"tEGAfc NOTICES ; " wowcK. . ? north Cawdlaa. Beaufort county. In . . the Bwwrlar contt. J. b. Alias nf Oh?Ht?J. A inn. . defendant tbore Yarned will t*ke .notice that an actlot^eutltiW w ahoTft . "tW" '?"B"" * Superior court ol Beaufort county Torce abiolu^.f affff tWiala defend ant will further take notlce'that aha I la required to Appear at the term ol thv Superior court of said county, to. be held on the third Monday in Oc tober, 1809. at the courthouse in said county. In Washington, N. d, and answer or demur to the complaint In : d?w action^_sHL?ie.pUlntlff will ap ply to the court for the relief de h manded in said complaint. ' This 7th day of Sept., 190#. " . OBO. a: PAUL. Clerk or the Superior Court. COMMISSIONER'S HALE. r North-Carolina, Beaufort county. In the Superior Court. J. W- Stewart vs. C. C. Sparrow. J Pursuant to a Judgment rendered at the May term, 1909, of the Su ? parlor court of Beaufort county hi the-abpye entitled action, the under^ signed commissioner, duly appointed therein, will ofTer for aale and will Nil, at tije courthouse door in Beau fort county, Washington. N. C., on MONDAY,- OCTOBER 4TH, at 12 O'clock in., to the highest bluffer" for ctash, the following described prop erty, towlt: All that tract of land lying and being in the State of North Carolina, county of Beaufort, bound ? cd and described as follows: Begin ning at a^take In Blount'p ditch, at B. O. Prescott's cSrffer and running south 199 poles to H. R. Cayton's llne.thencjreast 40 poles and 4 1-8 itnks* tn fl M, flnarrow'i mrnfir. thence north 199 polea to Blount's ditch, thence 40 polea and 41-2 links (o the beginning, containing ?0 aores more or le?*?. .Terms: Cash; deed to be made when sale is approved by Judge of Superior court. ~ This the 3d day of September. 1909. WILLIAM DUNN, Jr.. ? Commissioner. ^ NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Hiring this day duly qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county as administrator <ST the estate of Olivia R. Fleming, . deceased, all persona indebted to said estate are requested te-make settlement with me; and. aUpersons holding claims against the tate are notified to file the same, duly Itemised and verified, as prescribed by law, within one year from thls date, else this notice will be pleaded ?> In ,Mr of their 'recovery. - This August 26, 1909. 8^ FLEMING. Admr. of OUvla R. Fleming, dee'd. <*TY T*TES The tax books for the city or (Washington have been turned ' over . to the undertigned. and this la to no tify all owner^ of property subject to f w that T BTT. r? tn rg?'?lv? t?T?a for tbe ensuing year. They must be collected at once. . W. B. WINDLEY, City Clerk. October 7. l"90i. NOTICE. Worth Carolina. Beaufort county. In the " Ifuperidr *'Court.~ Jamea D . Griffin vs. Margaret Qrlffln. The dtfehrfant above named will take notice that an action entitled -aa above has been commenced in the Superior court of Beaufort county secure an absolute divorce froarTne defendant; and the said ' defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior" court of said county to be linii I ?? nth M? lig ?ft?r the first Monday In September, It being ? - October 25. 1909. at the courthouae of said county in Washington, N. C.. 'and answer, or <}emur t0 the com plaint In said action of the -plain tiff will apply to the court for the re H?f demanded la saM somplatnt This 23d of September, 1909. I GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF EXECUTION 8AU5. North Carolina, ileaufort County. In , the Superior Court. The J. E. Ty gert Company vs. Thos. H. Blount. Uf tirtiw Ul 111 OwuuUuu " to the undersigned, from the Superior court of Beaufort county. In the. above-entitled action, I will, on Mon day, the twenty-rtifth (25th) day of October, 1909 (It being the first day of the October termv 1 909, .of the Su t perlor -court of Beaufort county), at twelve (If) o'clock, no*n. at the eourtfcouae door in said county, sell Ja Wiaer. f6r. aatlsfy said execution. .11- the right, title and Inloroet -which the said Thoa. H. Bloooft. Ah. defendant , tkr In th. f ol I ow UUtOAmcrlbed real es tate, to-wlt: v A certain tract or parcel of land - know, aa ?-?akw SoaM."?>ylng Jo" northeast ?!.tlw eltrjpt Washington, In Beaufort cooaly. in tho BUM of North Carolina; Betfnntn* at a ceit.r poat on -the Plymouth road, rundlnr these JOUtV 19 1-2, ?? 2 US f??t; thence north 4* 1-2 ?Mt 1442 r**; . thence north J? eaat ,17 test; tkence fir - ? COTTON SEED WANTED COTTONSEED or a part of them ? to maintain' needed competition. fiill a? iu> tutor* telllM. V < ' ?" t m Flr*t Injunnce Agent! la Washington, Ji. C. ? ] M 1 ? i' j ii ?vji ? ' SAVES LABOR. " - | ? m ??>?!_? '" " -? ? UseJBy Directions and Note Results* w^oiiAgyo^ Fife Insurance * ?r<i" ; '? ? CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. Four. 'Year? Experience. Havens-Small Bid's ~~~ 'Phone 85. In ill and pattt rna in M?|uette. Velvet, Bniaaele. etc. See our ipecial Velvet Rug 27xS4r at tl.5t ?od 12.25. They ve equtl lo ordi nary Moquette at a much ptice. Jviv BUCKM AN & SON *>?} !' * wEwaw, rv^isfiRE. h iqr? p ^ Your Opportunity is NOWI While we are placing our line of Heat ing Stoves on show, to select from the iarge variety of Wood and Coal Heaieis. h will Iw oui pleasure to ? ?vwtvta. " ?? KV WUJ piCaSlIIC IU take your order and place dfie in your houtfe, store or office before the cold weather begins: You are invifed to call and see our stock. MtKeel-Riihdrdsori tfordware tofore allotted to him, in the above described land, and subject to which this sale will be made, is that portion which Js described as' follows, to-wit: Beginning at a' hickory at the top of a hill ip the cow lot south or southeast of the residence, running north about fifty (60) east a tllstance of about 900 feet to an old -puiap. paint in the lla*- ditch on Lover's Lane; thence with and triong the line, ditch and'' Lover's Lane, north about west to a 3-4 -inch -pipe sunk? in paid .ditch; thence south about 50 *?st, a distance of about 744 feet, to a plum tree; thence south about & west, a distance of about 168 feet, to a fringe tre* at the corner of H. N. Blount's porch; thonce south about 60 weat about 56 feetr to a maple tireej In frqnt of the residence, used for years as a hitching post; thence south' about 80 degree* east, a dis tance of about 255 f?et, to- tho be ginning; containing about nine. and faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for tho voluntary ?dissolution thereof, by the unani mous consent of all the otockholders* deposited in m? office, that the New Era Construction Company, a 6or TJWatlqn of this State, whose princi pal office Is situated in the city of Washington, county of I>e*ttfort, State** of North Carolina <Qeo. T. teach being tho agent therein and in aharga-thar? 1. open whom prucwua j may be served), hks complied with the requirements of chapter 21, Re1 Vteal of 1905, entitle^, "Corpora Mods," preliminary tb thr issuing of tftit c?rtine?ce o( Dissolution, ; Now, Therefore* I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary o"! State oT'ihVBtate of North Carolina, do hereby certify that U?e. eald corporation d|d. on tlMi * 7th day of May. low>, flie in my office a duly executed ahd atteatcd consent In" Lam hm corporal ? id cdrp< > stockholders there-) ktlon. 3K?5k.uo? of mi by ?T1 the nucuioiaern tbw?-' otr wtl.-.h MH gaaaMt. tii.mx, K^ord ?fnr??,ld ?re now. fc** TALK , r1r**-'r' [?l?ku IMU VUIUDB Sir*. 11. li. j Sbftw on West Stocond ?treet. >o? I ierdey for Iter hemer? r? ? ? * ? *) * Rev. Father Gallagher, who ar- 1 rived from New Bern on Saturday. | returned yesterday to hU home. ? ? Mr. C. EL_<Canflfild, of Morehead 3Ity, a former resident of this clfyT w as a passenger on' the Norfolk and annthftrn^tMa morning i!r. George R. Fuller, of New Bern, arrived In the city this morning on business., ' ? ? ? Mr G. B. Boy4r-4**f''Port8mouth, Va.. who has been the guest of his mother, returned to his home this [ morning. Messrs: J. A. Phillips and Edward j-R. Lewis went to Columbia this] morning to do some tin work. v j *rrj? Mr. Tip Chaunety. who Is employ ed *i!h the Btmntord oil conjpanr | of New York, and^ who has-been the guest of relatives for the pabt ten Jays. left over the Norfolk and South ern today for his home. Mr. and Mrs. A.~TJ! Stern left for| I.Yeatesvyie this aborning. Mr. J. R. Kesslnger went to Bel- , 1 haven this mornlng-on business. 1 ~>r ? ? i Mr. -W. E. Jones made a business tric_to New Bern today. t ExMayor and Mjre. E. T. Stewart left via tl>P A.T. I. this morning for an extended Northern trip. While away they will spend several days JtMieh a-fNorfolk, Baltimore, Washing ton City, Philadelphia, New York and Niagara Falls, returning about thfijnlddle of October. ? ? V Mr. John Fillford left this morn ing for a short business trip. ? * ^ Mr. Dan -* McKenzie. advertising agent for Howe's Great London Shows, which will exhibit In Wash ington, October 11, was in the city today in the interest of his company. ?: *-? County Commissioner L. P. Harris, of Beckwith, was a Washington vis itor today. \'gk . "Mr. and Mrs. Charles M^Brown re turned home last night via Norfolk ?nd Southern, from an PTtftndftd visit to Western . Carpllna.-'' ~ " ? ?- ? ; ? -? S. R. Blgga, of Wllliamston, arrlrted on the 1:45 p. m. Atlantic |CoA8t Line train today, to attena tne funeral of her brother, the late Sam uel Smallwood. ? ? ? Rev. A. .McCullen, presiding elder | of the Washington district, M. E. Church, has returned to the 6ity. _ j Mrs. D. M. Carter and Miss. Mary Carter have returned from an auto trip to Hyde county*; -They were ac companied by Mr. W.'T. Bailey, Jr.,. who took them. While in Hyde they visited at the home of EzSherifT Thoknas Mann. " i" * ?, ' Prof. R. L. Bonner, of Aurora, was | here~today. j . Ir.i1- . _ Mr. J. R. Barbour, of Smfthfield, Wr~C:, formerly located at Aurorarl practicing law, was !h the city this| afternoon. ? " "? ? Those who attend the Gem tonighf will witness a program _full of lnter USYT "The management has prepare) program " that, no do^bt, 'will please. wiul uijiuw. ?1UJ ehiufl, tin 1 1 ItllH fl 1 Gambler, Is a drama t&at takes wher ever shown. The House at the Bridge is another drafna the patrons will like. It is .beautify] in effect. Now the Forgotten Witch, this- eomlfdy eannot be excelled - to plot and the sequence will mak& your tildes split. The rWood floating and pulp mill scene Is laid in Canad*. This is a pan-l orama that will hdld you from start] to finish.- The rac4 prejudice lit an- 1 other melo-drama *the city will be glad td. witness. Orchestra tonight. All att^dlitf the !Qm' lonlght can rest assured of an' 'evening full of merriment and ^ I Samuel Sma^iwood Died This Morning The comrnonfty^WMf shocked this morning wfcen the news Was circu lated announcing the de^th of Mr. Samuel S?allwood. son of Mr. John \V. .ind Enltly D. Smallwood, at the g?--Vn?t ttrectr jnm: deceased waa bortrAuguat 16, 1??04 and was 4? years of ag? at the time pf his death. ? - uxu.i lof pevf(r^ yeargr suffering I ^ * M he I ored those who honored hljn. The ) ?&*ny acts of kjndness he ha* shown toward his fsllowtaan wtit not pub- - Ibhed to the wurld. What fie Big TU j done through th?j dictates of a pqre heart "and willingly. During all his ^Hifferln*, .K? ne^fcr complained; he bore what^wjjLB his lot with rpsigua -tiou and atthttifsiBlon. ' ' 7 ~ ^ ' Th<?.tuwai will la Ire ulsaa mm time tomorrow. The following -have been- selected as pallbearers; R. Loe _Bonaar, jr.j i. F. Thomas. Hj?nry tuuiley, W. H. McDevett. J. B. Arch jell and Dr. J no. C, Rodman. NTHE HOME GOWAKS PREPARATION ti tbwtate pro tection miDri paragon It. coW?, croup. . rcnisi, r?im aad tottutt* tn Hint tod "To%t. R?lieTT? at ooct br dtitrorlnt the ^(U^mauoo sad cont?Uoa\ Etlenw! tt>3 penttf?US<r S1.00 50c. 25r A f JUST ARRIVED Graham Flour, > Whole Wheat Flour, AND . % New Buckwheat. , ^ CALL UP Waiter Gredle & CO . HUYLER'S CANDY Fresh Supply ~ ^usi Received . " I he Preset iptior Store." " WASHINGTON JUUJG COMPANY How about an They are convenient, and for a few days we ^lLtfiem at coat.* WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT i ONLY THE BEST HEAVY AND FANCY I ^ GROCERIES Carried. We please our customers or no pay. Try ur'. UNION GROCERY CO. DON'T ? iVtK Vft Walk or Ri0e. Talk Over The Telephone. ?? Via cjm hilVe ft Telephone put In yocrf house In the city r fry? fafrft- at n veryjmr |ta&fngfy low cwt, and save many ft Icing drive and per haps a life by feioff In direct and instantaneous touch with ; your-Uoctor, Grocer, Mer chant and Brokt r, Weather reports and mar t ket quotations can be secured dally. Inte.-^stcd parties are te qiMMtw) TO w#th . Mf.r>- W-,Bell. M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND I -, TIL, Ofr. ... I itwV _ tbe ct>l<^ Winter ' . ? ? NEW ARRIVAL OP - - DRESS GOODS |3 - ? "Yum iinptction will give us pleasure. SPENCER' BROS. JUST -ARRIVED ISSI Pettijohns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit. Oat Meal, Cracked- Wheat, Corn i Flakes, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat Grape Nuts, Puffed Rice, Puffed- Wheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two delivery wagons and wjheel, which in sures .prompt service. 'Phone 123. J. F. TAYLOE, . The Grocery Man. F BUY YOUR HORSES and MULES ^ FROM GEO. H. HILL L. Y our horse will be well cared for at Hill's Stables. ' ir= ir=Jll ir=ir^= ir -HELP IS OFFERED? WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limTted your means of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI N ESS- COLLEGE, Durham, N-C-. is ready and willing to help You. secure^ a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Bus.ine.ss College in the Caro iinas presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A auffi clent guarantee of it* superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service, English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rail road Pare Paid?Positions Guaranteed. THE I. H. C. TOGGLE-IO'.NT ' HAY PRESS Is the highest draft, and makes the most compact bale of any press sold. % 7 BAILEY SUPPLY CO., SALES AGENTS. Kollars and Kuffs THK HPELLING 18 BAD, HVT THE WORK WR ^ PUT ON OOLUIW AND CXFFS IS PERFECT. GIVE rs YOUR CLEANING AND PRESSING. Alderman-Capehart Laundry, Inc. 132-4 W ATER STREET . THE NQJtTH CAROLINA Suue Normal and InduotrialColluj?fc -

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