THE WEATHER rfcast Edition -'- V- , WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TlfcSDAY AFTCRNCGN, SEPTEMBER 28, 19C9. NO. 49 AYXttJJME I. \ . \ CORN WEEVILS 111 OTHER GRAIN INSECTS AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES T. ? > , Mr. R. L Smith, Entomologist, of the North. Carolina Agriculture Experiment Station, ^ Discusses the Injury Destructive Insects Do, in Bulletin No. 203. ' V ' ? : THE FARMERS SHOULD READ Like practically all agricultural J products, corn and other grains are subject to the attack of numerous de structive lttBeetf, some of tfiem com mencing their depredations in the n. ripening grain in the fields, while t Others abide solely in the barns, store ** g rooms or cribs where the grain is ; afiprsil. Farmers In North Carolina and, in fact, of all the Southern ; States, expect a greater or less num ber of Weevils or other Insects to be In their granaries each spring, and n 1 coaaldeg K Isrtfaaate whan only n fay are present. As a general rule, the Injury inflicted to tho grain is under estimated. and the loss in- total - weight and feeding value is accepted as an annoying but unavoidable con dition. ' The actual loss occasioned by in sects Jn whole gTaln and the various i ariwk foods cannot be accurately bs timated; the grain is not only re duced in weight .and consequently * selling Value; but Is often rendered wholly unfit for human food and less valuable as food for live stock. "" As an example of the extent oT the Injury caused hy: grain insects, a con sideration of the value of the grain crop will be of interest The corn crop for North Carolina in 190S was - Valued at 939,631,000 and the wheat crop at |6, 07fc000, a combined total oX?94?,709,000. Since there are no statistic* to show the actual annual injury caused by Insects, it msy be conservatively estimated at five per OMt *F fetch is lower than the actual v. J>efceBt of tfprniw mnnHart'fnr n?. tain other Southern States ioua years. Five per cent of the total )> ? Is 92,285,450, an amount represent1 ? log the poMible annual damage by grain Insects to corn and Wheat crops alone In North Carolina. The Hat of really Injurious species of Insects attacking stored sraln, and the principal feed stuffs manufat tured therefrom, nujpber twenty and upwards. There are two true weev ils and at least one dozen other forms known as beetles la their adult stage. whlUt^re find alx common and injur ltrtfii species whose parents are ? T"" ll ~ and conspicuous of thlrf" number described in tho pages following. Tiie prifltipal damage to whole grains is caused by the rice or black weevil1 and the angoujnois grain moth or fly weevil. but the others mentioned are freQupntly ' present In destructive numbers. In eastern North Carolina th^ black weevil probably predoml-: , ? hut In tho wPofArn ?u>r>Hnn fly weuvll holds flrst position. In: ? rowy localities thero two speeleu and others of less importance are found wt>rlcing together, sometimes actually occurring In the same kernels of corn. ? For the reader who la not familiar with the grain insects, the statements ocncemlng the life-history of each will help to show the Importance of ? this sehjsst. it is na| alwaya. real ized how rapidly* these insects ? the trhe weevil, for example ? may In crease in numbers under Mvorable if it known by all that grain" may become infested [n the field before harvest. With species that produce only One generation an nually. it 1s not realised how impor tant Is the* matter of killing them in the larval and pupal stages, an ex ample 'being the dark meal worm. T^ese and other points given under the discussion of each species in the , following pages are necestary fof an intelligent understanding of the grain insect problem. p. The presence of Inseets in grains, msels anil fnatl r -f- A not eaally ' "prevented, nor Is it an easy matter to kill them after otjce gaining a 'foot ? *? naifl.llUl mlalii praM??*?s ead ?sti edlal measuree may- be adopted avoid a portion, at least, of the ah . nual 19m. irpottian of this bulimia to devoted to the discussion of the best known and most effective con trol measures. Attention is called es pecially to the carbon bisulphide fu migation treatment, as this has for tn?PT_ ywani been principally jecom-* ? _ . The writer's recent experiments show inclusively thai fnmlgation With I rat? knowledge of the varlQus grain pests, and to caution them to use [.preventive measures wherever possi ble, and partly to explain the limlta i tlon? In the use oFYarbon blsuTpEtdF for fumigation of Infested grain, I Grain first becomes Infested thro' bdne of two sources; (1) the insects may attack the ripening grain In the flel<Lz_ai?l- i 2 ) the lnttftottt may live continuously in barns and gralnarlea ready to commence work In the new ly harvested crop. The second, source of Infestation is more easily prevent ^ . angoulnols grain moth, saw-tooth grain beetle and a few other small grain beetles are usually' found' In ripening grain, particularly corn. As a general rple, grain is partially ma tured, or at least nearly grown, be fore it In attacked by Insects, which of I'wnmn nrimn frnm tha pjaQM in which the grain is stored 'during the winter. As It cannot be hoped to kill all the Insects In stored grains and thus prevent their going to the fields, an effort must be made to prevent th?jn from getting back again In the new grain. Small cereals like wheat and rye should be threshed as soon as"^g^enough, as that process will kill many of the adul^. insects and dislodge the eggs. The adult angpu mois moth is easily crushed, and the threshing and h?ndHag of grain de stroys many of thfm. After It Is threshed the grain. should be stored [ in tight bins or In sacks, the latter being preferable, because the moths tbat mature will die without escap ing Whoever tfce-graln, it Infested, can be fumigated In practically air tight boxes or receptacles, carbon bi sulphide should be* used when the grain Is first housed. The -practice of storing grain In large bulk Is to be commended, as a protection from weevils _or grain moths, for then only the surface layers are exposed. This Is In ?dlrect accord with the recom mendation that grain should not be cut and stacked In the field, for sev eral months. Such practice tends to allow the Insects to infest all of the grain more readily; *h?w th'?> ? m? [jam muiLUiiLa in mn sniii ? ' Concerning corn particularly, ' the tight husk offers much protection, and In the field the angoumols grain moth or rice weevil would be exclud ed almost completely from ears with a husk fitting tightly over the end, were It not for the corn ear-worm, which frequently makes entrance and Pfexlt holes, that furnish- easy entrance Nf Ihepaln miiiln nr ha stir aver, the presence of the ear-worm Is an argument In favor of housing the grain as early as practicable. The longer It Is lert in the field the great er will be the number of ears Infest* ed. Of course. If the farmer does not see that the barns and granaries are free from insects when the grain is sto the extent of the field Infest ation Is of less importance. TTr T IT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il i ii m ill inn gists la In a special building separated from the barns, bUfe when the grain must "T>e stored in the latter place all old lh [fosted grain used before the new crop Is housed, and precau-" tlons should be taken to guard against leaving heaps of waste "com, or oth^r material In which the grain Insects may be feeding. The writer has known many farmers to place new corn ,on top of a few bushels of old corn literally being devoured by the weevils and other Insects. Farm ers will also often boast that their bins or cribs are never emptied. This practice cannot be too strongly con demned. It has often been observed that un husked corn is less liable to weevil lnJorj^and thls^ls true not too badly Injured ~ by the ear worm. j All {he grain moths are nocturnal [4ar habits and may be' attracted to a llffht By placing in the corn cribs wide shallow nans containing a lit tle kercyene, with a lantern suspend ed rJuet above or set In the middle, i-Mindra<U.dl moth* may be trapped They wllf fly tQ the lfghfand faH In to, the pln, Md even ifthey eseape a^llll Ilia keiuseue will kill then. 3^ese traps may be used In the fcpring when Uh STORM RESULTS 1ST REALIZED II IN LOUISIANA Entire State Mourns Appeals Are- Now Being Made to the Entire .Country for Aid for Reiief of the Sufferers From Recent Storm. New Orleans, .Sept. 28. ? A week ago today the white-winged seagulls, flying wildly inland from the Gulf, gave warning with their screams of. the approach of the much-dreaded I West Indian hurricane. Along the entire coast were count less happfTisiremik Und sallormen, their thousands of trim craft and j comfortable homes bearing Token of the advent of a prosperous- season. Today vast flocks of vultures Cov ered over the devastated, lowlands of Southern Louisiana^ strewn wlth'ln pnuqnerable carcasses of animals and men'. '-n. The scene was one of terror, deso lation and death. Stunned by , the damage that was wrought by winds and waves, the work of relief did not give the people time to mourn. All energies were bent for 'the remainder | of the week in the task of rescuing those still In peril and .auctforing those who had suffered in the storm. 'Almost 100~human_bodles have been | burned or burled in the marshes i where they were drowned. To (Pay Louisiana fbund time t$ weep. Closely refraining from ail forms of mirth, the people of the State*, irrespective of creed, adhered closely to the following Injunction from Archbishop Blenk: N "The" loss of human lives and the widespread destruction of property in this archdiocese through the re cent hurricane have givet\ rise -to so much sorrow and distress that any social function would at the present time be entirely our of keeping with the sad surroundings, with tears streaming? down their faces the stricken pastors have told me of the' j utter destitution of 'their people and of the compfet^ destruction of the houses of God. ' ''But I trust, and I a? quite con fident, that those who have been so sorely tried wl|l put it in my power to give prompt and substantial aid to the crushed sufferers at this time of awful desolation." So completely cut off were many remote sections along* the. coast that It was not for several days after the hurricane that the appalling log's of lire began to dawn upon Ihohh 611 gaged in the colossal work , of relief made necessary by the storm. Com paratively small property^daipagei in the city of New Orleans, with several deaths "due'Ha live wires and falling chimneys, was all thp casualties that were recorded for some time. - It was no# for a day or more that, il wai definitely established that fully 56 ? persons had lost their lives It Terre ? Bonne Pariah. ? Finally, ? the^ death list in Tfcrre Bonne alone passed the hundred mark, and yester day conservative estimates of the to tal number -of dead ranged between 150 and 175. ' -Late last night dispatch boats run-, ning from Dunbar, I^a., between New Orleans and Bay St. Louts, Miss., brought the news of the discovery o< 36 bodies in one-section alone, 'in IB" made the number those definitely known to have lest their- Uvea ap : proximately 200, and led to the belief 'that there are possibly still more un discovered bodies in the LouIbIaaa 1 marshes. 1 ? Entertains in Honor of Miss Hargrove A small bridge party was glv,en last night by Miss Mary B. Hoyt at"! the residence of Mm, T. H. B. Myers, on Bast Main street. In honor of Miss Willie Hargrove. Thoee Invited | were Misses Willie Hargrove, Janle 1 and Pennle MydVs, Tlllle Morton, ] Marcla Jiywf, Mary" Hoyt and Bailie Myers; Meed am es Tom Clark, Dan Packard and Q 'Kelly Myers; Messrs. John O. Bragaw, "Jr., and O'Kelly My ers. Nut and celery salad was served In pink paper heart onpa with cheese and aalted wafers, followed by wine Jelly In yellow chrysanthemum "2ups with small cake*. Hand-painted.. Ispsnaaa c?p? paper Ubls .7r*r* used Instead of linen, which the guests kept-inrsouvenTrs of a^daXlght ful evening. : ; - ..yj Mr. John a Bratfv. jr., tau pur &*??? th. of Mr R.. Lh New York, Sept. 8#j? Gotham Jmil the opportnnltytoday of seeing prac tically the whole of her history un polled before her own, eyes In living portraiture ana brliilant symbolic display. It was the diy of the his torical parade In cooniftion with the Hudson-Fulton festtyAes and. per haps, .the biggest day of the Entire celebration. . * The pageant with jp "sixty floats and thousands of men and women In costume, formed W Xentral Park West and lioth streeiand marched drni-h ru nlfnl ^jfTT ninth street, acroBs FMly-ninth street to Fifth avenue and down Fifth ave nue to Washington '^<iuare. Two walls of humanity, Spretehlng for tunes along the line <4 march, form ed the setting for the historic picture. People fought to getlcgllmpse of the pageant, and luindrt^s of women were taken, crushml and fainting from the congested homers. Nine thousand policemen were employed to "keep the crowds In. check. Relief hosMtats had been estAUahed all along the route and every one was kept" busy. Thousands of persons were turned back at every Intersect ing street, unable to^rowd their way Into trtv grand stands or upon the few sections of open walkt * The spectators- fllle| the- window*, housetoprand every Mint of vantage along the entire rovfe. Ten great reviewing stands w?o located at prominent street Intellections for the accommodation of 8tg?e and city of ficial* and uthe* qpU?lpg ? The rwp resentatives of lw?gL-two foreign nations occupied tho official reviewing stand erecOt in the gor geous court of honor on Tlfth avenue opposite the new Pu bite Library.*, * For three htfui? or more the great throngs gaxed upon succeeding tab leaus. Bast float of the -four divis ions was drawn by horses harnessed in the fashions of the period depict ed. There were outriders andescort* in appropriate costume for each dis play. As the pageant, heralded by trumpeters and standard bearers, moved along It told the intertwining Jlorjes of city and State from the jjfctg?ii^the^Pdtan to the "present time. -rnrongjt lon$ 4Aft|R #flr events the pageant made Its way in a wealth of color. The first car of the parade was one representing the Empire State. Fol lowing this car came the nine floats of the first division, bearing the fol lowing titles: "Hiawatha,'** "The Five Nations," "^he First Sachem of ImjuuI.1," asnn rtf JJflpgfljag 11 I "Season of Ftulili" 'SejMton of Hunt ing,' r' "Season Of Sdowb** and "Indian Waj Dance." Then fpllowed a section represent ing the Dulih period. There*, were floats showing the discovery of the Kudoon rlvop, the fnta of Henry Hud son, the first Veaaol of Manhattan, the purchase of Manhattan, y?e recep tion of Stuyjresant, bowling on Bowl iai^firesn^Oov. littler and the Huguenots aa<l "St. f^leltoias." ' *? From this time on/ events moved rapidly, "dt was not Jfcng before the spectators rj.w i.,#ay. ette, Robert Fulton and others. In Ihe various scenes of Uielr patriotic activities. They saw ^the capture of Andfo, Washington, taking the oath of offlce, the storm inf^f Stony Point, the reception of Lafayette. Garibal di's home on Statea Island, the Sta tue of Liberty, and "Father Knicker bocker Receiving." Interspersed wltfr, the floats were delegations of marchers from the Irish," French, Danish, Norwegian. Italian, Scotch. Gefnjan and Syrian ?ocletles of Orefcter New York. The pageant was a success In* every par ticular: It had been carefully planr lieu tUU M laiefully winlud nij torians, students and artists had given their service freely and the whole had beerf prepared at city ex pense. A Huge Bear is CaDtureri Bruin was. six sad s half fe*t long. ?r?e fast high .and weighed 460 pounds.. Be was ?a?ght In a box trap BIG PAGEANT IS VIEWED . : By MILLIONS s _ ? A Historical Parade Today Was Perhaftthe Biggest Day of the Great Budson-Ful ton Celebration? New York's' History Vividly Pictured. HIT EXPLOSION . INKS MANY IN PITTSBURG No Lives Were Lost ? ? j ? - ? 1 ----- - *1 The Streets Shaken and From | Fifty to Seventy-Five People Hurt, Some Seriously ? Dam age About p00, 000. I "PlttubOTB. Sept! 28.? A (errHlc ex plosion occurred today in the offices of tie Columbian Film exchange, lo cated in the Fergusori building, be tween Smlthfleld and "Wood streets. .In the heart of the down-town dis trict. k From fllty to seventy-llv? persons were injured, many of them seriously, and_Lh? monetary damage is estimat ed at $200,000 or more. * At first it was believed seven .em ployes of the film company had lost their lives, but a thorough search of the fuiwa filled to disclose any dead. The employes, it,, is now thought, made their escape and have not been located, owing to the great cdnfusion ^whieh followed the explosion A score of the injured were taken to hospitals. A majority of them are burned," White the others sustained fractures of the arms an<^ limos. ? The fnrrp nf the explosion was so great that the south wall of the Fer guson building, on Third avenue, was blown away. The remaining walls were badly damaged, and the build-; ing inspector i mmedlately ordered them razed. Windows for fully a square on either side of the explos ion were broken and a number of pe destrians making their way along Fourth avenue, the "Wall street" of Pittsburg, were cut by falling glass. The explosion was caused by an elec-| trlcal spark. The manager of the film company was absent. Practically every office in the big ! building was damaged. Panic strlck en occupants' made a wild rush for the exits. Men . add women ran screaming from pain and fright, many of them falling down the -stair ways. Others congregated about the elevator sha/t and in their frantic efforts to board the cars wrecked the : Iron frame work encasing the uhaft. j As most of them finally reached the 1 street they fell to the ground suffer ing from burns, cuts and bruises. - The accident threw the downtown district into the greatest excitement j and special detachments of police I were necess'ary to clear the streets of pedestrians, who at times were In Imminent danger from a- second ex plosion. Shortly before 3?7cTocFTffP^TfF employes of the film company had been located. John Jllletts. ship ping clerk, made a statement in which he said the explosion occ\yred in the vault. Jllletts said he went Into the vault, which is three feet I wide and sixteen feet high, to get a When he turned the electric | nn n ?n*r1- r,hnt from the switch and ignited one of the films! 3ei jumped from the vault, slammed the4 door and shouted to the others to I run. As they reached the corrldar i the explosion occurred. 1 People Tired With Peary and Cook ? " ; New York, Sept. 28. ? The contro versy between Peary" an^ Cook, of nrhlrh o vflgf r,f tV-n are more thamHred, may "be carried Into a sphere already supercharged i with controversies of-?ll kinds, from mere minor squabbles as to certain details of the arrangements to actual ' appeals to the mighty powers of the] -font. It threatens .to play a part -In \ the Hudson-Fulton celebration. It had been planned to use Peary and his whole arctic outfit as One of the featured of the grand naval pageant and to give Dr. Cook also a place in the parade. Bift the belligerent Peary does not approve of this scheme and is not willing to divide honors. He wants everything or nothing and hasl threatened tcTT)11illf. flROUlO Dr. Cook| be allowed to take a*T>art In the pa-j geantr It Is 8l?ll doubtful 'what the final] solution of the problem will be. but! thero Is a growing sentiment fn favor of the plan to keep both claimants; out of' the. pageknt. 80 far neither One . of tht?m has given tangible proof of hU claims and. until the matter has been Anally adjudicated* By some competent tribunal, the world- is Jus tified I n Took Tn R^Trpnn both rlaimawlw with suspicion. To believe- one and JUlBl IM U1U1I huuUTii. (lite W J u dice And unwarranted injustice, as ie of the members of the eommit ravOr the plan of excluding both rmrr an Cook fronr participation in CHILDREN WERE THROWN INTO PANIC BY BUCK HID STORY Polish Pupils Stampeded by Fireworks in the | Streets, and Could Not Be Controlled by Teachers?Fourteen Hurt in the Crush, One Fatally. -Ns 31 MADE MAD RUSH FOR DOORS New York, Sdpt. 2 S: ? Terrified by black hand stories, 1,000 children stampeded in a Polish*"- "parochial school in Jersey City today when Are worlu were set oft- In the street be low. And in the ShuT* rush for the doora, fourteen were crushed, one soj seriously that- death probably will result. / The fatally injured child is Marl anna' Zelachshky, 7 years old. The others comprise five little girls and eight boys, all ranging, from seven to ten years In age.. All are in Jersey City hospitals, but it is believed thju , all will recover., " I The schoolhouse. a three-story brick building. Is a stone's throw I from an Italian church, which had I obtained a permit tcset off "fire works I during a church celebration today. |. A Tinflqr'fnt out l?mt wwlk among the ; children In lower Jersey City schools I that threats had been made to blow Xbe children of Sjt. Anthony's school have been particularly nervous EARTHQUAKE IN ST. LOUIS The City Considerably Shaken by Seismic Disturbances ? No.Se rious Damage. St. Lou la. Sept7TS ? Ah oanhnualw ti'eraor in every quarter of St. Louis and which awakened* scores of citi zens was plainly evident at 3:45 this morning. The shock was most se vere in the west end where there were two tremors reported the first belneT plainly felt and the rocking of every building, the second less in "in tensity. In the down town section the major shock? rocked Lhe larger balldings. At the Union Station the shock caused .travelers to move Quickly out of the structure. The Are alarm service was also disturbed by the., shock. No serious damage has -however hppn rppnrtfri Many Attend Old Ford Picnic ?* Quite a large number of Washing ton people went to Old Ford today to , hear |lon. *J. Y. Joyner. the State Superintendent of Public, instruction, STiPah nlgn In wftorirt rho iiiftilrj given by the good ladles of Old Ford] and Washington township. It is | needless for* the News to state, that! every one present .enjoyed^hemselves. A tiller account of the day will be published in the Daily News tomor row. Mr. Joyner *111 address the citi zens of Aurora this eveningf Edward J and Small tomorrow. Bath will en tprtain Mr. Jflvn^ on Thursday. a| big picnic will be given. Beaufort county citizens should") turn out en masse to hear the State's dlotlnguiohod oducator Ml would be] profltted and benefitted. TO ATTEND COHH ENTION. Postmaster Hugh Paul expects to leave tomorrow, for Raleigh to attend the Postmaster's Convention. He will be absent several days. MIMjIXRRY . OPENING. Jas. E. Clark Co. will have their] fall and winter millinery opening next FMday, October 1. Steam Tug - Goes to Bottom During the high wind' yesterday morning the steam tug belonging to Captain Jackson, sank at the wharf of the Moore Lumber Company, East Main street. About 20 minutes be lor* the h.ppanA^ was found to be-.alright. It la sur mised thata. hnlawaa fcyeeked b*r by a plank, causing her to sink. and : Tau Tribe- No. 18, In |of Rod Men. ezpwjt to kold a l rial unlet 1* mmoi? at (Mr l <* 3 about it, and when ItTB^bombH went off suddenly today they^ran shrieking from their recitatlon_rooms Into' the halls and down the stairwayfc... There are two street doorways, but one of them was closed. At the closed en- " trance there occurred a disastrous Jam. Here several of the smaller children were trampled into uncon sciousness: while others ran back to the building and sprang through win dows fifteen feet to an area way be low. , * Policemen and passerBby, attracted by the cries, rushed to the saene, but order was not rnKtortTil until rour teen children had been seriously hurt. A -report spread quickly that there were eight "dead and hundreds of moitiers mingled In the crowd out slde'Uhe building moaning, weeping and adding to the general confusion. This'is riot the first riot of Its kind In Jersey (.'lty.'- as the fituidren ot tne foreign element are constantly In fear of the "black hand." A PLEASANT BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Marjorie Blount Hoyt at Home to Her Many Play- . mates and Friends. ? ? 1 little Miss Marjorie Blount ^Hoyt, ..i kw ii. i ii i,^n K. Hoyt.was the hostess yesterday af ternoon to "her many playmates and friends at her home, corner of Sec ond and Bridge streets. The occasion was the celebration of her sixth natal day. No social function of the season among the Juvenile set carried with it more- pleasure and merriment and Miss Marjorie was extended a vote of thanks for su?h an enjoyable af ternoon. She did the honors of hos tess most charmingly, and all present wished for her many happy returns Qf_ber birthday. , Misses Katie ftra gaw and Bessie Conoley entertained the uuie oMS U'HlTHiffiy ^snios and? served the refreshments. The fol lowing were present: Theodore Hod man, Frances Leach, Elizabeth Res jpess, Mamie Latham Richardson* Sarah Lilly Susman. Bertha Susman, Frank C. Kugler.'Jack Oden; Eleanor Berry,- Edward Long Mayo. Gus Bow ers. Jr.. JesBe McCullen, Jack Meek JJ1? ? 1'ifrin MirlfHri Lc lUkk?ta_ [-Simmons- ClarK.jilftri: J? rideman Lit tle, Charles Brown, "drrr- J^e^nora Blouot, Lonnie Thomason.'N. S. Ful ford, Jr., Alice Fulford, Athalia Tay loe, SalHe Bright. Robert Hodgea, Ethel Mixon, Isabel Warren, George Studdert, Carter "Studdert, Rufua Carter, Bryan Grimes,- ^innio Fields, Jud Paul, Edmund Hoyt, Aileen Rumley, Margaret Handy, John Han dy, Marlon Latham, Kathleen Lath am, Annie Thomas Arcnoen, uorotny ["Blount, Dorothy Brown, Harriet Btown, Grace JoneB, Shelton Moore, Chrlsflne Baugham, John Ilavena Mos's, Margaret Bragaw. ' Boy Badly Burned The Six-year-old sob of Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Congleton. who reside on East Second street, while playing with batches this afternoon, set hit ([Clothing on fire and was painfully and severely burned on the abdomen. The little fellow la getting along as well as could be expected wider the clrcamatances. New Advertisements in Today's News. ? i ?? R. W. A yen* ? Millinery Open ing Continues. A. O. Hmlther A Co. ? Hat Pins

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