WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered as second -class matte August 5, 1909. at the postoffive a Washington, X. C., under the act o: ? March. 3. 1#79. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON j EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 East .Main Street. J. L. MAYO. KaitoiTtnul Proprietor Telephone No. 200. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: On? Month 9 .26 Tour Months 1.0C I Six Months 1.50 One Year , ? . 3.00 1 Subscribers desiring the paper dis continued will please notify this office on date of expiration, othet n lae.-it will be continued at regular mibucrlp^ ?ion rates until notice to stop Is re ceived. If you do not get The Dally News promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint -will receive Immediate attention. It Is our desire to please you. Washington, n. c . oct. 15. LET THE NEWS FOLLOW. jfrx Parties leaving town ? should not (all to let The Newts follow them dally 1 with the news of Washington fresh and ?-risp. It will prove a valuable companlou, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at the sea shore or mountains will ttnd The News a most welcome and Interesting risltor. MI ST BE SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for publication must be signed. by the writer, otherwise they will not be ' published. WILLIAM It. HEARST The entrance of William R. Hearst into the- mayoralty- fight in New York enlivens t situation and enables the people of that city to bring about re form in their government If they care to do so." There Is no doubt that tie will poll a heavy vote. Men may not agree with him. but ho one doub'-* hip sincerity. The p&blii* believes Mr Hearst to be an honest man. Those who know him best are his best friends'. The iieiv?- ???intfsts throtigh which he has pas?>ed have .served to bring out more clearly the fact that he is po!i?<'ss?.-d of sterling finances' which endure. In his speech accepting the nomi-J nation Mr. Hearst said: I do not wish to belittle the \ honest conservative*. To my mind the Conservatives are . merely Missourlans ? they want to be shown. They will act with us if we can convince them, and 1 hMUi-vo tinn ? ^ have absolutely demonstrated our case, absolutely proved our prinelples. and that the conserv atives? will accept our principles and *tftHd-be*i<le ua.-miidy v<? fight for th* real issues in this ram patgrn Mr. Hearst is naturally a progress ive. He is ahead of his time in many respects. But some of his proposed reforms, radical as th~y once seemed, have been established. o:hers ur*?-, be light. |lef?>aT m^alTR- delay, bull not destruction. In litis ease, and ho 1 ha* retrirrr?*d to t-je inft? strong**!'*] than ever. WhOTHer :n?*ti agr<??; with I his views or no*. th??y xa..i>: a, k:ii/yl-. edge that Mr. ljearsr i* a. s.rohger ! figure Than ev?r i.?Har?v." aikI that he 11; .... | .T> ? . ,, . .... I ; qua lit i? * 'j: ?rd?-r t> ::in^;e su.-!? h.e:?c!- ' way lj> pnMle couide*-.. Wash'rg tfln P<->r. THE TIME TO AIH ERTIiilw? win },*>. Ipul^ KO f;ill i ?Kinmi'iv tj Ji5s hat off. am! then k printer und ?>?????? in for Whi>n the dull K"i?on and th?M*e i.- no r rsj?I>- and fell goody :-?> ha: rent. ho si *r some do. hut orra^loually n r?^v?-l headed r.if rchan f "doosj n1 ???:??? of It. nnd ffoop? !'*? all 'ho hrr?!Tii>-*v-. Avhlle h!h neighbors a to rTrrjrlljYPkto yna"k?* '??vl* meet. Tht?r<- arc tSm*,*? wh?n yon oouldn'T stop people -from buying **v erything in thr* store if you plj^ntM a rannoti behind th" door, and thai"? the tSrnn whr?n the advertisement i? sent out nn its holy mlRHlon. It maki's liRlit work" for advert Is ft?s, for a chalk sign on Die sidewalk rould do all that was needed. and a half-koi L . Way six days In.. a Xtick. Advertine monffi are bnilt to do liard work, ami should bo B?*nt Out in (Villi day*, V hen a customer has to be knocked, down with hard farts, and kl<^f*?i ineens: ble with Uauk.rn|>t reductions, avd uraggea in gun ni?-<itr>7T^r? r4?trr^, t?r of prlees. beforr ho will rpeii3 a" cent. That's the end and^kiin of acl . ?rn<r~tL; >nyr yon o^.t. fr '?? ?"? mri-an/ FtirKjnv, OiJT n' the window*. b?.it kive Hu m your a r vertlHpmont rljrht between Hie'cye In a dull season, iind you* will jr*x rich and own a #fast hor?e and per 7 haps be aWF-foTmoke a cTgfff qnc^ToF twice a year. Write this down where you'll fall a|l over It erery day, T^he ~ timm rn draur .^iigegB is when you ! Want/ huilmwa and n At WHAT BECAME OP THE CLER MONT? The final "whereabouts I/JESTS'., orlc vessel remains a mystery. { It ias~heeu asserted that she was finally .rausyorted as the Henrietta to the ?aiw Fear Kiver, North Carolina, ?here Fulton himself as early as SI 3 had suggested the formation- of [ \ steam navigation company. An >thw authority; J. Seymour Bullock, i tates that the boat was brqken up I vhen further Important improve-; uetit? rendered her antiquated sha"pe tod construi-tiun unequal to the In Teased traffic upon the river, and that the "ribs" of the hull were i seel under the wharf In Jersey City. *"here the Seeor foundry built mon tors during the civil war. Till: tTllKKW LAW. We have -often thought it would be a good plan fQr_iLvczy_Luiui to have a. kerfew bell. We see so many small boys- walking the streets at night, smoking cigarettes, using profane language^ and forming evil associ ates. it would he much better lor them to be at home. In speakiug of i kcrfftw bell. the -Stale Democrat says: ^ "A kerfew bell ought to ring in every city, and bofo under sixteen re quired to be In thetg homes at least by ? o'clock at night. It Is strange that some mothers manifest so much interest in reforming men, a large number of whom are not worth a button, and are so indifferent to their ojvn- boys." ? Scotland Neck Common -sxalilL , Well said. The Daily News hefrr tlly endorses the above sentiment and gladlfrv - l?-?u^U-&-4a-u:. was enacted applying to the whole State the General Assembly could do nothing better. Boys of tender years allowed to roam the streets all hours of 'the night, and their parents in ignorance OT their whereabouts, is a stain U|ioii those Into whose keeping they are placed. We shudder for the future of such boys. Loitering on the street turners, hearing all kinds of vice and vulgaVity, Instead of be ing home 11 ride:* goqd wholesome in fluences. Every town in North Caro lina should have a curfew law and sec that It is rigidly enforced. If I th>' pa vesi 1 in' Poys don't r.try v? 1). i. they are after dark, let the. law step in and compel them to know. \\'e must guard and protect the boys- ? " they will some day be our men. k\ i i:i;t ai\i\<;. \ I'HKJi hirr. Of all the occupation* known to men. entertaining a prejudice is the tnttgi aUw4>, ^ra, ..jrf "most universal. l he prejudice fa usually uninvited. He tomes in quietly removes his hat and coat, saunters up to the guest ? hamljcr. and prepares to become a permanent __ feature of the establish ment, You - him royally, strain him to your bosom, exhibit him proudly to every one. light for him. defend Mm. and perpetuate him. Yet you do not even admit that he is it therefore happe:t? ore prejudice present, oi it-r-. - Tht-y a :v.. and take ihv.r and ;-ar* .,f v-.-j iclice* Is . titiuk l !?.??>? v.ould prc noiLo'is <iu,ivers. Bat n-y ai-*.. ? bey don*1 :u!nd ,;u.ir-.T-i. Tit" f'h ?*?.?;? ;he bvUcr. PreJ'td.1. es are : hnsy. if tfcev i] ? .Ti TT-.; wj*..'i 'no's eyesight I . i b?rjlrt?Ks and Med. Ilnnl^i Drug I ' Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. it quiets the pain at once, and Can lie applied to tlu: tender est part without hurling because it doesn't need to be rubbed ? all VOU have to do is to lay it on lightly. VTrts a pd^cFfOT prepa ration -dAi penetrates instantly? ? relieves any inflammation and con- j gestion, and rcduccs the swelling. CI T yigas^g Liniment heals cnti, burns, wound* and cont us Ions, and will draw th? poison from sting of poisonous in ?f. hey are screening the mind from the }pen; putting blinds on, and making It dark enough to sleep in comfort ably. A man can get Insured against- al most anything else but prejudices. He rah 'Insure hmself against fire and "water and loss of life and accidents ?ud depreciation 4n his property. But there is tro company so fortified that it would take the .risk of insuring against prejudice. ?And then nO man would ever think of taking out any Insurance against oqe, because he would never admit that he had it The prejtKllce himself fixes that. The first thing Tie does is to make llie" man think he hlsn't there. That is why prejudices.' no matter how much. damage they cause to character, are never evicted. They j have come to stay. ? October Lippln- 1 colt's. HOW TO RI X YOl It TOWN ? fcttther run ?4own with vl?n or Jw*t sell out and loaf. One thing must be done ? run the town for all that it is worth. Get up steam and keep It up. Do you want trade? BI<1 for It. Do you want business to come to, your town? Kncourage what you] have. Do you "want a prosperous town? Then never permit the Jeal ousies to rule your actlon^but work ' together for the cotnmcrfi prosperity j ??4 mutual Ihth'H t ghslhy \nrnrn I Cyclone Sweeps : Over the South Memphis, Tenn'., Oct. 14. ? That a destructive storm of wind and hail 1-aAv-ejH? ftver- ahd-middleXeniie-ad I set* and north Alabama early tonight. Is evidenced by the fact that no com munication of any character can be had ' with those sections. Telegraph) and telephone wires arc down and' re ports* from small towns in the ex treme western counties of Tennessee stale that a severe wind storm "oc curred at 6 o'clock tonight, unroofing house#, leveling telegraph polos and doing other damage. No loss x>f life is reported from 'Jr*-*'- points. incoming traii.s :rom the storm swept area are lat-?. and their move ments are uncertain, because o' the luck i f n.-1-gr.tpli I'm i licit:.* in giving orders. ' . There were no evidences of the "storm n Memphis other than a sud den drop in th? temperature. The town of Denmark. Tenn., has [been wrecked, two persons were kill led. several are known to have been | injured and others are missing as a j result of tonight's storm, according 'n 1 lil-i.urh mw'.vnl )iere_i&i?_toi T niKht. It says the rui-ns or ine town (are burning. (".iciteuboga, ?Tenn., Oct. 14. ? A : severe electricaW^Jtorm passed* over | this riiy shortly after 7 o'clock this [evening. Telephone and street car serviLL- aeretbadlv hr.mpered for an hour or raore.V * At Hixon, Jwn miles from Chatta jnooga. three/inches of hall fell and j meagre repows _ay t'.ie damage is extensive. i Cleveland, Tenn., i's miles from i ?.a:! and ??vji:d --:!urm . v. y:irs~ L .NashviUe, Tenn.. (V-t. 14 ? A storm j amounting almost to a tornado . passed over sections ? of Tennessee 1 about, 7 o'clock tonight. Al. Karnes, a prominent ? i'izen of Denmark, .?iad I.-ou county, was killed, and Mrs. Harm!* liadly hurt-'? -Xhcir ly>iire jyos. ? ? ?' ? " Ti'tm h . ? 1 i w.t* kill-d In Lincoln i-onrny near tlulberry. and Homer A.*hby and wife severely hurt. :';l i'" '!?' ?ffirniiitf- from -a.: W'aitrace. was caught in i the storm and ha* not been heard i >r<>m. Many residences were \vreck$d_ I in TenTie^eo. Hjc grandstand at H:? i Tennessee TaTTf-y F:i I :? t, -rounds wftrfrr the fair Is 111 progress. at-Uuntsville. j Ala . vas demolished, and half or the 1.4te3fe?Lg!Lthe ground were wrecked, p^" ;"-r*ons a rc i ^votk-u tirjnrpa: I'ASSKIl. THROUGH < ITV. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, of ,\u rora, who Have been visiting in Greenville, were in the city this aF-" terrfton, on their wfty home. TfiTKArH N'MilHIKS IIKMfilOV, | Durham. N- C., Oct. 14 ? The board' of fidvii-ors for the \'at tonal Religious! Training School for Ihe colored race,! pvjijch Is soon to be Verted here .Uroiijeh the munificence ot Dr. .las . j Sliepparrt, met today to discuss the Icta^U of. ihe project and to award contracts for the erection of the' building^. Many men of note are members of the board, among them Rev. c. H. Parkhurst. of New York; Senator Overman, of North, Carolina; ' rtidr^. f r. Prltctiard. of AshevlHe; , ^#11. II. II. GrtU'n: i>f MUlf Kuril. ? ; Bishop Robert S. Strang, r?f! '.v^iTnirzrrm. and Rabbi Abram Ma- j i f Washington, d. C. J OVSTkIIH COMING. Oysters are beginning to some to I his market im*f in earnest and the! iireniW ? -ft--- ? ? ? ? *" ' !>?**? IV OOLORADfiT | ' . ' ' * ? ? ? I ? 5B9> of Mr. Ed. Telfair. in T'Y.nMlk' J 'ol , formorly-of this .town. Mr. Tel a(r. has been absent train Washing- . 0? for many years, hot warf well jurnn here Id Ills Jsutb "$]? jlfclDACJIB? R|ek'? C?pudine. Whether from CoMi, Heat, Bt< LETS GO TO WASHINGTON PARK. Bargain in E. NOin Street 1 - i <?| House, ft. C. Hathaway. Lfl0Q Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. Cole _L LEON WOOD & CO., BACKERS and BROKERS I STOCKS. BONDS. COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLJ^, VA. Private Wire? to N. Y. S?ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago 4 Board of T rade" and other Financial Centers. Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. B>. ??' '>>. avi* ^ik> ^ EAST CAROLINA I .Teachers' Training School I 55 ? fe Established and maintained by the State tor tbe young men flgr and women who wish to qualify themselves for the profession I of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sani- fe S tat iuu -perfect* ^ fix ?1. SESSION OPENS OCTOBER 5TH. 19*9. \ |? Forfprospectus ond information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, U T p Out-of-T own Subscriber^ THE DAILY NEWS offers one ? r SEVENPIECE DINNER - OR BERRY SET ? v to all who pay Before November 1st. SEE OUR WINDOWHFUIC SAMPLE DESIGNS MlLLriSTEKTf l MiLLlN'ERY1! We wish to invite tho public to call at our store and look over our fall line of millinery, which isnow " open for inspection* T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. ?HELP IS OFFERED WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited your means of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AN!) BUSI NESS COLLEGE. Durham, N. C., is re:d/ and willing to help You secure a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Business College in the Caro linas presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suffi cient uuarantee of its superiority. Entrr now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service. English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rail road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. ? BUSINESS ? OPPORTUNITIES 1 1 - . ^ r r - IATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate six word* th? line, and below payment with copy- Answer? to ads. may be received at this office. To insure prompt attention all adver | tlse merits sicrnld be Irrbuslness officc by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, tele phone or mall given < WANTED A"B ONCB, REUABLE- RKl'RESKN tatives In this vicinity tc look after renewals and ne_w subscriptions, part or whole time, for the fastest growing magjuihe-ta America. ut> eral salary and commissions. Live men and women make $30 to $150 a month. Appointments now being made. Write Immediately to Di rector of Circulation, Hampton's, ? Magazine. 6G West 35th St., New | York City. WANTKI) ? TOR CASH, A ?OOl7, jentle farm hprse, from 7 to 10 years old. Weight from 800 to 1100 pounds. Apply to "X T," care I Daily News. TO I . . ^ LOST AND FOUND j FOl'ND ? OCTOBER 1ST. A BUNCH \ of six keys. Owner can get same ! by calling at News office and des cribing them and paying for this | I advertisement. jlX)ST, A IIOI'T <?-TOl!t;K 18#, A l^^bunch of keys with aluminum f ? turn to- News office -and receive re i ward. ?? 19 Tost ? l.im s cni.tr Tv.vmr with monogram L. is'. M. on one k side, opposite side- 1906. with fob J -trnd dragon pin. Lost yesterday. , Reward if finder return to Mrs. R. i T.-Gallagher. 15 ST E X OG RAPHE RS STENOGRAPHER A N D T V P E- I ] writer. Let njc write, your letters. | MIes Beulah Thomason Chamber of Commerce FOR SALE Till: CllOC O LATk -Vi)l HAVE | | been waiting for. "Apollo," none better; at- Sparrow 's. MXK OK Kill <;I.OVF.S JTSTl received. James K. Clark Co. FINK CELERY, CHAXliEKHIES. XI ; agra, Concord and Delaware grapes | I at Jos. F. Tayloe. NEW ARRIVAL OF HAND-PAINT- 1 ed China, at H. G" Sorrow's. MEN'S AND IIOYS' UNDERWEAR | inraiL grades ftndprlce*, at J. K. HoyCs. OUR. CANDIE.WrE THE BEST? ?lu and .centi~per pouud ? TTuT kind other folk get 2Q and 40 cents for. . Jos. F. Tayloe. FRESH CHOCOLATE ? JlST AR rived. H. G. Sparrow. LADIES'* MISSES' AND CHIL- I dren's .underwear; prices right, iCW SEE SPARROWS TEN CENT UNEl GENERAL REPAIRING SHOP ? . typewriters. aewing machines, bi cycles. guns and revolvers; locks and keys made to fit. "R. W. A. Woolard. Market street, opposite | Conn 0 NOTICE. Having qualified an administrator of the. estate of James G. Deal, de ceased. late of Beaufort county. North Carolina, this ?ls to notify all -litfrfcOKS lm\Tng claims against the es tate of 8afd~deceased'to exhibit them duly verified to -the undersigned at Aurora, N. C-, on or before the 2 2d day of September, 1910, or this no i .will -h6_ PleaUgd In _ bar of their recovery. ,_.-All persons indebted to the said es tate will pleascmade immediate pay *mwt. , Thfa 21st day of September. 1909. j. mviN d??C. Administrator of James G. DeaJ. V'aughan & Thompson. Attorneys. Hirk*' CAI'IUI.VB Cures Sick Heart ache. ? .Mao Nervous Headache. Travelers' Headache and aches from .Grip, 3t6mach Troubles or Female troti hles. TrT^Cainidlne ? It's liquid effects immediately. Sold by drug list*. FOR GENERAL SURGICAL -AND? . N?fi Contagious MEDICAL . ? taSEsi R ATES:? Private | ilryr Ad Ware! (Tare*? andalryri SI# per wctk. Ac" r?M <MlSS) JtJLIA -ArSMfTHr? I Supt.of Nur^.j p . ee==a Professional Column IALIST8 T" H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Dise^m^gf tide . Eye. Ear, No* and Throat. Hour*: 9-12 A. M. Cor. Main and ? UP. M. Gladden Sta., 'PHONE 86. Wlihingjon.^Nr Dtv I. M. Hairdy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ?d SURGEON Washington, N. C. J*. w - DR. H. SNELL Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. k ATTOIINBY8 H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington, N. C. We practice in the Courts of the Firat Judicial Diatrict, and the Federal Court*. Jphn H. Small, A.D. Mac Lean, Harry McMuilan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina; W.b? GRIMES^ ? ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. Washington, North Carolina. Practices in all the Courta. W. M. BOND, Edenton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS ' BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, Ntw?H Carol TO*. Practice in all Coutts. W. L. Vaughan W* A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. C. Practice In all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. (Viu. B. Rodman. Wiley C. Hodman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorney s-at-Lnw ? Washington, N. C. 1-1 Business Cards R. L. STEWART Corner Main and Market Streets. Just received a large assortment of thr latest desi.ns In Jewelry. Re pairing a specialty. H. B. Goldstein, We are stil! doing' business at our old stand. In this period between the fT"" rut. tomers. Our talf samples are already in and we cart take your order now for immediate or future delivery. Yours for business. H. B. Goldstein. For HR&JNSURANCE ? ? ace : J. and P. B. MYERS The J. H. simrnons Mar Die and Granite Co. MONUMENTS Prlf^.nJWn.1. HL.hr WASHINGTON, N. C. f WHITE <- BARBER - SHOP The only first-class white shop In city. A trisl will convince anyone of reas onable Judgment. We have 3 chairs, 3 first-class white barbers. Sntifactlon assured. Opposite-Postal office.?-^ ? - A. B. DRAUPHON, Prop. C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE i ' of all kinds. Buy Your HORSES and MULES . VV-' _____ f from GEO, H, HILL mwcli blggrr and better than that at a yfer ako todaj a> the atnre ltaelf ? mmY jTT? W noppona that, when _ ?t?te lioa areuM* a rut In able to offer to ?(.u, aonie notalile line of ?TO* tt ramrnnr prtcea, will be

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