Last Edition VOLUME I. WASHING-TPS?, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 29. 1909. NO. Id PROMINENT NORTH CAROLINA FIW m VICTIM OF GRIM TRAGEDY Will Hartis, the Slayer, Is in Jail He Shoots and Instantly Kills Mr. Robert 7 Sinjpson, One of the Most Prominent Citi zens of Mint Hill, Mecklenburg County, at An Eatly Hour Sunday Morning. The Sheriff Exhibits Courage Robert Simpson, one of, the most prominent farmers of the county, wan Phot and killed early last night by Miy Will a nm-of? Mrr Henry Hartis. also well known in the Mint Hill section of the county, the scene of the?trage6y being at MulISs' store, three miles from Bain -Acad a emy. "The splendid nerve and cool cour age of Sheriff N. W\ Wallace prevent ed a double tragedy a few hours later, when he. In company with Mr. David Simpson, a son of the deceased, met the murderer shortly after the shooting a few' miles from the city. ~ Hartis was lri tl bui'.g> with hln ? 1 er. headed toward the city, when! Sheriff Wallace, Mr. David Simpson and others In an automobile met him "* at the heme of 'Squire C- H- .Wolfe, several miles out on the Lawyers' i road. -- "Stop there." shoutei) the sheriff _as he sped by tfie two men In the ? rapidly moving machine. The driver ( brought the car to a standstllfin a moment and the sheriff alighted and I went back to meet Hartis and his father, both of whom he recognized in the moonlight. Will Hartis, the murderer, reiv.-hed for his gun In his hip pocket when the sheriff approach-, ed htm. "There's no use trying anything like that," the nervy sheriff exclaim ed tn n rnnl determined manner, as he continued to walk toward Hartis w4th .his hand on his gun. Son Kearli^.Fur Pistol. ? f-on, the only son of the deceased, - who was accompanying the sheriff to ( the scene of the shooting, got orut of( the .machine and was rapidly making his way toward the murderer of his j .father, lie had his hand on his gun when Mr. Herman RoedlRer, his part-] ner in business here, brought him toj n calm and sensible vlejv of the sltu-j atlon. When Mr. Simpson had been! quieted. Sheriff Wallace walked de-, father, took their weapons away from j -Uwm ???<> ? pot in their and commanded that they drive to: th<* city. He never so -much as hand-*[ cuffed either of t^em. but had no""i difficulty at all in bringing them to [ E. ClTY ?fcTS ( CONFERENCE! Next Session to Meet, There Will Adjourn Today. The next the N<frth Caro lina Annual Conference goes to Elhc asked for the conference and had a Marge^ number of friends on tho con ference floor, Elizabeth City won-.' Those voting for Elhabeth City dld -un. mUb thft MdiaUBdlBI WftaMng. toa was to be the choice of the con ference In 1911. Bishop WHfton preached a great sermon Sunday morning in Edenton street M. ID. Church. The auditorium wan packed to the doors. A large number of vialtoja from all parJiLef, th* BUkto are la attendance. " Rev. M. T. Plyler, pastor of the Methodist Church, this -city, received^ a most flattering vote for one of the clerical delegate# to the .general conference, which meets In Asheville next May. Sunday night he preached I9 the First Presbyterian Church; The' con ference adjourned today ' witlr the reading jpf the appointments. Tba Dally News will give part of these In tomorrow's issue. ' nt'GOY BADLY BROKEN. Yesterday afternoon the sorr?l horse .belonging; to Dr. A. C. Hoyt be^ nt an ?"tomebito while drinking at the fountain, cor ner of Main and HAnW streets, and breaking his bridle got loose from Dr. Hoyt. The animal wheeled so littW ifaHt NIMI'im nw mm, smashing the shafts and tearing aoojsJrom th. harno.*, Th. torn "prison whore young Hartis awaits the" deliberation of coroner's verdict. About 7 o'clock last night. Win Hartis walked Uito the rear of Mul Its' store and shot Mr. ^Robert Simp son with his shotgun through the heart. kllling_ him instantly. The love of a child for a father stepped in "between Mr. William Simpson, a nephew of the deceased, and the in furiated murderer, saving his life. W^en Hartis walked into th* rear of the store with his gun drawn, Mr. Avery Simpson, a son of Mr. William Simpson, was standing at the frf>nt door with his father when 'lie saw Hartis level h!s double-barreled shot ?gun on his father Son Saved H Ik Father. ? "Don't shdot lilm," cried out young Avery Simpson as ho stopped In front of his father. Mr. Hartis then pointed his gun directly at Mr. Robert Simpson, who said not a word, and shot, him down. The deceased felh-to the floor and rtted instantly, never speaking a >vord. Some of. those who were witnesses to the trag edy declared thnt Hartis was deter mined to kill both Messrs. Robert. and William Simpson, particularly the latter, but "when young Avery, his son, Btepijed in front of him. Hartis ipveloA fcif. qu M Tj, Rd^cjI Simp-: son. against whom he also had a grudge. Bad btood existed ?between Hartis j and both the Simpson gentlemen. Some weeks ajso the jnufdor^enter^ e,d into spirit? sort of a bargsln^Srtt^ tLoalocal firm of Simpson & Roedl ? ( >?!??? -.-.? irawiil aimi|. i . ;ip... ton of the deceased, and Mr. Herman Roedlger, to buy some wood owned by Mr. Robert Simpson. It Is; stated that without paying any mon-| ey for the wood he began hauling it away and selling It to the board of' county commissioners. When he neg-i iecHed to bay the owftors of the wood I any part of hts receipts, he was stopped at once from hauling it aw ay. He then came .to the city and the lot. the suit being scheduled for im '..ImmiriUU A'. itUi feAtl/ lit. DftVi J , Sjmpfon was looking after the Inter ests of his father. This w*a the be- 1 ?ginning of the lU-fe&llng rhleh led ui> to the -shootrngand the" tragedy. | COMMITTEE TO PLANT TREES : At the Public School Grounds Next Wednesday. ? 'T V - ? ^*he tree planting committee of the Woman's Betterment Association, of which Mrs ? .Tnhn H. Small 1b JJie^ chairman, have chosen Wednesday of this week to plant trees on the public school grounds and also the play grounds of that Institution, and on t.hp. strr^ ifarrftfcthp halMjrt. .This comaWee deaJrr^s^he oooperatlon, and should have it, of the citizens of the city. If the property owners will only assist this committee In secur ing the trees and then planting them, not only on their own property, but aid in performing this work at the public will be a move in the right direction. This is a" work that should be en j tered Into wlfE "m spirit by every cit izen of Washttt&tpn. fo* there is noth ing that can add to the beauty and attractiveness of a town like beauti ful shade trees. If the citizens will only help In th!s ca^iso the commit too of the Woman's Betterment As sociation ? will appreciate it. The planting will begin * promptly at i o'clock and will continue ontil the work Is. done . The children in the high school department will assist. The Dally News hopes every citizen In Washington 'will assist the com mittee. .... A BEAUTIFUL WINDOW. Th? window dUpllr ?t the well , of ,M? l?>n ?a4 MUI YOUNG GIRL t IS CURED ; ? 7 IN A VISION Says She Saw Heaven Sick With Scarlet Fever Two Weeks, After Visit of Great Physician, She Got Up and Ate Collards and Chicken Stew. ALSO VISITED HER FATHER The following storv was fm-nUh^ The GreeiTvnTe~R0lf?t-tdr by Mr7 Thos. I,. Will Ingham. of Wilson. N. C.. formerly of Greenville. I was at black Creek, N. C.. a nice I little town about six miles south of Wilson, N. C.. and Mr. A. At Aycock, a young merchant at that point, told me that his Bister, Mrs. Addison, v.- ho lives near Kenly, N. C.f had recently told him of a little girl who had a very strange vision. I expressed a desire to see the child and see if I could get her to tell me the story of her vision from her own lips. The young merchant told me that his brother was going over . near there Saturday and that I could very likely >tm him u> tnko inc. to ihw plara n hero the chlid lived. This was done. I found things as they were stated to me. I found a small girl, who will be eleven next January. 1 gave her a Sunday school paper which she seem ed to_ appreciate; but said that she couldn't read. "Spiritual things aYe spiritually dlhcei^ied:" there will be some people that will-question the truth of this; as for myself. I find no explanation of the story; I merely state the facts as they were given to me from the mouth of the little girl h'erself. Her parents are In very humble j>h?,has, nn vantages-'wTiatever. ? Her parents are tenants on Mr. Addison Wiggs' farny rear Kenl.v. Her father died years ago and her mother (laving married a second nusuana. Slic says. In her vision she-saw her own father in torment. She says that she. was huk-m Lyd f>?r Lwx BMlU -.villi iih? let fever aud was very low at the t!me nf hor vl?lnn, not having eaten anything from Sunday till Thursday. Her mother came in the room where the child lay and hertrd'the li'tle girl break out in a laugh and say: '"Mama, I am relieved of painT**" This young, girl Is named SmTTtd? "Elizabeth -Deans, but Is generally trailed Elizabeth ?r Lizzie. Lizzie went on tell me: T-Wf -Wf-fBW Wtffl .????!? I rose- from my bed ? that was ray calfie Jo xv.e; I said 'Lord. there Is 3ctutJ cnd I 5:1 'd *I.ord Jesus, plense heal my pain,' and He said 'I will' and oi^sed It. And He took all my feelings' away and lef: the bodv ly ing there on the bed, and I could see it ao He mule my h|iiili jua>. ? *\vifui*. I got up there to Heaven, I said that. I did not want to go back, and lie said ? (Jesus and God were 'begging of me'J ? to go back and tell my peo ple and warn them how to do." I~ Although this "Utile girl had no I oaten anything from Sunday "till Thursday and had been very low with scarlet fever for two weeks, after the Great Physician had^ylsiied her she got right up aqd to *se her own wends again tfeat ^ jyig mess of col lards and somo chicken stew." "Papa Is In torment and asked me to bring a drop of water to put "on his parched tongue. God has water; tut' iii'upm u 11 tlyji'H want iiwiirny to eat. Mama wanted me to go visiting today, but I told her no, that some people would be here to see me to day. Next after I got to Heaven I saw Ood, ?aw so m pretty things." A lady that was also In the room while I was rceordfng-the nbtrrtr. rah* to Mr. William Aycock and myself, that w4 ought to have heard her talk Just after hef vision. Of the pretty thfngs that she saw and she looked up and said, "I can see tt now. God says what to say right now, I can't talk and tell th*m unless what He says tell them. He told me last night I could not stay hero Jong." 1 have the names of two ladles liv ing In Wilson that she pays that she ha|i a message for. 'People are flock ing out there to Bee her. "I. do hereby certify to the fact that the above is trtte. W. F. Aycock , Black Greek, NeC." WOMAN flPTUKKTjftl) BABY WITH POWDERED ARSENIC. Chicago, ML. Nov. 16.? A nelgh %+r rA* n baby of Mrs. Prank Davis, of Balie jlWWy^IlL, sprinkled Xkm child with FAMILY OF 8 ARE STARVING ;? " "INlfTDIT ^ries Bring Them Aid Several" People Are Found Starv ing in Rear of Barber Shop in B rooklyn- -Suffering From Lack of Nourishment. Jj THE FATHER CANNOT LIVE ^ inue uof ran into theBedford aveflTue station. Brooklyn, yesterday, and; said that Several people were starving in the [rear of a barber Bhop' at No. 324 Wythe avenue. Patrolman William Young waS^sent out to JnvesHgate, 'and he found that the boy|? story was! correct. John Rogolankd, a barber, ! was -dying; _al_ pnlmonary ynPiimnnln, I ar.d his wife and six children wfcre suffering terribly from eAosure and la< k of nourishment. Young learned that thOTbarber, on j account of illness, had be*b forced to; close his shop. He be'eami In arrears | vriUi his- rent. "On Wednesday he re- I ceived a .dispossess notice, and thej fftfrtHy was to hare been erii trd jryi terday. On account of l^s being onj Thanksgiving, the eviction was post- i poned until today. ' The deplorable ? condition of the family was mado known through the crying of the lit- j tie children from hunge/. A neigh- 1 fcor made an investigation and sent . word to the police. . I An ambulance was summoned from Ihe Eastern District Hospital, and "MusKowitz said the barber was dying. As the man wasJitt^d into tho ambulance he whispered to the surgeon "look after njy poor fam ily," ^ ? ? Brr~*T6eltovrtt5d-t^turned txr^Wtef ber shop, and administered medical treatment to the women and chil dren. The Children's Society was notified and later they took charge of The six un fortunates, while ' neigh- 1 bors eared for the barber's wife. Shel wa3 so weak* from hunger and expos nun Hhu fount imrmy maim.- 1 ATTKXDIXG COURT. ? frjvcral mrmhers of the local bar1 others left Sunday morning on1 rhff Swindell and Fulford gasboat for; ?wan Quarter to attend the fall ses-! ion of Hyde county Superior court' this week. ? I TRTMEincinr To Execute Foreigners ^President Zelaya of Nicaragua, Has Ordered the Murder of Ev er)' Foreigner Captured Among the Revolutionists. THIS COUNTRY IS STIRRED ? oileant. t.j . -iirnir gent sympathizers Hi New Orleans' wore shocked Saturday mornlnjc by American vice counsel at Managua, i and a former Ne* Orleanp citizen, le, 'in danger. This announcement came from Dr. Salvador Castrilla, the min ister designate of the Xicaraguan provisional gayermnent. in Washing ton, who says he Is certain that Vice Consul Caldera is in prison or has met wlth-bodlly harm at the hands of some of President Zclaya's emissa ries. Dr.. Castrlllo. In a letter to Con sul General Sussman, said ho felt sure that the roason the State De partment had not heard from Mr. Cftlriera rfgaritinH tbo wf murder of the two ^Americans, Groce and Cannon, was that some harai had befallen him. Since tht? .execution the State Department has been tin ajjle 'i o communicate with Mr. Cal dera although Kacera, the Nicara 5UA.3.- minister designate, has been constantly receiving cablegrams from Zelaya. Dr. Castrillo interprets this to mean that Mr. Caldera is either unable to send messages by reason of .their interruption by Zelaya q j hs:s been imprfsoned in Managua. Mr. Sussman says Tie is certain thcrc~has been some underhand work with the 'Wrratraa -fnirea "States* tonsul. Friends of Mr. Caldera have re peatedly trieil to get into communi cation with him but to no avail It is ?a!d Zelaya would not hesitate to mn lTC ? with - M r. -Caldnia .ratiii'i than have the reports' as to the exe cution of the two .Vmerira::s become' Colon. Xo\\ 29.? Pr??: ?cnt Zel.ya., of Nicaragua, has ordered the exeru ;'?n ?f every captured I among the revolution Us. This is] I?5 tier's In ra<sgs3gas rpcMvefl fromf UtcpftHds today. General Chamarro learned of the order from prisoners! captured by the revolutionary ti-ojpsj SUNDAY MAIL SERVICE TO BEGIN OH N. & S. IMMEDIATELY The Second Assistant Postmaster road put on :? Sunday train each way ^L-nrrrtl li:iw 1i;p| nn r.r.l.>r .... i;.? ...t .i. "'ablfshlng Sunday mall service on lishpient of this mail service will af i.-oin trains between Washington and lord an add!'. tonal conver.!-^^11. ? Thl ilaleigh. It will be recalled that re- action was taken at' the Instance o ccntly the Norfolk and Southern rati-. Congressman Small. Solicitor Ward to Be the Orator The Improved order of Elks will hare their usual annual memorial exercises this year In their hall in iho IJaugbaw building. Sunday after noon, December 5. The orator for 4he occasion will be Solicitor H. S. Ward. A rich treat awalta all who shall- attend, for Mr. Ward Is one of Mn lnuat fclftud ^tjeakeis In! Carolina. Tl?e full program of the ?crvlces will be announced through these columns later. SKRIKH OF 8KRMON8. I Beginning on Sunday evening, De-| comber 5, Rev. J. A- Sullivan, pas-| ?er e# the -DuptW Ohorch. will begin a ^eriea of sormons on "The Night Scenes in the Bible." There will be four sermons In thq series. The topics for discussion will be: * "The Last Night of Sodom." "The Last Night of' Israel In Egypt." w I "Saul's Night at Endor." . ' "The Gloriofl? Night at Bethle hem." T}0 doubt- thet*<* sermons will' be I heard by large o<ir rregations, as Mr. : Sullivan Is a that always at tracts and drbw dUK?r? PIN KMC. ? 1 ?.f CT' 116# ttfcs. Jaal cfiRnc^ Its qfuton for th 8 aecond tin* f -? the law of big amy. A marr iid .jan may now go] out of the 8tatc a t?> marry without ?f he imports wU? lumber two i|to the iurUdicUon of U?a out# courta that la, if in th' lorntime, or on a M 't'o^nfor the ourth GERMAN CLUB'S FIRST DANCE j. Took Place at. Aurora Last Fri day Night. The Oriole German Club gave their second dance of the season last Frl Iday night. There was a large crowd' i in attendance and all enjoyed the oc icas'on. The german was led by T I Litchfield with Miss Neva Boyd, j Music was famished by the Washing ton Concert Band. The* following attended: T. Litch field, Miss Neva Boyd; Alex crfthrell, Mies Edna Boyd; T. E. Guilford, Miss Brown of Washington; Sam Laugh inghonse, Miss Verna Boyd; H. B Guilford, Miss Elizabeth Sparrow; E T. Hooker, Miss Jennie Crawford; G A. Lane, Miss Inez Dupree of Wash ington; H. L. Thompson, Miss Mea?? trie of 8uffolk, Va.; P. J. Guilfojfl, Mln Harris of Washington; Rupert Bonrter, Miss House of. Bethel; C. B. Whitehurst, Miss Ruth Philips of Washington; R. H. Thompson, Mies Claris Bonner; Ed Carrowon Of Wafch ington, Miss Chauncey; J. G. Bonner Miss McWIIIItfhm of Norfolk. Va.; fliii Jin luumimin. wi?? Amiia uitn field: H. ' H. Hudnell, Mle. Cl?r Utchdeld; P. T. Sparrow and wife H. M. Hooker aad wife, Tkomp MB ua WW. u. u. aiirnn mi wtnr D. M Oou(le and wife. . sue* ? H. H. Coletratoe. H. DM bar, A. It. MMg and Brick daaklnt Chape ronee ? Mra. b. C. Guilford he pisraT = MS (TOT YET BE E Has 1 wo More Weeks Taft Knows Exactly Whqt He Intends Saying and Will Waste No Words in Message to Cong ress?To Be Short" APPRECIATES SITUATION rptn . * twgrtin on trte manuscript of his message- to Con gress is tho 1 ate a t ? wo id from the While Hour?.. "He has two weeks in .which to prepare It. before capitol [hill opens its annual winter work, and the task' will not be as laborious as it seeajs^for the reason tfrht the President knows exactly wlAt.he in tends savins and will waste no words. The message is exported to be one of the shortest in manjy-ears. in marked contrast to the maflf elaborate mes sages which his predecessors was ii^ the habit of sending to the Senate and House of Representatives. While the message is to be short, it will toiuh Ul.nn n trrn:,t m?|V it will be short only in proportion to the number of recommendations and their great importance. The Presi dent will not attempt to go into the details of legislation. He will leave .that to Congress. The paramount is sue, the issue which will receive the greatest emphastg. increased Federal control over1 the capitaliza tion of the big incorporations. Sen-f ator Hoot'? recent speech in New York. In which he deprecated the en croachment' of the Federal govern-' "mehnnto Aeldl "which flghtly~"belong| to the States, is believed by many toj ["have been InspUed In (to lioj.-e oil modifying this section of the Presi dent's message. Those who knew the President do not* believe he cnni he swerved from ii conviction -|oi (-tvhieh lie ban . many riven r-vj I press Ion. ;? ?Conservation, re-organization of. li.n >nti-j|'ntfitn i r.v, "mr-in'.i., ir.cnt to the Shciuan a^tf-ti tir-t law,|. economy in national expenditures.! ship subsidy will be dealt with lit | the message. The rerer.t Standard i Oil decision in j>\i;i^h \w has apparently been given a newl1 tease of life,-. after being practically a! dead letter oh the statute liooka for! many years, will probably have a far-reach lng effect upon the Presl-j dent's corporxt ion policy. On the r of lug up the . Il'jcl:efell:-r monopoly a I r.HrTi-'neiU .to nnv-.i cr cmnsr nlaN?| 'hA Sherman law. even if undertaken [* with the best of motives, would be] viewed by tho nation wi;h widespread . distrust. President Taft anpfefiatea! 'h.? ? ;r-.-i'jon ar.d will frame hit* mes-. ?age accordingly. Congressman Laid to Rest Butler, Mo.. Npv. 27. ? Hundreds' *>f prominent public men of Missouri and other States, joined the cltizcns of Butler today in paying respect to ihe mfMry of Congressman DeAr tr^nd, \Wri was burned to death in the fire destroying the DeArraond home on Tuesday. The congressman died in a' vain at tempt to save the life of his favorite riitt?td, jr. ? The bodies of both victims were burled In one casket, following serv ices at the Methodist Episcopal Church, wherft rtw-co?<wessman was a member, The Masons had charge of the cere monies. No such show oJ affection and honor for departed citizens has been displayed in Missouri in many years. Mourners blocked the streets lead ing to the church. The church was crowded: The coffin watf* banked high w;th floral emblems. In addition to members of thtf dead congressman's family, and "Congressional committee, the n)ourn e?K Included Governor Hadley, of Missouri din d United States Senators Stone afYTT Warner. One of the active pallbearerB was Representative W. A. Jones, of War saw, "Va. Jones and DeArmond en itered congress at the same tlmo, and were Intimate frtonds. OOMPUjTEI> JANUARY 1ST. Tb? new grist and floor mill of JftHlTMR IlltllJ illl U4 W. pleted on or about January 1. It w^ll be one of the tartest plants of the kind In Noilh Carolina. I It hu boto ai.nou.Md UUt u an iliORiSNOT GOOQ FOR THE ' ? i MEN TQ DRINK Says Hawaiian Lady Congressmen Smill is in Receipt a Letter From Young Lady in Honolulu, Asking His Aid in Downing Drink Habit. SHE ATTENDS SEMINARY "Mr M;iali Ins retched from a na ttve Hawaiian yoting ladr ~ hr Hono lulu "a letter' in which she discusses Ihr Hrinlt bftliir iifum Ih.S Ulnn.l wqfl .ihe states h?r roncluslon "that liquor Is not Rood for men to drink." Evi dently this young iady |s attending one ot^the American schools and Is encaged In mattering the English .language. Her letter Is so iwlaue _ that u-p think our readers would he interested In reading it In full. The. letter Is as follows: Honolulu, T. H., Nov. f?, jl>09. -Mr_ J. H. Small, Washington, D. C. My . Dear Mr. Small: It Is beLter tlvat the Hawaiian Is liiniiti nh'uilj' n" ii?w<'iif. Sfl_l ? thought U\at, you- would like to .vote against those who drink. One* day v.1 hen f was In town ? paw. a man who came home from work, md went in a saloon 10 have a drink. When he rauie out he \vas so drunk that he did liot know what he was doinsi-aml he laiU-dow-u-ky -4-ho road side. When he cot up. he home, and he M-ame faults on his wife, and chll dr?Mj. This man is always having money and going in the saloons for a drink, and liU i>oof wife has to go . and earn a living Tor Ker ' children" and herself. ? So I am telling that the liquor is ' not good for men to-driifk. So would you mind to attach, a nail to all the saloon? if you would I would be glad for the Hawaiian Islands. Y-au is.- rpsi>?pf fully, JENNIE PoV I.AS. LAYMEN'S DAY : ? MUCH ENJOYED -<. Services Yesterday at the M. E;' Church Well Attended. Tli isc* who wtre present at the morning v^re dr-lifchtetl with the ?roi vii cs ns < on due ted by the laymen !>re>>-ed a i ih*1 absence of Cnpt. JameB II. Harris, one of the speakers fdlled, Fov.'vcr those present were charmed with the admirable t.-jlks of Mr. W. ?-.:r .1 v j r F! A Daniel. Both nf these Kcr.ilenK*n proved themselves ? u> tt>r. r.<va.?iou, miiktng talks that were tnstrncmve. educative and Interesting. The music was one of the featuru$s. Mrs. D. M. Carter, a* usnal, delifihfed the entire oongre Rfti Ion with oue of her vocal foIos. The laymen's movement In WAShlug ton is doing a noble work and already Its Influence for good has been realized. WI.IUUNG BKIXS. Madam Rumor has It that wedding hells will rhimc again in these parts before tnany moons shall wax and wane. / srPKj:i\'T?:vi>KA"T of uibm? Sf"HOOI?,S. At^the recent State convention of the Christian Church held in the"* town of Wilson. Rov. Robert Hope pastor of the Christian Church, was elected by the convention State Sup erintendent of Bible Schools for NorthCarolina. The convention waa mcisl fifl^py in their np|prtion. Mr Hope will prove an officer hard ta j The Daily News congratulate* ?????????????? ? New Advertisements * ? in Today's News ? ? Jas. K. Clark Co. ? Men's Guar- ? ? anteed Sox. 4 ? Rhodes' Bakery. A ? H. G. Sparrow ? Toy Opening. ? Washington Drug Co. ? Xraas ? J. K. Hoyt ? Christmas ?

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