MODEL SAiTO^SHfS ?r: AND OPERA CAPES ' \ Some exfra values in High * - Grade Tailored Suits. ? JUST RECEIVED Filling in order of Ed ison Records, including new list for September. Call at ourstoreand heir the latest music and song hits. No one thing wi.'l givirso much pleasure to so many people for so long a time at so little cost as a PHONOGRAPH. With our easy payment plan they are in reach of everybody. RUSS BROS. 1 Hb IMC l I RE FRAMERS. OEM Theater to-night FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA X.MAS KVi: AT SI XSHT? A true! story 6l 1 > 7 ?* ; drama. THI. H HT.ll\ POLE? Goo^ co til ery ? - THE RECTOR'S SACRIFICE? A good drama. THE jkVAY THEY FOOLED DAI> ? Farce, comedy. GEM THEATER Does Your House I.eak? If so, we can stop it. All Kinds of Roofing Galvanized Iron, Carey's, Magnesia, Rubber andjTat Paper. The price is righr. ? H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Co. ?> ?T a rp MT.WC. _ O i/l 1 L IlL TTJ Condensed lU: mat ut UtereM Hap pening Throughout the State. *" Mr. Goo. D. Green possesses a HUPX. Der o^'VSfe old newspapers that are imlflad Httufcatii?K,- a?d wneiiUy ---IT" was our privilege to examine some of them. We were especially struck "with a^Tttwytegraph of the blockade runner., "The Ach^anc?." This prob ably U the only, picture ot tills noiea war vessel that e^wdrlenced many es-" capes while bruiting supplies to he beleagured elites of the South,, and to our armle<*ljn tin; fluid. Mr. Green has In his possession an autograph letter from dovernor Vance with ref erence to uhe block ader ? Wilson Times. ? V ? In the city Is Mr. Kdward Bayley, of Edinburgh. Scotland, tho Scotch philanthropist, who has been the moving power In .sending quite a large number of young Scotchmen to North Carolina. He and- the lat? T-. K. Bruner were friends, and Mr. Mr. ifr unsr secured his aid. mosU.ot the young men coming from Mr. Bay ley's Sunday School class. After hav ing. gone to Asheville and to t*t?e some of the boys who had gone to Western North Carolina, Mr. Bayley has been spending some time In Rob eson county, where a number ot the young Scotchmen are located. . He.( finds ttiaTliifcr are doing well and he "Is greatly plcaih*d with the condition I that he has fouiuk. *Mr. Bayless will this week leave America to return to Scotland, and it is likely that as the, result of his visit, other Scotchmen will im-ALv In rcurth Cmullim. ? ?Xuwu1 and Observer. Yesterday morning a railroad de tective caught a negro man in the_act of rifling a box car, he at once arrest ed hJm and brought him to the police station, wnlle the omcfira wfre^get ting the particulars of the arrest, the negro decided to take* 'French [ leave,'*, bn was on his way to freedom when first noticed by one of the oflT cer? who at once started in pursuit. After dodgfng around several block? he headed for Jhe river, -but by that . time others had joined the chase and he found himKetf cornered. He was taken in charge by Mr. H H Tooker, and escorted back to the jail. ? New Bern Journal. I , The appointment of James M. Mll likan as clerk of wl hla du= Although lt"has not been offl rli lly inn ? 1 1 ? nil It !? wuiiliuIIV till derstood that Chief Deputy HWlHSn J. M. Bailey will be designated by the court to flH the~i>iace made vacant by the resignation of Marshal Mlllikan. the appointment of his suc cessor.- ? Greensboro News. Sportsmen will be glad to know that the outlook for the quail Bhoot ing Is very good Indeed. The season begins November 1st In almost all the counties, anttit-is snf^to say that the birds-have ~been protected better than ever, very largely by public sen timent, In a considerable area of the State. There are count-tee, however, where the game laws are not beedod at all. The lastlegislanu-e took some counties from the protection of the Auduban Society, but these will prob ably be restored at the uext session. Charters are granted the Rocky Mount Manufacturing and Mercantile Company to make cotton goods; . cap ital stock $50,000. P. E. Richard son and other stockholders; Stout Bros. Lumber Company, Slier City. Chatham county, $5,000; the State Insurance and Realty Company. Fay* ettevlUe; John Underwood and oth ers. $150,000. RIVER ItoAlt STATION NEWS. The entertalnmeut at Magnolia prhoolhouse last Thursday night was a great success. AH persons who are Interested In th?-J>e:terment of the school desire to tender- their sincere thanks to County Superintendent W. l^-Vaughan,#t??low und then, it is ? perforce? "now and then" wort of store. NONE BETTER -THAN? Huyler's Cocoa FRESH SUPPLY. E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leary Bros..' Old Stand. DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR HAIR TO GROW, but come to our store and look over our line of Puffs, Switches, Rolls and other Hair Goods- New line just Received, T. W. PHILLIPS sreo g -Wi). J ?->. i A??. ???>> ?qg.. 'ft EAST CAROLINA ^ I Teachers' Training School ? Established and maintained by the State for the young men <0 # and women who wish to qualify themselves for the profession ^ ' of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sanl - tation perfect' " % SESSION OPENS OCTOBER 5TH, 19*9. 1V %' For prospectus fftid information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, . ^ President. GreenvfUe, N. C. ? ? & *^a v y '-^1^ ARB MOVING. Dr. Ctrttr and family arc moving I 10 WWagKMiaUMvylng t?-Mlna L T. Rodman. East Main afreet. RESIDENCE BEING REPAIRED. Tl?e residence belonging to Mr. , F?&afr: Brgpr and occspied~6yrHr7[ and Mrs, Samuel Gabriel. East Malnl For the next Thirty Days I OFFER SPECIAL J I BARGAINS In CROCKKIIV and HA.10 I'AIXTKIl CHINA consisting ot Berry Sets, Soup Pistes, vari * oua Bow la, and many more ?r-x tlcles too numerous to mtotltfn. 'Phone 58. H. G. Sparrow. DORSCH $5 and $6 SHOES FOR MEN. night Shoe Co iWVf FURNITURE! FUXNITUfel Housekeepers should visit our store and view the latest fads in Furnishings, etc., for the home Our fall line is replete with home necessities. See us before purchasing. ? JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. Ju-st Received A large shipment of -the new, large-size package, GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER ^ v ; ? ? ? _ We have a special deal on same. . E. R. MIXON & CO. , NOTICE ! Now is the time to have your gas lamps put in order. It will cost you nothing to haverthem inspected 2nd adjusted. A Welsbach burner will give youBtTCSndle power and cost only 1-2 cent per hour. See the GAS" MAN7~^ FALL OPENINO OF Friday, October 1st; Saturday, October 2nd. >erally to supply needs in stylish Millinery, specially carefully and skilful ly. You will find our stock wide and diversified, and choosing pleasant and easy. Whatever your needs and whatever your tastes, we can suit you with good quality as well as the latest of styles. 1 . ?T * Gui Ready- to To make this department a success^eacli suit was carefully anL thoughtfully selected and not picked up as a lot Only a visit from you is sufficient to convince you of the high grade and stylish suits we are offering you. - , . " . ? ~ The Season's Novelties in Belts, -j ' S. ' Collars, Barettes and Jet Trimmings Our lines in these and all other departments are unsurpassed. New arrivals daily in all styles, cqloi^aild qualities of Dress Goods. jQnaninnr FT ? ? "'O ? J