1 ? . i f< . jn- - :RNOON, SEPTEMBER 25, 1909. WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY f Last Edition NO. 47 TH1BTY-E1SHT NATIONS PAY THEM HONOR Hudson-Fulton Fete Spectacular Celebratiop Now in Full/ Blast in New York? Com memorating Deeds of Explorer and ^tiventor. _ ' New York. 8ept. 25.? Little ships and bis ships, tugboats sad ferry hosts, steam. yschts and motor "boats, and scows and craft of every con ceivable site and description rendez voused In the vicinity of Governor's Island at noon today, and upon the firing of a single gun proceeded in ? two lmpoaln^ column* .in th? lorrilr Hudson river. Thus, wttfe a pano rama of pageantry excelling In m%g ? nit u do nf scnpa sad brilliance, of d? sign an/Thing of the klScT ever- seen before in the Western Hemisphere, was Inaugurated the mafhmoth fes tival with which the State of New Tgrfc la to commemorate the three hundredth anniversary of the discov ery of the Hudson river by ^ienrr Hudson In 1607, and tho one hun dredth anniversary of the successful Inauguration of steam navigation "on the same river by Robert Fultonr , ? More than 600 vessels of vartous kinds took part in-tbe pageant, wfeieb was, of course, the great part oj the day's celebration, though land p*T rades, commemorative, exercises aud - other features were included -tn? ttie program. . The vessels participating In the parade were divided Into ten squadrons. The replicas of the Half J Moon and the Clermont, under es cort of torpedo boats, were placed about the middle of the formation: . With the -fivlng -M- -ft- from the lhiftffel&.lfee great flotilla began moving northward along the Hudson. A half-doaen patrol boats led the way. Then cgme the flrst squadron, con-' slating of. toore than 100 soaihboats^ commencing With the old Norwich. built 1U 1807, f?4 ending m lh thw pa*: latlal Robert Fulton, which was completed this year. " The steamboats were followed by countless steam lighters, naval mllltla boats and gov ernment craft. The police and pub lic aafety squadron, consisting of po lice, Wricking, fire snd hospital boats brought up tM rear and 'Clermont at 11 Oth street, where countless thousands assembled In Riverside "Park and along Riverside Drive to witness the ceremonies. As the .Hall- Moon and Clermont passed each man?o'-w?t4ho*men-o'-ftr sa luted them with twentjM^e tuns with the Netherlands or Hudson-fnl ton H&f Ttolated . A salute Irt tlw Gov ernor of the State of Nesr Tork waa given by the flagship of the com On, arriving at the beginning of the line of warships anchored in mld nwnruii iimjuiuiiii mwu mi Half Mqon and the Clermont went to Jh? east of the liner while the squad ron Ip the parade passed on the outer edgrffnd proceeded to the end of the Mne of warships, where they turned and came back to the official review ing. stand at llQth .street. When the scout squadron heading the parade reached the beginning of ? th* Hp* of warships the etfgnns of seven great nation* voiced a salute In unison to the American flags. The reverberating boom of the* cannon s^ed thundering And echoing over the water* of the hls inne awr. wnwuwfu by Henry Hudson In the Half Moon. ? and, tTtfl-^Bturles "later given added fame by the achievements of Robert yulton and the Clermont. The seas ef ths Irnltlnl oslntn hsdl not died away when all the steam craft mong the line took up the noisy jubilations. It would require a stre^l^of the ordinary unaided 1m nil Inii^frffi n-iilirr tlutt thr.rr an- rtii. m^iny people In New York as lined the shores of the river today. They clustered on both the Manhattan and Jersey banks, on housetops, or bar ' ges, in the boathousee. The great i 4he lower md efore the Tofa'l, destruc tion la known, for 'the fire season has considerable time to run. In figur ing out thla year's losses, It will be natural to mak^-comparlson with the losses for laat year, which, according i to rreaaweu Cleveland, Jr.. In ^he Year Book of the Department of Ag riculture, will cause 1908' to be" long remembered. . _ "A dry aeaaon, combined with. ah even more than the uaual Indifference toward raiali fired which mlght^eaH lly have been extinguished . at the atart,M aaya Mr. Cleveland, "catHed destructive conflagrations In pra'ctl cmlly efflry BUM, Wllh loaaM aggre gatlng $ 1 00,000?000. In comparison with the havoc wrought elsewhere, the daTcage done to nailonal forests was exceedingly slight. Had fires raged within the forests aa they did outside, they would have destroyed timber worth 30,000,000- ? enough to run the forest service for six yeara. Moreover. It la nractlcaliv ? certain that most if not all of ?lie damage which was done might have been pre vented had the forests been fully nianned.*? ? v J '.'"Finally, the estimates of loss made by the service on national for ests are particularly searching, and take full account of the Injury done to young growth. Commonly, esti mates of loss from forest fires are baaed upon the damage done to the sanding timber and to property'; they do, "hot reckon the usually far greater loqp In lnjury_pr destruction of vounel growing Block.1' ' The methods by which the govern-' ment keeps down^JJie fire .losses the national forests Includes: Constant and systematic patrol by picked forces of rangers and guards. The construction of roads, trails, and telephone lines, which facilitate the massing' of large flre^flghtlng forces. TTie construction of fire-lines which in some Instances check the spread of Are Without human help. The equipment of the forests with Qre-flghting tool*, and Other supplies necessary in hghtlhg fires. The sup plies of tools are kept at convenient points a all times, in order to have them easily accessible, to forest offl cersrtrr rase flreB break out. * Cooperation with railroads, tim be'rland owners, and settlers, in Ore protection, in th4s way making it pos slble to protect both the lands of the companies and the forest service at a. much smaller-oosi- to-tho govem ment than would be the case . wece tected by the local officers. Just a* the practice of forestry Is important in the movement fur the conservation of ptli natural resources, ?o Is the' protection of the forests from tires important In the rurlher ance of national forest work. In fact, forestry in many' instances means nothing more than conservative lum bering and tire prevention of forest through the wf^e use and care of thei forests will it#be possible to make natural tlmberland permanently pro ductive. The practice of forestry doea. not mean abbreviating the uae of tlie land. Instead, conservative .lumbof ing and protection of the young growth from Are* will bring about-* steadily lncreaaing use, for with care and cultfvattofrthe jrield of the'for est Increases and the product Im proves in U*e same way that the val-f ;ue of ' the farm Increases under the 11 | proper Ostein mismanagement. P ^ , TOjgXBBR4TE MAflftJM - Father F. J. Gallagher, of New Berq, will celebrate low mass at the residence of Dr. Jipaes Gallagher, on Bast Main street, .Sunday morning at 1Q o'clock. All are Invited. | [" >1 j ? ? . ? tTTT BEING BILLED. The city bill rxMtef le tod&i_en gaged in putting up bills in different parts of the olty Advertising the cmr nlval to sho* 'MM HlMrtH *UIH jgjr- Qfitolrtr 4 and Iiit Madrid, 8ept. 25. ? A Spanish-Mo roccan war. 'that is, a war between Spain ahd the forces of the Sultan of Morocco In distinction to the* fight ing going on today which Is limited to the Moorish tribesmen Inhabiting the Riff country will result, it Is gen erally, bellered here from the compll catlona which have wH~?n h?twMn 8pain and Mulal Hand, the- Sultan of Mprocco. ? 8mln tnriny haw nrar 60.000 uoopg in Northern Africa, with .11,00(1 more mobolizing for.serrice there, and the government feels that only the bril liant completion of the work begun defeat the plana of Ita political enemies at home. The situation ?- ? 1it lng renewed anxiety. Bomb explo sions on the streets there are almost of daily occurrence, but the newapa pers that print even the rumors of such occurrence jire selred by the au thorities. _ ; The minister of the interior inst8tsQ that the government is not .fighting its political enemies, but rather a wld?ppeM anarchistic *pluL ? "The charge that we closed the lay schools without reason Is false." ^j^Mfclal said today. "The schools^^^BMed because of the preachirifN|HBWl8t doctrines against religion aWl social order that could not be tolerated by an?-JBZ*QUK?nt? Wheji the time comes we shall vlgcufeate? mirselvcs .before the ? The .decision of Frauce to disre gard Malal Ha fid's protest has cpfted great satisfaction here. Furthermore, it Is understood that . the t'nlted 3tates. Germany. Great Britain and. flussia will adopt the read with pleasure by The "At a recent meeting of the Bank of Norfolk. Mr.. T. J. Latham, Jr.. wat elected assistant cashier. Mr. ?Latham comes wlt^i the Bank of Nor folk from Washington. M. G., wher? he has bail ffftoftn. yeata experience In banking, being connee?*4 with the Bank of Waahlngton M.r. 'Lath*m rmufm to Nfeiff6lk. after flftefen yelre absence, and will be pleaied tor serv(> hi. fn.nrt. .? 1t|, mn> nT Vnrfnllr "I -r-APBK iAtk vkdtkrday. On arcotlnt ot ? ?iMU-Br**k?o'wn ' the--??A aagla*. ye*Urdaj, T?? Niwi ?U 4?lir?(. t) nch ua-sztmt ADRIFT IT SEA IK AN OPEN BOA I O . .. I 'r- ? ' ? _ At Mercy of Waves American Mission Yacht Capsized and the Missionary Died From Exposure? Castaways Fell III and Some Went Mad. ? ' -> Victoria, B. C.. Sept. ? 25. ? The American missionary yacht Hiram I Bingham, capsized at YaIulf7Tn the Marshall "group recently. Rev. T. Walkup died from exposure. The others passed three weeks in an open Jio&L-WithL little food. The yacht was from Boston. PeCaila were Brought hPM lasf night by the (Jer manla.Yrom Australia. . The SurvivorB were rescued by lllP1 m.c*iuct Gfrinanla anu -tanaed ai Sydney August 26. The Hiram Bing ham was bound from Butaltarl with Rev. Dr. Walkup. eight Carolina is landers and a native g;hlld on board. The schooner ^a? lost 70 miles north of the Gilbert Islands. - A trop iial'sijuall I'lflMH HUUdenly und keeleu the vessel over on her beam. The Bhlp's confpany clung to the rteglns. while Several natives succeded In re leasing a rowboat from the wreck age. A couple of oars were recovered and all clambered into the boat, abandoning the schooner. For 21. days the castaways drifted at the mercy of the wind and- waves. Before leaving the wrieck 15 cocoa- 1 nuts were picked up. this being all the food for nine adults and one child for three weeks. Rain squalls pre vailed and the missionary caught rain In his oilskins arjd served rations on the cocoanut shells. . The tra&Laways -tell ,111 and some went mad. Sharks in large number a fuHuaeu ibe-psar ? tin May 'jr. lAi.d was. sighted, and islanders assisted the castaways to land on Edeh Island. ?"?"Rer. Mr. Walkup died soon after landing and wai buried on . the b'each. His wife BTTft~ ??family returned to America just before the fatal voyage bejfau. ~7 l?AV OK ATONEMENT New York. Sept. 25. ? The large Jewish population of New York, in common ? with the Jt>ws th?pg|imit thir world, engaged today htthcotP servance of Yam Kippur./or Day of Atonement, the most Imp6rtant of all jgwiaii tunuais. r?u' nminay m&rgg .the end of the tei) penitential days whfeh began with "Rosh Hashono," or the Jewish New -Tear. These ten days are devoted by orthodox Jews] counts with one another, for It Is thej ancient belief Lhat all^ins committed - by Israel against the Divine com mands are forgiven on the day of ? iuw IIIVlu .out II. ?! U'lWUIR!! lUllilUil . ted by man against man do not re ceive Divine forgiveness unless some atu??n?t hes teen made to right *rtn*rtr wrongs. In all the Jewish calendar there is no occasion" which Is -so solemn and so fraught with deep sentiment as is j | i*?. P-U1rl * water passes the lips of the devout] lUum* mtm rewi passive during the other 364 days of the year And who seldom, if ever, are seen In the house of worship, observe this day 'strictly. Beside the long 24 hnur fawr th.. H,v la ^ r~ ers and other religious observances. I BIG DEMONSTRATION OF "DRYS" Chicago, Sept. 25. ? The two days' <*?lebrAiton Held here in honor of the fortieth *nnlversay of the founding ol the prohibition party in a monster parade of temperance I workers through the business section j of the city this afternoon. Major General Frederick D. Grant headed the line, which was in twelve divis ions and cumprlMH t (6111 6f over 50,000 marchers, together with nu merous floats. Nearly 1,000 Grand Army veterans were in line. Other divisions Included representatives of the varloos churches, religious soci eties and prohibition organizations of Chicago anttt&Uier cities of Illinois. Wisconsin artfl Michigan. Rev. Mr. Plyler ? ? the Speaker | , Thfrs will bs n imuiin uf Um 1'nnag Manl Christian -fc^ane a LTV Chamber of Commerce rooms Sunday afternoon, at- 4 o'clock. The speaker for the occasion will Ct .R|i, m. T Ply lor, pastor ol tfco First ??thodM Church. HU subjoet wjll ho "Wboj CHulea In WajhUigton ? ' Mr. lar?o number wttl JjLi Weaker ol twnotlom to*, no +mt Vim. MTIC SWINDLE SYNDICATE HAS ? BEE1TT1TCTEJ Lose Over Half Million States, Canada and "Alaska; and Eighty-five Men Are Included in the Fraudery: ' ' _1 ? ? t Council Bluffs, Ia., Sept. 25. ? Juh. C. Mabray and j>4 alleged associates were today Indicted t>y the United States grand Jury .for the Southoru district of Iqwa, charged with con spiring to defraud by Illegal use of the United States malls. With the exception of Mabray and three or four others, none or tnose moiciea are In custody and for that reason the names of the defendants, were ! not rnnrtn pnhllf It was stated that" the list Includes many- persons known in criminal annals In all parts of the country and t that nearly every name la fol lowed by one to four Silases. Each of these alleged confederates had a number, wnich is given as one of the aliases accredited to the defendant. Although Speclflifptnftiintw mtp not mentioned in the Indictment, It is authoritatively stated that .the amounts lbs t -by the alleged "victims of Mabray and others named will exceed half a million dollars. The sums lost range from J 1.500 to >30,000. the latter sum _ having ] been placed on a fake horserace, ac cording to. the evidence at~4iaud. by ? a Missouri banker. Victims in eighteen States, the Ter ritory of Alaska and the Dominion of ' Canada are nam?d in the indictment, j indicating the wide range of terri tory over which Mabray and' Ifls as sociates are alleged to have plied their vocation. . As a basis of operation they used, according to the indictment, the cities of Council Bluffs. Davenport and Burlington, la.: St. Louis. Lit- . tie Rock,, Seattle. Denver and New Orleans, to -which places it is alleged victims taket* by the numerous-:; "steerers." , I A GALA DAY^ AT OLD F6^ Hon. J. Y. Joyner to Speak Followed by a Big Picnic Next Tuesday. Tiie ueotie oL lhe Old Ford are looking forward to frhe visit of Super intendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner next Tuesday.. He will dellr er an address on education, after which a picnic win be the feature. All the citizens of Washington town Are liiged-to^ take a basket and aid in making this day a memorable one. Several of the loca.l speakers w 111 be preaenc anne year's subscrip tion before November 1. This set Is also seen In our windojr. Now is your chance to secure an elegant set Qf china for a little work at 6dd times. Suppose yoti try for the din ner Bet, or at^leaat the berry set. Opening Prospects Are Excellent THE HEARSTITES AND FUSIONtSTS m tDGGERHEADS The Republican Ticket Trust Company President for the New York Mayoralty to Op pose the Nominee of Tammi ny 'Hiii.'" X New York. Sept. 25. ? With the an. nouncHTDotit f*om the platform *thftt practically all ,the fusion aud Inde pendent forces of Greater New ^York, except the Independence League, would work in harmony to elect Its candidate, in .the coming municipal election, the Republican qlty conven tion in Carnegie haH unanimously nominated ' these candidates *f or the threo leading miml..i|.ai !?>.? For mayor. Otto T. Rannard. pres ident of the New York Trust Com pany. For comptroller, William A. Pen dergast^for many years president ot the Credit Mens NnHonal Assnrin. Hon. ?' ...??? For president of the Board of Al dermen. John -Purroy MUeholl. pres ent commissioner of ar p o u 11 Ls_ and-arr Independent Democrat. Mr. Bannard's selection was a put prise, for he had not been included even In the hSIf dozen or more pre liminary possibilities. a non-partisan committee of one hun- . dred, a suh-crrnrmtTTPe of which has been trying for -the past week to agree on candidates. The Indepen dence League, delegate withdrew from the conference yesterday, but the League would not be a party to "bargaining for office" as the dissent ing delegate expressed it. ? But, -not withstanding the Independence Lea gue's defection and some- minor fric- * . Hon among the fuslonlsts. the Re publican leaders say that the alliance In ot)pfts|Hmi In Tammanv I.- rtiXTtfrn. mldable. " i. Church Directory For Tomorrow. ( First BapfTsT" CfiurcV." Market >. street. Rev. J. a. Sullivan, nastnr. I ounaay scnool. 9:45 a. m., S. P. I \>;illis. superintendent; lesson sub jerl, Temperanre. I I. m n.nrnlng worship. Sermon s ubject. "God's Jewels." S p. ra.. State Mission Day; special exercises. Monday, 'Sept. 27, '4:30 p. m . Sunbeam meeting. Wed ineatiHY, Sprit 0<< t n m.._ pwitop 'meeting, led by Misses Vanhook's and j Peterson's classes. 8: 45 p. m., choir | practice. Saturday, OctoFer 2? 8 p. ? nr.. Deacons' meeting. All strangers art? cordially invited to attend. Pn | lite and "attentive ushers. Good I music. . St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Bon | ner street, Rev. Nathaniel Harding, rector. Sunday school. &:30 a. m., ?C. H: Harding, *Qp?#Tluendent. Morn Ing prayer with sermon by the rector at 1 1 a. m. Evening song at 6 p. m. First Presbyterian Church. Q)ad tor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m., Jno. I! S|J!iPPIJW, RMJJMHflEMlfl^nl. Preacb ing at 11 a. m ? ami ^ p. m. . Pray r - meeting Wednesday evening. All re ceive a cordial welcome, Excellent music. ?* 1 * . / . FiiiTM?nrrjiii.i rumi'H. Wm'ffif?' ond street, Rev. M. T. Plyler, pfcsCor. -Sunday school, Tom O. P. Bland, superintendent; E. R- Mlxon, assistant superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. ra. by the pernor; subject. "Religion at a Coil.-"- Al TtJNJ-p. n., the-L*ymen-will have charge of the Hun ^Joho M, ? Small w4U deliver .an address on "The Life of Service." Prayer meeting Wednes day evening. All Invited. Seats, free; excellent music. Christian Church. Biat ftonna* street, Rev. Robert V. Hope, pastor. Sunday school, 4 p. m., J. B. Latham, superintendent. Prsachhtf at %. m. and 8 p m., by the paator> Morn ing subject, "We would see Jesus." Evening subject, "The. Wil) pf God.'V All stran^ers'ln the city, aire cordially Invited. Dr. Cook talks like a man who had seen the thing* he deecrlbea. ~"1 ' * ."J !' 1