-? ~ I.lGSt NOTICES DISSOLUTION NOTICE. This ia to glVe notice that the part nership heretofore existing between A. Q. 8mlther, of Washington, N. C., and E. L. Bmit her, of West Point. Va?, in the conduct pf the Jeweiry imalaoaa 1 i 3 WSsT Vain atresTl in the town of Washington. State of North Carolina, under the flrm'name . v of A. O. Smither & Co., haa this day Veen dissolved by mutual' consent and trod will A. Q. Smither has pur-. chased the interest of E. i? Smiths * and will continue to conduct the bus iness at the above nun^ber as A. Q. Smither Co., and will assume all the' obligations of said business. All per sons Indebted 10 said A. O. Smither & Co. are hereby authorized to make payment UFA. G. Smither. This November 19, 19^^ ? ^ A. Q.k SMITHER. ' >SOTlCK of; SALE. North Carolina, Beaufort County. ? ? " Superior Court, before the Clerk. Norwood L. Simmons. Admr. of Fred. Respass. dec'd~r~vs. Hattle Respass, widow, Jno. D. Respass and Easter Respass, heirs at law. Under and by* virtue of a decree of the Buperior Court of Beaufort coun ty, made in the above /cause, the un dersigned commissioner, appointed In said cause, will offer for safe at the court house door of Beaufort county on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1909, at 12 m., for cash, at public auction to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described tract of land, situ ated In North Carolina, Beaufort county, In Bath township, adjoining . . the lands of Jno. B. Respass and o^i ere: Beginning at a gum 15 feet south of Jno. B. Respass' corner of a tract of land conveyed to htm by Fred Respass by deed dated April, 1908, book 150,! page 220, Register of Deeds office, Beaufort county; thence north 15 feet, thence eastwardly 106 yards with the poultry yard to the corner thereof, thence southwardly | 26 yards to a path or farm lane,! thence with said lane south 66 sec branch or creek; thence with Ful ton's branch about 70 poles to the northern line of a tract of land de acrlbed in a mortgage, from Fred Respass to W. A. Woolard, dated April 11 lttnn honk f4 8 361 Register of DeedB office of Beaufort ' county; thence with said line north 66 seconds west 205 poles to Bath or Front creek; thence with, said creek to tho beginning, containing 26 acres more or less. Said land will be sold subject to the dower s|ght there in of Hattle Respass, wftje^j^her ' dower right being an estate for her, life time only, on the following de scribed parcel of spld tract: Begln nlng on Bath creek at a point which is the continuation of a line running; parellel to the line 3-4, which lies 28 , _ yards to the south of sald^Hne 8-4; and thence noutfc 66 "east parrllfl to 3-4 "To I he Fulton's brancn; inence ~~ down Pulton's branch to point No. -4 on man:, thence to No. 3 on map. thence to No. 2; thence to No. IT thence down Bath creek to the begin ning; as reference to the map of said property, on file In this cause, will show, the designation of the points i. 2. a and 4. See report of Jury, of record. Clerk's office. Said dower Interest Including dwelling and 9 other buildings on said tract. This November 5, 1909. ~- -W)RWOOD 1*. SIMM<a?Lz_ '? Commissioner. UIULATLY RKDCCED KOrND TRIP j * fctClRSION FARES -to Norfolk. Va.. acrA'JM 10?l UBI1 ( game. A. & M College of North Caro lina va. V. P. I. of Virginia. To Richmond. Va., account foot ball game. University of NArth Caro Thankng1vlnr Day, November 25th, 1909. The Norfolk & Southern Railway will sell round trip ticket* at ex tremely low fares from all points on Its lines to Norfolk. Va. and Rich mond, Va., November 24, and morn ing trains of November 25, 1909. with" final return limit leavtag Nor folk and' Richmond until nndrnlght of November 27th. \ Ronnd trip fares between Norfolk and Richmond, $1.60, limited to same day. Trains leave Norfolk via Richmond 7 : 00 p. m., arrive Norfotk 7:46 p. m., via N. ft W. Ry., leave Norfolk 9:15 a. m.. return leave Richmond TT30 p.m., arrive Norfolk 10 P- m., November i?Uu Ticket Agents, or address, Norfolk^ Virginia. ' A man pays to go to a public din ner so he An make his wife believe he was a guest of honor. Forest Fires Threaten and Destroy. They also remind you that your property may catch fire a'lM become a loss. f Let us fix your Insurance this afternoon. WM. BRAGAW & CO., First Insurance Agents in Washington, N. C. Some things yoir are going ' to need to J| ? add to the IS? occasion's enjoyment The Dining Roonfis the natural rendezvous on this occasion? are you. going to cheer it up a bit? If so, won't you call at our store, for we've every thing that you can possibly need to make your Dining Room most inviting. Everything in Furniture and -Table Furnishings. We know that money saved through a purchase here will make your Thanksgiving doubly thankful. Southern Furniture Co. ?Answer to Why do Men Wear Trousers ? No living man of this age ever deliberately chose to "adopt trous ers." He was forced into them and all other eccentricies of dress by woman. Ip the very earliest sartorial experience of every man he is swathed in a queer bundle of incoherent ban dages by-woman i- Later she puts him Into cute little dresses so that the neighbors can't tell him from his lltt!e state. Still later she cuts off his curls and puts him into knickerbockers, and he puts on "long pants" when she gives the word and not before. That is all that man has to do or ever "had to do with wearing trousers. Woman forced him into them in the first place and now he is afraid to wear any thine eUc for fear of i making a sensation Now Mr. as long as you have got to wear them let us be your TAILOR. Wright's Tailoring Parlors. "Who Tailor Best in Washington." Thanksgiving Proclamation: I am very thankful that I am living. I am very thankful that I have had a nice bus iness since last Thanksgiving. I am very thankful that our city has gone for ward this year. I anrvery thankful- for past patronage and- will ||]| lin thanKnl fcir thn fahim. Thanking you tp remember me, CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. Fuui Years Experience. ? Havens-Small Dld'g 'Phone 85. u ? '? " " M?| THE UNION GROCERY CO'S. CAFE AVCTPD C served in all styles by the Noted U I O 1 LdVO Chef? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US ?PHONE 327. IIIOHBST OASH PRICES paid for CHICKENS, EGGS ? ud mil COUNTRY PRODUCE| Wm cany Pay. Cwl? ? d >H kindji Feedstuff ? We handls PAUL & CUTLER BAST WATER 8TRWT. When, thinking for dtn ner, -The task you give out. Just 'phone to RHODES'S ? He's got Sour krout. ~'Phonel80. "T>" Chestnuts for Thanksgiving. TOWN ?* " ** TALK _ Mm. J. H. Small returned from J Norfolk yesterday afternoon.' ? ' ? Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hathaway and | Mr. Frank 8cott, brother of Mrs. Hathaway, arrived on the evening i train yesterday from Norfolk. ? ? #? M Isb LeMay Dewey, of Goldsboro. arrived on the evening .train yester day from Goldaboro to visit Mrs. Geo Hackney. MessrB. Roy Hampton, Will Waits and Dr. Dlssosway arrived last night from Plymouth to attend the dpnce. Mr. Herbert JenkinB arrivedTasl I night from a short business trip out of town. ? ? Dr. David T. Tayloe and Mr. Job. I F. Tayloe arrived last night on the | N. & S. train from Norfolk. _ ? ? Mr. Hoyt Moore lett the city ester ? Miss Addle Freeman left yesterday] afternoon for the A. C. C. at WilBon. after a visit to her parents. ? ? a Mr. George W. Freeman went to I Rocky Mount yesterday on a business | trip. ? ? Miss Lottie Bishop returned to her home in Pantego yesterday afternoon | after a visit to Miss Goldie Ricks, on East Second street ? ? Mrs. Sallie Hiding returned to her home in Aurora after neveralVeeks' i stay in the city at the home of Mrs. J T. J. Harding. Mr. W. H. Whitley, of Aurora, was [ a visitor in the city yesterday. mington yesterday to visit friends forj a few days. Mr. W. C. Miller went to BelhavenJ yesterday on a business trip. Mr. W. S. Bonner, of Aurora, was | In the Tity yesterday juii-husiness. ? m Mr. R E. Edwards left yesterday | on a business trip to" Belhaven. ? ? . * Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Jordan and I Miss Lou TJTynn - Cox left* yesterday] afternoon for Raleigh. ? ? Mr. Jack Street', of New Bern, came over yesterday for the dance. ? ? Miss Clara Him ghton, of Plymouth, and Mies XI Roberts, of Wilson, ar rTVed last night to vistt>K..Miss Mary Clyde Hasbeil. and to attend the dance last. night. * * Thomson- < anie up | (4rom Aurora yesterday on business j and returned in the afternoon to liis i home. | Messrs. Robert Bogart and Robert Small went to Walla Wutta yesterday morning, returning ln-the afternoon. Miss Mary Weston, of Swan Quar ter. daughter of Mr^Qeorge H. Wp? ton, is the guest of her uncle* Mr. R. W?a?tonf I Miss May Powell, jof Tarboro, 1* I th? gim.it of MIbb julla Moor-. Sh 1s here to attend the-Worthington Laughinghouse nuptials tomorrow. ? > Mr. , W. C. IIubb 'and ' daughter of ? Old Ford, are Washington visitors I today. Mr. and Mrs. J. Worthington, Miss Annie Laurie Worthlngton and Mr. J. D: WorthIn|fton, Jr.. of Bel Atr, Md., aro expected to arrive In the city this evening to "Witness the Wor thington-Laughinghouse wedding. Mr. Edmund Hunter, of Wheeling, W. Va.. is in t&o city. He will be the best man at the wedding tomor row aftornoon. Geo. T. Winston,. L. ., former ly president of the North Carolina ic Arts, the University of Texas and tho University of North Carolina, -will have an "article wr **Educatton a busy doctSr^ and Machinery" In the Thanksgiving issue of the Christian Science Moui itor, a dally pubtlahed in Boston. Dr. Winston retired froqj active work a few years ago and while trav eling in Europe was notified of his selection as one of the beneficiaries of the Carnegie Pension Fund estab lished for the benefit of the great -educators ol the colintry. Dr. Winstorrta-now living In Ashe vllle where fie is erecting a beauti ful home on the side of Sunset Mountain, overlooking the city. The many friends of Dr. Winston throughout the South will be glad to know that he Is still active "and the article referred to will, no doubt, show the intellectual depth of thought for which Dr. Winston's wrltlBBfc are noted.. " . t.. Humanity s Best Gift from modern pharmacy aiul medicine Is Ylck's Croup and l*neumonl?~??uTve.~* Saves serious and often fatal sickncNN. Relieves ('roup In 15 minutes, nips _ in bud Colds, I*neumonla, llri)ii(hllln. otr., with ciim-. 25c, SOc and 91 Jars. Nature's Warning . Washington People Must Recognize and Heed It. .Kidney Ills come quietly ? mysteri ously. But nature always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See* if the'color is unhealthy ? If there are settlings and sediment.. Passages frequent, scanty, painful. U s time then to use Doan's Kidney ?PUIfL ' __ ^ To ward ofT Brlght's disease or dia betes. Doan's have done great work In Washington. ? Mm TC- B. Cuthrell. formerly, of : 209 Brown street, Washington, X. C.. ^ays: "For some time I suffered from distressing palm* through my kidneys, accompanied by a~cfull, nagging ache across my .shoulders. I whs alstf sub ject to headaches and my kidneys were v<*ry w?ak, tTie geerettOTig- beings very unnatural. At night, 1 was feat- I less and in the morning felt tired and i languid. When I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured a box at the Washington Drug Co. and began their use. The puins and aches soon disap peared, my kidneys were strengthen ed and the secretions from these or gans became regular In passage. I am feeling so much better now that 1 'gladly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills." | For sale by all dealers. . Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Jtememne^" TTT75 name --DUUIJ's ? " and take no other. CITY MARKKT. IngwS. _..... '. ...:..25c J Chickens, grown ,..^25 to 30c Spring chickens 10 to 25e | Green salted tides 9e | Green hides Rp Mixed wool...,., fci3 to 20c Tallow 3 l-2a; Wool, free from burrs 20<s. Sheerilngs B to 10c j 1 Lambakia-^ 2IL tQ_tQfll [Seed cotton 5.5oT l.int roflon , ny { I Hicks' CAPIIMXF Cures Sick Head- , ? ache. I AIfo Nervous HeauacLc, Travelers' Headache arid "acBes"- from Grip, Stomacn Troubles or Fcma' trou bles. Try capumtre-r^rr rtquht? effects immeiiately. Sold" hv drug gist*. - ? ?TTT - ? = J i Sometimes nervous wonferi's com-' [ pliints are Imaginary; again they are | a form of disease. In any event, H cl uster's Rocky Mountain Tea makes 1 women well. A tonic unequalled for | the good It does. Hardy's Drug Store. ? \I7I,AT I>0 vii" think? ? :VV A man and wife came ^ l-s from the country llie other ? O day and brought with them a ? ? very pretty little A-montlis-old ? ? bnby. Wanted frHrpieturc tak- ? - ? en. After thtj found out they ? ? COOld get a good picture of him ? ? for 23c they look tlie little f el- ? .? low away ? sold that wan more ? .?-than Hiuy would pay foe his pie ?- - ? tnre. I Mid nothing, thought ? ? the parent* knew the valup of ? ? the child better than I did. ? ? BAKER'S STUDIO ? ? ?????????????? The best reason why we've been able to do some big things in a merchandising way, is because we know the value of little things. Even the smallest de tails in GRIFFON Brand OVERCOATS are carefully correct. See our line. COl'LI) YOU THINK OF A BETTER CHRISTMAS PRESENT For your family than to UAVK YOLK HOUSE WIRED? Think how It would help them all? no matches, no lumps, no bother, fall us up. Estimate* -fWiF -given. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. Guaranteed EVERY BOTTLK OF XYAL'S . KIDNEY TILLS ARE GUAKAX TEEl) BY US TO GIVE I'ERFECT SATISFACTION. * - ' m " ^ 1 IX THE TREATMENT OF DIS- I l^S OF THE KIDXEY AND j URINARY ORGAN'S. REMEMBER THE X AME ? , NYAL'S. WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY rQI- EjEEEn DON'T 11 VV^Ik or Ride. - V Talk Over The Telephone. You can have a Ttftephonc pal in your house in the city or at your farm at a very #ur passingly low cost, and save many a long drive and per haps a fife by being in direct and instantaneous touch with your f>octor. Grocer, Mer chant-and Brokt r. leather reports and mar ket quotations can be secured - daily Interested parties arc re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'i. CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO., Washington, C.: This proposition willinter cs'ryou. and it wtmki be well to investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter A man puts enthusiasm into h!a in.ntw v.7 n"*' [-it ? tions into It. Being Rood makes the average man wisb it was somebody else. NOW! Is the Time To ha vp your Pictures Framed. wait 'til Xmas eye. WM. B. HARDING Th? way a girl liktvs to Iikvc a man kiss her is when nobody in Jj/tk-.tg, ?co fh<? c^n truthfully rajs h* didn't Your Thanksgiving Dinner Will be complete and pleasure will be added to the occasion if you will lot us fill your order. Fresh Celery, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Plum Pudding, Fruit Cake aftd a full line of Canned and Evaporated Fruits We have engnged turkeys for most of our custom er?t nmt will he to ^ectire yoti one if yotr wHt 'phone us. ~ Beliberal and cive us your account for one month, A guarantee to | leue you is all we can offer. JOS. F. TAYLOE, THE QUALITY GROCF.R. ^ 'Phones 123 and 124 Three Deliveries Stops All Kinds of PainsRight Now. MAKES GOOD PRICE bottle Something New ! -Something Different. . r ^ ' ' Greatest Discovery In its | ? UneJiLSQ Years. J_ II I I^BIl

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