THE WEATHER I . ffftr* continued cold toMght n*d |Fridl.,. Light winds. ;i! VOLUME I. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 27. 1909. NO. 122 PRESIDENT IR T IS Will Settle Question Troublesome Matter Arises lln der the Pure Food Law-Ren ders His Holiday Anything But a Care Free Occasion. HAS A WHITE CHRISTMAS Washington. Dec. 25.' ? From the President of the natioji to the hum blest resident, tho citizens of Wash ington enjoyed one feature of this holiday in common ? a glorious white Christmas. With the first light of dawn came the falling of big snow "gales and by the time must of th^i neople of tbe city W4l?'uiii llie sulH as a, depth of Half an Inch or more with a carpet of snow." ? * President Taft and -fala- family s{>eat Christmas In no different man ner from that of thousands of others. Charlie, the youngest member of the President's household, was the bus - lest nerson at the White House. The gifts which rewarded his ear|v and} rapid dash for his stocking were numerous and as varied 'as hlB chlld Lll tastes. fiiftw tn all mi-mh.r. 0f the family were in profusion.. Rob ert Taft and Miss Helen were both at home and the President spent Jhe greater part of His day Surrounded ? Uy lift .family. There 'were no for illBllllii l?l>r-!ri thp rliT 1h* Presi dent went to the executive -oglees-and put In gome time with.oAcial d uH^s. "He evidently- did .ijcft consider "It 'ft de^rt rdtioa^oni^ holiday to dispose of some accumulate!!? work President Taft* remained Indoora all day working on the. problejn. "What is Whiskey?" This mooted question, raised by distillers under tho pure food net, has been pending -for some- hug determined to settle it as soon as possible. The decision will be an nounced tomorrow. : ?? Vice President and Mrs. Sherman u limit the day at tiigli liume In Vtl??< 'A family gathering was a feature of the day at the home of Secretary Knox.' " ~ ' ? Secretary Dickinson toolk his Christmas dlriner on board the May- I flower en route to rorto Hlco. S'or -iuUuj Win, ii.. n... Til i r i| familjr. . ' -=-r Secretary and Mrs. MarVeagh.] -Seccetar#LandJdOL. Baiilnger and A t-j toraey General and Mrs. Wlckersham 1 celebrated Christmas here.' At ambassadorial homes parties were. numerous. , |< EXCELLENT MUSIC. The Washington Concert Band Make* < Meroor ? ^ The, Washington- Concert Band,< serenaded the citizens-Saturday night, and the music they rendered would i hsre dotje-credlt to Sous* himself. I The belectlons. while difficult, werej< rendered In a way to make the sleepy' ? follr stuff their ears with cotton. barj< thHr doors ind seek retreat in some < obscure niche: Being that it was'< Xmas the boys must be excused Just I once. . NEGRO BELL 1 ?" BOY SHOT BY h WHITE MAN Had Been Insulted ' it v ? Employe of Norfolk Hotel is Wounded By J. Johnstone, of North Carolina? No Arrests Have. Been Made. MATTER HAS BEEN HUSHED Norfolk. Dor. 25. ? An air of mys tery surrounds the shooting of a ne gro bellboy, named John Bowling, at the Hotel Neddo early yesterday morning. A man who entered the hotel in an intoxicated condition and registered as J- Johnstone, of North said that after obtaining the key to | room be shown and at the same time assisted there by the bell-i boy. Bowling. He asked Bowling to get him some ice water and U ls-j claimed that the boy insulted hiiri by alluding to his condition. Johntone whipped a revolver from his back porket and took a shot at j Bowlingr w"ho was ruftnlng down the hallway as /ast as his legs could car-1 ry- him. The bullet took effect, lilt ting Bowling In the leg. The noise r>f thwHhnl. rmiplert r.ith the Bowlr Ing's screams, awoke the guests of | the hotel and they rushed out of the roonis In a darecV manner, not Know ing what to expert. Johnstone was topnd muttering that he had been in sulted by ft "nigger," and that h? would npt allow anyone to" make any remark* about him, let alone Vi "nig ger helNfeop" _ . In kib^o manner, possibly by John liushed up. and it is said that a sum &f money was paid to Bowling for iiim to keep quiet about the matter. The wound was not serious. John it one lias disappeared and, it Is sup posed that he has returned to his :iome in North Carolina All efforts to find out who* Is "Johnstone of Vorth Carolina," have failed. The employes of the hotel have Seen In ilruciod not to talk about the matter ind the clerks disclaim any knowl edge as to who Johnstone is.. They lay that they never saw him before. They also said that they did not tnow why Bowling did not swear out i whrrojit for Johnstone's arrest. The Hjlli'g lia'rr llU IP|1U!L 01 int? m*. WHO HOIil>S OODPON? Hie Lucky Number of DolPir Spar row's Shown In Window. The coupon drawing the lovely loll at the Btore of H. G. Sparrow was drawn Christmas eve night at 11:30 o'clock. The number winning he doll Is 2966. This number is now llaplayed 1n ttnr window. Unless lomeone ? holding this number calls for the doll by 9 o'clock tqplght an ither number will be drawn. L.RHS DRL NKKNNKSfi. There was too much drlnkfog this Christmas season, but there was less Irunkenness jthpm in- any previous Christmas in the history of North Carolina. The growth toward abstin ence is slow among the older people, but is great among the coming gen sratlon. ? News and Observer. ?ggoyc -HUT IT'S WQBTH JH? PRICE THE GOVERNOR DISCUSSES THE SHEMWELL CASE One Protest Received This Was From a Person Who Did Not Believe in the Grant ing of Pardons? Two Other ?Letters Received. THE RECORDS ON FILE Raleigh, N. C.. Dec. 25- ? Governor Kitcbin, ?4n talking tonight on the Shemwell ifffalr, stated that the'UuTlt of adverse criticism In regard to his action in the matter of- the reprieve from the sentence Imposed by the court had been made since the re standing the- fact that notfee of an application for .commutation of sen-j tence was published that with one exception no protest came "to the Gov ernor's office. That protest came in this way- A citizen addressed a letter to the Gov ernor enclosing a newspaper clipping containing notices of applications for the pardon of three different partlos. This citizen made a rather general statement that he was opposed to the granting of the pardons. One among the number* ol niinllcalloiV nollces was that of Baxter Shemwell. Received Anonymous Letter*. ' The Governor stated -further that since the -.reprieve was granted that he had received two anonymous coin*. ni^inimHons, ana turning from Alhfc villo. U>o othci1 ft um Lexliifeluu. ? Ttre" Ashevllle letter contained the infor mation that Mr. Shemwell had been seen on the streets of Arheville. The letter received from. Lexington, while :t . bore on the' Envelope an address tJVht Tarried It tp-the executive office, was addressed inside the letter to the editor of thfef&ewa and Observer. The governor upt>u receipt of this letter nor was not the editor of the News and Observer, nor was the Editor of the News and Observer the governor of North Carolina. ? The guieinui mated tlnu Mm nam*** of the physicians who made affidavits as to the physical condition of Mr: Shemwell were: Dr. MlUInder of Asheville. Dr. Garnett of Ho^ Springs, Ark., Dr.* Vestal of Lesington, who "statrd in Il)? r.m7rnV|t thni ha mm a broth ?; r- i n - 1 5 of Mr. Shemwell, and -Dr. Bucnanin'," hlits bl n^xmg toil . Gjvernor Kitchin said: "The matter was fully discussed before me. sev ergil gentlemen being present in the delegation and an account of this hearing was published in the Raleigh papers and perhaps In other State papers. ! only know personally of the Raleigh papers, and this news item brought forth? no protest from any source, i took no-action in the matter until more than ten days thereafter. Vlsite?l By Son. "Aft?'' the hearing and" while 1 was at Scotland Neck, Mr. Dermot Shemwell came to me there, which was on Friday before the opening of Guilford gyporlw coui t. <iid uu llitr Friday asked me for the reprieve, stating that unless he could get a. re prieve, he would have hh father at court if he had to he brought there, on a cot "Mr. Shemwell stated among other thing* thft^.UcU, gtt.QylJn his _ag Idavlt. I toTcThim tliatif those mat ters were stated in a proper affidavit filed in the case. I would grant his father a reprieve until the first of April. "As I could not return to Raleigh until after the beginning of the Gull fort court, he requested me to give him a letter for use in Guilford court. I wrote a letter to Mr. S. M. Gattia, solicitor, stating that I had told Mr. Shemwell that when a prop ?r wn "filed. ?euln? out th? facts, repeating them, whlch he said were true, that I -would repWeto his father. CHRISTMAS IN CITY. ? Washington certainly en loved a pleasant,, profitable, and what war best of all, a quiet Christmas. Al though the weather man gave us weathep* we did not^ealre, being a rather Vaw deal, rim we are thank ful there were rf&4a!aifaltles to befall The Christmas Bplrlt wa*.in the air and the holiday was altogether thor oughly. enjoyed, the noise having t-i. ? Ma ever carried out In better Torn* by old and youn* The deDortm?nt nf A NEW EPOCH OF INLAND WATERS FOR AMERICA A Representative Body Recent Convention of the Rivers and Harbors Congress Marked" Beginning of D?velJ>p^nt of the Inland Waters. THE NEEDS ARE DISCUSSED Washington, D. C.. J)?C. 27? From whatever angle the recent convention Congress Is viewed but one conclu sion is Inevitable that it marked the beginning of a new epoch looking to the development of the inlind- waters it, the Unit art itottl - ' * Never in. the history of Washing ton hag there gathered together so representative a body' of .men. and the work accomplished w'as of such a character that cannot help but be fel{ in future legislation looking to a comprehensive policy - in the treat ment and the Improvement of our lfvers. harbors and canals. f Every occupation was represented by the four mAUfi&lflQ' delegates In at teudance upon the conventfon and in Iir personel was truly representative. of. thfe nation. ? Not since the^ocganixation- of the National Rivers and Harbors Con gress has there been euch Intense In terest shown as was displayed dur ing the three days of the convention and the resolutions \chlch were unan imously adopted were iL'biiU careful, conservative deliberation; . The remarkable feature of the con vention outside ita distinguished n^nbership was the distance the *1 "jrates traveled 1o be present nndfts siBt In bringing to the attention* of the law makers of the nation the im perative needs for a broad and lib eral policy toward the great national highways of couiiUy. and canaL. Neany> a- Tnirlbr gates came from the pacific cotfjt;' crossing? the continent to participate in a great national movement having for lt? slogan a vearlv river and liar bor biH carrying $50,000,000 and if current Revenues are not sufficient to warrant the appropriation joL this 6um then a bond issue of fifty mil lions per year for the spare of ten y i* it fx )|| I ihi- nrninnfr and mad0 to demonstrate that lm-| proved waterways are the nation's! besj. regulators AT "mil rateR. A GOOD RECORD FOR THE CITY Number of Caws Before Mayor Smaller Than Last Year. The record of the police court for December, this year, la certainly a vast improvement over that of the, corresponding month last year The! record shows that the deportment of the city is on the' up grade. During the month of "December, 1908, there were 7ft cases before His Worship for trial; this year the num ber of causes will not exceed 20. The. record.^ for the hoi idays, .also shows a decided Improvement. From December 2l?to December 28 last 'year, there were 4 2 cases before the mayor; this year there were only f?. Although "boose" waft shipped and expressed to Washington In large quantities, good behavior and deport ment was evidenced on all sides. The Dally News congratulates tl\fi,clty and the city officials. CH HI HTM Aft GKJtMAN. T Takes Place Tomorrow \l?ht ?t thf F.Iks Hall. The Halcyon Clnb wishes to an nounce that its annual Christmas gcrman will take place Tuesday | night. December 28. As haw always IMNfl' the custom, the children1 'a danc* will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and will last until 10 o'clock. The mem bers of the club are notified that a ticker Is neceM*r> anduhe same may be secured at t&e First National mtwnlsf.. 4n at Blount's' drug store In fhe afternoon; Frank H. Bryan, president. Llndaey C Warren, acting secretary and MACKAY (HVRB .Mimntm i DEPOSED RULER : FLEES FROM - __ HtS COUNTRY ] Refuge On a Warship former Ruler of Nicaragua Re public Finds an Asylum on a Little Mexican Gunboat -Boards ' "V Her By Permission. ? DESTINATION UNKNOWN Mexico City. Dec. 2C. ? Jose Santos Zelaya, as a private citizen, tasked the Mexican gunboat General Guar rero, according to the officials .of the Department of Foreign Relations i here tpnlghr Knowledge or ms ul timate destination or of feis plans tor the Immediate future was denied." Doth "Minister Ignaclo. Marlscal and Sub-Secretary Federico Tlamhoa declared that they anticipated no con flirt with the State Department * at Washington as" a result of having permitted Zelaya to go aboard the Mexican'' warship. No official oppo sition to such a proceeding, they as serted. hart been thin gov^ ernment and In the abr.cneo of any -objection the act was such as any na tion would have "performed' under like circumstances." . . "Zelaya ? too* ? adminam* ? rrf ? rtrr presence of the Guerrero in Nicara guan waters, asked this government .through our minister at .Managua, Bartolomc Carbajal, for asylum aboard the Guerrero and wqs grant it.", i. r I?1 Sonnr -Mnmngl_ ' ''Zelaya is a private citizen now: since ho has resigned the presidency of Nicaragua, and ?3 such had n per fect right to-*aaku the Request. At what nort he expect^ to land or wher?? he intendH to go wo have not been informed. According to our advices, the United States vessels which were there and could have opj>osed his effort to do so. - States government" ^folob is a i>rudent government. can not object, to our course and we do not expect that it will." Mr. Mariscal reiterated his prev ious disclaimer . of intention to take Zelayn aboard when the Gu'errero se&t to Corinto aud said that jt was "only within a day or two that he had asked to be allowed to board I lm vrfvH Itound f"i~ i ltiLiiijgna ncr. Zelaya, ex-presid^nt of . Nicaragua, has taken himself out of the coun try and la i.dt -board the Mexican gunboat General Guerrero bound for Salina Cruz. * v'i :i I'nder the cover of darkness Ze laya. accompanied by a heavily arm ed. guard, proceeded to Corlnto, in which port the Mexican warship has been lying for several days clos? to lhf riiiicri am 1pm fn-nterTeil rrni^er Albany. Other American warships swung at anehor in the harbor with marines aboard. <-tazi)y awaiting ?In structions. Zelaya s coming was . unheralded, but a guard from the Guerrero re ceived him end soon he was safe un der the protection of t>ie Mexican flag. The Mexican warship sailed at 5 o'clock In the afternoon. A salute of thirteen gun^ was fired from the shore and hundreds of soldiers and citizens waved -the former dictator a farewell. Zelaya stood alone and ered when abreast of the Albanv.-but the American cruiser "made ? no re sponse. ? STRONG SKRMON. Rev. A. McCuIlen Churras bis Audl _ ence I<ut Evening. A large congregation greeted Rev. A. McCuilen at the First Methodist Church Sunday evening, the occasion I being the first quarterly meeting for WafcTilhg'vOn Hlfifioft for Ui? fomlng year. The discourse was much en joyed. The music was one of the futures."* OC R SYMPATHY. ' lhfr sympathy uf ilie whole-riv4t ixed world goes out to Samuel L. Clemens In the affliction which has been vfsited upon him; r? It is espec ially sad that U should have come at this time of rejoicing and g6od cheer. What a_ sad Christmas this [Mr li'Tff- fttlrer- who has thuq been so deeply stricken. ? Char lotte Observer. Mr WBmKm ? rnfc ? ? 'On Wednesday. December 2 1. Mr. Harmon Hill, of Okoeowlnlty, killed a. deer. with a grubbing h<*, TH?4?er v. t. . _I - -?- ^ BACK TO THE GRIND AGAIN DIRECTOR NAMES PREVENTS 4M 5-1 SHELDON'S, TRIAL AS HATE TAKING PIACF The Test Is Very Easy The Scandal Revived Any IVibmi of Good Judgment, of Ordinary Can Readily Pass the List for Cen sus Enumerators. pan j' President Died Under the' Surveillance of Detectives Used Company's Funds. PUT IN YOUR APPLICATION HEADED OFFINVESTIGATION Wellington. D. C-. Dec. 27.? Any] person of Rood judgment, who has I received an ordinary commbn .school edu?'Rliou, can readily a?d easily pass> -Llltr teat to be given anplir?nts for1 census enumerators' places on Sat'-| urday, February 5i the date finally' set by 8. Oensus Director Durand,! according to au announcement from the Census Bureau today. This will' ae a romfqHtttg-ut-tiurui f-fcaT hun d red thousand tlon for the places. It was emphatically stated at the' bureau ?that the jjest will be an emi-i nently reasonable and practical one,} similar to that applied .to applicants at the Twelfth Census. \\ will con-, slat of filling out j*-?tfmplc schedule' of population from a description. In narrative form, of typical families; I and. In the case of enumerators 'WHUW; wuik will be In the eu>nl din j tf-iets, they will be called upon to fill j out an additional sample schedule of agriculture, from Information fur-; nished by thi* Census Bureau. All persons, whether women or I men. who may desire to become cen sus enumerators mqst be citizens of thfi.. LTnlted States; residents ot-_the supervisor's district for which they wish to be appointed; musr;be not less than IS nor inore than 70 yean* of age; must be physically able to do the work; and ^inust be trustworthy, honest and of good habits; must have par least ail ? pnnnni^ e\i in-uiiuir *no must be able to. write plainly and with reasonable rapidity. Those who can comply with thoeB requirements are Invited to 0ut !n i their applications, as there wlll[ be at leaBt CS.OOO enumerators' places to be filled by the middle of'March in . preparation (fir the enumeration- be ginning AprlT'loth. Application forms, with full in struct ions for niliuK-in. and complete j [jnfoi mation concftminK "ttie -test and"i tUie. methoti ol aptiointmunt, i-an^ej secured b? writing to the supervisor | of census for the supervisor's district i in which the applicant lives. All'ap-j plications, properly fill ?din mtist be] filed with ihe supervisors not .later, TTfia h~T anli a r y 25, as any reooivcg af- 1 'ter that date cannot be considered. ? OAROE*OF THK CiOIW HOIA> FOK ?200,000. Colorado Sprigs, Col., Dec. 25. ? |*lft of the late Charles E. Perkins, i became today the property of Colo rado Springs Comprising 480 acres make* the eftjr'a park syatera one or the Jjtrgest and moat varied in :he j wo^ld for. a community of this sixe. SBCURE A COPY. ' f Any eltlaen wishing a copy of the] J?ofWIsft."'C<mtr.; Dec. 2&.-A>eorge Preston Sheldon ..'the deposed presi dent of the Phoenix iFire) Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, under indict' men! for ftranc| fojpwiy in connection with financial irregularities in the company recently exposed by the" State Insurance Deportment of New _ York, died at his home here_JLoday. Mr. Sheldon died Ignorant of the fiirt that dntrtctin-s ai-r^ u.-oitii1y wiUi extradition papers ready to take him his recovery. At the time the affairs of the tompany wore arralgned-ip? a statement by the New York insur ance Department recently. Sheldon lay critically ill of ptomaine poison ing'and in view of his condition, de tail* of the investigation and news of his Indictment were withheld fron) him. He never rallied, however, and his death occurred today. Sheldon had haan t?r?^idanl of tha PhoenJx ( Fire > Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, for twenty-one years prior to his removal and was one of the most prominent residents of Greenwich. The' report of the Inyce? tigatlon made by William H. klsa. State superintendent of insur ance of New York to District Attor ney Jeromer-of New York, declared tfaaLthe company had for years evad ed an official investigation, at 8hel- " don's dictation, and that by consent of the directors he had pledged the securltfes of the company for loans. wima MMP~uRu""e~ ? u? ?. |T ?" ~ loaned, It was charged, to former of ftters/of the State insurance Depart ment. Sheldon, It was further al leged. had overdrawn his own salary. and had used the company's funds In ( speculation. Sheldon was born in New York 63 years ago. CHRISTMAS TREE. \l 1 'ay in* tHUf^h, jtoiii nil', nnia, NiKiu. The Sunday school of tfte Payne Memorial Presbyterian church was g^n a Christmas tree at the church last" Friday, night. There were 12? ? presents on the tree. Several of the | scholars recited atrd the occaslon^wiF" a moat pleasant one -to all. Mr. C. ^1. Brown is the efflcleht superinten dent. * : ? New AiIvwti&eiuenis ? ? in Today's News ? [? Knight Sh/Ve Co.? -Slippers. + " ? '?? rvti. ? sale. /- "V ?. H. B. Goldstein ? Good Tailor- ? ? li . ?

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