VOLUME I. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 22, 190 a> won ???.?-ry PO'nt for which it contended. C'hwc Will He Appfuletl. The case will be appealed direct to the Ignited States Supreme Court as who signed today's de cree are in effect the judges of the Vnlted Stafca Circuit Court of Ap peals although they? the purpose of trying this case a> the -Circuit Court for the KaGiern dis trict of Missouri. Tho decree of the court d ^solving the Standard Oil trust becomes ef fective' in thirty days when no doubt ' a stay will be .granted for the pur pose of an appeal. When tho decree takes effect, un less a stay is granted, an injunction , will Issue restraining the Standard i Oil Company from a further contlnu- j auce of Us bualue&a under its present ] formation. It nppoars from the concurring , op r.lon, written by Judge Hook, that! the company canimt rin hn?lne?? nn- [ ?W any form without stifling oomr^ j t.itlon, for. ho anys, on this subject, thaijt is thought that with the end ; of the combination the monopoly will 1 ' Si.siiiiaUji ULuprewi'. lmt should it not; do so. and the members of the com- j L.aation mtlre from ' It except.. one who might perpetuate the monopoly b>u the aggregation of the physical j properties and Instrumentalities. itj would*: constitute a ?violation of the ^decree of the court. "iJencflcicnt Corporation" Pirn, Had* Tn the trial of the case the point was made that the Standard Oil Com pany wan a honeflclent corporation In rtrat it. by reason of economy In op eration. it reduced tfie prltfi_of its ^products. ThiB, Judge I&ok says, | ran ?Q weight. The suit terminated by today'.-3 de rlsion was begun by direction of the Attorney General- o.f the United! States in St. Louis, November 15, i ? Finnic W KtilQp.g. of lit Raul>. sisted by Charles H. Morrison, of Chi cago; Frank H. Poole and J. H. Grave*, of the Department of Justice, and W. H. Higgin*. of Minneapolis, and Cordenio A. Severance, of St. Paul. "The Standard Oil Company pre sented a formidable array of- legal talent- led by John G. Millburn. . of New York. Their defense was that the present organization of the Standard Oil Corporation was the re lnduatry end that .no atatute had been violated. John D. Is ftilent. Cleveland* Ohio. Nov. 20. ? "I have no comment to make," declared Johu D. gorAefftilar wheq asked today to disdiss the decision of Judge W. H. Sanford of "St. Paul, ordering the dis solution of the Standard Oil Com pany. SIX ADDITIONS. 8ix persons connected themselves ?tth' the First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning as a result of the recent union meeting. Large oongre j gations greeted the pastor at both services and the sermons delivered ware thoughtful and logical. Her. Mr. Sea right ta doing a great work for the Master tn this community. lis physicians attending l if. Hen ri In larviH. who was accidentally shot TWEim MEN - BROUGHT TO ~ THE StmOEE Fire Is Spreading After Being Entombed For a Week 20 Men Are Brought to the Surface Alive. Hope is Others Are Yet Living. LIST MAY SE INCREASED Cherry, III., Nov. 20. ? Tf?u gamuT from deepest, despair to an hysteria of hope was run here today wheu 20 miners, entombed in the St. Paul mine for a week, almost to the hour, were brought to the surfac e alive. The story of their sufferings and the.heroism of their resourceful lead ers :s one of the most thrlfiing in all the bl&pk _ -history of mining disas ters. Dawn broke wlth'th^bo-jrers of stretchers moving from the pit mouth, to -the tent which served as a morgue wijh bodies swollen and scorched almost beyond human sem blance. Forty of them had been brought tin and most of them Identi fied when the marvelous report shot through the prostrate comm They've found >> ^unaai&iiiiLl safety," said State's Attorney il. L. Erkert t.-.n'f'.it "The search is now for the .living." . Less optimistic notes were sounded by others, but the women, with hope" born afresh, refused to believe any thing but the best and haunted ti;e -mine far-ln,ftrn nVllfifln. RX<7KI<11. T. Plyler, ' tyjT sin core thanks end approbation for his unselfish and devotod service to our church and people duiir.g the past year, and for the great good he hns wrought in our midst. And we earnestly pray that God's richest blessings may re;t t:r ill on fire. By hard work the residence of ? Mr. Warren has escaped. . The loss has not as yet been approximated. ; Qjiite a number of citlzetfs{frofci here went out to assist in subduing the flames. CARD OF APPRECIATION*. Having sold my interest In the Jew elry business of A. O. Smither & Co. to A. G. Smither of 6ald 'firm, I de jdrtlo eii>resa my appreciation of the generous patronage with which lha public lias favored us. My withdraw al from th? firm in no way impairs i^s efficiency, and i.truat the present firm may continue to receive a lib eral share of the public's favor. Very respectfully, ? B, L. SMITHER. NICE SUM REALIZED. The benefit performance at the Qem hast Friday night realised a neat sum for the Episcopal Church. It Is hard to specially commend one num ber on the program; all were excel lent and brought-ont much applause. The swinging song was very pretty, and the recitation "That Old Sweet heart ofgMlne," proved a taking nov elty. The program was most pleas ing and the.muklc added greatly to the enjoyment O^the evening. The ladles who worked for the affair thank everyone who gave their help IMPROVING STORE: ????Hi Nicaragua's Statement; ? i~ Official News of Ohe Killing of Leroy Cannon And Leonard Crace Received fty The Depart ment of State. . iod bv iTie XI that received from tment to the ion and Leon Mjrlcans, who Zelayan gov a full' hear DID NOT EXCEED POWERS Washington, ^oirl. 22. ? Official j confirmation of the secutlon in Ni caragua of the two Americans, i^eroy Cannon and Leonard IOfaco. was re jeeived by the -State Department this morning. A sfSrement.waa I cirauguan legation information had be < Ue Nlearaguan go j effect that Leroy rar'd Grace, the two ' were executed by_ ernment, had been ..t?. - ing before a military' court martial previous to their exi Button. This statement was issued >jr Sendr Ha "zera. who, although^^i has not been received by the Ami lean govern ment. has taken char* of the.' lega tion. The statement ifl as follows;'. ^Mcaniy:ua's Html miertt. ""'"The Xic&raguan g( remment In forms the legation thai Lcspy -4'xfT .non and Leonard Gra#e, two well Uaown adventurers, woe 'taken pris crs at Rio Ban Juan anujlbjieaded gull- . ty of locating mines. In erder to blow | up two vessels carrytBji goverumeni troops. In fact. thejr^wgre found in flagrant. They were tiijpd by a mili tary court, given a full Rearing, and repjtenced to death In aea>rdancc with the military laws. Tin legation Is waiting for the eertlfl^P documents of the process which vrui sho*r th^t Cannon participated Iti/jjevcral invo lutions against Hondttr^p* and Nica ragua and proves t lia LJC t v 1 e u j ?!n a legal way and thaL the ssutence was justified. "The legation, while rienlovlmr thh ncldent. feels confident that when he fact* are better known. It will be ?een that ihf military court did not 'xioed Ir* lowers *yi:j ihat the rela ?:i the fwo countries will :lon Itetwt lot. suffer. *U44t relative to executions by the Xlea ranur.n government emanate from I M rovclutionai^r forc e- amUare ab- j solutely fal-e. 'it fa a well knowfi j to us that there is no cause to) 'ear ?I TsTaya T t y ~ a m o n g s t "rt>.e govern IT ment troops and supporters and ...at' the bulk of th#? eo tin try is wltiFpres-! :dent Zelayn. .Meanwhile the forces ! days ago, have-not been able tu ad duce beyond Khioflelda. the"oni>-[ port that they hold, and havers f?e Violin, a love affair, Is a drama filled [iainment at the Gem to&tght. attending this playhouse ny apprehension thaj mill not r '-ITfc, w_ PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO CELEBRATE L_ THANKSGIVING S. G. Bragaw Orator Usual Thanksgiving Exercisers the Children Will Take Place Wednesday Morning in School I Auditorium. COLLECTION FOR THE POOR! i Tho children of the Washington Public Schools will have thejr usual Thanksgiving exercises Wednesday, November 24, r?t 1V:J3 o'clock. Herc "ToTdra 'this Interesting occasion has taken place in "the. opera house, but this year it will be held in the school and i 1 uriii rn. Th? entire school will be led by the Tilndergarten department. They will march down Second street to Market street; thence down Market to Main and up Main to Bridge street, thertce back to the school building where the exercises arc scheduled to take plate at 12:30. There will be songs by the school, recitations by several of the pupils, and ap address by lion. Stephen C'. urngu W. The children will bring their offer- j !ng* for charity when they '?go to school Wednesday morning. _a?wl | has bsen thelr-TiWtom. "wilt deposit { their gifts on the -rostrum In" The au-j dltorlunX-Tffllie close of the exer- 1 rises. Whitney will have charg^-of the dis tribution of the gifts brought by the children. A "collection will be taken to pun-hare the necessaries of. life for the poor in the cU>"- I_The public is cordially Invited to attend. CORN IS NOW KINCi. Com in king. even with the pr'eel of cotton eos ring to such dir.Jty j ? 4it 1 i you y'.i auj though smaller tf.an sonic o:* its pro-' dece??or:-, v. i i i _? i.'ir, n near to breaks ins records !n tl.e atnour.t-of inono>' placed ii: Ji'.vithMoa. On" mutt think and talk i:i i.mii-e.j wh-r?n the corn crop '.a under consideration, for all other American crops are dwarfed by '?omi?arisaif wlih cording to. the pr'dim 'nr.-y r**i rt of j the ri'op-tffY.ort::.* bo a pi of the He- 7 partmont of Ajrrl'-iflr.jre, as printe-.l i In yesterday's Oreponian, the 1 9 0 ;? ] yield of^rrn in the meted State* is^ ii '? V-trbHr. ? a-s the price j-' is hovering around ?;u tents per Uu^h- j el. the nrrr.r.l vnhic r>? this single! crop Is more than 8 1 .C6O,O06.000. or j 1 1 ma ? lL..h. ' 1 1 o. ? value of our wheat" crop. - 'The latesrr?r!rffaTe T?f the depart-] meiu ii about 1737<-'OU.QC0 bushels J greater than the figures indicated by the Oct6ber report, but they are far j shyrt of Lhe ca;4y estimates, whjeh ; ran ?.r- t-. Ik a- f>,.nor>.nori-finn . That this er.orniou3 crop'of corn can be easily faken care "of in the mark- j :?ts at heme and abroad is shown by | the movercent of the preceding crops. { Tltrtt- -of- wan ? ii,0fiw,,000,o->0 .. bushels, 'rTn'd in the poor crop year of TOOT the yield dropped to 2, 592,000,- ] 0C0. The crop of 1900 was 2,027.-1 000.000 bushel--, po that L'r.e average I for the three years preceding 1900 was .2,7 29,00.0^000 bushels, or- but' SG.nOQ^QOo bhsuels less than the" 1 909 j crop. This shortage, as compared with the average supply for th? pre ceding '-three years, Is a mere baga- j telle, and It " Is" strange that the an nouncement of the department's fig ures should have caused weakness In the market. There is; a steady Increase In the consumption of corn, and each year finds an Increasing quantity diverted To uses which are of very recent In ception. Not very many yearB ago corn wfta-eo-clveajy-that It was used for fuel In Kansas, but the ease with which the markets at home and abroad have assimilated an average of 2', 72$, 000, 000 bushels per year for the last throe years points conclusive ly to the fact that corn will never a gall be available at a price that wltj warrant its use for fuel. Unless there is a weakening in the price of other grains, famine consumption will take up all of this mammoth corn cfSp, and leave us again with bare bins, as was the case when the 1909 crop began moving to market. King [cotton la alLilght- In -hla small king dom in the South, but, as a prodigal 40m Is king by majority. ' PREACHED AT OOTNTY HOME. Rev. H. B. Searlght, pastor of the |ffT?t Presbyterian Church, was the ii PRIES IF " BUMPERS [T fil : TOBEMIIK W ork Nearly Complete American Federation of labor Endorse Attitude ot Gompers and Votfed? to Continue Salary if He is JaHed by Court. TO RECEIVE S5.0f)&>A YEAR Toronto, One.. Nov. 22. Thc Americau Federal ion of Labor at lis convention licrc today. In addition to endorsing the attitude ta:;er. by pres ident Gompers in the Buck's Stove ami Ran"go Company injunction pro ceedings^ voted to continue the sal aries of Gompdrs and Secretary Frank Morrison, dfcd tD compensate Vice President Joh\t Mltrhell. who-fis not a salaried- officer. during tTmlr terms of imprisonment, If it is even tually decided that they mas:, go to jail for contempt of court. They will be paid at the rate -of f 5,000" per year. A .resolution of thanks for.the hns pltality extended by Toronto _wa? adopted. In it was a- paragraph de claring "that the freedom of speech which we ha vp exercised 'without ju dicial restraint, based o;t supercon "trurt'onal and s"i:'-v o ?*.*>' author-' ity, 1raft-4ieen more ili conformity with ? he fundamental principles o f a free1 and -self-governing people. frcv wpcerh and free i"w; than is 'po*sf- j ble a?_ present in the .Vnlted StatosT j It wa*~ decided that the reports and utterances during' the convention roncerning the in.tmtcilo:: proceed ings should be compiled' for distribu tion a handy textbook' for the tra^es^v.nions of roj:r.rry." The convention endorsed -the prin ciples of old ago - pensions and nr ;-rovod a b!M"of Representative Wil son, providing for the organization In the War Department of an anny roFps ' coT bo-3; ncr,vr.' JfTIH A p.- ? Hom?Jfiiar 1 Army. ji ; KiLLEO BECAUSE HE REFUSED TO ' SHUT MOUTH Murderer Under Arrest Wood Rogers Shot And Instant* ly Killed by Earl Caldwell Sat urday Afternoon. Roger Has Excellent Character. MURDER AT LINCOLNTON Nov. Wood Rog. Jc rs. son of >3^.' William Rogers, a re . spceted carp?n(cr of this place, was a i . .! *.iit :r k?lV. Mrs. ad . egg3 in the United States, in bad egg problem. In that cmrntrw f there are syndicates which control the j egg industry and it is their duty to, keep tcb on the farmers who arc in ? ilie lia'bit of shipping bad <"ggs to the ! market. The headquarters of this i egg syndienje. of course. Is CopenKng- | en. and the members of it are "the j farmers themselves. The members of this egg syndicate throughout the country are provided wi44i rubber Btamps which bear the Rerial number of the member's certificate as well as a number for the egg. Each .egg is thus stamped with the farme'rV name on N*? eggs are accepted taat do not bear a stamp. ] 80 this stamp is p. guarantee of qual ity. When the eggs are examined in ! Copenhagen, if they are found to bo ' bad the shipper receives notice and ' Is compelled to pay a fine averaging i makes many shipments of bad eggs he is jrery quickly ekpelled from the, syndicate; thus all bad and not per fectly fresh eggs are either sold to , the village grocer or used, at homo. 1 It has been found that this aystem works adm'.rably In keeping the open market stocked with eggs that are guaranteed to be In good condition. It Is likewise stated by officers of the syndicate that Very few of the mem bers have ever been delinquent with ?heir fines. The Best in Him. A. man is specially and dirlwely for tunate, ,aot when his' condltldhs are easy, but when they evoke the ver 7 beat that la in rfm^ prorollm him to nobleness and ? stinging hha to TN Fire Meal. kapptaess is the fit of maakted, great misfortune qftjy the tr??ec jtn lifo only I lil n i:n rod was _ .Messrs. ^re wired txetutazca tL^ ? atur K?m Ti:- W..1? at,- dufc;jt.*ear? from their dr^ie. ? (.AU TY TOXICiHT. I I?v.- ? .,) i?. n f - I ?. taming * l-rofiram rrnriorrd. at the C&iety this '.evening Uf has been since this play house opened. The Farmer's Treas ure is a picture everyone should see. 'I'll*'* A^roiilftlH'S a t IthoimK glimv th? _ mr-ti rTidt'HacI n^rve "euough 10 enter '.!iis j-iue. I: is a* picture thrilijng r.nd exciting. . Don't fail to see it. 7!:o Drunkard '3 Fate Ia one of tho best films ever won in Washington. Ft. How thv merry crowd in the Gaiety :onlght and witness a performance that will please you from beginning to *ny]. Pik crowds attended last I week and were higlily pleased. Start the ball rolling tonight. Remember the Gaiety is the place. f Does any o?e really -nTider?t.*nd you? Do you understand yourself? TO ftlVK ISA/.AAR. The. Woman's Betterment Associa , tlnn will rcive a bazaar at th? public school auditorium Friday and Satur day nights. December 2 and 3. Tho purpose is to raise funds with which , to lm+h-ovo. the- play ground. * Many time. ?.????????? ? ? ? ? ' A _ A ? New Advertisements !?- in Today's News ? . ? GUhooly's Irish Liniment. # ? J as. K. Clack Co. ? Furs. ? !? Job. F. Tayloe ? For Tbanksglv- ? ? Ing Day. {4, ? Rhode ? Sour Kraut. + ? Oaf?ty Theater. . ' . y j ? flMtTWUf. A T*itArtn* n**tnn , a ' ChenpHlct 3ti?mahip Co. ? ? J. U O'Qulnn. riorUt ? Bull* ? v ? Puo Olntn.nL ~i 4 ? OaViii'i PniUnHM A