_ vounmr, i w AfflTNGIQH^-gOR-TH OA^6j;ltNArWQNDAY-iaH'-FtHNOONT, SEPTEMBER 27, 1909. NO,. 4i ? IE STATE'S DRY Ui IS r - IN OANBER k,-- ^ 1 ? i.. ' . - , p /Alleged Fatal JMecF A Clause Found by a Lawyer that May Let Beer _JJe Sold With Impunity in North Carolina-Mil lions of Business Involved. Ratefgb, N. C.. Sept. 2?. ? An tm portant defect In the new North 0aro Hna~8tate prohibition law Has Jast been discovered by a leading State Jawyer", and it threatens the enforce ment of the law. At the same time It involves a big bUIId*II ror the breWefTwTana other ^ manufacturers or malt afcd similar lluuors. p The alleged fatal defect, which prt> hltfltionists claim Is an ecror, occurs in an amendment made by the legis l latnrp Ma.ch to the State law passed ln*l 908, section li, and stipu lates that when licenses are issued to ? eell "near-beer" and malt liquors ^containing one-half of one per cent or more of alcohol," the State tax ? -x ? stall be * to. * rr-!? ? The words-used should have been ? "less than one-half of one per cenOof alcohol ."--the prohibitionists explain. -?> ? Btrt the courts will have to place on that construction -the intent to make It law. HMOKLie, the lawyer today ad vised ull his clients having licenses^to sell "near-beer" and the like to go a right"1 d ^,0r 0p6nly M A liqi\or man here stated today that "millions of business to the liquor interests will be involved." Many town authorities where pro hibit Ion .fulled 'to be adopted by local ? ?option are sympathetic with the con test. Mr. Ralph Phillip*, has been elect ed secretary of the Toung Men's Christian League, to succeed Mr." E. HTHyman,^ who lias resigned. Mr. 1C. A. Smith has- been chosen a mem 'yu ot the music committee to suc ceed Mr. Thomas J: Latham. Jr., who . WU moved tm worfum. ? Bum ur Op selections are good ones and the league is to be congratulated on se curing their services. BURN CHIMNKYS OUT. As winter Is approaching. and thei CUf Ik b*Iqg visited by r?ln, the cit1-| sens would do well if they would j burn out their chimneys as a pre caution against fire. TO PREACH SPECIAL SERMON. Rev. H. B. "Qearlght, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will do; llrer a special sermon to the , Im proved Qrrtflr nf Rrri Mpn nsrt gun. ? day. evening. ?I .71 ? "... ? . - - piMfltr - TODAY FULL . nr lBDiTTv \ ur VWltt I T Apple F6ast for Taft President Tendered Breakfast by the Chamber of Commerce at Spokane, Washington ? A Big Day's Entertainment Planned. | -Spokane, Wash..' Sept. 27.? AI though It was early when President TJTTa special train arrived here thid morning, Mr. Taft was up and eager to greet the committee of the Mer chants' Association? which wai ready to greet him and give him a big day's entertainment in Spokane. The pro^ gram for today la full of variety, anff Interest. Preparations have been made for the President to Indulge in dinner dj^hes of big red apples, piping hot. In salads, sauces, stews, frirraaaari snrl Bluffed ? M Haydpn. a summer , resort thirty miles from htere, he pl&ya golf tl)is afternoon*, and this evening he wilt dine. on Id aho game at a dinner at the Bozan U Tarara. - "The breakfast which the President enjoyed soon after his arrival thla morning was tendered _ him J>y the board of trueteea-of the Chamber of Commerce, following which was "a parade of civic and military -organi zations. At the roncimlon of the pa rade Mr. Taft made an address to over 10,000 from the grandstand roe street. Mayor N. S. Pratt, wel comed the President, and Judge Ed ward Whltson, of the Superior Court, Introduced him. F. E. Goodall, pres ident of the Chambor of Commerce, presided. After luncheon the party took so , auto ride through the Spo kane Valley to Post Falls, Opportu nity, and other Irrigated districts, re turning to catch a special train for ttym " i mn tn trhlrh raat- nl>t~ form addresses are scheduled for "Coucr'd'Alene, Idaho Hear Mr. Joyner at Old Ford Beaufort county, especially Old Ford and Washington township, will be1 honored tomorrow by the pres ence of Hon. J. Y._ Joyner, State Sup erltnendent* of Public Instruction, "who is expected to speak on educa tion. Arter the speaking tl^e good ladies of Old Ford will give a basket picnic to which all aire cordially In vl ted. - Everyone In Washington township .is asked to bring a basket and help toward quaking the daya great suc ceas. Mr. Joyner will devote a week to Beaufort county%and make educa ttnnal adrtrmm a Hav-i? looked for tomorrow at Old Ford. City Water Tank Dry-for an Hour or More Today: - Someone Is to Blame 1 ? Tilt WliTilnftnn ttlBft mri t lirtit _ Company hss s contract with the city of Washington (or the operation of a water plant, and in their con tract thej bare agreed Jo certain. conditions, some of which might be Interesting reading to the citisens Just at this time. Ia section two or tald contract the following ia Incorporated: "The source ot supply shall be free from sewerage contamination, and the water furnished "hall be clear in ap ' pearfcnce Pd br thorough analysis, show water at all Umee suitable for all domestic purposes and for drink ing and cooking purposes, and free from any Injurious substance. ^ latter clauss Is seen that "A constant _ #at?r pressure equal to 60 pounds per Ineh for ordinary service shall be maintained, which, upon occasion .of fire, shall. If necessary, be In creased by means -of suitable pump ers to 75 pounds per inch." Than; again in section 18 attention is called | to part ot said section which Beads as follows: "Shall not suffer the aus penslon of the supply of water. either - S^S 1Sg*?8S?& S ...el. .... ?.-r nnrnn reuon, not jet explained., the water Unk, that furnishes the cltr drinking water, and the meam through which Ljlres are quenched, waa dry ? not f. drop of water waa tol>e had. - Pof an hour or not* (he entire cltr helpleee, and didn't know It. Whr thla state of affairs The Dallr [ Newa doean't know, jet the fact mains Jaat the aaase. There waa 11 "K leot of duty somewhere. Somebody Is responsible, and an InTeatlgatldfc should be made st out* ? peiellet la patent. Property was in graye danger, at the merer of that moneter ? Are, through neplect. Suppose, for - arguments sake. aJ Blated part of the cltr. what would hara been- the consequence? No one MiWlfct ifca ' * ?> ' ?" "WWWW1W ; T T Why waa the water Unk dry be tween Are and sit o'clock this mora Ingf Can the Washington Light and Water Companr render a sufficient excuse for this condition of tWngat The people' desire to b* Informed.. There la a register placed at the Cltr ban tfor the aaoari?i?iu (to anountof pressure there la on, the water used for flre'mnrnoflee. and it m drily m POET POEMS 10 HUfffMBYSTEM * ? . ' ' - Last Alarm a Sample The City Owes a Duty to ? its Citiifchs and Some Effort Should Be I^gde to Establish a Fire | Alafm System. Ring out wild balls, right startllngly. and ten the news tonight? _ A Are Is burning in the town, but it'B somewhere out of sight. "Where, oh where,, where Is. the fire?" cry the frightened ?passersbyjr Dut olily_lhe3ijaterical clang of the bell answers their eager "cr Y- " The Volunteer Company No. 1 goes r rushing to the west, tVVhlle north and south the h&A0?reef ' men are running their very best. Now all along the streets __ai<d patha there ruiffiei& a motley throng, ? Some ran to' cfcst and some to west? they cannot ALL be wrong. At last upon the midnight sky is seen -a growing glare, Fire!_Fire! There it is. It's^eente~ j_ where over there! Turn 'round, you racing Land-reel men, and leg It^for the west? ~j Giddap you galloping Volunteers and do your verybest. In half an hour or so, at IeaBt.'the fire is reached at last ? Of course they cannot put it out, the time for that is past! "But. can we save the town?" they ery-j?they work wlth all their might, " - It's hard to light a fire so large with such a wind tonight. ? Rtgtrt-hese we will Adrop out of, poetry for awhile, for while poetry Is all very well for sentimental-dia logue, It's noc sufficiently strong to urge upon everyone in this town the necessity of rising with one accord and working for a fire alarm system. We need It. if ever a town needed it we do. With the flimsy wooden houses built so close together that windows across lots, if once a Are gdt headway before the scene of"the fire couldbe found, the flames woyld have things their- own?way, It's all sery woH te talk1 of Are In" euracoe, but-wlll flQQ. cover the loss of that old clock of yOur great grand father? How about losing that coral Jewelry that mother wore before the wagl What pfrn-akctchca-o? two era sitting on a fence in the rain, or pictures of fat old gentlemen in'Bcar let hunting coats drinking punch, horns and whips in paste stuck around the cheap frames could ever 4ako the place of those fiaQ oil paint, ings of your grandparents, that have hung on the wall and gladdened your eyes and filled your heart with pride -for years? -Can-any: new silver you may buy replace the old tlme-woxiv spoons and forks which have been handed down for" generations? Can *ay mo&ey-pay-you for that golden curl cut from the head of "the one VQU 1?M tln.? No; a hundred times no! Better far than Insurance money is the protec tion from 'fire, the evidence of the irrepanble loss which fire brings; ;tm fl" ,l11'11 no amount 6T filthy lucre ?can com pensate. ' - * ; . With the new 'phone system should *o an up-to-date fire alarm system alap. The city should be divided Into., fire wards, 'each having a certain number. There would then be no cdnfuslon. The firemen would know before they got on the wagon where was the scene of the fire. The hur rying crowd coal* count the stroke* of the bell and tell In what direction The cost of 4ueh* a system would be from 92,000 to $2,500, at the most. We must remember that this fire de partment is a volunteer one, and we but also theirs, get to work and put In the , alarm system which wodld, give them some eucqgp a&euient and enable them to glve-j&eir best tferv 4ee, a service In some degree consist eht witta their efforts. p To paraphrase ? ? ? "Let us then 'l)e uj> and doing, stilL^cMevtng, still puraulnV ' Oet that^hone system ere Coo late!" Tin* "go wa h?rerh?d ??rn lng?. ol what would happw 11 1 l?r?. Hr?,iUrU4. It Mm Uko Hying In | the face of Providence to lynore such; a warnlng as w as glren on- last. gatH mmentF OUTS, WHEJT, dvc iunfflpi rv nit rNU ttHnLLT The Smut of Few Farmers Realize the FuU Ex tent of Injury Suffered by Cer eal Crops Through the Inroads of Smut. erq^ealfle ry ffffarfcrl \ t be 'full cereal crops through th?|nioads of smut. The smutted plants are dwarfed, therefore wnp observa tion bo completely that even very ob servlng farmers often allow aH"nmcli as 25 pgr een^jy* ^ry notlced. Smut Is rarely lees than 10 per cent in oats, and Is frequently 16 to 2 H per cent. This la a complete loaa to, Hif firmayrgalt CO&tf as much In seen, laud and ti Inge to raise th? rmnttrri nlai-r ^ in rsltf the full head. All of IITIk loss can be turned |-kita.a clear pront at a coat of about 1 per cent per acre for material, and a very "sTTghr outlay oT^abor. The United StateB is sufferlu?_anni!ally a preventable ion gf abowt.f 18 ,<000,000 f?om the sm^.c of oats alone. Our own State la yearly losing between JTTana 20 per cent of haPanrfufiTTJIT crop, which was valued at SI, 7 9 7. 000 In 1907 ~ ? The smut of grain Is caused by a fungus, the spore (the repdoductlve body ot fungi, corresponding to the seed in higher plants) of whit It Is car rled in the seed to young grain plant. Smutted plants in the and In threshing, shed their spores In the air. These spores are' then carried about by the wind, many of them finding . lodgment in the seed o^ neighboring plants. 'They are thus planted with the grain, and the same moisture, warmth, etc., which start the plant Into renewed life quicken the smut. It thus happen* that many young plaute are, ,? cm Mm lufam., attacked by the smut nnsmy, which,. J having gained entrance, htf%a within the plant until bloomfh^H^When It again breaks forth In Its well-rec | ognlzed form. Only., young plant* are susceptible tp attack of the smut; therefore. If we tan so treat the seed of the plants as to destroy thfi, adhering spores of the fungus without injuring the grain, we tan enable the young plant^to pass the I critical stage of Its existence In safe tr- . It Is thereafter safe. Such treat |ureht "la possible. ~~Sttut~cIn, there -fOre, be piutUcaltj eHmluatuu from -the flplrt RtfiTAr.i tmatmsnt are effective, but of all those known, that by formalin Is by far the best and cheapest, although the familiar in wheat. ( Formalin can bo purchased from a druggist at a cost of from 75 to 90 cents a pound. ? One pouhd mixed thoroughly with forty-five to fifty gallons uf aaiwr lu "suKU-tenl to treat forty-five to fifty bushels bf grain. To -treat the grain, spread It in a Jtfcln layer omuimooth barn floor aud sprinkle with the diluted formalin, using either a spraying machine or a watering pot. Dprlnklc no aa to thor oughly aud evenly wet the grain with the mixture. Then shovel the-gipln over thoroughly a few times io insure TMU11 mgmuuuuil gilll I'Ul'lf Iflfl ^l|e with canvas, carpets, blankets, or Egging, to keep the fumes of the formalin within. The pile should stand from six to twelve hours In this ?ij. inruiu irnj i" nun Pi ra&any dried by mixing wlttr air-slaked lime, and the llcne may be removed bf the fahnlng-mlll, or' the lime may be omitted If desired. It la merely a drying agent. T^e seed Is th4n ready to sow. it may be stored, but In so doing It Is liable to renewed smut In fection. The b?*t way Is to 'treat, dry. then Sow as soon aa la practi cable. . - _ ?* In general, one gallon of mixture wW suffice td treat one- bushel of gralaT7^ The formal!? should be used tie rate ojjona dunce to three galh>ns of water. Formalin Is an Irritating cautlc. Which should actbfi fcUBUkLUfclLCailx tact with the skin in pure form. In diluted condition It is harmless | If you try this treatment simply as an experiment, sow the treated seed I Mi a definitely marked portion of pour field, using all care to keep the treated seed from* smutted seed. ? It iron ?re ?dopMn? -thl. trMtnrat far your whol? sowln*, It will 4m Instruc tlr? It jrou win ]Mn, , portion, |??r one wr-twolj.in ;ron to tf.Wnolni, tho ml r?tue of treatment. - th?t m?. <lf. or nlcfcvthm I* ?o to b, ? eonlUir.tlon which will IWtftES WERE - PARALYZED OVER - THE COUNTRY Mysterious "Aurora" Cots Off Communication Entire ly for a Time? Wire Chiefs Wrestle With Problem l^fom Boston to Chicago. | New York, Sept. 27, ? Gripped by ; the myeterloua ? "nwora," ielegraph 1 wires practically over the world were paralyzed yesterday. From early morning until night communication was erratic, and at times- tr(it off entirely between cer pwtnf ? Old telegraph operators called it the "aurora,": for brilliant northern lights usually 'follow such an elec trical phenomenon, but instead of watching for the display they , bent | thptr flllnfli nnH anorglnn tn nnlnnf. [ling the snarl and adjusting their in struments. The first break came shortly before 7 a. m., Eastern &tar*Tard Kime. or noon at Greenwich, and- fpr the next Ifive hourw lologroph wire chiefs fium Boston to ^Chicago wrestled with the strange force. 1 That Tho dlsturhnnrc was world-" I wide was shown by European dis | patches, which told of similar trouble of lines on the Continent as well as Ion the submarine cables. , The crest of the wave in the east ern part of this, country seems to nave Been reached shortjy before noon, and after that the wires began to act more ration^y. Still ther| were frequent throbsin the late af ternoon and evening. ? Because similarttlsturbances have been noticed at the maximum sun spot period, which was reached about; a year ago, some astronomers have conjectured that these so-called storms originated in the center of life of the solar sv8tem."ftfe elpctro-mag netlc waves "being simply pulsations 1 from some mightier disturbance on' i-tbe sun. . . . * At the height of .the disturbance tHe measuring instruments in the tel egraph offices In this city registered the preaetfce on 'the wires of upward oi bbo voita or -electric current JxamI the unknown source. / ' Thin n ppfltftr vftlUga thin |p supplied for the operation of any of the land wires, and it lighted several of the incandescent resistance lamps attached ta the "telegraph wires. Bril liant firtt -flashed art'Hha The gaps when the telegraph keys fcwere opened. ! The electrical disturb&uce contib* JiedL intermittently throughout ? Uie *day. Th*-ugin<4pal trouble was w j r h tbe lines, and financial dis patches (fom Europe usually received' In New York'at 7:30 a. m. had not reached here at 1:30 p. m. ~ Ryt-unltrtl at tliellcnham Washington. Sept. 27. ? The sever est magnetic storm recorded at the Cheltenham (Md. > magnetic obser vatory ofThe Coast and Geodetic Sur vey since the observatory, was put in Operation in .April. i90i. made Its appearance on that institution's deli-" eate Instruments. ? The prevalence of this storm was ifa* (Iw"^^iiiiiiii life* usual examination of the. instruments Just before g a. m. The disturbances began about 2:30 a. m., but the very large disturbance four Tio"urs~Tater. The disturbance iwas so great as to displace the njag-; nets bej^TJ" the limits of the record sheets, and to upset the adjustments of the Instruments. The dally meteorological reports of [weather conditions throughout this and foreign countries to the United States Weather Bureau were vitally affected because of the crippled con dition of telegraphic and cable serv I Ice. The ustyal weather reports from [all partq nf rnnniry wero greatly retarded. Tha Weather Bureau daily receives reports , of meteorological oandltlons fromyiforeign countries, N)ut the arable dispatches from Lon don giving the weather conditions lb 'the British Islee and tn Iceland, Par Is, Lisbon and Hairiburg were slpw in coming In. p -- Made It Warm In Utah. Ogden, Utah. Sept. 17. ? Unusnal meteorological conditions prevailed in this pArt of . Utah, today. The weatkw ,iuda?u^f ufaauml liua. m froat conditions ot fall to Jhat .of '*' * * | graph wire chiefs atlrtfcuU the earth currents tm the aurora boreal is, which m1 ]]lumln?tlnc th? i- he?T*n? to th? lenlth ???* of whit? n?pr-' ? Wit*. t. Clnclnnitl. 8??t, 17 ? At th? W?tt I Union u ?lIMrllk.nt Iwm conducted br atattinc ot th? 4MHM FRENCH AIRSHIP ; EXPIOOES IN 1 Axle Pierced the Bag Army Dirigible Bursts and Offi cers Fall 550 f<et? Only One Man Was Alive When Picked Up ? Accident Sudden. Moullns, Franco, Sept. 25. ? While packing oH'r the uatiunal mail whk'fi leads from -Paris to Antibes, and wfcpn at a height of between 000 and 6S>0 feet, the French dirigible taili lary balloon KCpublique exploded and fell to the ground. ? "The fom nigiT un buartl wefe killed.' They were Cautain Marclial,' Lieuten ant, Phaure and Sublieutenants Vln-j cenot and Keux. -?* It was the Intention od Captain Marchal, who had charge of the air ship, to mop ac .-severs, ana an auto mobilewith mechanicians was fol lowing the balloon. It was almost directly beneath the dirigible when the disaster occurred. The car fell straight down, carrying the flutter ing remnants of the envelope, and_ the occupants, ware buried beneath the wreckage. A-H were dead except Lieutenant Phaufe, but he lived only a few min utes after being removed. The bod ies were taken tt?*tlie Chateau d'Av rilly, the property of the "SIorQuls de I Chavannes. command of the automobile, says the] balloon burst suddenly and collapsed. It seemed to oscilate violently a mo-| ment prior to the explosion as Though it lia? been struck and it fell- with" the rapidity of a stone. When he reach ed the wreckage the car was com pletely covered with the envelope and not a sound came from beneath. ? >= ^Vlth the aid of the Marquis de Chavannes and peasants, who hurried tram the wrrwrtttg fields, tho on velope was removed. The car had been literally crushed, aud amid the mass of tangled .steel and wire every irfan except Phaure^could be seen at his._g?it. Captain Marchal waj^in a sitting posture, his body thrown back ?kiid lila c-vro ? iJt" . Thcr bodies of the "sublieutenants | lav mangled beneath the cylinder of the motor. Phauro's body was half outside, as if possibly. he had tried to jump during the descent. ? Apparent ly dCalBi Tn the"case of the three -men ? boon ieotanianeouB from the* shock when they struck tjie earth 1 and the weight of the heavy rigging above. Captaju Marchal'a skull wa$ crushed _ An examination of the airship dis closed the fact that the axle of the right propeller had broken and the propeller had passed through the en velope, falling in a field about 150 yards away. president l^allleres and General Brun, Minister of War, who were in formed of the catastrophe while en ? gaged ir. the Inauguration of the first international exhibition of aerial lo comotion at the.-Qrand Palais, were much affected and left the building | immediately. Tho President directed of the gorgrnmenf to the families of a damper on the exhibition. The exhibition contains a. remark able collection of 28 different' types of flying machines, in addition _to 111111,1011 HwB ami ? IWfl IJ II lil1' ber of spherical galloons and aero | planes. There is also a series of ex hibits showing the history of aerial navigation from the days of Mont golfler, who, with hia brother. In vented an air balloon In 1782. The monoplane, with which Belriot crossed the 'EJnglish channel, occupies^ the position of honor And Is aur ronuded by Wright, Farman. Antion [ette and- Esnault Pelteric stands. To A*f ICND PRESBYTERY. f Rev. H. B. Seawrlght leaves this afternoon to attend the meeting of Albemarle Presbytery, at Townsvllle. pfTC. He "will return In time to con duct the next Sunday services. betweea dnoinnaU nut St. Louia by the -ptTwer of this earth' electricity. The plan worked aa long as the earth current lasted sMAdliy, but It was not feasible for general work, because the current wm Aeq unsteady ographlc aystom or t&e Cnlted ?ln* |donr nod all cable service, ara ??rl | oualy affected by the magnetic atorm perlenced aoon afternoon. . The underground wire, ?u??? ore than the overhead wins, the telephone intra being little affected, the laat .ocoaalon on which the ir? www almlUflr^ut out or wort 'In* order >u Hi jnn MQ. -4, 10 PURCHASE A - N. & S. R. r; FOR CONNECTION Pennsylvania Will Bid This Road is Contemnlating the Purchase ? Wants it to Connect With New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Ridlroad. A report from Norfolk, Va.. says 44- Is luuiuml iliac liiy reililaylvanla ? Railroad Company will bid on the. Norfolk and Southern Railway prop erty, which is to be disposed- of at receivers' sale on October 1. It is surmised that the Pennsylvania wants this road to Yuniii'cf with the New York, Philadelphia and -Norfolk Railroad, which traverses the Mary land, Delaware -and Virginia penln- " sula, and which Is nqw being double tracked to Cape Charles. ? This l una reaches Norfolk by fc r rylng its cars between Cape1 Charles and that city, thi?y-four miles; but it is saidthat an extension of the Belt Line from Norfolk to Cape Henry Jias been contemplated, and thjs would gl*u u ferry of Oniy eleven miies from CaptrHcPnry to Cape Charles. - It is possible, however, that the sale may pot take -place on tlict date now set, as objections to it have been made by Marsdeu J". Perry and oth ers. who controlled the Norfolk and. y* Southern , prior to receivership, on the ground that, more money can be realized if the sale is postponed un- _ til the extensive Improvements under way are completed. _ The Norfolk and Southern. Railway according to a press report will soon complete the long railroad bridge" oyer Albemarle Sound, besides' the Plnetown and Rlshop Cross cut-ofl between Belhaven and ..Washington, N. C- The bridg'e over the sound, wTiich la about" five miles long be tween Edenton and Mackey's Ferry, is expected to be finished by Decern ber i. while rn<? cut-on wui'be donfe by the middle of October? ? -?-? STATE MISSION DAY a surras Last Night ? Collection Was $60. The State mission celebration last night at the First Baptist Church was a decided success. The varied large congregation seemed to bo very appreciative. u wouM ? hardly be fair to make special 4iieutiun of any of the numbers', since all of them de? serve to be emphasized. The name of Master Charlie Graham was inad * ortently omitted from the program. He rendered in a rich tenor the solo entitled "The Unseen City." The collection was particularly fine, amounting to $60. with some of the mission boxes to hear from. A number of the young people qe? cured a dollar or more 'n th?lr -rrr\^J~ pfterfs the management of the Gem m in liliT miiliuubU UuiiwigU a complimentary ticket good for one week at their popular placcToT " mont. The .committee is 'charge of the program desire to express, their lumlp ip p i n ii I ? 1 1 <t IUIh Mill! UffHl 1 ' 1 " of the management.' They desire also to thank all who In any way contrib uted to the success of the evening. MARRIAGE LICENSES. /There were three white and five* cfolored marriage licenses Issued last ^ week. D. M. Hlgson and Louie La thartl^John T. Hill and S. V. Ed wards, white; Charles Mallison and Ardella White. Bloomy Harding and Annie Qrlet, Sain Jennett and Katie HudnelL, Clarence La&lec. and. Ada <? Johnson, Frank Neal and Nannie Hill, colored. Master Frank Mlxon has accepted the position as agent of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, In this city. New Advertisements in Today's News. J*?- E. Clark Co. ? Rlrngallni Silk. - | Sowmmt Bwtt IWm Wra. Iln|iiw * Co. ? Fire la Om : R?iHy Co? RmN >?* On IMKr fco Nrw? J-K>*r *?r Mr. ~ ' rrMk J. Miro. ? Amt VI r.

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