tiitioo RIDAY AFTERNOON. OCTORF.R 8, 1909 ?PREMIUMS OFFERED BY- THE - STATE BHD ftF SERICULTURE - The National Farmers' Congress to Meet in Raleigh November 3 to 8? People From All Over the Country to be Present? This State's Possibilities; ~ ? ? m INSTRUCTIONS TO EXHIBITORS . -.net..' ? ??*???. " -.5 The National -Farmer?' Co.ngress will meet In Raleigh, November 3d to 8th, bringing together representative A men from every part of the United Statea. The main purppee Is tfc show the Northern and Western people the |l?wH.I1lll?. V ?>??>. f.rnllnn Tfaft following premiums will be offered by tbo State Board of Agriculture on corn, wheat, oats, rye, cabbage, po tatoes, etc. . 1st- 2d For the . best ear of Prolific corn, any va- * -j?.- rlety, each district $ 5.00 $2. ?For1 the* beet aar of Gourdseed or Horse tooth type, esch dis trict 5.00 2. For the best ear of any other Variety or type of corn each district 5.00 2 For the best ten ears Prolific corn, any va riety r each dJatilct.- ? 10,00 5. For the best ten ears Qourdseed or Horse tooth type, esch dis trict ? . 10.00 2. For the best ten ears any other variety or type of corn, each district ..w. 10.00 5. For the best stalk of Proline cola, ? attached, each dis trict ... . .? ... ..... 5.00 For the best sulk of Gourdaeed or Horse tooth, ears attached, each district 5.00 For the best stalk of eara attached; any ~ ^strict 1 v . . 3.00 For the best five stalks Prolific corn, ears attached, each dis trict . _. . . . 10.00 For the best five stalks GOurdseed or Horse tooth, ears attached, ' each dlHtrlct ...^. 10.00 For the best SvejJtalks arfy other varlpty, ?each district.^,1 j....- 10.00 at large .......... 5.00 tlio hn?t huttho) Red Wheat, State at large .......... I.. 5.00* 2.50 1 For the best bushel of Early or * Spring oats? State fr large. 5.00 2.i>0 j ? For the heat bushel of i" ' J" Anpler or Rnst-fvrnof- __ ^ type qI ,uaU. HIM ~ at large . * ....... . 5.00 . " 2.50 F6r the best bushel of Turf or Winter va riety of Oats, State at large . 5.00 2.50 For the best bushel of Rye, State at large. 5.00 2.50 pv>r best and lary est Cabbage, State at IfTTj . rr> ? IJIOJ For the ten largest and best Cabbage, State at large. ... ^.00 2.50 j For the best bushel ef ii mi i nun i i>s > ? at large 6.00 2. For the best bushel of Ir^b Potatoes, sec ond eropr 8 late . at 6.00 2. ' For the- best bushel of *?00 ?2.50 - Tellow or "White > Yamm. suae *t l?r?e M T6r~ the- bMt . tramhel ^.r trpN ot 8W?t _ - Southern QuMll, ?"d . ' the dryer T.rletlee, But* ?t l*r*e For ttt? h??Tle?t pump kin. State at large. .. For tbe largMt ? Wurael (wwfcfWU Btite'it ?V-?? For the kUTCMt Mill 8U" *'? ? 0D 1.M Th? name of th? fTOWW aa? tat address mull Kcomptm ? ? exhibit- No premium will b? the exhibit U ????? muii ?>* Motto .Car or .,i*Hnr ? exhibit. If a person 1b exhibiting white Prolific corn, every ear should be aa nearly alike as possible. If ex hibiting any other varieMfcfOf corn, Observe the same care in-having all ears alike. It is not necessary for %n exhibitor tO-'gelect unusually long nor unusually large ears of corn, "but rather the best and moat uniform ears should be ^selected. In exhibits the cobs should be of the same color as well as the grains of corn. As a rule, white corn, if pure-Cred, has a white cob, and yellow corn a red cob, but there are some varieties of white corn which red ftobs predominate. If one exhibits that variety of corn. ,e$?h ear Should have a red cob, SratT h?" exhibits a vyjoty In which white cobs predominate every ear in the exhibit should have a white cob! If there are two exhibits that are exactly alike iir,other respeets-and one haa unifor mity in color .of cob and the other haw not, the award will be given" to the person exhibiting tho corn wherF uniformity of .color ie observed ? In making this oorn exhibit our de sire is to show to the visiting farm ers and others attending the Tann ers' National Congress that North Carolina can grow good corn. To do ithla we must exhibit the very best we have. Nothing else will satisfy us. Many whn wlil see thls^ exhibit will come from States where coVn is' their principal crop, and they take a prfde In growing the best. We want to. If possible, have aa good corn in this ex hibit as these people, grow in their) States. .?? . This is a fine opportunity to show t" the other 9tateyw*at we can do in North Carolina li^ the way of growing corn, and I appeal to every enterphs* ing farmer and business man to help us make Hhls corn show S credit to the S(ate. All exhibits should" be re ceived by October 25th, so as to al low the-proper Arrangement of then). No exhibit will be received after No vember 1st. In shipping, Wrap etch ear of com I carefully with paper ancl par_k ilphT ly in a box of the proper dimensions I so as to not permit the etars to be In jured in transit. The stalls should IH! CtftftTf n' QI r ^ so- as ta prevent the breaking of stalk". Ship by freight ur uxpiuhs. charges prepaid < preferably by 'ex press) , to th^ Department of Agricul ture, RaleighrN. C., attaching a card with the name and poelofiice address Of the stripper. The following score card will be ???"' ? ? Pnl"'a Uniformity of exnum . . . . lfr Maturity and* market condition. . 13 Trueness to type T. ^ ... 5 Shape of ear 5 Purity as shown by color of cob. . 5 1 Purity aa shown by color of kernel' 5 Butta ? 5 (jTipa i .... 51 1 Space Iwlwwu tow ? ? 5 i Per cent shelled corn to ear y20 ifflgiyr oi iimuarr Uniformity of grains. ... 6 Length of ear 5 Circumference 5 199 For corn- Qjhlblts the State has been divided Into three divisions, a | nm and second premium to be given to7 the best in each oftbe three dlrlslons ? The premiums of fered on otherexhibita than com will J'apiHy to tfie'state at liu-ge. . *. lows: Eastern Division: to consist of Scotland, Cumberland, Harnett, ton, and atf conntlee east of thoee. Central Division: Cleveland, Cataw fbaT ATCTggaBT Trpdoli; TadM^tiAeV and counties east di fhose, to the line of the Eastern Division. West era DJvfsiotx: AU counfle# in the State west of the Central Division. P. - Off. . Captain o. W, EHmpaon of the Hat te? Life Saving. station, wu oper t*Ud upon br Dr H. W. Carter tkla waa Ttir aucceaaful. Thja will he 1 n.?a to hit many trtMOJ. 4PUtn statxon i CENTEi i OF CHURCH OF CHRIST To Be Held in Pittsburg Begins Mcnday and Will Last for a Week? 50,000 Dele gates Will Attend ? Many Nota bles Expected. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 9. ? The ar rangements for the centennial cele bration oJ_the Christian Church to he held ^iere next week, beginning on Monday and continuing Uil Tuee day, October 19. are practically com pleted and the delegates have begun to arrive In large nnraberB It is ex- I pec ted that fully oO.OOO delegater representing Christian Churches- in all parWof the United States, Eng land, ScotNJfcd?..3candinavia, Austra lia,, japan and other countries, will be In attendance during the wefeKr Flve great audltoriuius, with an aggregate seating capacity of 80,000, have been iiygnif by the rpitiaburg. . dCWttgUUee. fgr^e parallel sessions of the celebratio^twidtheconvention. All are In a compact group at the en trance to Schenley Park. President Taft had been invited but. was com piled to decline the invitation, as It was Impossible for him to make . a change in the plan9 6t his great tour through the West and South. Among the large nurbber of distinguished men who are expected to be present and"dellver addresses at the differ ent , meetings, are/ Representative Champ Clark, former Representative John Allen, Life" PAce. T, W. Phil lips, Judges S. R. Artman and P. A. Henry,- Theodore P. Shouts, former head of the Panama canal work-; R. A. Long, president ofthe- National Lumberman's Ass^&ion and many others. -* The origin of the Christian Church, dates from the publication in 1809 by I Thomas Campbell, of Washington, Pa., of a document, known as the I "Declaration and Address," which led I ttF* the ? founding ? nf rht> fhristlan Church. The church now has a mil lion and^a. quarter members with 6,000 ministers and about forty schools, colleges, hospjtals, etc. It also had missions and. hospitals in many {orei&p. countries in the far East. * MAYOR TRIES SEVERAL CASES 1 oiing ? r Peddlers Pay the Penalty. The case of State xa. Arthur Nicli olls, White,* and Edward Blount, col ored, charged with the larceny of Mayor Sterling yesterday afternoon. Xlcholls proving an alibi was found ?oot guilty; Blount, was adjudged guilty and bound over to the nexi term of Beaufort county Superior court in the sum' of $100.. He- was committed m Jail. ? ? Thla morning the mayor had sev eral cases before htm, two for retail fni; Rfiriur^. Last night at the carnival' 'frbfthllil1. Policemen Pedrlck and Proctor sus pected William Perkins and Jim Har vey, both colored, of handling booze, fffttch thftm. Sure enough, their men had OSe. Btut, ror they sold to two of their pals, Neal Bason and Dick Latham. No sooner than -the transaction was completed" and the money . passed, the police nab bed them. Perkins aridr Harvey were" boond over to court In (he sum of $100 each. As NeaLand L&thom both swore they did not purchase' whiskey, had no iy?n?T ?tn- nnfl as the police jaw the entlrt? proceedings, ttrey were in dicted for perjury. They- -are now in' jail a? *Oag lhel? m>l eriae.ee* lng oourt. . , 1 ^ The mayor's desk presented an un usdal sight this morning' (MLlhe News representative entered. JBooze was galore on all sides. There were sev eral ptnta ot barley-corn on the table, whloh will be. added to theprlrate closet of the city, now being rapidly filled. The defendants claim they Iprdeted the liquor from Norfolk. b SENDING OCT RKPORTR. ?uMTlutuultat ?f the public "?* "? Thin Mna HOME WEEDING - IN NORFOLK Mr. O. M. Winfieftt of This City, and Miss Edmonds Wedded on October6. .Mr. Ottls M. Wlafleld, of thlfr?clty, was happily married tt> Mies Mary Elizabeth Edmonds, the' only daugh ter of Mrs. F. E. Edmonds. In Nor folk, Va., last Wednesday afternoon, October 6_, at 5 o'clock. The _vw.ddiiig_Jai?k i)luco-n -will be.fVn dered them and theUr*?jjpVls at'tfieTr" futurq home, No. 5*28 West Third street. Many Handsome- aim useful pres ents were received, testing tho high esteem in which they are held. The Daily News joins 1a extending best wlphes. Among the out-of-town guest* were Mr. J. C. Buckman. Mr. H. G. wir fleld, brother of the groom, and Mr. C. E. Hicks! x"^ GOES UP OVER 24,000 FEET Aeronauts Remained in the Air lon48 Hours and 26 Minutes. _ i- % : ? ~ St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8.? The' bal lpon New York in the balloon race from here reached an altitude of .24 - 2U0 feet, meeting temperature 40 de grees . below zero, according to a statement made joday by Augustus New Vprk. yjio. waa assist ant to Pilot Harmon.- By remaining In the air .48 hours and 26 minutes the NW York broke ail r??cox^8-'or height and time lit the air. The winner of the Lainn cui> is still In doubt. The last word from the Centen nial, H. E. Hon^ywill, pilot, was that it was still in IBl1 iUr, ovm 400millea from St. Louis and headed toward Florida. The Centennial will have to cover over 530, miles to beat the larrded at Wahkon, Minn. , The New York lauded at Edlna. rto., 148 miles from here. The Indiana, which sailed under protest because H. H. McGlll has no license, dropped near Albany, Minn., 529 miles air line, after an exciting &U& ' T " The other -balloons In the r%ce landed as follows: ? - . - ' Hooaier, (disqualified), near Rus *elvllle, Mo., in air 15 hours, 24 min utes; distance 123 miles. University City, near Mooresvllle, in air 21 trooni and 55 minutes; dis tance 504 miles: Pommern, near Nnobel, Ark., in air 2$. hours and 30 minutes. Cleveland. near Alexander City. Ala., In'air 39 hours and 4 5 minutes; distance 4 44 miles. SEAMAN LOSES CASH IN SHOW Visits the Carnival and Pickpock et Relieves Him of *11.00. . A member of 'the crew oj the "schooner Annie Wahab,' rujmjiig tween Ocracoke and this city,, visited the carnival Wednesday night and when ho returned to the schooner dis covered he was poorer to the amount of til. The money wtas taken from him while sitting in one of the tents watching the performance. The sailor thinks that some one slt ting next to "Kim on the seat commit ted the act._ ,The police "have no so far as to the guilty party. mff-n : ? Kobbed of Over $100 Wednesday Afternoon ap^lg th?t limb. ~ y[H? l? I?tunf oa ui well ? could ?nd n>ofT rtarian ton occurred Wednesday afternoon. A tfilef or thieves entered the ofllce of Mr. Arthur Mayo, a justice of the peace, on Market street, broke open one of the drawers of his safe, and took between one hundred and one I hundred and ten .dollars In cash. The act was committed in the broad 1 open day time, and, too, at an houri Lwhea, the carnival, just a few feet r away, ~waseTn lrfUih If&twCi ~a'nu m.,:, "i peoplo passing to and fro. Mr. Mayo has no clew to who the guilty parties were. iVqflnesdav afternoon he had .oc casion, between" &TW 4 U f'lUl'fc, iw go out on Fifth street on- business, a'rid was gone from his office about one houf. u On returning to the offlr-e AM) YET ANOTHER! A new disease haV~^appeared In Washington, -Wo have heard of pel lagra, but th#ls far worse, alth?^i??h It is more easily cured And prevented -than that ? the sHh. been committed within such a short, distance of the street and the party not discovered 1b a problem. , The surmise Is that someone famll the interior of his office took advan tage of his absence and wan enriched -thereby. It was bold and daring. COMING WEDDING. The-follo.vlng invitation Jjas_ been Issued: ^Mr. and Mrs. James Lacy Mayo ? request the pieisHre of your company *ct the marriage of their e!Btcr *" Aila niimimii to - Mr. Spnyuel Cecil J^e^ram on the evening of Wednesday the twentieth of October nineteen hundred and nine at nine o'clock - .. 232 East Second street Washington. North Carolina. v Reception immediately < after" thr ceremony, 232 Bast Second street. WORK BEGINS. Work has begun on the second ?fftrr t/v be ad,ftgd to the At*' engine nmja Market itr? fr~wfwed by the board of city aldermen at their last tawttnr Whqn completed It will ? up and most of the farmers of the State are doing well. Official statistics show that North Carolina during the first half the year 190* made greater Industrial strides than any " other State in the I'nlon. . The management of "ttip; State F>ir Iw tofm- www - fully endeavoring for many years to approach nearer and nearer to the original purposes of the Fair, the^ex hibltlon of the best products of the State along .all lines, enlivened by wholesome, legitimate amusements. We understand that never before has there been- such -a-rush for apaca on the' part of exhibitors, for Instance there was doubt at one time thatl there would be stalls enough for the live stock, but It is learned that Suffi cient accommodations have been vided; that several counties will Hare elaborate separate exhibits, and timt altogether the exhibits will bo on a magnificent scale. As for the entertaining side of the Fair, Mr.- George" Harden, one of tne State's foremost horsemen, vouches for the racing being the bfest ever seen In North Carolina, .he having Just returned from a visit to the fairs lh Virginia, on the circuit of which I he Raleigh Fair is a member. He also speaks In the highest possible terms of the attractions that are to be in Raleigh. Among the latter arc Kemp Sisters' Wild West Show, which will give many free acts. Including the over land stage roach; the Great Daven ports, who dash over a slender wire eighty feet above?i&und on a wheel ?of, fire, free, "frees antfTJennette as Happy Hooligan and Laifcia Ann, in the bojsj^ir trick and as aerialist's on trapeze^ 'and ?oman ..rtftgs. all ffee; the novel tmoon rane. two balloons ascending tc?-dlzzy heights and eJftfi dropping two parachutes at the same time; the Merrlmac ancl Monitor show, that made1- the great' hit at Jamestown u Ferarl's trained wild an tmalsr the trained fleas; the infant iacubator exhibit with real liv? babies under 'glass, and others too burner" ous to mention. Then the improvements at the grounds; the midway has been ua - -aH? have :!#?*? 5n?e last year; Ml 1 11 i.. |. ui 1. 1 built, there being seating capac:;v ?nrm f.->r about twenty-five hundred outside of tile grand' stand; and 4?var>'ibin? put, .in shipshape. - There win be more special trains j ihan ever before.-Vith the usual low 1 1' ' I TTiTT Stiver cars In m?t?r^h" will charge! only five cents t^ the grounds. Augusta Doctor Shoots Cashier Augusta*. 6a., Oct. 8. ? H. w/smnr. a city physician and a local politician. au 1 i/.' \a: > S. Gray, cashier of the Union Savisigs Hank. Four shots were flr^tfT two taking effect, one in the Ifft hftnd and one in the fleshy part of ttw? left 'IBB ' t!. HUH 1 3 lunmi, i ii i auumej and also attorney of the bank named, seized Shaw, sending two of the shot6 wild and saying Gray from furthor wounds. ? Gray today is at: a local hospital and is doing well. There id rro likelihood oT"#erlouR results from the wounds themselves. Gray Is one of the most promlnerrt-rTf-the-ynttRtrer men of Angusta. Hets a brother of State Railroad Comm!e?onor r.ray .ShaSB-^rarreptitlously R?4*^rtalned from the bank fnTdrmaflon "thai ?l cus= connt. .Using this Information Shaw garnisheed the account. Gray, over the phQne, denounce/1 Shaw for the, manner in which he ascertained the information oh which he proceeded In* the garnishment matter. Shaw proceeded to the bank. He met Gray on the sidewalk. Gray moved toward ShaW, 8haw drawing his pistol and firing on the banker. The affair bar SUPERINTENDENT OF HEULTHillOTIES - AND ODUSATIQNS Law Requires Him to Have the County CourtRoom Fumigated W.eek'Before Court? He$hou!d ^Carry Out His Duties. "The Dally News wishes, to -call at- " tentlon to certain duties Incumbent upon tfce County Superintendent o( Health. As a means of precaution \ ? and aafeguard to the public general ly this paper gives below extracts from the laws of North Carolina -de- . fining the duties of County Superin tendents. of Health that should be Carefully TGinT TTF&-rTBie nas come when the people can not be too care ful bo far as health Is concerned. Section - 4445, Revlsal of 1906, says: ? "The duty of the County Superin tendent of Health -shall be to carry out as far as possible such work as may be directed by the County Sanl- ? tary Committee and by the State Aboard Of Health. He shall always promptly advise the Secretary of the State Board of Health of the unusual pre valance, .of disease in his county, especially - of typhoid fever, scarlejt fever, diphtheria, yellow fever, small- , pox and cholera. He shall make the medico-leg^ post mortem examina tions for coroners inquests, attend the Inmates/of the county home, 4pr the aged and infirm, and^the prison ers ln.s3ail or convict camp of llsy county. Make examinations ofMuna tlcs for committment. ~He shall be the sanitary Inspector of the*-home and Jail, Including conTlct camp of * his county, making monthly reports - to the Board of County Commission ers and to the Secretary of the State Board pt Health. A County Super-; intendent has no right to delegate tho performance of his official duties -to others. Again: The .public laws of. 1009, chapter 702, entitled an act to amend sec tion 44 45 or the Revlsal of 1905, so as to provide for the better sanita tion of courtrooms reads: "Section 1. That section 4 445 of the Revlsal "of 1903 be apiended by adding at the end tln^oLJhe follow ing words: He shall cause the County courtroom to be thoroughly funiigat- ?> " ed and otherwise put in proper sanl Hir> condition iluilim thr urrk pre* reding each ami every regular and special -lej'iii of ITie Superior court and the expense then* incurred shall be dcTVayed out of the general county fund. T* Z 'hf force from and after it* ratification. 8t.i; !fh?! tf.i'. OUi day uf Manh. i000.'r This Is a very important matter and the law should, he complied with strictly and to tire letter. Not only tho' courtroom, but every placc used for >gatji?srings 6hould be keptHn a / ? v sanitary condition. The welfare and . . -*>? ? iiv ii - niiiii News Carriers See the Shows THo Daily VewsCarriera 'vera tha guest of the. carnival management T&st lilgftf. Rtfd lr Ik Tteedless'tu "state- ?*? ^and evdry. one had a royal good Hoot Carnival Company. Each at traction was visited and every cour tesy extended. The carriers are In debted to the management for -an "t forded. ? l>R. BK AM AN BKTTKB. ? The many friends R^v r>r Boa? man. formerly pastor of the" First Methodist Church, this city, will be glad_to learn that his condition Is "rapidly- Improving. This week he was able ro be up and talking about Us residence jn New Bern, He has been -confined to W bM.lS? MV9R1 weenR. . ? New Advertisements in Today's News. | Hy-o-mel. ri>ol-G?|p-(irwn?"fMMl Co.t Nor folk* Jewelry. HoteT Lorraine, Norfolk. 9. I* O'Qtttnn, Raleljfh Ftortot, I Fall and Winter Bulbs. J. R. j