= --to Last Edition VOLUME 1. ^WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATUROAY MO. 112 boy mm THftT HE HBLDH GREAT SECRET > ' -r- ?? Worth Half Million Non-interruption Problem That Batflcs Bypfrta Solved by 19 ~Ytrar Old Brooklyn, Boy ? Has Plant in His Home. SF.CRIiT.KEPT UNDER KEY .Brooklyn, B$c. 10. ? Testa 'lie has made -In selectivity, the problem . ? wireless telegraph experts have work ed on without success, have c.on vTTi^ cod Oscar C. RoeseAra nlneteen-year old-Orooklytv bojs that- he lias solved the secret. ^.It Is how to cend and ? receive messages wfihout inter rup ~ tlon. S. S. p9gaft." vice president o.f ihe United Wireless Company, who was formerly general ruanaser of the Western Union, said tonight, that such an Invention would "be".- of tre- . mentions value. Another official Of the Company declared it. would be worth half a million dollars to its in ventor for the mere Invention out -> right. I'lOfT" Reginald A., Fe3senden is . ? JLCtvv_jii lira r,i Iiuj K, Mutb., eiperl?- ? mentlng along this line by communi cating with the erulser Salem, which the government despatched to sea for this purpose. While her wireless was raking the atmosphere off Capfc Cod young Roe bou sat beside an elaborate apparat us be has Installed In bis home at No. 1 IJ58 l>ecatur -street and ,told about his discovery. Keeps Secret Lockcd tp> It was leaked in a mahogan.v^^jyr^e about 18 Inches long, calling the tun- 1 nine trtx of the appih-alu?. He would j not explain Its contents and only af- ' ? . tor niuob persuasion, would h^Jem-j -Jr . lie la a ittodcst.j-duth, tall for his ? Tflfrg. and bocii inclined to j talk about- himself- The neighbors' hav ? "*loujfc-Wondcred at a- tall pole' wilt* wires strung from 1t looming ur ever the brownstone "front of .the ' Rocsen home. Those, nearest haV^I Lficn...di>jtu5bed hi times by a crack- / lng noise .inside the house./ Theyj simply knew Oscar, who Is a sopho more In Stevens ln?tl?-*K^; was work-: ' i: J vumtr lu i dm hi .[u.r ?his slualed over some sort of wire less , arrangement, and approving of hi* industry the*^~let him alone. ^ * I ,li is seven years since h* l>egan : ? ,li!h qrpgrhtwhtfc ? I lu led th?-**i.y i-j_ the" cellar- of the hottre. There h?* J has a set df Eiiteon batteries 'ar ranged, on shelves It} a huge closet lir j hullf hlmrelf. Ha starte.1 in a Wmall | - * .way, tnr* r.s he per, evered his father.-' ~WTio~lB" corrected with II. Hoe ?c C*>. , f J_he print n:; firsts W!ITIH rniTll! . il.v- j "cou raged and helped him uftMl hr^j now hss a most modorn equipment; -which represents an outlay of about 52,000. He installed everything himself and made his own transfor mer, condensers and In fact moBt of ^iis instruments. Thfese' are in his bedroom on the ? second ilffof. ' The wlfes ftrn tip* ori Mie outside frpm the cellar and then continue on tip to tho roof, where rte ? --Ttgri ef^r ? Tk?* pOlc-for these ifi 30 feeetVhiKh.. . , . down at the keyboard and turned on. the current- Suddenly he handed a receiver to the reporter ntfA Instruct, ed how It should bo placed over the car. . There was a distinct click of ?dots and dashes. 'STbftl'a iha-fJill- of the Wfrlflort' Aatnrla station," he gald. And ho r opened' a code book and showed that the Qltcks -corresponded to those af . ter tho name Waldorf.^ * -."The Bellevue-Stratford, Tn Phlla^" delphla. is calling," lie said. "They usually have several messages to send , late In the afternoon. Listen LThere's | the Waldorf aniwerlng. Pickerel, the operator at the Waldorf, will re ceive tn ?t m|Out?; f frequently have' a chat wjth 'him and when Hanco was fft the ^station we used to talk In * streaks* ' t ???_.' I Caught. Signal from frelnnd. "You remember Hance yas at I . Tampa when Col. Viator's yacht wasj pherlc conditions prevented his get-| ting tbq. operator at am Juan, Puitu Uiuo. Uov ? tfgftt rhn pan AUBOTt MytjilM wl'h . "One clear, cold night a year ago, before the d)ac? Bay station burned down, I caught tbe station at Cllf den, Ireland, calling. -I haven't said muck about tint because many be lieve trana-atlantlc message* cannot - be THE EXPLORER M* SAFE i Ofl^ Q j ^ The Records ofDr. Cook Arrive ? at-Cnpeniiaprri hy Steamship ? ' Two Officers Carefully Watch Them With Secretary. ARE PUT IN STRONG ROOM Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 10. ? , Dr. Frederick A. Cook'3 rccords and reports arrived here' today on the, steamship United States. As soon as the. shiiLJ.led up at the pier an iron, box was brought ashore, closely fol lowed by Walter Loasdale, Dr. Cook's secretary. Lonsdale and two detectives put the box Into an uuto mobile and were driven rapidly ^\o thB" University, followed by a second automobile. At the. University the papers were pfaced in a strong room, where they will' be guarded closely until the com mittee H?>nf?:i\?rii -iwrcady to examine them. ,\"ohody but the rommisafoii repre senting the Unixersltv oT Copenhagen will-be Vermlt^ed to be at the exami", to 'attend the committee u^eetinK?. but delay. In the arrival of the rec ords forbids It. Me will leave tomor row fcr the United iijates... The Politlken asserts this morning that friends o? Commander Peary are trying* to get the hel,? of Greenland pxplorers in- an anti-Cook press cam paign. Church Directory FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH. Market Street. Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastor. 8on*^Tjj?e^^afiT8 Lasi'XY'brds." 11 A. M. ? Morning worship. Ser mon subject.' "A venues upci^ ? ' 7:3n p. M." ? Evening worship. Ser mon' subject. "The Last Night of 80 Jom." * ? Monday, December' 1.3*. I p. m., Snnbe^rn meeting.- ; ? Tuesday. December" 1 1. . :: jr; nr. i.adies'. M4?.;ionarv Society. --?Wednesday. December 7* 30 iitr. i'rnv- m>c t. ? What Is Uaptisiu.' S.lu P. M.-? Choir prfK'i.ie. ST. PETER'S EP1SCOPA !. Cill'llCil. liiinner Sti Rev. NaUiarlei Harding. rector. I 3:00 P. if.? -Sunday tsc'.jcol. <\ if I larding, superintendent.' 11 A. ?!. ? Morning P/ayer w!Uv! sermon. , ? TToO 1\ Mr-? Sc*?r::ng-7?r3y^r. >**?;???? 1 tmA" s ???-Jtrnn?^ _ ~ | i FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHPRCH Gladden Street. Rev. II JJ. Searight. pastor. . Preaching morning and 'evening at usual hour by pastor. At night; the pastor will preach a special ser mon- to the order Qf Odd Fellows. -.Sunday .*i-.hool. S p.m.. J* B. JMTrJ row, superintend!' nc. Prayer meeting .WednesdasNfiven- j Ing. AH receive a cord'al welcthny. FIRST METHODIST CHUIlctjf j West Second Street. Rev. M. T- Plylei', pastor. ^ Preacfijng at 1 1 a. m. and "7:30; p m;7~fiy the pastor. | 3:00 p. M. ? Sunday fchopl, E. R. 1 Mlxon, superintendent; H;~C." Carter, j Jr., assistant superintendent. All wel- ; comoT T> - - CHRISTIAN CHITRCH. Hast Second Street. - Preaching, by the pastor at I la. m." and tTSOT". m. After the night sermon the. ordinance of baptism will be administered. 8:00 Pr M. ? Sunday school. T. W. Phillips, superintendent. Prayer meeting .W-Qilpeaday eren W. ~*1I Invited." ? -c;- ? jion-Interference device. I found that I could then receive local and long distance messages of different com panies. The trouble has been that fcrory Instrument Is tuned to a certain wave jfngth which varies from a tew mgtree to a thousand A land station hears a steamer calling pnd'betora " ? unlcatlon is estabJjshad other to wa|t until the others stop and then *et his Instrument tuned In the same ware length as the one he wanta to reach. The Nary Yard, for Instance. has to wait until nth??r itaHnn ? itAn lEOTTONJESEHES M CEffi * - ru in hew yot Ileealls Days 'of Sully! ?May and 'July Options Touc'ied ' J5.80. a Gai,icf42 Points Ovtrl Previous Day's . Cicr,e? Rpnnrt ; ' Stirs tlip Entire World. GREAT RISE TV PRICES | New Vorl;, Dec. 1 l.?N'ot since the j SsuHy Loom of 1904 has the New j I ^ oi'k Cotton Exchange witnessed a morc curred yesterday the anouncemem of tha government ?rop report. With the galleries crowded with visitors from the South, augmented by friends and relatives of operators and other Interested spectators, the market soared to a new high record for the season with gains of ny*r?* ilwn 52 a > bale over yesterdaf. Doth the tfay and July operations torched tho high mr.rk of 15.30. botii Raining approxi mately pountf? over yesterday's dolt! lent advancc. as th?>- distributed heavy celling orders every five points jip from 13.55 for May p and July.. | They sold enormously, supplying the j i demand of shorts and also the inftlsh of buying orders from Wall street.!. Chicago and Southern operators andi the I oral and Xcw England dry goods L Interests. The market continued in ' ; an excited state, up to the ?close, with! estimates that 500.000 bales had!; changed hand? <11 the lagt hour. Mayji closed jft-43.67- and July at 13. Tt. It was 2 o'clock when the news L f ame from Washington that the gov- 1 j ernoaent estimate was only 10,088.- ji t"')n bjlPf. i .c ; : :5TtFKT rrop 1903. Immediately lht?re was n Cre- 1 mendous rush of buying. Order}] rmired 1 ?! fiuiu tho world over and prices jumped from 20 to .10 pouts' xin the flr-t ,!ransa? funs, Last trades. 1 made just before tin- report ua> an t'ouneeti. were on the basis fot May delivery; tho next .a);, . ere! made at ]".70. an advinro $1 ^ f bale. This was folio - od by trey op- 1 dons trading ?o:'. woys and by rapid" fji- tuat.'ejx. ..\ break to 1 ".tlx fol- j iowH?i. tiioti f ?:ne lite rtv? 1:-*;:r.ied the] acme line's. ~'hile -Uardt reailted-i 15.C0 as high polar and rloo d r.t i IS. 10. i:o KiT,r?rr^.?t xajigalne of the V ?: Jl - ?nj , Jhe action of the market naiuiv.ffyi fallowed. S-itccn cent roiton sW much toJLed ahcLii^.was not v^n^i : but the market came ne^r it. ? It now remains to he determined whether x lie redernl cstimaters hive under-estimated tlicf yJeb^. as has' 1 been the ease for the pas* ten years. 1 During that time the crop has been' under estimated each year at from ; !i 00.000 lo 600.000 bales Gem to Give Extra Prizes give a beautiful and useful prize; awn v narlr night, the drawing for] thorn to take place at H:30- sharp,! The list as Been In the big*~ad in thisi paper In one calculated to plea.se and | appeal to everyone. and"tlie winners I will indeed be lucky. At the drawing i last "night Mtss Mabel WiHte won the beautiful vase, and Mr. W. B. Qqr- 1 ganus the elegant silver hat brusTTl The Gem is a prime- favorite with tW| pecpTITor th!s town "unil they^gffirtiE-l ly make their place, most attractive' In every way possible. Last night's pictures at the Gem were hard to beat. The pictures of the costumes of different centuries pleased the men -well a*M4i? ladies and were beautiful indeed. The BIo graph .picture was a magnificent bit of melodramk, and the comedies were fine. The reel run sUth the cir cu,8 scenes was a wonderful achieve ment, and tb? tragic end where the Hob sprang upon the mananckknork ed him out the cage aad apparently nty-ht'a nrftgraill ?ometbltiK flue and ' yyi should go. There will be six fine ! pictures and one Is a magullfaent Bto graph comedy. The music laat night was exceptionally gooA. SERMON TO ODD miX>WH. By request Rev. H. B. Beartght will preach a special sermon to the i?emi il Mi HURT FOB SLAYER . [ Of SHERIFF Chase Araied Maniac , ; ? ? A Lunatic Escaping From- 'Asy lum, Attends -grayer Meeting _ With Gun? Eludes .Party and Disa ppears Into Woods. | FARMERS BAR THEIR DOORS Shrove. Ohio, Doc. II. ? bate fo ul 5 ht a potse of armed Htliens, after a day's search, t/as -still beating the w.iodsS* in the vicinity gf Holmesville iu search of Oscar J3. Doley, a ma niac.' wlio,- while resisting arre^., murdered -Sheriff Jacob -Bell. ? of llon^es county; tMVinuinlng Rig] rrairie, south of this. town. Word has been 3ent to farmer^ throughout the countryside to pro tect themselves againsttoosdibjil mur derous Assault by the m%i. ana many have barricaded their dn^Vs and win dows. * % ~ * Dole? has a shotgun and '24 -shells, and further violence Is feared. He was lasl seen entering the wood.- near Kolmesville. ? ?? Doley escaped from the MRvslllon' .Sirue Hospital yesterday. - Lay night ho attendjed prayer meeting at the Methodist Church, sitting in the con gregation with a .shotgun standing be(.wpen his Itnc^s. After church he want to tl*e boitoe of Roy Lee. Early today Sheriff Dell was sept for. He -was' met at the :ioor by Holey, who ^red. ? Bell died pn hour later. After several hours' nnnftit. the posse caught sight of Holey hi Paint valley. S miles* out from BigaPralrle. \n a M. 'Qflrierl Is'in# Mar ai.i.,1 j'on^i 1 >fr- HnvUin*. ? \fc ] \ Jtt lillUlltJi. [ !it?? iJarrln<;?i:i I , Mi.-s ."S.ur;. .1o;;i?y J _ , I'.-'fhie Coiioly Sambo Front. Esq Mr. Phelps A< i'omj>anlst. . .Miss !V>s?1o Buckman Chorus .including many of the best voices of the city. This play to bo given In ijie school pudftorium Friday evening. Decem ber 17. 'by local talent, promises toj be 'a most Interesting event. The| 4?vo?Km"?k>i7s' orroTi^nm\ SJTTVT? are always (wih ami captivating %ho music is from the best 'known "?Tiir operas Mi'-.^K'titlbrrt and Hulihan. The scene ix a summer th? sentiment gathers about the fern-. Uilne heart in iis eternal "Search. Th6 plot thickens about. the worsted man beset. by the forlorn maidens. The things of the heart are to the frcr.*^_ A XAItHOW i:Sl'4l?K." 1 1 p 'There 1 caine neir Bfctftg , a* serionsj pwcltlont at the home of Mr. M> Cher-i Fou rtli street,- Iksi night. Mrs. Cherry hjid Occasion ti^come] 4pwn town and left her husband and sen, Richard. homrnrv I's'lii'ntr-d tho erPT'.v.'s {"<>.< rs j at about 1,000 but says they are in :? much weaker condition from want of' food and hard marches- A ling was I also captured. ? Y!:e Zeiayans finally retreated but [ it is expected that they will attack] some timo next week. Matuty. Is a Peruvian and . relieved (ion. Tornos I Diaz- when the latter gave out from' fatigue. (Jen. Dlazswlll return to the I front" soon. . ..?flm. Estrada is In a tuupcrat^l srmlt for -ammunition. He has plen?r ty of guns but tlie ammunition ?a*i- ( ' not be used because It does not Gen. Ksirada will avoid a buttle an j long as possible for it will be snmoj time before he can obtain ammunl-l tion. r The armies of General Kstgiua ami I General - Vasqfrez. in command of-, President Zelaya's forces, have be on I lined up pear Hama-for some days J and a battle Is no nearer in sight ; than hEiorc-iha inn . No. 1 s:?. i Prayer. ^ j Hymn No. Si-. rip n?re reading. ? I ? Prayer. ? ? ? Hymn No. 1 v l CallecUiiih il j A ddru^.,. ilv. (_ I!- 1 1 ;? ? ! i r _L' ! Prayer. *' Hymn No. 201. Benediction. i I Former Resident | DiesJkddenljr TIjo remains of r. Mar< eltua j jliraflcly iiirtvca rtTT~TTtP"^\fl^nr'r ri4iiS"t J I Line last evening from Columbia. S. j re.; ^TTh r I \voro taT<'ii^ '? | his mother/*. Mm> Caroline Hraddv.j West Second *tr?et, uncil ihi* i;io: 1 i? ^.[r. Braddy was a former resident j ?e some years ago being associated [ h Mr. E- YV. Ayers in the mercan- , (lie T>K?WTfCT8-hnd TfftCTOTi' cringed -!n f tho lumber bufdhe??. At one time* he J wa6 a member of the llrm of Braddy J & Gay ford, Wilmington. haUIx dted ? very Kuddc;;^ ? i He was stan.'lnpg on the street io Co-] lumbsa, his present home, talking toj friend when without warning hej Ibreathed.^'* last. " He was itbout r.rt j ^ears <>. age and had accumulated j some property. ' ^ y The body. was taken to his oTfl 1 l;omf> l*elo\y fljon Churrh today for I Interment. OFFERS BEAUTIFUL DOLL. Beginning wkh today and ending Ichrlstmfte eve night, Mr. H. O. Spar> ?k hiintnmn- t.rnrtfcng. At _h|# store numbered coupons. One coupon is given with etch 10 cehr purchase. A' 16V6iy floll can flow twr clbbons at the St. Louis Exposrtion. Chrlstmas eve night this doll will be presented to the Customer holding 4u>. lucky number. The doll la a beauty and Ms been much jtdmlred. 4.<- r , ; ? * ' poftmox. ^ % Ill ei he- - IN THE WflRTfi Reverse Toddy Policy r i I President Taft Has a New Plan j For the Recognition of the Colored M .in h l'!v.'ir Appoint ? ment to Officc. WHITE MEN FOR SOUTH . Wathlngtmi n#.-* 14' - j Tafi's nen 'i Ian fMrTnri5?njtion of ue Ipro llepuldicMts contemplate* the ap Ipolutment of eolored men to offlcea ist the Nortlfrii. States where tliore are . .large negro populations. It Ik under ytood thaf ) in<*t;'ml>fMiiK expire: The ap pointment of Northern negroes to of fues in their own sort ion ia the- I'res hlemV idea or i ho proper compensa tion to-the r:i?e 'fur ili<; loss of o Rices South. One of the first opportunities th.? President rfin have will lie in fill'nK the office of iteci^tev of the Treasury. imff held hy \\\ T. Vernou. J. C. Napier, of Nashville, is a candidate for the ojf. -e. wifi? Hi" Indorsement o> r.woKof i x\ asM :uT- |T^ :v.nL other ncgrA leaders. The I'Ve-tdcnt is said to prefer to fill the -position with a Northern while niait. Help Those That Strive nil IV. I g'. -f "The < otfiprlfsa I"? r; 11 so be paid to' '.?numerators ? by the census, aoT. ami an allowance of not lej??\ : hat: ' two nor m ore than- four cents for" each inhabitant. anil ton touts Tor; each barn and Inclosure containing L live stock not on farms, I* pyov;rl"d ; fur ail subdivisions where the lxl:*e. - . u>r of the Con^us shall ilwm surh ] nv.ui o ?? a i'i on stif!i cT rni In olTi'i-f'suls- ? divisions the director may fix i mixed rnte of not 1 \-s th.".n one mnre | than two dollars per da.vv.j)uuL in.ail-I ."?J lPl>,.an allowance of u^ot loss than i one. nor more t h a" 11 three "iTl'J ~ro f* ea.h Inhabitant enumerated, and not I !? -w Hi an flf'een 'ior more than twerr* ty cents far each farm reported, while j in subdivisible -where per diem rates) ?ri M'fi'fpary. because of th** ditfieul- - ty of the enumeration. th? enumera tor may l7e allowed, i:i the discretion! of the director, a compensation ,of[ not l< f? Mian thrm nor more than six ; dollnrs per day of clcht hours actual i fieldvor'-: each TSxcepi In o*tremt*| ?cn*ef<'. nr. claim for m l cope or travel-] in rr expenses will ho allowed to eny numerator. and. then only wjten an- J thorlty has been previously pranied by the Director of (he Census.'" Boy Shot in Hamt. Master JosTiua I flVlflCj lhi' son?wf+l Dr- David T. Tayloe. came near meeting with a serious accident this 1 morning by being Rhot In theliand | by a pistol in the hands of 'his friend . Master Murray Short, here vlBitlng reTSTTVei" wTffl Wfr nidllitfT, Mia. Piwwh H. Shorty from F.lqtira, N. Y. The L#h?otlug ioolt-.4Jlaiia_A.L iJr. JEayloe's home, corner of Main and Washing ton street*. They wer? pleylag W t*e yard and young Tfcyloe Wat tbld Jj>, Short to "Hand* Up."" Thte order was obeyed and the ptatol fired. The tell tered the right hand, hitting one of ? knuckles coming out at the wrist. H little sufferer la doing very well * and hfta fnUer antid eerio?a frra it. The DUTIES m WWAJik / OP TAKERS About Qualifications The Census Director Has Issued a Statement About Work, Pay, Etc., of tin- tiwrncrato. j lor Next Year's Census. FITNF.SS ALONF. TO COUNT ? Wnnhli.jit. r. 1). lv<-. J I I s | Census p! rector 1 mi ratal today i.ss.n il j a .statement defining I !',t' quali(l*a-j ditties ant! iot:i,icn*ai-;oii ul census cniiuicruiorR. "lie atutvs 1 r.:i ? c?i t> of tiw ilutk'.; imposed upon l !:e'-ior e of a practical >r, cm..-.>tiny > hici'y or wind-! uj the ililiir, on: Qi' sample > ? 1 ? of population iron data fur-*, hed. and. !n tVe rase of onnmerr. ?? v ii O:- "? w.v/\? v. Ill he- i;i rural d'**-' .???=. t'.ve lilil::? out of . a sample i :rd;sle of acrieulf.u'e 1 ? r Li ? - ' i ;:!?!?)?. : v f t : |- 1 1 !-!.??? i wit i; * ? 'i.s ? 1^1 ? .cl in- r;?tT.-' n?T of nilwc Hi* population K-hedulc tad. In i he country districts. with_a f']i> o? ; lie a^r'r rl't; 5 schedule !?? census enu'itfrrro.rs is c-iufli.cd. , The,e forms of n "aedules are famish-! cant and should studied r.t;d pre-! t?d f >r !?.??- In < i ? . ; i ?,-t inn v . jtf; j|;. . .1'"!, . .?!V:-re-! to : n : ":i?* pre" . " December 7. l !>'?!>. Editor of The New*. Dear Sir: Yesterday I "was railed Tpon Ijy rti'1 .-m <-!,.".:i,iy yn" i^y to 'haihbor of Commerce- m which I tin a member, rutitribuiing for the letteYmont i'f diir town. \t first I levitated f rorit# ; V: ? ? fa?-i flint" I own an ndr.stry thW' i?? ?om'?whtU neglected a portion of TTTTr ? ...-/mis; that ls~ i ho bakery. ? ft i:? quite expensive to run. same. rem -in I- 1 1 ! : mo a ad TTTwrTmrr.M:.o motrcy, Xnw :<> th" point, w hy shouldtour cood ritiz'-r.s t>:it imported I. road I.uv!' l.i'tvul In ii' b.? m expert, served at the? doors fresh ?a.t\ . ; rirlvlng. ' 1 ' i -pes t ;?Tll V. w. i- i: hooks Prop. liaku ?rtvxa a tended 111? To91r5h 'he .rtrnw i ]i y?}v iv.?;aenl exhibited Knight S'me <'onipnu> '* window ? ?.t;ic* off. " The program for tonight promise* lo bo a";i 'fti'i resTfrriT' one ? ?'*?1 ... KllLcicialflly please rreryone who chances to-see Alphonse the f^nil Sl^nt is a wood comedy and i!:m Broken Violin li a pathetic story. Both \ I IIOM IIKAI'FOltT. A delegation of twenty of the prominent business and professional men of Beaufort, .passed through the city tliis morning, headed by Messrs. Daniel (J- Fowle and M. Leslie Davis, bound for VQishiatjlon City, where they will appear hefore the U. 8. En gineers relative to the Inland Water way and will be followed -In a few days by Mr. A."F. Doane, Jr., tn .charge, of the Southern Bowers dredging CompanjjjR~ hufilRCBB, Who will be accompanied by ten- men. ? NewAdvertiscments ^ ? ? miodays ixeWS"* ' ? Jas. E Clark Co. ? Christmas ? ? Goods. ? J. It. Hoyt ? Comtorta. ? ;? Bouthem Ftuiiitim Ca-^Ofrtf. t " ? Baker's Electric Metal Polish. '? ? Spencer Broe. ? Sweatees. ? ? Oeta theater. ? Gaiety Theater. ? Fraak Miller? Pare Whiskies. ? Go wan 's Pre?ar?Uoa. ? Do..'. KldBW PUta. ? *?krmt Ll.lbWt ? AFTERNOON. DECEMBER 11, 1909.