ATHER Jay. I^ght wind*. LUMEI. ^ffiHgreTON, NORTji CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 23. 1909 Mtt KT SAY OISPATGHES A Victory Claimed General Estrada's Secretary of ?bt&tc Wires thatZdaya's Acmy Was Partially Routed and De feated. ^ Washington, Dee. 23. ? Xolaya's troops were .routed by the Nicaraguan ~ s revolution Ints yfiRtenlny In -a - flerco battle at Rama lasting several hours, according to advices received he~re~ this morning. General . Estrada. In command of the revolutionary army', is, roporte&-U> have bpen successful all along the line. Tho battle is to be renewed tomorrow, the advices de clared, and the Estrada army will beud all ./efforts to compel the uncon ditional surrender of the government forces. ? There is some doubt as to the ex act extent of Estrada's success. From revolutionary soyrces the word is sent that the victory over the Zelayan tTPO|W-ta complete. The State De partment has received wOrd from Mr. Thomas H. Moffett. V. S. consul at Minefields, - that Estrada had , "pnr - tlally routed and defeated the forces of Zelaya." It is agreed. however, that the' moral effect of such Initial success on the paxt of the revolution ists can hardly b? exaggerated. Ncrt'K ltecelvwl MesRfr. '""??Tho flrnt announcement of the suc^* c-ohh of the Estrada arms came 3n a cablegram to Dr. Castrlllo..the rep - l.UUU ttf %ttf pr?VlH|UHHl KV\ ernuient. Tho cablegram said: "Complete victory Is ours. Zelaya'B troo]?s are In retreat." I?ater this evening the. State De partment gave out the following from Bjnfiul Moffatt, from Colon: m"Eatrada force* at Tatumbla and WcFeT new Kamar commanded ~l>y T-neral Mena at the former place, Mid Generals Chamorro, Mattutl and Tornoj Dias at the latter place. par ^ }ty routed and defeated the forces or Zelaya after desperate fighting of neural hnnra, The Mini forces were rcrmmanded by General Gon ialee. A great many were killed, the number being unknown. "One hnn-_ iJred were -wounded and 150 prison - *>m were -taken . by the revolution lata. The Zelayan troops at Recre have oc cupied what has been Tbnatd"ered a ? atraM. noaitlon. EatradiTU confident of defeating the enemy when he. re news the attack tomorrow and of forcing the surrender." The' clash between the two armies was not unexpected here. For days on end they have been living prac tically Idle in thelf-trenrhes around - Rama, 'skirmislfft only marring the peace ~that broodfed over that section. Estrada played a watting game 1n the hope that the Zelayan commanders ? wmita takH the Hiitiatiig and attempt the capture of his position, which ' was reported to be very strong. Furthermore, with the waning of ' Prealdeirt'Zelaya's star, he expected a -larg? number of accessions from, tho Zelayan army. beginning of End of Zelaynism Is \> 'relief. "" When Zelaya abdicated and prac tically dictated the elevation of Dr. Madriz as his successor, Estrada, ac cording to his diplomatic^ friends here, determined to strike. Accord ? ingip- m?w<i Ma armV^fOrward early today and took tho field actively against his enemies. Dr. Cawtrlllo and his friends 1??K forward confi dently to die receipt tomorrow -of word of a complete victory .and the beginning of the march o^ the vic torious army on the capital. None of the officials of the State Department tonight would discuss the reported victory of Batrada. 4t la known, ndftpfvr; thdt tihe new! waa not unwelcome. Hafl the Ze lay an army won over Estrada this government would have been In r somewhat embarrassing position hav ? espoused openly the caoas of the visional government. HAHRIAGK AT PAH1BUU. Ur. George L Wilkinson and Mrs. Bureka Swindell were married at the reeidence of the bride Wednesday af 011 at PSntego. The groom is a brother of Mr. John Wilkinson, of Balhaven. lW bride la the widow of ; llr. Aioin bwiuucii wuu ???* dead while oyt hunting 1b6dt 6?e year age. The Daily New? extends beet wishes. CdlPEMH m he m ITLONfi B Warned the World gr ? 1 The United States Naval Officer States That from Battle Harbor He Said Cook Was Tcndcrinj n Gohl Brick. ' ? . I -1S-SURB OF THE OH rCOME r . , - . i_ ? ?? - Washington. D.~CV. 1>0r "Three months ago from the lAbra dor coast 1 Bounded an explicit and deliberately worded warning to tho wuilU. Uamtl up"" " 1 nmpletg-and curate Information In regard to the Cook claims, tn doing so, 1 accepted ttvi- r"P""?"'""r devolving upon me. ai^JuISTled Thy duty to myselt and to the world." . WltJj ttresa words commander RoIf ert E PeWrv pointedly expressed bis senttraotra^reisKireg th?r?iiure-ot the University of Copenhagen to BHd an>\ proof ot the discovery, uf tbe North Pole by Dr. Cook. Seated in a comfortably hea^d room in his apartments, on Columbia road; Commander Peary received' air Associated -I're-Jr representative. who apprised him of the decision by the TJenrnaelTeeleHttSe tiKBH'it TV Pooh" Far from showing any delight over tho news from Copenhagen It ?W evident, however, that the -explorer received the news Willi much jsljt. faction. JOqVSo much as a fain' . sus picion v fa ' mile Illuminated hln stern feature/. b':l Ills e>c? l.glited up fcltli the welcome knowledge of a vlndh-a duu whMi liad come to 1'lm after o tiin uu irtBir Sure or Outctmic. "1 have kimwu the outcome or this since weeks before 1 reachod this country on my return from the Role. It was not a matter of belief with me. hut ot absolute knowledge. ?However. I shall not discuss this matter t^detatl publication. It Is not neOaaary. "The warning which 1 sent to the cou?u? heloie I Untied la.atlll stifll clent. You remember my cablegram from Battle Harbor. Thla Is thej ciarl unfiling nt II: ? - ? ? ? ?Cook has not been to the Pole April 21. 1908. or any other date. Ho has alms II handed the pub\lc a gold brick." ' I With thla Commander Pa^rr de clined further to discuss Dr. Cook or his affair., and It waa evident that he reaardedlhf wjole contrgvray as He declined to say whether he con sidered It possible for Dr. Cook to proceed further In preaentlng- addi tional evidence In submitting his data to other courts of authority. "My friends may consider this de cision a complete vlndliatlon of their attitude on tMa_whole subject bat as for me I do not care to comment, said Mr. Peary, In conclusion. MRS. CHKItftV WINS. Held the Winning Coupon nt the (Jem Uf)t Kvenlng. Mrs. M. Cherry was the winner at the Gem theater last night, drawing a handsome china, hand-painted plate. Tfiere will be, another draw ing thla evening at 8:30 o'clock. CHUIBTMAH MATINKK AT (iPJI. On Christmas day the Gem theater will offer a special program, in both afternoon and evening, giving a mat inee at 4:30 o'clock, at which time (he children will be delightfully en tertained with something1 Interesting which Is In store for them. In the evening new and especially arranged muBltf will be rendered by the orches tra, making the performance more than usually pleasant and Interesting. The drawing wil take place as usual at 8:80, the prise being a beautiful cut glasa cr$am and sugar set. Mini WBIHHftU. j Man-tag* a^the RmMcbcc of Mr. IWrW* Roe. There was a- quiet home wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.; ChsrUM Roe, w?*l Third street, last night at 7: 10 o'clock. The con tracting parties were Mr. J. H. Pope, of Greene county, and Miss Bessie Brown, of Scotland Neck. The cere mony wms performed by Rer. J. A. Sullivan, pastor ?+ I ha First flsptUt unurco. amc ?? wu. jmgm <? the Atlantic Coast Line train this morning tor tha^_groora> home In Greeoe county. WO KECEPTYOW TODAT. Thehe was no reception at the Country Ctab this afternoon oh ae count ot thn tu.r nih of Um muoh. ). ..... BRINGING THE GOOD THINGS OF iWE SEASCN ? ????? ft ft ft ft ft ft ? l?H. CXK>K*K CLAIMS ft AK?i -His IT 1H XTI-'.H ? ? * - - *1 ? Finding of the Jury. ft. ft _ ?The documents presented_arc_#_ ? inexcusably lacking In'informa- ? ft- fk?n ? which would prove that ft ? the astronomical observations ft ft therein referred to were realiv ft ftmade.and also contain de- ft ft tails regarding the practical ft ft work of the expedition and the ft ft pledge Journey, which would ft ft enable the committee to deter- ft ft mine their reliability.. ft ft The committee therefore is of ft ft the opinion that the material ft ft transmitted for examination ft ft contains no proof that Dr. Cook ft ft reached? the pole._ ? Report of ft ft University of Copenhagen coin- ft ? mlttee. ? W ? -fc . ? ? ft ' Comment on the Verdict. ft ft He has fooled^us all. from the ft ft King of Denmark- down. He ft ft fooled me with the rest. I don't ft ft want to hear anything more of ft ft the north pole or any of its' at- ft' ft tributes. ? John R. Bradley, ft ft financial backer of Dr. Cook's ft ft arctic trip. ft ? ? ft ft The papers which Cook" sent ft ft to Copenhagen "University are ft ? matt tmpndent. So schoolboy ft ft could make such calculations, ft ft It is a most childish attempt at ft ft cheating. Cook has killed him- ft ft self by his otfn foolish acts. ? ft : ,Knud Rasmussen, arctic -expert, ft who has championed Dr. Cook, ft ? Dr. Cook's papers convict him ft ft of bejng a swindler. We unanl- ft ft mously agreed that they are ft ? worthless. ? Commodore Gustav ft i Holm, arctic explorer and mem-'jft y ber of university committee. ft ? I repeat what I have said be- ft f fore.- He haa simply handed the ft ? public a kold brick. ? Command- ft 4 der Robert E. Peary. ft + All the evidence lathe case of ft ftter. Cook pointed only in one ft ft direction? the conclusion that ft ft Copenhagen haa reached.? Prof. ? ft Henry Gannett, of the United ft + States Geological Survey. ? ft I will accept any decision of ft ft ths Univeraity of Copenhagen in ft ft MfrUott to Dr. Coolr'i rlalm r? , ft r SfSii ft Coast and Geodetic Survey. ft ft This la hard for ma to believe ft ? ? this story that my cloae friend ft ^ ?? . . II A ? *d>4o do? yet I muat accept the ft ft word of the Judges. ? Dr. Roe- ft c. Stehbins. chairman of #j Thomas Eborn, Colored, Dies at Belhaven Under j_ ; ' ' , Suspicious Circumstances -i nojnaa_ inborn ? colored. at I Belhaven. this county. Inst night, as a reHult of a difficulty with some par ty unknown in Washington county, near the town of CresweN. Yester day afternoon the negro boarded the train for Delhaven and after reach ing that place died In front of the Cooperage Co.'s office last night. A BOX PARTY - LAST EYEING A Nicc- Sum Raised for School ? Improvement. I A box party was given at the pub lie school. District No. 12, Bath town ship. last evening. The -purpose of | ;the party wwr't o raise funds with which to purchase patent desk for, the school. Already there^ to a ni(wt| creditable school building and it Is the desire and ambition of the effl- i ctent teacher, Miss Ruby Stllley. to1 improve the inteNor. From the sale $18.25 was raised toward this pur-j pose. The teacher will also endeavor to secure money In' the near future to purchase a library. One of the In teresting features of the party was, the hemming of aprons by. the men. ! -Mr ? Bayard 1 .Illy, was awarded fefcej , prize, a silk' necktie. for hemming \ the best apron and to Mr. Robert ' 8a wy or was given the booby ? a red bandanna hapkerchtef. Quite a num ber were preaent and th# occaaion was nruch enypyoft. ^ ^ ' There seetjfciit^^B^rauch Vnlhusi asm exerting Itself all ova* t&e* coun ty for the improvement of the public -eohools, doe. no doubt, to, the effort* being put fortk by the Woman's Bet terment Association. ? Better puhlte LBTTtniKS TONIGHT. BUM, Africa, wui speaa at me Strat Presbyterian Church thia even ing at 7:10 o'clock He will tell of his thrilling experiences and adven tures on the Congo. The public are cordially Invited to kptr Jiim. Mr. ?* U ' mo** _WhU?_ ha?_jjp far]| been made It lb-Hw?ught that he died! from the effects of a wound on the head. Eborn wan employed in the log woods and prior to this was a hand on the farm of Henry Satterthwaltc. Coroner Joshua Tayloe was phoned I for and left this morning to make an j Investigation of the afTalr. I y? impish Timontiow. J i The Daily .Vers will not be issued any hiore this week, taking Friday and Saturday us '.idlldays^. The paper will appear at. usual Monday after noon. December 27. In taking two days the manage ment feels that the entire force de serves some rest from the haFd work they have experienced the last few j weeks. We feel sure the readers of j K the paper will appreciate the. efforts I everted to give them a readable sheet i and will not have cause for complaint] ?I the now appeafrmee of tho popes Friday and Saturday. May every I reader and patron enjoy a happy Xmas and be the recipient of all those requisites to make it so. Once again we wish ell the pleasures of ? the season. TIIK GAIETY. ujfc ii.ijin \ There will be three pood pictures ,zi the Q?Wyi tonliy and a turkey given away to the lucky coupon hold er Tomorrow's program will be as *jfoe a.ous as you could wish to see with those pictures. Jho hand-<;ol ored film of Indian scenes is well worth, the price of admission alone, fh? lSr6"<5ftuto8 Fa a.fJcli Pa the com idy. while The Restoration !s a Bio grsph drama, and the Biogrkph stuff needs no. xeoomme ndatlon. On Christ mas night ther.o will 1;. a irfhgnlflccnt ?ro*rM*. A QU 'On Goddess ts a JBiogt-Aph ccmedy with, seashore acen Ane Btograph comedy that will keep you laughing and drlre away the blues. Adol's Washdny ig a beautt <lraani and Annett Kfinraan na womrerxm pic ture of the world's famous beauty and champton Rwimmer. Turkeys will be given away each night this week, and next week two 95 gold places will bo glvoa away Fojlow the merry crowd. GREAT POIHIP Show, of Mourning | Tolling Bells and Booming Car.-! , non. Military' Bands and Showy ' Uniforms Mark Last Sad Riles to King Leopold. 200,000 ARE W ITNESSES Brussels, Dec. 22. Leopold II, king of the Belgians, was buried to day. The city mourned w^th all the pomp that marks the last rltfs of n - kins, and yet,- beneath the -show -of sorrow there was rejoicing; beneath the funeral draperies was the bril liant array of. color that will be bared " RTmorrow ?at~tTie Investiture of King" Albert I. * From dawn the sounds of mourn. _ inKLAveto continued without let up ? the lolling of -belis- In every t-hn rr h spire in Brussels and the~Rring of sa luie after salute, till the cann'onad - -tnr merged ? info nmiiiinoiu sound. It ww at the historii-ai cathedral, of St. Gudules. which dates to the I r?tli "cent mo", that the last words ' over the most detested monarch of all KuroprTcere Bald, tn the rathe - dral wore ail the dignataries of the ? | nation. t!i-? representatives of foreign Irulerj? aud-the prelates- of the church. I There v ere pro&ent the cardinals I of Belgium, tin* pupul nuncio, and a . jscoro of prinrps^.- including the Duktt;: of Aosta ta" KUig Victor Kmaniuiel: I'rin-o lfenry of Prussia; Prince Ar - M mi .n ? ?> i?t'di-i nand lin-.imauia; the Arehdukf? ' Francis Joseph, and Prince Charl"^ ' ol' Bourbon. foi* King Alfonso. The I'nited States was represented by i J^' iiry Lane Wilson, minister lo'iud- 1 gium. and l*. Grant Smith. the new J1 secretary. I The funeral proccsslon was one of | the .most magnificent- spectacles ev?rj seen in the cucient capital. - Mile hf ter mile it crept through the clone paclteil streets, while vast crowds, drawn from all Europe, peered down from every, window, every roof, and every cranny tt> which a man could hold. The procession was headed by rati" Itary bands." As Che sombre musir. heralded the approac_h_pf the funeral car, not a head ifi the vast throngs remained covered. Then ramp detachments from ev bers of both houses of parliament and the clergy. The hearse Itself was surrounded by a guard. After -It came the royal family. Prince Albert and Princess Elizabeth and Princess I. and Pjrtweess Clementine riding in a state coach. Behind them were the for eign royalties. In spite of the express wishes of I nit: xaie King tnere w.aa no note oil simplicity about the ceremonies.. He had desired a quiet funeral with no I one present but the mem-bersv?f his j family. StrrKSSFI I. H<w; RAISKlt. Mr. R. L. Bonner, of Aurora, is] not only a farmer up-to-date, but this, year has proven himself to be a suc cessful raiser of hogs. This weekJie 1 killed three_hegs weigh IngTPBfJe.-- I lively 4 40. 430 and 324 pounds, the | total weight being 1,175 pounds. This Is a record to be proud of. TtTOfffwt-4'uiiiUjF-fwTmr m wrp alwa in the lead. Mlis. lKXiART lix. The man; friends of Mrs. Mary Bogart will regret to learfl of hep Ill ness. She has been confined to her bed for over a week. Ilt.QrXT-S CRKKK FRO/.KN. As a result of tlie extrsme cold gpathfr Rlminl'ii rrenlf 1m frnlen uvur solid and boats are unable to get through tha Ice. ^ 0!(I,T ONE BKRVICE. There will be only one preaching. serylce la the Hetbodlet Church neit Sunday. ReV. A. McCuilen" will preach at~ 7 :.30 o'clock. Subject, "The Magnetism of the Cross." There will be special Xmas music, by the choir.. The public cordially Inrlted. POHTAI. XMAS BLANK. ?n.? tvwisi Telasranh ? Company baa an unique message blank to be used in' sanding Xmas greeting. The blank la bandaomaly printed and dec orated 111 -holly. Parties vlahlnc to only to place tha addreaa and algna ture and the oompaay sends tha mas ?age within 110 mllaa foe i6c and four aMUieaal words without extra chars*. Tha blank la nobby and i be aeen to b* WfJF THE ? KOREAN CAfftb WflS STUBBED Premier Yi the Victim 5 ' ^ >is Anti-Japanese in Semi- \ men i Out Was Continued in Of fice Because of His Honesty and Efforts fo Co His Duty. THE ASSASSIN WAS A YOUTH 'Seoul. Korea, Dec. 2-'.- Premier Yl. the head of the Korean cabinet \vu.H stabbed and futuliy wounded to- . day by a Korean, Yle t'hamm Yofig. Premier Yi wan formerly minister of education* In the Korean cabinet. He became prime minister in May, 1907t when reconstruction of the with MarqulsJTo. the .Japanene rea lde'nY,'~had with the emperor. Yl wan regarded as a flrm and competent of Hiier, but his offort?-to carry -otit the ? policy of the new administration met which Marquis Ito, the Japanese res It was geneTSTnyDT'lIeved" here to day that the atteftmt*on the ? the ]?remler was Till oiTtjHwttli^/ .the recent plot which culminated in the assassination of Prince ito, thu-TSp Ht?e*e -7;tntPKman. ailtl""rcsidcnt-geii eral of Korea. lie was shot and killed at the railway station at Har bin. Premier Yi was lia'erl by the anti-.lapaneso' party among the Ko reans. 7 'The attaek <M "iirr'?>l :ii !" o'clock ' In-lite morning. The asintlanr vrrmr young Christian vim was fur inanv ? cT.'llN !T :vf;.loiH oV 1 ,'h' I' nil'-.! Ttte premier- wan riding in his jln rtk?ha-wh?i th<* assassin came up with a long kitchen knife In his band, lie. drove this twice Into th<u,flbdomen of the premier and once Into Ur*?-l?-t? ? - ter's lung. " The assassin then i timed on th? premier's jinricksha man, wjiom he stabbed and instantly killed. t "The .'.ssassln was iirtmediately ar rested. He is, a youth of about twen ty years and' IB believed to be a mem ber of a political secret society. The premier was removed to the hospital. 1 1 was always credited with foste'r ing ' anti-Japam?K<> sentiment In Ko rea. He bitterly opposed the faction amnni? the Koreans which favored an nexation to .TapaVi and refused to pre sent a petition for annexation to the Korean emperor. -??*?= N'olwithstandinu \-|'s knowji senti I mams Urn MltHnm K* tween Japan and Korea. Marquis Ito regarded- Yl as an honest and con | sclentious patriot and refused to lls< I ten to the premier's repeated re quests that he be allowed to resigtf his office, It Is believed that the assassina tion is-tlie result of political intrigue. the cskm. Last night's pi r turns ai thr* Oem were uiiusually stirring and the Western scenery and the cowboy rid ing were hard to beat. The way they dashed through the canyons was enough to take your breath. " "The program tonight shows four extra fine flttim, ifnu T-nr* ormostra will give some of its best selections. The drawing will take place promptly at 8:3o a lid you'lfiay" be the lucky -cou pon holder you can't afford to miss the chance to get the beautiful Yoifflf irhina jewel _ b??*__whlch Is to be the UttiM ixUkighl Tomorrow night the 'prize will be carefully selected and will be. as usual, something W4ll worth having. These prizes come from A. G. Smither's store, and are of best material. Don't fall to come tonight and" see these pictures. The 'Moonstone Is one of the finest of dramas, taken from Wllkle Collins' nttvel by that name qjid the comedy Is fine. FINK HPKCIMKX. Airs. J. F. 1-atham, of Pantego, presented to Sheriff George E. Ricks this morning a sample of celery she raised on her farm. It shows be yond argument that Beaufort "county soil is well adapted - to the cultira tlon of celery. We hate never jjep'n a finer sample frtvm Kalamazoo, Mich. Mrs. I-atha ml* one of the sheriff's old neighbors. . ? ? ? - ??????????????* 2 r ? ? in Today's New? ? G?m Thaatar. ~ + ? Gaiety Theater. + ? J a? K. Clark Co. ? Xmaa Bmw ? ? !??.. > ? ? W. J. Rhode* ? Frutu U4 cdn- ? * . . ? * ? ? W?. Briitw ft Co ->IuuriLnc?. ?

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