnam. AnnaLaurft Cutler and Mr. Henri Latham are guests of Mrs. Alice Res pass. ' , Miss Gertrude Woolard, of Wln steadville, entered the Ijigh school here last week. ? ~ Mr. J. B. Clarkand* wife, of BeP haven, spent Sunday here. Mr. W. H. Clark and wUs-and lit-, tie son ,^61 Kdcnton, are the guantB of Mm. A. E.. Clark.?L Mrs. D. A. Windley Is on the sick list. The first load or cotton of tb6 sea son was brought to town WoTri?"s?Tav~ from the farm of Mr. 'S. W. Wilkin son. v The woodn north of here ar? fyJl of huckleberries, but th(>y are 39 well guarded by mosquitoes that no white, man will visit them. ? The surveyors htBre about complet ed the survey of the town lots for the proposed drainage district and they are now surveying, liorth of here, ;The commercial tourists are like the Irrepressible fly or the poor, be cause theV are always with us. " Mr. Tom Watson- lost a valuable mule recently. .The most of our people, here are Cookltes simply- because of the char acter of the two men as shown by he conduct in their uncalled for contro versy. Dry weather is hurting the gard ens and second crop of potatoes. ~~ -1Cljlg" JnBn. 6TO>? Dlim?f?wamp ! (Mid hW brothac Sam. were in town Wednesday. Mrs. C. S. Bpencer stepped on a rusty hall and as a result has a very ?ore Wot. _ The Pan 1 ego and Belhaven Realty Co. held their annual stockholders' m..tlng ,thU VmI. Small M?- McLjIBT or wutmpBn. wgwl Jliwnt. ThU grtwulnl . favorably opportunity, Mr. Sm^ll was a*ked toT deliver an,Vducational address while here." He consented and delivered Interesting address to -a large audi ence at ^he . Academy on Tuesday on the good work It la doing and warned the people of thla"nL_MaujL -Bohua. fcfcr.i^xret Barrow and Bottle Topping of Bclhaven, spent Sunday here. Thd Pantego and Beckwith teams-. rroKsed bata q? tht? grounds h*?re Sat- . Urdayf and Beckwith got the beat of -ttTT^rontept, the wore being 5 to. 7 . Ab tuost ball games have Teatures, this game possessed .one too ? the umpire. The girls are talking about his vocal work yet. We overheard 'one spectator ask Jones where they found the "human megapho.ne." The name fitted part of his performance tb a T. _ His articulations were awful ly active and amazingly acrobatic. Moat of his- decisions were-fortlssl mo -i though he . uaed the soft pedal "ST j times and usually got the laugh. ' Beckwlth had the better field sup- , port, but both teams connected with ? the ball often. It, was a pretty game, run to , " " Mr. Ottls M. Wlnfleld Wednesday atXernoon^ October ^txrtr^ _ .. nineteen hundred and nine ?**? > at Ave o'clock ---307 West Brambleton Avenue Norfolk, Virginia. Reception Wednesday, October 13. from 9 to 12 p. m.7at-52S West Third street, Washington, N. C. " MATERIAL BEING PLACED. Brick and other material Is being hauled for the purpose of erecting *.he additional room to the Methodist Chnfeh ? decided on -by rile official body of that church last. Sunday. The room is jo be finished before the se ries of- meetings In October. Chew Wrlgley's Spearmint ? the grim with the lasting fiavo.\ R. & B. Surgical Dressing* are the best. Sold at Hardy's. CITY MARKET. Eggs : 21c crnwn gfi to 30c Spring chickens*. 10 to 25c Hides, green ......... ^ .... 6 to 7c Hides, Q. S.. Mixed wool ,.18 to 20c Burry wool V."v. . 10 to 18c Tallow ? a i-|ft Wool, free from 'burrs 20c Lambskin .25 to 40c Sheerlings . & to 10c COTTON. Seed cotton $4.50 Lint cotton .v. rrrr. 12 3-4 A BUSY POeTOW prepared lor pofoHTTwi*. croop, cold*, coat hi. frtppc, paint and MTraeu in laittt and ihreaL EtKrcaJ and |irct qolc* relief. Aiidraauu. $1.00. 50c. 25c. DON'T YOU WANT * \ TO PI T IN Electric IN YOt R lUH'UU THI? FAIJ,, SO pot* WILL HAVE A GOOU_ LIGHT ALL WINTER ? WH AH11 OLA n TO 1'I UV1>'?H ? Y mf AN ? K8TIMATK FRFKr - /ND WILL DO THE WORK AT COST. CALL OH 'PHONE WASHINGTON _ ELECTRIC PLANT ONLY THE BEST HEAVY AND FANCY ?GROCERIES Carried, ? W? pImm our customers or no pay. Try MS. UNION GROCERY CO. Walk or Ride. -Talk Over '' The Telephone. you can have a Telephone put in your house. in the city "or sft your farm ?< ? yery iur passingly lovT coat, and save many a long drive and per haps a life by being in direct __ and instantaneous touch wtfh* 7 your Doctor. Grocer, Mer 1 chant- and Broktr, T Weather reports and mar I ket quotations can be secured b daily. ? Interested parties are re I quested to communicate with | Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO., Washington, N. CX This proposition will inter est you. and it would be well to investigate h? fore the ap proach of the cold Winter months. HIGHEST CASH PRICES -= - paid for CHICKENS, EGGS Itnd nil COUNTRY PRODUCE! qZ?>uff"Ctaln *DJ "ll the very best Flour at whole. Mis, " ? PAUL & CUTLER4 east water stkeet. Complete in Variety. Colors and ~ ~5liipt>. v l^SPENCER BROS. LjjJST ARRIVED You Should SeejOur New and MEN'S Graham Flnnrj" Whole Wheat Flownr AND New Buckwheat. CALL UP Walter Credle & CO, Slationety orit link is complete: any thing YOV WANT IN THK-tAB LET AND ilOX rOKM. Prescriptions 8BCEIVE PROMPT AND CARE VII. ATTENTION. ? WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY JUST ARRIVED Buckwheat, Pettijohns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat. Grape- Nuts, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two delivery wagons and A iieel, which in sures prompt service. 'Phone 123. J. F. TAYLOE, ?V rif yhe Grocery Man. BUY 1UUR HORSES and MULES FROM GEO. H. HILL ~~ Vouftiofsewinbe welt cared tor at ?. |U- -4 Hill's Stables. U II II ? 11" ir^w "-=il ?HELP IS OFFERED-' 1 wnRTHWQL'NG-MEN AND WOMEN. >i?> mailer ho NY?limited .Vour I means of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, Durham, N. C-, is ready and willing to help \ou secure ' a high-grade Business Education; The ONLY Business College in the Caro lina* presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditdr. A sOtftJ , clent guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; -ftnokke-pins. Shorthand, Typewriiinfc. 1 tlegraphy, ! Penmanship, Civil Service. English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rait j road HI* Fiifl? Poaiuum Giuiiwigwl. THE I. H -.1(51 NT HAY PRESS Is the highest draft, and makes the most compact bale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY ? sales Agents. Kollars and Kuffs THE SPELLING Jft BAD, BUT tlTPT' WORK WK ?a MMQUilil AND UL'FVS JM PBRFRCT. GIVE US TOUR CTJIAXTNG AXD PRESSING.. Tj Aldecplan-Capehart Laundry* In