rVl'fy" \ I-EGAIL NOTICES kxKc-itiox 8 ALB. . * North Carolina, Beaufort county. In I ? ? ? the Superior courL. _ F_ T. Phillip* | vs. W. A. Bridges. By flftu? of or execution- directed to the undersigned from \he Superior -^Beeufort county, In the above entltled-actton I will on Mon * day, the 2 2d day of NTjyember, 1909, ~ - ?l tli?- <-mirthoim> ?l<mr ^alil county. at 12 o'clock m., Bell to the highest bidder foY Cash to satisfy said execu tion, all the right, title and interest which the said W. A. Brldxes had on - the 14th day of January, T008, in the following described real estate, -to wlt: ? ~TF-certe4?-i r&ofc or parcel of land III Beaufort county. State of North Caro lina, and Washington township. It bplng a part of what Is known as the Sparrow laud, and situated, .ot - the corner of Sparroyr street and Moor'B alley, as they are staked out through - r said tract of land. Beginning at the p? northwest corner of Moors alley where it Intersects Sparrow sy;eet, 239 feet from the center of Gladden street, one of the streets of the town ? of Washington, running thence south with Moors alley 120 feet, thence west parallel with Sparrow street 30 ?eet, thence north parellel with Moors alley to Sparrow street 120 feet, thenfce east with Sparrow street to Moors alley 30 feet, It being the beginning. It being a lot fronting Sparrow Btreet 30 feet, and Moors al ley 120 feet, and Is the same lot of land conveyed In a deed from P. W. Fort and wife to W. A. Bridges, dated November 26, 1906, and duly record ed in the register's office of Beaufort county, and is referred to and made = * a part of this conveyance. ^ l ~ This the I5\h day of October. 1909. ? ? ; GEO. E- RICKS. _ Sheriff ot Beaufort County. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con- I tallied in a certain deed of trust from | Hatt^iWWalker to C. S. Dixon, trus tee. dated ^November 11, 1905, and duly recorded In the office, of the reg ister of deeds of Beaufort county, book 134, pago 335, which reference is hereby made, the undersigned will on Monday the 2Sth day of Novem ber, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho courthquse door of Beaulort county, at public auction, offer for sale for r.T^i. the following described prop erty; in the town of Beech Grove, J beginning at. the corner of lot No. 6, | 12 and 44-100 chains west of the rnltT" die of the canal, then west with the j rm,l ?> |?ar^ll^lj with C. H. Peacock's line south Cyprecs Hun, then down Cypress Run far enough tnat by running north parellel with G. H. peacock's line you can strike the beginning, then north parellel with said Peacock's line to the beginning,- containing 10 acres, more or leas. This -27th day of October 1909. C. S. DIXON, trustee. | NOT1CK OF HA LK OF XuTK AND >IORTGAGK. Pursuant to power yc-sted'Tn me1 1 will, on the Monday, the sixth j Gth > Hay of December. l&'OD, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash* at the courthouse door in Wushiugtoji, N. C., at twelve o'clock? noon, a certain note for three hundred' and thirty dollar 3 executed Jay lamest Spruell to Frank B. IlookerrVlatQd February C, 19ttS, maturing a*^7olJ^w6: One hundred dollars on^neoember 1. 1908, and each year thereafter the Bum of fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents until the full sum of three hun dred and thirty dollars is paid ? bear ing interest from date at six per cent per annum: No payment's have been made on said note: Together with the security .for the payment of said "notercoTwlsting of a mortgage on cer tirtn ? re?4- e;>tato ? lying jp mrhiarwi township, county of Beaufort, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of H. B. Bell, Thos. Coffee, Sol omon Jordan and others, and begin ning at H. B. Bell's back line, thence south nineteen and a half west 16.38 chains to the end of a ditch, thence north eighty-three west 5.10 chains with a ditch, then north nineteen and a half east to said Bell's line ditch, then With Bald ditch to th* begin ning, containing eight and~a quarter acres, more or less: It being the land described in the mortgage referred to above, which is executed by Ernost Spruell and wife Dehy Spruell, dated 6th day of February, 1908, and r^ rqrfrgrt in thfl office of the register of deeds for BeautQrt county in book 148, page 9. The note and mortgage hereby ad vertised Is the name deposited and hypothecated by F. B. Hooker as se curity for the payment of his note to Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company dated February 11, 1908, and due November 1, 1908, default in pay ment of which has been made. This 15th day of November, 1909. VIRQINIA-OAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, 8TBPHEN C. BRAG AW, Attorney. NOTICK OF^ SALE. North Carolina, Beaufort County. : Superior Court, before the Clerk. Norwood L. Simmons, Admr. of Fred. Retpass, dec'd., vs. Hattle ? R?spasa, wldow^ JflO. W Keapaae Under and by virtue of a decree of: the Superior eourt of Baaufort coun ty, made In the above cauee, the un %m ok? f?r *1. at th.l Jne tffrpnr of B?adtttrt cdunty ?r, tb? rtb d?r *f afajwrfj rt<*~ THE SURPASSING CORN EXHIBITS effort !? made. Protect your corn crops and other p<*opert^ by INSUR ANCE ? from Bragaw, of course. v " WM. BR,\GAW & CO. ?lrst Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C. 2 Carloads o f RECEIVED TUESDAY, NOV. 9 Farmers Attending Corn Judging Day Invited to Inspect Stock. . Finest EvetSeen Here. Washington Horse Exchange. THE I. H. c. TOGGLE-JOINT HAY PRESS Is the lighest draft, and makes the most compact bale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO., SALES AGENTS. % * TUST RECEIVED A new line of SUITINGS in fancy Stripes and Shades 10 and I5c the yard. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. - Carpenters Tools r There is a great variety of Carpenters tools on th e~tnarkgt Ikii i1h.il is uuly unc.^ brand mads for quality, that is the reason we sell the famous HUM Kllittt Brand. The J TO* KUftUt Trade Mark or the words KtlM KVtltR on any tool are an absolute guarantee. Buy a tool under this ^ and you will know you are getting the best. 7 THTTffirfis Plumbing & Supply co. There ie OnTy One "Bromtr-Quinino * ' That !e Laxative Bromo Quinine WEP TME WOmUD OVER TO OWf A COLD M om PAY. Always remember the full name. Look for this Li^nattire ou every Jx>x. SOo. \f/ . . *r_ ated In North Carolina, Beaufort county, ?n Dath township, adjoining the lands of Jno. B. Kespass and oth ers; Beginning at a gum 15 feet south of Jno. B. Respass' corner of a tract of land conveyed to him by Fred Respass by deed dated April, 190K, book 150, page 220, Register of Deeds office, Beaufort county; thence north 15 feet, thence eastwardly 106 yards, with the poultry yard to the corner thereof, thence southwardly 26 yards to a path or farm lahe, thence with said lane south 66* sec onds east 144?pqla^ to Fulton's branch or ?Hh TraT ton's branch .atput 70 pole? to thil northern llatt of ft trftCt of land de scribed In ft mort(ft(?. from F??d Hee)>??? to W? A. Woplnri). <1?U4 Atfni 11, 1IW ? 1 JTP" -ITf H'ltliW of Deed* o?<i? of Baftofopt W wnh Mid Hoe Bortkl M poJe. .o.B?4| ; -d acres more,or*less. Said land will be 1 sold Bubject to the dower right there- i In of Hattle ' Respass, widow, her| dower right being an estate for her Hfo time only, on the following de scribed parcel of said tract: Begin ning on Bath creek at a point which Is the continuation of a line running parollel to the line 3-4, which lies 28 1 yards to the south of said line 3-1; I and (hence south G6 east parellcl to 3-4 to the Pulton's branch; thence down Fulton's branch to point No. 4 on map; thence to No. 3 on map. ^thence to No. 2; ? thence to No. t;' ^henCTr daw^Bath ^reelt to the begln i ding dwelling and ?tuvnvo rum ? sr ~st ? rant Mr. and "Mri. 'Slocum. of Roches lor, pa., arrived in the city last nij?ht ?<Mid nrw Iko gagytrt Lulu Dud ley, West Third street. A Mr. Lon Redditt and son spent yes turday tu the city from Edivard. ? ? Mrs. C. E. Harding, of Aurora, k spending- -the -week with Mrs. T. J. Harding ^ Mrs. Ida Redditt, of Edward, sper.t I yesterday with Mrs. T. H. .Harding. | Mr. Surry Parker, of Plnetown. was here this morning. J ? ? Mr. Jim Green, a former resident j of "TfiTs- City, arrived this mornlng from Greenville for a visit. ? ? Mrs. L. G. Roper, of Roper, who hw been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kessinger fo^_a tew days, returned to her home this morning. ? ? * Mr. W. M. Bell went to New York this morning to buy fall stock. ? ? ? Mr. J. F. Duncan arrived ftfls morning from Beaufort. ? ? Miss Mary Grimes Cow per, of Ral eigh, .arrived this morning and will vfalt Miss Sailie Myers, on East Main street. ? ? * Dr. David T. Tayloe left this morn ing -for- XecXolk ? ? ? _ - .Mrs.. Charlotte Grimes ami Miss Sue Grimes arrived in the city this mor.nlng from Crimesland, and will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grimes. ' * ? ? 'Mrs. James Ihrle Leary with little I daughter May, arrived last night | from Goldsboro to visit jier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Laugh inghouse. Mr. JohnSelby. of Aurora. Is 1j | the city. ? ? - Mr. R. -R^? Fleming, of Pactolng. was on our streets today. Mr. R. Hj1 llarston. of Henderson. I has arrived 4n the city. He will man- j ?in lha Gaianrmvanlar inr nm mur j prietors, Messrs. Aronson fe^Brown. ! FEATI IIKS AT GUM Large crowds attended the Gem I theater last night and witnessed a j performance creditable and meri- 1 toTious. 1 Tonight the program adver- .1 Used" will be more Than interesting. - At no time this season has the Gem j Management secured pictures that J ??eing the per for man ce ! Su 11 sh i n e J After Rain," 'is a drama that has J pleased and been highly commended wherever exhibited. ' JCou can see it i tonight at the '<3em. ?Neptune's Daughter" a hand-colored picture I of note, and those seeing tUjs beau- J tlful plctur<T"\vtH LT'rortunaTe: T3TC | about fun, you should .witness thej "disappointed Heirs.1' Th:s is'one of I the funniest comedies ever given in | Washington. fn addition to ' this ! high-class performance the orchestra j i\lgr. mjT.Up the lucky -number tonight gets the [ box of Huyler'ii chocolate. Drawing takes place at g o'clock. A mean man seems to ha \'e a good ' i [ Trulli About Catarrh Sensible .Methods Will <"ure^U^ U Brown's Drug Store (iuaramt^T Hyomei to Cure Catarrh. "i Catarrh can never be cured by tak- I |_LicK medicines into the stomach nor | Intelligent physicians have long] [ago discarded such Ideas and. not cue of them would be worth considera- 1 tlowVere it not for the fart tljat un scrupulous persons prey upon the Ik- | norance of the people in regard new discoveries. ^ Catarrh is caused by germs and j f7??t girmirg-m inwu gurm? tnriv the folds, crevices, nooks and corners I of the mucous membrane that line | tho nose, throat and chest. Just long will you have catarrh. There is only one way-t? cure ca-1 tarrh, and that is to kill the germs. I There is only one remedy that will kill the germs when it geta where J tho germs are, and that in Hy.omel. Hyomei Is made chiefly from Aus tralian Kucalyptufi and Eucalyptol combined with other germ killing an tiseptics. Just breathe it In through tho hard rubker Inhale^ that comes with earh outfit and". relief is Immedi ate. Used regularly for a few weeks "Hyomei (pronounced Hlgh-o-me) will' Cure chronle-eatarrh. Complete outfit 11.00 "at Brown's Drug 8tore and leading druggists everywhere. A man coutl keep on kissing girl forever If he couldn't do it at I TH* liAlKTl' TOSIGHT . The Oal#ty theater *'U be espec- ' tally till 'MUV+ loftlgtt* RH wai last1 night's performance. Those whai were present unU *a.w Lbxi. program . lam night TO Tourt m thair pniFP ; Tonight the Gaiety will render a pro gram promised to t>e the beat yet. [ "The Robbery and fu.OOU Reward.'' ' my MiapigTn M&rnwHHq*.-'- -mm ac famous Wallace jewelry stolen.1, promises to be scenes never surpassed J -for exrtTcraent and interest: '? j-t?e Scales of Justice^" "Thp Little StreOi i ?Fh and" tast bnt- not l*?iH.y "Sam Not Wanted in the Family." j will certainly more than repay all ? who attend the Gaiety tonight. The I performance from beginning tu end ' |b>d? fair to be a word breaker. Re- j Pber the HudKun-Pultrm Olctrra- 1 will be shown Friday night. A 'great picture. A ttund the Gaiety to-j_ night. It will pay one and all. | l*OI N'TKI) |?A II Mi i;A I ?H S Most of the fish lp small puddles im<ygin? they are big. r ? The people who are paid to be I .good never earn (heir salary. The"" man who is Afraid of work! deserves to be scared to death. I Women remind us of angels be caujethey are ulways flying around I "Why Is II iUrn liUlU flrlR *tw?yir! smile while little boys always grin? I A Generons Offer | Brawn'* I>ru? Store Will Ilefuiid Your Money If Parisian Sage Ilnfsy'l Punish lMuulrillY. I Pretty strong talk, perhaps you'll say, but it's* honest talk, every word of It. because if Brown's Drug Store was nbt absolutely certain; ft they did not know from actual results ol>" tained they' could not make strrh a xenenoua offer. ? ^ Parisian Sage,. w lilch can now be obtained in every town In America. Is also guaranteed to stop falling hair and^itchiiy; scalp. It" is the ideal, delightful, rejuve nating hair dressing that makes hair grow in abundance. Parisian Sage is a prime favorite with women, be cause" it keeps the hair brilliugf and fasrlnaifrg, is daintily perfutnftdT and is not sticky or greasy, The price for a large "iiotilo is only fi_0 ce:its^il-?t?7<v Drug Store who guarantee it. Sold everywhere, or di-' reet, all charges prepaid, by ttre* American makers. Giroffx" Mfg. Co.a Buffalo. X. Y. " INVKH HO.\|> STATION NKUS TVtii^fiiviiif; nijylU I given at ?i??ii schooihotiW ?.vltii Wuxes I and refreshments for sale, the ifry ceeds to lie for the benefit of the church. Everytftfdy is cordially In vited to attend. Although we have had sickness, looses and Home other troubles in the community since last Thanksgiving, there has been very much to be i thankful for. We have pleasant weather and alum d?**4? harvest^- s?opk,/-*rt?rtt friends, pretty babies., good children, lovely girls and handsome boys and many blessings too numerous to be mentioned, for which we should be trtrh- thankful. ? Several of our farmers attefhled the corn show in ^unin i.itTTi last Aiec.k... ? ? ? -? ? Mr. Lewis Alligood m- making; im provements at his home. Mr. and Mrs . I.. M. Sheppard and children were visitors in Washing ton last Thursday. Mrs. Mat lie Alligood and daugh Tcrr-cr "W^"ffm?t5ifrand Mrs. J. R Tlespess and children, of Broad Creek, were guests of Mrs. Lewis Alligood last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Congleiou de sire to tender sincere thanks to their loss by fire. Mr. L. M. Sheppard and children. Albert. Harlfo and Verona, and Miss M. M. Cherry, attended services at Ifion church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Alligood | h^ve moved to Washington. ^ Nov. 1C. NOCOMIS. ^t enrhhes the blood, strengthens body strong and healtlily: a .grjat ionic. Hollimur'n ?o. ky Mountain Tea can't be beat. Try it tonight. Hardy's Drug Store. CITY .MARKK-E I EKK? V* 2 Chickens. grown 25 to 30c Spring chickens 10 to 25 e Green salted hides <><? Green hides Rc Mixed wool 18 to 20c Tallow . 3 i-2r Wool, free from burrs 20c j Shecrllngs 6 to 10' | Lambskin .- 25 to 4Qr Seed cotton 5.50 Lint cotton 14c PRUDENCE ?ays boy a bottle of Gowan's Preparation and be prepared tor croup, colds, pneumonia, cough* and sore throat. Gowan's pre vents and cares by destroying Inflammation and congestion. f Oo-t, loll ne |'ou hue H STt^.tghJT-u> j rwf . 11M jmcibpv romci comes flnt, the Mirtfta Oil The best reason why we ve been able to do some big things in a merchandising way, is because we know, the value of little thirds. Even -the smallest de tails in GRIFFON Brand OVERCOATS are carefully correct. See our line. Spencer Bros. | Kill* the body with warm, glowing! j viltality, makes the nerves strong.; ini reasos circulation,' restores lift* | tural vigor; makes you feel, like one! born again. That's HollUter's Hocky i Mountain Tea. Take it tonight! Rhodes' Roasted Coffees -Are Roasted Just Right. 'Phone Rhodes's and get! Results. * ? No. 180. Tin: ckn ti :k iiiuck W.UiKllOt SK | ?Green Wile-, N. C,t * sold 'Friday for: .--C. -sjr "Forties ? 206 <fi 10c, NSfcHc. X2$1?20%c, sG C< 4 3V, 3o| vi iiOc. Average, 3Jc.~~. . ? Cooper & Adajn? ? 184 <?? 7 *4c. *112 lO^C, t;S 14 T-4C, Gtift J Nr. Sj^j 9 2r? a J' w. \V. Smith ? 200 6 1 1 *4 e. 322 {f ^lc. 188? 12*4 e, 1 SO 11 Vic, Cfc? 23 He, 40 1i 34c, 10 Ji 51c. When we get the goods we deliver I the money, bo come to the Center Brick. Briftkley, Hatchings & Spain. Guaranteed ; EVlil.V BOTTLE OF X Y.VI/S IlIlWFV I'LLLS AUK lil'ARAN TEED BY I S TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION. IN" THE 'TREATMENT OF Ills .EASES OF THE KIDNEY ANl> Trinahy organs. REMEMBER THE NAME ? NYAL'S. ^K5SniTOBC| DRUG COMPANY IBr "=jll DON'T D Walk or Ride Talk Over The Telephone. ? You oan have a Telephone pal In your house in the city or at your farm at a very cur passingly low cost, and save many a Ions drive and per haps a life by being in direct and instantaneous toiich with your Doctor. Grocer, Mer c-Iron t *3 nd Brokt r. Weather reports and mar ket quotations can he secured daily. Intc.-cs'led parties are re quested to communicate with? Mr. D.W.Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA ILL. AtyJ TEL. CO., Washington, N. C. "This proposition will inter to investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter months. E3DE rWtrcir me Children Are STUDYING - YOIJ SHOULD GIVF THEM THf BEST L1GHT.TO WORK. BY AND THAT IS ELECTRICITV WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER! OTH Corn Judging Day We will lookat von r corn. You look through our stock. Remember We Sell " Town Tolk Flour " WE WELCOME YOU TO OUft CITY JOS. F. T AYl^OE. 'Phones 123 and 124 JUST RECEIVED t mm V MULLET Send us your orders. ' ' -V' s - ? ^ / ' ..." ' ?

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