THE WEATHER VOLUME L WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINAjj MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 11.. 1909 REP. MOORE TALKS ABOUT WATERWAYS Has Made Investigation He is President of the, Atlantic ^Deeper Waterways Association, . - Whose Second Convention is to be Held in Norfolk Soon. Washington, D. C-, Octo'uer 11 (Spe cial).? Bepresentatlvq >. Hampton Moorfe', of Philadelphia, president of the Atlantl?*?>eeper Waterway# Abbo cjtlon, whose second annual conven-; tlon Will be held In Norfolk, V^., No vember 17-20. has spent his vacation In an examination, -pot only of the waterways of the Atlantic coast, but of mld-contlnental United States and the Paget cound country. Last year Mr. Moore ;jngde a careful and sys tematic study, of the waterways of Europe in order thatOie might Intel- .! llgently present hls^f conclusions to the association of phlch he Is presl equfpplng himself to pass ^ liT "Judg ment upon the waterway problems which will confront C^ffcreas, at the forthcoming session, loading? up to the lntrodUctlonHrnd passage of a riv er and harbor bill, Mr. Moore fias not only gone over the route of the pro posed Inside water course from Bos ton, Mass., to Beaufort, N. C.. and the Florida Keys, but he has Inspect ed the upper Mlssourf;\the Snake and the Columbia rivers.- 'As a resuR of these Investigations, the congressman : ? ^*s pronourrT^<r~" views on the lmper-i atlve needs of Improving the water-! ways of the United 8tates. Speaking on thla subject, he said: "We are Just awakening in this conn try to t^e Importance of deepen - harbors. There are fully 50.000 miles of navigable streams In the United States, half of which are not suffke improved to be of any material benefit to commerce. Thus far Con gress has provided for Improvements ) v* tjr. largely according to. the Insist ence^ various localities. One river has received much attention and an other river has received little. Wfcait we really need In the United Statesjs a comprehensive system by which wa terways may be developed so that ? teed for ships or frarges. ? The Con gressional commission which is now touring Europe will probably bring back some Ideas with regard to this subject. - ? 'whlch th<r"puoj)l{?"havo bepir tnltcrT" tn sleep Js displayed along the Atlantic coast. Canals have been closed up whjch, prior to the advent of the rail roads, were the chief means of trans portation. Today the manufacturers of New England, and Qf many of the ? Middle anil Hnmhtrn flfwtA* are sim niir nnihln because of the heavy nrM sure upon the railroads, to obtain" a prompt service in the delivery of freight. New England Is practical ly bottled up and to a large extent Is handicapped, both In the shipment of freight and In the transportation of passengers In rush tlmos, because of ? Its dependence _ upon, one railroad company. "Ttfls is not whoIIy.a"T7ew "England" condition, however, for any travel en ThroogS^flfe great ^.ortnvnta a tiring must have observed that the rail broads were elmply overcrowded and that the population of the country is Increasing more rapidly than >ls the power of railroad managers to obtain new capital to build new roads. For some reason or other, there is strong opposition in Washington tp the opening op of the waterwa>s as competitive means communication. How long this opposition will be able to thmrnw* TT>? nnnJltV ntHlM ? -txriia seen.'- Congressmen are begln mand facilities for the shipment of " commodities, and that they want bet ( ter and cheaper transportation. -Br the time Congress convenes in De cember, we will all be better able to ? Jufrffe this situation, for the Presi dent's trip down the Mississippi will have been completed, the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association will have met at Norfolk fcnd various con ^_ventlons. representing different secj tions of,.the country will have given expression To thB *4llH try upon this important subject. ways Commission will have returned from Europe .and we will probably -J from them some comprehensive LIONANDfBEAR FIGHT IN CAGE Bruin Was No iftatch for Quick er Antagonist and Suffered Severely. Suffolk. V?.. Oct. 11? ? TTrllily'torn by four jagged teeth wounds on Us sliuulileiB. and hearth# smaller trace* of talon trenches on_ otUer_parts of its body,*a polar bear belonging t<> a" carnival company shows many marks of a conflict w^ilch occurred Saturday morning betVeen 'the bear and a big trained lfon. The lion and boar occupied diffe# ent ends of the same cage. The wood en partition was battered down and the beast-battle began between 9 and 10 o'clock a. m. and according to the showmen raged fovtf^mrutesr The bear was no match for the king* of beasts. Firearms, hot irons and sharp^ hooks had to be applied some minutes before the Hon would let up, on its antagonist. ^ The lion, when finally gotten out of the cage, was unruly for awhHe. Its trainer ha<i to use his pistol"6nc? more? ? The animal'* head waa cover ed and It waa finally coaxed into an other cage. - A ttBSBJBtalMB Mr. J. V. Harper shipped today to Aurora threo thousand feet of tin uto be uaed In covering the storo of J. W. Mayo 4b Bro., of that town. This Is one of the largest shipments of tin to a small town In the history of the cl ft. The American Loses Trophy ^Parts, Oct. 12. ? Word was received today from Berne, Switzerland, that Edgar W- Mix, the American balloon ist who made the great flight from jiurloh to Warsaw, a distance of 69< miles, has been disqualified as the winner of the International trophy. It is claimed tfcat Mix descended at an Intermediate point. iu Bohemia and this disqualified him, according to the rules of the race. Mix is due to arrive id Paris today, and does not, apparently, yet know of any such' action by the Swiss Aero* Club. He stated before leaving Ber lin that some boys had caught hold of the dangling anchor rope of his balloon near Prague and had pulled tho car wlthlri ? a ? few feet of the however, that they let go, he says. . A LIVE TOWN. Mr. ^George Howard, of Hyde coun -KVjqig laju J no city. ioc. aJTft town in ttorth Carolina, and that the citizens for courtesy and kindneBS to the-etranger can not be surpassed anywhere. It Is always a pleasure for him to visit this city. Mr. How ard, though blind, gets around wlth. out aid, and since ne naB"5eeh cojfc ing here nas met_a large number of peoniP He wy& Washington N>r him all the time. ' READY-TO* WEAR DAY. Thursday will be ready-to-wear day at the popular emporium of James E. Clarlc Company. This firm has made numerous reductions in their prices for this satoSntf the ladies of Wash jngton no doubt will take advantage and select man* of the bargains to their ad. on the fourth ^page.~~ i OPERATED ON EYE. Mr. John McKwl WJtf operated on, Saturday by Dr. H. W. Carter, the oculist, for eye trouble. The opera tion was very successful, and Mr. McKeel is fretting on as well as could be expected. APPRECIATION OP MR8. OVER MAN'S ARTICLE. to thank Mrs .WMllaw ii, Owian 4or her ready championship of the splendid work ot -our late lamented Margaret Arthur Call. The Washington Grays Chapter Children -Call, Octobe# 9, 1897, has the honor of being the second of Its kind In the entire 8outh ae well as the first in North Carolina. Who that remembers Mrs. Call leading her beautiful baq?. of . rouo* patriots on those fair May morningB can fall to honor the memory- of this .deyoted^woman. Would that one llfr tie spark of her enthusiasm might kindle In the hearts of those she has originated In this State may net lan gulsh and die here" In the town she lored so ' will not- some SPINNERS ARE WORKING FOR UNITED ACTION To Down Price Cottoft Club in Boston Representing ^4, 000,000- Spindles Sends Out a Form of Agreement? Action in South Afso! Boston, Mass., Oct. 12.? A gigantic movement born of unrest of long standing In the progress throughout the leading cotton textile districts of the world, looking toward a general curtailment of production during the remaining Tncmth?-ot _thJs_ year and In 1910. The principal reasons ad vanced for" the movement are the gradual increase. In tjie cosfcof raW; material and the failure of* the dry goods markets to respond in a way which Vduld assure continued profit to manufacturers during the Mlt lJ months. In Lancashire the yarn 6plnnenT have been running their mills on. flhnrt ttma ,fnw tarn ninwlli. n?i A H | cently many other English mill own ers voted to shut <Jown two days each ' week until Nq^emhar^fL __ 1 On September IE the Arkwrlght Club of Boston, representing 14,000,-1 000 out of 17,000,000 spindles In' New England sent out to all the cot-| ton mills In this district, which "1b [ second In the industry to Lancashire, forms of agreement for signatures fori a curtailment. The Investigations of! the executive committee of this club| convinced it that no d4f&eulty-would j be experienced in securing the slgna-> tures representing several million! spindles. The proposition calls for the sus-J pension of work for 224 working. hours between the date 1 mefat and August l. 1910, to become effective when j^ot less than seven' million spindles have been signed up.". Reports from different sections of New ?n*land the prfcp-^ osltion of the Arkwrlght Club is' meeting with an encouraging re- J sponse. Such curtailment, however, Is not likely to become effe^H^ in ( this State in the immediate ^future'., as many of- the mills that will sign an agreement will be unabte-to fill present orders without-steady run-' nlng until wellinto January. 4 manufacturers, are, as a rule, willing to curtail production, providing that they are not called upon to withhold goods while outside centers oontlnuo to run in full. 1 ; great Interest In New Bedford and other places where the operatives have been refused a restoration of a 10 per cent cut In wages made in 1908. It* is suggested that If the -New Bedford manufacturers are in sympa thy with the thirty ila^clgsing move- , ment- fho nfT.^rr cf n ntulhr Cltv would l>. im rl i n 1 1 v n?lllf?>H The curtailment has also been tak en' -up by "the Southern cotton mill owners. Saturday the board of gov-| ernooff of the American Cotton Man- ( ufacturers* Association at a meeting, held In Charlotte, N. C., adopted res-' -olutions setting forlK-thelr claim that 1 the present disparity between the' price of cotton and cotton goods pre-) rtades flnrpoBBtbiltty OT 'the success- [ ful operation of Southern mills. ,v late a curtailment agreement which j everyjntfli In the South will be urged ' to sign. ' In certain cotton producing and selling centers the claldi 1b made that) the preeeirt curtailment movement is largely an attempt to hold down the price of the staple. The officials. 6f the operatives unions In sever*! New England cities profess to see In the campaign at attempt to avord an ad vance In wages, but the officials of the Arkwrlght Club tfwT that Question has anything to do with the existing plans. __ ? - The cotton mills of New England, Including yarn mtils, fcmpk>y upwards of 100,000 hands. You don't have to run a boarding house in order to board a train. MAY PROTEST !NA Tokyo Hears That dfe United States OBJecO to theManchu rian Pact ,^rvnkvo. Orf if. Sperl^^ll^patchea the ?alted States U pgfrparlag to make a vigorous protest gainst the recent agreement betweenlChina and Japaai in relation to ManAurian af fairs. _ ? Information has reachml the War I Department In Washington, from Ma nlla^whlch indicates that of 'the Chinese government in that city have a peculiar bug effective! method of dealing \ylth olj&ctlonable characters of tfceir own ripe. Some weeks ago a number of Cnamen, it appears, were seized andThipped to Arnoy without the knowle&e or con sent of the United States At It was explained that Chinamen were bad characters, levy prosper- | uccom Lhreats of I tag blackmail on their mi ous countrymen, frequ panylng their demands by personal violence or death ininiJiii The situation Is said tob*c become] intolerable and that the CBnese con sul In Manila finally took ^ie matter | le officials ithorltles. -deported PP twelve 1 1* the dead othet* Chinamen rounded of the worat offenders and L Of night put them ? aboard n ?h>p . bound for China. , \4- > Nothing further has bee^ heard of the matter, and it Is not expected that anything will be heard, exofcpt in the event that an effort Is madelo force a return of the Chinamen, wMch is be lieved to be improbable. Ayreportod here, the community is wef very .bad element, which L preying on the well-to-do ?hlnamen } for some months past. "* Crane I? Not Wo... An interview In which V Crane, the new minister ta .= quoted freely, was pubUslwd yester day In Chicago. In nart; frr Crane 1 isrles R. China, la I e aid: "I am In the dark so, as con-| cerns the nature of thla^ajtfSl. I got] a brief mettRage di recting me to reporTst ~W?Shl n ?Ton once more -l?efore~ sailing for China. "J do not think the summons is for the purpose, of giving -the State De liart mentTpopgrty nltj tO' crlticise^re cent pubftb utterances of mine. It is most probable that thing* have come up whfih necessitate consultation and conference. It Is generally under stood that the situation la'ffie Far ?3?ast is &t &-d?ln*atp Conferred With Taffc "The papers have pointed ou? that Secretary Knox may wish to advise against a repetition of such speeches ?' dflK-nrftrt <n \W <"kU. ? ai.n- mnrift iiijr~TiRirt:vi my appointment. Following the cer. celpt of cordial Invitations to make addresses before various organiza-l tlons I went to President Taft and told him I Hid not Consider myself fit to accept them. He told me to go ahead and do the fcest I could, and that end I lime turlv ? "Ml1' Tefi IIIIUMH lUai 1 am in sym pathy with the policies to which he has given his phbllc. Indorsement. As I left San Franlcsco I learned that the President had been notified of| my recall, but he, too. was 1$ igaor ance as to its cause ~ ASSISTANT MAHSHAIA Among the assistant marshals se- 1 lected by Chief Marshal N? H. Mc- L ueacneyrwe notice the names of Tom Thompson and W. a. Thnmp^ nf Aurora; Lindsey C. Warren, Oeorge Hackney. Jr., and Major W. C. Rod man, df IhU city. VISITS HOMf: TOWTf. Mr. Frank Q. Hoyt, of Brooklyn. N. Y., arrived pn Saturday afternoon for a two weeks' visit to his old home towi? and Is staying at the_home of Rev Kithanla) Hardlnn Mh. daugh ter, Miss Clara, accompanied him and on Bridge street. Mr. Hoyt is the brother of the late Edmund S. and James H. Hoyt and his old frlenda aT* delighted to again welcome hini to the town of his birth. Merry-Go-Round Employe ^ Skips With Carnival Cash : ? : ? _ ? ' Frank Brock, one of tfce employes ? lion of hla man'a vbereaboat*. wont merry-go-round of the B^irkoot Chocoxv Jnfty and captured ?blm.- He Carnival Company, shipped Saturday } u** WILBUR lilCHT BREItKSlPEEfl RECORD AGAIN Wright Predicts He Can Attain Speed of Jrqm 60 to 70 Miles an Hour After Sailing 46 Miles Now in Short Flight. College Park, Md., Oct. 9. ? Alter breaking the world's '-pecord? foT flights over a closed eircult, a kilo mete'fon dlstanco;' Wilbur Wright pre dicted that he could attain a speed of 60 to 70 miles an hour in an aero plane racer. He had Just torn through the air in the government aeroplane at a rate of approximately 4<T miles an hour, making a new record of 58 3-55 Beconda for 500 metres and return, including a turn. j To" reach the higher rate of sp^ed, Mr. Wright said he would-reduee the size of his biplanes in the govern ment machine, and^at the samo-Uufre lighten their weight. For raqlng pur poaoB, lit? nkji ? hi? WuIJ be cffhtefiT with the "plant" in this aeroplane. Lahm Again Takes Hide. _ Following the successful flights of the forenoon, Mr. Wright made two ascensions late in the afternoon. Once tils engine seemed lazy and the aero plane settled to the ground 200 feet from the' starting rail. On one of the afternoon flights Lieutenant Lahm accompanied Mr. Wright. On the other Mr. -Wright, alone, repeated the performance of the forenoon by start ing off the-rail without the aid of the rights. "lieutenant. Lahm for the-fixst time assisted in guiding the machine during the flight In which he ascend ed, a third lever having been installed for the benefit of the officer, who Is being taught u> navigato th? mn chlne. Having delved into most other American inventions Minister Wu Ting Fang of China saw his first aero plane flight today and absorbed all Ine niforofAiion dTOnnable "from-" a rapid fire of questions directed at Mr. Wright and officers at the government aeroplane shed. Mrs. Wu a<^ompan ied Dr. Wu to the field, but! 'she did not ask any questions. It was the engine that puzzled the Minister. ^"Where's the he? in o il liud. He ^ w a ^ tQl^? ' n g about internal | Minister Wu Impressed. "Can you fly to Ne* York?" he asked Lieutenant Humphreys. ^"1 probably could, but I would not like tn try." rp;iMprMui ???> W* ir-T? .x.VF.TCf rw-rnmi pression with the mlnteter-that-iT did not go high enough to be out of dan ger in time of war, and that it made too much noise. "That's fine. Mr. Wright," he ex claimed, _as. the aviator returned from ? <Hyhf "Whwi vftii get tt won't van lnln? uvit to Chiiiu"" ? FDP. i! !UU' 1!'.C rail". I!- UV yiR'MUi! II) appreciate he might have been more diplomatic, so he added, "It's all right now." * The minister said he would feel sorry for anyone who might get sick in an aeroplane. That led to his as sertion that Tie if proot against, sickness and would like to take a ride iiT an aeroplane himself. . _.c;vilTiss thhillei) crowd. Su Lou I sT Mo., Oct. 12.? *Under the arch of a brilliant rainbow, Olenn H. Curtlss thrilled thousands of raln aoaked- spectators here late Saturday afternoon by an aeroplane flight of more than a mile over the tree tops of Forest Park. CurtisB was in (he air one minute and 49 serbnds, and in that brief time he covered close to nine fur longs. At first, rising to a height of 40 feet, he dipped, then rose grace fully over tfce^rgg .tnpg as he trrmgrt in a great arc and came back to the start lng-P**kHr ? landing was on TOiiyh, soggy grorrrnfr; but tt was so skillfully executed that no Jar was noticeable.' ^ . Curtis* literally risked "ffla neck and his machine in today's, flight. Pre vious trials had shown that the avia tion field under the shadow of Art Hill in Forest Park, was too cramped for secure manipulation of the dell f ately poised vetOtfanes. A group of trees 350 yards from the starting 'point was an obstacle . which George -OftBtontr- operator M Qra Curson-Pa** inan biplane had tried In vain to over come uuil'ig thfe.week, and was the TnAlracT cause oT hre acciaeni yw'r ler'day. Bet Cvtiae flying fn the face qt a fltfut br<v.~e, Che remains of a gutty over the tree topt, .and although his! : biplane tipped as he turned, he calm ly -righted It. A well-beaten path may not lead In the right direction. IS ASSflUL ED AND RQBBED ON StfiEET^ESTEBOHY Man's Skull City's Principal Thoroughfare. CONDITION IS PRECARIOUS C. R. Shafer, Manager of Several Shows With Barkoot .,-Ajnusament Company, Knocked Insensible and Over $50 Taken From His Person? Operation Performed Yesterday and Pieces of Skull Removed. One of the boldest and most daring; assaults- and robberies ever commit* | ted in this city occurred between 12 j and l o'clock Sunday mornlng.i in j frontof Mr_W. B. Morton's residence on East Main street. . Mr. C. R. Shafer, owner of several of the Barkoot carnival shows, was going tu hin boarding place 011 East Main street. He heard footsteps ap proachfng-hlm from behind, but paid no attention to them, supposing them home. As the steps caught up to him. a hand was laid on his shoulder with- a friendly greeting. Mr Shafer on looking around' received a stunning blow in the face! "rendering him un conscious. Sometimes later, Mr. D. W. Bell, ?manager of the telephone exchanit??. was going to his house and saw the man leaning on the corner post, at . ^he corner of Main and Harvey Streets. Thinking the man Intoxicat ed, Mr. Bell was passing 011. when he' was called by the supposed "drunk"! "1 need- assistance. 1 have been knocked down and robbetf." Mr. Bell at once crossed to him and j saw the desperate plight of the ln Jured man. Telling him to wait until ! he could call medical assistance, Mr.1' Bell ran to his room and 'phoned, at 1 1 Mr. Shafer's request, for Dr. Joshua' T*y4o4?.? -Oii hfe refcuvp- h?i touted Mr ? Shafer huddled against the Iron fence of Mr. C. M. Little's lot. Ilere one of the carnival men Jollied them on hi* way to hix boarding house, u:ift Mr. Bell sent him at a run for the chief of police and a physician. In a few momenta Chief George Howard, accompanied by a posse, ar flved, and the Injured man_K&s_help t hence taken to the hospital, where at 5 o'clock an operation was performed, convulsions having set In. Several Utr* from his right temple, and for some little time uo hope, was entertained of Ills recovery. ^tft-he regained con sciousness yesterday and his condi tion waa surprisingly good. If he holds his own for a week there is a chance for his life. Mrs. Shafor, wife of the wounded man, is in the 'city, to be near her luiBband. The carnival people were much up set by the occurrence, and regretted orlte with them nil. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer are from Washington, D. C., and have been with the carnival since March. The police have been busily search ing for every clue, but as ybl no ar rests have been made. About flfty two dollars were taken from the pack ets of Mr. Shafer, 'and he has given a partial description of the assailant, a ad be would recoguia* the man could he seen hjm. Loaded Pistol on His Person Sunday afternoon -at Che Atlantic sweririg to the name of Robert Fran cis. just before the depart are of the train, was noticed acting rather sus piciously, so ttueh so that Chief How-1 an! arr.^l.^1 1 a S the company and there questioned. During the conversation between the negro and the chief, he would every few minutes grab his clothing. This action caused the ^ofllcer to search him. On his person was found about one dollar and a half in money and a^ londfii vi' t-r. '??^n rr. Mw? -.,,i ,>,i. .ft before Mayor Sterling. He was bound over to the next term of court I in the sum of $50. Failing to give the| bond he was commltteed to jail. Hearst Will Make Race New York, Oct. 12. ? William Ran dolph Hearst at 12:15- o'clock this ;?*inrrtjn<r .annnniiparf i accept the nomlnatlorr for mayor as tendered at an independent mass meeting at Cooper iTnlon oaWednes day night. His Htatem'ent. outlining the condl tlon upon which he will accept,' la In part as follows^ "Whether I am a candidate or not I will support the rest of the fusion ticket nominated in opposition to Tammany hall. When the indepen dence _ leagae_ committee withdrew from the fusion conference.' it de clared that it still stood ready 'to support a frank and honcsf expres sion of progressive principles and candidates irrespective of party' this 7s your opportunity to substantiate that declaration. Nominate me if you to desire with the greater part of that fusion ticket behind me and I will run." - ? ? . ? ?/ OEM THEATER TONIGHT. The Gem showed on Saturday-night a goodly number of people who wqye glad to get Into the cool, clean, rest ful plaeer to liaar the good mnsfe ana to loqk at the pictures again. The CJem has been thoroughly fumigated and cleaned and the air fe>t delicious^ be a good program and yoil can go to or baring your pockets robbed, or baring dirty handsful .of confetti rubbed in your fae* Orchestra m\?lc and coupon, (or th? mt'i rrttm to ..... .. | CO&TLY PRODUCTION. Miss Eugenia Flagg. who is the Portia of the Edouard D.Oize produc tion of~"The Merchant of Venice," is an actress of exceptional ability, ^er youth, beauty and rare comprehen sion of Portia combine to make her of the flesh demand^ it>g Jew a matter of common accep tance wherever the play .has been pro duced this seasnj:. It is not always tl'.f good -fortune of a star of Mr. D'Olze's exceptional ability to be bo ?TTiTTrtrr' V' -rr " Mi?s Flagg well placed, but the entire cast" as well. The occasion of the one evening's engagement at Brown's Oj:??ra House or. Kr(daj^_October 15. should fill the theater. The play la far beyond the common performances of "The Merchant." It being a produc .T;nn snrh n* 's tritium si't?n mutglde nf mi ljyppy veetige of scenery and equipment is carrleS by Mr. Gregg, the manager, the house '."drop" being the only bit of drapery that will give local ??color:" all else, comes with the production . Mt. Gregg says: "I bring the atmosphere of -Tefilce" to" your -theater and my players furnish the action superbly In accordance with true tradition." STORM WARNING. ricane warning HrjTi. fa. Mobile" PenBacolar, Panama City. Apalchlcola, Calrabelle, Cedar Keys, Rockwell, Tampa, Pentagorda. Punt* Rasa, Key West, Jupiter, Jacksonville, Savan nah, Charleston. hurricane of marked Intensity central just west of Key West going north. . Shipping northward to Hatteras and westward, to Mobile warned tq take refuge. M06RE. TK* ? ? There wm shipped u>ur TH6 Atl&n llc Coast Line today ten car loads of cotton. The value of -the shipment *'111 aggregate near I2S.000. N?w Advertisements ' ? ~ - Today's News. Gllhooly's Irish Liniment. J. K. Hoyt's Ladiee* Black Sateen Petticoats. Ja?. E. Clark Co. ? Ladle*' iky Theater ? Motion Pictures "f and Orchestra. * w. ?*. ?-? . ? m Fnll and Winter Bulhs. Oownn's Pnenimmla Cure. Hlck*s i SV* <ui . r?n

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