IHETIIRE LIBER EMM'S | ^ . M ftMMWii IIP M fHHE iThe Plant a Total Loss, Estimated to Aggre gate $tfy000? Nolnsurance Carried ? Fire; Originated in Dust Room-Fire Department Does Creditable Work. . ; ? ? WILL REBUILD^ MILL AT ONCE > The Gum. Tight Stare Mill, known at the Moore Lumber Company, lo cated, at the extreme end of EaBt Main street, was totally destroyed by fire last night. The qwners of the mill estimate their lo? to be $10,000 with no Insurance: The work of rebuilding the mill on a larger scale ?vr commenced this morning, and the company hopes to ha running again within the next SO day*. _v' c". ?9: SO o'clock. A blaze was seen is suing from the dust room by the col ored watchman, Samuel Csrrow, and the foreman of the mill, Mr. W. C. Bills. They at once gare the alarm an^d did all within their power to stay the flames. The shavings and wood located in the room were so dry they easily furnished fuel for the flames amd in a very- few minutes it was be yond their control. The fire depart ment. Jbt with standing the long dla ~ lance to the scene, responded as quickly aa possible, and did excellent work. The steamer being so heavy ?could nut.bi* C&rnea across the Jack's creek bridge, so had^to be utilised on this side. After the firemen got the hose connected to the engine she gave a good account of herself. The en ? Ure Are depart oat deserve no little praise for the way they bandied the blaze. ~ ,Tha ealiga mill plant was totally destroyed, *? well as the machinery. Th$ ?ttwfc?6r*d mt* mi, wwr kilns, tMa. etc.. escaped, due to the hard ?ght made. by the department A News representative in- talking to. Mr. W. F. jlarrell, the secretary an ~~ : CAPT. SMITH TAKES CHARGE -^Mceew Utfptain Gallop asC?-| todian of the U, S. Buoy ? - Yard. WKDDIKO ANNOUNCEMENT. about 2 o'clock. . The fire laddies were all ? to the good last night. Every member was at his post and worked valiantly and weU. _? Things were certainly dull around the carnival until after the fire was extinguished. Prior to-the ringing of the bell they were doing a rushing business. * There were no plugs In the vicinity of the burning mill and so the engine partment for water. There was sorae^ delay In getting . steam. Poor pres sure was another trouble. Much of thek pressure was lost through the length of the line*- of hose, being something over 500 feet. A slamese* .connection was UBed, being a grafted ; stream, coming from the singfe line of hose laid from the engine. Two } nozzles were used and played *upon, the fire. In addition to the buckets, { which were of no use except- to pre-j vent the catching of the neighboring j mills and houses. The fire had gatn-j ared Buclfi hesflwnr tinfin r ItiftlTTrpnTr ment reached (he scone no amount of water could have extinguished it. It" will be welcome newB to the Daily News readers to learn that the company will rebuild, and do so at[ onee. ? This shows eulbrpri'se Ififl" .pah. Quite a number of citliqpe visited l-the scene this morning. The ruins show the fine work done last " i"t The Volunteer Hose jC.ompany made , the most spectacular run to the flrej | ever seen here. The deXOTtment was I late in getting- out, and the big grays | of the outfit seemed to be aware of| the fact that ft was up to them *0 j atone so far as possible for the lost: lime. Urging was aot necessary and! the gong was only used when necess-j jHLlo^ clor the ltr&ai. ? The whole - soumeastern part of the city was lit I up jrith the reflection, and when the i wagon turned info Main street on the | long race against the devouring ele-, I ment. which already had-eo [ start oirlheifla,'tHe^ anxious animals became excltefd and bent to their -WOm witn a rervor which made the apparatus sway hard and at times seem almost to leave the ground al together, making it a ride fraught with danger for the seven or eight men hanging on to the sides and rear mile in length, and the finely-trained hnsstn wero almost sa fieaii and im lous at Its end as at the".'beginnlng. | At times if took two men lu habdie the lines. [GENEROUS TO [The Gifts Amount to 183,984. 1 Duke Gave Sum of *50.000. at TrtaltyCollege m c?)ilirHM tty| rrtniwie H dllilay and" ?resi dent KU-j goe's address last night. . The dons- j tlons amounted' to |83,98\ Of this' a?Qunt-l?. N,J&*S?h?? i 15^0fRFftft~ for ww buildings. The 1900 class receives $1,000 and the current ex pense aacount receives $82,000. There are 79 Individual donors. H president Kllto's- address he sgoke in high praise of Mr. Duke, who was not present, and declared that If all ritfh men lived as foe did t&ere would be no problem as to what we ' should de with ottr millionaires. With the generous man's gift to the col lege. he declared there was Imposed a sacred responsibility to like up to high Ideals. Right there, he declared, Chicago .universally failed ef the Chicago University filled of the TBcmLfmm uuoago so?R? : recently and thpaght of social scan dals and political graft, he could not help feeltng tfMW -with Its forty ?fl row no mcS jr|i?,und?r h?r ih.dow. | "T?t'*T?y wore yon h*?r." he ? ?d. "1. * Imk word, erorr < HATFffitD OffiS IN PENITENTIARY He W as a Leader in Gttebrsted " " Kentucky Mountain Feud. Washington, Oct. 4. ? Th4 loss of a 'registered- letter hnd the tragedy which, following In its wake, post the life of a woman and the life Impris onment of a leader of the Hatfield McCoy feyd In the Kentucky moun* talrka, is recalled by the news of the death In Moandsville penitentiary of Harrison -ftatfleld. Part of the |2, 554 contained in the registered letter was recovered by postofflce inspectors. The affair also led to the imprison ment of Alexandra, mfif, poetmas-* ter at . Horsepen, W. Va.. who later escaped and is still a fugitive from justice. Hatfield lived near Horsepen. Be Ipg unable to writa well, he called upon Trent to draw for him a check on^he Ouyan Valley Bank of West "^irtfnla for $2,854* The letter 'in closing the check directed that' it be sent to Hatfield at Horsepen. On April 24, 1907, the day the let ter containing the money was due, the aged mountaineer was unable to await the coming of-the mail, and- he reques^d Trent to receive, the letter for hjm and jlace