colJrr tonight. ? Tuesday fair, colder new the const. Last Edition VOLUME I. was'-"*c;tox, north Carolina, .mc^ay afternoon. December 6. mo. NO 107 . MJOiESS nr ... mm cflRR Soiith's Opportunities -.Gen. Julian S. Carr Delivers an Address Before SoutherriXom7 merciai Congress Now in Ses sion in Washington City.",. IMPORTANT STATISTICS Washington. D. c.. Dec. C.--Gon eral Carr contended that the field of -Bouth hTh* ?"lK,rtu,,"l?? the " b?ra scratched. >>e?n accompllahed, hesald ' vim -?< >, total achievement S Zt^,ior ,u'"^ ?? "?o-; , W"h'n "" thirty Souther ** "' "" "r?"^t of Southern manufacturea 5ad ri|M,n mo" M"^00'000 U' ?>.?00,mo" 'wUUve^^h?^0?^ SO"'w"l?<1 ">?? .oh.'?ncouB,;r Zzv:: 'k906 ,,i>out ?>?? or cotton yarn,, hlld boon purchased i. o the extent of igt 1 S-Hr? ? ? greater opportunities to bo de ?>cp?d in the South in this JL? sSSS ar?, ""d ?**?* "fHnbined, with a? r ; :1" " '"??? ?? "?t or a,, of,^ro,^v-rc,prrr ? ?M)lJSJhat of the South; it WSJ only necessary, he contcndeiTi^r ?' ??ion> th - ran Tr" """""" *>lwet"'o?? night -- General Ovr deplored the fact that in ml ' raanufarl"red product !.'? action, of the country than I , " '* tl"1 n " 1 guiini 2%Jr "ntalned all ,he u"r;rv;reru""- ,or Education?,""'";",'^, ""erf Z ??lP.lon were a, the dl.pC or the ?nd ?'? em n'oy.a R.,.. material ?f ererr conceivable klnd :??."..d!d ;? y?* ???* B??d!?g vors or the country flow Southward ZrJT: Ati""c ?cMn ?r *> or Mexico, and that the lniDrov.j "hMp*b"t"r """ WOUld furnl,h ^ , transporution for bulky ** ,n **?? matter of roadstead* w"nT '. lk'Z po""ed 0,t ,b? "?"? wealth ofthe Routh |? th8 miltt . ? ? ? ? ?Sort"? ~ ?OS of mo, was only . mtle ? "nVo;U?-0^r^^r~ It. output ofthl! clllofrOTM )um oro i!8,0,5' ?nt ?5<.000.000. Or on#, ha If of the entire cooatry _ Jgsnsral Qarr adduced soma flgur,s ?-? ZT? Wir? ?f ?Ubll,k MHi.Ote.OOIi. tawrtMat, to mtH* alsna amaunt '? ??0'000 <>00; la of i ? ' Tte value of the 8outh'a lumber nr*Af??> i? MM.000,000: of iUTO#^^ UCt. ?I?0^0?,?#0; UfU m, 000.000. an^? f~p.-t f PROTEST CHANGE OF THE PASTORS Tbe Congregations Are Now in an Uproar - Reldsville, Dec. c?ngrega (ion^of the peltntm Mfefhodlatf'Churfoi is Ih un'uijr^a.- -over the failure ofj the presiding olsliop of the North Carolina?ConCerence Iq return Rfv. S. F. Hlck'f.fOr artfother year and Is now hpnHlnp1 ovory offort to have hl*u change his decision. PronFwnai can be learned every member Pf church, ?e well a? the. pastor, expect ed that,R*w. Mr. Hicks would be re turned*, and the news pi his transfer came 1|^ & thunderbolt out of a clear sky. + ? . ' Mr. Nlfcks hao been the pastor of Pelhalh and Shady Grove Churches for the past two years and his aerv-. Ices have been of a highly satisfac tory nature among thosi with whom he had associated. At the recent ses sion of the North Carolina Conference TOfiop Wilson mresTeiTMTtfrrNlcks to Hlllsboro find sent to PelttSBT in hta place Rev, Dr. L. L- Nash, former ?State evangelist Rev. R. C. neeman' succeeded Rev. J. B. Murley a* prV sfdlng elder for the Durha diatrlcV Not the slightest objection haa.beeu raised to Dr. Naah,.whosp appoint ment would have beon very pleasing ??< lo Hie- fnniiagailou u( the Pelham church, except far tho fact that it desired Mr. Nicks! The official board of the Pelham church at a meeting held yesterday entered a protest over the change anT petitioned "Dr. Beeman, the presiding elder, to exert his influence to got Mr. Nlcka back. Tbepalhkm church ha* a membershlp'of about three hun dred while the Shady Orove church, which la under the same charge, has a membership of about a nundre*. It la understood ;that tM Shady Orove church was e^hally dlaappointed at the. failure jQf the bishop to return Mr. Nlcka. ; Mr. Nlcka la still at POham-, Da Naah having not yet arrivjp"^|#p he expected and wanted Jo be retui^? ed. ho la taking no pjjinn the protes*. entered by hla congregation, and ex presaed his willingnesa to serve any field where he may be as8igned by the blahop. Mr. Nicks had plante l hla crop? and garden and made everv Srrangemeni wun a view of^ominij' back. One of the members of the church. In utmmhin* nr-th* ,.i^. "?phn people of the church are heart broken and many of them are on*th ; verge o'f cry!ng." December Term , Superior Court ? The December term of Beaufort county Superior court, with hla { honor. -Judge Geo. W. Ward, of Eliza- 1 beth Ctty, presiding, convened In the courthouse today for ft t?rp nf thr?? j weeks. The flrst two weeks of thej term will be devoted to the trial of! civil causes and the third week wlil bO for thn trial nf rrlfnlnal rftBeg. At- present there are only four pris oners In the county Jail awaiting trial but doubtless before the term la over there will be more, as Is usually the case. . REPAIRS TO CHURCH. Extensive repairs have been made to~th?- Christian Church, East Socond street, which enhances greatly to the apnenrancfl and attractiveness pf the_ auditorium. IS VERY ILL. Mr. J. R. Shelton who has been confined to his home for months suf fering with rheumatism, took a change for the worse this afternoon and his condition Is now thought to be precarious. dollars; 'the exports $649,000,000. The national banks of the Southern States show a capital of- mora than| $160/000,000, und the deposits in them and ^11 other financial Institu tion* total $1,082,000,000. The coalj ifeea of the South is estimated at nAarly 150,000 square miles with ani original supply clofw to -fly* hun dred billion toils, of which a mere fraction has been mined. In tobacco I tliB guutlr aliiiuBL lisg^a snoiiopely, 655,000,000 pounds b?tng growifln this section, in 1907, out of a total fori the United 8tates of 711,000,000. The farm value -of this crop In the South yitu iHP.Qinnobo oqi ekt a iom' otj |74.000,000 for the-UnlUd States. According to the census of 1905 tike. South invested In tobacco manufac-| tnrlng Indu.tri.. ?127.00(I.00D mit of a total In th6 United States of $32 4, 000,000, aad- the. value of its man ii lagalnst $331,000,000 for the whole I country. * : *' " | -After a brl?f reference to the great t fcAf 56f fAaami thfl t*Ur frdfltl Ct South, and tho opportunity-, miW STRIK ERS SHIT FIDE ;' Martial Law in force Governor Harmon is-^ato in Tou6h With Situation? Two Thousand Strikers "Interfere With StceljVork, >s ' TROOPS PATROL THE CITY I Bridgeport, 0? Dec. 6. ? Martial law today holds sway in 'OTIS tflty. where ?,000 string employes of the Aetna-Standard Plant, of the. Amer 'can- Sheef and Tin Plate Comgany. a ati.bafaltery^of th? United States Ste-ji 'Corporation, have been rioting since midnight fridy. AA regiment of infantry, one squad r?h_pf_cajral6r, and over 150 deputy sheriffs aijd company police guard the ctty and-, tin plate mills. Fire men hav? been shot and more or less seri ously wounded during the past 21 1 fr?Vra- ? rWiPil 46urt ln-1 Junction has been asked for In Colum bus. O.. to mm train the strikers from Interfering with the operation of the pl^n L ' . Governor Harmon, at Colurabus^ls being kept In close touch with the situation, and has-placed the? fullest military power on Brigadier General John C. Speaks, in command of both civil and -State authorities here. The lawlessness bringing on the present situation comes of a trivial incident. Early today one of the mJ'l guards stepped outside of the mill enclosure td escort another guard to a cab. A fusillade of shots greets! the -two men.- Two bullets struck one of the men, but the wounds were no; serious, a third guard rushing from the enclosure dragged the two men to safety. The shooting from mob of strike sympathisers outside the mill gates continued uStTIT daybreak when Sheriff Arnrfne wJred Governor Harmon for troops, saying in his mev 6ago; "We fear another Homestead strike a?d much bloodshed." Tire strifcy at the Aetna-Stan'dard ilUnt had its Inception fly#* monfhn ag a. when the American Plate and Iron Company issued an order chit" Its plant would bo operated on the "opeji shop" policy. A majority of the workmen employed In the variooa plant* of the company were members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron. Steel & Tin Workers, who "?fr" ^ M --j posted. Hefore the p?esent trouble is ended It Is expected plants In WBeel ing. Martins Ferry and Pittsburg will be affected. ~ ? The Hat at known Injured In bridge pglT~Sfnr Mfi?wllng liuwpitater victims of the riots follows: Chief of Police Roe, of the Amer ican Sh^et & Tin Plate Company po lice korcd.-lllUl IBI'UUJll nuau mm Hip. condition serious. William Jlllty, guard, shot in mouth, also In nose, condition serious. Evan Fimnklno, guard, shot in le<;. .Uiflbably amputation. Windsor Davld^agod 15 years, shot In leg Friday night in rlot'between guards and^ strike sympathizer?, wound not serious. William Patton, bystander, shot in legs with smalishol. c6ndili6h RftT serious. N At sundown tonight all saloons In I Bridgeport and Martins Ferry were I closed by order of SherlfT Ar&ii\e. Local officials of the Tin Plate mill refuse to comment on the' local situ atlon, saying they have placed the^r plant In the hands of the sheriff of i Thelnaont oounty and ha.vo Issued warning to him that he will be held responsible for the protection of thei.* Jatfeeto. S. ? ' ? TBI Companies Ordered Out. Con^n^us, O., Dec. 6. ? Oovernor Judson Harmon today ordered 21 companies of State troopi"lo~Brldg^ port, -Ohio, for the purpose of quell Ing a riot pmong J&e.strlking 6mpt07= es at the Aetna mlfl of tSo American gfag?t-*JTJil E^^ Compasy^ Several companies reached Bridgeport late to night and the, remaining companies will arrive there early tomorrow morning. ^ Addltftnnrt conijiumla li?f?beeu mi d?re<| to their armories and will be held In readiness In case the troojf at Bridgeport- smnnfote to hand?l> _the. situation. LOADED WITH BANANAS. 1 The echooBer Nellte. of HllUru, Mb In port having DO board 66 bunches [of banana* token from the 111-fatoJ j5t?a??r Br*w?Ur that want aahoro Off Hatteras Sunday on* week lad*n with fruit. Tha banana* HUNTING PI TY'S EfgAPE Boat Strikes Log? ftoived Back to the Cilyit ? ' ' ? i ."JJLr.'.y.'ilHanm F. Clarkjfcnd several other .gentlemen^*left l&i* yesterday momtug on the*, gasboatf Maude for Pamttro Bound "it) engage In duck hunting1 for seve^Al day?. On their way down the river the boat acci dentally fltruck a log, knocking a hole tn the uaH. -By hard work the boat lyas TiOpi from sinking ami *ae-tow?*d back to this cliy by the fffsboat Ster ling. The party t,ben chartered the boat^f Mr. Mi F. Wright MARRIED IN* NEW HKKV. " On last Wednesday night. Decern-) "Br Lane and Mies Maude -Litchfield, both of Aurora, Beaufort county, X C.. were jnarrfed in Christ Episcopal | Church, New Bern, by the rector. Rev. John H. Brown. The bride ?Is one of Aurora's mosi| popular and attractive young ladle.*. I ?vl,:l.- ,.( n,.a?f..rl j county'.^ leading insurance agents. Both-parties are well known in Pamlico county, and their many friends- wiwh them all liie h&ppinesh and prosperity Imaginable. ? Oriental Maw ~ - Red w> ss Stsmnc for Xmas i Tho president of the State Anri Tnboccwtasis Society has sent to Dr. John C. Rodman a number of Rf Rodman has been appointed by the President of the State Antl-Tubercu losta Society secretary for'tbe county society soon to be organized In Beau fort county by Dr. Rodman. The stamps are unique and must -be seen to be appreciated. Baptist People Were Delighted At the Wrst Baptist Church yes terday moaning and evening, that congregation had the pleasure of hearing Rev. T Benton Hill, of Ral ill. At both services the preach was greeted with large congrejca! i o . who heard him gladly with pr? :i | He Is noted for Uta-WWl aa>rnTrr quent sermons and thoM* Who Tien him were not disappointed. It war great day Sunday for the Bapt in While in the city Mr, Hill war, v , guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Daw ? ^Bridge street. mi vtv cow 11 sioni: 1 ts I meeting today -in regular m-n 1 at 1 ? ??? l?g ?Ml >? t unfa Ummi? <*?. ^ 1 ?' 1 ? ' *? y I I**. I. ? ? ? , _ HEAHQl ARTHKf FTlrtBtlMUAY iMOttlt. K. Hort Km Kn attrutlvn ad, on fourth Jitia today advertising holl jflay goods. He invitee all tn 1*11 lOROEfl OF ELKS HELD MEMORIAL CEREMONIES H. S. Ward th^)rator A Most Interesting Program Suc cessfully Carried Out by the Benevolent and Protective Or der of Elks. A PROF1TAALE OCCASION Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Washington Lodge No. X22. Be nevolent and Protective Order o1 Efts, "according to their custom, held their annuaL memorial services In their spacious hall in the Daugham building. The Interesting and sol era exercises were witnessed b y r large number other than the mem bers of the order. These annual me morial exercises by this strong secret organization are always looked for 'ward to with such a degree of pieas ure and pnOt ? TUu ludgi- huelufute has exhibited special knack in select ing speakers for this occasion ami yesterday the committee excelled In this roi%4n havihg as their orator the Hon. H. S. Ward, the efficient solici tor of this Judicial district. Heretofore the memorial services hare taken place in the opera house, but this year this custom was changed and the exercises were held in their home. Promtply at 3 o'clock the members of the lodge marched Into the assem bly hall, headed by the Exalted Ruler, Mr. E. Hoyt Moore; the orator, Mr. H. S. Ward; Rev. M. T. Plyler. Her. Bobert Hope. Mtad Chaplain Joseph Tayloe. After being seated the Exalt ed Ruler opened the exercises accord ing to the ritual. fnefr mode ofconfluctftlg suclf pro grams certainly is of a Character to attract and hold the attention of a layman. The opening prayer was made by Rev. M. T. Plyler. pastor of -the Methodist Churclh After the sup plication the opening ceremonies were gone through with. ? Then the secretary called tho roll the dead, m.nouncing th- n??mp. ot A- Hawkins. C. E. Harding, Jack .^-aughinghouse, Charles W. I Tayloe and Lacy R. Mayo. Each name was called three times. In the. [hall has been erected a marble tablet upon which has been cut the names ; jOf those Elks that have passed away. ? The next, on the program was Uiel - IIIUIUS "I II11 HUM. UW!f" Ruler of the I'nlverne," etc., beliy; snng by the- entire ord^r. led by a ? male chorus. This was followed with j an Invocation by the chaplain of the] 1 lodge. Mr. Joseph K. Tayloe. The] n?>xt waa'thtrgiigiim of the j jhyftin, ' Bless be the tie that binds" by the choir, with Miss Hannah Shaw] jas organist. Hon. H. S. Ward at this^ pHWtWj was piefc-titud ??w-the or* 1. tor of the occasion by the Exalted Ruler. - ? Mr. Ward, who is no stranger to a Washington audience as a speaker, prefaced his magnificent oration by stating that, inasmuch as no member of the order had passed away during the year he thought it right and prop er for him to speak from the topic of thankfulness, ? making the occasion one ot joy Tnsteaa <5T sorrow. Wtttr* few introductory remarks he then proceeded to address himself to the great work of the Elks, what the ord er stands for and the good It is ac compiahlng in world as an organ ization. With beautiful Illustrations, well rounded periods, and sublime diction, this gifted speaker carried tfc* audience with him th^pgh chan nels of reasoning few spesVe$fcshave equalled,' certaialy- not mmImNu was like sitting at the feet of a mas ter catching the drippings from a iireat mind. While not a member of the order hiftisclf. Mr. Ward pictured in words of ornateness and attractlve Tess the purpose of the organization, Anting that one young. Tho orator announced no | .-articular subject, but if the D*l1y ? ;e*$ was to suggest the. foundation ??vsr tWrty minutes gave his hearers n address that will longer liqger in ? >hn..ffk. ?i^.i K!.r lay for hM age stands above him as t platform speaker and .the Elks were ortunate in securing him. flBB-nf.thft moif rhirmtng pnrtn ol ceremonies was a vocal solo, Hark, hark my soul," by Mr- B. W. ~aylor. Hi's rteh, full voice never showed to beTtvr advantage. His notes were clear and round and afteY helg'py ^^*bed^the aq?Hence eat^H BISHOP STRANGE i CHARMS HEARERS Prci.chcs to Packed House and I Administers Rite of Con firmation The comln;; of t!.o lit, Rgv. range. D- IJ., bishop of the filoc-eSe "of East Carolina, in always hailed with pleasure tJ>" Washington i>eo;?lr 30. minutes? he held his large aUdi ??ce spellbound. It was a great ser mon, spoken and thought out by a great mind. After the sermon the Apostolic rite of confirmation was administered to 1 :* . candidates. The music was highly complimented. ? . ? In the afternoon Bishop - Strange .preached at St. Paul's. Qhurch. col j orcd, and confirmed a class. 8TRKXIQ1H JQ1I UAH KEEPER. Possibly It will be interesting.a^ws to the readers of the Daily News to learn how many times the draw of the Washington bridge is opened dur ing the run of a month. During the last thirty days the keeper. Mr. H. C. D. Hill, has kept tab on the num ber of times, this draw has -been open ed for the passage of craft. His re port is that he'opencd the draw at night during the month of November 205 times, and during the day time 939. This will afford some idea of the work dop$ on 'Pamlico and Tar rivers. Recently the commissioners ther from the draw opening, thinking that this scheme' would prevent any accident in the way of horses falling overboard from fright, etc. PRAJRIK STILL FAST IX *11*11. ? .Philadelphia, Dec.. 4. ? With nearly all her coal anil great qualities of stores on lighters The transport Pml rie In still fast, tonight in the mud flats of Pea Patch island where she) grounded Thursday night while speeding' duvvn the Delaware River on her way to Central America. An-I other attempt, the third. since she be came fast, was mad#1 at fioodtidp late Loday to_floai lLe_i_cssel.Jjuuakc_was Onr Tr n?PH . The big transport is lnibud. ElllO' Hodges, Willing Joncsy Hi? u ben J oh new ? P. Johns', F. E. Leahy, J. H. Laughing houBe, Roy R. Paul, F. N. Pinner. Bona. Siglio. JLb. Wlnward.-" Ladies ? Mr?. Sarah E. Buck man, i>Ii8* Addle Browns, Hattie Candle, Bessie Halraton, Mlaa Molle HW Pte, Arm to Keitch^Mra. Betale J. Lu cas. Miss Skldmoro, Mfss Anmee Spence, Mra. Malinda Thlgpen, MIbb Laura Wright. dead letter office Decenib?ff 20, 1909, If not delivered. In calling for tht 1 above please nay "advertised/" giving nf Hit ? . j". not let me go." ' After -4fce closing oxerctsea and the benediction by R?v. Robert Hope, paetor of the Christian Church, the to I ?PRESIDENT ASKS If CONGRESS FOR - ; Mexico is Nei'tral , President Wants Next Step in the Nicaraguan Situation Taken Under Congress' Authority? Ready for Aggressive Step. j QUESTION OF INDEMNITY V. aahlngton. Dor 1. ?There seems V*""" """ '"e Pr?W.? ifr e,r" ;'Z"uT; wi,b ? ? the Interest of American8 residing l? that "e Tn * ,V'eW ?' Put,lu? ? ? TZ lAmorlca "rlre '? <*???? ""?"???Icatlon I hat the v 'l ' 0','?."r .'| |,a,a, rcco'"-'' Torn ?hl""mornlnK'';?d'" re'll'e^ ,o ~ importance Th 't"n"ar,,"v<"'' ""1, r,iL , ' Question of indem Oroc, r """"' or Cannon I" Oroce la ,n " there ia reason to believe that no do tw,? Vh' ^ is""e be .. ? i!"" z?'?J,?n government and poTutlonlsts has been settled Ulth"',K K<>r A?B"-?-'ve Step. p'?:z,z vsr^rsz win be In a petition ,0 tike 1' Iran Interests along the Pacia of .Nicaragua. P?Wc coatt tie seaport towhs. In .Z/Ii V We III the Interior the 6(10 men with a nt an.munlt,on are ?egarded a for'- ?um..|e?, lo-brTng-Lr ^ any fnrrp lil-uK- to in oppo,,,,"^ ?""? ""?It* ^ii.,u?o "r-^co-nrT^^-,,- ? termlned. Mexico Cltv. n?,r . ..-rT . "?"""K ?? far I,', regard to k?t?? " ThU do'?""",0' "* l,n"*d todav iir ' Iur:""'" *?? made ""or ?' ^Va,M,i;,,,n1''-" ycr?sia-rc S^aagag . m?de to the American ^goV^n^ment - revived w?h favor *, Wa"^ . cording to a statement by V|n yr?r,rr?riS . InV 7T >".Ere0ma0.n-' * neutral. The situation Is of ? "?< '? l? no, regarded " essnrv for stand either way m the matter as the ? J ?" '? "trlctly be. we" ^ Insofar as regards Central Amer^ ?* " " "hn" Mexico ? anxlout to H P~? Preserved and .hat ot of thVw m 0b"e"e 11,0 '"?"?I'lona | or the Washington treaty. To thl. en Mexico .m be glad ,0 Inlted State,. This country natural. ly fee!, a deep interest in Central America through the bonds- of la,. wage, sentiment, and habits and 1. anxious to contribute to all that tenrt toward It. well being - """" He Want, Commiatlon. Managua. Dee. 4_prM,dent Z?. I?>a has asked the United state, to I';:"1;", to Nicaragua ,0 In tlRftte conditions ezlstlnr her# M i ?wth? ? the findings ahnLthaMta America he will resign. GOOI> HOAT1S HET.F.fT \TE Mr. R. R. Wari4n lias* i imn ap pointed by Governor Kltchln a mem Afir ? of ? thQ Good Road, conrontlon which la to be held In Topeka. Kas., December 14-16. . / A ?????? ? ? ? + ? New Advertisements 'in Today's News ? " * ? Gtlhooly 'a Irlah UaMmhi ^ ? J. V. O'QuInn, Florlat- 11 ba. ? ? Chesapeake Steamship Co ? ? Paao Ointment ? ? Gem Thaatar. ? ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? Gowan'a preparation. ... +