E1[=1QC WOOLEN 1 DRESS GOODS New shades an<d weaves. Trim ly , tilings to match. . \ V J. K. HOYT ?JUST "RECEIVED Filling in order of Ed ison Records, including new _iist for September. Gall at our store and heir the latest music and sons hits. No one thing ? ill give so much pleasure to so many people for so lonir a time at so little cost as a PHONOGRAPH. With our easy payment plan-tlwix_are in reach of everybody. RUSS BROS. I HI I'K I IRI I RAMI- RS rGEM Theater TO-NIGHT FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA ltEI> Cl.oi l'rf3HK INSMVX CiAM HI. Kit ? Iiuinui ti rum a. THE HOI SE AT THE liKlLKi.E? '? ' iWV. FOItC.OTTEX WATCH ? A rk 'r. remedy. . \VOO!>-FLOATI(\<; AMI A I'l'Ll* MILL IN CANADA-^- Panorama HACK PHtyi ryCE ? Very good ' nu*l oti ram a. GEM THEATER Just Received A large shipment of the new, large-size package, GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER We have a special deal on same. E. R. MIXON & CO. 7 NOTICE! Now is (he time to have your gas lamps put in order. It will cost you -mtthinj; to have them inspected and adjusted.. A Welsbaeh burner will give you 80 candle power and cosl"%li>r 1-2 cent per hour. See the GAS MAN. AYERS' MILLINERY OPENING CONTINUES THROUGH WEDNESDAY x Ladies' Invited. ; ? Docs Your House Leak? If so, we can stop it. All Kinds of Roofing -Galvanised Iron, Carey's, Magnesia, Rubber. and Tar Paper. - The price is right. }. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Co. DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR HAIR TO GROW, hut come to our score and look over our line of Puffs, Switches. Rolls and other Hair Goods. New line just Received. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. SUtJ'Lk. ?2* &2Z. S3S-. ^ 5; EAST CAROLINA | 1 Teachers' Training Sc hQol | 7^ Established and nvaintained by the State for the young mefr, -J .-o ?4ui women who wish to qualify themselves for the profess ion of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. S ani tation perfect' _ ? SESSION OPENS OCTOBFR 5TH. W. if :*( For prospectus and Information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, v? President, Grtfenvflle. N. C. ? ^ ___ te. -Lg_? ?*?- ? ? I I I I ?? ? . - - ^rg3M!!WBgaBBIL?l-JJ ? Thara /? Only Ona Thai la Laxathro Bromo Quinine cmr a ooio m am bay. ISTiT 31 iiasisMKii (^uuk-uMU lieouof lnie pcniug Tlirougho^ the State. j~T"S5iue rime in Jii fv a burglar of burglars filtered tire homo of. Mr. | Nuauian HardUon. a rosldent of Ara pahoe, and broke into a trunk And took -thwefrom sixteen dollars tn mm Two .vming tnen-cM? tlitr mnfth? ? Ik , ] I v ???>? *?vres:cd on !;uspieion of being ll:o thieves and are -under 1 [bonds feu* their appearance "at court i o answer- the charge. a few xaorn i ings ago Mr. Hardi?f>n found a pack Sage on his front gate- post containing 1 and a request that he wlth ll,,> 'I"" "inn- ? NVw Hern I ournal. ~| A:tor:iey Frank T(iok)i>$oii. of Ons- J I' v. . who looks aftrr the swamp land held by the Suite board of Education, is here and says no man knows the ?area of these lands. The greater pari of them fa held by the State "under deed* and grants made between 1790 and I79C. Very many of the holders "bf the grants fHiled to pay the taxes, and ili_Fta(e agftlil took .lilt? land. under ;i:i a- t of | TC?n. but, strange to -ay, most of these deens nlilllL' U? the* ?tate failed to eomply with the act, ami thus* as Mr. Thompson remark ed. the l.oard of Education has lost somewhere between .five millions and ten millions of dollars.? News and Observer. .lui^ge PrRchard yesterday passed on "the" question of whether a clerk J ^of Federal -court is^mjrttlei! lo a com mission on sums pa I (Mo thf? commit- j ; i >i-. ?? rs oi uit> <-?>u r T UT.leh UU mk'^ra*? I into bis hands. The judge decided | tbal the cleck' was entitled to "noth ing in such ?ases. The question arose ?n the case of S. Morgan Smith ngnhi'H H?wl<iiinhniu Efllfil Cnni pany ai\d others in whirh S 30.000 had been paid by the purchaser of the property {q the commissioner making the sale. The <lerk at Ral eign in taxing the bill of costs in the case claimed a commission of one per cent on this money and the matter" wai? presented to Judge Prltchard on appeal. ? Ashevllle Citizen. Yesterday aft?-rnoon~>Ir. R. I.. Lan caster had trouble with Jim Hardy, a | negro, in which Hardy came out a little disfigured though we learn not i seriously hurt. It seems that Mr. Lancaster who has a plumbing shop on Goldsboro street, sent ont? of his employes to do- some work on the other side of the block and told him to go through Hardy's stables. Har dy told the young man that if be knew how little, he thought of that ma-n < Lancaster > be would r.o^ have sent him through ihere. Ou Lis i turn to the plumbing shop the young man told Mr Lancaster what Hardy had said. Mr Lancaster w?at over 1 1.> .-f- Mm amnatjte conversation Hardy insulted him. and he struck H^rdy with a hammer sev eral times on tfle head breaking the scalp, but doing no serious injury- ? Wilson Times. of chub are be day morning Messrs. P. G. D. Barnes and Robert Ormond wer.t out. and 1n ] a little while they had bagged sixteen large flsh. Mr. R. \V. Cumbo also went and he succeeded in catching twenty-five. One of bis catch weigh ed seven pounds These fish are verx. gam? anrl it Is fine sport to flsh for them. .They are caught with an-lml f"- minnow called a "bob.;' This is pulled back and forth on the water and the hungry caun strikes at it and get* caught. Sometimes -they tear loose, but "their" Sfreed is greater than their pain so the?_slrlke again and again until raptured. Now is the time or. ^ these full tides and cloudy. morftlngs. for layers' of the sport to have some fun. ? Urienlit News. With the first month of the cotton Sloan's Liniment is a quick - and safe reifledy for croup, Cough or cold, pain in the chest, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, asthma and bronchitis. ^ No matter where the pain is _ Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief. You don't - ? liav e to i ub it penetrate* acts like massage. Use this Linifrient always in stead of sticky plasters, be cause it acts quicker and does not clog tip the pores of the ?fcht M* m Dffftits. MM 39*., Rk erf ff OS. l>r. Erf 1 SUm, ????. Win 4 season almost at a clow the receipt* -*ee-*b4e-efflp~ nar. t0 ihoVng for the-cleetog week il the" ??.^aaber of yesUrdayT-ats 7 M 6 6 bales ? orer the hrst month o! the se&6n lUt year. -*l^be-incr?mic *****-* *Myc.mw.e??? time last yearj~fias "Hcon sltghtty ~ dc creltsed by smaller receipts during U\e^.rsi.of the" week than during the iftme ?lays of the previous reason. , The receipts durinc the wock as r/vn reared .with last --ye. \r are about 1,000 i biles smaller Uui:-. same tlme~"Tas; 1-year. , The receipts for the crop year > to date are 4^0Sj a.uaina?"fl?6l7 tQjL 19Q7rS. The iar; -.-C receipts of the j staple at the port : Wilmington tUIs .season were 5,04 o hales on Scptom 1 her 23d. Cotton >o!d on the local "nrrrirrr vf?ioi-rt?i ? ?! 1? \ -16 cents [for middling, whi'h Is the highest ( price paid durlnj; the. season. Last I -eason at this time the quotations "was 9 l-*"? 'or mhldlijmr. -Wilmlng kon Star. A l??t of people .iluuys watch the i,'For Siile" ads., mid if your offer" f#t iJCOoil enough, you'll find tlie buyer*. When a storr uses l?ul a small amount' u( spa^e In it*. ads. it Is con ?.ii-neil to ""HHP ih.u its mes*;njc i> small and unjmp?>i t;uit. THE OPENINGS WERE SUCCESSES Large Crowds Attend Millinery Openings at Avers' and The <"s Hub. -The millinery openings at E. AY. Aycrs* and the Hub today were 1 im-nliiK gutless- ? ? From thn ho in of opening to the Hosing time ladles (locked to these two popular stores to view the display of fall and winter hats. This was the first opportunity he ladies OfWashington have had to l-Ww the- hats? tUuL will- wear , this ?omlng fall, and They were eager to be on hand early. Both openings were much com; limented and the ladies are loud in their praise of the styles exihibted. a great, many" of the latest fads were'sold during the day. LIST OK MATTERS. Remaining un- ailed for in the postofflce for th-' week ending Sep tember 25, 1909 GenU< Baker/ man. fin M. 11 Hut iiin \v * Holt. Norton, Charlie Vsserey, \Y. F. Wll lis.. Ladies ? Miss Annie Groom. Jlrs. Harriett Shird. Mrs. Mary Tyner, Miss Winnie Washington. "Htese letters will be se*>t to the dead letter office October 11. 1909. If not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say "advertised." giving date of list. BROTH KltllOOD INCREASING: - The News ro<etTee Information to the effect that the -membership of the Charitable Brotherhood has been in creased at least one hundred recent ly. This order Is doing a grand work in B**aofoft ?- county. : , One Better. An Kngl|ii>iman. tonrt of boasting nl hl? ancestry, look a coin from hi, pocket,~and; pointing to the head ?Q graved on It. aald: "My great-great* grandfather was made a lxard by the. King whose picture you see on this ?billing." "TEhat a coincidence." said his Yan kee companion, who at once produced y>oQ>er -Coin. "My great-great-grand father "was made U angel by the-fe dlan whose picture you see on this UNRELIABLE. will relieve you It's liquid ? pleaa ?nt to take ? acts Immediately. Try It, 10c.. J 5c. and 50c., at drug store*. Relief for the Public. Dr. Storr. the lata principal rt 01a? gow university, taking a holiday la the country once, was met by the ttlnlqter of the dUtrlet who remark ed: "Hullo, principal! Tou here? Why. you mat t?w-down and ?.... !l??eme for a i*fr Tbo principal! replied: "I lon't nromle. to relieve yon. bat I might relieve your coagre ?. "" '^'tiy did Mies Jaw el rase break her engagement with year' "8ald I wu too but." Millinery Opening FVRN1TUREI FURNITURE! Housekeepers should visit our store, and view the latest fads in Furnishings, etc., for ' the home Our fall line is replete *vith home . necessities. See us before purchasing; JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. /nOCttr 1 1 rochet's Colchicine Salicylate Caosulcs fCOLCHICINI , SAllCYLATu , A KU1.I.HI Mill" ml. ...... tnr POUT endorsed hv ihc?htghcst 'radical au'horltir&'-cf Europa *u Amdc:'. uJ&pCPSeO ftrrfir-m cpSr.ri'^ <**'? Ko!ve ir lifluidi uf tlie sicma.n ?-ithuut causing irritation ? di?ag?cabie synptvms, Prc<\ $1 per bvtilc Sold dn:??ists. t B* sutp and urt t!ie Rcanlne. ^opportunity to the citizens of the county. a fortv-two. piece dinner set will be given to -the person secus, 3ajL-fly6 Vegrtr-gutwcrl^fa who w ?in artvaiu p n"r iKn h*! wt|j .iw.iithg.- wH?-hpv? pal<T In vanoc.* Persons interested can see the" set on --display in The News office window.. . . " The News also makes another lib eral offer. A so\ en-plece dinner or berry- set will bo presented "to the sub scriber who pays ono year's subscrip tion before 'November 1. This set is 'also seen in our~wlndow.- r Now is your chance to secure an elegant set of obif.a-tor a little work at odd limes. Suppose you try for" the dln nor'set, or at least the berry set. CITY MARKET. Eggs J . .*21c i Chickens, grown .......... 25 to 30t i Spring ^chickens 10 to 25c' Hides, green . . . . 6 to 7c ! ' Hides. Q. S. . . . 8c ' | Mixed wool 18 to 20c1 Durry wool . . . 10 to 1 Sc i ! Tallow' . ? Wool. from 18 to 20c | .10 to 13c i 25 to 30( i 10 to 25c 1 6 to 7c I 8c I 21c i Lambskin .25 to 4 0c - -ft tfl'iOfi COTTON. Seed cotton ?CI tit cotton. Lint cotton . Seed cotton . TTTT; . 94.50 .12 3-4 12 3-4c $4.75 JeMt Subscribers Will Present One PIECE Paid One Year In Advance or =TO= Paid Six Months in Advance FOR GENERAL SURGICAL -AND? ? Non. : Contagious MEDICAL CASES RATES:? Private rooms I'Sto $25. 0#. WardMarjje and airy) Sift per week. Ad dress (MISS)JULIA A. SMITH. . _ Supt. of Nurses - FOWLEMEMORI AL HOSPITAL ?For the next Thirtt Dayi ~ 1 OFFEK ~~ ? SPECIAL BARGAINS in 'tWCfpy Hn.t II A .*% Iv. PAINTED CHINA consisting of Berry BeU, Soup Pint en, vari ous Bowls, and many more ar ticles too numerous to menUpn. ^Phooe 58. ? - H. G. Sparrow. NONE BETTER ? JHAN Huyler's Cocoa gPCgH QITppj , Y , E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Opw and T obacco. - Leary Bros.' Old Stand.

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