Rain In eut portion. Wednes day colder and generally fair. Last Edition VOLUME I. ^WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESd'^Y AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 7, 1909. NO U>8 "TERRIER'S LIFE WORTH Sil l ~ OTTO GIRL IfProto Lives 4 Months FonThis'Dog, a Skye Terrier, to Live Four Months Longer Will Mean $20,000]to,Miss Caroline " McLellan of Montana. IT WAS A SERIOUS JOKE -* Chicago, Pec. 6. ? fc*or Proto. an ailing skye terrier to live four months longer will mean $20,000 to Miss Caroline McLellan, of Glenfllve, Mov' " tana. -??? Miss McLellan and her mother, MYs. Margaret Hughes, arrived from the West today with the dog. They . were met fry Dr. Johnson Hennlng, a dog speclalistr-prepared to-miAlster to Pioto pending his transfer to the Pennsylvania Limited for New York, where he is to be operated oh by a famous veterinary, specialist. In four months the dog will be fif teen years old, and if he dies before that time Miss McLellan. who is Mrs. Hughes' daughter by her first hus bar.d, will lose a $20,000 bequest, of which she has been drawing the in terest since her stepfather's death in lt-00. The will of Mr. Hughes con tained the rtnguldr cl*uie*that if Pro to lived to be fifteen his stepdaughter *ai_to have full jrossesslon of the $ro,000, but that If lie died Wf axe ar riving at that age the sum designated should revert to tho estate and inter est payments should cease. Hughes was a miner and unfriendly to his stepdaughter. "My stepfather thought he was playing a joke on me, perhaps," said Mis# McLellan, as she sat in the Pull man with Porto in her lap; "but It I was the"~most serious Joke he ever played on anybody, and he played many. Proto has been an obsession with me ever since Mr. Huglies dieu. l ied him on chlcUen livers and he grew too fat. I fed him on flbrine dog biscuits and he became emaclat-| ed 11M tma beci* at the point ot d*ath fou,r times and I have nearly died filty times. I feel eighty years old." [ nh-GCmrcoMM t X1CATIO.V, ? There will be a regular communica-l tlon of Orr Lodge, No. 104, A. g^A-1 A M., at their hall this evening, at 7:30 o'clock. All the members are urged to attend. Visiting brethren formal I JI hulled. ? -ay-WWP-m-UiB. W, M. J ill'ITABLE XMA8 GIFT. Iff you are looking for a sullABRr Xmas gift for yoqr best girl, your gcod wifo or daughter, why not come 'Hi mut Miijsnlbe to the Daily Nawa. foi a year. It will only cost you $3, and you could give no more suitable gilt, one that would be more appre ciated. Reading the Dally News is Just Aike receiving a letter from home. STORM y ARM NCI. Washington, D. C.. December 7. ? Observer, Washington, N. C- : UCurm northwest warnings ^.30 p. m. Brisk south weht to-northweat wind* 'late this afternoon and tonight. WarfllttgH ui dei ^Norfolk to Jackson ville. MOORE. W. & Vi TRAIN WAS LELAYED Did Not Reach Here Until 2 P. M. oil Account of Boiler Defect. The Washington and Vandemere passenger and freight trkln running betw?fi?-V%ndemere and this city. dW to grrlvj^b^e atrO.BO dally, eaoept 8unday,didnflJLJurive today until 2 . o'clock on account of some defect In the boiler of the' enfclne. ~The acci dent happened at Vandemere; The train, however, left on its regular * schedule time this afternoon at 3.80. ANOTHER AVIATOR DEAD. Nicer France, Dec. 6. ? M. Fefnan 5" det. aviator, wss instantly killed to 11 rtiu. fwlliylag siplnninn nf the, motor when his aeroplane was' being maneuvered at a height of 1,600 fee* The machine crumpled, with the pilot, and dropped to-tbe mfth. PernandM Is the third man to be FINANCIAL STATEM ? BEAUFORT COilMJ ~ As Reported By Finance Committee for the Year Ending May 31, '09. To the Board of County CommlMlonera of Beaufort County: Your undersigned Finance Committee respectfully attach and submit a report of the results of their examination of the books and accounts of the various county officials of Beaufort county. We found the affairs In good condition, and bfclttfices on hand with the various officers as set out in the report. We?respectfully recommend and suggest, however, that some better system .could be "devised for k??Plng the' financial recdrds of the fionnty Tha prpaent Hvatem 1b cumbersome, whereas, a system could be adopted which would sho# at any and all times the exact financial condi tlon nf ?ho L - 1 "** " _ ? ov BU/ TI?" ??? v.aica lue exact nnancial cOndl lion of the county? as with a bank. We recommend that some such sys tem be adopted. - , The-abpve report Is from June 1, 1908, to May 31, 1909. ^ Very respectfully, WILEY C. RODMAN, - A. J. COX, J. L. WARREN, ? ? > ? ? ' Finance Committee. North Carolina, Beaufort County. We. Jesse L. Warre.n, Abram J. Cox and Wiley C. Rodman, being each duly sworn'Beverally say, "We do solemnly swear that we will support the Constitution of the United States; so help us God." I " J. L. WARREN, (Seal.) K 9" J- COX-, (Seal.V WILEY C. RODMAN. (Seal.) North Carolina. Beaufort County. We# Jesse L. Warren, .Abram J. Cox and Wiley C. Rodman, being each duly sworn severally say. "We do solemnly and sincerely swear that we | will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State- of North Carolina, bind Lo the constitutional powers and authorities which are or. may be es tablished for the government thereof: and that wc ^111 endeavor to sup port and maintain and defend the Constitution of said State, not incon sistent with the Constitution of the United States, to the best of our abil ity and knowledge; so help us God." J: L. WARREN, (Seal.) A. J. COX. ? r. ? fSealT) I WILEY C. RODMAN, (Seal.) North Carolina. Beaufort County. We. Jespe L. Warren. Abram J. Ccx -and Wiley C. Rodman, being each duly sworn, say severally. 'We -do solemnly swear that wo -will diligently Inquire into all matters relating to the receipts and disbursements ' of county funds and a true report make without partiality; so help us God " J. L. WARREN, (Seal.) A.M. COX. (Seal.) WILEY C. RODMAN. (Seal.) The foregoing and attached three oaths of office were each duly signed and sworn to In my presence this the 9th day of June. 1909. by each of the parties therein named. /Witness my hand and seal thU the 9th day of June, 1909. W. B. WINDLEY, (Seal.) Justice of tho peace. 1908 June 1. ? To taxes on total property I To taxes on total polls To special taxes on properl>* To unlisted delinquents. To taxes listed by the boar! *? To license tax. To taxes under schedule B By amouut due Sheriff a? Per last * % statement of- Committee ? ? ? By amount paid Traaaurer- --- ?????. By amount of errors>nd overcharge?. By amount of land sold a?d bought by County ? By amount of insolvent lis . o? * - - By amount paM treasurer" By 6 per cent commissions on col lections amounting to $25,824.74. To voucher iftued for balance due _ "harlg on lsst statement.. ? By balance due this fund ty sheriff. . 17.201.21 1.841.86 9.690.82 226.17 293.67 75.22 8-24.74 1.064.14 ? 8?.000.0'0 - 494.86 56.11 1.922.72 ? * 6 7 u.00 149.74 1.291.23 M64.H June. !. 1909~ ? 564.04 Hmfanee due this fund hy nii^iiV1,81, 83 531-*5iT*83 I ? - ?3ol.y4 1 * iff- ' ? ~ ? ii'i George E. Ricks. Sheriff of Beatffoat County, In Account With the Gen eral County School Fund. 1 90S. ?T . June 1..? To hnlanrf due this-ftrnd a* W . ...... iqmr a? statement ol the Finance Commit tee ' 1909. June 1. ? To amount tax& on white polls To amount taxes on negro polls .... To amount Of tains frutu cwpoiaUons To. amount taxes from Barrifc^rtock . . To amount of (Axes from Building &. ?M Loans . . T. T v auiuuul L'UI poi 8 $179.38 4.393.50 2.877.00 Mt3?J 296.08 2.69 To taxes on white property 10.546.16 To taxes on negro property 757.70 To taxes Sphedule Br. . . 800. 0(> By amourft paid Treasurer By amount paid Treasurer By amount pal<T Treasurer. ... To balance due this fund by Sheriff J""* l._ 800.00 15.000.00 170.41 = -r:rr 750.00 40.00 4.563.12 <21.332.50 1.21 as* ?;a George E. Ricks, Sheriff of Beaufort t otmtjr, to Account With the Graded Bchjols. 1909. PANTEGO June 1. 1908. June l.? -To amount special taxes co leeted . . . By amount paid County Tr jasurer . . . By 5 per cent commissions on $973.71 $973.71 $900.00 48 69 948.69 Amount due this fund by Sheriff June 1, 109. SMALL QRAD2D 8CHQOL. -To amount due this fund by sheriff as per last report of Finance Com mittee To amount special taxes collected . 1 $25.02 45.26 186.61 A tig- 1 1 ? By . 1909. May 29 By 6 per cent commissions on 45.26.. .? ? By amount paid County Treasurer . By 5 per cent commissions on $186.51 Amount due this fund by sheriff Juatf' l. 1909 = inif U "RAr>nrf flCHOOL. -To amount dse this fund by Sheriff "wr ftgi last lepoiK^FInanee -< - mitten . . . . . . To amount special tax collected . _dM0_ $231.77 150.00 9.33 Aug- 11. ? By. amount paid County TraMu^.. . , By 5 per cent commissions 0n $107.59 By any>unt Insolvent list.., By 6 per cent commissions f 506. 63. . . 1909.. ? - | May 29. ? By amount paid County Treagurer. % t 108.21 6.88 16.80 86.89 460.00 $27.18 $107.69 581.83 $689:43 J ' }, 1?0?. "Wrr Joseph P. T.jrloe, tnunrr of B?.uf?rt OoBntr, I. ActOMt With lb? ml Oouoty Pand. ^ June 1. ? To b?l?nce u per (ut ?w^antnt ,. . . ' June 1, ? To amount of Uutes f June J. ? To i__ Cotf -To an -To i ?To < -To a| To i To l April 30. May 3. May 3. June ? 1. June 1. June 1. June June 1. June l. bnt from J. I,. Ma: o. Clerk S. l.nt refunded by B. W. Mliler. int for old lumber sold ... rt-frem J. A-Sm th pjt from G. A. Paul, Clerk, etc int from Belhavon Bridgoacct 1nt from Washlng'on Bridge nn . from. Bond actt for A. J. 1908. AUg. 25. 1 909. April 10. 1908. Sept. 4 Sept. -?To PorA;.^,. ? To amoftut wood sold by Hill ?To amount from Roads tnd Bridges paid from General Connty Fund befote arranging accounts By interest on $12,500 By aatotfnt paid outside poor By amoiint general orders paid By per cent commission* on $36, 320.4ft receipts By 2H Per cent commissions on $50. ? ? 000.0ft disbursements . t.. By 1H per cent commissions on $1. 673.1 1 disbursements By balance due this fund by Treasurer To^ balance to credit of this fund Jun?T~ Tayloe, Treasurer of Beaufort County, Issue, Etc. To lSSUQ .. . .. To. Interest earned to date . ? To IssueV To prdpttam and interest earned . . To sate <H Bridge House . 121.58 3.50 12.57 1.00 7TTT0 9,576.78 1.0Q 9.00 10.317.8 *13.50 2.543.30 8.8 1 6.3 1 IS 1.60 1.250.0A 25.09 7,575.14 $60,704.94 $60,704.94 7,575.14 Jn Account with Bond $50,000.00 381.93 25,000.00 2,295.13 25.00 'en Bridge account . . . gton Bridge account. iood A Co S. Nfekl ......... 8. Neal . .M. Jones. 8. Neal . . 8. Neal . . . 8. Neal . S. Neal . . . . J. S. Neal. . . By paid |L S. Neal . . . 9.576.78 300.00 421.00 4,000.00 S.062.M 756.00 4 ,7 00.00 6,700.00 1,500.00 r>oo.oo By paid R. 8. Neal By paid R. 8. Neal: By paid R. S. Neal By exchange paid Express Company . . By amount paid W. K. Blount. Jr . . . . -By amouat paid R. S. Neal -By amouat paid R. 8. Neal By amount paid M. M. Jones By amount paid for merchandise for convfefcf-, . . ,t. r. . By amount paid B. H- Throm pson Y. *. ! By amount M county prior to arranging this account . . . B r amount paid w. C. Rodman for 'terminal By amount paid W. H- Stanclll /'.I *.*_ By amount paid W. M. Cooper By amount paid O. J. Studdert wharf ? rair 4.960.00 3,000.00 , 1.000.00 -l-?500.60 46.04 516.00 500.00 4.500.00 200.00 106.25 59.60 24.88 10.317.S8 500.00 3.90 5.26 By amount paid H. L. Smith ...... By amount paid W. H. Tripp By amount paid R. Peed . .... ..." By amounrpatd Brooks-Pollard Co. By amount paid S. r. Fowle & Son . . By amount paid Suskin & Berry ... By amount paid G. I. Dail By amount paid H. I,. Hodge* B>' "mount paid fcj. K Williams By amount paid Harris P. & s. Co. . By amount-paid Heber Williams . . . By amount paid M. M. Jones M'1' A " 'ii.l' II A r>ilfuni i ? sttrfm ? -f 17.13 5.00 2.00 4.91 16.00 14.35 1 0.1 a 50.00' L'O 00 t 4S.06 . 20.00 150. mr? -.mount paid T.~TU Brooks By amount t>ald W. M. Shavender . . . By V4 per rnnt'commtHsions-'tn $T7 -- 702.06 receipts ' By 1 M per cent commissions on $46, 619 91 disbursements By balance dU6 this fund by treasurer 1 .65 388.51 699^ 8U.'?.Y0 V tT7.702.06 *77.702:06 To balance, due this fund by Treas- v? ' ii wr .Time 1. mop n Jr.jirph F. Tnyloe, Treasurer of Beaufort" County, in Account with Gen eral County School Fund. 1908. jlune 1: ? To balance due this fund by Treas " urer as per last statement of Com raittee . . 7... $7,239.27 Aug. 11.?' To amount from Sheriff. . . 170.41 June 1. ? To amount from B. W. Miller J. P. ~ 39.54 . -June 30. ? To amount Dist. No.. 2. Lon* Acre.. . 29.33 June 30. ? To amount W. H. Dixon. Mayer .... 1.00 t? ? t it M,r Rnnarlftr - r Court . .-r. . . . . ... . . . iS.47 -Jpne 3ft. -=To amount N. Harding for examina- ? .. tiona ... . i.u . ... .. .42.00 Sopt. 12. ? To amount Dlat. No. 2, Long Acre.. 27.00 tuwr 9 a ? To amount W. H. Dixon. Mayor . . . 23.00 Sept. 24. ? To amount T. A. Berry, J. P 3.93 Sept. 29.: ? To amount Dlat. No. 2. Long Acre.. 14.55 "Oct. TT?To amoun^Bcbedule b tax 800.00 I Oct. ? 5. ? To amount Dlat. 16, Richland 10.00 met. 5. ? To amount fines from B?lha\en 78.00 iNov. 11. ? To amount frpm State Treasurer . . . 25.00 J" To amount from L. E. Bennett-.- . . . 5.00 To amount from State _ Treasurer (Pantego) .? 350.00 To amount from State Treasurer (Washington),.. 100.00 Dec.- 9. ? To amount Dlat. No. 2, -Lon*. Acre.. 24.00 Dec. 15. ? To amount from J. L. Mayo. Clerk S. Court 278.21 Jan.- 16. ? To amount from G. E. Ricks. Sheriff. . 5.000.00 Jan. 29. ? To amount from O. E. Ricky. Sheriff. 3,000.00 Jan. 26. ? To amount from G. A. Paul, C'erk S. Court * 288.40 Feb. 10. ? To amount -W. H. Dixon. Mayor .a*. .11.00 Feb. 10. ? To amount O. E. Ricks. Sheriff .... 2.090.00 Feb. 13. ? To amount DlBt. No. 11. Choce^Jnty. 36.00 Fib. ll.-=-Tn imofct l, Mayo. J. Fn ... :_8-09_ ;Mah 1. ? To amount Diet. No. 10. Richland. : in.oo Mar. 27. ? To amount Dist. No. 2. Long Acre./ 16.75 Mar. 2 1. ? To amount Dist. No, 2, Long Acre.. 16.80 Mar. 86.? To amount biat. No. 2. Cbocowinity . . 10.00 Mar. 1 3*? To amount OisU No. 1 1. Washington 3.65 Mar. 9. ? To junount 1^?. Hughes, J p 10.00 ipr. 2. ? To amount O. E. Ricka, Sheriff 5,000.00 pr. 8. ? To amount G. A. Paul Cleerk Sup. Court 129.20 Apr. 8. ? To amount from State Treasurer ... 1,241.55 May . 8. ? To' amount DUt. 7, Chocowlnlty . . . 11.00 tfay 8. ? To flaea from the City of Washington 994.30 IWiij ll. ?j auiumu ill. H.MWUUIM1JU1 ... , 81.81 May 86? To amount T. A. Barry. J. P .. . 4.93 May 31.? To amount Q. A* Paul, Cle?rk Sup. Court - 19.61 By. amount paid Pantego Hlak School aa?i*h 8ch^>?1 1,176.55 V ? ' * ? ? ? ? ? i : 7 "lUH ? Public Hearing ity War Department on Harbor Lines for This Port Editor Dally Xe?u: Recently 1 had occasion to request the War Department, through Capt Earl I. Brown, Corps of Engineers. U. S. A., stationed at Wilmington, N. C., for an extension of the harbor lines on the waterfront of" Washing tcn, so that the same might bo ex tended eastwHrdly for about one mile below Runyon'H Creek. The harbor llr.es of Washington wore established some years ago, and a -number of blue piints were distributed among sev eral of the business men. and at a later time I delivered a blueprtjt to" tlio Secretary of t he Chamber of Ccmraerre, which I suppose in still on file. Capt. Btowtt has given -notice that! he will have a public hearing in the ; rooms of. the' Chamber' of Commerce on December 15, at 11 o'clock a. m.. at which time he will be glad to hear from any Interested parties. My Im pression 1b that Capt. Brown will wish to have the views of all the citizens | in front of the town, with a view to [drtermTning whether any changes are necessary. Jt i* hoped that all of our citizens, particularly those who own ] lands fronting on Pamlico River, wilh attend this hearing, and in the I ni*>antiifte, give this matter conaider jatiori and be prepared to attend the I meet-in g and make ary suggestions which may occur to them with refer ence to the present harbor lines, or the extension of same further east wardly. If It is desired that harbor ttnes be established further up llie rher than at present, I have no ! doubt Capt. Brown would be glad to be informed on this point. This is an [-iir.porUmt matter, because the har j bor lines when once established will : absolutely control in the extension of any wharves or open piers out into the river. Respectfully. JNO. H. SMALL. Washington, D. C., December 6, 1909. Hens So Proud of Can't Stop to Lay New York, Dec. 7. ? Partly for 6s t he tic and partly for practical reasons MYg. Herman Albers, of Flatlands. djed the tails of all her white leg horn hens purple and green, and as soon as the hens discovered what had happened they began to run around in circles. Up to. a late hour last night tLey had not stopped running long enough ioTay an c'gg-or go to roosts Mrs. Albert is the wife of a well known sporting" man; their home is No. 1331 E. 37th street. As for the esthetic and- practical treasons-. First, Mrs. Albers wears a green and purple striped apron when sho goes to feed the chickens, and be IBK ft'ireiMil, she !dr?s color har monies. She read In a poultry book, n-hon eh* p<l^lcd to go In for he as recently, that to succeed. and get eggs when eggs are worth GO cents a doz en the poultry woman "must have the Tn-n ln~ her heart" ? that Is. love the hen and have as much lif common with It as possible. Theflfty leghorns wero frescoed on yesterday morning by Mrs. Albers and her husband after they had bag ged the head of each hen to prevent tliu coloring from running into their eyes. The .first hen that got her head .free after the operation happened to ?-.fr tnil In t>-<? y?n>r nan She Immediately pecked off the ban dagc.of the next hen so thai sfifcTTraW see her tail. too. Then the first two removed the ban dages. Iropi two m o ? -a n d so on Hi rough tne "noes. i nen ?nw run ?around began, either from fright or pride. Today, if . the run continues. "Vm A I in i r. In sl;m r-irh laiL as it flashes by ner with-a whitewash brush. MAYOR'S COl'RT. * Two.cases were before the mayor yesterday. Frank Teel and Laura Laura Cash wj?s dismissed and Teel ' fined $2 and cost. were chargrtTvlth an affray. Hoyt fined H acul c-osi; GuiLrell fined $ 2 and cost. Dyed Tails They Transport Dixie Off for Colon Philadelphia, Dec, 6. ? The trail b port Dixie, with 700 marines and equipment transferred from the stranded transport Prairie,- passed out to sea today on their way to Cen 1^11 AHitriiun wains ? Admiral Kimball and mar hies, who are bound for Colon, and possibly will go to Nicaragua, are three days behind schedule.-^ The Dixie arrived alongside the | FjCfttrle yesterday afternoon. With the assistance of marines and crew of i a hair dozen tugfiTVW inMBfur uf the Prairie's rar#o of equipment was j quickly effected. Another unsuccess ful effort was made to float the Prai rie today at flood tide. It Is probable sl;e Will be dredgod out by a suction jdtedge. New Minister to Chinese Empire Washington D. C.. Dec. 6.- The mn nrwrtmfint inpounced polntment of William J. Calhoun, at >nrn?r . of CMcmka ?? ! Mlul?t#t tfl CITY FATHERS BUY ANNEX Four Acres Bought From W, P. Baugham for Cemetery. At the meeting of the city aldermen last night at the. .city hall, four acres of land lying next to Oakdale Ceme tery "running parallel with "Lover's L?fne," was purchased from Mr. W. P Baughara for a burial plot. The consideration waa 11.300. The prop erty begins on the Main road and runs back to the line of Mr. Thomas H. Dlount. The cemetery committee will start at once having it cleared*' and fixed into lots the proper size. Thla will add considerably to the arpearance of the cemetery. All the lors-tn the cemetery, as now consti tuted. hav a been sold and it was Im perative that additional ground Btrmld be secured. Faii Meeting is Postponed Instead of holding a meeting on Thursday night of this week, it has bten decided to give more time, therefore, the meeting relative to V. ashington , Agricultural Fair in" IP 10 Is to be at the rooms of the I'Lamner 61 1 HlgfH, 14 ' . This is to be* a mass meeting at which everyone who feels interested ii. an Agricultural Fair is requeued trr hn-.i,'a?>i.i ? ^ TO OFFKK WKHKLY PKI/.KS. Heginning with lonlgHt :in' Gdltfiy ? Theater will Issue coupons for the priae to be given away each Saturday night, iThe coupons will be given to children the same as adults, thus af fording all an nqual show. The prizes will be exhibited each week In the show window or the Knighl Shoe Ctr .For this week they offer a beauti ful "Comport/' hand-painted, pur chased -from H. ? & ? Bmmow- Th? Gaiety feels grateful for its patron ape Rttfl " dCBfrew to show lf? app recia* ? tion In the above manner. KKRIES OF MKETING8. Rev. Mr. Christian, of Rocky' Mount, Is holding a series of meet ings at the Payne Memorial Church, Nir.bolsonvllle, preaching each even ing His ae inions ark beiujr much praised. This church has a grow ing and flourishing Sunday School, last Sunday there being over 100 [present. WINDOW MUCH AOMIRKI). The show window of the Southern Furniture Company is much admired [by the citizens and others. Their beautiful etock of suitable holiday gjfta and nth^r novelties are catchy 'and unique. u ? ? ??????????? ? New Advertisements ? in Today's News ? ? Oen Thaatar. ? ? J. K. Hoyt ? Holiday Handkar- ? ? ThaHnb? Clotbln?. ? ? Gaiety Theater. ? ? H. O. Sparrow ? Tor*. ? I*. ButeUht. Liniment. , ? ? rrank Millar? Puri Whlskiea. ~9 * ? LAXatlTO Bromo Quinine. * ? DomO ^ldaayPUla. ? ? Vick'e Reme41ea.

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