h I Carolina, Beaufort county. In ? . ? Sa?eclor ?oarti J. b. All?a vs. C halite J. Allan. rtafenrlsni abov mbiH ytll take notice that an action entitled _m_ - l^n ^nimfincfid in. -tb* Superior court of Beaufort county *fO{ the .purpose of obtaining \H ^di vorce absolute; iild ihe Maid defend ant will further take notice that she la required to tppeerHit the term. of the Superior court of aa^d county, to V be held on the tftlrd Monday in Oc tober, 1909, at the cdurthouse In said county, in Washington, N. C.,? answer or d?mur_ to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the ?QQrt .TGr the relief de^ This 1th day of Sept., 1961T ~ ? QEfO. A. PAUL. ' " Clerk of the Sujperior Court. ^WIMISBIOWEB'B BALR North Carolina. Beaufort county. In - The Superior Court. J. W. 8tewsrf ?s. C. G. Sparrow. Pursuant to a Judgment rendered at the May term. 1909, of the Su perior court of Beaufort county in the above entitled actios, the under signed commissioner, duly appointed therein, will offew for sale and Will eell, at the courthouse dour lri iiaa.ii fort. eounty, Washington, on MONDAY, OCTOBER^ 4TH,~*t 12 o'clock m./tt^the highest bidder for sash, the following described prop erty, tow it: All that tract of land lying' and being in the State of North Carolina, county ef Beaufort, bound ed and described as follows: Begin ning at a stake In Blountije ditch, at R. G. Prescott'e corrifcr and running south 199 poles to H.^R. Cay ton's line, thence east 40 poles and 4 1-2 links, to S. M. Sparrow's corner, thence north 199 poles to Blount's ? oucd, tnence 4U poi6A &R& 4 1-2 ll&Rl to the beginning, containing 50 acres more or leas. Terms: Cash, deed to ? be made when sale 18 approved by This the 3d day bf September, 1909. | ~ ~ WILLTAM DUNN, Jrrr NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having thtrf day duly qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior' Court of Beaufort county as administrator of the estate of Olivia R. Fleming, deceased, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make settlement with me; and all persons holding^ claims against tfie said es tate areliottflod to file the same, duly itemized and verified, air prescribed by law, within one year from this date, else this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery." ? This August 20, 1909. 8.' FLEMING,. Admr. of Olivia R. Fleming, dec'd. j ;f CITY TAXES. The tax books few* the city ot j Washington have been turned over to the undersigned, and this Is to no tify all owners of property subject to tax that' l_am ready to receive taxes for the elTiulng year. They must bo ? colleeled at ow. ? - - :? W. B. WINDLEY, City Clerk. October 7. 1909. ; XOTICK. North Carolina. Beaufort county. In ? the - Superior Court James D. ? ? Orlflin vs. Margaret Qrlffln. The defendsnt above" named win take notice that an actloA entitled a4 above has been commenced In the ? Superior court of -Beaufort coun^V, to secure an absolute divorce from the will further take notice that Bhe Is required to appear at tfee-term of the Superior court of said county to be halri r>i> tha 7th Monday after the first. Monday rn September, It being October 25. 1909, It 16# courthouse of said county in Washington, N. C., and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action of the plain tiff will apply to tho court for the re llef^ demanded In said complaint. This 2-3 d of September, 1909. ' , UEO. A. PAUL, ? Clerk .Superior Court. NOTICE. * 5? Having qualified as administrator of the estate of* James 6. Deal, de ceased, late ot ? Romifnr^ countyf North Carolina, this la to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of ?ald deceased to. exhibit them duly verified to the un$eralgned at A.,.-?-. V r ^ r"* {ftp day of September, /1 9 10, or this no tice will be pleaded lp bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the laid es tate wljl pleaseifiade Immediate pay ment. This Slat d*y of September, 1909. - - - -vy ' T~ ? J. fHVIN DEAL, Administrator of James Q. Deal. Vanghan Jb Thompson^ Attorneys. - "RUB*NO=MORE" ? SAVES LABOR. Use By Directions and Note Results. WHO HAS YOUR' Fire Insurance '? v x'" \ . . CARL IT." PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. Four Year? Experience. HavenS'Small Bid's 'Phone 85. Now~Your Summer Suit Feels LikejYou're Sitting on a Block of Ice I'ncomfortable, isn't It? Come 111 nnd view our new style kinks in bu.siniTs^ lulls. \Vt?*ro hovpi' a-inlnuU^lwlitinl n?Mt metropolitan fashion*. Our fabrir* look well and. wear well. GUI' prices arc easy olreach.. Wright's Tailoring Parlors, ? "Who Tailor Best in Washington." lAi E are headquarters for floor Coverings. We are showing an cx *? tensive line 1*4, 1-2, .and all wool Ingrftin. Also Brussels in Stair Carpet and Stair Patterns. Art Squares 6x9,8x10,9x12 feet, in Crex, Gran ite. (strain, Brussels, At minister. We have a large and varied line ol. RUGS: In all sizes and pattc rns in Moquette, Velvet, Brussels, etc. SecAb. . special VelVet Rug 27x54,. at $1.59 and $2.2&- They arc equal to ordi nary Moquette at a much higher price. i. F. BUCKMAN & SON ? ' WE SELL glKXITlHRS. mSmms " =i ni ii Your Opportunity Jsl Nowr ? While weare placing our line of Heat ing Stoves on show, to select from the large. -variety of Wood and Coal Heaters. It will be our pleasnre to take your order and place one in your house, store or of lick before the cold weather begins. You are invited to call and see our stock, McKeel-Richardson Hardware Co. DDE NOTICE ! Now is the time to hAve your gas lamps put in order. It will cost you nothing to have them inspected and adjusted. A Welsbach burner will rive you 80 candle power and cost only 1-2 cent per hour. See me bAA MAN. ; 1 ?Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules A standard and infallible cvre*or RHEUMATISM and GOU7 endorsed by the highest medical aurfcorltlrs of Europe tin America. Di|pena#d onk in spherical capsulea, which di? aolve in tiquida of the atomach without causing ir.itatfoa a bo"L ? * Mr. 13. Smith, of Asheville, a former resident. Is in the city shak ing hands with bls-Jnany friends. _ > mm Did you visIUthe Gem last night^ If you didn't" you .missed something good; in (sic t no better program1 has eyer been presented ut this play f-ho^se.' The audient" showed their appreciation and Uglily complimnted the performance. Be sure and see Algy ana" Swagger arrive from abroad*- This pleturo Js. the talk of! the cities a}ul all should see it. Its! I 'ill I W run ana you can prepare yovw- j self for a good old fashioned laugh. The Vagabond is ijnothcr that will in- f terest you.^ The fferry widow Waltz and the Pon1r>Mf''aktn f^nf* p.rn w??H worth the- price of admission. Alto gether the Gem^kvogram for tonight will please' froiri beginning to end. Heat' 1 he orchestra. ttTheir music is! flrst-iiass and up to date. Mr. H entry X. Kosh, of New" York, will sing | "Don't Be an Old Sfnid, Molly.'* home in* Charlotte yesterday after noon. ' ? 4 : A Dr. James A. Duguld, of Vance**) boro, arrived in the city yesterdayj afternoon. ? ' _ .. ??? - ~ I Rev. J. A. Sullivan and Mr. A. Q. t Smlther -returned bome last night from Greenville. ~ - ? ? I Mr. S./P. Willis returned from aj business trip to Bunyan yesterday. ? ? Mr. w. Eugene -dul'ont, represent-, itlg the E. I. duPont deXemours Powdflr Co?., of Nashville, ,Tenn., is In the city. In the Interest of his com pany. jOn the 5tb of November this company expects to give a stump blasting' demonstration 4a this city that will no doubt -prove Interesting and valuable to the cltlz^s In- this section. ' ^ Semmes No Pirate, Says Mr. Taylor Washington, Seifl. 30. ? Removing from the memory of Admiral Ra phael Semmes, of the Confederate navy, the undeserved stigma Of *'pl rate and" privateer," Mr. Hannis Tay lor, former Minister to Spain, and well-known interactional lawyer, ad dressed the Confederate societies of Washington last' night when they gat)a4red at the -Gen federate Memo rial Hall la.hQnor^e one hundredth anniversaj^ or tbebirth of the South fern hero. ? In making -tiie address of the even Ing Dr. Taylor Bald. In part: "Nothing but the passion of the moment ever gave eolor to the cry that Captain Semmes was a .pirate. No de factor govefhjnient that ever i existed In bial<u-y was' ever s?7per j-feetly organized in all its parts as [the Southern Confederacy, which buimne Alabama kne connriTasfoiiBfl her. as a ship ot war and not as a^ privateer,-whieh iseprtvate armed ship, belonging ro Individuals and fit ted out for purposes of gain. Equally unfounded was the contention that . Semmes was not a free man after hlsl ?."j3fembers of a crew are not bound 1 to sink with a ship; they can save themselves in any way possible and | do not become prisoners unless th?*y| pass under control of the enemy, j Thus, when Admiral Ganteaume wag] picked up by a French boat after the L'Orlent explode, jjnd when Capt. I Semmes escaped to a British pleasure yacht, after the Alabama sank, both' were free men in the eyeB of interna tional law. ~ "bar. Howard's untenable cOnten tion in the latter case, that It was the right of the Kearsarge to clainv the advantage ttiat would have resulted from the lawful destruction of the crew of thq Alabama, Lord Russell .promptly and Justly rejected it." Capt. H. H. Marmaduke, who was lieutenant of the frigate Georgia and who served with Semmes; Rev. W. M^Pettls, a former Confederate sol dier; James *M.~ Morgan, who ??? master ^ vth" Georgia, end many members of the societies took part In the program. iJ^tERDA)Ct mi a beautiful W day and several mothers with their bright blue eyed babes found their way into Baker's Studio Some sunt, uiwle or. grandparents r look out for^ajpjetu" STUDIO. HOW ON STRIKE MIIHo- of Btommchs Refuse to Do 411 thl? bfflftd llT1* "'"'""f nf stomach owneri are being. held in hu milfatlrig subjection just because they aYe so stubborn that f^hey will not ac cept ft fair, square and broad minded offer, v ?' - Life is short for all pf us; it will be shorter for those who let their 1 sit/biaehs go from bad to worse. Brown's Drug Store bas a famous prescription called Mi-o-na ami they believe so thoroughly in Jts remark Able curative power that they -say to every owner of a distressed stomach 'hat they will guarantee Ml-o-na tab .mim to uurw acute Or chronic indiges tion and all stomach ailments or money back, and the price is only 50 ?enta'a box. " And mill there are stubborn people right in Washington wJjo wont accept this_offer but contlnue>to suffer from gas ' on stomach, belching of sour food, stomach pains, foul breath, diz ziness, hillniism'HK ant! ' hp.nl. n-hrs ju^L because ? - Just because ? that's all, there Is uo other reason. MI-o-iml- tablet h 'stop dyspeptic ag ony in five minutes; they cure obsti nate cases of indigestion and turn the old stomach into a new one in a few weeks? or monejr back. ?MR. JOHN CUTLER DEAD. Mr. John Cutler, .lest' a ma, passed away last night, due to a .stroke of paralysis. Mr. Cutler was [the father of Mr. David R. Cutler, of this cfty. He was a man. highly es teemed In 'his community. Ho was between 85 and 60 years of age. PNEUMONIA n.l'i J/i. 'hoo?*ndi. COWAN'S PKEFMlAilOS kll's b* V l ie ioa?<itlca iclimmaUtf Gokk tclici .o-To'.Ji ,vfi,up, raufh*. shit y.n r^rcjwts i-r lent? io1 i!irr> ?KtfUki ?p.j tannic u. ajj iiniuiit? "krttc. "N. How about an Electric Table Lamp? Thcv are cnnvenient, and for a few^days we will sell them at cost. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT nsHi Walk or Ride. "Talk Over The Telephone. You* can have a Telephone pul in your house in the city or at your farm at a very sur passingly low cost, and save many a long 'drive and per haps a life by being in direct and liisianttrieous tOucTfwTfTT your Doctor. .Grocer!, Mer chant and Brokt r. Weather reports apd mar ket quotations can be secured daily.. Interested parties are re quested to COmmuni^te with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEfc.m,' ~ Washington, N. C. 7 his proposition will inter eat you, and it would be well to investigate before the ap proach of Jhe cold Winter months. I moi L? In all shades and at all prices. Your inspection will give us pleasure. SPENCER BROS. HUYLER'S CANDY Fresh Supply Just Received "The Prescriptior Store." WASHINGTON DRUG COMRANV OYSTERS! phone aw. Delivered to any pan of city 25 cents gnart. Served in any ityle, steamed a Specialty at 113 Market Street. Ocracoke Fresh-Dressed Mullets. 1* T' WYATT. -? HIGHEST CASH I'ltlt.l?5 paid for CHICKENS, EGGS and -all . COUNTRY PRODUCE We curry May. Grain and all kiud? Feedstuff ? We handle the very best Flour at whole- * ?ale. U PAUL & CUTLER EAST WATER STREET. JUST ARRIVED Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Fl^ur, New Buckwheat. call it % Walter Credle & CO JUST ARRIVED ? Petiijoh ns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Cora? Flakes, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat. Grape .Nuts, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two delivery wagons and^vheel, which- in sures prompt service. :Phone 12J. ; J. F. TAYLOE, The- Grocery Man. IF ?EE3G ?I=JG BUY YOUR 1 ? HORSES and MULES 1 ? FROM GEO. H. HILL Your horsewill be well cared for at ?HELP IS OFFERED? WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited your means of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND (U'SI NESS COLLEGE. Durham, N. C., Is ready and willing to help You sveure a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Business College in the Caro Unas presided over by an Incorporated^\ccoimtant and Auditor. A suffi cient guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping. Shorthand. T ypefrrlting. Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service. English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty ? Rail road Far* Paid? C.Uaranteed THE I. H. C. TOGGLE-JOINT ? HAY PRESS Is the highest draft, and makes' the most compact bale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO., SALES AGENTS. . _

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