TWcwtomiR Last Edition WASHINGTQ^. NORTH QARQLINA, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 13, 1909. W 8F KEY WEST A MASS If Lu I n tftmJu 1 OfJiECKftGE 500 Homes Destroyed More Than 100 Vessels, Seven Ghurches and Nine Cigar Fac tories Add to Great Loss in the Florida City. Jacksonville. Fla., Oct. 13. ? rWitn the hurricane burled In the Atlantic " ocean, several hundred miles off Jacksonville and the reports from the peninsula of Florida njore reassuring, interest centers in the late of the sev eral thousand workmen employed on ^he Florida East Coast Extension railway. These men are bridging the Atlantic, building a railway from Mi ami to Ke/"\VeBt, across the waters of the ocean/ In ordinary cond'ltlona they live on dredges and house boats, but the weaftTOr bureau was able to ~ 36-hours^ warning and preparations wero'made for the "big blow." The men were called into the safer parts of the coast, and measures were tak en to protect tlyj construction of the line. / . Just ho\v_v^ar thft- precautionary measures were successful remains to be seen. The only reports from the line are in the possession of Vice President Beckwith, dTThe railroad, and he declines to make them public. Other officials claim that the men are all safe and that, it Is the belief of the engineers that the work has not been greatly damaged. Half of Kej West in Rains. Key West. Fla., Oct. 12? The Flor ida Bast Coast Railway extension lUnmar Phil SheckeT arrived here tkls afternoon from Sugar I>oaf, bringing the first direct news from the . thousands of men employed* on tta? extension, concerning whom there was grave apprehension. _ The camps at Bocaehicaand Sugar Loaf were de stroyed and the^gr%de-tor 30 miles but there has been no loss of life along -the line. Second Mate A ndre.w* Cooper, or the schooner Med ford, lost his life the government wharf and his body was washed overboard. Three mem bers of the crew^of another schooner are missing and It Is .thought they were drowned. * ? - . Matacumble reports no loes of life NWfW 16H- Ot HUQ llvAl ftlong <he eoaat is bgllered Jte be i founded. One death Is . reported, that of Frank Ofay, a photographer. < Today hundreds of homeless were roaming the streets. Fortunately the weather Is brtfht and warm and thece is little physical, suffering. 1'? Wit- JD+EiUM&ftf his Instruct-1 ed the commandant of the coast ar tillery companies stationed here to aid the city authorities In every way possible; and tents and bedding will be distributed by the soldiers. At this time no estimate can be rftren. of the financial l6i?Ws Tncurre<r T>y Ihe storm, but It Is believed it will be between two and three million dol lars. stances months, before the big tobac co factories will be able to resume operation8r and business generally will be at a standstill* for at least sev *??> *"? ? i: ? - ? ' . As Boon aa dirknol fell laat night. tU?VH began their rmld on the hom?e and offlce buildings -deetroyed Duetto, gtiyi , The pnlUie were iin. able to cope with the aUtutloo and Mayor Fogarty Immediately called for IMKW Weel-Guarda. the loeal ?lllllary orgaalaatlon, and the city ?IHIml ?alee ??Hl.l H? -- ? ? In the realrtoc^aifttkt the streets la many Instances were rendered lm paaaable by the mtai of the honeea. Whole bullrings were picked up and hurled serosa the streets, and ?aty advance w%rnjpfa of th?\w*aU*V bu reau prevented a Heavy loss of life. | Along the wafer front, the beaches] were 'strewn with the wreckage* o 1 SMALL BABY IN BOX CAR . v Infant About Thirty -Six Hours OM FnnnH l.yiny In-iiilp nf r~ Suit C?S?^ _ Huntington. W. Va>, Oct. 11. ? A pretty, little, ltgbt-hairod. blue-eyed, girl baby, apparently not moro than 36 hours old, was taken from* a suit case. In a box car of the-^?hesapeake & Ohio freight train at Montgomery , this jno/nlng. When the tradn which fe/l this city shortly before daylight" thfs" mornng pulled Into Montgomery two tramps told tho conductor that the screams of a child could be..beard in the box car, and' an Investigation. was begun. The child was found in the sultcasc. j dressed in the finest of linens. About Its body was a white broadcloth cape. j Nothing could be found by which the child could be Identified. It was at last turned over to Squire Davis, who ; says he will adopt the infant. " ' ? J a" copy or a Toledo ne^-Bpaper, dated : September 29. The car had bee^ in! the railway yards hers tivo days. | Strangers Notice a Local Virtue I am comparatively a stranger in j Washington which probably accounts . for me noticing- the beautiful spirit' and Interest eo manifest one towards another in your lovely city. The co- j operation of Wirablngtbfttans is -str^ marked that even the casual observer ; could but notice It. A tow days ago one of the carni val operators was held up, assaulted ! and robbed. The mgjiy expressions' of sympathy Is unfortunate young man was certainly a clear , dembnstratlon of the love^hn<Wrlend lines8 of her good folk, and can but help make the stranger feel, that I within the confines qf Washington. he ( is truly among friends | Generally speaking, we "are prone to be selfish, and Invariably over look the many opportunities to speak ? a kind word to those In distress, but' not so with Washington. I am proud; m?t nr tiuw? Mwwi ibhi rtr fmrr guy ! and today all that- remains of his mortal being rests peaoefully beneath f^tnur and Waahlnprfitn a ciiy, founded upoh a basis as fertile and; productive as the best. Her peo ple thrifty and energetic, while the "go" anaff and energy (>re-i vails, as in all business centers, "yet that spirit of brotherly love and frlendlinesa 6o. rarely seen In these ****** -days of commercial -Jtax* beautlfxil town than all the selfish greed that ever existed. Strangers notice more than your home people. You kpow that we can never see ourselves as others seef^us. Continue faithfully upon the pattu^ "Sfready biased, and great will be you* ? stfEeona and ? Godly ? be ? pout ? p?opi?- , ? h. Pt w. HKCKVTIOS tHIH- EVKMNU. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Wlnfield, who were married in Norfolk, October 6,' Will arrive today~from their bridal ; tour. This evening a reception will | be tendered them at the home of the .gron>rt!4 mother^Jklrs. Sarah A-Wlij . field, corner Third and Fearce streets, ' from 8 to 11. ???' small ' boats of all kinds, and here vrhne piefi andwharves ? weie , all ; | swept away'. At the time the storm ! brok^ yesterday afternoon there were naarly 100 vat? Is in the hsrhnr Thn majority of these were swept to sea or broken up on the beaches. ' ? city is practically in ruins, over 500 kmmm haretmen destroys A andJlAflt* thdf a hnndred ships wrecked as a result of the hurricane which swept this ctty yesterday afternoon. 8e*B churches and nine of. the Urfest clgsr factories Iff the 8outh also were dMtr^w. Hundred of men are how at work cleaning u( the streets under the di rection of Mayor Fogarty. *. PARTS f BfflMf 40I1N0 ilMSS SUIT M Severed Woman's Legs Victim In Awful Murder Was a Young Rhode Island Girl? Was Murdered in New Bedford in All Probability. ? - ?Tiverton, R. I., Oct. 12. ? Tho flnd-[ Jng of tho severed legs of a wcotian In a dress suit case among some bushes !n an outlying section of this town to day brought to light What jtyg Author ities aro convinced is a case of mur der. The discovery of a Netf Bed ford newspaper or yesteraay date with the portions of the litnbs is re garded as the most' Important clui. thus far obtained, indicating possibly the place of the murder, if murder thOTC WQSi Thn nnH-rirlt lr>g "freight were of tho opinion that the woman was murdered in New Bedford, that ih? legs were placed in the sr.M msp there and brought by team or auto mobile to Tiverton last night. According to tho raetyaal examtnerrj t>r. John Stlmson, the murder was! committed not more than 12 or 15' ?:ou'rs before the- suit case wao -dis covered. . That a .murder v.-asr com- 1 mlted, that the cutting was not done by the experienced hands of a sur geon or bjT a medic&T student Is the belief of - the medical e'JEfiaiiner, who says that apparently a common hand saw was used lo-eer^rTBe legs from the trunk. A search for the other portions -of the body in the woods nearby is being made. The body might have lain undis covered for days had not a rural lel" ter carrier, Geo. Potter, chanced to go to the spot this afternoon. Potter was making hls'rounds, passing along the road, when he noticed the por tions of human legs partly wrapped in a newspaper in the case. Later in vestigation by the medical examiner showed that the, suit case contained tire left lqg, cut in two pieces at the , knee. The medical examiner after! taking measui ements of the limbs in-1 timated that the Oman (or girl) probaBTy was flvei feet three Inches hi^h and Weighed Wout 129 pounds. A large callous spot on the bottom of the foot Indicated that the girl was*accustomed to walking much or to standing, and suggested that sh^ ' j j.yliln.a not a i Yesterday it is claimed there were at least two thousand people In the city to see the circus. The deport ment of the .crowd was such that not a single arrest was- made by the po lice, neither was there a person 'seen intoxicated. This spe'aks well for the visitors and the city. [ Y esterday afternoon a colored boy i employed by Mr. Isaac Buck while' riding a wheel up Main street deliver _lnx_mfiftts. etc.. accidentally j>an intoi ft wagon anfl.waa painfully hurt. Ati first it was thought his arm had been broken, but on examination this wa3 found to be not the case. He was m arwmu ?na ?Kinne*/-nrservrttT Jnacewr ENTIRE FASflU7 ARE POISONED Arsenic in the Float flakes All _n, Mlddleburg, Pa., Oct ? Charg ed with attempting to poison hU aged mother-in-law, Mrs. 'Ante Stetzer, of Laurelton, near here, another entire family by placing arsenic In medicine and flour which they u4^d, Jacob -Baughman, aged 35yeatfc, of" Cass, "WV Va., is under arreat *tajcwlsbup? Baughman and his wife ,J?ad a dis agreement, and she returned to hef mother's home in Lafurelfen. He .fol lowed and tried to eflfctSL reconcil iation. This failed, and'jyKer another disagreement he left tfreJiouse. Shortly after his departure mem bcrs of .the family, who "0artoc!: of gome medicine became violently 111. Others of l^e family and tome neigh bors who ate bread bakef with flour that was in<he house^dufeng. Baugh aan'g visit also became ill with the | symptoms indicating rjirttnlcal poi soning. An analysis of the bread and' Jjiedlcine dteclosed arWolc. I - Baughman was arrtated jn a lum ber camp liear Plttsbtirc. He was ! brought here and_ heKUtor the Janu 'ary term of court. J 1 News reached 'this city today an nouncing the death at Plnotown yes deceased was between 70 and SO years of age. He had been a sufferer for several years. The funeral toolc place this afternoon at 1 o clock- ~rB' Mr. Fenner Pllley, of Greenville, grandson of the deceased, was in the city this morning on hit way to at tend the funeral. . , _ IS CONVALESCING. Miss Ada May Ajera^Jtho has-baea confined to her home suffering from a slight attack of diphtheria, is rap idly improving. Her foany friends will .welcome this Information with pleasure. cepted a position with the Carolina Distributing Company. His many friends are glad to know he has re FRKE ATTRACTIONS At State Fair, Raleigh, N. C., October 18th to 23d. L 1. The- "Great Davenports." hlgh w^e artists. ? rare ? two monster balloons Htarting at same time ? two paracnuies ar6p from each balloon. 3. Four-horse Roman chariot race. 6. Mexican race. ! 6. Cowgirl race. , j 7. Cowboy race. | 8.. Mexican cowgirl, cowboy and Indian race. I 9. Indfitn race. 10. Miss May- Cody, fancy and tr.lck shooting (world's champion). 11. Big Indian war dance. | 12, Hold-up of the Overland stage coach. f And others. Don't go to "the nearest plfcce" when baying a suit, or hat, or shoes go to Jhe store that earn* your interest' by Federal CQuri y - WFfF Meet in This City Tomorrow The Federal court, for the Eaatam District ot North C.rolln. W (hf> city tomorrow m?latkg. with HI* Honor. Judge H. O. Connor, pre ?Idln*. tTnlted States DtstrRT Xltqr nW, Hori. Harrj Skinner, will appear ?PWBJI?aL There are be tween fifteen and, twenty warrant cuee on the docket foT trial, ' Thle will be the Drat time! Judxe Connor baa rl.lted Waablnsrtoii la hi* official capacity as United Sti-teB iuilt- While a State Superior CaarL lodge he rmted thl. eo.nty sereral tlmee and made a meet favorable im preasloif orTIttlganU end members of thenar The Dally News, In the name of the city, extends to thla distinguished inrlat a cardial welcome. He wears the ermln* with dignity an<t ability, and fa an honor to hla high position. 1 THE SMS HAVE RIGHT TO M mm owMTiMt Is Now Up to Them Fundamental JL^w of the Coun try in Speaking of Agitation for Direct Vote of Senators By the People. The art lot] 31 of the sovereign States of the Union declaring for a constitutional convention to author ize the election of senators by direct vote uf the people and the possibility that Congress man be confronted with a demand for such a conven tion, as has been pointed out, "con tinues to be a fruitful theme of dis cussion among public- men. There" appears to be a tfn&nlmity * of opinion that there Is nO tlmjs limit ' within which action teust be 'had af-l ter a State Jits passed the proper res olution. Nor^Ts ttiere^any dispute over tn?F grower of a constituttoirat convention to consider any and all amendments \hat may be proposed. Tho nillv n nnrl iiin n-Klnp 4prnw^ f,,,t of the character of the resolutions as passed by the legislatures, and the will bring the matter properly before Congress. Gives Light on Subject. On TKTB subject, "Harmis Tayfor, former minister to Spain, and well known as an authority on constitu tional law, taWced entertainingly yes terday. Assuming that the action of the *81 States consisted Of formal ap plications for the constitutional con vention,. Mr. Taylor said: "Let us begin with the text dt ar ticle 5 of the Constitution, which pro vides: | " 'The Congress, whenever two- 1 Xhirds of both houses shall de^in it necessary, shall propose amendments I to this Constitution, or,' on the appli cation of the legislature* of two Xhirds of the several States, shall call 1 -4 convention -for-- proposing amend ments, which, In either case, shall be i valid to all Intents and purposes, as part of tht< Constitution, when ratl -fietl ? hjc the legislatures of three fourths of the several States_or by conventions hi three-fourths thereof, as the one or the "other mode of ratl-j ftcation , -may be proposed by Con gress." ' _"Tho compromise embodied in that! article was peculiarly the work of Mnill-on- motion U ? ? been nKrerrt ? that the 11 111 I'n liilimlnn fataiaifc special covenants- with the South _on! slavery should- not? be liable to' change. 1 ~ Cannot Control Process. "The texT'of the article in ques-' tlon makes k perfectly plain that' Congress can exercise no authority j w couliul wha^rsr otsf the pra<? ?] through which the application of the i legislatures of two-thirds of .the sev- ' ' *' 1 ' .T1n , convention for proposing amend ments.' "It Is for the legislatures of the States alone, through concerted ac tion. to make the call ta such man-' ner as they may deem best. As Con gress can have no Jurisdiction w.hat tvwyi thftjllhlont /if a Aon. ventlon, until the 'application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the sev eral States shall have been actually presented to It, it is self-evident that Congress cannot prescribe, either the time or the manner in which the leg islatures of two-thirds of the States shall take their concerted action." ? Congress Bonnd to ^ ' y "But if the legislatures of two 'thlrds of tffe States apply to Con gress to call a convention for the pur pose of. proposing one or .any number _of amendments to the Constitution Congress Is bound to act. Therefore, whether or not the action taken by 31 States on the sgbject of thV'dlreot election of senators will oblige Con gress to proceed In the matter de pends upon what the precise action | of the States has been. -Uf Uiei kavejpetejy voted in favor 'of a constitutional aipendment on the CIGAR THIEF IS CAUGHT Hobs Box Care of the N. & S. at iv'ft Can m y 7 u 1 * J 1*1 Afternoon. Clint Downing, colored, was arrest* ed by Chief of Police Geo. N. Howard thih afternoon at the Norfolk and Southern depot, charged with the breaking and entering box cars and the larceny of four boxc3 of cigars, at Mackey's Ferry. Downing was employed as a brake man oir one of the freight trains. Monday oilghr he broke the fphI of cne of the cars and secured the cigars. He made disposition of them to another. The goods were uubse-l Suently locaifiiLand Downing suB?ect od. A warrant was sworn out for1 him today aii^TTe was apprehended. j He Is uow in jail. I'lt.WKit There will be prayer meeting serv- , Ices in all tl>e different churchcs of jTfie city this evening beginning tit 7:30 o'clock. All cordially United to attend. * SKATS ON SAI.K. " Seats will ko on- sale- at Brown's drug store tomorrow morning for the I appearance of tlje Merchant of Venice at tho opera house, Friday" avowing | l\ l>. C. COXVKXTIOX. Thif State convention of the United 1 Daughters of the Confederacy was l.opened in Wilmington yesterday. The! following E>aughters are delegates from tlje Washington chapter: Mrs. | Llda Rodman. Miss Maud R. Wind ley, Mrs. Stephen ,T. Bragaw, and Mrs. I Demsie Grimes. HAS HKTt HXKl) HOME. Mr. JesFe Mayo, who has been to Newrnkn . Gil , for the past several] months taking a course In the busi- I ness college la that town, returned home yesterday, where expects to re main awhile. iDYSTER FACTBBT ? mimjESUME -?T?r I ? . Looking Over Situation I Mr. T. W. Ford of the J. S. Farren Company in the City Looking Over the Eield With ? View of Re-openmg Factory. Mr. T. Wheeden Ford, of the J. S. Farren & Co.. Canned Goods Parkers, Baltimore, arrived in _ t he city last - evening. Mr; Ford 1!? here looking over ihe oyster situation with a view of ? reopening tl.e canning factory, which has been dosed down for the Iiast two year's.. In talkiflt; to ? News representative i his morning. Mr. Ford stated that If the outlook for oysters the coming season were., propitious it was his '.H'ltiii'ri the fartamrntitd resume op orations. " Mr. Ford will leave for Bel haven today so as to get in cL OBer ~ UHteli with the dredgers and tong5T8. Before the factory could Tje opened the management must have some as to keep the plant busy. When the factory operates, over 20 ft hands arc employed and the .city is thereby benefitted In more ways than one. Mr.. Ford speaks most en-. ? ? - eouragirigly of the outloqk go far, and thinks if nothing unforsfeen takes place the factory will open here this season. k Much needed repairs to the plant will havfe to bo made itod several lato machinery " improvements installed. If the company decides to open the factory they will begin operations within the next 30 . days. The opening of thjs large plant will be welcome newsJto the people as It . will mean employment to a large number. Howe's Circus ihe Very Best To Visit Here , ^ The opinion is unlversaPlh \\"?sh- 1 Ington that the Howe's Great London Shows is the best to- visit here, and I this opinion is expressed by those.] rompeten?.'nr ffSBf nt Avf&7 n~ sfinw"! ia aha r^<v. day was witnessed by a packed tent | -and" also at- night, the seats -aera-l filled, an unusual occurrence for a| night show. Every act by the artists showed skill and the large audience appreciated their efforts in that, they heartily applauded. The entire per fnrnrniipp In r1?*n ?nrt iin.rn-Hatfl there is nothing shoddy. There is no show on the road today, for the price of admission, that comnares with Howe's. All the people from the pro prietor down, are clever, accommo dating and courteous. The Dally News* feels confident whenever Mr. Howe makes a return date to Wash ington the news will be received with pleasure, and that he will have to hcinc a. much. Jarsrer rent. finma of the acts yesterday and night have never been equalled In this city. The Wakh&ama troupe of Japanese boys, jugglers and contortionist, and the TrBell alsters In their spiral aiyf ser pentine work, were stunts not to be manner of choosing senators, then there Is nothing which Congress Is luiupelied to ao. even though ? rt~ States, or all the States, may have asked Congress to- submit the (juea- 1 tlon. But if two-thirds of the States , have appLled to Congress to call a j pose of considering an amendment, ' or amendments, to the Constitution, then Con grass is not only morally, but legally, compelled to obey the demand." Make your aext purchaae at a itorr thaC InviifH^ you lb ronrf, ?* surpassed anywhere, or by any show traveling. These iwo^tfcts alone are more than worth price of admis sion. The clowns are above tHe aver ittt M(t i tit r? amo to Jta-tMa- ? snare of fun. ? Their tricks and ?Hty hay tag* ? nnn nf iha faaturaa. ' ... The concensus of opinion here is that How?^-_circufr-4a-&ll claimed -for it,- . They did what they advertised. One thing was noticeable above all oth ers. Usually there seems to be a dis position on the part of show people to get all they can but of folk; this sf.aU' of tl^ngB dooti not oalat with the liowe'a Great London Show. give one full value for his mon ey and only claimed that which iras rightfully theirs. The entire aggre gation made a most favorable impres sion upon Washington and If they chance to drift this way again they x:an rest assured of a generaus pat ronage. * No circus has ever visited Wash luCtftO . W h Q?fl ? TTtttMgcran, ?????? agent were more obliging. Mr. wJ"! A. Rhodes tflade a lasting and pleas ant impression on the members of the press, as well as the public gen ? rally, Tomorrow they exhibit In New Bern. ????*????? ? ? ? * * ? New Advertisements ^ ^ ? in Today's News . ? Knight Shoe Ou. ?? J. B.? Tilt * ? Shoes. *? \ t f ? J. K. If oyt? Underwear. ? ? Parisian ' Sage. : 4 Hotel Kernan. ? ? J. L. O'Qoinn, Florist, Raleigh. ? Gowm% Preparation. Carl D. Parker? General Insur ance. ite Volunteer Fire evening promptly at 8 o'clock. Matters of riiuch lmport* nt>er turn out and express nimsew; w urcuijiuers

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