WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Enter?<l M lecond-clMs matter A uk oat poetottce at Washington. N. under the act of March 3, 1879. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 4.1 A F-na? \?aln Streets J. L MA\'U,"hllto? ami Pr<?|irk4ur Telephone >'o. nao. SUBSC1U PTION KATES One Mont|i I Four Months ' i'oq Sbt Months One Year , ' s'oo Subscribers denlrhtK the paper dls If jpu dy not get The Dally News promptly telephone or write the num ber. ajp<l th*? tttmplaint witt receive Immediate atteutlon. It Is our desire to please you. Washington, n. c\ ski't. 30. lkt thi: news follow. Parties leaving town should not 'ail to Jet The N'i*ws follow theui daily **lth the new * of 'WasbhiRton ' f resb and crlnp. It will prove. a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at tK*? ?ea-* phoro or mountain* will And The Ne,u ?-ol"i'w* and ipt^resttiig; visitor MrsT in-: sk,m:i>. v. All arti. Je* sent to The News for publication must he ylgued bv the wrlrn,- ciherwbe Miey will not b* published. To Tni">ii:>iiit:ns^)|.- fm: cham . 111:1: ok trn tl< i At t! forces and H:?iiiri>;r?Vi. Tin* Wrishriigton Chamber of C :)'.YTrj nn>: ai-? ?? :i ?: 'n-,viL'n jm-T. | of'th?' ru.tr;.. ttturh necd-d way?, ofj promot!:m the Town** iutfr^tis sclcctl or.o nml hannwr r.pori ii!7i? on?? thing 1 until th-T" 5 - no I f- in ir o:\ v.e a'--! complish our aim. What has our pa?-,v..year benefitted! v.?? Tli* annwer e.ho J" hen if in the coming year wo ac complish o:?" fickle thins." won't wi* i be making jvmsru!** ? ' The New* pleada *v ijt-h the member* to attend the imfetinn tomorrow night, Friday, October 1. and in aj body select one objective point; then] let everyone work for that one thing. | listening ro the starting of no other I project until we ?dt through with thel ?one. Do this and wu'wMl end our year with a glorias record : disregard] It ami wS will be a denial failure. TLe I'i-.antl I- ??...? Mmr-iA* f. .'rwp't all else and work for a canning fac- 1 tory or a knitting mill or a tobaccv. warehouse or. ^mav be the Matta muskeet Railroad will be decided' upon. - - If you have aay r^aeons why the above i* not best for the ttjwn. don t fail to bring out those reasons. Then after discussion if the Chamber -de cide* it best to work for hhlf n dozen | things at otue. your secretary Ktand* 7ra<I> tr- tlu hi* o^l. ? LLL* first jeo? is to nee you interested by at tending the mating*, then your free . discussions which will bring matters I to a close, and once decided upon, for all to back it FOIi I'l KK FMrt'R. A suit has been brought in Omaha J which Ereatlv f'.ncern* the em Ire 1 flour sndv.R'ry of the country. It is brought undjf^th**- ptire-food law and \ Is for the purpose of testing the legal- 1 ity of the blear hing process used by 1 millers rr it 4s decided that this is a I violation of the law, then th^ people may not* be able for t b#fw ?r<*-te-lwy th e very white flour ?%vhi"h mnlii'H bread ho beautiful in appearance, bu' cure TTorTr wliK-h "vv-ill make more wholesome bread ?flour ' more like ti?w kind they used to get when wheat was carried to the waterpower mill 'P il" I ? il" 'HI '1 " II" ' ground and separated .into flour, sec onds. etc. Between the mill and the table old-time flour was treated to no process which, while adding to the) whiteness of the flour. made it vastly' less nourishing, if not actually un wholesome. |t is certain that the flour produced by the present process of grinding, which is to secure as fine quality in appearance of the ar ticle as possible does not contain na large proportion, of the nourishing properties of th? K?ftio,aa does floor . ground lr?7he old way, when wliole someness was not expected to take second place. Let's hope that th'.s lawsuit will result in giving ua back the flour of our daddies.? Charlotte*" Observer. HINca.KTOX x i:\v We are having romc cool wn-ithnr now, and today we aru having a littlo rain, 30 most all are glad to have their Jacket on; and have a good old] winter-time fire. Z? t 1_ Aruuld. * - = ? .... .*? , | ? mi Mewre. Georgia Hodges 'and Ches ter Swanner, of Jgnd Ford, were vis itors in. our mlirar Snn<lav ?ftwnro6p.~ Owing to the Inclemency of the weather we did not have any Sunday school ?umlav. There will be Suu day school Sunday before preaching. We hope all the children will be on Uawh -? ^ N Mr. George Hodges. of Swainland. "Sua rifnUF nelgbbortrotsl Sunday last. Mr*. JacKson, of Washington, spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Lucie Gray Woolard. I. title Gladys Woolwrd. ? who has been spending the fmst two- weeks with little LUlle'and Minnie Perry, , returned to her home at Old Ford Sunday Work is going on rapidly on cell ing the school ho use. We hope to see !t ii'IRhI" and painted soop. Messrs. Charlie anflrCotha W 11 lard and u rover Lllley wont on the excur sion to Norfolk; Va. They all report a grand time. * Miss Annie Kerry" attended the .basket parly and Ice cream supper at I'fneville Saturday night. Don't .forget Friday night is tj\e tithe our revival is to start. Rev. Titos. (Jr*?eti :s the preacher. He is widely known and an excellent syeaker,. and nr> doubt much good will result' from the meeting*. The people Of Singlet on_al wars look for, vijiird to Rev. Green's coming with much pleasure. Let us all go ou; and give him a^ cordial Reception. y.r. nt.d M o*. Cornelius Jackson, of Washington wlo..ha*i? been visit lug their* daughter, Sirs. 'I,. II- .lack son. liavM gnnc iT^xaaui- their da ugh- | ter, Mrs. Former Jackson, before re turning home. Messrs. I.esl'o" Ho?!fte3~aml Richard I Merry were our driving Sunday. KIIHI J I*!!KS!I?1*\t \t?KTH HOI' .. si-:\ i-:\Tv-rivii teaks <>m?. I Minneapolis. Mlnit., Sept ? Dr. 1 Cyrus Northrop, who will retire ai j tli*.' end of the 1 ' re'tg t. cu llt'ge _y ca v | f-Biii til*. .< irm nf r.f ilw | l*ui verity nf 'Minnraotn, after having I- hold that position for twenty-five I year!*. celebrated Iks seventy-fifih birthday today. !io was ovpf?'l'.Hm* ed with I ei t e rs and telegram* 'of i mi gratulations from his friends and farmer students of- the university and the members of the. faculty, the stu dents an l the citizens in ppneral vied with ? rs< !? ot1:?'r in showing to the be loved "prtxy" the high regard hi which they hold him. Dr. Northrop is a native of Connecticut and a Yale gratduate: He came to the I'ntver pity of Minnesota in 1SS4, when it was a college of a few buildings and few student*. I'nder his able .man agement the university .developed in' to a magnificent Institution, attended by more than four thousand students. Maine Hunting Season Opens Bangor, Me-, Sept. 30. ? The open season for deer, moose and other big game, protected by the laws of Mtximryr begin* at midnight tonight and there id every indication that the season will -btr-yiicceftaful 4w -every? respect. ' -h U*~rfiliorW< J UJ Uti. JiltJlUi _ 1 ; all jiarts of the State and the num ber of" applicants* for hunting licenses has b*-en greater than iu many years. On every train,. men In hunting cos tume. and carrying their gun cases, may be seen in large numbers, and everywhere the .ttailon platforms are littered with camp outfits on Shelr) way to the.camps and hunting lodRes i.'i \hv im'THir. rarHmlnrlv Inrgf lr the n-nmber of hunters bound for the region about the Penobscot River. yMoosc-h<"-ad lake and Aroostook coun ty, where game is more plentiful than In other sections of the State. In that region more than four thousand deer -hfrv**--U***?H--killed every year during the last dv-ade and morp than half that number of moose. permittfd jp shoot more than two deer during the season, whifh ends on December 15, and only one bull mouse during the season which ends rill H>H imilinr 1 i n n nml are not to be killed at all Bear may he shot at any time and without re striction as to number, while caribou are prnl^ted at all times and may not be shot at all. Doge'. Jacklights. artificial lights, snares and traps are prohibited In hunting deer or moose. Only mooSfc hulls having at least two ?tines to their hornB may be shot. The hunting season is always a gourde of " 'onsideeable profit to tho State and !l(.n*t forget to nutet me at Hardy V j Drug Htore. ?U V MAKKKf. Kggs . : . .21c Thickotis, grown 25 to 30< *prkng cUk-kena. 10 to 25c, Hides, green 6 to^e Hides,. O. 8 8c Mixed wool.*,... 18 to 20c Burry wool 10 to 18c Tillow : 2 i*2c -Woolr-f^ee from burr#. :.... t-r20e Lambskin 25 to 40c iheerling* . . B to 10c * "COTTOK- ? ? ? ? ? ; CAPtHHXR for "T#mK HMuUehe." . , Ont last night 7 Hftadach* an, nervous this morning? Hicks* Cap?- I dine just the thing to it -W for i Us lafcabHsate, pantrnlsrly* fu lbs owners of forest tracts and hunting Tnit sportsmen spend from 9300,009 to 1300.000 a year !n_thls State. Carriage and Rath Sponges, 1c {o Jft5c. Hurdy'ii l>ruj{ Store. . - h? Tfcf-fiOTefnor appoints the follow* !ng delt^a leg-to yepAienT^TortO^^ [leans of th% Gulf to the Lakes Deep Waterway^ Association: D. L. James, W. J. Lasslter, C. L. Kellum, C- W. Home. S. M. Gattis. A. J. McKinnon, T. L. Caudle, l.aurenco WaJTefletd. 'fe. j I L- Shu ford alid T. F. Davidson. . Cough cftsorjld,painin the chest, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, asthma and bronchitis. No matter where the pain is Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief. You don't have to rub? "it penetrates and acts like massage. Use this Liniment always in stead of sticky' plasters, be- N cause it acts quicker and does . . not clog up the pores of the ? skin. - ? ; ~r 2?^ ? : ?Wf ail Ontijgittx Pric* 25:.,LSOc. ana 37.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan,' Boston^Mass. ^m:i?cLt; <;as itoAT Mi.roi:. Tuesday, TJxnrsflay and Simrday. Leave* Hunter's Drulse ij a. m; ar Xive at Bath. -tf.SO. Wjaliingtcn. 0. Leave-\Vashinj;ton 2.30 p. m.. p-'1v? nam p. in.. Hunter's Bridge r>.30. Fare 50c. round. trip. 3 fie. one way. * WILLIAM BOYI). Muster. Washington park. - If Yon Are a Business Man With Foresight j You Vlll buy-a picce of thhr Sndpabte water 1 runt property ? now. Then you'll own Jt when the free inland water route 4s a reality. See me at once. A. C. HATHAWAY. Leon Wood M EMBERS N", Y. COTTON1 EXCHANGE James W. Qple j J. LEON WOOD & CO., r BANKERS and BROKERS ? . r . ? STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. ? Private Wtres to N. Y. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago i Board of Trade ind ottw FToanciaT Centers. ? . ,*-u. ? M Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and Marginal j accounts given eareful attention. j ? EAST CAROLINA f ^ * . |? Teachers' Training SchftoHr ? *5~~ Established and maintained by the State tor the youngrmen p?? , and womvn who wish to.qualify themselves for the profession y, \ rf' of teaching. " Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sanf- 1 ^ tat io? perfect7 ^ k %' SESSION OPENS OCTODF.R 5TH, 1909. 'S ?c"1 Rx ; For prospectus and information, address ROBT. I!. WRIGHT, ^ I PluMcnt. Greenville, N. C. ?? S v & ~u r<i v? ^.i^vji,s,<!ttsv!us'5ji}rv,?v;l5?i!? rJL== IT ? It II JL=^I Madame Hitler's " Millinery ? : ? Opening TRin A V SL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -BEGINS A*T 10 O'CLOCK A, M* II if==ir=nr====ir==JJ EVREYBODY will visit 7 HE FIREMEN'S GRAND amrVAL and GALA WEEK THE FAMOUS Barkoot Amusement Company Attractions. OCT. 4TH TO OCT. 9TH, INCLUSIVE Six Jolly Days and Six Mefry Nights of Solid Fun, Recreation and Amusement THE LARGEST A xn ?RAXT>EST KXHIUtTlOX OF ITS KTXt) TX THE WORLD. A GLITTERING, GOR- '. OEOt'S PANOPLY OF FI N AND FROLIC. * . * ? ? . :<(l<) People, 300 Performers, 10 llig^ Feature Shown, Sensational and Thrilling Free ,Act8, 2 Magnlf item Riding Ucvlrrs. :> lirand Conceit anil Military Ramls. . The Wnrlil'* Fntnnnc Rnyal TiMlUn B. n>i t;?re e<?neeM* *??**?- i?ft??rn<>ou *nd ovoaUw. Fuee Concerts and Free KThihitluaw av thing doing all the time. _ Q \ rprp \ The man wiih nerves of steel and skill which only comes to the fcreat and iVX/\. X I. X Htroiip. Seevilm as he stands between heaver, nd earth oh a slender structure 104 feet in height, and suddenly shoots nown ? down !iu?> the very Jaws o t ieath, and like a devour _lTJLtl?llIiL-iill'T Ulif'Ml Ttrini I" *?'" intt-enlrt ilflrlng he lanriH unfelv Into a irft t.?l r-?Wf but 3 1-^ feet of water. The mo3t soul-stirring, nerve-racking sight that has ever been witnessed. ? ^ S<*e Young nrotlirra'^i their kci rational Aerial Act ? the Sensation of all Sensations. As unlike the olil worn-out St net Fair and Cucnlral ?*s RADIUM la unlike BRASS. Traveling by special train Ui their own magnificent palace row. Opens at 1.30 p. m.; closes at 11.(10 p. m. , MEET ME AT THE CARNIVAL' * tX ! Corn Test. * I TO RK A I* PORT AXI?-IIYI?i; COUX-i TV FAKMKRH: I Three prizes of $r.. S3 and $2fcwl!l be given in rash as prlres to the three best exhibits of Corn. ^clPfarmer" is requested to send live ears of corn with his name and postoiftce address to B. L. 8-ifrman. president and gen ? ral w?nager of I be' Washington tlcrrc "ExtBSnga Co., Wishing?. H. Till" corn will be r?colveJ and ei-i y RAT?, 1 cent per word. Estimate six words to (he Une, and I Inclose payment with copy. Answers ?o ad*, mar he received at this office. To Injure prompt attention alLadrer ?hould be in business otff by m. A BaTHy meswuKw, te? phong or mail given careful attention. FOR SALE OR RENXW)XE FARM, WAdea Polut. adjoining Pamlico Beach Hotel. Apply to B." L. 8us man.v ern Carol tn? wiU. have its big Mil- . linery Opening on Friday and ?iUc.J urday ? -ist and Zc T Don't forget | -?the -davs. Jaroea B. Clark Co. AT OXCE, HKI.IAULK KKPRKHKS tatlves in this vicinity to look after reneffalB and new subscriptions, part' or-whole" time, for the fastest growing magazine in America. Lib eral salary and commissions. Live -men and wpmen make $35 to $150 a month. Appointments now being maUe. Write immediately to Di Magazlne, CO West 25th St.. New York Pity. 23 CANARY ?IRI)S FOR SALE ? 1| have on hand 25 fine canary birds, good songsters, beautiful plumage, guaranteed to sing. Price per pair, $5; single birds, $2.50. Guaran teed safe dollvery anywhere in the State. Address "W. H. Gaskins, Aurora, X. C. FOR SAI.!-; OR ltK VT? ONfcLFAKM. . North Creek and Pamlico River. | Apply MII.MXERV OPEXlNCi ON Fiiday and Saiur^av. at the .lames J E. Clark Co.'s store. si : v i : \ty-fivk NEW FAJ.L T.^iZ , "red Suits, at $17.75; extra special?] See* ad. on Inside page. J. K. ~ Hojt ~ .. FOR SAFE: i ik st WEEKLY XITWS- } paper proposition in X. C. Those meaning business, ac!dre*s Look Out Realty Co.. Beaufort. to!'. HE-: NT ? ?_??] Arm: h'AKM.wloo acres cultivated. Dwelling house and out-housps; one mile from Leenhville. Address Norwood-* I, I *"Sir?mons. y A 00-GALLl>.\ (i.\SOM\K METAL tank fqr sale cheap. J. c. Rod man. v j . fr^h car rages will a ii hive y-Prlday, for sale by ii. B. Mayo & 'Company. ? FOR COMFORT TRY A DOROTHY I Dodd eoft cap flexible shoe. At J. K. Hoyt's. THOSK WHO HA V li"w AITEIJ FOR tbe James E. Clark Co.'a big mil linery opening will more than con Bee tbe large and edmplete stock. STIvNOGRAPItRlJ A N D T YPE writer. Le^ me write your letters.] Miss Beulah Thomason I Chamber of Commerce gt^SraTed free.^ See^ur^show whn do A- a G. SmUber & Co. . FOR KALI-: ? NKW PEANI T SACKS. H. B. Mayo & Co. SIWI.1I, SAI.E liAIHKK' StITK AT I $17.75; all colors; see window! Jf j | K. Hoyt'a. UEAtFORT RESIDENCE FOR SALE Large, roomy, airy, conveniently ? n??r wtti. Look Out Realty Co., Beaufort. N. C. AGENT* WANTED To TAKE OR - der* for ACook-Peary North Pole Discoveries Illustrated." Genuine sensation. . _ Whirlwind success. Profits $10 daily. Be first. Send 25C for Sample uook. Write to . day. Ifionba publishers (Estab lished 1857), Lakeside Building, Chicago. a faAMTSH SHOULD -SEE THE NEW cloth top button patent leather shoe at J. K. Hurt's WAITED ? A MAN yilCK IN AC tlon and accurateirlth flgares. Ad dress, sating wages wantW, Smith Jones, Washington, N. C. - 30 THOSF^JKT HAT PINS ARB ALL the rage, those are beauties Smith ?r ? Co. hare. You get one en grared free ? they are given away, too. Ask about them. FOR GENERAL SURGICAL -and '? Non ContatrifliK I WMM,otvwT | 'MEDICAL . CASES I Tiufessloiial Column SPECIAUBTS Prmctlc* Limited to DIkim of the Hoons-?-IJ ATM. Cor. Halo and 3-5 R M. Glxldan So., 'PHONE U. Wubloston. N. C. Dr. I. rM. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN SURGEON Washington, N. C. r DR. H.SNELL Dentist. ?" j Oftice corner of Main and / Resposs Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. 1 ATTORNEYS H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES , w WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW ? Washington, N. C. -u ?. We practice in the Courts of the first , Jddk'til LUimgt, and tlie 1 Federal Courts. UHmUT A. D. MacLeao, Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES ATTORN EY-AT-L AW Washington.- North Carolina. Practices in all the Courts. W. M. BOND, Edenton, N^. Mnpwnom. BOND & SIMMONS ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW "Washington, North Carolina. Practfcc in all couiu^ W. L. Yaughan W-" A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW Washington and Aurora, N. C. Practice in all the courts. ? H. C. CARTER, JR., A.TTQRNEY-AT-LAW, Washington, N. C. Office Market Street." tVm. B. Hodman. Wiley %C. Kodman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attoiueys-at-L-iw 1 Washington, N. C. Business Cards R. L. STEWART" PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Corner Main aad Market Street* JUW IStlll . f H. Ult. ???BflUlum Ul |||? ? latest dsiti. tu In Jewelry. Re pairing a specialty. B. B. Goldstein, We are stll! doing Hutmi at our old stand. In this period between the aeaaona we are still satisfying cua- w tomera. Our fall samples are already in and we can take your order now * for immediate or future delivery. Youra for business, H. B. Goldstein. For FIRE INSURANCE see ~ J. and P, B. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Qo~. MONUMENTS Price* and Work Right. WASHINGTON. N, C. WHITE - BARBER - SHOP Ih.!,<Y,ly,!lr*'"<:ta~ whlu> 'hop In city. A IrUl WU1 convince anyone oLomm^. onable judgmeot. Weh.ve3chalre, 3 first-class while barbers. Satltaction assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. DRAUCHON. Prop. C. MORGAN WILLIAMS

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