i .i l. _?l 'i? hit tL= irji WOOLEN I DRESS GOODS [' New shades and weaves. Trim mings to match. J. K. HOYT i ? -F ? ? if=ic]e 11 ? i JUST RECEIVED Filling in order of Ed ison Records, including new list for September. Call at our store and hecr the latest music and song hits. No one thing will give so much pleasure to so many people for -so long a time at so little cost as a PHONOGRAPH. With our easy payment, plan they are in reach of everybody. RUSS BROS. THK IMCTLRK I K AMI RS OEM Theater TO-NIGHT FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA LOUIS XIV. ? Historical drama. THE TIUGF.DV OF THE SAW ~ -MILL ? Melodrama. * A^OSTKII H FARM AT NIGHT-*- < IMPERSONATOR JOKES? Trick ?\ comedy. AN ALI/-WOOL G.\RMENT? A Coupon** Tonight. GEM THEATER Just Received A large shipment of the new, large-size package, GOLD Dl'ST WASHING POWDER YVe have a special deal on^same. E. R. MIXON & CO. NOTICE! - > Now is the time to have vour gas lamps put in order. It will cost you nothing to have them inspected and adjusted. A Welsbach burner will give you 80 candle power and cost only 1-2 cent per hour. See the GAS MAN. MILLINERY OPENING TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ? AT AYERS' EMPORIUM J. Ladies' Invited. Docs Your House I.eak? If so, we can stop "it. All Kinds of Roofing s \ ~ Galvanized Iron. Carey'?, rM?g??siaT Rubber and Tar Paper. The price is right. J. H, Harris Plumbing mid Supply Co. DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR HAIR TO GROW, but come to our store and look over our line of Puffs, Switches, Rolls and other Hair Good*. NetV line just Received. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. LARGE] SHIPMENT OF . New Buggies ^JflSfRecefredr A lew 1 SECOND HAND | Ones will be sold cheap. WASHINSTON HORSE EXCHANGE B President. EAST CAROLINA ? f radrers^FffHning School EltablUbrd and maintained by the St^te for the young men and women who wlah to qualify themaetvea for the profeaeion " of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sani tation perfect? SESSION OPENS OCTOBR* ?TH. IH*. ' Per piuepectua a?d Infoiuiatlun, ail Jul ROBT. H. WRIGHT, . PmlJial. Gfieaiflle, N. C. ? W: '<4Hj vjMsMy j STATE NEWS CoiMlcntted Items of Interest Hij). petiing Throughout the ?t?te. The McAden farm, said to be the finest In Cherokee county, hats been purchased by Mr. Gay Green, of this city., for 915,000. The farm- embraces ?500 acres. i$o being cleared bottom land and tlie rest gently rolling up land, covered with virgin timber, and has a fine mineral (spring which Mr. Green la .informed has "great . medic 1-* nal* qualities. That . the purchaser niade a good deal Is shown by the fsvjrt that Immediately after he con tracted for It he was offered for It S 1.500 more thnn he was to pay.?s. Ashevlilf riHy| J Humors continue to reach the city from the Third Congressional district that another Richmond "will be in duced to enteY the race In the person of Rodolph Duffy. Esq. While It is said that he has not declared himself either pfo or chn. yet there la an un dercurrent nvhlrh Ih unmistakable and It is predigjg^U?aL.wi.Lhip a fGW tuore weeks" (KS re will be something doing, tl will be a lively fight when It is on and people are. watching it with rare Interest. ? New Bern Jour nal. A colofed man nafaed Knight liv ing on the farm of v. R Taylor, serl -ously cut Stephen Drown, who lives on the farm of F. J. Roebuck. Sun day night. The row occurred on the farm of Mr. Taylor. Drs. B. L. and E. M. Long, of HamlRon, were called, iinn upon firPlVll. Ittlir.fl Uiill BPUWfl had been sliced across the breast, the arm. abdomen, -and fingers. The mosT datfgef-ous oi%was that in the breast which commenced Just below the col lar bono, ranged downward severing the seventh rtb. From this apttfure the lung protruded to the size of a hand, and the pulsations were plainly ? visible. TP wounded man is doing as well as could fee expected, and w Im probably r ec'wfr The cause of the row is supposed .to^be the fruits of an _answer to a Virginia advertisement, wbfch is producing most of the rows TmHwg? Oie-^cfllQrcd brethren, ? Wlll ianiston Enterprise. Today the Board of Trustees of the Baptist Tabernacle here met and ac cepted the plan for the great exten sion of that building, which is intend ed to accommodate about 600 more persons. The board has borrowed | $15,000 for this purpose. There does not appear t<TT>e any doubt that the Raleigh and Southport Railway will go on from Fayetteville to Lum berlon and that the railway from %^4nphope will come here. Over 20 , A made a survey from Springhope to Raleigh, and engineers have recently' been oj^>r this line again. rAt the cotton oil iqill here an entirely new plant- for manufacturing fertilizers is being installed, and will be complet ed next week. The quality of the cot ton seeJTlbls season is fine, and prices ? are expected to-rule-hlgher. owing to j the short crop. The Wake county farmers will get at least as much'thls I year out of their cotton as thej^lid. ilml ? riHlr-tlfh rnrrMiinajunr, Ar. extra ~&haft **Wrh was carried on hoarjl the steamer Carib, which was recently disabled at sea. Is being placed in order to replace the broken shaft, and is requiring night and day work at the machine shops. The shaft which was carried on board the vessel is rusty and has never been in use. It was fortunate that the steam "er cirfR'd lliw extra Kliait or she would have otherwise had to tow to New York for the necessary repairs. All efforts are being made to get the I broken piece ready for the. steamer to sall^oh The "reTurn' Trip Saturday, j Freight from New York for George town. S. C., has been discharged here ?*???! tfc* p*rlshaUU -goods reshippod by rail. ? Wilmington Star. H. C. Averitt. of Hope Mills. R. P. D. No. 2, has In his possession the muster "roll of the Look's Creek (now Cedar Creek) militia, which dates m nv * lilt If itinm Hill r?itnlii Bulte--was commander. There are 72 napies on the roll, out of which there are only six double names. Opposite each McDanlel (and there are several on the roll) Is written the word "pa trol," which meant exemption from muster duty. In slavery times pa trols were sent out at night to see that the darkles were at home after ft o'clock, and It is Bald that who nerved as a patroler was exempt from duty as a militiaman.? Fayettevllld Index. ? Enjoyable Party at Ware's Chapel An Ice' cream and box party was given by the ladles of Ware's Chapel, a few miles in the country, last Sat urday night, for the benefit of that church. A large number were pres ent and the occasion was highly "gn joyed. Quite a neat sum wasreallzed for thg .phurch. The church bulldinfe raptlnfeff and ImftroManiata. made to the interior*- The building will be dedicated In the near -future OA PL DINE for "That Headache." Oat loot night? Htfdache and nerrfltes thla morning? Hick*' Capo dIB? just tb? thing to fit fou business. Clears ttif head-rbricea Um nTt*. Tttu. 41- drtjf -fiorea. ? .? 77 n n " WITH THE [1 FUNNY MEN int= ?TUNO! I AN OLD COLONIAL STAMP. LIS PENDENS. _ Aft low the court reporter to feelp oot tlx ?ocr.tr ?J?<rf rtlLMH. 'F _ ^ City Editor? \Thjr not? Menacing Editor ? He turned In a ?torr * At, the wedding ?' rmnw Bin wed and Mlea. Hxnppe h?M "Bte w*l t? Hnmix. ft? nil ?W. ere not food road "? **?***? *hf tmMrm, active fhe Dally. News presents another .opportunity to- the citizens of t)?e county. A forty-two piece dinner set will be given to the person secur ing live yearly subecrtbenT~who pay in advhnce, or the set will be present-, cd to the one securing ten subscribers : for six months, who have paid in ad vance. Persons interested can see the ^et on display, in The News office window. The News also makes another lib eral olfer. A seven-piece dinner "or berry set will be presented to the sub scriber who payB one year's subscrip tion before November 1. This Bet is | also fceen In pur wlndoyv. Now is | ypur chance to secure an elegant, set i of china for a little work at odd Umes. - Suppose you try for the din ner set, or at least the b.erry set. wtet'Amm-H-roxnmox. Mr^ John M. Cotton, or Hunyon, N. , C., met with the misfortune, a few daVs ago to fall from a stockhouse he was engaged In building, injuring ' I* 18 though V-internally. j pVVhether his Injuries will prove serU ous is nftt TrAown. Mr. Cpttpn.is now In the -Fowl? -Memorial llpspital. where he Is being treated. The mayor of Wellston, Mo.,_was paid 2 cents for his first month's sal- 1 ary- Petty good, eh? Some mayors - are not worth that* A ' Bengaline = Silk Another lot jpf that 50c. Bengaline Silk Just ? received. Another lot of Ladies' Coat Suits revived today. FURNITURE! FURNITURE Housekeepers (should visit Qur store and view the latest fads in Furnishings, etc., for the home Our fall line is replete'** ith home necessities. See us before purchasing. JEFFERSON FURNITOR^^Q^ 1 rochet's Colchicine Salicylate A standard and infallible cvre 'or aHFUMATISM and GOUT endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe aiu America. Dispensed onlv in spherical capsules, which dis Rolve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation * difap.r-cable symptom*. Pric, $j per bottle. Sold !?? druggists. Be sur* and Ket the ?cn:iinc. - for: General SURGICAL -AND Non- 1 -Contagions / MEDICAL CASES itATES.? Private room* S?5 to $25.4# Ward (large sod airy) SUper week. Ad- __ dreM nviISS) JULIA A. SMITH. Supt. of Nurses FOWLEMEMORI AL HOSPITAL ' ' New" Subscribers Paid One Year In Advance or FRESH SUPPLY.' E. L. ARCHBELl Specialties Cigar* and Tob&cco. Lea^y Bros.' Old Stand. NONE BETTER ? ' THAN? H. G. Sparrow. PAINTED CHINA .consisting of Berry" Sets, Soup Plates, Tarl ous Bowls, and many more ar Jtfcles too numerous to mention. 'Phone^S. ? ihi nail T?i^r ?Ti " I OFFKR "* SPECIAL BARGAINS

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