Last Edition VOLUME L -WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, "WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 10, 1909. ' NO. 86 Schr. Gold Mine Strikes Stump 7 and Sinks Near Pamlico Beach ? ? : - - ? ? . , * -V Passenyers and Crew Rescued The schodner Gold Mln?, Captain Leroy pedrlck, master, hailing from Juniper Bay, ,Hyde county, ' anil bound for this port, wlUle off Pam? llco Boach yesterday afternoon, ran on a Etump and* sunk. Air the crew and passengers were saved, lyit the cargo of cotton and peas will' lie a total loss, for what was saved is xdto Blderably damaged. The Uold Mlnu iuna between Hydo county and Washington, and on this trip was loaded with cotton and peas THE MEETING ENDS TONIGHT Many Have Been Reclaimed and Tonight closes the .series of union meetings that have been in progress at the'piisl Metllbdlst Church for the past ten days*. under the leadership of Evangelist- WHTtam Black. Mr. Black and Mr. Burr will leave for Charlotte,, their homes, tomorrow morning and next Sunday expett to begin a meeting near Raleigh. .It Is to be hoife* thar everybody | in Washington will attend the clos ing Bervieo of this moat profltabla.} meeting. Quite a number have made a pro-| fession of religion and the result' of the efforts that nave been'Mftdt* 1T1' Washington during the past ten days will be felt for many years to come, j ? Mr. Black has accomplished a. great, work fn~~thlB city. He leaves carry lng witn mm ihti.BWt KtfeUwB' u( all .our people, as ' does Mr. - Burr, the choir leader. ?The sermons of Mr. Black have all been thoroughly en joyed?the peTJfele have been streng thened and made better by his com ing. This series of meetings have awakened Washington* as never ber to the- respectlv^churches as theput come. The Daily fcows hopes the day is not far distant when this city will be afforded the pleasure of hav ing Messrs. Black and Burr here again. Welcome, a royal welcome, 1 ? will be always JJieirg. Iiiical Syndicate nt Ogtfrn, I'tah, Is 'After Big Mill. - ? N'nv ft ? Jlmmiel TJunn. on behalf of a local syndicate, ] has sent telegrams to James J. Jeff- | rles ar?d Jack- #BThnmrr ? offering **<0 ann fnnha Og den during the meeting of the Na tional Wool Growers' Association and the Live Stock "Show to be held Jan uary 4, 5. 6. 7 and J8, 1910. Betrayed Girl Takes Own Life! Greensboro, N. C., Nov. 9. ? The peculiar actiona or a weu-arcssed wo man whf> was fttrolling along through tho Guilford Battle Ground park, silt miles from the city, about noon to day, caused an enquiry of tho police to be sent over the phone by a mer chant there. Following up the mat ter later a lady's hat and dress were found on the short of Lake.Nlfong, anA soon the body of an unknown j woman was rescued from the water. ? The dead woman was later Identi fied as Miss Maggie Poe, aged 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Poe, in the cigar factory here for a year anle of a brilliant exhibition, but his ob J*rl lh dinging a *dhg U 16 tonvey the words and" through them the ihodght, the-emations? and tho pas sions of the author. He does not permit a desire to exhibit his volc^* to mar the song. He is genial, and good natUTfciT anc! big eneugh to be considerate of the wishes of those who are paying fur lilb sitvU'w.. ? Hr isn't afraid of being underestimated on account of be?ng kind and accom-* modatlng. Isn't this the kind of singing you love, and Isn't that the kind of man or woman you love to hear sing? Do" you? want -to hear -Hinshaw? Then don't miss the opportunity next Fri-I day evening at the school -audlto-l rlum. There are other artiste, too. that! you will hear. Mr. Hinshaw ha* sur-j rniinrinit K'nii rlf wlt^ c;nr?rs capable | of sustaining him In every class of] music, from the homely, or simple; ballad to the clnsstfr Hum nf-j pianist, is ecld to be very fine. This is the great feature of the"! series. Don't miss it If you want* lo I be present at the beat of the entire 1 aeries. : COMPANY G . ENJOYS DAY Participated in Tfcft Day at Wil mington "Yesterday.' The Washington I,:ght Infantry Wider the command of Captain Nor wood ' L. Simmons, returned from Wilmington this morning about *3 o.'clock via the Norfolk and Southern road, where they participated in. Taft Day yesterday. The boys report one of the greatest days In their lives and { every member is loud in his praise of Wilmington and the hospitality of Its citizens. The company left here early yes terday morning, 40 strong, and ar rvled In Wilmington at 11 o'clock. ThPv wprn mot nt tllO train 1)V tllfi committee and escorted to the mess hall whore breakfast was served. After the parade in which there were 2 companies of state troops' and one regiment of Halted States regulars, [the members of Company G with the i rest of the ^militia were taken to the [arioory-of the Wilmington Light In Lfantry where lunch was served. The 'whole day was enjoyed Immensely, i, The company left Wilmington oq.. the return trip at 9 o'dlock, reaching homo at the hour stated above. Col. H." C. Bragaw, who command ed the l>'ate troops, returned with the company on tl\e special. Wilmington did Itself proud yes terday. and the boys of the company wlir ever remember their trip. Three Killed, 35 Injured Knoiv!ll<>. Ten ii., Nov. l>. ? the! result o? a colljuion between a freight ' and pat$enger train uear hew, three' and |tuio a I passenger train and both the firemen' '??vere killed. -?Co i>a?.sengt>;-& se riously buct. Corn Judging Day is a r Gala One for Washington Today is a great one for Washing ton, for Beaufort county, for Eastern I Carolina. Corn Judging Day a to end, and every farmer, every vis- ( itor hero, returned home most fav orably impressed wtth Washington, and, in addition, carrying with him a determination to be a better faTm As one of Jhe speakers said this | morning, "the corn exhibit here today by the different farmers would do, "credlt-toHany Stat* In the Union. All the ? counties In thlsSfcstern section have samples on exhlbitlonandVlitle the Dally News cannot publish a list of the prlw winners In this issue, 'the readers can rest assumed of one fact, those who hare won the {frizes' hft??-Rothlng to brag over, for their competitors to rtbe honors ran them so closely It was with difficulty the judges selected the fortunate ones. Karly this morning. In fact, since yesterday, farmers from all direc tions have been making for Washing ton, eager for thjjl contest. The farm ers 'seemed to be Imbued with the thought, I' am bound for a place where I'ca nlearn and become belter educated in the secret* of tlUlrig the toll. ' : H **'N '.'.V-VV I - The^. Norfolk and Southern ran special trains from aa far north as jyurfulk and as far wfat as Raleigh. /Lane nut bets oame from alt direc tions. Mn i seemed to enjoy j apoechmakUsg clear uj I her"" visitors. A generous welcome was written- on ali face3. All have left Carrying with them a favorable impression an'd- say they want to come again. Not only are sections lying on the Norfolk and Southern railway rep resented, but frdm afar,*and If noth ing unforseen happens, these sections will play no littW part ' when the J udgeB announce the Ir decision. Several addresses were? Made to the visiting farmers in the skating rink. *! Mi*. J. F. Tayloe, chairman of the committee from the Chamber of Commerce, welcomed all, &h(^ then Hoiij. John H. Small addressed them. After Mr. Small had finished lie turn ed the meeting into an old fashioned experience ipeetlng, to quote him. Several farmers fTom different coun ties made five-niipute speeches on corn raising, etc. A full acjpunt of this meeting will be published in to morrow's News, * along *wlth the names of those farmers who have won the prises. The Judge# will not complete their task of Adding on the merits of the corn ???ttl late thlj afternoon. The oyster roast one o I the ploaring features. Everyone had ills appetite appeased and satiated to the fullest. All were 'fed. and fed boun Ufully. -r M W Mhlnxton did not I hfr cltltens. They har? made good. |riKt=utrrrs 1H, HflNGEO FROM ROOF ^ 3k>nd Wonted Figures Deep Mystery jBie_Outcome of Real Estate Man's Murder in Oklahoma ? Beaten In lon scious and thai Hanged. TttAT-SECTION HORRtFtEf)' Oklahoma City, 1,0. ? Roy D. Gannon's slayers no* only murdered him, but hanged him from the roof of the Campbell .building, 11 Tories .h'gh. In which his office ts. There Mr. Gannon's steno^apher.- a young Moman, found his bddy dangling In mid air this afternoon. A blonde woman figures In the crime, the strangest that has mystified this sec tion for many years. Mr. Gannon was thirty ears, old and unmarried- He came here from Lexington. K y., severa1) years ago, went In the real estate business, pros pered and gained clients all overthe Stale. He was a prominent member of* the KnSglus of Colutnbus and. as far as any one knows, led a quiet, r&spectablo life. ?-? ? He went to his office as usual yes terday morning. Ho drew $1,000 from his bank at noon. The money, in an envelope, he laid oa his desk. His stenographer, going home ear ly on Saturday, left him In the offlcc. .-iiie. went there this afternoon be cause he did not communicate with her about some business he said he ?rotiM. ?; She was horrified to Gannon's body hanging from th^.jroof. His murderers had beaten "" consciousness. Then rude noose and with twisted it around his : ?ecn twists a tonrajfli ? artery until they nearly severed his head. Their, ascending the one flight of Btalrs to the roof, they hanged hl'm. Mr. Gannon arid a blonde woman were together In an auiofnobllt* yes* terclay qftornoon; several friends of his saw them. The detectives, who are searching for the woman, deride j the idea tfeat the theft of ^1,000'was , the motive, for. a crime so elaborate j and brutal. Kiqston, N. C.. Not. s 9. ? The ro markable sr-o. :a'-lf> of a white uc:.v. .. 1 -fs-irly wo 14 4fo*juu1.- with evidences of | some refinement and. marks of attrac-j livjeness facing the charge' of murder] in the first degree, the subject of the | homicide being a negro man, was the scene presented to spectators today In ,tho court room in thla rity. The case in quaatlou-la-that-Of-Mrii. Sue Willis, of Jacksonville, Onslow coun ty, Nk^o was brought to this city on a writ OT^abe;t3 corpus Monday night to belicard at chambers before Judge Allen, to determine whether she shall be admitted to ball or remanded to jju unit much longer, but Mrs. Harris refused to finish the job." "Mrs. Houghton is one of a" group of six women who clubbed together jig qncg Tne-p.'l'.UiUH'M lit- r.-.-ir I have been revitalizing faces in San "Francisco fo^Ifteen years and many " * "ir'-'irnii^aiiine from iliis _?rg^ijfflBniiaig v.asTfn ^^nd^of^^reTj Houghton, v. ho introduced me to her. Is one of my clients. ? You see how! exquisite her complexion is." *" Mr?. Crosby indorsed M rs. Harris' statement, and then Magistrate Kro tel beard the accusation of Ahnuth C. Vandtver, counsel for the county medical society, who charged Mrs. Harris with practising medicine with- J out a license. _ | ---Ml'.-. H1.T7-: tl'ji'.-vr.iVi JIU.1 u in ui itltioner. She* slid her treatment was a sc-ea'tific pi-otf>t&, discovered by her. ' I She denied tha? either knife or tried- ' Seine was used. S'.'.e said she was a J and had a Stale of Carolina. ;1nc tn the defea'dant ko far as this', | ca^e ik concerned, but had a veil of [ insinuations of moral turpitude and j i.'- n.'ilHii' . | ! Witnesses for tl;e S'a'p irriimatftd . I an ir/imacy between the defendant' and the deceased, that might go to show motive, and also tended to re- j fate the defense of accident put up! by the defendant. Mrs. Willis haa had a checkered career, and her show that sue is a woman wllh ft history. Mar ried some years ago to a man who I has served at least one term in Jail for crime, jshe is now separated from' him and a divorce suit is pending. Returning from a year's imprison ment, her husband, charging Infideli ty. made a murderous attack upon her and tried to kill her, but was pre vented from doing so by a citizen of Jacksonville. She then armert her self with a pistol and warned him that If he ever attempted tp harm her ; * '? and is now living, It is said, with an- , Eher woman near the South Carolina le. Mrs. Willis Instituted suit for vorce. whfoh Is now pending. I According to Mrs. Willis' state-] men', on the day of the homicide she had taken a gun from the rack and was sitting on the porch of her home with it thrown across her lap wiping out the rust and otherwise cleaning It, not knowing that it was loaded. Williams, who sometimes did odd Jobs around her home, came up and, lifting his hat, was in the act of speaking to her, when she, In turn ing suddenly, in some way caused the gun to fire, the entire charge tak ing effect in his chin and producing instant death. No one saw~the"shobt Ipg at olftee rahge and Mrs. Willis Immediately 0 The defendant was on ihe stead In her owifbehalf at the afternoon- sea ?ion and onderwent the grilling t h rough w^fck" afie WM^ut~Bjrs?TTc Itor Duffy calmly and gave her evi dence In. a dtetUct and sMfh tfon - ? ^ ^ remarkable cour Jtlmatlon th.t had boot, m.d, ot Illicit REPTK ~ DEPOSITORY OF ~ mtm Snake Hoards Money. Sunstrom Not Only Gets Back His Two Quartm, but $4.42 for a Short Time Loan? His Snakeship Examined.' DIGESTS THEM AT LEISURE ? New York, Nov. 10. ? Kdward Son ?strom, a Truthful. sobm- and indus trious person, killed a blackspake 5 feet long yesterday near the bridge over Touey's Brook a' Bay street. Montclalr, N. J. The location is fixed with particularity because it is still there, an enduring proof of the re~ tuarka'ulo facts that follow. The Sonstroms live near the bridge. Mrs. Sonstrom sent her two little glrla to a delicatessen -?ore to buy things for the Sunday dinner." The children had just reinrued from 'Sunday school. . Mary is seven years U>ld, Alice five. * Her mamma gave Mary two silver quarters. The children were crossing the. brook when they carne upon the blacksnake, colled as if to spring* at them. To their terrified eyes it look ed, as big as an anaconda Mary, in her. fright, dropped the. quarters and with Alice fled, screaming. L Mary dared to look over her sho.ul der to see i-f the snake wa.O'haslng I tK1 III . In l-.rir amazement. sin* saw the snake swallow the coTfi>, then co!l up In the sun a t If to djgest them at leisure. The girls went home and told 'their pupa and mamma. Wom-mmi . i-oizing I a club, ran to the bridge. The snake was still there and showed. light, btrrl Sonstrom killed it. He look t hu r?Jp- i tite- ho-nm with the hope ?f iffuwi'^l .t.K **s t u a. if ma .T "lutoresfc ? In? fact, before , lie go; | ihroiigh with the snake lie felt like a' usurer, a mine discoverer or a bank j robber. In the provident ^ar.d thrifty snake's midst were one half dollar. ; eleven quarters, nine dime.-, fifteen r/.ckels and two cents. More 'remarkable still, the coins' were stacked .so as to be accommo dated to the cnntT/.TSTiiffg calibre of . lif;<~- '? + r. r*n_" That liir/ 1~i dollar v.*as nearest to the mouth o? i the pur^e > t Wui "the quarter;? and so] or., the tlffoies last.- although a dime I .s nearly a? large It; ^Iroumferen-.e a rent. s ! Mr Fonytiwa U.' tlKo f, aire, 9 !.[?: | !n- c4tftni;e. av.d.r'je.! sfj1ge remains i-i : lin \ilarr- : "] Midshipman Improves ?VH , ! delicate surgical opt ration yesterday^ Involving the removal of bone ires-' jsure on his spinal cord. Midshipman [Earl D. Wilson, navy's quarterback.! j injured in th^ football gam'.- three j weeks ago, is resting easily. hospital is" that there has been no/ 1 [appreciable change In Wilson's ron- 1 dition and no abatement of the pa ralysis. The surgeons do not look i for any change until the spinal cuid[ returns to Its normal condition. TRIALS ok night riders Union Tenn., Nov. 9. a | special " term of the Obion county court convened today Tor the trial of the one hundred men under in dlctment for night riding. ' I .Thq^d^Pn d a n ts include the eight alleged murder of Captain Quentin I Ranken were recently reversed by , [the Supreme court. ROY IS TORN' Tt) PlfiTfc*. Youth Meets With a Horrible |>eath While Playing About Cotton fain. Concord. N. C., Nor. 9. ? a twelve year-old son of R. Is. Overeash. of this county, met a Tiorrlhtff death at the ginnery of the Kindley Mill, at Mount Pleasant, nine -rotlrs fpbm here.^at nine o'clock th u morning. While his father's cotton was being unloaded the boy was playing about the- gin. and was caught Th tire Shaft ing and literally torn to pieces. The body - was severed completely at r Vh? y. THE RESULT - - OF BEING - H1PIOTIZEO Subject Fails to Rally Robert Simpson is Dead From Being- Hypnotized by Prof. Lverington, of Newark ? Col lapses After the Theatre Show PROFESSOR IS A PRISONER - Somervllle, X. J., Nov, 9. ? As the result of being hypnotized by. Prof. Arthur Evert^gg^tf Newark, in the Somervllle tlieater^^re last night, Robert Simpson Jms been pronounced dead by" the' staff cf the Somerset Hospital. J Simpson was hurried to the hos pital ir. an ' ambulance after Prof. Ever ton had tried for more than an hour to bring him out of a cataleptic condition. Prof. Evcrton was arrest ed and taken to the hospital in an ef fort to restore Simpson to conscious ness. The county -prosecutor at midnight ordered a warrant issued for the pro-' fessor\s arrest on a charge of man slaughter. after receiving informa tion from the hospital. Pickoil Up ns Stihjrct. 5rof. I'vc-rion opened a week's en gagement in the Somervllle theater here last night. He brought Simp son and a 16-year-old boy here from Newark as h!s subjects. Ptof. Ever ?.ur i- i> lit- iNWN Hi/ i;t.'i\v .^.mpson'o address. In his examination before I Judge Satphetj he said he had picked Simpson up in Newark a week ago and had since ufcecThim continuously as a subject without any ill effects. j Everton says that Simpson had been drinking in tbe early pari of the j evening, ar.d had also t om plain fid to ? sin-oiai- persona about-the theater yf jfWfflHif "Tfi *Tw^f??''Ke'-wen"P on the stage: but he was not aware of his c il condition when lie put him in a hyp I r.oilc state. Everton put Slrapsbn In j a rigid and placing hts feet on (one chair and his head on another, stQtfd on. hi'jj body without causing i him to relax. After going through ! this 3 erformance Everton dapped his , hands in an effort to restore Simp* f.dlapsed After Oi ileal. ?pypij. rnllad -4H>--in his jh^ad, h!s .1 a ?.??stropped, and he col-1 1r.;*=*vl the i'i.a.r.v and rolled r.r. ~\y- floor. He was carried to the wing**, and Ever; or. worked over jhijji-rntil he icnme greatly esc .led, ami rtnally, l'j.?t his nerve. Dr. Prath Uf? M- Conaughey. Dr. Charley lial /'age to assiVt Everton. mpson was removed to a iiotel r the (heater . where the physf |T(./ an tjour wjrhont restoring hira. j rfce phrv. -inns ij, ;.Se Somerset Hos ipltal pronounced Simpson dead at midnight, but Everton and a fellow, [hypnotist are mill making an attempt ;to bring him to liff*. THF. 1K>|?Y POl'M), ihe body of Louis Johnson, col ored. who was drowned Sunday after ??oon m Pamlico River, near the Hill mill site, was found late yesterday afternoon by his two brothers. it was located near the place where the I gas boat sank. The remains were j brought to this city and will be in terred today. FINK SAMPLES. L . Sotn* of th* finest second crop t rmrr^th city are being shown in the show window at Dr. J. M. - Gallagher's., They an? attracting considerable at tention They were? rained by Mr 8jrResler Yfrttitof ro*? of Beaufort county's largest and most Industrious farmers. DR. >?TlbKS TO CilYE TALK. Dr. Stiles, of the u. S. Marine' and Hospital Service trill be here next weak and will give an address at the Invitation of the Womens' Better ment Association on the Hook Worm disease. Members are requested to be present, and the public Is moat cordially Invited to hear this most interesting talk. The lecture will be * I given at 8' o'clock at the htgb ?stool ? I auditorium oa Monday. November 1& c ihM# : * ' *??^'. M? - ?? * flgOfcri !l2S ......