HOW ABOUT THAT UNDERWEAR? Prices are bound to advance later on. Better supply your needy wants right now. ? Everything in this line for every member of the tamily. J. K. HOYT JUST RECEIVED Filling in order of Ed ison Records, including new list for September. Call at our store and hear theTtrtesrmusic andsohg hits. No one thing will give /So much pleasure fn . so many people for so long a time at so little j cost as a PHONOGRAPH. 1 With our easy payment ' plan they are in reach of J everybody. RUSS BROS. I I IK TUKl l K I". 1 R AMI RS The Gem Theater OnCIICQTR.V The following good features will be shown this evening: THE FOOK WIFE'S .DEVOTION ? ! Drama. A JMG IX A FOKE? r-Comedy. Tt RXIXU OVER A NEW LEAF? i Farce Comedy. CRACK III L) Ella OF THE Rl'SS. I AX CAVALRY? Panoramic. THE *ril*THTTE ? Comedy. Coupons Will be Given for Exquisite China Pitchej;.' if Kollars and Kuffs _ ' -THK M'KLI.IXli I3i UAH* JU T Till; WUlUi WE I'l T OX i Ol.LAllS AMI ClFFS IS PERFECT." til VK is \oilt CLK.\MN(i AM) 1'IIESSIXG. % . . _ Alderman-Capehart Laundry, Inc. 132-4 WATER STREET WASEO FLOUR ALWAYS GOOD and GOOD ALL WAYS - Those" who have used it declare that "WASEO" Flour mates sweeter bread and sweeter rolls and sweet er biscuits than any other. For sale only by E. K. WILLIS. Up The Chimney is Where Half Your Fuel Money Goes You Can Save-5100 ?o SSo6"4f? The Next Three to Five Years Think *haTTIi1?-erf>at .iff means. It will furnish j-w?> or three rooms In I-' your bouse in elegant style. on It will repaint and n-D*:r your house lo"*! and barn, or build an addition to either. ""J It will bur til? best piano n:a<l?*, or send a? your son nr diugiiter to college for a year. B'ui Yon know the ordinary stovo cannot ?>e madr or. ? ,t agaln-st atr-l?-a.<v Waiise the C VARAN TEE t rn**??U? a m*i nr of ?? t*H anal mi in tha , "T" ??' ?->?a It. b?f..ra r 4 ran J it* ?? Wa ,uumu, Dm. <ha i >4? wilb ? nf% o-*J nr,*, ?,J| S,?i4 ^ w?h ?"fl eti*l Oiirti ei b'-ur* an j biaa r*+V bratftarai h'l fr*? m ??! . ?*1, fcar-4 XHttla an- masti-wil ?TR ibj IV As .soon a* the putty dries up. and falls out. the air IssUCKcd In through thecraoKi. ? and The g????s which should be burned. and a large part of the heat escape up Twelve years' continuous experimenting tbo chimney. ban developed Cole'9 Hot Biist^a stove Poor radiating surface and leaky Joints which burns any kind of fuel, and saves mean many dol- - " the heat. lars' waste In high ? , - - a m ? Avoid Imitations pri<rixl coal. M * ? ? Mm 1 J " 1 ?none of them Cole s Uriainal loss ftf th* b*?t . _ *T ? traction. the pair boating half of w? . \ . o. opted Steel Collar soft. coal, the Gas M 4 Kla \* /\?r A Conn??nlon for Half ^ nO I DlcLSI OlOVC the elbow cutlnc Cole's Original * to stove body. Dot Blast Stove ' ? making an ever .MYiwall wast^l with other stoves. A hat lasting tight Joint which cannot open by -r?.i . . V ~ ? ar.rlnn at . the Uut'iat heat: the natcnt ftrr oMT.ntgkt, " "HI UUIottUUDU llUI|t) IDF URI UUUr ; MW 1 We will set one up. harked by our and guaranteed *moke-r>roof f>*vj door and the manufacturer's guarantee at price* oiber patented features which are essen from til) aod up. tlal to the aucceM of this stove. ASK FOIC TREE BOOKLET Oar free booklet on scientific combustion will solve the fuel problem for yon. ? 7 * ; ? ^**7** *"?? ,ficu?? MjynfQftthly ^ ih> ntiwnnfi rim. The J. H. Harris Plumbing & Supply Co. $12,000 IN PRIZES To be awarded at the GREAT STATE FAIR October 18-23, 1909. 4")th Annual Fair will top the list in Exhibits, break the record in Free Attractions, beat the best in Racing, outdo itself in Clean Shows, cap the climax in crowds, Biggest Midway ih the South, No Dust this year, addi tions to Grafidfctand, nearly Double Seating Capacity, Sb.Tjre oW'Street Cars, moreSpecialTrainsthanever. ?Rate, "Round Trip for One Fare plus Admission Cou -pon to grounds. \L ' ^ ? f i*t and othei\inforrnation apply to tnc c nrtniri? Raieigh. STATE NEWS Condense*! Items of |ui?r?ei Ha|J Throughout the State. Tho report for September fcj^the Stat** Department of Agriculture -un gates of leaf tobacco in the ware houses wa& Issued today aud covers t 4 4 cities aud towns. The crops come ] on early In the Eastern secti6n, tnere being a very remarkable difference between the ripening tiipe of this crop in the Eastern and Western sec tions; in fact, in the mountain region the time is so late the tobacco ques tion has passed entirely out of the mmiey-crop. WUsoffc^L&d during Sep tember. the sales aggregating 4.4 S8. 392; Kinston second. 3,593.339; Greenville, {MHHh+*9r~RtJcfcy- XountT" 1.936.109; Oxford. 1.011.990; Golds boro. 925. 189; Fair Bluff, 915,516. Sales were very light in the Piedmont markets., being 616.62$ al^Winnton Salcm and 161.69S at Durham. The total sales at all the points covered by the report wwro 2S. 726,637. It seems. that the crop will not be more i than a fafT-one as to. size. In some 1 sections the quality Is not- high be ? cause there wa^ Uu* ijim-h raitt^ ? Rat? elgli correspondence. In United States district cour* Sal- | urday the case of Franklin Stout vs. the Globew Home' Furniture Company, in which the plaintiff is suing for So,-, inm damages for the loss of an eye while employed by the defendant company, consumed tfie entire day. I The cr.$c went ^o the jury at 1.23 p? in., ami after deliberating for more 'iViU Iki'.uS Y remrnod a \?-r djet in favor of the plaintiff, the dam- ! ages being fixed [ at ?5i>0. This ease has been onvvwi^tho most liotly con tested during the'. entire week, the brilliant array of" counsel en each fighting i'vw*r inch of ground av-d putting each witness through a | rigid cross-examination.? Greensboro I I Rev. i. X Hughe*, rector r>f the i CU\:rch of the Holy Innocents.- and ; family, have arrived, and are occu : pyitig the Episcopal rectory near the jthurch.whirh has been added to aud | a r.ew porch built, making it much ? i:ic^ convenient. A warm welcome I awaited them. Their pantry was I stor.ed with good things, Sent by members of the church; also many ? handsome rugs ant^^ther useful ar-l tides, a large congregation listened 1? Hughes' fine permon. Sun day morning saw many present from | other denominations' ? Henderson Gold Leaf. 1 WWte Lluhing his. horse to a bug igy Sunday evening. Mr. John War . ner. who resides just outside the city limits? was kicked in the abdomen by the animal and rendered insensible l for some time, fie was brought to the city and medical aldjfven hltrf. , Although badly- bruise*- Mr. Warner was not seriously hurt. ? New Bern (journal. ? ? Sflnii Austin was today placed in JftijT charged with the larceny of a1 gallonijf whiskey. ?We feel sorry] I jury will do with a man charged with f stealing that much booze in a prohl-i i bltlort Slate. but also the Jury may! consider the scarcity of the article In considering a verdict.? Wilson Times Locke Raraseur. colored, was killed ypsterikt v :|,rfprnririn at flit^n Alnlnn having been run over by passenger train No. 11. He was taken to Old Fort on passenger 'train No. 21. near which place he lived. It was impossi-l ?de to learn the details of the acci dent further than that there was a large crowd at the station and he did not notice the arrival of ttaTTraln. ? Asheville Citizen. Prof. John E. Ray. superintendent Lof- the Staifi_Sckoal tQr the Bljjvd Jpft 'yesterday for Currituck and Boau fort counties, where he wil} secure, flew pupils for the institution of which he is the head. He will, on his I rfltiirn-^tan -^n thf- .caatOHV -nartlAB . r0r this county, where he expects to secure several pupils. Up to last Sat urday the school had a total enroll ment of 33 B. which is the largest yet. -?News and Observer. RAILROADS IN" CRL^'A. ? It. was an Interesting coincidence that there came to hand almost sim ultaneously the announcements of the coip^letion of the Kalgan railroad 'n Cfc4ha and of the death of Chang1 Chib-tung. That statesman was one of the foremost and most effective advocates of railroad building in | China by the Chinese themselves I raW& than by foreign concession k'ACINTHS AND ALL KINDS OF FALL AND WINTER _ BULBS We have a assortment. Plant early for the beet reralti. Hend for new price list. _ cHniCTLCPT BiAVena ? - Wedding Roquets, Floral Designs, I .and Flow&A for all occasions. Mall, telegraph and telephone orders will | t? pr.-rapUj tttUa bj J. L. U'QUINN & CO, > rumwm, wai iwp, *. c,.. l units' mm jam nm Thursday, Oct. 14/A, AIJ Day Will be Known as Ladies' Reddy to-Wear Day at Our Store. 100 New Samples Comprising Coat Suits, Capes and One-piece Dresses, will be placed on sale Thursday at prices way belofr regular. These garments wtH not be offeied befme onftier Thurs day. Thursday will be the day of opportunities ! I "holder# ^:id this Knlgan railroad is j spoken ot as the first railroad In that country which wa> projected and con structed by Chines'. That statement concerning it may not bejltorally and exactlyi accurate, and it is sufficiently I true to lie of marked significance, j and there is cause for gratification in ihf I'HVUlfUl tho aged patriot who I has just died lived to see the comple tion of an important road which was ro'nxtructod accord. jag to Irts w^.se policy. - Twenty years ago. of all the official opinions which were expressed fully !?."? per cent were v.ncorapromlslngly antagonize to the -construction of railroads In China- It was the mani festation of tha: spirit which pro voked Mr. Chang ? ? write* Und pub lish his remarkable and* influential book. At present Mr. Wu estimates that at leaat_a5- p? r cent -of -officials and other intelligent men In China are in favor of railroad building, and particularly of railroad building by ?the Chinese themselves. That is a noteworthy change to have been ef-l fected In 20. years or less, and It is a i | pretty convincing reply to those who! doubt the practicability of an awak-j ening of China, especially since It is J only one o< numrous indications to] the same effect. TAKE HER CHOICE J'You Know. ihe engagement bo- f ( ween Jack and myself is off. and I asked him to send back my presents and a lock of my' hair that 1 gave him." "Well?" "Well, he sent a servant thisjnorn "tlHTwIth a larg- packet containing in numerable locks of hair from gray to i I flaxen. ravetr-t.rTeiJ, with a message ; that I could choose from among them j my own proper;)*!"-? October Llppin- 1 cotts. * I ' <t:wiiTTTn 1-1-m-t A large Cadillac motor"car arrived 1 in town today, the property of Mr. j F. J. BerFy." of Luskin & Berry. INDISPOSED. The many friends of Mrs. M. Cherry wiil- regret to learn of lutr-111 at h?ir >? -me, on Knat Fourth street. \ ? Memorial Service Sunday, thet 31stJ On Sunday. October 31. Tau Tribe No. 18, Improved Order of Red Men, will hold memorial ?ervlces In the opera house at 3 o'clock. Mr. Ed- j "ward I,. STSWr wm oCTTre othtdt.-1 Mr. Norwood L Simmons will deliver eulogies In memory of the nine mem bers who harp passed away during .thg.-Pflgt. -tgn_ years. There will^ be special mu8ir' render<td byjnSSnHTOgl odlst Church choir. The members of' the order are looking forward occasion with anticipation and no doubt a large number will be present To "witness "the exercises. " Aged Engineer v* K ' ? is Murdered Christian M^ Clare/ a marine en gineer, well known In Norfolk and vicinity, was shot and almost instant ly killed near Edenton, N. C., early yesterday morAing by a negro named Will Miller, a pile driver handi who is now being held by the authorities at that place. * - .t.r-i r? . r n.r -a The bullet entered Mr. McClare's neck from the front, and he lived about fiftaen minutes. Hbr^body was brought to Norfolk la?tnjght on the y.Lr' -I'., *Tf . mid carried to Smith's, undertaking establishment to be prepared . toi burial. _Th?> murder is described as having been a brutal aiul deliberate one. Mr. McClure had been employed- as en gineer on ihe steamer Lucy, belong ing to the McLean Construction Com pany. Th!d bout is used to carry ine men who are at vork on the Norfolk" ana Southern "ullwny hrid.uH. untie]1 course, o? construction, across Albe marle Sound frcm Edenton and other points across the sound and Edenton bay. ? J The negro Miller went aboard the boat and passed into the engine room where Mr. McClurc and throe other white men were. The negro v;a3 told that the engine room was no place for him and Jxe immediately left. Shortly afterward Miller returned to the engine room with a pistol and i shot Mr. McClure. For the time be ing the shooting caused considerable! excitement. The . captain of the Lucy immedi ately stopped the boat and bite*- 9 1 distress signal'" which was promptly answered by the gasoline launch Lot-] tie A., whicfi then proceeded to the county dock ahd Informed Officer D H. Smith of the- shooting, firtd when the Lucy arrived at the dock# the of ficer made the arrest, placingVhe ne gro in the Edenton JaiL y oner and, several witnesses to the tragedy testified. Mr. McClure was employed for 20 years or more by the Chesapeake & Ohio railway, and was chief engineer of the old steamer Louise -fof many years. The deceased was (T5 yeara~5t ] rffce and leaves a wife and several I children, the oldest bolng Christian^ McClure, Jr., of this city.. The fam-! ily reside at No. 135 Avenue A', 'At-1 lantic City ward. The deceased was. a member of the the Funeral, which will be held on , Thursday afternoon. Just Received HF.IN7E SWEET PICK1 FS 25 Cents Quart. E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leary Bros.' Old Stand. HOTEL KERNAN FIREPROOF.' | In the heart of the busineas section of BALTIMORE, MD. Luxurious Rooms, Single and En HnJte, with or without BMte. #1 per da? MM) up. Palatial Dining Rooms; CnrarpiuMd Cuisine; the . shower and plunge la Hatha T1W to Clu? U. .Jn?ia?H 1. KERNAW. 1 , J 1 1 ved J One Car SNOW DRIFT LARD, 24, W? lbs. 20$ TARBELL CHEESES, HAVE NEV WEAR YOU WILL "Them. 5 Knight Shoe Co ^ Only^ioe store in the City. ? A A AkAA iAAA. HORSES AND MULES, BUGGIES AND. WAGONS AT WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE HORSES and MULES FROM GEO. H. HILL Your horse will be well cared for at Hill's Stables. C. G. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUI TS AND PRODUCE Arrivals Today: . 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Ca ? Meal, 1 Car Hominy and Oats. Apples. Cabbage and Potatoes fresh every day. In which ? you can earn a . 42-Piece Pinner Set Only Pive New .? ? - . v - You can bring them in one at a time if you want to. x ^ - ii ?- jWBIB

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