WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. OCTrtRiTH ^ 1?ft9 VOLUME I, United Daughters . of Ihe Confederacy Elect Their Officers The State convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, In following officers for the year: * For president there wero nominat ed Mrs. F. M. Williams, of Newton, the recording secretary; Mrs. Leo D. Heartt, of Raleigh; Mrs? Joseph ue Daniels, of Raleigh; Mrs. Marshal Williajjis, of Warsaw. Th^ three last named requested that their names be withdrawn In fairar of Mrs. F. M. "Williams, of Newton, wbOae name they did not know would he present ed to the convention. Mrs. Williams xvas then elected by a rising vote. Mrs. Williams made a feeling speech In which she thanked the convention for" the honor conferred upon her. Sirs. M. 8. Willard, of Wilmington, was elected first vice president with out opposition, the secretary being requested to cast the entire vote of the convention for hec. The secre tary also cast the vote of the conven tlon for Mrs. Josephus Daniels, for. second vice president; and MIbs Cah rie Leaser, of Moorcsvllle, third vice president- Several "names were pre gentcd for recording secretary, but were later withdrawn and Mrs. T.- TJ Thrash, of Tarboro, was unanimously elected. Mrs. W. C. Finlster, of New ton . was elected corresponding sec retary and Mrs ? Eugene Little, of Wadosboro, was reelected treasurer. Other officers w.ere elected as follows: I^eglstrar, Mrs. W. W. Wattd, Char lotte; recorder of crosses, Mrs. Thos. D. Craig, of Gaston la; reelected; his torian, MJbs Rebecca Cameron, Hllls boro, reelected ; assistant historian,, Mrs. W. O. Shannon. Henderson * also reelected; chaplain, Miss Hettle James, of Wilmington. At the morning session the follow ing young ladles were appointed tell ers for the election with Mrs. C^th bert Martin as chairman: Miss Madge Webb, of Shelby; Miss Shuford, of Gastonia; Miss Rodman, of Washing ton; Miss Anita DeRoset. of Wil mington. To the surprise of all the ?ervlce~of the tellers were not need ** ed and after the election of the chap lain tne president announced tnat the young ladles could retire to their seats The election was probably the most harmonious In _ tfee hlator/ of ( the Division. Certainly it could not have been more harmonious. Mrs. Williams, the newly elected president, stated that North Carolina i bad an excellent chance of securing j tional organization, and suggested that the convention endorse Its can didate.. Mrs. I. W. Faison, the retir ing president, was nominated and upon motion of Mrs. Josephud Dan iels sho was endorsed for the ofllcc by a rising vote. Mrs. Falsoir-sfild that it was Hie proudest moment of her life. She remarked that at the last general meeting the honor was ten dered to Mrs. Stonewall jacTcson, of Charlotte, but on accQu?*-'ef'i"5er ad vanced age she decided to serve. She said that many ol the States had en dorsed her for the honor, but as there was another candidate In the fleid, a West Virginia lady, her election was not*icertaln, the other lady having been connected with the general or ganization for a longer period. Sho again thanked the convention for naming her as their choice for the presidency soj the larger body. The new officers wero then escort ed to the stage and introduced to the convention. At 3:40 the convention 'took a recess until 10 o'clock this morning and the Daughters attend ed in a body tho laying of the corner stone of the monument tu George Davis. , Plans for the memorial arch which it^i?_jiroposed to erect in Raleigh, were discussed at length. Arthe last meeting a committee was appointed to Investigate and ascertain if the names of veterans could be carved upon the stones and tho arch retain ita beauty. After consulting with many experienced engineers that con clusion-had been reached that the names should be inscribed, upon bronze tablets placed .on the side of the arch. The arch will be of Con federate gray stones and according to the plans^submitted will be 24 feet wide at the base and 18 feet high and will cost about $2,000, of which amount $900 has already been contributed by 45 of the chapters of the State. It la hoped , to have thff* entire amount in hand within the next two or three years. Upon mo tion of Mrs. Eugene Llixle the com^ mlttee, of which Mrs. E. R. Moffit Is chairman, was empowered to proceed with the work of raising the funds and' erecting the arch. The next convention will be held at Rocky Mount EUROPE STIRRED BY EXECUTION ^Spanish Anthonties~ Are Try- 1 ing to Suppress News of Ferrer's Death. 8an Sebastian, Spain, via Hdndaye, Franco. Oct. IB. ? The rigorous cen ? gorahip preveats the transmlegloa of news regarding the effect In the prov inces of the execution of Ferrer. Only ? official reports -of the court martial and execution are allowed to be pub nsheiTlrere. ~Acts of reprisal against tfrw rlprlralj Qro ant i/itpa tnA QrOat excitement Is reported in the mining districts near Bilbao, where troop* are concentrating to check possible disorders. ? ; Paris, Oct. 14. ? The demonstra nun^'llryniiDowfuwir nrirw cutlon of Francisco Ferrer wore very marked throughout France today, and from reports received tonight they still contlhuef ~ Serf cms disturbances occurred at Lyons, where thousands of workmen ? and many socialists and anarchists ? paraded. y' ' Cherbrero, France, Oct. IB. ? A ?bomb was found In Barcelona this af ternoon. - If was placed in a special wagon, where It exploded without do ing any harm. Judging from the. contents of the bomb considerable damage would have been done If It had exploded in the streets. The cen sorshlp at Barcelona -has been re doubled. The body of Ferrer was buried this morning In the Civil cem etery. m Trieste, Austria, Oct. IB. ? Rioters advanced In the direction of the fi pan Ish^nnsn lata about TO ^'cloek this evening, but being -repulsed by, ? police they marohed through the city, breaking many windows. More than 66 arrests were made. . PASTOR RETURNS. ^ T; ? ftplllvan has retumnrt the Roanoke Union of the Baptist .. Church. He reports .1 most pleasant WILL RBSUHK ROUTE. MANY LIVES LOST IN THE STORM Thirty-Seven" Have" Been Re ported Dead ? Devastation Great. Memphis, Tenn., Oct.' 15. ? With the known death list already reach ing a UUi uC 37 live* and with 12 others reported dead, with scores seriously injure#, and many others painfully bruised and scarred and with the property damage running | to s aWloQ dollars or- more, the. nc anri destruction or"lho otorm which swopt nflddle and wwt Tennes of Arkansas and South Carolina late, yesterday afternoon and last night! grows hourly as reports are received munication is gradually resumed to a normal condition. The rftorm of last night was the worst that has visited, this section of ilea were laid waste, towns were de stroyed, plantations were greatly damaged, and from all sections of the stop in "swept area come reports of loins ? of life. The llts of reported dead fol lows^ __ Denmark, Tenn., 1. * Mulberry, Tenn., l. - _ Stantonvllle, Tenn., 13 people re potted killed f unconfirmed. ) Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., 6. Near 8tanleyvllle, 8. Near Cartersville, Oa., 2. Scottsboro, Ala., 4. Wyeth Cove, Aim., 8. Stanton, Tenn., 1. Mlxon, Tenn., 5. APPOINTKD DRLHGATK. Hpn. John H. Small has been named by Governor Kit^hla as one oT the delegates to attend t^e Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association to be 1m?M In Norfolk _ VnnmiW O OOMPURlOlf. John -Br Bragaw, Jr., from Mr. R. Lee Bonner, Bast Main street, and now being remodeled and otherwise la -1 BRYAN GIVES HIS REASONS FOR NO CONFERENCE Party's Policy Outlined He Also Expresses Fear ifThere \Va? a National Meeting Open to All as the Men Opposed to the Masses Would Control. % Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 15. ? Mr. Bryan objects to the proposed Democratic national conference. In the Com moner he says that some of the East ern papers "are suggesting a national conference to outline a policy for the^ national Democrats, but who would do the Inviting and who would at tend? How coulct^'o get a more rep resentative body than the last Demo cratic convention? "It adopted a platform and outlined a policy which was indorsed , by the Democrats of the country. . There were- a few Democrats who were not in harmony with the platform adopt ed. and some of them did not support the ticket. 'They. might be In favor of I a conference, but what influence would such a conference have, except to sound a note of discord? The% value of the conference depends en ttrely-ttpon those fe'ho Attend it. What assurance would we have that any national conference would be suffi ciently representative of the masses to speak with authority? State con ferences are much more defendable than a national conference, because State conferences can be more easily attended by tho massj and file than a national conference. "Th?j people who would be most apt to attend a national cpnferejice, If it were open to all,, would be the very people who could not go as dele gates to' a representative Democratic gathering ? namely, the men who are pecuniarily interested In defeating the popular will." . ? ? ^ Banquet to Be a 1 Gorgeous Affair rJuaror, Mexico, Oct. 16. ? Arrange ments for the banquet to be given here tonight by the President of Mexico In honor of the President of the UnitestStates have been complet ed on a scalo of magnificence such as has been seldom witnessed on the North AmerUfth Continent. The af American ?olqrj and "with oil paint liigs uf Wash lug tun; atmeles. and Za? ragoxa. _ The menu has been prepared by M. Sylvian Daumont, who was for many y<*ars the chef of Alphonso XII of Spain and is now recognized as the leading caterer of Mexico. Adorning the .banquet hoard will, be the -his torical and celebrated presidential silver and_ plate composing a great portion of the silver and china form ing tho banquet service of Emperor Maximilian.' The set comprises sev eral thousand pieces, and convnareg favorably in richnesB and splendor with the famed^ sets of the Old World royal famftles. Covers will be laid for one hundred and fifty guesta: President Taft will Jm tti?mmn?nl<ul Ja - *??-? w.- ? Secretaries Dickinson $nd NagelT" Postmaster General Hitchcock, Sen ator Bailey, Governor Campbell of Texas, Brigadier General Myer and staff. and Captain BuU,-tb* -military aide to the President. There wilt be two fonts only at the banquet, namely, those of the Presidents. The dinner will last an hour and forty-five mlnutes.^and then President Taft will bid farewell- to President Diax and return to El Paso. APPRECIATES DATI/Y NEWS. k former resident ni Washington, ' " Iwt?i?d In ib? Jar weai, in send ing a check for his subscription to the sDaily News, compliments the paper In the following word^: "Allow mejto congratulate you for getting out~the *est dally paper dear old Washington has erer had." Thla is but one of the maay sueh letters consUntly r? I cefveJ at tile business office for which w?*P%el grateful, have returned. *?Mlss Mary Fowlar an* Mta* Uda Rodman .returned this' meaning from 1* ~ ? D. McMlllln. and are most enthusiastic over the de of the Daughters of the Confederacy, Mra. Fanny Ransoms William*, daughter of Gen. Robert ? Ransome. MM vice DECREE ENIERED FOR EAHLP SALE OF -Sale in Four^Weeks I - * I H. K. WolcotCE. A. Baird, T. J. Jarvis and Frederick Hoff Special Masters4fon Norfolk & Southeat. PZ Richmond, Va.. Oct. decree entered In _Um District Court today muud Waddill, Jr.. closure proceedings the Truarcompany of^ sale of the properllefeia franchises and prlvti folk and Southern R*lJ ration existing under Slates of Virginia, an{ liQa, was ordered, tlx* sale being to end the Sale of the HI. ? Under a; Faulted States J Vy Judge Ed-! luant to fore^ ?d July l by America, tWT issets, rights, of the Nor* [way,-?K.corpo ? laws of the North Caro fcurpore of the -?sting receiv Harry K. Walcoft Jr.. of Norfolk: Thomjs 2 Greenville. N. c.t and Trei of New York, are appoln K. R. Baird i J iryis, of I idorlck Hoff, Jinted special masters to make and conduct the sale and transfer the properties. Each of the special masters Is required to give a one hundred thousand dollar bond, payable to^tfte Unltea #tates of Amer ica with surety to be approved by the court. 1 The sale will $e at public auction upon the premises ox tfce Park avenue station of the Norfolk and Southern 5n Norfolk. The day of the sale will be fixed by the special masters, at the request of the solicitors of the complainants, but not until notice .has been published onh> a week for ^our -consecutive weeks in newspa pers designated under the degree. The masters are privileged to invite bids, but each biddef must deposit two hundred thousamd dollars, all such funds to be deposited. In the National Bank of'COMmerca In Nor the first refunding mortgage bonds, with interest on overdue installments. The entire sum duo under the pro ceedings Is $16,039,081.94. The Nor folk and Southern road controls a trackage of 606.27 miles. The cor poration was formed on October 29, by the consolidation of the Norfolk and Southern Railway Company, the Virginia and Carolina Railway Com lina Railway Company and *he Ral ?lgU aud Pumlli'U SOHhd Kfillwly" REVOLUTION . ! IS SWEEPING ' jpiSGl The Country Aroused i Fighting Has Taken Place and Several Have Been Killed ? People Axe Flocking to the Revolutionists. . ' . * I New Orieui, Oct. l|. ? A special^ to? the Times-Democrat from Blue-. Aeldg, Nlcaraugua. by wirosless via Colon, says: "Thb~ revolution leaded bv Gen. Joan J. Estrada against President Zelaya has aroused ~tlie entire coun try and seems to be sweeping the \ cbuntry. Everywhere the people are j reported to be flocking to the armies; of the revolutionist*. ^ - J "From "the Interior comes news that? the revolutionists have seized Rivas and ai?o that Corimo, tho &oa port on the Pa?, has declared for the revolution and. _has ovortlirown the government there. "News from Oreytown today is that there waj some fighting there before the city wasta'ken by the revolution ists. Colonel Urgte> the head of sev eral hundred revolutionists, arrived at Oreytown before the main body of the insurgents under Oeneral Chara : oi'ro Estrada. Colonel Urgte called upon the garrison to surrender, but was met with a volley. His men re turned the Are and afterka fight rush ed the garrison and captured )?'and then took possession of the town with no further disturbance. "In the fighting- there were some fatalities, several men being killed on either side and a number wounded. "Upon the arrival at Oreytown later In the evening of Tuesday of the main body under -General Cha morro Estrada the entire forces left for, the interior to attack the fortified town of Castillo." ? : ? - ? . FOOT BALL MEETING. ball club at the cltj hall Monday, night, October IS. at 8 o'clock. TMU meeting w?Jl be held for the purpose of arranging a date for a game with Tarfloro. to -be played in Washington. All who expect to Cry for the tiatn are requested to attend this meeting. MISS AX. ME PAYNE WINS. Miss Annie Payne held the winning in the drawing contest for the hand painted "cTilna pitcher. -Xhe-twmWT urawing 'tie ,,itcirer The Gem Theater to Be Remodeled and Beauti ? ? fied The patrons of the Gem Theater may look for decided improvements at this? well-known playhouse in the near future If the plans of the pro prietors, Messrs. O'Connor &. Mul rora, are carried out. When these al terations are made.the Gem will com pare favorably with any moving pic ^bxcepted. -The Gem bids fair to be the largest moving film exchange In thla-se?tlon. The entire front of the, theater Is to be remodeled and the painting. *ftA-decoratlo? contemplated will makeit attractive and beautiful. Marked changes are to be made throughout the building. Nothing I cheap or shoddy will be uaed, only J first-class work in every particular. TO PREACH AT COUNTY HOMK. I Rev. M. T. PAyler, , pastor of the | First Methodist Church, will preach \ at the county home tomorrow- after- 1 noon at 3 o ciock. ine public are tn vlted to attend. . DR. FIELDS TO TRAVEL. Dr. D. M. Fields, who has been the J clever and efflclont druggist at Dr Tayloe's drug store for pometlme, has I resigned his position and will travel] the State of South Carolina for the 1 firm of John W. Kennedy ft Co., | Wholesale druggists. Jfc has the beat while* of all trar i -- T-rf" . ItKTCIUfs FltOS ABROAD. totrr of Europe. Mrs Moea hu been I abroad for about three month., Mr Lniit KiM for ll?? wao ?,?!?. j?M* Lwcea. I The Gem Theater enjoys a h'igh place among its patrons and It Is mrntfc-g4-atlf? 'nrc It 4+iw to know that their efforts to please 13 appreciated. When Messrs. O'Con nor and Mulford took charge of the Gem the moving picture business was not patronized a* novr. They openedj through push and energy and with only incentive ? to please ? at once received the- cordial support of the people so much so that nearly every News doubts If there is a town_4n North Carolina whore the moving pic ture shows are better patronized or where the piogram given la more worthy of merit. Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bragaw; Messrs. Edward and Thomas CJark will give a reception at the residence | of Mr. Thomas Clark, East Main1 street, next Monday evening, from 9 to 12, complimentary te Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bragaw, Jr. The public are cor Mr. and t/> return tour Monday on 1:45 p. m. Atlantic Coast Line The steamer Hatteraa which baa her rogular route for the Heavy Hail Storm Visits the City of Atlanta Friday | Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 13.? This city! ? wan bombarded for ten minutes last ' | bv- thn l.-atiest I'iilktftfm j which has ever been recorded in At- 1 lanta, when the actual size of the i hailstone* ranged from the tfimen-j sions of a hen egg to those of a tea cup. Between $20,006 and 936.000 worth of plate glass and window i panes were Ueptolished, the tnuiayor-i tatlon facilities tied up for a season -and half the city plunged Into u j panic of fright. Hundreds of teams wero sertojitgM jn m&H>enlc hr the unnatural behavior of the elements; live electric light wires were snapped in twain. Que luUlstoue? aetually weighed, showed seven ounces. The Hainan was distributed all over-Tire city, not falling heavily on any one place, office buildings and skyscrap ers being the largest suffererjt -Street cars were flight in the storm, win dows broken out and passengers drenched, but no serious casualties axft report^. Report s~ - from low ns """ around Atlanta report the same con ditions but no serious damage. ' Telephone ancl telepgraph wires were . 4>uL ' Out of commission for a _/ time. NAVAL WilCER COMMITS SUICIDE Lieutenant Richter Found in His Room Suspended From the Ceiling. Newport News, Va.. Oct. 15. ? aK> ter having dinner with a young lady and spending the evening in her com pany at the Chamberlain hotel, Old Point Comfort, Lieut. Carl K. Rich terT U. "5." N., 2.S years old, ch 1W en gineer officer of the U. S. gunboat Marietta, went to hlB vessel in Hamp ton Roads at midnight and his dead body was found hanging by a strap to the wall in his quarters this morn ing. Lieutenant Richter did not appear for breakfast at the usual lime this morning and his absence cauBed the commanding officer to send an order ly to his quftrters. The room door was locked, and as the officer failed to respond to the repeated knocks and calls from the orderly, the door was broken open. There hanging In the room was the body of the dead officer. He had used a leather strap as a rope, placing one end on a peg in the wall and the other around his neck. body was faurrli'tny CTTT dcnrrt. trad been -dead wvml hours. All attempts to secure a gen eral statement from any of the offi cers on the Marietta tog^y or to night have proved futile? No one seems to know why the un fortunate lieutenant should have end ed his life, as he was of a happy dis position and was not thought to have been despondent. The identity of hfa rttmpaillmi ai the Chamberlain last night has not been learned. She may hnfr--"7~rl-1h1niT rrf ii'ii n ilf Mil L|eutenant Richter was born in lmv-i n4 ivar ,| (..ti,. .s>v,T| Academy in 1900, graduating in the ? spring of 1906. He served as an en sign on the battleship Illinois, and three months ago was appointed jun ior. lieutenant and assigned to the Marietta. He mad" the cruise around the world with the -Atlahtir fteot ?n I the Ilfcrrhip. CHILDREN'S DAY Will Be Celebrated by M. E. Sunday School? Babies Are Invited. The Methodlat Sunday School will observe tomorrow as Children's. Day.. The excrcisea will begin at 4 o'clock, and It Is the purpose tt> have the en tire baby roll in fact, every baby In the congregation, present at this hour. All the parents and adult mem bers of the congregation are request ed to he present alee. The baby roll will be called, and each parent will be asked to answer for their child. There will be an address delivered by H. C. Carter. Jr., Esq-. on the ad- _ vantage of the Sunday School, to the child. Mr. Carter is a most interest ing speaker, and all who hear him I will no doubt team something edify ing and instructive. A collection will be taken for the Children's Day fund, which goes to ward -^elfTlng the needy Sunday Schools fa the bounds of the North Carolina Conference and It is to be J hoped a nice sum will be Yealized. A cordial Invitation is extended to WWf B9BMT or m Aim MA aii others to be present. ' There will be DRATH OP CHILD | Charles Waljare Hodges, aged fire] parents, Mr. and Map. John Gray] Hodges. Old Ford, S. C , yesterday morning. The funeral was conducted this morning by Rev J.. A- Sullivan. large number of friends and neigh bors. The Interment was tn the home W/ta? ?roun<L IjgjV A FLIGHTS NET WRIGHT $12,50T He Presents His Bill to Hudson ~ Fulton Commission and Gets Cash. New York. Oct. 15. ? For the spec tacular flights he made over New York Day and up the Hudson during the celebration, Wilbur Wright re5 celved $12,500 from the Hudson-Ful ton Commission. Wright put In his bill for that amount and it was paid by the commission today. Glenn H. Curtlss received $5,000 for his par ticipation in the celebration. The Atlantic waterway commission has asked to have the Half Moon dent to Norfolk. Va.. to participate in the waterways convention on November IT. The request will be acted upon later. Paris. Oct. 15. ? The Compagnio Generate de Navigation Aerlenne, which controls the patents of the \\rright brothers, so far as their ex ploitation In France is concerned, to day caused a theoretical seizure to be effected of practically every bi plane oa~ exhibition a! the aeronautic salon now in session here, on the ground tnat^certain details oi tneir ? Wiurti-Ticttwn were Infringements the Wright patents. BOX PARTY. T_her?? will be a box party given at Pineville Schoolhouse next Saturday night. October 22, for the benefit of Ware's Chapel Methodist Church. 4arg*? number shnuld attend and hotp a worthy cause. IMr. ITparrow T to Be Speaker ? The Young Men's Christian League meets at the Chamber of Commerce rooms Sunday afternoon at 3 o>lock. The following is th*> nrngranr Opening hymn. No. 204. Prayer. Hymn No. 190. Scripture reading. Vocal solo. Mrs.? A. G. Smither. QoooBipan.pij ti\ Mi. 8 m It her. Address. Mr. John B. Sparrow. Subject, "a Y oiing Man s Influence." Prayer. Hymn N*o. 147. Benediction. An aro coraiany Jnvneatono pres ent especially the fodlcs and young m^o.-' MERCHANT OF VENICE. The play given Ejpre'Tawt ritght by Mr. Edouard D'Olze and his excellent company of actors -was perhaps the best ever seen here. Although "the stage was too small to allow thfeir scenery to be put on, still one forgot the lack of appropriate surroundings when witnessing such fine acting. In Shakespearean plays the success de- I pends upon the quality of the acting, not the scenic effects, and this com pauj liii Lai n 1.* i.aiua up lu LIlU murg in this respect. Mr. D'Olie's Shylock was as flne a bit of acting as can be seen, and the Portia of Miss Eugenia Flagg left nothing to be desired. Washington was lucky to have the opportunity to see this masterpiece of Shakespeare's. ? N ; * New Advertisements * ? in Today's News ? ? * ? ? * .

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