THE wen THE Last Edition volume i, WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 26, 1909 IPDIPItl TIIDAI HflUTCCT AIM PHDII luinluuLI UnAL iftlnl t Lb I RNO bUnnl ?? SHOW, AURORA, DECEMBER 3RD " ' " ' ? H : V" ~ ' ' Many Valuable Prizes Awarded ?; ' ? * ~ ' . The Retail Merchants' Association Cordially Invites Every Farmet-in Beaufort And Pam lico Counties to Attend AndEnter The Con test? Free Oyster Roast ? Good Music. The Day Promises Great Things The Retail Merchants' Association, i ?i Aurora, tnu (AU&V, will uffei the* following prizes to the farmers at the] Agricultural and Corn Show, to be | given at Aurora, December 3d. The day promises to[ bo one Of far reach ing importance and every farmer in For best-mule colt, ono $20 suit of | clothes, Gillespie, Shields & Co For second best mule' ccflt, one half ton potato guano, by J. F. Co well. For third best mulo colt, one steel j Avery plow, byJ. Havens. For best parr of pigs under six months old 94. for second best pair of pigs under s z months old $3, for third best pair qf pigs under slz months old $2, by Thompson's Guests. For three beat stalks of cotton, j one CO-lb. stand of lard, by E. R. Mlxon &. Co. . , ?For jlhe largest ? pumpkin $3, '^orj tbo largest potato $2, by Iron City Produce Co. ^ For stalk having on it two heaviest ears of corn, feet flooring.' '"by Standaiyl Lumber Co. For stalk having on it next two _beavlest oars of corn, one pair of high-top shoos (96) by Wolroer ' ?Wright" A Wutk'.ns. ? For best display of corn (any va rli'iy 1 , one-half ton potato guftn&v-lx* J. P. Co well. ilrn "tr* ojLfcsjn (an y ja riety), 3 "j, by Maj. \V. C. Rodman. For second best ten ears of corn ; (any variety), one pair red leather I bpt;ts, by Dixon & Bonner. For third butt t t?Tter, >3, by b. M. Houfcer. For largest head- of cdllardg. one pair Eclipse shirts, by Sterngerger & Co. Remember the- date. December 3. 190?. Aurora, N. C* ' " . ? Every farmer in Beaufort and Pamlico counties Is requested to come unu bring ilu",r tuam ? Tim- inu? duct that wins the prizes except for live stock p.nd fowls become at the end of the clay the property of the Merchants' Association. No one ex hibit will bo allowed to win more than on^ prize. In addition to the above prizes, we I have many more like characters, which will be given to those offering I best exhibits of any farm product. W? desire to give one prize to each person _wlio offers a creditable ex hibit. : ? Come and brllvs a full biuret -i?f good old styltf country rations. KNTKRtAIXIJI) LAST NIGHT. Bridge Club was entertained j last night at the home of Mrs. J. B. i 1 Moo'rp. oh West Secoi.d st:-ei't. Misses j ' Mary Grimes Cowpcr, . of Raleigh; t Mary Powell, of TarbOro; Mrs. Raw Is, j were the Invited guests. After the game the company were . seated at table In the dining room, where thej color scheme was red and green. Cov ers uere laid for fourteen and the place cards wore tiny dolls dressed iH-TQrn shucks or. which the names were written, the centerpiece was i p U?f.i. .ittlihnfrn trnnp.ul mil ami KlUwt I ' with fruit and fall grain-, w-lth a min iature turkey reposing upon It. From j the chandelier strings of red' crah-j berries reached to the corners of the table held down by" silver candle s-sticks: ? supper "was'SErved In courses" and the ice cream ^en accomplished since that time. Tho address pleased the tTTU?5 tuts immensely; this^ was evidenced by Tfielr individual auentluir^pa'.S Hi. rpeaker. _Mr. Bragaw was Introduced to the cKTldren by Hon. John H*.*j Small. The program was interring from beginning to end. All;; those participating did well and shonrti he careful training they had rj&lved hwtj their l each era. -Thls-ptnn^fecer ;.ot undertake to call *ttentjir to oacU pupil taking part bot nuftcA ft 0 *aj uUWWlllL j t L-holar placed a bundle on the ros trum after the exercises for-Phe poor. The following program was ?success fully rendered: I. Invocation Hymn. ."0 Cod" the Rock oT Ages." 2.4 Invocation. Rev. H. B. Sea right. ?? llUfllJllU.I, 'Ulilf iii.l m iHf Pilgrims." Twenty-two pupils. Grade 1 B. 4. Recitation. "Tho First Thanks- ! giving." Ed. Forbes. *? ThfluksriilME Hymn, "Cape Ye: Thankful People, Come." 6. Recitation. "A November Mis- 1 take."' Jack Oden, Grade 2-B. "-?4 * 7. Recitation, "a Thanksgiving; Acroatic." Twelve gi;Us=*?i*ade 3 B k. ?Recitation. "The Story ofl Thanksgiving." Seven pupils, Grade [ &/~Rcrjj3^?on, "The Turkey's So liloquy. " (;rjlrtr 5 B. 10. Recitation. "Grandma^ Pump kin I'ie." Henry Handy". Grrtle 3 B. II. Recitation. "The pilgrim's .nor " viya p..pii?| 1^. 12. Hymn of Praise. 'Praiai* to God. Immortal Praise." 13. Introduction of Speaker. Hon. John H. Small. 14. Address. Hon. Stephen C. Bra&aw. ? """* 15. Thanksgiving offering. 16. National hymn. "America." 17. Benediction. Rev. J. A. Sulli- I van. -MARRIAGE AT Sl^LHAVEX. Miss l.ovey Ward and Mr. J. L. Taylor, both of Belbaven, were hap pily married at th$ resldonoe of the bride yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. Mr. Hose, pastor of the Jtaptist Church. They left on thf yi a. m. train for a tour of Northern titles amid the congratulations ami beat wishes of their many friends. The bride Is a popular young lady of Belhsven. The rrnnm Is a ?.rtsln-; young buBlness man, being one of the largest merchants In that town, be sides holding an interest In Carolina. The Dally News e*teni3.. best wishes. BR. MERCK It RESIGNS, ui', |t m. . pastor of the Pfrst Baptist Xhurui. thU city, has tender. I 4iis resign at as pastor of the Baptist Cfturch h: Rocky Mount, having accepted a ?? i ? to the church In r,t Mercer tendered his resignation last Sunday morning. WW OYPTFR^ VWWTAXT. ? ^Kraor W. W. Kltchtn *0*0 jtiolntid Captain Geor*?' W. t? ?uccej Capt Otforfee h. ] Hilt, of tki* eltj, who MM ^ -i?nr l? icq iuu - \ * V ' ufini n iu i i I ill i l ? ? MODEL HGST TOJISITOR5 District Convention Two Business Sessions F.ndiug With a Banquet Last Night ? Five Counties Represented ? 100 Delegates Present. ORDER RAPIDLY GROWING Washington, was fall of visitors yesterday, there being over one hun dred delegates attending the second distrirt cation .of Hie ?order of Odd Fellow*, Phalanx Lode No. 10 being the host. The second district ! comprises tiie_X0uaUe5__o.f P'tt, Mar I tin, Washington. Hyde and Ueauforl. The nrnt tession was held at "J o'clock Jn the Phalanx lodge room. It was .called to order by Mr. D. G. Berry, ' the president. This was a business session. An evening session was held at 7 o'clock, after which a ban nuet wan t?>ri(l?M >?<> Him visltiiw hri'lh ren oy the local lodge. The follow ing program was carried out: Address of Welcome. Edward L. Stewart, phalanx Lodge. No. 10. Response. Leslie E- Jones. Day View Lodge, No. 233. Special Subjects. What Constitutes a Good Odd Fel low? dir. Jazne*. Coveaant Lodge. so , best Method of Reviving In tPreKt In the Order. J. C- Crawford. Roan-; "oTi e Lodge. No. S 9 . Duties of Members to ? inordinate | LTTtfpe Officers'. S. M. Jones. Bethel ] Lodge. "No. hV^ Benefits derived" from District- 1 Meeting?. Y.\ c. Brlnson. Bsihaven I Lodge. No. 22 s. I Henefl'i Whi^h Should bo Derived from Dlvtrlcl Meetings. N. L. Sim- j 'rn'ons, pnffuux i.otfgcr Ntr~io. ? Bes'des [he above several ether! msmbers of the order s.ooke among} the supervisor of Odd Fellowship. I The r.est sees! on will be wirh Cove nant Lodge. No.. IT. Greenville. N. c. I It will ir.ect in April, 1010. T?e. convention "Tfrrs-n' tr.ost har- | mor.'.ous on? and all proSMit hau a : royal gOf^l time. The !ocal lodge did [ itself proud in tiie way of entertain- [ The nr'ior of Odd Fellows is one ! or (lip strr.nwt mrct organization.* Ill the country s nj i.-.tppldly grow-! ins. The Uer.* in a nourish Ing condition. AID SOCIETY'S HOLIDAY SALE "Comes Off December 1st And 2nd For Benefit First Baptist Church. * ? ? Ladles' ? Jttd ? aovwi.* of Hm Fin" Baptin Church are making pre parations to have a "Holiday Sale" Wednesdr-v and Thursday, December 1 and 2, in the store formerly occu pied bv the Bailey Supply Co. Among the articles to be placed on sale will be dolls, aprons, fancy work of kin^F suitable for Chri6tma? presents. In addition to the sale pt articles, the ladies will serve supper consist ing of oysters, turkey, ham. etc. There will also be candies and re freshments. The ladies are working hard to make this sale a success. Th^y^-fe?l very much encouraged al ready. and with the goodwill and pa tronage OI'fv.NS TONIGHT. j The tong-ldoked for Toy land open ing takes place tonight at S o'clock ! H the well-known emporium of J. Hoyl. ttvorybody Is cordially in > viler* to -call and aee this dream of I'Miuty. All the attractions lor the folk. 3s well as the adults, can +e seen arrayed in all their .beauty ' 'Ml gutgebuaness. The shtHf ??? ? .low of. Mr*. Hoyt's store containing ( i few of what is to be seen tonight ( nave been much admired. ThQM at tending the Toyland opening this I evening will witness an elaborate dis I ->tay of holiday gift* never before ? 'quailed In this cily. Remember the i Tine Ts'To'cIdck sharp. Go and take 4^he little one. FlBs TO Kill Miff j Mentally Unbalanced C. M. Edwards, Whose Wife Conducts a Boarding House Arrested.? Charged With At tempting to Kill Help-Mate. FORMERLY IN THE ASYLUM j Greeusboro. ft. C., Nov. 2ti.-^Mr. Uj. M. Edwards, an expf^rt accountant hero, whoso wire conducts a boarding house, was arrested at one o'clock this morning charged with attempt ing to kill l>l? wire. Boarders were awakened Inst night-by-the -soun^i of a pistol shot down stairs, followed by screams of terror from Mrs. Edwards. She stated that her husband knocked on her door for admittance arter midnight, and upon lier 'ailing to open the door, flrcd through the glass door, the broken glass and jiitni hail buried In lha mall junt over the bed. showing that had Mrs. Edwards been sitting up she wonld have gotten hurt, if not killed. Po licemen soon found Edwards, who. they said, seemed to be "dopy." He {denied having llred thejjh?; t he pli:i>k!e?t game of their \ lives. The' game- was '.von by kicking, two I out of throe touchdowns beir.g ?ade by lucky prints. The Kinston team made 'irfci down only once durii 3 tuc by iii.n pi t, iv r , this s,...-rV.'i;:g , thai our boys v?ere not run over Itj ; tic- least, 'rtre Washington team made 20 yards in three consecutive rushes. V.V make no excuses at all j for our t'.cfaat; hut it is clearly u case I tohere I tick plays a large part in tl.- | jamc. Or. the 20-yard lir.p we forced I 4v*nston to kick; they tried a drop which failing turned out to be touch- j dowii, their men getting possession) of the ball behind tfco i;rre. Our leam was tendered a reception last night and we were royrflly treat ed by liie Kinston people. | im Kll UOAI> STATION \K\V< I Rev. C. D. Malone conducted serv- j ! ieee ft*. IhgL-g-^iL. H. lmjl luet.fiuMgg morning, and at night special serv ices tor the society of the Charitable Brotherhood. Rev. Mr. Malone was guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Congle ton at dinner Sunday and a gueBt of Mr. and' Mrs. J. M. Cotton ?unday night. On Tuesday, December 7, at 11 a.! w . Rt. Rev. Robert Strange, Bishop I of the Eastern Carolina Diocese, will | conduct service at the C. B. H- hall, and at night will bo at Zlon Church. Mrs. Nelson Sheppard and Mr. F. R. Black, of Bunion , and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Alligood and child, of Washington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I?. M. Sheppard last Sunday, j Mrs. Mode Alligood ajid children I of^Plnetown.* who have boen visiting) Mrs. A. G. Alligood, returned home | Monday. Mr. F. Alligood and family, of | '.Washington, visited friends at Bun | yon last Sunday. Mrs. Sallle Alligood has returned I home after a week of visiting In | Washington. Mrs. J. B. Tetterton and children, of Jessama, who, have been visiting | In Washington, were guests of Mrs. N. Sheppard at Bunyon. Monday | night. II r pnrrpr.nondcnt was ft visitor I in Norfolk Inst week and immensely enjoyed the Taft day celebration and other amusements. N'OCOMIS. Messrs. Ben Brady, Joe Mayo, Will Adams and John Mayo returned to- J day from Norfolk, where they went to witness the ball games. Mr. Hannis Latham returned from No^foik; to4ay via the A-C Ooa?ert. Band left l (this af^ernoMi for Aororm where they 1 to Pl?r for ? urn* r .1..' r?\: ??? 2 ? ' iflRGINIA WINS Z FiMr&i. \ x Score Was 18 to 5 Captain Hodgson Was Respon sible For Great Victory of The V. P. I.? Hi? Playing Was 1 he Feature of The Contest 1,000 TAR HEELS ON FIELD Norfolk. Va.. Nov. 26. ? Virginia Polytechnic defeated North Carolina Av-Rird M. hcic >t'stoiMay afternoon by a score of IS to 5. the Virginians su. far outclassing the Tar Heels in punting that It was impossible for them? to ever recover the enormous losses on exchange Of punts. era, who had arrived on lime, on a splendidly handled Seaboard special, . with, a large number.. of Norfolk friends, made a good showing of red and wnite on the grand stands. About eight thousand people wii 7:e?sed tlio-" i-0flw>ST, which was full of trick plays, in the successful execu tion of which Virginia got the best. Rooting of an unusual eharat ier add ed Interest to the game, the banda of the two institutibns rendering popu lar -song*: ?? ? ? I The game was marred by an un I pleasant Incident, which was the re suit of a bad action en the part of a ? Virginia enthusiast who invaded the ICarolina, bleachers for a light and the j lo.irf temper of a .Norfolk police Jinan, who showed the porest judg ment i:i handling the incident, and who not only refused to leaVe cue cadet it: the hands or North Ctro I Italians* but olfpnsivet? took hold of_a professor of the and -W. College, I who was? Sit no way In the ineloe. and shoved Ji '^n l":|^l ^topped by by^anothy story, and caused jeme had blood that will certainly.;, hurt the friendly relationship exist lut; between North Carolina-and Nor Toiit. ' ? * ? - ? - The garrte began promptly at three I o'clock. - The best of spirit attended the con test and the two teams- were on the best terms night, talking over every play r.t:d each applauding the work yf the other. Carolina is look 'iig lor a mail Wl..? I.U'^ .? Ml'.' ? ?lass with* Hodgson,' whom every one admits won todhy's game.' " ATTKXI.'Kll lllSTRKT MKKTVNG. Th.? following gentle;;; from Hyde county were in the d:> yester day attending the district meeting of the Odd Fellows R. D. -Harris. L. R. Jotws..F Selby, A. Credle. W, E Watson, .T. *T. Ben ?on, of Swan Quarter; fi. j,. Swindell. G?*orgt? G. Newmar,, X. B. Selby. of Sladcsville. frAVMBK- VRXT fil V?>\V.. Next Sunday rooming at '*? First Methodist Churth. the lav;??n - ?vj)> have charge OT TTTF raPFtTTI^ \ mogf Interesting program is be?ng ar ranged by the leader of the laymen's movement. Prof. N. C^Newbc'j, Mrs. D. M. Carter will sing a solo and the eholr ? will r?iulet ? a^tacial music. Among the speakers billed to make addresses are Mr. \\\ M. Kear, Mr. E. A. Daniel and Capt. J.-.mes H. Harris. DAI NT V MARYLAND WINDOW. One of the preUJest and certainly the very daintiest of windows ever seen In this town Is that of J. K ttoyt's. It Is a sweet fairyland of pink and blue. Everything for the little one Is there, sachet-scented and all daintily hand-painted in" forget me-nots, with bows of -i\ll sizes t^ed upon them. The painted designs on the baby-books are especially pleas ing. and to see Is to want them all. ? ?????????????? ^ New Advertisements ? in Today's News ? J. T\ ? Toy land Opeuing ? Gaiety Tm(er ~ # Win. Dragaw & Co. ? InBuvance. ? Ja?. E. Clark Co. ? Neckwear. ? Mrs. Sumner'* Remedies. ? Lorratn4 HAV.61. ? ' V ? ? J. H. Harris Plumbing & Supply ? ? Co. ? Wire Fencing. + ? Wright's Tailoring' Parlor*. ? Paul-Gale-Greenwood Co. ? Jew- ? ? elry. ? ? Gem Theater. + Gowan's Preparation. ?? ' #