. ? . ^ irffTwr _ The. tax booka for the city of Washington have been turned over to the.uaderaigned, and thiols to no tify an ownew of property aubject to ?tax that I am ready to retelve Ura tor the enaulng year. They muat be .collected at once. W. B. WINDLEY, City Clerk. October 7, 1901. NOXWS OF EXECUTION HALE. North Carolina, Beaufort county. Su perior court. E. R. Mlxon & Com pany vs. cs W_ Under' *ad by virtue of an execu court of Beaufort county in the above entitled action, dated September 27, 1900. I Will oiTMott^ay. the lat day of . November, , 1909, at- 12 o'clock, noon, before the courthouse door in Washington, N. C., aell for caah to the highest bidder, to satisfy the said execution, rll of the right* title and lnterp* of the defendant C.~W. Nor man In ami. to the following deacribed land: First -All of that certain lot in the town of Aurora. N. C., which was conveyed to C.- "W. Norman by O. G, Banner by dWT! dated September 27v 1906, and recorded in the Regiater'a office of Beaufort county In book of deeds 141, page' 207, to which refer ence la hereby made. Containing one quarter of an acre, more or less, known aa the Bonne^lot. Second. A tract of land well known aa the Pate Plate which waa convey ed to C. W. Norman by Jno. W. Cbapln by deed dated January 28, 1907, which la recorded aa aforeaald in book 132, page 207v to which re Jos. Peed et al, containing 20 acres, mora or !?>{ \ . This October 1, 1909. GEO. E. RICKS. Sheriff. Beaufort County V. ^lr*t ?c ? Among the fcoungersOcisl wt of thlt town *M hfHL%,t. the home of M!u Julia Moor*, on MarSet streot, last Elng- A dozen members compose club, sod severs) Invited guests > present Refreshments ver? served, and a most delightful evening "Veat f Th,e claMlfled'ada. are helping ar rsng* things for people- who are shorn to move Into new or different homes. To Property Holders A FEW WORDS: The Insurance that Bragaw writes is all" right. Better get it this afterqoon. WM. BRAGAW & CO., > First Intyraactf Agents in WuhlngT ton, N. C. ? ; DO IT NOW v Delays are Dangerous^ ... Insure with CARL D. PARKER, Genl Insurance. Four Year?* Experience. Havens-Small Bld'g NOTICE I Now is the time to- have your gas lamps put in order. It will cost you nothing to have them inspected and. adjusted. A Welsbach burner will give you 80 candle poweranffcost only 1-2 cent per hour. See die GAS MAN. 'Phone 15. m\w\ You don't need to pay a millionaire's price to^get Lypur clothes made by the greatest tailors in Chicago ^ T or New York as his are. made. _ Fifth Avenue? Style no longer costs a^Fifth Avenue Tailor's Bill It is~the business of The" Roy?l Tailors of Chicago and New York to bring to you just ~ that, kind of metropolitan- tail- -] Turing ? to hiiild cTothes to -order ' for you, in the latest, snappiest, classiest styles to been seen anywhere in America. And yet to charge you no more ? per haps e^en less than you have been paying ? foi ill-tilling factory made clothes. I take your measuic at this siore - by the most complete and ingenious measure taking system known. That system gives the cutter a virtual blue print of your figure? 18 definite body measurements over which to drape and tailor yum rare And when it comes it is a master suit ? better than, the best local tailor could give you. ~ co*rm?MT in* mt tw nevAt. TAibew Backed by The Royal i aiior.s* Guarantee For it has been made for you, in the ,^wo biggest and best organized tailoring establishments in the world ? with 2,000 times the little local tailor's facilities for observing prevailing styles I ' and creating new ones. ft And you koow that your Royal garment will be absolutely All Pure Wool. Eight out of ten ggrments sold in this town are adulterated with cotton and mercerized cloth. There is n<jt a thread of cotton in any Royal Suit that leaves this store. . ,, * : - Every Royal garment is warranted to be All Wool? Pure Wool? and Wool alone. Regardless of the price xrf- >iit yof buy here ? you will get an All Wool suit. I solicit the chance to show you the beautiful Royal Model Designs for Fall and .Winter Overcoat* and Suits. Swaeeer? lasteful and refined! Also the 500 resplendent Fatt and Winter WooWnlnnovatioas._ pnV^? wju delight you aa waii as me uwW "?nnl.clothes outlay. .n TiH-nniHft n?nljm? I^HT IfftLKmW You Who - Want Tailor-made "s? ? Clothes at Ready-made Prices ..-IP I TALK Messrs. W. W. and E. 8. Boomer. Sr., of Lake Comfort, are in the city attending the Federa^ Court. It ? ? Messrs. Frid Latham and Geurgr L. Swindell, of Belhaveu, are in the city. ? %?* of M>. Walter A Stllley, of Qoldsboro, are glad to see him in the cKy. . ? Mr. and Urs. Clarence Mayo; wbc were-marrled at tfto residence of Mr. James L. Mayo, editor of The Dally News, last evening, left this after noon for South Creek, their future home. Mrs. E. S. Credle, of Pantego., is in town, visiting- her sister, MIsb Maude Wind ley. L . ? * Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Casey, of Aurora, returned home yesterday with their little son after a short stay in our town. ? ' . ' ? ' 9 ? Mr. M. R. Walker and son, of Au rora, refnVned to tbelr home yester-, day after a two days* fTslt to the city. . t . ? ? Mr. Rufus Wharton returned this morning from Ashevllle after an ab sence of about a year, and Is at the tinrnw of his Ulster. Mrs .lt?tfn H PNEUMONIA kills Its (cos of thaatanlt. GOWAVS PREPARATION WOi pneumonia br <Se tlroytn* Ibe coBjHtton and Inflammation. OaklLKlkilV CfMatCronp. coathv. irfppc, P?ins and aoruMM lo luofl tod IhroaL External and barmUiv. All druuitl* - U.00, 50c, 25c. -!rf^ ? t Mi*? Ruth Bennett, < irned to her borne yesterday, after a Tw 6 days* rlslt to friends in the city. ? ? s 'Mr. Tiljgan Paul, of Aurora, who ba^ been spending a few days la the I city, returned to his home yesterday, I accompanied by his cousin, Mr. Luth er Paul, of Davis, who has been visit ing Mr. Frank Paul In the city for a | few days. Mr. B. J. Hughes, superintendent of the A. C. L., and Mr. C. M. Cobb, trainmaster of the same road, went to Vandemere yesterday afternoon. Dr. D. M. Field has gone to South | [Carolina on a short trip. ? ? Mr. Frank Bonner returned to the rrlty yesterday after a few days' pleas- j urc trip. Mr. R. R. Fleming, of Pactolus.j was a visitor in the city yesterday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kldd, of Wil mington, spent yesterday in the cITyT the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kldd. .? ? Mr. W. E. Jones left^yesterday for a trip to New Bern on business. ? ' Mr. J. E, Bonner returned to the city yea te>/ay after a two weeks' trip to Washington. D. C., Baltimore and other points. ? ? Judge H. G. Connor arrived yester- 1 day afternoon to hold Federal court. ? ? Mrs. W. L. Oden and children re I turned to Belhaven after a visit tc | her mother, Mrs. John Smith, sr. ? ? I* ? Geo ? M. Mask of fioldsboro. arrived In the city today on business. ? ? Miss GasKInS7 of Portsmouth, and t Mrs. R; 8. Dixon went to Hall Swamp [ today to visit relatives. ? ' ? Mi sb Mabel Jones left this morning for Norfolk, after a visit of some weeks to friendsyind relatives in the city. I Mr? .T. W. Ford went to Norfolk | today on business. j Mrs. A. S. Jordan returned to her j home In Plnetown this morning, after j a short stay In the city. | Miss Dora Snipes, of Ohocowinity. i was a visitor in the city t o<i.^ ? ? The D'Oize company of Shakes pear^n players were in the-city to day en route to Greenville, where they will play tonight. Mrs. H. H. Hunter, of Plnetown, returned to hoc home today after a Mr. Norwood. L. Simmons left this | morning for Hyde county on profes sional business. - - ? ? ? Mrs. Ethel Tuten, teacher of the! : Small Graded >Srhool, Is In the city, | UtandiQp her examination, for public I school certificate. j Mr. L H. Reddltt, of Edward, was I |_a_Washington vi8ltoir today. iAir.'t. WilT^STOTrnrrirtii ov ^ lllk minimi. lUulwh Illnnni nnd W. Gray, jr.. left town yesterday for n I j few days' visit to frlemls In Vance-] I boro. STOMACH TROUBLE llwl H r??r \ ear* l Hill He Hi'.'irrl ? of >ll-c?-ua ? Brow n's Drug Store Sell It. y _ It yon ?uffcr from indigestion. ? belching of gas. lu rap of le.nl on the* stomach, biliousness, dizziness, foul I breath, nervousness. constipation or heada<he. give Brown's Drug Store! I 50 cents today for at box of Mi-o-na. I 1 Lhe xtdeb rated stomach prescription, f and if it. doesn't cure~yoi> Ihey^vrriT give you your money back. It relieves painful stomach distress in five min-j utes. Read the following: Li -- L'-L , bad -hi y/Pflfll ' fou hie for vear? an hour or ho with indigestion". I bought one box of Ml-o-na tablets from Gaffney Drug Co.i which com pletely cured me. That was about 12 months ago and to this day I haxe nd! been troubled again." J. B. Haskey, Gaffney, S. C. April 20. 1900. Mi-o-na fi tjie best prescription for stomach trouble ever written; not only does It give quirk relief, but it cures permanently becausc it thor oiighly cleanses, renovates, builds up. and puis elasticity into the stomach and bowels. Mi-o-na is put up In tab let form and is small and easy to swallow. Sold by leading druggists everywhere and in Washington by Brown's Drug Store who rigidly guar antee them. Test sample free. Ad- 1 'drees Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y. | CHARLESTON watofjfid Cabbage Seed For sale by {tie pound ar wholesal'e prices. ~BAi?E?SUm,r \,v. I Jf=? "ill 11 DON'T 5 Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. You can have a Telephone Put In your house in the city ?f ** your farm at a very aur >w coat, anfl M?e many a loltg drive and per hapa a life by being in direct and instantaneous touch with your Doctor. Grocer, Mer ?"H Brnln y| Weather reports and mar ket quotations can be secured dally. tnte.-csted parties arc* re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M**V CAROLINAITEL. AND TEL. CO., * IWashington, N. C. This proposition will inter eat you. and it would be well to investigate before the ap LJ proach of the cold Winter ^ mouths. | KOI Ji IGI JJ HIGHEST CASH PRICKS ~t paid for CHICKENS, EGGS and all . COUNTRY PRODUCE) | We carry Hay, Ciraln and all j kinds Feedstuff ? We handle j the very best Flour at whole* i sale. PAUL & CUTLER east water street. OYSTERS! PHONE 367. Delivered to any part of city 25 cents quart. Served in any style, steamed a specialty at 113 Market Street Ocracoke Fresh Dressed Mullets. J. T. WYATT When the Children Are STUDYING YOU SHOULD GIVE . THEM THE BEST LIGHT TO WORK BY AND THAT IS ELECTRICITY ELECTRIC PLANT. TO ATTEXO CONVEXTIO... Rev. w. O. Wfnfleld. XT. Bur lukl.'.u.. J. 1). EH Iu i'i A?,i Elliott, Jr . all of Bath, left yesterday for Pittsburg to attend the conven JrfOn of the Christian Church. Mr; Edward D'Olze (s an attractive I young hctor of much ability Balri-f more Sun. We are gret beiimra la (bf state ment that the American GfniJriiwn la the b??t*(lrr??H man ki the workl. CKlFFtiJl CliQTHK'K rml+r t? the tauten of the' American man, and for years theme fpuioiiN Karsnentn have fulfilled IiIb every style-want. . We have a complete line of GRIF FON CLOTHK8 for Fall in many dif ferent models, a lnwl of exclusive pat Urn* and fabrics *h?t i*esr out before tl?elr time. SPENCER BROS. ONLY THE BEST HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES . Carried. We please our customers or no pay. Try UNION GROCERY CO. JUST ARRIVED Another large shipment of Town Talk Flour and Old-Fashion Rii/1!/ iMj hn_Tf Ducn wfi ceff Walter Credle & CO. WHY WORRY -Hfith hpnrlarhps. COnStjpi tion and indigestion? Ask about ABILENA WATER, the oleasai' t and efficient Aperient Saiine Water. WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY ? ?HCT- tTiSK.'rir' ^A^Ei^h JUbf AKKIVfcD ?r^kfaBst ~ .. . _ Grits, Bu< ^littnl v o{_ Cereals, vjiiis. Buck wheat, Pettijohns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis Qat^lyaJ. ^Cracked Wheats Xom. .E lakes. Post Toasties, Cream oT Wheat Grape Nu ts, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two delivery wagons and wheel, which sures prompt service. Phone 123. in J. F. TAYLOE, The Grocery Man., "Tftr * * t o r taixit lliu it xtt-ui i *r~ HAY IS me UK?CBX ?nu ?uv n compact bale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO., SALES AGENTS.

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