LEGAL NOTICES This U to glvp notice that the part nership heretofore existing between A. Smlther, of Washington, N. C.. and E. L. Smlther, of -West Point; Vai? In the conduct of the Jewelry business at No. 143 West Main street nrttw town ut wuhlnitoM, aim m North Carolina, under the firm n&mc ?- been dissolved by mutual consent and ferod 111 A. O. Smlther has pur chased _ffie Interest of EL "L. Smlther ? ? c and will continue to conduct the .bus iness, at the above number as A. Q. Smlther Co., and will assume "air the obligations of said business. All per Bonff Indebted.. to said A G. Smltu?r & Co. are hereby authorized to make payment to A. O. Smlther. This November 19, 1909. 1 * A. Q." SMITHER. ^ * /~s, E. L. 8M1THER. NOTICK f)F SALE OF NOTE AND MORTGAGE. ? v Pursuant to power vested in me, I will, on the Monday, the sixth (Cth) 1 day-oi -Dec-amber,. 1"SQ9, offei* for-eale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Washington, N. C., at twelve o'clock, noon, a certain note for three hundred and thirty dollars Executed by Ernest Spruell to Frank B. Hooker, dated February '6, 1908, maturing as follows: One hundred dollars on December 1. 1908, and each year thereafter the sum of fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents until the full sum of three hun ared anu mfrty aonars is pattl--bear s 1ng Interest from date at six per .cent per annum: No payments have been aade on said note: Together with the security, for-the payment of said iiotevconslstlng of a mortgage on cer tain real estate lying in Richland township, county of Beaufort, State . pf"~ North Carolina, adjoining the lands of H. B. Bell. Thps. Coffee, Sol omon Jordan and others, and begin ning at H. B. Bell's back line, thence south nineteen and a half west 16.38 chains to the end of a ditch, thence north eighty-three west 5.10 chains with a ditch, then north nineteen and a half east to said Bell's line ditch, then with said ditch to the begin ning, containing eight and a quarter acres, more or less: It being the land described In the mortgage referred to above, which Is executed by Ernest Spruell and wife Deby Spruell, dated 6th day_pf February. 1908, and re corded In the office of the register of deeds for Beaufort county in book 148, page 9. The note and mortgage hereby ad vertised Ib the same deposited and hypothecated by F. B. Hooker as se ?orlty for the payment of his notfe to Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company dated February "11, 1908, and due November 1, 19 OS, default In pay ment of which has been made. '***' This 16th day of November, 1909. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, OTBIUIK^ t.i iittAffiUV, Iflnmay j timTiiV iikduckd^rolxd trip KXtTRSION FARES To Norfolk, Va., account football' linn vs. V. P. I. of Virginia. -I To Richmond, Va., accjynit' foot ball game. Universltj^ot North Caro lina re Unlve'rilty of Virginia, Thanksgiving Day. November 25th, 1999. will sell round trip tickets at ex tremely low fares from all points oh Its lines to Norfolk, Va. and Rich mond. Va., Novem&er 24, and morn ing trainsr m November 25, 1909, With final rPH.r.. limit 1,-i.vln* >'<)?? folk and Richmond unjil mid-night of November 27th., ? Round trip fares between Norfolk and Richmond, 11.50. limited to samo day._ Trains leave Norfolk via C. & O. Ry.. 9:09 a. m.. return leave ?Richmond 7 : 00 p. m.. arrive Norfolk 7:45 p. m.. via ?N. & W. Ry., leave Norfolk 9:15 a. m.. return 1 curve Rlelimond 7:30 p.m., arrive Norfolk 10 V- ai.,' November 25th. C3et' complete information from j Ticket Agents, or address, . H. C. IIL'DGINS, O. V. A? Norfolk, Virginia. NOW! Is the time To have yoar Pictures Framed. Don't waft 'til Xmas eve^i^ WMB^HA^DING Forest Fires Threaten and Destroy, They also remind >qu' that your and become a loss. Let us fix your Insurance this afternoon. " ~ WM. BR AG AW & CO., First Insurance Agents in Washington, N. C. Some things you are going to need to add to the occasion's enjoyment The Dining Room is the natural rendezvous on this occasion? are yw going to cheer it up a bit? lf-so, won't you call at ourstore, for we've every rhinjT^hat ynn fan povlllll y wnnH t f ? rnnlr p ymif l~)jnj ng Everything in Furfiture^and Table Furnishings. We know that money saved through a purchase here will make your Thanksgiving doubly thankful. Southern Furniture Co. Answer to Why do Men Wear Trousers ? No living man of this age ever deliberately chose to "adopt trous ers." He was forced into them and all other eccentricies of dress by woman. In the very earliest sartorial experience of every pi an he is swathed in a queer bundle of incoherent ban dages by woman. Later she puts him into cute little dresses so that the neighbors can't tell him from his lltt!e sister J Still later ahe cuts off his curls and puts him into knickerbockers, and he puts on "long- pants" when she gives the word and noi before. That is all that man has to do or ever had to do with wearing trousers. Woman forced him into them in the first ptnrr- and now he ia afraid to mi'ir nivthin oliA -for fear of making a sensation Now Mr. as long as you have got to weS^them let us be your TAILOR. Wright's TailoringTParlors. "W4io Tailor Best in Washington." Thanksgiving Proclamation: lam very thankful that I am living. I am very thankful that I have had a nice bus iness since last Thanksgiving. I ata very thankful that our city has gone for ward this year. _ ^?ain-vary-tteakfuLfor past patronage and will be thankful for the future. Thanking you to remember me, CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. Four Years Experience. THE UNION GROCERY CtL'S. CAFE ZZ^I ' ! 3 7 T?Z~. ? AVCTUD C served in aH styles by the Noited U I O 1 Hdxo Chef? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US 'PHONE 327. H1GHH8T CASK PRICES paid for , . CHICKENS, EGGS and nil -COUNTRY PRODUCE We carry llajr. Grain aAd nil We l?an.i Iur and most oUlclent hair tonic in] the world. It is made to conform. to Dr. gerbond's (of. Paris) pro sin theory that dandruff, falling hair, baldnu&i "and scalp itch ftyo c Mtore iiuar ' antees: Hyomei Is a wouderful antiseptic, so powerful -that it promptly destroys gfrm Utt; Cvt Uo uoMmh ?u who tau , ing and healing. It relieves catarrh in five minutes? It cures in a few ijreehs or money back. It is made chiefly of eucalyptus and eucalyptol taken from the en Tho medical profession knows 4hat eucalyptus is an absolutely certain germ destroyer and with the active prlnctptes oT" "eucalyptus" as a basej Hyomei- is made more efficient, pleas ant and quick acting by the addition included In the Hyomei formula, fhi,ch. without doubt, is the greatest destroyer of catarrh germs the world has evdr -known. Hyomei la- v powerful, penetrating antiseptic that ia pleasant to use. It does not contain a particle of cocaine, opium or any habit-forming or In jurious drttfr-* No dosing the stomach when you use Hyomei. Just breathe it in through ^he small inhalor that comes with each outftt. Sold by leading druggists everywhere and in Wash ington by Brown's Drug Store. 11.00 for complete outfit. ? There's a core against getting old, an excellent and thorough one. There's nothing sensational about it; it's the ho?t fhnt nnn lin hail mnlur the existing circumstances. Hollls ter's Rocky Mountain Teft ? that's it. Begin tonight. Hardy's Drug Store. , The A C. L. ivill rrn :?n execur slon to Norfolk on account of the V'J P.*I. and A. &. M. football game Thanksgiving -day. November 25. Round trip tickets on sale irom Washington November 24, and for | trains scheduled to arrive at Norfolk before 2 p. m. on the 25th. The re turning limit wlll'bc good up to and , including, but not later than, mid night of November 2". Fare $4. .*50. T. <;. WHITE. G. P. A. ! Approved. W^J. Craig. ?. T. M. j CIT1 MAKKtt. Egg3 25c j Chickens, "grown. . .\ 25 to 30< > i spring chickens. . 10 to 25c ? Green salted bides 9c Green hides .. 8c Mixed wool IS to 20c Tallow ; 3 1-20 Wool, free from burrs .... v .... 20c Sheerllngs . . . , 5 to 10c Lambskin 25 to 40c Send cotton < 5.50 Lint cotton He 'Sometimes nervous women's com pliants are Imaginary; again they are [ a form of disease. In any event, Hol llster's Rocky Mountain Tea milium nun .n mini mi the good it does. Hardy's Drug In the heart of I lie* hiisinr^s srclion ol BALTIMORE. >ID. I.u\ui iou* Iluuiow, Single and Km Suite, with or without Maths. $1 per day anil up. I'nlatluL Dining lAnMii parsed fi|Asiur; the . shower ami plunge in Turkish Hat lis Free to (lUChts. JUSKPU L. KEU\A\, Manager There fa Only One *' Bromo Quinine" Thai la Laxattivo Bromo Quinine : " USED THE WORLD* OYER TO nUftE A COLD !ti out DAY. Always remcspt?er the foil nnmo. Look yf lor this tignaturc on cverr box. -Oo 'fie best reason why we've been able to do sonie bis things in a merchandising way, is because we know the value of little things. Even the smallest de tails in GRIFFON Brand OVERCOATS are carefully correct. See ourTlne. Spencer Bros. COULD YOU THINK OF A BETTER CHRISTMAS" II PRESENT For your family than to HAVE YOUR _ MOUSE WIRED? Think liow It woulJlu'lp thcui oil? nu uintdicN, oo lamps, no bother. Call us up. Estimates Kindly gircn. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. Guaranteed >?. EVERY BOTTLE OF NYAL'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE GUARAN TEED BY US TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION. ^in \hc TRRATMEXT^_QJS=*TO*' EASK\OK ^TTT\JUl/\EY aSTTT URINA rHk?A NS. REMEMBER THE NAME ? XYAL'S. WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY CAPL'DINK for '"That -Head at ?fie." Out last night? Headache nijc! uus morulas? Hicks* Cuj m Ilan hM lh? .M-nr-tr flt TIT in 3up!ncss._ Clears the bead- braces he nerves. Try it. -vAt druc slores. T=3DI = _ JMN'TL. Walk or Ride. Talk Over u The Telephone. | You can ha ve a Telephone ? put in_your house in the city or at your farm at a ver/aux possingly low cost. and nave many a long; drive ant) pet* haps a life by being In direct and instantanedui touch with your Doctor. GrcicCr, Mer chant apd-BcdkTr, W eathcr reports and mar ket quotations can be secured daily Inte.-cstcd parties arc Re quested to communicate with Mr. O. W. Bell; M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO., Washington, N. C. This proposition willinter est you. and it would be well to investigate before the^ ap proach of the cold Winter 1 1* months. 1L-J1 -^UL? ^ : w,,vr ? - * " " A una: mnl ulfe [? in t| HfXKT ? ife came unliy the ?>llu ? ? 0 day and lit-ought with tlinm a ? - ? very f ietty Utile --nionthfold ? ? lull)-, Wajited tii- [ilrtute tak- ? en. After they fen ml rnf they + ^TQl-'l -flix l !-? ??*? >?>??? ^ ? ? low it way- ? l!" 'Phones 123 and 124 Three Deliveries AIT Kinds of Pain Right Now. E MAKES GOOD ?IIAMKUittii Something New! Something Different. ; ? - ; . - I Greatest u?SCQV??ry in its ^ Litre iq 50 Year?.