volume i. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON", DECEMBER 30, 1TO9 / NO. 125 m wbiuH MIO HIS iff E ARE MURDERED Mystifies Authorities V _> Old Minister Was Thrown Down Cellar Stairs" in Awful Double ^jCrime ? Motive for the Deed is a Mystery. ? fi -i ' OFFICERS HAVE A CLUE WashlngtonT Tnd., DccT-??: ? The Rev. William Hitter and his aged wife were found murdered in tboir home near Elnora today. The wile was lying dend on the floor, while the body o^*the aged minister lay In the collar In a heap. as:lf he bad been """thrown down stairs. It 13 thought Mrs. flitter was choked to death. They . were lasi seen allv* last Fri day when Mllford Ketchum and his wjfe, who lived with them and oared for them, left fQr the holidays. Mr. ?nd Mrs. Hitter were then in good ~RealtlK Ketchum and his wife re turned. lodaj and discovered the bodies. ~ r""~~ ' - The motive for iHe^crlme is a mys tery. Apparently no attempt was. made at robbery. Rittcr. although well-to-do. owning 160 acres of the ' -beet land in Davles county, never kept much money at his home, and what littl* there, was In the house was not disturbed. Owing to this advanced years and - olr^TTtMiTlirUur lie ragu ? -la* minjFLotlal '.charge. The aged ? rnupio had -?wo ohiUirani John. KiOer of Indianapolis and Mrs. F.llza of Klu4ra. Oflicor* -who are inve^igatl.m; the ? ri tnn* an? lnfndir.tiippd b; ? u-amii uf the long tithe intervening between the killing and the discovery of the 1 r I" a vln-r in "ll't? finding of a glove Km the cellar stairway. ? . ! NIAV Wl?KRAi- UQVOIt I-\>V. New York, Dec. 2>. ? Thirsty perr Kuna who do business here and dwell In New Jersey. Connecticut^ or else whore ouliilde this State. w"lt| have to take home their "packages" of liquor - tn ? their midst after next Saturday. Or. If a man. ship* wine or liquor ? tram hare to his home anywhere ou$ ? ?IUC iTT-TT I UL? uir"u>S^ tho package pfalnly with trts -name alcholic' contents. A. new* Federal U#,. section 240 of the penal code of the l' iiitcd States, goes In effect next Saturday which applies to all ship ment from one 8tate to another of packages containing Intoxicating liq uors and It makes no difference whether the packages are entirely of Hqudr 6 1 ai&o cotuaining -pthfT nT ? tides. Ttra jturposa -of the. law iklbree*. fold: ? ?To prevent internal revenue frauds, to help enforce the pure food law, and. chiefly, to end the shipping of "Wftf tn ".lrv" banks to clohk. "On ICC6UBT of ldg&l "flflffhay t day, January 1, New Ycarj# day. all the bankilSTTBC ctty^wttt be cluaed. -Kl'OZKX TO CRAXXm. Panllco river was Erosdn~to ttir channel this morning. Washington Is now experiencing the coldest weather of the winter. 2 . v* " SHNKATIOX IN OfUMT DRIXAIK, Wlu/lnaaJe Theft of' Navy'* Wireless ? Telegraph Plana. (londonr Dec. 28. ? The wholesale tbeft wirAleaa. plans, models -and sketches, which lp the hands of an efoert would revesl all the working* and Innermost secrets of the wlrfles* serf ice of the British nary is charged against Richard Knowlden wTfb was placed on trial at Portsmouth today. Knowlden Is a draughtsman attached I .? the torpedo school ship Verrfon. 1? his room were found' no less than eighty 'plana for wireless Improve ments and certain books of the most tiifiBdeinlal iliaiaitw whlsh tra U. sued to, officer* only. The authorities attach the^ greatest imwrURM to the arrest of the ac cused man, as they contend that If the documents abstracted from the Vernon had reached foreign govern ?.*??* j?U. :tb?. ISVll system for F6e ^British n*vy~wmrM have been rendered practically fruit lew. fK5T : DQINS THINGS Bld'g & Loan Assoc. y. - - Since Organization $20,000 Paid to the Subscribers "and Over 30 Residences Erected Through This Association. MANAGER BY HOME PEOPLE Ono of the most important factors In \\ ashlngton lojl^ ? certainly one that has done uiirGld good so far as aiding and assisting it* growth and extension. Is the Home Building and Loan Association. The Dally -News Is acquainted wltb no organization within the city bounds that has ac complished greater good. It liafe been the foundation upon which ha n been erected many substantial' and con venient .residences by the oVners simply saving a few dollars weekly through the channel of this well man aged and buslness-ttke" aKHoclatloir" r Oh eveiy hand can be seen the re sult, of Its labors People reside in their own homen through its instru mentality, they could never have done so but for It. The Home Build ing- and Loan Association la ono of the monuments of growing Washing *nn It has been a Uod-reml In mcfl ways than one. The association was organized in October." 1902. by home people, and frpin that time Jntil now TTfras Veen auccessftUly managed and directed by home people and home capital. The money It makvs Is kent at h om* untl thcwu. it tn reside hero. It believes In home in dustry and enterprise and aids alouo which it was organized and doc* bus iness. Some of Washingion's best are .stockholders and dlr^:tors. They -L -r'.VTr.-Ttm.tt^ a mt>?r private affair? and the work dbne tty the as sociation ^tells In tio uncertain way that they are managing this organiza tion successfully and well. One has only to walk over the city to see evi dences of this fact. Since the organ ization In 1902 the stock matured and ppid-in to subscribers aggregates $20,000. The net earnings li3ve been six and one-quarter per cenT" por annum. ' The association has been the me^ns of ""about ~"30"nouseg being erected,, that otherwise ? would not have been, u is a moal InlporlAM lAclOi1 to llib poorer class of people. One can join this organization who does not intend tofcrect a home, for It is the very best possible" way to save your earnings.' Just think of It. A citizen can save' $2.50 per week tor about six and one- J half years and draw out from the' association $1.QQQ In cash. One can also- nee to. -borrow mg^py ! or send his boy or girl to college. "What a grand purpose and aim has the Home Building and Loan Associ ation. What a noble work* it is per 1 forming In Washington. What an ' excellent channel through which to induce your Doy or girl, in Ifcct. HIP head of the home. In the habit of sav Lt->QpJy . fcqaLa_2j . cents pex. sBarc inltltfllve.Tand than 25 cents per week untit four stok ma .tur^s a member Is given the option | of. drawing out his stock at any time. he giving the association. .&0 daya no , tlce; Messrs. Jesse Rosa and Charles Fleming are the efficient solicitors, and more bfWkallnfetoiv'a citizens wpuld do. well to Join an enterpriae that means ?o much for them Indi vidually an^alfo the community. A home Industry, backed by home cap ital, needs and should have, tire en couragement of home cltlzene. There will be a new !?sue Jannary 1, lt-iO. The Home Building afliTXofir Aa soclatlon la a credit to the city and .the Dally Newa.takea pleasure In giv" ing the work it Hi accompliahing space, for the organization is worthy. XMAR RNTKKTAIXMRXTS. Tonight at the opora house the Sunday school of the FJrat Presby terlan Church will hare a Christmas >wm nn it tha g.inrlnv flf First Methodist. Church will hare a Christmas entertslnment in the mal*. ttuunuriuui m xutj courcn. A most Interesting and entertaining program has been arranged. Now ? -today? Is the best time to. clean up stock? to get rW of aVl Utt orers-fU make roOm for the band snmp up-* Spring goods that'll BOOn H r llrL i [ ililu'l FAtE ElECTIOH FRAUD CHARGES Has Nothing to Say Attorney for Francis Dolan Says He Will Apply for Warrant Within 24 Hours for the, New' York Journalist. CHARGES ELECTION FRAUD New YorkT DecT 287 ? Louis A. Cul liver, attorney for Francis Dotan, who Is charged with having aided in the alleged Tammany theft of the In dependence League machinery in the September primaries^' said In court! today'that he would apply for a War rant for the arrest of William Ran dolph Hearst within the next twenty fou i nuunr : Cn I liver declared that the charge would be election fraud 1* - that Hearst failed , to obey the mandatory injunction of the election law. which specifies that delegates chosen at pri ? TOaries must be summoned to the convention to which they are elected oven though the convention 'd nothing more than adjourn sine die. II cm st i? Silent. -gnii FranciBc'o. Cal.. I)eti.^2S. ? Wm. II! Itcarst last night declined .to make any comment, about the statement of Attorney Louis (fitllLver tjiat hd would seek, the^ari'est of Mr. Hearst wiLHin 24 hours uu-c^umu <>? oie< tion frauds. -Mr Honrs! f,-,..., v.,?- v?,i, an Friday * Gave Good Show -v ? -? ? ? ? . Blty of North Carolina presented "The Indian" Tuesday night at the opera TunisiTTo" a good size crowtfT TRe" boys of the' club deserve much, credit for'preaentlng such n good show. The parts "were hard, but well played. Under the circumstances wq think they did exceedingly well. The im personations were the best ever seen here. The opera house was not suffident lz=3i?_aiM jind lite mnjifjice _was~rest^ leas on account of the cold. ^The manager should see that there is a sufficient fire JU keep TTTP audience warm. Another thing that the people of Washington have to learn that is to be on time. Tuesday night all dur ing the first ajet people were coming in. It interferes with the actors as well as the aiidionce. Tl.ose who do" ?coiqtpgjn. IJ^they are_going to con tinue to come in late the manager 'of' ~ttre~ftouse should boo that thojr re main !n the rear of the building unTtrj the act then being played Is over. | iij; WITH .ippkxiwstis. Miss Mabel Kelly, of Ilinderson. gij? *? the gneat or the_Hjs8es_.giqi taontf; on llasf S^con.T" "street . wa ? taken suddenly itl on Tuesday night after ""Ore" dance and "TTre~physifTari pronounced the attack to be appen dicitis. Miss Kelly's parents were wjr?d to and came to the city at once. Aa yet no operation baa been "per formed and Mrs. Kelly Is remaining with her daughter until danger is passed. Miss Kelly Is a most charm 'ng young woman and her Illness la regretted by everyone. _ YIE4B11 TO - - END THE WAR Refect Overtures" Rcvoluttpnists Say That Seeking of Peace By Madriz'is a Cloak for Treachery? Marshaling His Forces in Secret. ATTACK THE CAPITAL. Bluefields, Nicaragua', Dec. 29. ? Preparations for war are being rtreir^" ed by the provisional government, In* spite of the peace pegotlatluns. ? In the belief of tho insurgent leaders, JJie seeking of peace by Presidert Madriz is merely av cloak for treach ery and advices receited here today from the Hfprpt rahnl flffonl.: i' Ala, nagua declare that the government is arraying its forces. The spirit among the chiefs of the Revolution today show, that there is 'little prospect of war's being called off unlSss Madriz yields all. All plans for the Advance of the reoel "troops on the capital, attacking Grey town c>h the way, have been complete ed and the advance guard is believed ta bd~well ow the Journey. ?pwatd the San Juan river. "H attack of tho capital ? one force pro ceeding by watef; via the sea. the San Juan river, and Lake Nicaragua, and the other striking out 'overland t.n Lhc Itainii liail. ?"Onl^' the absolute. capitulation of -Liu: ? \lat1ri7. tfnwrnmnnt ? nan. bung ber of the provisioual government tcj day and this is the attitudo of 'thfe rank mm lii.^ ati wall as oi the null-' tary and administrative leader.?. Reports from scouts sent into the ? i uteri of rccctireijjat thf frqj^ftvarlara j here declare that fhe spirit among the people aa a-whote la decidedly in . favor of- Estrada and that Madriz is1 looked on as -doubly unworthy piesiduiil, liecauee of his reputation as a Tool of Zelaya and of his. action in throwing over the formal leader now that he has the reins of the gov ernment fn his own hands. It is ex pected that the rebel forces will he greatly augmented by volunteers, in their course to fhe capital. T.I .n> V ? AND MCAHAnt V Washington. Der. ? The State Department Is now playing a "wait ing game" regarding Nicaragua, with several of the more Important cards still concealed. Contrary to the gen eral opinion, the American program will not* be shattered If Estrada tails to overthrow the renfnanttf" of the Zelayan "reglmel Secretary KiTox i?| -prepared -to accept Madriz. as presi dent if he caiinot dQ lieiter. believing I -that with the mlschief-maker.-hi-< hief t banished, conditions will -soon i in given to understand that the United States will permit musonsense. An for Estrada it is believed her*" that he is far 'too -shrewd to accept xfrf' pnircef ctt? Tuaarnfr dependent on the insurgents surren der. Should he do so, it is evident tflat confldence In -his judgment as a revolutionary leader has been *erl SOCIAli POSTPONED. . On account of the deatli of Mr. Frank G. fc>aul, the Elks soelal, which waa to hare tajten Vlace Friday night. | Is indefinitely postponed. N. & S. Again Active in Affairs of Mattamuskeet Ry.; v< m Convicts About to Be Released Tlib Mattamuskeet railroad propo- > sltlon la again brought to the front by algttar frnm rrmlrtrnt Mann tti, 9?w?or Kltchln announcing -his in dention to' deliver the conrlctsi to State authpritlea about January 1st. This announcement -is made after ad vising the Governor in November that they would need the convicts for| mmmm MuNife** Mattamuskeet railroad, ?st has he in ltf . It loofcn a h If ?ha What rKTer . ? ? .. < ha VMh lngton peo pie. have been *orfc?4 to the limit, and are now being thrown down by those supposed to be friends. A "tuft rftnr?nn???li-0 ?f hud the pleasure on yenUrday of at tending a meeting of the Council of Sute railed by the Governor to dls cum the matter vblefc t"*jVn . mi tlon, and was agreeably surprised at the attitude of the gentlemen com posing the. Council of State. They can appreciate the necessity for the ETttE STORM . HUE OISGLOSEG 12 in Watery Grave The Wreck of the Stii-.irmcrDa vis Palmer Discovered at Her Home Port ? Chelsea Has An other Tidal Wave. WRECK ON VA. COAST ' Boston. Mat's., Dec. 29 ? The wreck 01 me nve masieci schooner Davis Palmer was located today JuhI out!= aide of Devil's- Back buoy, north of Commlssiotfeir'B T*cdg~ea " at the en trance to Bread sound, Boston har bor. The big vessel lies submerged, but the mastheads project from the jwntnr It l? thnngl.l Ihnt Iho touched a shoal spot early Sunday morning, the_Suas during the terrific storm sweeping the decks clear and carrying the crew of twelve men to their death. The-Palmer was< bound from Xewport News for this city, with a cargo of coal and carried a crow Qf, jLyelve men. Th^ vessel lies in the channel "?nd Is a dangerous menace to other vessels. The loss of the Prfl mer became known yesterday when wreckage * bearing her ?amc . was found on PuH Beach-. The probability of -further i'uv. i life in the recent storm became ap parent this afternoon when Captain Kemp, of the tug Ariel, arrived -with the report that he sighted the rhrec top masts of a large 'schoomu lies one and a half miles northeast ul L Li LLii Bt;rrr ? or ? Ite ? Craves Ledges in the outer harbor. Nothing was ?eou \ty which the Vossel <-oti1d lie :rtentltJec|. - Another Wreck Reported. Boston. Mass.. Dec. 29.,-The dis i .trover* today of the wreck of the fivr^ niatfed schooner Davl* Palmer, yrhich sank wtth 1? mcnt Sunday 'morning ait the entrance of Broad sound -wan-followed by the reports, ot, another wreck in the outer harbor. Thfs second victim of the great storm which swept New England Saturday night and Sunday was reported hv Captain Kemp. of the tug Ariel, who assorts that he saw three masis of a schooner projecting above the water near the shoals knowu as the -'Graves." ^ . .? vessel three miles cast of the wreck of the Palme;* pcme maine authori ties think that he ?av ? havw ? been mistaken in Ins hearings and that he saw the Paln:e.'.; masts. "fct*a faring men . who believe that the tug boat captain is not In error about his bearings are discussing the possibility of_a collision between the Palmer and the unknown schooner. ' / Probatly the last" person to sf"e th" Palmer before she bank was Captain Sookamp. of the oarge Hopatcong. which i!<v. kfd :it Lynn today from Ho boken. lie .reported passing the I?al mei^ofr Cape Cod late Christmas af ternoon. At the time the Palmer's Bailors were on' ticefc singing and cele bratl".g the l.oliday in true sea fash ion .all unknowing of the flue? ?tuU the entrance to their home port. Yesterday's roll of wreck? was in creased today. The schooner. Ada R. Damon, the sole support of her aged York. Me., went ashore near Ipswich. She will be a total Ipss. Her crew managed to reach shore safely. In Chelsea where a tidal wave broke a dyke and flooded the homes' of 2,000 people, a high tide today op ened two now breaks. ground which had been pumped out by Are engines were again flooded It will be- weeks before the people will be able to return to their homes. Wreck on Ylrglnln Const. Norfolk. VrTWc. 29 ? Capt. Dunn, of the British. Bteamer Radiance, from Savannah, reported he're having poised 85 miles off Capo Henry yes terday aftefn'Son the derelict three misted cchootor Neu'.e C amnion, I Capt. Lloyd, of Somers Point, N. J.. TTotn S' or folk?_- December l' z io is'^w York, /timber laden. The crew was missing Vlth their fate unknown. The Chftjnplbn's stern davits were turned outward with the fall straps dangling, sh rearing the crew of or more had j^one off in their jswl which wfc> fcteO missing. 6h0rt of 9~f cotton, the Radiance could not tow in the prise. NKV YfeAR'S HKVnQS. ' There will be a large formal recep tion gtren ay Country Club to morrow night. ~fr6to t to 12 o'clock. | The bo^fd of go re mors will recehriJ USEFUL CITIZEN ? PASSEB MAY THIS MORNINGi Mr. Frank G. Paul Operated on at Washington Hos pital Christmas Day for Appen dicitis and Gradually Became Worse Until the End. AN EXAMPLE OF ENERGV A halo o? sadness hongs over th?? entire community today, for one of Washington's most useful and Influ ential citizens lu the p^tson of Frank Gordon Paul, has pafeqed Into the Great treynncTr^ The end cime (his morningat Washington Hospital ai 2 o'clock^ Up until last Friday Mr, Paul wffn In npuargmly_good health. Some time during the day he "was taken with a se\fere ram* of colic, so diagnosed by his physician. Although in Hpvere pain he waa-?4U able to-ttt tend to his business. During the IHfclil. lie Krew gradually worse, whyn at 5. o'clock. Dr. D. T. Tayloe. his famity- piiyBician. was hastily sum moned. On -examination it was found Mr. Paul was suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis. Saturday af ternoon. t'tvrltft rrMs day, hp was car ried to the bo:<i>+t?4-*heto he was 1m awMitflj ? ?ini:,:iTiTd on. ? mim rmn tlmo up t? yesterday his condition wa?*w?h that strong hopes. could be ejilCtUuiiLil ?uc ? his raiov^rvi ? A change forthe worse developed yes tentax mtrrntiTE and Ifc gradually' weakened untjl^jast nfght. when he t>ll tin sleep. ' . The remains worn taken to his laTc" home. East Main strain, thin more ling. This afternoon tl??y were taken | to GranisbtTro. Pamlico county, his ?-i2d home, where the interment will Hake* pl3?:iv Tfie dfrrased w'fiT TTorn" 1 !i- Pamlico county, near (1 rant shorn, forty-etfrht years ago. Most of lil< young life was spent on*, the farm. Rer?? if whs lie dei eloped those- tTnit-* of character and determination of purpose, that in lifter xears made him the idc.tl business man, useful citizen. I devoted hesbnnd and affectionate father. In T.S92 he and his brother. Mr. Tillman -Patil. came to this city and went into the grocery business in the store now occupied by Mr \V h Hardfing. They began busTness on"a capital of ?so?j. By close attention to business the young firm began. to grow and broaden. Soon 1 hey 'dec Id ed their place of business was inade quate, so they had to seek larger quarters. In 1901. Mr. Tillman Paul with drew from the Arm. being succeeded by a younger" brother, Mr. Hujhr From a small beginning the firm of F <;. Paul & Brother today occupies ope of the largest stores in the city and they do a large wholesale and retail business throughout this east err. section of the State. They ore large ot dealers in flak. ju, North- Carolina. Mr. Paul was a Republican iii poli tics. J_n lu urlm-iples and tenets he "always gtorledT'ancT foF ffs "SfieePss j an?? prowess he worked assidiously. -By his party was extended to him many gifts of trust and honor. For | the paht ten years 4ie has been the chairman of the County Executive Committee and during the last cam paign was made his party's candidate for county treasurer. He was a faithful member of the Elks, the Charitable Brotherhood and the Heptasophs. Mr. Paul leaves a grief stricken Wife and six children; three brothers. Mr. Tillman Paul, Mr. Smith Paul and Mr. Ifu^h Paul; thr#e sisters. Mrs. Alex l,ee. Mrs. Walter Brinson, of Belhaven. and Mrs. Joseph Wiley J of Grantsbor*. For years ht? lias b*?en a momber of the Christian Church, being one of that denomination's most, 11 bora! 1 contributors thus rlof.es a life full of! fruition and ufMilness to his home ' his community, his State. His l'fe If an exampln of what effort aj?d energy ran nprfnrni ? ^rnm ? ??n" Win ning In life, carrying with It those! vicissitudes and^ uncertainties that befall all that are mortal, he rose to Whfle fortune seemed to smifle on hltn at the very Urst rune, he never 'or'got to remember thoee less- for *r- ^-.V r*.n DEBAUCH ENDS : IN MURDER - UNO SUICIDE ' *. Protracted Intoxication He Wounded His Mother-in-Law and While Dying Tried to Shoot * the Policeman Who Came Up Killed His Wife. DAUGHTER ESCAPED HARM Macon, Ga. . Dec. 2k. Despondent and in an uglr~niood following exces sive Intoxication, Kdward B. Alford I last night shocanu* instantly kilTed hi a wife, seriously injured his moth er-in-law. .Mrs. Martha Exum, then turned the pistol 011 himself, firing ope bullet into his right temple and another into his right lung, in Ilk-ting death.^ Attracted to the place by five sue c#???lve shots, OfflceT R. 1; Thomas would have also fallen victljn before Alford's gun exoepfTOr the (ai that all five cartridges had been previously fired. As the officer walked up th?# bank to the place where tlfe, bodies lay beside a fence, Alford prostrate upon the ground and groaning with pain, turned and snapped his revolver in the policeman's fcee. the Mn< on hrm;vi:ii .it niidTtight the surgeons staled that Mrs. Exum would recover. She was shot, through through tlie^neck. Alford's death i* .but a matter of a few hours. Alford was f?n employe or the .Massee Fel- ? |T071 ry;ij||miiy a;.i! v. a> a steftd>*~iJTOrtts man.- lie was under the inlluence of liquor for several days recently, but had become eober. Two months ago he attempted sui cides by taking morphine. Several yuactt. r>ga he. alyn attempted -to take h;s,own lite in u like' manner. " After abusing his wife and her mother lie drew, his pistol and slated _to them he w$$ going .Lo kill. ahem and himself. They fled from the house; He followed and fired upon Mrs. Exum. shooting her as she ran. The wife ran toward her husband j after he had shot her mother. He 4U'o4? -upott? h?r-4u>d -*4>en turned bfa?~ gun upon himself. -The husband f?01 across the body, of his wife and in jJiis position -an officer found the ! <> ..-n' *? ? , year-old daughter, the only child, was absent from home when the trag- i ,CibL_i)?Curred. _I LATK DAXCK SlPPUIl. After Tuesday night's danrp Mis? ?Julia Mayo pave a late supper at her residence 011 West Second street to. -a - party of -young friends. Covers \ypp' |ntrt for Ipi- and a. mart <jn)i. clour, repast was served, to the fol lowing guests: Mas Mabel Kelly, of Henderson: Carrie and Rebecca Sim mons. Olive Bnrbank. Plum Crawley, -Adeline and Julia Mayo; Mwsr*. Joe Bell. Cliff Blakely. Baxter Bell, Hen ry Moorn, Wm Hum ley and Clayton Moore, of TnTIIaWsTtfn. A small park age ' of ? food for. tnmTgrtt 'win -orren Tnippiy maiiy per?** pie. ment. His home misses him because he was a devoted father and lovintf " | hu&b&nd. tiece it was that his mag netie traits embellished themselves |>ad ahone forth a* no where else. - But "the vacant chair sits in the corner and the mourners go about the streets. Mr. Paul during his business ca rreer accumulated. considecaJjl?.jj?p^v, erty. The death of this estimable cltlaen is to be deplored. Sad indeed to re cord the going of those who have just mounted, the summit and gaze through the vista of th? coming years with so much promise. We know not the day nor the hour when the "Pal* horse and his rider" will loiter.. To his bereaved family the Dallr* News Joins the entire city in extend ing sympathy, aud to them we would say. darker the night, the brighter the atari, l x ? ? ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? * A New Advertisements ? in Today's News * ? Wm. Bragaw ft Oo? InsWTinoe. ? ? J. K. Hoyt-- Underwear. ? # ? Wright Tailoring Parlor*. 7? The ? ? imprint of Fashion. ? Oim ThMUr. ? ? [? 0?l?tjr TbMtw. ? . ? Capudioe. ? ? laxative Bromo Quinine ? ? vkAV KM.*.- ? !? PrMk Miller? Tun Whltkeri. ? ' :

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