I Last Edition ' ? WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON^ DECEMQEjt 1, 1909. J ?* ? NO. 10* Ohio Man Shoots Five After Killing Mother and Police man and Fatally Injuring Wom an and Her Hatband, He Used Last Ballet on Himself. ?? jIaD "EXAGGERATED EGO" ArmimwqiL. Ohio, Nov. 19. ? ? After m urdering his mothgTlUBi an who had attempted to arrest hjm and probably fatally Injuring another -woman and* her husband, Clyde Wearer, 34 years old. today con\ stilclde. ^ ? Weaver was declared by physi cians to be afflicted with "exaggerated ego." He was under suspended sen tence from the probata court. Sheriff John 'P. Haber and Deputy Sheriff William H. Farra went to Weaver's home today to arrest him. The ap pea ranee of offlcers seemed to drive the man mad. He opened ffre on (hem from an upper window with a jfhotiwo and Farra fell woundfcd. A * moment later Weaver's mother push ed from the house, crying ^I'm shot", <. jjMul lieu 4ead aC TEo r?CT of the Hlberlfr. ? While Haber was;trylng to revive - too woman, Weaver walked from (he house to a woodahed Into which Farra had crawled, and fired twice at the wounded officer, killing him. He then jumped into pie buggy In which the offlcers had reached the ? 'k,om ^ and dregs to the hoaae of i^svL t Mlnnich, a neighbor, from whom he ? demanded prQtnctlon. ( . . When Mlnnish hesitated". Weaver shot* Mlnnish through the back. Wesven then turned on Mrs. Mln nich. and shot her twice. ' Armed citixens quickly surround ed MrsMiouan an/i two deputy sheriffs broke through the rear door. They discovered the body of Weaver un der a bed. He had used his last - bullet to kill himself. The condition of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Party Alive and Well .Mombasa, British East Africa, Nov. | 30 ? The Roosevelt hunting party ar rived today at Londinana. Colonel | of hia hunting trtp." especially T>n the Inguasha plateau. All of the party Roosevelt, accompanied. 6y >?ktural ist Heller, arrived first via the Ugan da railroad, and shortly afterwards was Joined by Kermlt Roosevelt and It. TnrlatAn Th? Thff" Of the I pedltlon, who have the trophies with them, were expected later in the day or tomorrow. Colonel Roosevelt was enthusiastic over the plentltude of game on the plateau and many hand' some trophies were .secured. The I party -ias oil the plateau* f or ^several | weeks. REWARD OFFERED. On third page will be found an ad vertisement or Hotel Z^eulse offering* $25 reward for Information leading to the recovery of a grip described in the ad. I have challenged O. L. Joyner to; meet me In the courthouse at Green ville, ** -O.rtm Saturday, December 4 ( next Saturday). Speaking will be gin promptly ' at 2 o'clook. All art Invited.' Come out^and hear both fim of the stock selling scheme as charged In my bill of Indictment. * V, HUtCHINGS. ? GIN BURNRD AT ROYALL W. T. Hudnell's Cotton Gin Caught Fire Today? Saved ? C '? By Employes. (Special to TM News.) Roy.l. N, t, two. 1. ? TEU BorS ta( -about 9 o'clook tk? err ot fir* wu gtvon and upon InTWttnUon It AFTER 119 ffeAl Honc.s of Duncan Cameron, Who Died Over Ccntufy Ago, Uncovered." ' ? Wllmifegton, N. C., >?or. 30. ? The Masons of Wilmington are much in terested In the discovery- by work men .ertfeag^l in making excavations fpy^fhef new residence of Mf. P. L. fauggius of the bones and tombstone Of Duncan Camero^', who died in this cliy In 1790. Tho remains and the^ atone yere found buried beneath the surface at' a distance of five feet. The. bones were covered, by the stpne. wh1<$h rested in horizontal position. One side, of the stone, bears a hand somely designed Masonic emblem, -surmounted with the Latin Inscrip tion." "Sit Lux ^ el Lux Fult." The place Yhere'tKiTbonea were foundTs Jo's* across the street from the pres ent* location of^ St. James church graveyard, one of the oldfest places ^hnterment In the State. The local bodies of MMons will hold a meeting tonfght, and it Is stated that, they will assume charge of the remains of this brother who died more than. one hundred and fifteen ^oara^go. The 'Remains will probably be reinterred 1n the Masonic plot of Oakdale ceme ? .' " r To Place a Vance Statue ? . ? . i , -v - ? Raleigh,. -Nov. aa.?'-Tho eaaoutlve commlllee of the North Carolina-Lit erary and Historical Society. recently appointed by President Piatt D. Wal ker,- Of the Association, has Just held its first meeting and determined, among other things, to /prosecute the, movement for a statue of Vance in Stataary Hall originated byrthe asso ciation, jind [for which an appropria tion becomes available January 1. 1811, The following committee was appointed: R. H. Battle, chairman; Walter A. Montgomery, Armiutead Burwell, ThfO-. F. Davidson, Tt Jarvls, Eugene 8. Martin. * As chairman of the committee to coalfijjBflth other historical and pa triotic-' associations '.vtth^k .-VlAK>z ta having as many as possible to -meet at the same time as our association, Mr. R. D. \V. Connor was appointed. Judge Walter dark was named as chairman of the executive committee of seven on marking historic sites, flfle other ?six' members to be selected later, the plan being also to have a general committee with one or more i representatives in each county in the I State to report on the "sites that! should be marked, and prosecute] plans for marRlng them. r ? ? ' ' i RIVER ROAD STATION .\EWS. Elsie a little daughter of Mr. and Hr*. W. S. D. Eborn, of Budyon, Is Mrs. Margaret Congleton, of Baltl more; Mr. and Mrs. 8.' P. Alligood and children. Mtsfi Gladys and Master I Vernon and Miss Blanche Alligood. [of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. L. Car ime'r Alllguod tod ?0B. Miner Ellis. and Mfss M. M. Cherry were Thanks Iglvtng guests of Mr. ^nd Mrs. Lewis Alligood. . * ' Mr. C. B. Little recently returned [from Seattle, Washington, haj been ?tilting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. IC. M. Little for several days. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Little were vis itors In Bat? Thanksgiving day. r Mrs, Andrew Jackson and Mrs. Herbert Flowers, of .Washington, were guests of . their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alligood, Thanksgiving day. Mrs. 3. L. Alligood and child spent Thanksgiving day with hor parents, !!? \lmm U A on Hill road. H Miss Lizzie Lathajn, of Belhaven, ylslted Mrs. O. W. Woolard and. other | friends at Broad Creek for several | days last week. " ? Mrs. Augustus Alligood and daugh ter. Miss Llllle, visited Mrs. Mallsea Woolard at Broad Creek Thanksglt-: Ing-day. BRev. C. E. Lee conducted Thanks ' giving services at the Christian Church at Bynyon last Thursday. A Ant little s6n has recently ar-j ^rlved at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Thad Congleton. iLJWt WBtfk a nne ruw imlunnlng to Mr. J. O. Mixon, of Bunyon, was) killed near that station by a train. Mr,, and Mrs. J.^T. Alligood and| | child and Mia* Josephine Alligood, of Broad Creek, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus. Alligood last Sunday.' Mr. .and Mrs. Lewis Alltgood, ac companied by their guest, Mrs. Ma r ~iret Congleton, of Baltimore, and rT and Mrs. "WVA/jUllgbod and children, -visited Mr. and Mrs. J. 9. iRespees at Broad Creek. last Sunday. ^ Mr. and .lire. L. C. Alligood and ara-fliKsr TTrr Stiff IIH. UWHI SMIYIfflT f FOWLERPUZa.ES 1 r 1STATE BtPT. ? ? ^ * f V - He Defends Zelaya American in Nicaragua Says the Americans There Are Treated Well ? Zelaya Vainly Appeals to Mexico for Aid. HE -ASSEMBLES CONGRESS . ? y ** Washington, D. C.. Nov. 30.- ? Dep uty ? Comptroller of _Ui?_ gfirrency Fowler has received two dispatches from his cousin, Charles O- Fowler, - secretary of the Nicaragua. Develop ment Company, who is- now at Ma nagua, which puitle him greatly be cause they c6ntaln Information as to ilxgjytuatlqii thWe, absolutely at va riance with that received by the State Department. He Is also entirely a? a *W*8 to understHtod why his cousin should have cabled- to him Unless It w&b under the coercion of the Ze layan government. The first cable gram was d4te& at 12:35 a. m.C Sun-: day, from the Nicaragua^ capital, and was received here tw<>? hours later. It read as follows: "Am all right. Qutiude Atlantic revolutionary tone Americans are given permits to travel as usual. Know of no Americans beipg In pris on for any case! Foreign. .foiners tell me they are working the}r mines.". Having tliufe paved tie way by as surances of hTs own personal safety; at 12:59 a. m.. On the same day, fol lowed up another dispatch,.. which. If sent of his own volition, rputs an en tirely different aspect on tfTe state of affaire- down there. . ^ say*: ."-lafornf Secretary Knox I have seen flies and papers relating to exe cution* Americans .Qroce and Can non. , Have interviewed .prisoner Couture, find execution was under eentenoe' court martial conTenea un der constitution and eode military Ni?aragQa.__ All thptfe signed state ments ^iErfftTrtttedgin^*'- nation in revolution. Croce adpi.Hted firing mine In attempted (festruction steam er Diamante ? All three asked tor clemency. President refused to In terfere1?' slating' uiilllat ejaity .and army demanded execution ? uf ebh tence. Pacific littoral quiet. Con gress .now assembling for regular session . _ Charles G. Fooler has been in Nic aragua only a- few months. He is a' man of about forty yeafs of age. The company of which he is" secretary holds a concession from, the govern ment for the exportation of, fruit. rht'jllbimh-TiHH liau' fn^u rati! IvPTum the State Department for its infor mation. Sari Salvador. Republic or~S?Y? jdnr,. Nor. 2S. ? It Is reported here that when President . Zelava learned of the intention of tire United States IP noni- rnnnrnrmr.1 h* u,i?iv jgggg| to Mexlcb for* help. Cablegrams re ceived by the Italian minister from Managua say that President Zelaya has now offered to summon Congress jand place the presidency in -its hands, thus practically abdicating. TOY OPKXlNCi TONIGHT. The display of a large assortment of toys, novelties, and other Christ mas goods will be opened to the pub lic tonight at Hariie O. Sparrow's, home of 8anta Claus. Mr. Sparrow has purchased a larg er stock than usual in anticipation of an increased demand. Tou should M" fl,a ?t'Wfr 11 broken. HATHA WAY-DOITOHTY. Miss Johnnie Doughty was united in marriage to Mr. C. A. Hathaway, in Berkley, Va., at the. Presbyterian; manse, on Wednesday^ afternoon at *t-M, November 24. Rev. C. S. Llng amfelter performed the ceremony In the presence number of friends of the young cM^le. ?talsn Estelle Dunkln was 'maid of honor, and Capt. J. J. Cole, an uncle of the groom, acted aa best man. . v The bride was (owned In a tallor unmr antt uf tAJmluu auiuke broad cloth, with hat and gloves to lpateh, and carried a booqset of white car nations and ferns. Miss Dunkin's drees waa a tailored suit of black wkh large picture hat andshe carried pink carnations with sprays of fern. 1 After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway* drove to their handfeome new home, In Ballentlne Place, where i ?4wjr*u amt. tu siats* Toonr -wm? IwuUtullj a?wi?twl to wWu and RrlM. TIM IMa popular young couple nun?r atu ma aimninn. ? ? ? H There took place at the 3 I of Mr. i. R. starling, ^ street, thfcj afternoon at 4:1. a qalet but beautiful home j Vho contracting parties Leila JVgneft Starling to W; Dt^Uhunt, o* Klnston, ceiremooy 'was performed Tj PlyTer.* paetor^tt ?. i>dist Church, in the lidence Fifth I o'clock jeddlng^ Miss James ,Tt^e lev. N. re t fir .. - flpygire of * Tftfge number o t^frl en te, Henty Toll, of Klnston; was ? fc^igroom's bGst jjian. and Miss Arabella Dilla hunL aiaXer^of tb<fr maid of honor. ?"*??"/ ' _The bride, loft" ber Tanffsotoe light tan cloth wUb hi to match. The happy 1 the 6:14 Norfolk and for Klnston, wh^re thief will be tendered 'a rec residence of the groom'i morro^juornlng Mr. _ hunt will leave Jor an 1 of Southern cities, exi home in Kins ton .altor 1 The bride Is a daughu Mrs. J. R. Starling, Ipdy possessing many and elsewhere. She la W?i?nse wen Worth winning. T^tie grotfin {% chief Inspectpr^pf the KinstM telephone systenf.and a young man' held in the highest esteem. The coupK? received thany hand-t some and useful glftd; testing the | hfgli e&ieera in which. tfcfy ttp held. There is a pretty rmmonce con " nocted with the mar ri^ge of the above parties. Miss StaHfng was for several months one of-^he clever op erators in _t he telephone -qxctiange here, and as Mr. Diilahunt was em ployed by the telephone company in Klnston, they began --to exchange words over the line. Conversation after conversation was indulged, Anally culminating ,in the exchange of photos and letters. Friendship led Into courtship and.. courtship ended' In their wedding. of 'this afternoon, < The Daily News oxtcndji congratu lations. ENGAGEMENT ANNO . Announcement is made by Mr. and | .Airs. N. T. Mflholland of the engage ment of their daughter, Lou Nona, lo Mr- Waiter ? Rearie ? JoWfcsuii, uf -Wi Iistun-Haltftg "Nr~C: ? The 2bih or January, *19 loT is. the date set for the celebration of the manage ~at~the First Presbyterian Church4 this city. BIG REQUISITION ON WAR DEPT. $17,000 Rnuinmpnt far Katinn. ? Adlutant General .1. F. Armfleld 3 calei drtj umili- d HfqulbHluiJ (111 Hip United States War Department for ordnance supplies and clothes to the amount, of $17,0QO. Theje are for the companies of the North Carolina National Ouard. TO WKXI) WINTER HERE. Mrs. C. M. Francis, of Cranford. N, J., has arrived in the city and will spend th* winter here , -with her brother. Mr. Win. Randolph, on East 8econd street. ? PKIZK8 AWARDED. The cash prizes offered by the Washington Horse Exchange Co. of .hi. Ml. fir H??t of co^n sent J*> them were' awarded to day as folio***: First prized $5 In gold, C.' A Hol lowell, of Aurora. Second prize. $3. P. H. Waters. Washington. N. C., R. F. D. No. 2. Third prise, $2, H. H. Broom, of Aurora," Nr C* - . . - There were sevoral contestants and the offering of prises by this en terprising firm should create a desire Among the farmers of Beaufort and Hyde counties to raise *better . corn and moreof It.? The Judges who made the awards J. L. Mayo. , waa It. general' MCTEDHTir BURNS WOMAN with mm He Is Under Arrest "Because ShS Rejected His Suit Miguel Gomez Bound Wdman, ? r ? JSaftirated Her With Gasoline and Applied Mi.tch. WAS DYINft^WHEN FOUND Tampa. Fla., Nov. 29. ? Marie Acot m>. young -Cuban- addow, died hore "Iftte today from frightful burns in flicted upon "hlr by a rejected suitor. Miguel Gomez is under arrest, Be fore she died the young woman made the charge against Gomez. She declared that she had rejected Oomee'B Bult and that with two con federates he forcibly entered her home in West Tampa last night. She was bound hand and foot. Then the men saturated her ciothing with gas ojine and touched a lighted match to her. .The unfortunate woman was found today burned from head to foot, and she died at 2 p. m.. after making a statement to the police. She did not recognize' the "men who- were- with Gomez and aided him, she charged. In perpetrating the awful crime. t RK >1 A R It A BUS OPERATION. Washington. Nov. aO.?Flve mus cular physicians, straining, twisting and turning over thesjender body o L WI liner Herbert. io years old. yrs* terday performed one of the most remarkable operations known to med ical science. A brokeq vertebrae was mended, and within a few days the patient, wbfe suffered complete pa ralysis of tho lower portion of the body. Is expected to recover his health. FTLfj ATTFN'UAXCK liFsiRyn ??% memorial servii:$a ^ of Washington O. K.. . next Stnjjiay^4?? . their hall, a fnll attendance of members is de sired. and the public, is cordially in- J tumi tu muii'in 1 1 m' ju m 1 1 p J ' '1 ills order ha<( dune a yen iimir toward the relief of those !n distress. I I'.WTEGO LOCAM. Miss Nlta Hamilton and broijj^lii tendcd church at Mount Olive Sun day. Mr. Joe Ellis, of Wlnsteadville, was In ou r< town Sunday. =3fffffr=T773=^^5w^roir=7iRr==W8P perajioe Aycock spont the week-end atAClrcle Grove farit), the guests of M1ks Xary Chau ncey.1 Mr. Fenner Paul and Miss Mabel Godley were visiting frienda in town Sunday. Mr. S. \V. Wilkinson has moved thiee tar loads of cattle from hi? ranch at Durlng'a Point to hla farm at Pantego Swamp. The Junior Society held its regular meeting at the Christian Church Sun day afternoon, at ft o'clock. MIsb Ina Bishop spent Saturday ~in Washington, the guest of Miss Ooldie Ricks. Mlas Maude Duke, onfe of the pu pils of the high school, who has been ill for sometime, returned to Bcbool this morning. We " are glaiPTo See her In school again. The Woman's BM^rment Associa tion held a bazaar at the Academy Thursday evening. Oysters, fruits, and candles were sold. The chief fea ture was a tulip bed. t"or eacu tu!'o which was drawn a prize was given. The amount realized was |28. Mr. D. A. Windley and family vls itod relatives in Hyde county Sun day. Mr. Charlie E1119, of Wlnsteadville, was here Sunday visiting relatives. Miss Ruth Credle made a flying trip to Belhaven Sunday. Messrs. Julian Thompson and Don ald Adams were the xuesta of Miss Mary Chauncsy at Cl"?le Grove farm, featuraiy avroinf ^ Misses Effle Jarvls and Myrtle Vos imw a*4- Mesere. G*rapy- Clyde Casey, Julian Thomson, Dallas and Buel Carawan spent Thanksgiving in Washington with friends. Rev. Elder Butler filled his regular appointment *here Saturday and Sun day. Quite a large crowd from h*r* spent Thanksgiving in Washington Mr. B. L. Susman was here lant week wllli a Trtee ttfPfe at hats? innlii i ? Mi*. PT H- rtlurnrt BaUir 4ay morning from a hunting trip ox MiWsmwIimI labs. ? H> n?>m fafa Prof. L* B. Bennett has just or dered over forty new books for thi high school library- It alrM^r con tales vrwr III volumes. p. ?. 8. EXECUTION HAS _1 BEEN STAYEDl The Contempt Case of Gompers and Others to Be Decided By Supreme Court. ! Washington, Xbv. 30. ? The Dis trict-' Court of Appeals this morning granted to ' President Compere. Vice President John Mitchell and Set,' re-. tary Morrison a stay'of execution In the contempt case. This will, have the eftect ot - keeping thcni front prison until the supreme "court of the T'liiiea states accTfles rfto cum. Referring to the stay, H^Hhe Bucks Stove and Range contempt case, H. Ralston, of the firm of Kalsion, Sid dons & Richardson, attorneys for the defendants, said: . "The stay of execution will pre vent. of course, our Hlents having To go to jail until the matter is finally decided. I expect the United States Supreme Court will decide next Mon day on the application for the writ of certiorari applied for yestferdHy. If the writ is granted the Supreme coifrt will then review the case. If It is not granted we will take out a writ of habeas corpus before one of the courts of the district. "This can finally fee carried to the Supreme court again, which in the last analy sis wHi- review the whose case. If not this time .then when it reaches It again. ' BREAKS FINGER. While working on the engine in his gasoline boat yesterda>? Mayor Sterling had the misfortune to break one of his fingers. The accident while not serious in a painful one. YOUNG THIEVES \ ROB STORE Clever Tricks of Two Negro Boys of Little Avail? <?]>f<id Night in Jail. Two negro boys about 1 1 years old named Josse Small aud Arthur Nel son^ Tobbed the. store of Mr. J. H. about S o'clock. . '? Jesse went in the store before the (losing hour and crawled under a ??ounter behind two fish kegs where ne stayed hidden ? u mil Mr. Julley locked lip the "shop for the night. He then unlocked the rear door and let in Nelson, and the two succeeded in carrying away six 1 2-pound bag* of flour, some caudy and raisins. 1 2 boxes of'snufT. some neckties, socks and suspenders, to the amount of about $S. Had the thieves stopped here they nnmn fi;m- *??r umii tun il . but they made or raid on the cash drawer, which was luckily empty, and chopped it uF with a "hdlch&t. Thfj noise w'as heard by Mr. N. E. Mitch- 1 ell. liUng iwixt door, whoso suspicion j was aroused and he halted the thieves, who, however, made their es- | -raptr Mr. MlUUVlI nounfci'Mf. Jolley1 at once, and chief Howard was sent for. . The bloodhounds failed to get the track of the robbers, but Chief Howard and Officer Harris rounded them up and they were placed in the county jailf bofun? 1 0 o'clock last night to await the trial which took place at 10 o'clock this morning. Judgment was witheld on account of the age of defendants. N. & S. to Pur chase Rolling Stock WUlfUU, T*., Mui. >8 TIhj liuuii I holders, reorganization committee and all others Interested agreeing thereto. Federal Judge Waddill In the Norfolk & Southern Railway re ceivership litigation, has directed the issuance of $4 42,856 in additional re ceiver certificates for the purchase of rolling stock demanded at once by reason of increased commercial de velopment. The new issue as of December 1, 1909, and of equal dignity with a 1 pr^vt#n?--tww? of $1,000,000 is to be j for one year subject, however, to the rircht of anticipated payment of 101 liuju^thlrty days* notice. The bonds, ' wh'ch are for specifically the pur chase of 495 bo* cars at $685 each aiid 194 flat cara at $535 each are to be told at not loss than par and ae on" d Interest, The new rolling stock 4s.:o be bought In Chicago for irame delivery. I I ta UBUBtBU WT""' IX - MicllllllHHT CHVHGH TONIGHT. Th? fiaatnr, tn. M. T_ Flrlar. u i exptctlng. a large attendance or the ? "*?"?" fM. -v? tlffi Mnh~"" '?'?y-'ti at thd" mMtlw K j;?o this malar - Matter, of fraat IntarMt will come GlSETliT - WILL FOLLOW t~ .THE REJECTION Confusion in England That Financial Bbdget Will Rejected by House of Lords is Probable, an0 Ministers Prepare to- Resign. POLITICAL LEADERS BUSY London. Nov. 30.? This ie the day of crisis ipx Kngland A canvass of the house of lords, showed that there was no hope that the budget could escape rejection by tjrg upper house. The cabinet was in session almost continuously, preparing to resign wh%n the lords took their final ie effect of the crisis was fell throughout the united kingdom flnaiflb daily, a"nd confusion was general lrP money affairs. Experts had no more inkling as to what would be the final result than had the public. Two steps immediately follow such a move as the rejection by 'the lords; the resignation of the cabinet and the 7 dlssolutlon of parliament. ? TEe~polftical leaders of all parties were busy today preparing for these developments ? ^ "" There was little hope that Lord Morley's masterful plea for the gov ernment before the "lords Would :heck the expected course. The gon ?ral opinion was that all mlnds'.were ?tirendr made up on this momentous question, and that no final Ippeal :ould alter the decision. Lord Alorley gave warning that the ?xpected step by the lords would bring about one of the bitterest po litical struggle^ that has ever riven the nation. - _L . It was nearly 2t>.0 years ago that the house of lords ? took so high a hand as the plan decided on In this matter. Not slnre the 17tli century has the right -of the commons to con trol the finances of England been q^l !og*4^;R e j?*cUwi ojjhe, budget . means the renewaJjajftxe' Car- T tall tire -power pf the lords, tf "T abolish the house as a part of the government. Farm Products YaluetL - at $8,760,000,000 ' Washington. D. C., Nov. 30. ? In glowing terms Secretary Wilson, of thfe^gricultural Department. In his the farmers work for the yoar ended June 30 lask "Most prosperous of Ikit- -U t rt> tthlch Is entmed In agriculture." Is tiie way the Secretary puts It. The value "of farm products was J8. 760, 000,000, a gain of IS69.000.000 over the preced Of great popular Interest are the results of a unique Investigation con ducted by the department which shows -that In fifty cities the total retail cost charged to consumers for beef above the actual cost paid by the retailers averaged 38 per cent. The lower the grade of beef, the greater was the percentage of gross profit. In the upward movement of beef prices the farmer, the report aays, has. not shared equally with the packer, wholesaler and retailer, but as to hogs the case in different, the farmer receiving nearly his fair share -of the higher prices of pork in the Increas m4 pal? nf lila ^afart hap Secretary Wilson notes a great for ward movement In enforcing the food and drug acts, the willingness of the manufacturers to comply with the laws and to cooperate with the de partment making Its work largely ed ucational. Many a man falls to arrive because, he started with cold feet. ? New, Advertiserfients ? in Today's News ? ? J. I... O'Quinn. Florist ? Bulbs. ? Cheaapeake Steamship Co. ? Wm. Bragaw & Co. ? Insurance. ? Gem Theater. ? Gaiety Theater. ? Wright's Tailoring ? ? _ ^ lA.H- fl amrrfi?^-Tft> * ? ? Baltimore.

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